Workbook Phases 2

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Parag Emma Heyderman Fiona Mauchline Catherine Smith Series consultant: Alejandra Ottolina oa Co Starter unit © adventure They made history Tales from the past cE. Strange but true! @ Possessions @ Make a difference Health problems and first aid Our future Worksheets ‘euquaéiy “souty souang ap ewouginy pepni ‘1917 eiowre20y ‘eayesSune) ap saiae} so} ua ‘g10z ap osaua Ua suds 3p QUyUD) 35 8340 F353 “uoypipa epuntias euuaday uo osaiduy #003 ‘eunono espuelary 1] ewWHy ‘uEUHApADy | -o}X] Bp 01g *€ “eJepUNDaS UO!DeINp3 e “59/8UI"E e-"2U}OTIO eipUPlaly ap jerAUaS UP eUIpI009 + [ye 32] LEUUapAay BUY / Z YOoRrZOM : HORS PUE s9seUs Loz aay F-S2E-219-496-826 NBS] cunzexge! dee “e102 “Ueyyureyy ausonog -- pa “obirSz h EcL1t Saka} se|s0d epeuad pisa uppaeNy| Ng ‘oupa jap oWU969 A o1,a1d Os|uad > WIS “SOpOY>UL SO1}O A uo}pezyeNSip ‘sexdos030} aqueypauy ‘ooUprew 9 EqU—IIIRAE 5 ‘oypau seINbjen9 Jod 0 euios saqnbjEna ua ‘o1q) 2959 3p uppewiojsued 270 uorstusuen e} Yalinble ja “oquaweUareUe 12 181010 jesed uppponpescauo aytuiod 05 of Eujwia sapueraiy) Zod sadewy ewosyjam/suowwoy e1pOUIPHA *(i12925509,) 8zc yB=y~Fuo[aq/suouO) pawn :QuEND Auey) Hed ojouy/shul ep ef/suowUI0D eIPeMPIM we) 12d KeMLON “saaNary jeuONEN ou ‘Feapuesyra Ssuni"a 'Y/suowWeD epeUIDAA 23 “a}u0) SII) £9 4 96 ‘ee “(uaspuny pyeoy 1 9r(eAEI) 21 "(CUl 9p afesied) /dd suowuos eau 42) (ope eos) £2 22 “Ca, ordanxa 1 praia) 89 (at21g sino1) £9 ‘09 “25°25 “eraiiq 9 osane) <5 05 "(@ omatal3) Stor “eheyd oydonia) 23 ot “(a8 5 2) Edd sazeMLMIED Aa POIs @ Bo" p''G) 80"Lo, ropprag) ag (ese 25 (ese) ZF “(epianbas ee e212) 29 9 Yc) Edd worsoyoyg (erant) x6 “(quajan uo ep) Zed yooqsugey $39 (,peou: ystu3,) 9807 “0¥ (opuean ag) HE Buye>-aun) 8c “OUOA ap PEPE) 92 “canwoog) Se Ganieog au Sarde ‘Sede Aue (sounby} 98898 "08 62 (Sofas) £2 SZ “PL 7L ‘07 “69 op sa) 89 (euBipeyany RING) £9 59 e929 96 66 4545 “(0108 29 ¢ opie) Si 6E Ze SE HE “6c. BuDe4 pag, 8¢ "SajeouUe soGany 9¢ “(eonpUsReW: ap sosajud) Se 6 St “25°69 (Cad sy: seyesBo0) sn pnpo.das ied osquad a sod uarapee sas0pa 50] Asea0Ine sey od sonnem Ay “rod apseyen o1geg ‘94 ‘Sode puowuey ais fog ou.) 246 ooueyes ney: “22 ‘2tde upuew wes Teuige9 ‘ef “Sdd epepesow uenin{ ‘e'*(e opraials) c€dd saunuey soup :z¥“€ op 2.03) SEdd poosdoy uta 9b “e oD 2.03) -Eaids0hpo05 enn tom :ol3)S¢ ge ‘ad eaueya ovequinl 165°9E “ond Aepaeg ueypy #5 “odd ster od Operis ‘pr woneanp3 uEjeWy ‘|p ugpequoyne e} woo eaygnd as 4 r10%2 ua apeaggnd equaWeussi0 ‘soaf/0,01 ap uoiperdepe eun sa a1qy 353 auMa}es ere) ‘eujong sove) wen up| ‘eujio expuefary auas 8 ap eioynsuoy leo ereueLeyy seLoUpa eua.e5 lueusig oBenUeS {uN eyPEIEN ede 2p oUasIQ opieg ung :uopewesSe}p 4 ovasia S102 