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of the Microfilmed l\clanuscripts of the



Inventory prepared by
William F. ~1acomber, Ph.D.

Formatting and Printing ofFinal Inventory

Gary P. Gillum. M.L.S.

Project Supervisor
S. Kent Brown, Ph.D.

Microfilming Supervisor
Steven W. Baldridge, B.A.

Project Sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities

and the Mormon Archeology and Research Foundation

Manuscripts in Syriac, Garshuni, Arabic

April 16, 1990

[Notes: Sl\rIJ= abbreviation for the manuscripts of S1. Mark's Convent, Jerusalem. This is a
working copy of the inventory. are missing pages in both the indexes and the inventory
itself because of bad computer data. These vvill be corrected in the future. G . Gillum]

Index of Proper Names 1

List of Arabic Titles 4

List of Syriac Titles 4

Index of Miniatures and Decorations 4

Concordance of Manuscript Numbers 6

List of Dated Manuscripts 8

List of Undated Manuscripts 9

General Index 10

Inventory (Rolls 1-3) 24


'Abd reader: SMJ

'Abd witnessw to SMJ
'Abd u'"',.vv.... author of a note: SMJ

'Abd al-Nur bn M2lqaasl ma.nuscriJ)t to Jerusalem: SMJ

assisted in the
.<'I.....LJU" ..., SMJ
witness to a sale: SMJ
rnnuiC't· SMJ 2-12.

'AbdaIHih, priest, reader: SMJ 1).

'Abdallah al-Sadadi, Rabban, copyist: SMJ 2-8.
'Abdallan bn Barsauma of Bar Tella, SMJ 2-4.
'Abdisho" Metropolitan of Gazarta, copyist: SMJ 2-11.
Abraham, Rabban, ordered copying: S.MJ
Abraham of Ba-Sparina, monk, reader: SMJ 3-4-m(3).
Addai of Ba-Sparina, monk, reader: SMJ 3-4-m(3).
'Ali bn Alkhara'izati, ordered copying: SMJ 2-I3B-m(7).
Antuniyus bn Ni'matallah 'Azar, purchaser and donor: SMJ 3-3-m(5).
Apreym bar Estappanos, monk of Dayra Mar Hananya, record of a visit to Jerusalem: SMJ 2-5-
m(3); 2-6-m(4).
Apreym bar Estappanos, Metropolitan of Syria, record of a visit to Jerusalem: SMJ 2-5-m(3).
AsIan from Mardin, priest, copyist: SMJ 1-2.
Bahnam, chorbishop, mentioned: SMJ 3-9-m(2).
Bahnam, copyist: SMJ 3-6.
Barsawma, priest, copyist: SMJ 2-5.
Basilios, (Patriarch of Antioch), owner, donor: SMJ 2-6-m(l).
Basiliyus Iliya, Maffian, hierarch: SMJ 3-5-m(7).
Bisharah, monk, copyist: SMJ 3-3.
BUlus, prayer for him: SMJ 3-7-m(8).
Church of St. Pethyon, Diarbekir, place of copying: SMJ 2-11-m(4).
Church of the Mother of God, Gazarta, Qardu, place of copying: SMJ 2-4-m(6).
Cyriacus of Antioch, patriarch, hierarch: SMJ 2-7-m(3).
Damascus, place of copying: SMJ 2-8-m(4).
Dayr al-Za'faran, place of copying: SMJ 3-3-m(2).
Dayra d-Estona near Callinicus, place of copying: SMJ
Ub'UU'U.record of ordinations: SMJ
'.n"'..,"."'....~.., 1\Iletror.0litan of hierarch: SMJ
"",,,.,,"Ofll"'''.,,O1\Iletlror.oJltan of donor: SMJ
of SMJ
1\1c;, hierarch: SMJ

JeruS2l1elD, hierarch: SMJ 2-

renewal: SPv1J
Metropolitan of Jerusalem, owner, donor: SMJ
Jirjis, Metropolitan of Jerusalem, owner, annotater: SMJ
HabIb, SMJ 2-2B.
Hadbshabba Aba'ltos, monk, copyist: SMJ 2-12.
Hanna deacon,reader:SMJ
Hanna bn KhurI Rizqallah of Jerusalem, reader: SMJ 1-5-m(3).
Hanna bn MaikI Kandur al-MardInI, renewer: SMJ 2-1; 3-10A.
IbrahIm, monk, priest from BasbarIna, copyist: SMJ 2-8.
Ignatios, Patriarch of Antioch, hierarch: SMJ 2-5-m(2); 2-8-m(4).
Ignatios, Patriarch of Antioch and Mardin, hierarch: SMJ I-I-m(3).
Ignatius Peter III, Patriarch of Antioch, hierarch: SMJ 1-7-m(l,2).
Ignatiyus 'Abdallah, Patriarch of Antioch: hierarch: SMJ 3-5-m(7).
Ignatiyus Butrus, Patriarch of Antioch, hierarch: SMJ 1-7-m(l,2).
Iliyas, deacon, prayer: SMJ 2-2B-m(I).
Iliyas bn MaqdasI Shim'un al-MardInI, renewer: SMJ 1-2-m(4).
'Isa, chorbishop of the Church of S1. Bahnam, Cairo, reader: SMJ 3-7-m(l).
Jabra bn Ya'qub, reader: SMJ 3-2-m(2).
Jibra'Il bn Shammas Iliyas bn Shammas Yawnan RUlafI, priest, copyist: SMJ 1-7.
Jirjis al-SadadI, purchaser of the MS.: SMJ 2-9-m(2).
Jirjis bn Faran Kassab al-Sadadi, deacon, copyist: SMJ 1-6.
Jirjis Hanna, reader: SMJ 3-5-m(5).
MalkIya, priest, pwner and seller: SMJ 2-9-m(2).
Maroge, copyist: SMJ 3-1.
Marqos of Ba-Sparina, monk, reader: SMJ 3-4-m(3).
Maryam Zantar, owner and donor: SMJ 3-7-m(l).
Mika'eyl, Patriarch of Sis and Antioch, hierarch: SMJ 2-4-m(6).
Monastery of St. Thomas, Jerusalem, place of copying: SMJ 2-6-m(6).
Monastery of the Cross and St. Ana, place of copying: SMJ I-I-m(3).
Musa Hatum, chorbishop, copyist: SMJ 3-10A.
Nasrallah al-Sa'-in SalIb, Mu'allim, record of death: SMJ 3-9-m(2).
Ni'matallah 'Azar, purchaser and donor: SMJ 3-3-m(5).
Philoxenus, Patriarch of Antioch, hierarch: SMJ 2-6-m(6).
Qawma bar Shem'on:
Qawma Hqile, copyist: SMJ 1-1.
Severus bn Estappanos, bishop, visitor to Jerusalem: SMJ 2-5-m(5).
Severus Isho', bishop, visitor to Jerusalem: SMJ 2-6-m(2).
Stalabuh, nun, owner, copyist: SMJ 3-5-m(8).
Stappanos bar Hadbshabba bar Ana of Tagrit, owner: SMJ 2-7-m(2).
State'os 'Abd al-Nur, metropolitan, owner: SMJ
Sulayman bn Hanna, reader: SMJ
Orthodox Patriarchate, owner: SMJ
C'l1T,,,,r'"lC'('lr of SMJ
t"£"\l"ud"t· SMJ 2-7.

!\c/lot,,.,,,,..,,,,,,ht ...... of "'-'"

. .V ' J.... U'01U,0' ... JILJI.':.n. i .......~,·J"",, hierarch: SMJ
ae~:lcon, owner: SMJ
Tuma bn Denna
" " ....'u."hSMJ 2-10C.
ofi<mnan, Me~trc.1JoliUm of hierarch: SMJ
IVld,l£1tl£1l. reader: SMJ

,",,,",,,,uin£'<' SMJ

SMJ 3-7:....... ~j.iyl..,:.,1U

SMJ 3-6-6
SMJ .J-U~- i.I<., •• . . . -

SMJ "':"IU

(Kitiib) al-'iiiiiJi: SMJ 3-6-6 (7th treatise).

- al-ithfqiin: SMJ 3-7.
Kaliim mukhtass 'alii al-amiinah al-saJi'iliah wa-'alii al-tathl'lth wa-al-tawli'id wa-'alii tart'ib al-
B'i'ah al-'aql'iyah: SMJ 2-9-2; 2-13B-I0; 3-6-7.
- al-mu'allim wa-al-tilmfdh: SMJ 3-5-2; 3-6-1 (excerpt); 3-6-16.
- al-naHi'is li-awHid al-madaris: SMJ 3-9-m(5) (excerpt).
- al-ru'iis: SMJ 3-5- L
-al-tawarikh: SMJ 3-8- L


SMJ 3-4:1,15 .!t~Q1=, l.:I1~

SMJ 3-9a:1.9~Q.JQ~
SMJ 3-9a:1i:::I, ~a:L:I~
SMJ 2-12-5:1".'C\\»~ 1~Q~1 ~ ..... ~~

K ronograpiya: SMJ 3-9a.

Ktaba d-awsar raze: SMJ 3-4.
Maktbanut zabne: SMJ 3-9a.
Skolion mellol atwata meshtaJilpanyata: SMJ 2-12-5.



SMJ 1-1 MS. 2 Baumstark

1-4 1
1-5 42 1*
1-6 46 10*
1-7 50 5*
2-1 51
2-2 36
2-3 37
2-4 109
2-5 110
2-6 96 10
2-7 129 3*
2-8 44
2-9 49 18*
2-10 113
2-11 116
2-12 219 30*
2-13 248
2-14 98 14
3-1 53
3-2 199A 38*(A)
3-3 199B 38*(B)
3-4 41
3-5 183 19*
3-6 184
3-7 188
3-8 210 35*
3-9 211 36*
3-10 54

MS. No.2 SMJ 1-1 Baumstark No. --

4 1-2
8 1-3
1 1-4

51 2-1
54 3-10
96 2-6 10
98 2-14 14
110 2-5
113 2-10
116 2-11
129 2-7 3*
183 3-5 19*
184 3-6
188 3-7
199A 3-2 38*(A)
199B 3-3 38*(B)
210 3-8 35*
211 3-9 36*
219 2-12 30*
248 2-13

Baumstark No. 1 SMJ 1-3 MS. No.8

10 2-6 96
14 2-14 98
1* 1-3 8
3* 2-7 129
5* 1-7 50
10* 1-6 46
18* 2-9 49
19* 3-5 183
30* 2-12 219
35* 3-8 210
36* 3-9 211
38*(A) 3-2 199A
38*(B) 3-3 199B

806 A.D. SMJ 2-7

1 2-2B
1279 2-5
1300 2-4
1474 3-4
1496/1503 3-9
1505/6 2-8A
1549 1-1
1553 3-5
1554 2-11
1675 3-10A
1724 3-7
1734 3-2; 3-3
1788/9 2-12
1852 1-6
1889 2-8B
1890 1-7
1899 3-8

9th cent.: SMJ 2-3

cent.: SMJ 2-1
cent.: SMJ 2-10A
15th cent.: SMJ 2-14
cent.: SMJ 3-10B
16th cent.: SMJ 1-5
cent.: SMJ 1-3
17th cent.: SMJ 3-6
17/18th cent.: SMJ 2-10B
19th cent.: SMJ 2-2A
20th cent.: SMJ 2-13A

'Abd translator: Daniel of Salafi: LOmnlel1ltalry on the Psalms: SMJ 1-6.

'Abdisho" Catholicos of the Church of the East: for the translation of a from
one see to another: SMJ 2-11 u.
,. ... ,p....""..." ....." of Iconium: Life of St. Athanasius of Alexandria: SMJ 3-3-b60.

nrU'lUrnrU1C' works:
Accrostic hymn on drinking: SMJ 2-13A-4.
Collection of epigrams: SMJ 2-13B-4.
Commandments of Christ in the Gospel: SMJ 2-9-3f.
Commentary on the gospel lectionary: SMJ 2-9- L
Continuation of Barhebraeus' Maktbanut zabne: SMJ 3-9f.
Delightful portrayal: SMJ 2-9-3b.
Discourse concerning Sunday: SMJ 2-9-3e.
Explanation of the consecration of chrism: SMJ 2-9-2 (Syriac); 2-13B-I0 (Garshuni).
Concerning the softened and hardened pronunciations (of certain consonants):
SMJ 2-12-4b.
Concerning the vowelling of the past participle of derived verb forms: SMJ 2-
Concerning words whose first vowel is a ptana: SMJ 2-12-4a.
Concerning words whose derived forms in the plural acquire a ptana: SMJ 2-
Homily read at the clothing ceremony of monks: SMJ 2-10C-m.
Interpretations of words in the Bible in Hebrew and other languages: SMJ 1-5-9.
Letter sent to Tiir 'A.bdin: SMJ 3-8-2j.
Bishops of Amid (Diarbekir): SMJ 3-8-2e.
Bishops of Edessa: SMJ 3-8-2c.
Bishops of Jerusalem: SMJ 3-8-2b.
Bishops of Melitene: SMJ 3-8-2d.
Bishops of Tagrit: SMJ 3-8-2f.
Catholicoi of the Nestorians: SMJ 3-8-2h.
Egyptian months and their Syrian counterparts: SMJ 2-12-3.
Kings and bishops of the Armenians: SMJ
Patriarchs of Antioch: SMJ 3-8-2i.
Patriarchs of the Syrian Orthodox Church, with the names of the bishops
ordained: SMJ 3-8-2a.
words that do not vary: SMJ 2-12-2.
Lives of Saints:
Aaron: SMJ 3-2-b24.
Astina and their SMJ 3-5-4.
SMJ 3-3-bl03.

AlJlraltlarn, master Badauma: SMJ

Kashkar and his cornpl:llnIC)fiS:
Andronicus and Athanasia: SMJ 3-2-bI6.
SMJ 3-2-b2.
Archelides of SMJ 3-2-b 16.
Awtil: SMJ 3-2-b20.
Barbara and Juliana: SMJ 3-3-b1l9.
Barsauma: SMJ 3-2-b26.
nnsto1>nc~r and his COInp~lm()fiS:
url-:lrllQ and Julitta: SMJ

Clement SMJ 3-3-b58.

and Justina: SMJ 3-3-b73.
Daniel of Scete and the stonecutter: SMJ 3-2-b17.
Daniel of Scete and his virgin disciples: SMJ 3-3-bI08.
Dometius, physician: SMJ 3-2-b21; 3-5-5.
Efrem the Syrian: SMJ 3-3-b62.
Eugene: SMJ 3-2-b40.
Eugenia and her companions: SMJ 3-3-b123.
Eulogius the Copt: SMJ 3-2-b48.
Euphrosyne: SMJ 3-3-blll.
Eupraxia: SMJ 3-3-bl09.
Evagrius (of Pontus): SMJ 3-2-b44.
Faith, Hope, Charity and Wisdom: SMJ 3-3-b122.
Febronia: SMJ 3-3-b124.
Forty Martyrs of Sebaste: SMJ 3-3-b86.
Gabriel of Qartamin: SMJ 3-6-15.
George (of Lydda): SMJ 3-3-b88.
Gerasimus, anchorite: SMJ 3-2-b36.
Gregory (the Illuminator), Patriarch of the Armenians: SMJ 3-3-b72.
Gregory of Neocaesarea, the Wonderworker: SMJ 3-3-b71.
Habib: SMJ 3-3-b98.
Hagna: SMJ 3-3-b121.
Hilaria: SMJ 3-3-bllO.
Himyarite Martyrs of Najran: SMJ 3-3-b96.
Ignatius of Antioch: SMJ 3-3-b57.
Isaiah of Aleppo: SMJ 3-2-b42.
James Baradaeus: SMJ 3-3-b80.
James, anchorite: SMJ 3-2-b28,b47.
James Intercisus: SMJ 3-3-b89.
James of Nisibis: SMJ 3-3-b61.
James of SMJ 3-3-b79.
James the Recluse and his COInp~lm()fiS:
son of EU1Pl:lc;~mlamJs
who lived in a well: SMJ SMJ 3-3-b70.
SMJ 3-3-b91.
"-'VC>llJvIj. SMJ
ffTlnn~l<' and their SMJ 3-3-b95.
SMJ 3-3-b1l3.
S1. SMJ 3-2-b41.
Malchus SMJ 3-2-b3 L
Mama.s,. Theodotus and Rufina: SMJ 3-3-bl02.
Marina: SMJ 3-3-bl 3-5-10.
Mark of M1. SMJ 3-2-b8.
merchant: SMJ 3-2-b33.
Martinianus: SMJ 3-2-b29.
I\II~Tt"rrc of Samosata: SMJ

......,0.,.'1"".,.· SMJ 3-3-bI20.

Mary the Egyptian: SMJ 3-3-b1l6.
Maximus and Dometius: SMJ 3-2-b4.
Nicholas of Myra: SMJ 3-3-b76.
Onesima: SMJ 3-3-bI06; 3-3-bI07.
Pantaleon: SMJ 3-3-b93.
Pappus and his companions: SMJ 3-3-b99.
Paul of Alexandria, the first hermit: SMJ 3-2-bL
Paul of Cnidus and John: SMJ 3-3-b75.
Pelagia: SMJ 3-3-b1l7.
Peter of Alexandria: SMJ 3-3-b59.
Pethyon: SMJ 3-3-bl04.
Pistis, Elpis, Agape and Sophia: SMJ 3-3-bI22.
Placidus (called Eustathius) and his family: SMJ 3-3-b85.
Plotinus: SMJ 3-3-b74.
Rechabites: SMJ 3-2-b32.
Reuben (Rubil) the hermit: SMJ 3-2-b19.
Risha: SMJ 3-2-b13; 3-2-b14; 3-2-bI5.
Romanus and his child companion: SMJ 3-3-b94.
Saba of Alexandria: SMJ 3-2-b30.
Serapion: SMJ 3-2-b9.
Sergius and Bacchus: SMJ 3-3-b90.
Seven Holy Sleepers of Ephesus (Maximianus, Iamblichus, Martellus, Dionysius,
John, Serapion, Aksaqastarfnfis and Antoninus): SMJ 3-3-b87.
Seven Martyrs of Samosata: SMJ 3-3-b92.
Shamona and Gurya: SMJ 3-3-b97.
Shenute: SMJ 3-2-b7.
Simeon of Kafar 'Abdfn: SMJ 3-5-3.
Simeon SMJ 3-2-b30.
Stratonike and Seleucus: SMJ 3-3-bI25.
Susanna: SMJ 3-3-b114.
S1. Paul: SMJ 3-3-bl
Theodore of Euchaita: SMJ 3-3-bl05.
Theodotus of Amida: SMJ
aposue: SMJ 3-5-9.
xenOIJncm and his John and Arcadius: SMJ 3-2-b15.
AJe:xaIUlna: SMJ
ahlVlumr and
Masorah of the of SMJ 1-5:
Harkleian Testament: SMJ 1-5-3.
Old Testament: SMJ 1-5-1.
Peshitta Testament: SMJ 1-5-2.
Works of authors:
Basil of Caesarea: SMJ 1-5-4d.
hrU,\UC1I1C the SMJ 1-5-4a.
.t,,:mUlS of SMJ 1-5-8.
Trp('U'lY"U of Nazianz: SMJ 1-5-4d.
Severus of Antioch: SMJ 1-5-4e.
Miracle of the Mary: SMJ 2-13B-3.
On the names of the angelic choirs: SMJ 2-12-9.
On the number of the angelic hoirs: SMJ 2-12-8.
Of the Fathers (2): SMJ 2-13B-2.
That a disciple asked of his master (10): SMJ 2-13B-12.
Seven prayers that are prescribed to us: SMJ 2-9-3g.
A delightful portrayal: SMJ 2-9-3b.
Of a jeweler: SMJ 2-9-3c.
Of a God-fearing merchant who had a beautiful wife: SMJ 2-9-3a.
Of the fallen and repentant virgin: SMJ 3-3-b115.
Of the finding of the head of John the Baptist: SMJ 3-3-b56.
Of the icon of Christ made by the Jews of Tiberias: SMJ 3-2-b46.
Of the merciless patriarch, Petra the African: SMJ 3-2-b38.
Of the two findings of the Holy Cross: SMJ 3-3-b51.
Anthony the Great: Rite of clothing with the monastic habit: SMJ 2-10C-i.
Athanasius of Alexandria: Life of St. Anthony the Great: SMJ 3-2-b2.
Barhebraeus: see Abu Barhebraeus.
Barsauma: Continuations the l\tfaktbanut zabne of Abu ",._...
'",r·A Barhebraeus: SMJ 3-
9b and 3-9c.
Basil of Caesarea: Basil and SMJ 2-13B-l1.
Bible. Arabic
Old Testament:
Genesis: SMJ 1-5-1a
Exodus: SMJ 1-5-1 b
Leviticus: SMJ 1-5-1c
Numbers: SMJ 1-5-1d (with cornm,entarv
Deuteronomy: SMJ 1-5-1e (with commentary).
Psalms: SMJ 1-3.
Bible. Syriac:
Old Testament:
Genesis: SMJ 1-2-1a.
Exodus: SMJ 1-2-1b.
Leviticus: SMJ 1-2-1c.
Numbers: SMJ 1-2-1d.
Deuteronomy: SMJ 1-2-le.
Joshua: SMJ 1-2-2.
Judges: SMJ 1-2-3.
Psalms: SMJ 1-3.
Psalms 26, 132: SMJ 2-5-m(8).
Pss. 148:6-149:6: SMJ 3-5-m(9).
New Testament:
Matthew: SMJ 1-4-la; 2-2B-la.
Mark: SMJ 1-4-1 b; 2-2B-l b.
Luke: SMJ 1-4-lc; 2-2B-lc.
John: SMJl-4-1d; 2-2B-ld.
Acts: SMJ 1-4-3b; 2-2B-3.
Romans: SMJ lA-5a; 2-2B-6a; 2-3-bl.
I Corinthians: SMJ 1-4-5b; 2-2B-6b; 2-3-b2.
II Corinthians: SMJ 1-4-5c; 2-2B-6c; 2-3-b3.
Galatians: SMJ 1-4-5d; 2-2B-6d; 2-3-b4.
Ephesians: SMJ 1-4-5e; 2-2B-6e; 2-3-b5.
Philippians: SMJ 1-4-5f; 2-3-b6.
Colossians: SMJ 2-3-b7.
I Thessalonians: SMJ 2-3-b8.
II Thessalonians: SMJ 2-3-b9.
I SMJ 2-3-bl0.
II SMJ 2-3-bll.
Titus: SMJ
Philemon: SMJ
Hebrews: SMJ
James: SMJ
I Peter: SMJ
II John: SMJ
Jude: SMJ
Old Testament:
151st Psalm: SMJ 1-3-4 and
New Testament:
of Paul: SMJ 2-13B-14.
" " . . ,I"n . . . . ..
~.r. of S1. John the SMJ 3-3-b55.
Ass:umpU()ll of the SMJ 3-3-b54.
Life of the Apostle Thomas: SMJ 3-5-9.
Story of the Twelve Apostles: SMJ 3-3-b52.
Biblical introductions:
To the Acts of the Apostles: SMJ 1-4=3a.
To the Pauline Epistles: SMJ 2-3a.
Biblical translations:
Deuterocanonical Catholic Epistles: SMJ 1-4-4d,e,f,g; 2-2B-5a,b,c,d.
Four gospels: SMJ 1-4-1.
Passion harmony: SMJ 1-4-2; 2-2B-2.
Passion Week lections: SMJ 2-2B-2.
Peshitta: All other Syriac biblical texts; see Bible. Syriac.
Yiisuf al-Fayyiimi: Pentateuch: SMJ 2-8 (unrevised).
Bisharah, monk: translator of the collected lives of the saints: SMJ 3-2; 3-3.
Church of the East (Chaldean/Nestorian Church):
lncipits of troparia: SMJ 2-11-m(6).
Pontifical ritual: SMJ 2-11.
Altar place with oil: SMJ 2-11c
Instruction concerning the wood of the altar tablet: SMJ 2-11 b.
Altar place without oil: SMJ 2-11e.
Instruction concerning the reconsecration of an altar place that
has been defiled by accident: SMJ 2-11 d.
Archdeacon: SMJ 2-11q.
Bishops: SMJ 2-11 n.
Gospellection for the ordination of bishops: SMJ 2-11a.
Catholicos: SMJ 2-11 p.
Deaconesses: SMJ 2-11 s.
'-'V"",~VJ.0, subdeacons and deacons: SMJ 2-11h.
Priest shahhara: SMJ 2-111.
Priests: SMJ 2-111.
Instruction ordinations: SMJ 2-1

Ll<)tl1mg monks: SMJ 2-1
Institution of abbots: SMJ 2-11 m.
l.>Ay·f-~Af,~i ....,rr h;iC'hf~nC" SlVU 2-110.