V's Siang UEjUDeHY Uo}PeNSNY 2 oUBsIa seznye9 emie9 euvsns 10d senso ,stoaysyiow,, & eouaiadwo) jey8iQ, su0D30§ satus auauey A auponey euoy ‘weuuophoy ewry sod 034288 O19] z102 y's svaustigng UeIIWEW c UoLIPa BOW stoe Ys sioysmang uepUseW 6 o1xa1 “€2£:1 Ao7 P| eosew anb oysodap ja o4ay epanty ¥S2E-2/9-/96-906 GN Nast "YS sraysiigng uejjwcew Uoneonp3 uepwoew >> Personal information © order the words to make questions. Then match them with answers a-e. + name / your / what / is? What is your name? . you / old / how / are ? o |. you / where / from / are? Oo hobbies / what / your / are ? ee o . you /a/have / pet / got ? o I'm from Oxford. . My hobbies are football and tennis. . Yes, Ihave. It's a cat. |. Myname is Charlie. I'm 15 years old. © Imagine you are your best friend. Write answers to the questions in exercise 1. 1. Zi 3. 4 5. b> Clothes © Look and circle. : khin a 1. boots / sandals 2. trainers / shoes Se 3. skirt / dress 4. jacket / shirt 5. jeans / skirt 6. sandals / trainers 7. shirt / dress 8. shirt/Tshirt © Complete the sentences. boots * T-shirt ¢ dress shirt * shorts © jacket ¢ scarf 1, It's really cold today. Have you got a warm 2 2. When my dad goes to work, he always wears aclean 3. lve gota Liverpool football it's my favourite possession. 4, Inthe summer. | usually wear a with : 5. Mysister hasn't got a skirt ora She prefers wearing jeans. 6, In winter, | always wear my favourite pair of b> Family © Write the words. He's your mother's father. 1. His mother is your mother. 2. She's your sister's daughter. 3. They're your uncle's children, 4, She's your father’s mother. 5. She's your father's sister. grandfather 2wseyy 895 nok eg "306 /|/ shay /1.uOREY “y * Bop / 106 78 /61q / ¥oeIg /alueG / aneU / pue /JeISIS “E Je;ndwos / saws / 9g / A1uayy / 106 + apau / sen. 784) / S8Y /10B / asnoy / EWS / YesOGeG “L “gnuequas Y>ee U! piom Bulssiu ayy Ppy “seauaquas ayeus 0} spiom ay} J9pig () quid S| anojoo aysnone) SIH / 49H ‘ey si aWeU SJ2ISI5 Ay “g “eqiogy st rods aylunoney snof / sno pue uopUcy Woy 21,9 “7 “pueybuz 40 You ayy Ul SI 2H / 31 AUD NJANeA e SI yJ0, “E “uaqoy pue uyor Que SeWEU JOY / SIH “Suayjorg om} 105 aA! “Z pueyoos wou $1 19y / 2ys pue pjo sue2h y] SI Aon] “| “aueyg $1 aweu uly | pue uepuor wos “Spi0m 3284109 ayy e12419 () ca: ” € Hee 1 gsuea{joued mau e “2 {tleY Umoug 106 s9yDea} “p Lsayjoug Ageq e306 “> ekauou nok yo6 nok “q 4406 nok eney sxo0g ysnGuy -e aAeY 29UM °S ‘syjew anok sey “7 * Auew MOH “E o00 oO * 0B nok aney -z @) “sey OUM “L “suonsenb ayy Jamsue uayy “ee sBulpua uy MIM g-1 SBuIUUIGeq ou YEW Job yuaney “> yoBsey -q yoBaney “e op Jeuis e “"" 4a}SIS jS@BUNOA AW “g yo6an, ‘2 yoHsey-q yoBeney -e “apishsjunoo 34) ul aGeHod jJews e -** snoquBiou AW “y 0B aney “> swios