':)lgmIJlg the chalice: SMJ 2-11 f.

nn,~nrtn('f monks: SMJ 2-11k.
~nn'''1trln('f nuns: SMJ 2-11-1.

for the office of SMJ 2-1

Ur1<1£"'" of Antioch, Patriarch:
Profession of faith: SMJ 2-7-2c.
......... ,~IJ\.,.u~''''~ to ten of Deacon Isho' of Tarmanaz on certain biblical passages:
SMJ 2-7-2b.
On the gospel parable of the net that was cast to the right side: SMJ 2-7-2-a2.
On the leper whom our Lord cured: SMJ 2-7-2-a3.
On the oblation of the New Testament, in answer to the question of Walid and
Isho': SMJ 2-7-2-a4.
On the passions of avarice and fornication: SMJ 2-7-2-a5.
On the passions of the desire of domination and vainglory: SMJ 2-7-2-a6.
On the providence of God: SMJ 2-7-2-a1.
That the souls of men do not precede their bodies: SMJ 2-7-2-a3.
Cyril II Ibn Laqlaq, Patriarch of Alexandria:
Kitiib al-mu'allim wa-al-tilm'idh: SMJ 3-5-2; 3-6-1 (fragment); 3-6-16.
Kitiib al-ru'us: SMJ 3-5-1.
Daniel of Salah:
Commentary on the Psalms: SMJ 1-6.
Letter from him to Rabban Yohannan: SMJ 1-6b.
Letter to him from Rabban Yohannan: SMJ 1-6a.
Dawid Bar Pawlos:
Scholion on the preservation of the correct pronunciation of Syriac.
Skolion metiol atwata meshtalilpanyata: SMJ 2-12-5.
Dionysius Bar Salibi:
Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles: SMJ 1-7-c.
Commentary on the Catholic Epistles: SMJ 1-7e.
Commentary on the Pauline Epistles: SMJ 1-7d.
Commentary on Revelation: SMJ 1-7b.
Introduction to St. Paul: SMJ 1-7f.
Dionysius the Areopagite: Epistle to Timothy on the martyrdom of Sts. Peter and Paul: SMJ 3-3-
Efrem the
For Easter SMJ ff. 204b-211 b.
For of Passion Week: SMJ 3-I-f1.
For Palm SMJ 3-ld.
For vespers of Passion SMJ 3-li
On and and the suffered from the Jews: SMJ 3-6-13.
On the birth of John the SMJ 3-6-12.
On the of the SMJ 3-ln, ff. 211b-219b.
Life of St. Abraham Qidonaya: SMJ 3-2-b22.
Eudochos, Rabban: Syriac lexicon: SMJ 2-12-1.
Gregorius Abu al-Faraj Bar 'Ebraye, Mafrian (Barhebraeus):
Abridged text of the Anaphora of St James: SMJ 2-14-d1.
K itiib al-ithiqun: 3-7.
Ktaba d-awsar raze: SMJ 3-4.
1\{aktbanut zabne: SMJ 3-9a; 3-9d.
Gregory of Nazianz (St): Homily on the destruction of this world and the departure of the soul
from the body: SMJ 2-13B-13.
Helladius of Caesarea: Miracles of St Basil: SMJ 3-3-b63 to 69.
Isaac (of Antioch):
For the feast of the Annunciation: SMJ 3-6-17.
For the Nativity of Christ: SMJ 3-1 b.
For the mass of the Thursday of the Mysteries: SMJ 3-'h.
On the baptizands: SMJ 3-lc.
Isaiah of Scete:
Autobiography: SMJ 3-2-b45.
On the Incarnation and crucifixion of Christ SMJ 2-7-lc.
On the redemptive death of Christ: SMJ 2-7-la.
That God is good by nature: SMJ 2-7-lb.
Isho'yahb Bar Malkon: Liturgical canons for ordination ceremonies: SMJ 2-11w.
Isho'yahb III of Adiabene, Patriarch of the Church of the East Rite for consecrating an altar
place with oil: SMJ 2-11 c.
Iwannis: Answer to a question on the condition of a dead person after burial: SMJ 2-13B-2b.
Iyawannls (St.): Life of St Bayt al-Shuhada': SMJ 3-2-b39.
James of Edessa:
Answer to a question of Bishop Severus on God's omnipresence: SMJ 2-13B-2a.
Letter to of Sarug points): SMJ 1-5-7.
Letter to an unnamed on SMJ 1-5-6.
James of
On the As~mrrlDtllon:
On the benefit the Eucharist to the dead in the next world: SMJ 3-6-3.
On the cherub and the robber: SMJ 3-1 k.
On the Good Thief: SMJ 2-13B-9.
On the resurrection of the dead: SMJ 3-6-14.
On the text, "What does it a man if he the whole world but loses
his soul?": SMJ 3-6-8.
Life of St Daniel of Galash: SMJ 3-2-b27.
For Palm Sunday: SMJ 3-6-4.
On repentance: SMJ 3-6-2.
On the supper of the and on the SMJ 3-6-5.
John the Physician: Life of St John the Anchorite: SMJ 3-3-b50.
John the Short (St): Life of Anba Bishoi: SMJ 3-2-b5.
Leontius of Naples: Lives of Sts. Simeon the Fool and John: SMJ 3-2-b35.
Apostrophe on the world: SMJ 3-1-m(2).
Counsel for good health: SMJ 2-13B-m(4).
Curses on the stealers of the manuscript: SMJ 2-4-m(I0,12).
Epiptaphs for a scribe: SMJ 2-13B-m(3); 3-6-m(I).
List of books owned by Catholicos 'Abdisho' of the Church of the East: SMJ 2-11-m(8).
Model address to someone in authority: SMJ 1-2-m(l).
About the copying of the manuscript: SMJ 1-I-m(I,2).
On human and divine judgment: SMJ 1-2-m(2).
On the apostasy of Patriarch Severus Isho': SMJ 2-6-m(3).
On the death of Patriarch Basilios and the succession of Patriarch Behnam
Hadlaya in 1444/5: SMJ 2-6-m(8).
On the destruction of churches in Tabriz, Erbil and Baghdad in 1295/6, and on
the relief afforded Christians by the invasion of Qazan in 1299/1300:
SMJ 2-4-m(7).
On the massacre of the Armenians by Sultan 'Abd aI-HamId in 1895: SMJ 3-8-
On the relationship of Cleophas to St Joseph: SMJ 1-5-m(4).
On the vanity of the world: SMJ 2-8-m(3).
Numerical riddles: SMJ 2-9-m(3,5).
Pious sayings: SMJ 3-5-m(6).
For the departed: SMJ
For the scribe: SMJ
For the scribe's family: SMJ
To Christ: SMJ
Of a six storm in 1571: SMJ
Of a meteor and a violent thunderstorm without rain in 1503: SMJ
Of the ordination of Patriarch Basilios in Cairo in 1421: SMJ
Reflections on the SMJ
ordained: SMJ
Sketch of the life of the Mafrian lJrel!()fV Abu'" ._,... 'J'-'J Barhebraeus: SMJ
lhru·."rn· SMJ
..... V.,L .vu.... Q ....


months: SMJ

In honor of the SMJ

In of the Ktaba d-awsar raze: SMJ .J"~"",'"
On the work of the scribe: SMJ
Wise SMJ
I'II'3rr"1C' al-Darlr ibn Mawhub Ibn al-Qanbar: on the Pentateuch: SMJ 2-K
Michael I, the Patriarch of Antioch:
Chronicle: SMJ 3-8-1.
Kitiib al-tawiirikh: SMJ 3-8-1.
Life of St Anai of Nicea: SMJ 3-3-b77.
Moshe Bar Kefa:
For the 1st Sunday of the Fast: SMJ 2-9-4f.
On the Annunciation to S1. Mary: SMJ 2-9-4c.
On the annunciation to Zacharias: SMJ 2-9-4b.
On the leper whom our Lord cured: SMJ 2-9-4e.
On the sanctification of the Church: SMJ 2-9-4a.
On the temptation of our Lord by Satan: SMJ 2-9-4d.
Severus Ibn al-]VlUUaI . K ittib a/-latin: SMJ 3-6-6
Severus Antioch:
Letter his after his SMJ 3-3-b78.
Rite of.:nSUUJlS the chalice: SMJ 2-10A-d.
of Abel and Cain: SMJ 3-6-b84.
Creed: SMJ 1-3-3.
Diaconal of SMJ 2-13B-1.
Formula for an ordination epicIesis: SMJ
Formula for the confection of chrism: SMJ
For Sundays and feasts (fanqitho): SMJ 2-1.
For the ferias of the Annunciation (Advent) and the feast of the Nativity: SMJ
For the midpoint day of the Fast SMJ 3-10A.
For communion of the Saturday of Good News: 51\11 2-13B-l-b2.
For communion of the Thursday of the Mysteries: SMJ 2-13B-bl.
To welcome a bishop: SMJ 2-13A-3.
Troparion on the creation of Adam: SMJ 2-6-m(lO).
For the holy places of Palestine: SMJ 3-1 (gospels, sedros and homilies, in
Harmonized gospel of the Passion: SMJ 1-4-2; 2-2B-2 (Harkleian, in Syriac).
Nativity: SMJ 2-2A (New Testament, in Garshuni).
New Testament text with the liturgicallections indicated: SMJ 1-4 (Syriac); 2-2B
Passion Week: SMJ 2-2B-2 (Syriac).
Sundays and feasts: SMJ 1-1 (Old Testament and Praxapostolos, in Syriac).
Missals: SMJ 2-6; 2-10A; 2-10B; 2-14.
Athanasius of Alexandria: SMJ 2-6-k7.
Basil of Caesarea: SMJ 2-6-k8.
Celestine of Rome: SMJ 2-6-k 1 1.
Clement of Rome: SMJ 2-6-k4.
Cyriacus of Antioch: SMJ 2-6-k22; 2-14-dI2.
Cyril of Alexandria: SMJ 2-6-kI2.
Dionysius Bar Salibi: SMJ 2-14-d5.
Dionysius of Athens: SMJ 2-6-k6.
Dioscorus of Alexandria: SMJ 2-6-k 13.
Eustathius of Antioch SMJ 2-14-d 13.
Eustathius of Antioch SMJ 2-6-k26.
yrpt1rnr" the SMJ 2-6-k9.
£"rTF,fi .. " of Antioch: SMJ 2-6-k5.