joH sey -q 108 j.usey “e “sur yueudaye uy “eg ‘suiosyo6 sey “2 joBaney-q ob sey “e ‘sawweB Jajnduioa *** spualsy AU Jo ySOW *Z. 3065 2 yoB any -q 06] -e “ajsis e pue sJoyjoug aay)“ *L “suonido 3281409 au 912419 {s9Buts aqinones snok $ gasnoy nok aay “y {8eq 1042s nok u $4009 snok — Espusty uno ———pjo mo“ jaureu 5 1aysea} snok yeu *L “Nok 0) ana ue Aayy os Way} JeMsUe Yay “aq Jo LOY 721409 ay} YIM SuoNsanb ay) a}3})dwW09 ‘saqom Jo joydo> ayy (tt) Liyp103, ‘Upsn9 wos) ————— (1) Rous sajsaysuow wou} Qou) (6) pop puo winw Ri, “saysaypuby wou o- (8) ‘aM “sIULa] ~ (4) -TEGI0o (ou) — ~ (9) yuods ayiunono] sx907 ‘aw ayy] ‘pyo suDalt EL ——— (s) Rays “Rus pun y20r ———— (v) spuauil ysaq fiw ‘wopy {e) awou ssoyj0u9 fy "2419 fw Buipu pud oqioo) (2) saiqqoy fiw ‘pyo suvah yt ——— (1) | puo ayn) 37 aiou A iH a Jo Wo} 3321409 ayy YIM 3X8] By aIe}dUIOD © see Survival skills becbiad ( Look at the pictures and circle the correct build © camp © chop © climb « find « fish Let's build a fire before it gets dark. 1. My brother and his friends __ trees. in the park. 2, My dad and uncle usually __ wood for the fire. 3. My friends sometimes ______in the 3 river. look for 1. hike / build 4. Inthe summer, we always __ina tent next to the lake. 5. Mycousins often ___wild fruit in the mountains. © Complete the email with some of the words in exercise 1. [eae Recipients: Mal Subject: Hello! Hi Mat, 'm doing a special course. I'm learning to survive in the wild. In the morning, we (1) ___a fire and we (2)____ our breakfast. Then. we often (@)___ for about 15km. 5. cook / fish Inthe afternoon. we (4) _ food for dinner. Sometimes it's difficult to find anything but we sometimes 5 )____ ina small boat on the lake, Every night we (6) : outdoors under the stars. = ~) It's great! Tom saat) 6. chop / camp 7. hike / climb el: mountains during the day and at night you (2) climb te outdoors under the stars! We teach you to (3) hike 8, fish / steep 9 chop / find ‘and cook your own food! You also learn how to (4) sleep in Lakes and rivers and how to (5) fish trees. 4. climb / sleep © Write the words in bold in the correct place, Can you survive in the witd? ‘On our adventure weekend, you (1) find in the Uep Auana / 0 0 06 / syuased nok “y 2AL ON JO UO UI / 1a / UBYO MOH, tkepor / ysnGug / Ams / pua 3809 anok (/) inok sayeus jase / mou / Bununy “y (y) 4 2ue / Bulduteo / spuery snok pue nok “¢ és6op / 249 / NOK *1 OOP ays SOK FRPP 0 Tom A "IVEY ATOR SPOT aqe9pe! & seam j Ajensn / s9yDe—} snk “NOA 40 andy ase Aayy os wiay3 samsue uay “snonunuos 40 ayduiis quasesd ayy Bujsn suonsanb aim @ ‘mou (ules Jou) | +g “sujejunow ‘ey ut (ure) —hiensn yy °§ “aay Uo (4009) — skemie am“ “mou aye (pling) pea € ua} ayy u} (daajs) squssed Aw uawow ayy iy weak aoimy