brother of the Lord: SMJ 2-6-kl; 2-14-dl

James Baradaeus: SMJ 2-14-dl0.
Edessa: SMJ 2-6-k20.
SMJ 1.
John SMJ 2-6-kl0.
John of Bostra: SMJ 2-6-k 16.
John of Harran: SMJ 2-14-d9.
John the SMJ 2-14-d4.
Julius of Rome: SMJ 2-6-k23.
Mark the SMJ 2-14-dI8.
Marutha of SMJ 2-14-d 14.
Matthew Pastor: SMJ 2-14-d7.
Moshe Bar Kefa: SMJ 2-14-dI5.
Peter of Antioch: SMJ 2-6-k21.
Peter the Apostle SMJ 2-14-d8.
Philoxenus of Baghdad: SMJ 2-6-k30; 2-10A-c.
Philoxenus of Mabbug (I): SMJ 2-6-k28; 2-14-dI6.
Philoxenus of Mabbug SMJ 2-6-k 19.
Philoxenus of Mabbug (III): SMJ 2-6-k29.
Severus of Antioch: S:MJ 2-6-k15; 2-14-d17.
Severus of Mosul: see Moshe Bar Kefa.
Thomas of Germanicia: SMJ 2-6-k31.
Timothy of Alexandria: SMJ 2-6-k 14.
Twelve Apostles: SMJ 2-14-d3.
Yofiannan Bar Ma'dani: SMJ 2-6n.
Xystus of Rome: SMJ 2-6-k24; 2-14-d6.
For Easter and weekdays: SMJ 2-6i.
For the Saturday of Good News: SMJ 2-6a; 2-14-cl.
For the Thursday of the Mysteries: SMJ 2-6j; 2-14c.
Ordinary of the mass: SMJ 2-10A-a.
Of offertory: SMJ 2-6c.
Of the kiss of peace for the Saturday of Good News: SMJ 2-6g; 2-14-d2.
Of the kiss of peace for the Thursday of the Mysteries: SMJ 2-14-c2.
Rite of signing the chalice: SMJ 2-10A-2.
Sedros of entry: SMJ 2-6i; 2-6-1; 2-60.
Sogita for communion: SMJ 2-6h.
Pontifical rituals: SMJ 2-4 (rite of Tagrit); 2-10C.
Oil for anointing the sick: SMJ 2-5d.
Recited over the SMJ
altar tablets and sanctuaries: SMJ 2-10C-o.
Church: SMJ 2-10C-f.
Chrism SMJ 2-10C-a.
Confection chrism: SMJ 2-1 OC-a 1.
the consecration of chrism that read at the
end the ceremony: SMJ 2-10C-e.
the confection chrism: SMJ

Vestments: SMJ
Abbot or periOdeut: SMJ SMJ 2-4-i-l L
Deacons: SMJ 2-10C-c.
bisllODS: SMJ 2-4f.
Priests: SMJ 2-10C-d.
Priests and deacons: SMJ 2-4c.
for the ceremony: SMJ
Exhortation to those ordained: SMJ ,,",--,'-a.ltJ. 2-

Formula for an ordination SMJ 2-4-m(4).

Prayer of the ordaining bishop: SMJ 2-4-m(5).
Prayer for priests, deacons and bishops just ordained: SMJ 2-
Revised ordination prayers: SMJ 2-4-m04,15).
Sedro for the ordination of priests and deacons in common:
SMJ 2-5-g6.
For an altar place defiled by pagans, barbarians or heretics: SMJ 2-4-i-
For someone baptized by heretics: SMJ 2-4-i-5.
For someone beginning a journey: SMJ 2-4-i-8,9.
For someone possessed by demons: SMJ 2-4-i-6,7.
For someone returning from captivity who has violated his profession
of faith: SMJ 2-4k.
For someone who has violated his oath: SMJ 2-4-i-10.
For the sick: SMJ 2-4-i-1.
For those who put on the vestments of the liturgy: SMJ 2-10C-1.
For youths: SMJ 2-4-i-4.
Thanksgiving after meals: SMJ 2-5-m(7).
When entering a home: SMJ 2-4-i-3.
When entering a monastery: SMJ 2-4-i-2.
Rites and services:
Clothing with the habit of St. Anthony: SMJ 2-10C-i.
Reconciliation of a sinner: SMJ 2-5-m(6).
Tonsure of monks: SMJ 2-10C-k.
Tonsure of nuns: SMJ 2-10C-n.

For seeds: SMJ 2-13B-l-e3.

For the SMJ 2-13B-6.
For the sultan: SMJ 2-13-B-6.
For vespers: SMJ 2-13B-l-eL
Of the Greek canon: SMJ 2-13B-l-e2.
Our Father: SMJ 1-3-2.
Order of the prayers and
Table SMJ
Unidentified prayer of SMJ 2-13B-15.
When a enters a believer's home: SMJ 2-13B-l-e3.
homilies SMJ 2-13B-7.
Crucifixion: SMJ 2-13B-5b.
Dormition: SMJ 2-13B-7.
Easter: SMJ 2-13B-5d.
1"nnh!'ln'\l" SSMJ 2-13B-l-f2.

Fast: SMJ 2-13B-5a.

Nativity: SMJ 2-13B-l-fl.
Ninevite Fast: SMJ 2-13B-5c.
Rite for the reconciliation of a penitent sinner: SMJ 2-5-m(6); 2-13A-1.
Sedros that a priest learns by heart when he is ordained: SMJ 2-13B-lc.
Unidentified liturgical fragment: SMJ 3-5-m(l0).
Ya'qfib of MayaHirqln, metropolitan: Harangue that is read out to those who are being ordained
deacons and priests: SMJ 2-4a (in Garshuni); 2-5-g1 (in Syriac).
Yon annan, Rabban: see Daniel of Salah.
Yoliannan d-Beyt Qaddishe: Discourse on the Incarnation: SMJ 1-5-10.
Library: St. Mark's Jerusalem
Roll: 1
Item: 1

Principal Work: Orthodox Church. Old and New Testament leCtlOnaI


Ff. 1b-217a: 1~~ ~ 1~ ~;I 1~;la...;1 l;1~;lQ 1.:I:.:I~;I 2...i.5.a ~~~
.1A~Q Purrash qeryane d-nadbshabbe d-nudra d-kullah shanta men 'attiqta wa-ndatta.
Lectionary of the Sundays and feasts of the cycle of the entire year, from the Old and New
(Testaments). The version of the Bible is the Peshitta. Three of the lessons for each feast or
occasion are from the Old Testament. The two New Testament lessons exclude those from the
gospels and are from Acts and the Pauline Epistles.

Miniatures and decorations:

Cross, f. la.
Title heading, f. 1b.
(1) F. 217a: Copied by Qawma Flqile, who asks for prayers for Rabban 'Abda and his son,
the deacon and monk, Zakka, who assisted the copying, and for Rabban Abraham, deacon and
monk, who oversaw it.
(2) F. 217a: Note that this manuscript and two other large tomes of the winter hymnary
destined for Jerusalem were copied with a single pen.
(3) F. 217b: Copied during the pontificate of Mar Ignatiyos, Syrian Patriarch of Mardin,
that is, of Antioch. After his name, those of the other Syrian Orthodox bishops are added.
Copied at the Monastery of the Cross and St. Alia. Copied for Rabban Abraham, monk and
(4) F. 217b: Reader's note by 'Abd al-Azali.

Language(s): Syriac
Date: Fri., 16 Tishrin II, 1861 A.Gr. (= 16 Nov., 1549 A.D., which actually fell on a Saturday).
Material: Paper Folia: 185 Lines: 21
Size: 31 x 20 cm. Columns: 2 x 7, total 15 cm.)

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in leather covered wooden boards. The foliator skipped III and 160-
Manuscript Nos.:
Baumstark: ---
Project No.: JERU 0004-1-1
Date filmed: Dec.
Reduction ratio: Emulsion: GSU No.:
Library: St Mark's Jerusalem
Roll: 1
Item: 2

Principal Work: Bible. Old Testament Genesis to


Ff. 1b-108b: Bible. Old Testament. Genesis to Judges. In the Peshitta version. Cf.
1) Ff. 1b-91a .1~~Ql~ 1:1~ : Ktaba d-Orayta. The book of the Torah.
a) Ff. 1b-24b: .1~~ .l..»;u:a 1~ Sepra qadmaya. Brita. The
first book. Genesis. Lacuna btw. ff. 8/9 (19:31/22:2).
b) Ff. 25a-46b: .1~~Ql~ ~~bl~ 1~ .2saS» Mappqana. Sepra
da-treyn d-Orayta. Exodus. The second book of the Law.
c) Ff. 46b-52b: 1i~~ 1~ Sepra d-kahne. The book of the priests
(= Leviticus). Lacuna btw. ff. 48/49 (6:15/22:12).

d) Ff. 52b-73b: l~~Ql~ u..:.~1~ 1~ .~. Menyana. Sepra d-

arb'a d-Orayta. Numbers. The fourth book of the Law.
e) Ff. 74a-91a:l~~Ql~ ~~ 1~ .2.JD~ ~bl. Tenyan
namosa. Sepra d-namsha d-Orayta. Deuteronomy. The fifth book of the Law.
2) Ff. 91b-102b: ...... Q.I :..:. ~a.x..~ 1:1~ Ktaba d-Isho' Bar Nun. The book of
Joshua, son of Nun.
3) Ff. 102b-l08b: .l..~ ~1~ l!u:1~~ ,~1~ ~~ u:;.~ ~
Spar dayyane da-Bnay Isra'eyl, d-metqre 'ebra'it Shaptaye. The book of the judges of the
Children of Israel, which is called in Hebrew Shaptaye. Unfinished at the end 03:23).

Miniatures and decorations:

Title headings, ft. 1b, 25a, 91 b.
Occasional designs in the margins to signal divisions of the text
F. 1a: A model address to someone in aULUV11L

F. 1a: "The on earth souls.

F.91~ the
F. 108b: The marmscript son the late NUl:Qu;aSl, Shem'on al-
2099 the fast of the 26
Date: 16th century
Lines: and 43
Size: 28 19 em.
Columns: 2 x 6, total 13 em., ff. and 4, total ff.

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in leather covered wooden UULU. u.". worn at the The OlDOll1ll:! is OalnaJl:eo.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 4
Baumstark: --
Project No.: JERU 0004-1-2
Date filmed: 1987 Dec. 21
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512121
Library: St. Mark's Jerusalem
Ron: 1

Principal Work: Bible. Old Testament. Psalms.


1 Ff. Ib-116b: ~1,» -.::a1~ .1~1~ ~Q ~ ~Q~~ 15@,»~ 1.:1~
~1 ~ (;\~1 '~QQ1;J. Ktaba d-mazmore d-Dawid, malka w-lebbeh d-Alaha. Kitab
mazam"ir Da'ud, al-malik wa-qalb Allah. The book of the psalms of David, the king and heart of
God. In Syriac/Garshuni. The Syriac is the Peshitta version.
F. I 16b: Our Father, in Syriac and Garshuni.
3) Ff. 116b-117a: 11» ~b-~ 1b-~G'l~ 1»Q».A TJioma d-haymanuta da-tlat ma'.
Creed of the three hundred. I.e. the so-called Nicene Creed, in Syriac and Garshuni.
4) F. 117a:~ ~~ ~Q~ aiQ '~Q~~ ~~ 1!1@,». Mazmora
dilanaya d-Dawid, w-law b-kullhon sJiaJie shkiJi. A special psalm of David; it is not found in all
manuscripts. This is the apocryphal 151st Psalm, in Syriac and Garshuni.

Miniatures and decorations:

(I) F. 117b: The Syriac alphabet in various combinations, as abbreviations of the names
of God, with different vowel signs and as digraphs. Pen trials.

Language(s): Syriac/Garshuni
Date: 16/17th century. BAUMSTARK, OC NS I (1911), 104, reports a notice of donation to the
Monastery of St. Mark in the year 1845, which he interprets to be A.Gr. 1533/4 A.D.); it is not
visible in the film.
Material: Paper Folia: 117 Lines: 24 (ff. 1-97) and 35 to 43 (ft. 98-117)
Size: 28 x 19 em. Columns: 2 x 6.3, total 14 em.)

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in leather covered boards. The binding is broken, and some leaves are loose and
somewhat tattered at the bookworms. Water stains. Candle grease spots. A
few ink smears.

Manuscript Nos.:
Baumstark: I
Project No.: JERU 0004-1-3
Date filmed: Dec.
Reduction ratio: Emulsion: GSU No.:
Library: St. Mark's Jerusalem
Roll: 1

Principal Work: Bible. New TEstament.


Ff. Ib, la-276b: Bible. New Testament. The text is abundantly annotated in the margins.
In some cases the notes are so long that extra unnumbered sheets have been interleaved to
contain them, btw. ft. 19/20, and Ff. 15ab and 107b-l08a are also exclusively
devoted to these notes.
OFf. Ib, la-136b:~ ... ,,» ~a.x.. ,,:..»;» ,,0.'\'0" :.~;» ~s.a ~:'a9.
Purrash qeryane d-tarar (lege: tetra) ewangaliyon d-Maran I sho' Mshina. Lectionary of the four
gospels of our Lord Jesus Christ. Despite the literal meaning of the title, this is a text of the four
gospels. However, the continuous text is broken by titles that indicate the liturgical date or
occasion when a particular pericope is supposed to be read. The text is in the Harkleian version,
not the Peshitta. Cf. BAUMSTARK, 188 f., n. 6.
a) Ff. lb, la-40a: w.~;» "a.' \ '01 Ewangaliyon d-Mattay. Gospel of
b) Ff. 40b-60b, 64ba, 62a-63b, 61ba, 65a-67a: ~G.a:..»;» "Ot' \ '01
Ewangaliyon d-Marqos. Gospel of Mark.
c) Ff. 67b-l07a: 1s~ 1.t:I~;» "~O'OU ~ ,,0.\ \ '01
Ewangaliyon qad(disha) karozuta d-Luqa msabbrana. The holy Gospel (according to) the
preaching of the evangelist Luke. F. 67 is badly torn, with the loss of 1:IB-5A. The marginal
notes continue, ft. 107a-l08a.
d) Ff. 108b-136b: ,~.a» ~a.x.. ,,:..»;» 2..X..t.:u:- ,,0.\ \ '0"
~.\" ~a. ~;» "~O'OU Ewangaliyon qaddisha d-i\tfaran lsho' Mshina, karozuta da-b-
yad Yonannan shiifta. The holy of our Lord Jesus the through the
"'''''..1",,''''' John.
Ff. 137a-148a: ~ ~t"''''»;» ,,,~1 .1...• • x»;» 2..a.a0:..s .2...:I:..t.;» ~s.a
~:...... l»01~;» (1~:'0~) ;a...- i 'ten' \ ;01 "Ocr...~ d-nashsha paroqaya da-
Mshifta da-mkannshin men turrasa da-T'oma
The rea'£1m:g;s collected from the four
the revision Thomas Heraclea. This of the four for the
Ff. 148b-188b: 1.:Ic..t.~ 2.».'" ~5~;a' ....:.2.9. Praksis da-tre'sar shlilie
Acts of the twelve
Ff. 148b-149a:1.:I~;a 1~. 'Elita da-ktaba. The cause of the
book the book was nrr'itt""n

Ff. 149b-188b: Text. It is in the Peshitta version.

Ff. 188b-205a: [.~Q~1.I:I 1~~1]. The Catholic
I Peter and I John are in the Peshitta version
Ff. 188b-192a: L.w~ X .:a~;a 1~~.1).. shlilia.
Epistle of the apostle James.
b) Ff. 192a-196b: 1..••' X;a 1.:Ic..t.:' '.Q~;a 1~U.1. Aggarta d-
Petros, reysha da-shlilie. Epistle of Peter, Prince of the Apostles I Peter).
c) Ff. 192a-196b: 1.Nw~ X ~G.t.~ 1~U.1. Aggarta d-Yoliannan shlilia.
Epistle of the apostle John.
d) Ff. 200b-203a: 2.».\ X .Q~;a ~~5~;a 1~U.1. Aggarta d-
tarteyn d-Petros shlilia. The second epistle of the apostle Peter.
e) F. 203ab: 2.».. ~ X ~a..;a ~~5~;a 1~U.1. Aggarta d-tarteyn d-
Yoliannan shlilia. The second epistle of the apostle John.
f) Ff. 203b-204a:~a..;a ~;a ~~;a l~U.l. Aggarta da-tlat dileh
d-Yoliannan. The third epistle of the same John.
g) Ff. 204a-205a: 2.».' X l;aQcn.;a 1~U.1. Aggarta d-Ihuda shlilia.
Epistle of the apostle Jude.
, -, // =,
5) Ff. 205b-276b: 1..wJ X .~a5;a :'.t 1~ ........1. Aggrata 14 d-Pawlos shlilia.
The 14 epistles of thge apostle PauL In the Peshitta version.
a) Ff. 205b-219b: ~Q5 ~~;a 1~U.1. Epistle to the Romans.
b) Ff. 219b-232b:2.t~5a.a ~~;a 1~;La l~U.l Aggarta
qadmayta da-lwat Qorintaye. The first epistle to the Corinthians.
c) Ff. 232b-241a: ~~5~;a 2.t~5a.a b-~;a 1~U.1. Aggarta da-lwat
The second epistle to the Corinthians.
Ff. 241a-245b: '. i,' \, ~~;a 1~U.1. da-lwat
to the Galatians.
Ff. da-lwat
to the hlJ Il1eSla illS.

f) Ff. 255b-252b: ' ••• 9 .\\"9 ~;a 1~U.1.

'-'VL;"~"V to the
da-lwat The first to the Thessalonians.
Ft. 258b-260a:~~~ ~~i' ~~5~i' 1~~1 . d-
tarteyn da-lwat The second to the Thessalonians.
j} Ff. 260a-263b:IJDQ1~Q~.i, ~~i' lA..t..»;La 1~~1
da-lwat Timote'os. The first to
Ff. 263b-266a: IJDQ1~Q~. \ ~~i' ~~5~i' 1~~1. d-
tarteyn da-lwat Timote'os. The second to Timothy.
1) Ff. 266a-267b: IJDQ \:: i, ~~i' 1~~1. da-lwat Ti/os.
Epistle to Titus.
m) Ff. 267b-268a: ......Q~.\ .9 ~~i' 1~~1. Aggarta da-lwat Pilimon.
Epistle to Philemon.
n) Ff. 268a-276b: l.a.~ ~~i' 1~~1. Aggarta da-lwat 'Ebraye.
Epistle to the Hebrews. Inc. at the end (12:27).

Miniatures and decorations:

Title headings, ft. 40b, 67b, 188b, 205b.
(1) F. 277a: Grigorios Jirjis, Metropolitan of Jerusalem, added notes of commentary in
1887 A.D. and dedicated the manuscript to the Monastery of St. Mark in Jerusalem.

Language(s): Syriac
Date: 16th century
Material: Paper Folia: 277 Lines: 31
Size: 27 x 17 em. Columns: 2 (21 x 5.7, total 12 em.)

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in leather covered boards. Ff. I and 5-6 are 19th century supplies. F. 67 is torn.
Ft. 61, 64 and 249-256 are bound upside down and backwards to. Ff. 61 and 64 are also bound
out of place.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 31
Baumstark: --
Project No.: JERU 0004-1-4
Date filmed: 1987 Dec. 22
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512121
Library: St. Mark's ~~.,,~~. Jerusalem
Roll: 1
Item: 5

Principal Work: l~QI"\ T» ~1 l"'~;SQ 1~~;S 1~5.tI;SQ 1~;S .2.D:a~

1~!u:t Kurrasa da-shmahe w-da-Hdatta mashlmanuta
Volume of the names and realolllgs of the Old and New to
the tradition of (the Mc.na1~te]~y Qarqapta.
Author: Anonymous.

Pp. 2-296:1~QI"\ T» ~1 l"'~;SQ 1~~;S 1~5.tI;SQ 1~;S .2.D:a~
1~!u:t Kurrasa da-shmahe w-da-qrayata d-'Attiqta wa-da-Hdatta ayk mashlmanuta
Qarqpayta. Volume of the names and readings of the Old and New (Testaments) according to
the tradition of Qarqapta. This is the West Syrian Masora for the correct reading of the Bible in
Syriac. Cf. BAUMSTARK, 259 f. Although the title mentions only the Bible, the text actually
includes readings of difficult words from a few non-biblical texts.
I) Pp. 2-153: Old Testament.
a) Pp. 2-12: Genesis.
b) Pp. 12-18: Exodus.
c) Pp. 18-22: Leviticus.
d) Pp. 22-29: Numbers.
e) Pp. 29-35: Deuteronomy.
f) Pp. 35-41: Joshua.

g) Pp. 41-45: Judges.

h) Pp. 45-53: Job.
i) Pp. 53-64: I and II Samuel.
j) Pp. 64-74: I and II
k) Pp. 74-86: Psalms.
l) 86-91: Proverbs.
91-96: Wisdom.
96-98: Ecclesiastes
98-100: of
100-111: Isaiah.
119-129: Jeremiah.
129-131: Lamentations of Jeremiah.
P. 131: of Jeremiah.
131-132: 1st of Baruch.
P. 132: 2nd of Baruch.
132-133: of Jeremiah.
Pp. 133-141: EzekieL
t) Pp. 141-146: DanieL
(1) P. 141-144: Prophecy of DanieL

Pp. 144-145: Bel and the dragon.