aay (duses) MED yam e aoue ewiaura ayy 0 (06) —ZE-— | “sy892e1q Ul SqueA 2u3 Jo WI0} snonuRUOD 40 aydus quesoud au YIM saruaquas ayy aye]duI0g © “Kepiiy pue Aepuop tuo eoy2eid jjeqjoo) BulAey we / aAey| “g “mou 189} & 10) GulApms ase / ABNyS spustis Ay) “y “uleunow e Bulqui> sue / quia am Aepo, “¢ puayaam fiona Janu ayy ul Gulysy axe / Ysy suisnos AW “Z ‘quawow ayyye Jaysis Au 0} Bupjeads st /syeads winw AW “| ‘AL Wo saipawio> Guryaiem si GayDIeMUayo s94p0I9 Ay *WLO} GBA 3381409 34} 2]241 (/) 4 souuip / Bupjeu / axe / spuary nok -z (0) ¢ 2un poob e / Buney / mou /st/uinay “L ST OYS SEK array Daphoyt AMT THF Sy (A) @ stuuay si / Burkeyd / wus anok *SJ9MSUE }JOYS 9}1JM Udy, “suorysanb ayeul 0} Sp1oM au) 19p10. ‘00 Ajoas ayjam puo— —(g) uns aug asnoaaq ‘aw pooB pb —— (2) am 240) uy Uo yo0q 0 u—— 9} puo winuy fw puo 00161 uo ———— {) Rayy uawiows aug Jv ‘py ayy ul anions 0] Moy, (y) sayjoag fu puo og ‘aun 3s: 249 40) sods sayuim awios —- (€) }puo wows fy soujorq fiw uyim woos Db @t ‘snag fiddoy ws) Auqunos aug Jo you ayy UL BIOY INJano|q O ul ——_——— (1) ‘aya “Ryuuo Ru ypien Romion ww Aaj o hays 6 auyys jou © A12YS JOU » Wes} » BAeY JOU © sy » PING “Moyeq 599A atp Jo WLIO} snonuNUOD quasesd 94) yr 3x0} aly aya}duI0g @ snonunuo> quasaid pue ajduis quasaig @ uepses 24) uy 281 Big e Burg 51 49g 1] Pue plo Aen 5129 4N9, haan 8808 ss01Dy, ismau pegs) 3ay}a6o) ugAsoo op sense am Bue oom 0U Sapo puo. 889 hin wy omy Ayo $45 mou, 110 is) moujo 0) 208 says pue aw an 2pamewoy op ,.us20p 64s 700425 0108 j usa0p 5g 515 2mm Aus jo | ‘AL Wo wren 0} Bujou sasaty pue sep '51y que Burduzo 6 s2yjoug Aus sexo 104) 40} ‘uxKpnis ave spuety hy wh S 5 5 i dup 5 100k 24 . Pea eee zy ‘uordureyp 50K ay ave wee, faxpoysr0™ pam le a zy n s Ve qwosaide 24 08 juoneU | pue AepuL és s ayjoupuel6 ku sy —ra (<7) S vy ~ galisuioureya ae 188) nok op MOH, ed 2 ‘ pes « paseaid © pastiduns » snojee! « passexiequia e peuoq "paomssoi3 ‘aun aye}dwiod pue seunjoid e433 y007 i) “moreq sBuyjsed <4 SPJOM aly YIM SarUaqUAS ay} a2]dWO] z Asejnqeso0q Grammar 2 b> Present continuous for future arrangements @ Look at Jessie's family's diary for the next three days. Write affirmative or negative sentences in the present continuous. tesie | som_| um | _ pod Tocam "5.00 pm —|500pm history with | tennis with, aan acratia tonight | recs dane Saturday |700pm 3.00pm | 3.00pm | ~ Rick's: ~ nema cinema. ith Mum | with Sam Seniey Imaring—13s00n | a avnoning | mg rath Dad? |r sath Josue afternoon at, swith Alen . Jessie / doa history exam / this morning Jessie / go to the cinema / Saturday evening x 3. Dad / play tennis with Jack / this afternoon @ What do the text messages mean? Write sentences using the present continuous. meet at cinema 8.00 pm We're meeting at the cinema at 2.00 prn. 1. pizza 2nite Wer aa 2. study ler Sophie = 3. Mark ill ~ not coming Mark's ill He 4, film 2mro? 1__ tomorrow. Do you ‘want to come? 5. cul8r @ school! Her friends later. at school. © Look at the diary in exercise 1 and complete the questions. Then answer them. x 1. What Jessie = 4, Mum and Sam / go to the cinema / tomorrow at 10.00 am Friday? 