Pp. 145-146: Susanna.
u) Pp. 146-153: Ben Sirach.
2) Pp. 153-200: New Testament (Peshitta).
a) Pp. 153-160: Acts.
b) Pp. 160-162: Catholic Epistles (only the three of the Peshitta: James, I Peter
and I John).
c) Pp. 162-175: Pauline Epistles.
d) Pp. 176-185: Matthew.
e) Pp. 185-189: Mark.
o Pp. 189-196: Luke.
g) Pp. 196-200: John.
3) Pp. 201-214b: ~:a..... 1»Q1~~ 1~Q~~:Z:~ ~1 1~~~ 1~5.aQ 1~
Shmahe w-qaryata da-Hdatta aykh mashlmanuta da-T'oma Harqlaya. Names and readings of the
New (Testament) according to the tradition of Thomas of Heraclea. Cf. BAUMSTARK, 188 f.
a) Pp. 201-204: Acts.
b) Pp. 204-209: Pauline Epistles.
c) Pp. 209-214: Gospels.
Pp. 215-263:1.t..:Ia.x \ooh~5~ ,;«.\ ~~~ 1~5.aQ 1~. Shmahe w-qaryata d-
shubJia. Names and (in the works) of the orthodox doctors.
216-219: St BasiL
Pp. 219-247: St .rt'>nru"u the
247-249: Letters of Basil and
249-263: Severus
P. 1M .~ :fQ 2 , . , , \ \.. 'Q1 ,~a.. ~ 1.01;. ~I"I y\ , ' ~1;S 1~
that came ev(mgen:Sl and ao()sUe.
263-267: l"aas ~ ,1~~ WlG'l51Q1i1 ~G.tI.IIS1 '..:I~ WI!a.»iI 1~u..1.
appesqopa nuqze. Letter of St. of
the of Cf. n. 1.
Pp. 267-272: ~a1 'WlG'l51Q1i1 ~G.tI.IIS1 ,..:I~ WI!a.» 1.:I:..;a..tlil ~iI 1~u..1
1:Ii~ "Q~ WlG'lQ~1:IQ , ~ Qail ~G.tI.IIS1 , w.1.51QU,. WI!a.» 1.:I:..;a..tI ~
.\, \ 1\ .,,\ ~iI-t-~ 1:IG'I 1:I~;l Letter of the same holy St. Bishop of to the
holy St. Bishop of Sarug, and through him to all writers who are to come
upon this book. Cf. BAUMSTARK, loco cit., who does not distinguish it from the preceding.
8) Pp. 272-283: ..a....s~1i1 l,.aasil 1cniLz. Shmahe d-nuqze (lege: w-nuqze?) d-
Apipaniyos. Names and readings (in the works) of Epiphanius.
9) Pp. 284-292: 2....5.s;l 1.i~ ~iI 1:15....1 1.i.:I1i1Q 1~~ ~iI 1.I:I.XQS
~Q 2, n;' 1\ » ~S~Q ~ ~:I Xii l~Q:J"'\ x» ~ 1~~ l~Q if' 1\ ...:t ~ xiOl»iI ' ~;a..tI
WlG'l51Q1i1 ..:I~iI l~51Qt\ Pushshaqe d-melle 'Ebrayata wa-d-nasha ftrane d-siman ba-ktabe da-
nbiye qaddishe, da-mkannshan ba-ftpituta saggi'ta men mashlmanuta d-Sab'in wa-Treyn
Mpashshqane w-men turrasa d-Ya'qob d-Urhay. Interpretations of the Hebrew words and (those)
of other people(s) that are included in the books of the holy prophets, which have been gathered
with great diligence from the tradition of the Seventy-Two Translators and from the revision of
James of Edessa.
10) Pp. 292-296:1.M-.:Ia.x. ~~51~ 1~~G'I ~iI l~a.:J.:U!L:I~iI 1~
, ~iI-t-~ ~;a..tI ~iI QG'I ,~ ~ ,~a. ~~ l~iI ,~;a..tI 1~cn:51i1
"Q!a.»iI G'I~t\ lW'elita d-metbarnshanuta d-metlol haymanuta trisat shubfta d-abahata
qaddishe da-'bida l-Rabban YoFiannan, nift napsha, haw b-Beyt Qaddishe metida', talmideh d-
Maron. Discourse (on) the Incarnation in view of the orthodox faith of the holy Fathers
composed by the late Rabban Yonannan, called Beyt Qaddishe, disciple of Maron. Not identified

Miniatures and decorations:

P. ]: ltI have ]2 white1~ and 44 ~lt
son Mosul visited Jerusalem in 19]0 A.D.
P. I: Reader's note the ae(lcon, of
P. 200: Note that Llt~Oonas the brother of JViJ'V!J" •• the
Date: 16th i"l3rHttl-'U

Material: Folia: 148 Lines:

Size: em. Columns: total 14

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in wooden boards covered with leather. Somewhat u .... uuJ::,vu bookworms. The
paJgmatc)r failed to number the 2 pages after p. 116.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 42
Baumstark: 1*
Project No.: JERU 0004-1-5
Date filmed: 1987 Dec. 23
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512121
Library: St Mark's "~~,,~.~. Jerusalem
Roll: 1
Item: 6

Principal Work: ~1~1 :.....a:ast\ al-l,Iaziimlr. 'orrlmt~nfJuv on the Psalms.

Author: Daniel of Salan.

F. Ib-363a: "'\\~~1 ~Wl:' ~1 .~. ~1~1:.....a:ast\ Tafslr al-Maziimlr.
Diiniyiil al-mu'allim. Commentary on the Psalms. Shaykh Daniyal. This is the Arabic translation
by 'Abd al-Nur of the Syriac commentary. Cf. BAUMSTARK, 179, and GRAF, Geschichte I, 453.
a) F. 1b: Letter of Shaykh Yunanna requesting the commentary. Inc. at the beg.
because it was missing in the archetype.
b) FE. 1b-3a: Response of Shaykh Daniel.
c) FE. 3a-363a: Text.
(1) Ff. 3a-125a: Book one (Pss. 1-50).

(2) FE. 125a-244a: Book two (Pss. 51-100).

Ff. 244a-363a: Book three (Pss. 101-150).

Miniatures and decorations:

(1) F. 363b: Copied by the deacon, Jirjis al-Sadadi, son of Farah, from Bayt Kassab, who

was born in Qastrat Sadad and was raised in Flums.

(2) Ff. 363b-364a: This manuscript was copied in Syriac letters because many of the
Syrian Orthodox community are unable to read Arabic.

Language(s): Arabic (Garshuni)

Date: 3 Haziran (= 15 June), 1852 A.D.
Material: Paper Folia: 365 Lines: 26
Size: 31 x 27 em. Columns: 1

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in leather covered boards. The foBator has "tr'nru:,rl 239 and and has
and 19.

M~lDlllscl'ipt Nos.:
Library: 46
Baumstark: 10*
Project No.: JERU
Date filmed: 1987 Dec. 23
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: GSU No.: 1512121

Principal Work: ~ JIt·;'"

" . n


la. . 1-2 ~ ~ '~..o I..;'·, . ~o.!,
.--w.o..., Ktaba d-f}ushshaqa da-Shlihe qaddishe, lam Gelyaneh
Book of
. commen on of} e
Revelation J onn. This is summary contents
gi ven at the end. According to BA C::ViSTARK. n . .). en Ilfe worK IS

by Dlonysius Bar Salibi'. In this manuscript. however. au

SalIbi for the commentary on Revelation is not clear.
a) F. Ia: Contents.

b) Pp. 1-16' .~o..!

~! ~o.! t» I LOJ..'JO
:.YInawata men pushshaqa d-Gelyaneh d-Yohannan. Port on a
commen on Reveia tion or John. The author commen tar"'.'
e ns t he round very little in his monastery
on and was comepelled to rely on or Spifl t.
c) Pp. 16-67: ~;.Jo,
......1,. t.!oAM!l '~~' ~.
Pushshaqa da-Praksis ba-ztoryata .aw
breh ba, appesqopa d-Amid commenta on
son Bishop
d) P . 6 - : , 1~;~J,:)'• •
. ,l~ "a;Cbo t» ~,
'-'D~()l!, Pushshaqa dt h, pushshaaa d- a-z' r
da-m a nash m n m h e sa t - t
many commentators on

Pp. II Thessalonains.
0) Pp.
(11) Pp. II Timothy.

3) Pp. 1: Philemon.
PD. 271 . Hebrews.
e) Pp. 306-334: Commentary on
(1) Pp. 306-315: James.
(2) Pp. 3 I Peter.
(3) Pp. 322-326: II Peter.
(4) Pp. 326-331: I John.
(5) P. 1: II John.
(6) Pp. 331-332: III John.
(7) Pp. J ucle.

... o.....o.uo..., Pu.shshaqa d-Pa'olos shliha ar

d-Amid. n on

out or was an

Miniatures and decorations:

Date: 2 Haziran 4
Size: x em.

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in covered boards. with t ornamen ta tlon on

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 50
Project No.: JERe 0004-1
Date filmed: Dec. 23
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: GSU No.: 5 2 2
Library: St. Mark's Jerusalem
Item: 1

Principal Work: Orthodox Church ualcorme Hymnary for and for the
Fast and for commemorations.

Ff. la-222b: =[1~;- 2.:1~ . [Ktaba d-penqitaJ. Hymnary for Sundays and feasts, for
the Fast and for commemorations. Cf. BAUMSTARK, pp. 45-52. The title that is pasted on the
spine of the manuscript reads: ~:U:SQ 2.:1!3 l.»Q~Q 1~~ 1oX.;-a.a;- 1~ Penqita d-
quddash 'edta w-sawma rabba w-qaddishe. Volume (of the hymnary) of the sanctification of the
Church, of the great Fast and the Saints. However, this does not reflect accurately the contents
of the manuscript, especially in its present state.
a) Ff. la-4b: Nativity. Inc. at the beg. Probably a lacuna btw. ff. 1/2. The
manuscript doubtlessly began with the Sundays of the Dedication of the Church. F. 10 is the
final leaf of the 6th gathering, so that f. 1 probably belonged to the 5th gathering. Therefore,
well over 40 leaves must be missing at the beginning, which would have contained the offices for
the Sundays of the Dedication of the Church and the season of the Annunciation and, perhaps,
one or more commemorations.
b) Ff. 4b-llb: Mother of God.
c) Ff. llb-17a: Slaying of the Children (Mt. 2:16-18).
d) Ff. 17a-20b: Sts. Basil and Gregory.
e) Ff. 20b-27b: Epiphany.
f) Ff. 27b-42b: Sundays after Epiphany.

g) Ff. 42b-47b: Beheading of John the Baptist.

h) Ff. 47b-52a: St. Stephen.
i) Ff. 52a-58a: [Presentation of Christ in the Temple].

j) Ff. 58b-61b: St. Barsauma.

Ff. 61 b-66a: St. Severus of Antioch.
l) Ff. 66a-69a: before the the the Priests.
Ff.69a-127a: and of the Fast. The
commemorations are included:
Ff. 77a-78a: St. Efrem.
Ff. 124b-127a: Kallsm,,g of Lazarus.
Ff. 127a-131a: Palm 'tn-.t1'!:l'U

Ff. 131a-135b: ~flAnrl~,n earles«lay of Passion Week.

Ff. 135b-145a: mCJIUOlm,g, ff. the
service of
Ff. 145a-148b: of Passion Week.
r) Ff. 148b-151a: Saturday of Good
Ff. 151a-155b: Easter Sunday.
t) Ff. 155b-180b: Eastertide liturgy in the other seven tones.
u) Ff. 180b-184a: New Sunday.
Ff. 184a-187b: Ascension Thursday.
w) Ff. 187b-191 b: Pentecost.
x) Ff. 191b-194a: Holy Cross.

y) Ff. 194a-195b: The Prophet Elijah.

z) Ff. 195b-197b: The Apostle Thomas.
aa) Ff. 197b-198a: The Apostles in common.
ab) Ff. 198a-201a: St. James of Sarug.
ac) Ff. 201a-203a: Sts. Sergius and Bacchus.
ad) Ff. 203a-205a: St. Barbara.
ae) Ff. 205a-207b: St. George.
at) Ff. 207b-210a: Patron saint -1»a.:a.a ~ .
ag) Ff. 210a-213b: .~1:ia.1. 2.~~Q 1..Z.t.;ta~Q 2.~2. ~~~ 21Z10l i, Taksa
d-Yaldat Alaha wa-d-qaddishe wa-d-'annide gawana'it. Common office of the
Mother of God, the Saints and the departed.
ah) Ff. 213b-222b: Common offices in the other seven tones. Lacuna btw. ff.
(5th tone). Inc. at the end (5th tone).