2 Sam history 5. Rick / have a party / this evening Friday? 2 is eating pizza with Sue and 6. Jessie and Dad / go swimming / on Saturday Nick on Friday? pECPEE rE HE PEC Erber eco 4. is Jack playing tennis with ‘Sam / study for the maths exam / Saturday on Friday? afternoon 5. What time eating pizza on Friday? {Ropiij to fop no Buryom | L]>HOMAWOY YsnBUR Ou Bulop jou We | “> =. mo-ursaigosg siy puo ain | LL “PueNsemeunie sizefoud op uop 1 a a ‘AERA MOU 1,UOP | “e e pooB fuan you st uon}oy, > gpusyaam yxau Bulop nof aue yey, 2e00080 P2yUOMT S| AN uaty Aue Buyjeaw you Wi.) “> iProy wou) Bunjenoy quapms See nee “spuaLy wos YIM BuloB WL) -q yquiua | 9pedbjeq Big e yMA “e dum Kepnoy uo BuloB nok ase oy “esey) Gunjeow you ase ey “> “wid Ogg ynoge ye s!y] °q ‘UOOUIaYe ayy UI anY ynoge ye Buyaaw are am yuu | “e ifepumes vo spusiay snok 6unjsowi nos aze aun eUM, “49PIO} NOK UL 3xB} BLY dYIMOY [ew Gurdhay us} uisnos Au ‘oN “> “UIT yee Ul psom BuIssIW auO a14M, o ‘aw djay 0} : ‘ausoy Buss s1 Arey uIsno> AW -q Elie | [] “ewioy seuica skempe puanyysoq AW “e eswexa SIYL @snoy sty 07 BulWoD quepmys aBuDYoxe UO asn2aq auloU yo Buifioys aH iauya }oOUDs Oy Buo8 ust aH Aruna os BumyaB you stay flops ‘POU 304 suD|d jo}Dads 308 soy ay Ropoy Addoy uaa s1 244 JOous sng 0 ayo} ay arayy ‘BuO 24] UL F's MOgD yo yoaN9s yuaBay 0} sxyOM flop uone fuva Aon dn sjaB ar uopucy yynos aua Ul JOOYIS JUDYOdw! UD yD JaYy>0a] S| JAUNDd YIN ooo oOo eee re ee ea E TRULY AMOK 404 ApnyS NoA Burdhay st ou,“ sesinerSasereetepteeeteepbtte eh (weds ul yreaq e oy GuroB wi yun) “> He eel o ‘fuenuer ut shey Au Git uw} yur “ Mouow suiesddeysneessunaisrper “gp, haem Suvey Ha eskepnoy Steele uli Slamaeis 2 SUL, JewUINS }xoU INO Bulpuads nok aie a1, “woos Buy) au uy Buldaays s} ewpues6 s.ej07 “¢ : Buu a sou cue ‘s] WES ye] 94) Ut BuIysy SI 4eyioug suag “2 F a “swexe sit 40} Bulkpms si vag *L “uoveu pemioo) © Buykerd 51 2H “seauaques ou} 3304109 pue UeBe uarsty @ ‘Aepung uo ee kins — ésware yoo a1ss0r Yim BulWLUIms 51 941 7.US! 84 ON paseajd —passexequis paiuom win pais pee peace uoousaye Aepanjes uo 0.0 EV payioxe peuoq Aibue veg i ‘Buyuens Aepanyes uo “sp1om 3304109 auf B]2419 2129) way Jo ypee sop Moy ‘aydoad snoy 07 UaIS!] «tC é ” 1 “sdamsue 221102 ay) (/) PLL © s l *| asiosexe ut Auerp [U@YS|] ow anoge siomsue ayy soy suonsanb WIM ©

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