Miniatures and decorations:

F. 223a: The '''4<,m:SC1"nl was renewed the monk, •• 4< . . . . ." , son of the late Malki
Kandiir in the of Mar UlJ'JLLlkUU of
Tishrin I 1910 A.D.

written in modified H cel"':111. 0-"'1 <:>

Material: Folia: Lines:
Size: 28 19 cm. Columns: 2 total 15

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in leather covered boards. Ff. I-ll are ~.,.,..arl
r a .. The foliator ## 96 and
161. Ff. 222 and 223 are not numbered. The microfilmer skiDDe~d ff. but realized that
he had made an error and refilmed ff. 123b-133a.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 51
Baumstark: --
Project No.: JERU 0004-2-1
Date filmed: 1988 March II
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512137
Library: St. Mark's Jerusalem
Roll: 2
Item: 2A

Principal Work: Orthodox Church '''"'V'V,"'''''V Lections for the feast of the "'1""'1u1!hr


FE. Ib-4a (the leaves are not numbered): Lections for the feast of the Nativity. In
(1) Ff. 1b-2a: ~a...::I .!utL:::L:I ~~:a G'I~:a 2...:I:JoU B-ramsha d-Yaldeh d-
Maran ba-bsar. B-Yoliannan. At vespers of the Nativity of our Lord in the flesh. In John. In.
(2) Ff. 2a-3a: ~~ .!utL:::L:I ~~:a G'I~;a l~~il D-sapra d-Yaldeh d-
Maran ba-bsar. B-Mattay. At matins of the Nativity of our Lord in the flesh. In Matthew. Mt.
(3) Ff. 3a-4a: ~a.a:.~l ~a.:::I t» .~~:a G'I~ The Nativity of our Lord.
From the apostle Paul. Gal. 4:1-18.

Miniatures and decorations:


Language(s): Garshuni (Arabic, written in Syriac letters)

Date: 19th century
Material: Paper Folia: 4 Lines: 18
Size: 25 x 17 em. Columns: 1 (18 x 11 em.)

Binding, condition and other remarks:

An unbound loose in MS. 36.
Manuscript Nos.:
Baumstark: --
Project No.: JERU \1\1,';-. ,,,",' " - ' , .

Date filmed: 1988 March 11

Reduction ratio: Emulsion: GSU No.:

Principal Work: Bi

F . .[ ~ iA:\» .,a.. ~.1 ]

. e as
to pericopes!
IS Ammanian are
Coptic numerals.
a F b-114a: ~'i~:l rC:L..\.c

.~a. r<.oo.l Q)a,.ai;:;r;) t~ ,t<\,m\ "io~ Ewan

d-arb'a ewangeiiste, Afattay, l'y[arqos! Luqa, Yohannan The v
the four evangelists. yIatthew, NIark. Luke, John.
(1) Ff. 1b-32b: ~~o'ou o·}\. 'or<'

. r<,!m\ T t~.,· Ewangeliyon qaddisha karozuta d-jH aHay shliha.

holy gospel (in) the preaching of the apostle Matthew.
(2) Ff. 32b-52b: Q)Q.Di;:;r;).,

. ~~ Ewan yon qaddisha d- Af arqos msabbrana .

evangelist Nlark.
. 52b-87a: ~:'o,ou

rC.aoi., Ewangeliyon qaddisha karozuta d-Luqa

(4) rC :. a 'a U rC:L..\.c ~0 •\ \c:: ' " r<'
.r<u.\. ~a.:l Ewan qaddisha karozuta d-Yohannan T

rC~" • •\ ,7h

1 ~ r('\•. \ Z

. . re" .\ y

3 . rC" . \ 7 ~ O-t.' r<' dl\ ~ r<'

A.ggarta d- Y ohannan shliha. of apostle John I John).
e) Fi. 189b-193b: ."\ a:l b '{" ''''7
/iggrata d-La shkihan b-koll duk. The (Catholi are no
everywhere. are epistles are not In
verSIon the New Testament. but have n from
verSIon. . BA UMST ARK~ loco cit.
(1) Ff. 189b-190a: .r('n.\y ~O-t., r<'4\~r<'
Aggarta d-Yohannan shliha. Epistle of the apostle John II John).
(2) F. 190ab: . r('" .\y ~O-t., m.L., r<'~i»f<' Hreta
ai/eh d- Y ohannan. shliha.. Another (epistle) of the same apostle John =
(3) F f . 190 192 b: . r<), . \ y Q)~.'
A.ggarta a-Petros shliha.Epistle of the apostle Peter II
(4) . 192 1930: .reu·\y
Aggarta d- I huda shliha. Epistle the apostle Jude.
f . 1 3a: . re n .\ y Q)o.ia..!l Pawlos

(1) . 1

.r<'~:\D Aggarta aa-lwat qaamayta. e to e

3) F .
4 F. .t<.\o \S-........

(8) 249a-252a: ~cJ.A,~
.r<'~:\D Aggarta da-Iwat Tassalawniqaye qadmayta. first
(9) Ff. 252a-254a: .o.i.,
. ~a..L». Aggarta d-tarteyn da-lwat T essalawniqaye. The
to Thessalonians.
(10) Ff. 254a-258a: Q)at<~
. t<~:\D Aggarta da-lwat Timate'os qadmayta. The irst
( 11) F f. 258a-260b: .ai., ~.·i~.' r<~~ r<
.Q)a~~ Aggarta d-tarteyn da-lwat Timate'os. The secona to
(12) . 260b-262a: .Q)~ .ai., t<~~ r< f5arra

da-lwat T itos. to Titus.

(13) F. 2
da-iwat Piiemon. to Philemon.
(1 t. rC..~, .,..(:.~ r<' it

Miniatures and decorations:

1 F. la:
Language(s): wntten In
Date: =

Material: Folia: Lines: to

Size: x 6 em. Columns: 2 9 x 12

Binding, condition and other remarks:

are torn! a loos text.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 36(B)
Baumstark: --
Project No.: JERe 0004-2-2(B)
Date filmed: 1988 i\1arch 11
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 15121
Library: St Jerusalem

Principal Work: Bible. Testament Pauline '-'VI"'I"""""


Ff. la-98b:.[ L... ~ % lID~aS:, 1~~1 ] of the
»""""",,hl,,, Paul]. In the Harkleian version. Cf. 188 f.
Ff. la-7a: Introduction to the Pauline '-'VI"U''''''.

F. la: The places from which the epistles were written; the persons
indicated as senders. Inc. at the beg.
Ff. la-7a: On the biblical citations found in the epistles.
Ff. 7a-8a: On the division of the epistles into chapters.
b) Ff. 7b-98b: Text. Each epistle is preceded by a summary of its chapters.
Biblical references and an occasional Greek word are indicated in the
(I) Ff. 8a-27a: Romans.
(2) Ff. 27b-47a: I Corinthians.
(3) Ff. 47a-59b: II Corinthians.
(4) Ff. 59b-65a: Galatians.
(5) Ff. 65a-70a: Ephesians.
(6) Ff. 70a-74a: Philippians.
Ff. 74a-78b: Colossians.
Ff. 78b-82a: I Thessalonians.
Ff. 82a-84b: II Thessalonians.
Ff. 84b-89b: I Timothy.
(1 I) Ff. 89b-93a: II
(1 Ff. 93a-95a: Titus.
Ff. 95b-96a: Philemon.
Ff. 96a-98b: Hebrews. Inc. at the end

Miniatures and decorations:

Jerusalem. It renewed the lake Malki Kandfir the
Mar "'''''''''''''',11, 10 Tishrin I 31
1910 A.D.

Language(s): written in "tr!:lnn'pl~ letters

Date: 9th century
Material: Parchment Folia: 99 Lines: 29 to 33
Size: 22 x 14 em. Columns: 1 x9

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in paper covered boards, with a leather spine. Ff. 93-98 are torn at the upper,
outer corners, with some loss of text. F. 89 is loose and torn, but without loss of text. Ff. 1-4 are
also torn at the upper outer corners, but without loss of text. Water-stained. Some mildewing.
Soiled by finger marks.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 37
Baumstark: --
Project No.: JER U 0004-2-3
Date filmed: 1988 March 11
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512137
Roll: 2

Principal Work:

a lng ~ .,./
ayk. tukka
according to he oriental Th
anate Ta ...l.. man
hlmsel. There are numerous annotatlons In mannns n

modlfica tions of ri tea

a) Ff. 9b-15b: ~ ~ ;1.» .... b.::::.l
.~;~l ~ l,~! ~~ , ~~f,!~

~~lo wtDOMO' 1 ~
" '
ivIonologa) ailati qarara lvIiir 1a ub. lvlutriin .tvla in. inat
al-shuhadii[' J bi-Bayn ai- ahrayn. Li-tuqra 'a a a -au. u
wa-al-shamamisah linda takrLzihim... Harangue which was
.\tletropolitan of .\tlayafarqi'n. the ci of
t it he read to the priests and deacons at heir or Ina on.
BAU.\tISTARK. 312. n. 6. In Garshuni.
b) Ff. 17b-2 : h:.
r<\o'\"a~ a~ ~i..~~ ~r<.:\ ,~o ,cY'r"
......._ a~ ~., J:l." ,.cia ,~ami .u~.,
riarka aw mitrop
minhon. Exhor a lon or
or me itan
om (a ressin m. h a hove

sa d toni s ege:

Ff. 5 a
rC.l \ ~l
.. <l.,. t<:' ~
dd e
w g are anOln

e 5 ..z..l C\..I:I

. t<i.1\ S:l t<~:' ;~ Quddash madbhe

teshmeshta d-sapra. The consecration of tar stones sanctuarIes.
of matins.
r Ff. 91
r<\o .\ '''a~., T aksa d-kirotoniya
\it -

d-mitrof}aleyte w-d-apesqope. The te of

metropoli tans and bishops.
/ g) Ff. 127b- 69b: . a;~ ..z...'0-0.'
d-quddash moron. The rite of consecration of chrism.
h) Ff. 170a-l~2b: . a;~ ..z...'0-0.' m.L:l ~~ fa

dileh d-quddash moron. Explanation of the consecration or

bishop reads it immedia tel y the conclusIon f1 to i
i Ff. 1 186a: .OU~<: \,., ,.( S awata d-k n
every sort.
1 F. \Vhen
F. \Vhen
F. e en

5) F. 83 - 84a: For someon W 0

F. someone


(1) In meter of holy

. 19 ,
...» I.L! ~ , ° a-.
.eM;;"',. t.,oo...a
. ~ ~o haw men
at shuwdaya da-shrareh. Prayer someone returns
and has violated his profession faIth.

Miniatures and decorations:

Diagrams for the ri te of consecration of altar
signs of the cross (with chrism) should made~

heading~ f. 17b.
1 Ff. 1 those ordained. 1
R ter

F. no conca

as ro n h Ime ar r gh uri
courageous s up for he Chr s
he C ri ans 0

2 t a

F. 19 a:

1 F. 191a: nst anyone wau

man uscri pt).
11) F. 191a: Prayer of Mar Diyosqoros for the scn
(12) F. 191a: Another curse against thieves.
(13) Ff. 192a-193b: Register of ordinations. 1 3-1866 =
1471-1511 A.DJ.
(14) Loose w. . 47/48: What appears to be a revised a ·,

epiclesis~ presuma bIy the ri te of ordina tion. I IS

DaDer the Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate in

( 5) Loose . Ana
e ordina tions.
n. t: t..'JIUO 1.. ··'0 \ .
...,Lo ..........

Language(s): an
Date: 9 6
Material: Folia: Lines:
Size: em. Columns:
Manuscript Nos.:
Baumstark: --
Project No..
Date filmed: 4
Reduction ratio: Emulsion: GSU No.: 5
Library: St Mark's Jerusalem
Roll: 2

Principal Work: Orthodox Church Pontifical ritual.


Ff. 1b-134a: Pontifical ritual. Cf. n.2.
a) Ff. 1b-2a: Preface.
b) Ff. 2a-47b: ...... Q:'G.» ..:r.;lQ.tI;I 2~~ Taksa d-quddash moron. The rite of
consecration of chrism. The rite itself is preceded, ft. 1b-6a, by an introduction that gives the
preparation for the rite.
c) Ff. 47b-49b: 1~a...... %~~ lQC,;I 1~';I ~ ~;I 1~~~ Slawata d-'al
meshna d-zayta d-hawe la-mshinuta. The prayers (that are recited) over the ointment of oil that
is used for anointing (in baptism).
d) Ff. 49b-51 b: 1~G.t.Q»1;1 ~Ql 1~~.!:;I ~ ~;I 1~s....1 1~~~
Slawata Jirenyata d-'al meshna da-slota awkeyt d-asyuta. Other prayers (that are recited) over the
ointment of prayer, that is, of healing.
e) Ff. 51 b-83b: 1~~ ..:r.;lQ.tI;I 2~:' iv Taksa d-quddash 'edta. The rite of the
consecration of the church.
f) Ff. 84a-98b: ~~:I • • 2~:' ~Q
• • U:lQ.tI:I v 1~Q9", as ~Ql 1.I::~~Q.tIl
l:'Q~ ~;I 1~",\; \ ~Q1. Aqolutiya awkeyt naqqiputa w-taksa d-quddasha d-madbJie
awkeyt tablyata d-'al patora. Sequence, that is, the order of ceremonies and rite of the
consecration of altars, that is, of the tablets on the altar table.
Ff. 99a-134a: l~;Lt:IQ 1~~ .a»1.I::.sQ~Q~ ~~;I 1.I::~~Q.tI1.
Aqolutiya d-kollheyn kirotoniya's kahnayata w-qaddsihata. Order of ceremonies of all sacerdotal
and holy ordinations.
Ff. 99a-l05b: ...... cuC, ~ 1Ic;,:.
..:r....:' WiG1a.:UU;lIol:l;l;;I ~:'Q~
~Scns ~;I 1;1$ N..;:L» '~~;I .:I~ Wi~ ~A........ a...-!ura~N;I ~~il
kahne hanon

read out those who wish to be ordained...and it is St. James UV'"UUh the
Cf. n.6.
Ff. 105b-ll Ob: Admonition the ordained.
~;lQ ,I.i.»;1 .a»1.I::.s~~ ~!L»1~;I ~
Ke:sP()!ns(~s that are chanted in the
ordination and VX0"HJIJ'0, that in every ordination.
Ff. 112b-122a: "Tit T»=- W~Q:""::';I 2"'0.~ Tksa /LU'l"'/l#/lJ1l'Hn

da-mshammshane. The rite ordination of deacons.

Ff. 122b-132a: 2 X-=' X a=- W~Q:""::';I 2"'~ Taksa
The rite of ordination of
Ff. 132a-134a: 2X t X a
. . ; '
QM". t9~ 1~a.:a~ 1~1;1
• \.
... ~lQ
W~ 1:'~ 1sG1 ~1~ 1~ ,~ 2'XSOx»a. d-aLSa sbuta l-apiqopa d-
nasran qashshishe wa-mshammshane b-nad, 'yada l-d-ayk hana sedra gawanaya. And when the
circumstance(s) compel the bishop to ordain deacons and priests together, the custom is that
there should be this common sedro.

Miniatures and decorations:

(1) F. la: Register of ordinations, 26 A.b, 1742 A.Gr. 26 August, 1431 A.D.).
(2) F. 134a: Copied by the priest, Barsawma, during the pontificates of Mar Ignatius,
Patriarch of Antioch, and Mar Yoliannan, Metropolitan of Mardin. The manuscript belongs to

Mar Yoliannan, Metropolitan of Mardin.

(3) F. 134a, margin: Record of the presence in Jerusalem of the monk and priest, Apreym,
son of Estappanos of Mosul, of the Monastery of Mar Hananya, who gathered historical notes
from the old books, 1913 A.D. Again, in 1922 A.D., I was present in Jerusalem as Metropolitan
of Syria.
(4) Ff. 134b-13Sa: A sedro, without indication of the occasion when it is to be used.
Incipit:bw.'J.:I:tQ~Q bw.21»X\.~ ~Q bw.1~1;1 .1.:11 ~;I 1~ 1~ l:..o.a.:a ~
~~ cr..s.» 1.1.5, ~ ~..
F. 135a: Record of the visit to Jerusalem of Bishop Severus, 1806 A.Gr.

F. 135b: Rite for the reconciliation of sinner. at the

VVE.,UU'U',fi" but the prayer can be made a,2~ .a.s.......:a.»Q ~:a.» 1~1
1.1.1:I;1,» .~;I 21». a» .1S~;I 21 X10.» . 2.-.-n ~Qa.-;I 12Q~ •~~ ~~;I
~;I ~ ~ Q:l1 ~lQ 1~1;11~ 2~ ~;I ~2 .~:t ..
F. meals. Inc. at the 1~1 1~1
t"~ 1~ "tt~X»Q ~1;1 2.-.- wa~U»Q ~LQG1~l=- -....:I~l ~ lbw.;lQ~Q ~l ~
Q.z 1.tI..A.:r. •Q.z ~~lQ • ~~ 2.:i2..:i ~Q 2 nt X ~''''
A loose microfilmed at the Pss. 26 and in

Date: I 1590 A.Gr. I 1279
Material: Folia: 135 Lines: 20 18 or
Size: 26 x 16 em. Columns: I (19 II

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in leather covered boards. Considerable damage by bookworms. Ff. 1-6 are torn,
but the lost text has been supplied, except for ff. lab and 3b. Ff. 7-10 are supplies of the 19/20th
century. Ff. 11-33 are torn, but the loss of text is negligible. F. 79 is a blank leaf that replaces a
missing leaf of text that has not been supplied.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 110
Baumstark: --
Project No.: JERU 0004-2-5
Date filmed: 1988 March 14
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512137
Library: St Mark's Jerusalem

Principal Work: Orthodox Church Missal.


Ff. 1a-220b:a.x w~5~ ,; C\ ~» ,Q~~ 1.:I5a.a ~Q1 .D15a.5..:u1~ 1~
tt'~~Q ~ tt':"""":';l qurrabe d-kollhon shubna
da-bliirin w-tab nattitin. Tome of anaphoras, that is, liturgies, of all the orthodox doctors that are
well approved and faithful.
,£ •• •
a) Ff. la-3a::L:LCZa~ 1.:I:.»:I~ 1.:I:la.a~ .1.:L..::u::I. Qeryana (lege: Qeryane) d-qurraba
d-ramsha da-Sbar. Lections for the evening mass (of the Saturday) of Good News (Ex. 40:1-14;
Lev. 16:29-34; Josh. 2:1-6; I Sam. 22:1-6; Provo 30:1-6; Jer. 38:7-13; Hos. 5:11-6:7; Mic. 3:8-12, 4:4-8;
Nah. 1:15-2:7; Hab. 1:12-13, 1:17-2:4; Dan. 2:19-23; Isa. 60:1-7; Acts 2:22-31; Rom. 6:1-11 + Heb.
b) F. 3b: Index of anaphoras.
c) F. 4ab: 1.:I~a.a~ 1~~~ Slota d-qurraba. Prayer of offertory F. E.
BRIGHTMAN, Liturgies Eastern and Western [Oxford, 1896], 73:16-74:13).
d) Ff. 4b-Sb: 1»~a.a.. Huttama. Prayer of final blessing. Metrical. lncipit: C;:...::.
1~~1.:I \" \v bw.».~ ~ ~~ .1~Q:X .:I~:I ~ ~ ~ ..
e) Ff. 5b-7a: "'~1 w!a.»~ ~ 1»~a.a.. 2..I!L.1 Hrena nuttama b-nisha d-
Mary Apreym. Another final blessing in the meter of St. Efrem. lncipit:., ~1 ~ C;:...::.
~ 1a.a.. ~~ 2.It.~Q1 ttt'Q:"'::' ~ ~ ..
f) Ff. 7a-8b:.:I~ w!a.»~ 2..I!L.1 Hrena d-Mary Ya'qob. Another (huttama in
the meter) of St. James (of Sarug). lncipit: ~ 1»5 1»Q!b::a.:I~ QG'l 1~1 ~1..
F. 8b: 1~a.5..:u1~ ~~ we" ~Q~ 1~!L:::LD~ 1~~ 1~~~ Slota d-
Shabbta da-Sbarta b-dukkat da-shlama of the of Good News
that is substituted for that of peace of the ~~ QG'l .~~ 1~1 2.». T»
~~ t. C\ ~ at ~ C;~Q.I!L.::I~ ~.~ ~ :x~ ~~ ..
F. 9a: ~~1 1,51 ~G\.II~~ 2..1~ 1!a.»1~~ 1~a.a
that is chanted at the time when the divine
"",,,,,,,t,,,,r,,,,,, are distributed. "~1~ wG'lQ~ 1~~ 1~:a.:u:. .~ "~:I. ~" 2~':X:l QA...
,0,.\ \ 'ala.
of prayers of incense that are said at the v'"'i.," ...." •• & the mass of the
where op. pp.80:20-
before the am:wrlOf;a. with lections of the These are intended for
Easter of the week. some the lections are mIssIng, e.g. the
for and both and for Alternate are

j) Ff. 21 b-28a: ~;a.tI

lila,iI 1»a....:IiI lA~a


t»iI %.:L.t.:u:I
t":..abJAul,Slii ~;a.Lections fOf the of the 12:1-11; Lev.
Num. Josh. Job 40:1-9; (mislabelled) mislabelled) II
Kings (also mislabelled) Amos Zach. 11:10-14; Jer. Ezek. 45: 18-25; Dan.
9:20-27; Isa. 24:16-18A, 50:4-10; Acts 1:15-20; I Cor. 1 In. These are followed by
the chant after the gospel and a sedro of entry.
k) Ff. 28b-197b: The anaphoras. The manuscript reads thus:~~

1...G'I!lal .::I~ill~!lQA ~1.l~~ Kathbin-nan liattita, ayk turrasa d-Ya'qob Urhaya. We

write, Exact, according to the revision of James of Edessa. This would seem to imply that James'
revision work extended to all the anaphoras tranlated from the Greek and not just the Anaphora
of James that BAUMSTARK indicates, p. n. 2, but the confused state of the title here
prevents any sure interpretation.
(1) Ff. 28b-32b: Anaphora of St. James, the brother of our Lord. Cf.
BAUMSTARK, 140, n. 6.
(2) Ff. 32b-35b: Anaphora of John the Evangelist. Cf. BAUMSTARK,
301, n. 5.
(3) Ff. 35b-39a: Anaphora of St. Mark the Evangelist. Cf. BAUMSTARK,
328, n. 13.
(4) Ff. 39a-44a: Anaphora of St Clement, disciple of the apostle Peter.
Cf. BAUMSTARK, 267, n. 5.
Ff. 44b-50b: Anaphora of St Ignatius, disciple of the evangelist John.
Cf. BAUMSTARK, n. 11.
Ff. 50b-56a: An:lpnora of St. I1rUr>"C'lnC' of
Ff. 56b-63b: Athanasius Alexandria. Cf. n.6.
Ff. 63b-71a: An:lpnora St. Basil Caesarea. Cf.
Ff. S1.
of Rome. Cf. JJL A L I xyj'''' n.

Ff. 89b-95b: AnllPhora of Alexandria.

to p. attributed to St. of Jerusalem.
95b-l01a: ------Z"'-' of St. Dioscorus the of Alexandria.
Cf. n.7.
Ff. 101 b-l08b: Anaphora of St. Timothy of Alexandria. Cf.
Ff. 108b-114b: Liturgy of St. Severus of Antioch. Cf. BAUMSTARK,
301, n. 9.
(16) Ff. 114b-123a: Anaphora of St. John of Bostra. Cf. BAUMSTARK,
267, n. 8.
(17) Ff. 123a-129b: Anaphora of St. James of Batna/Sarug. This is the
first formulary indicated by BAUMSTARK, 158, n. 5. Incipit:A 2..:I..:r. ~~1i1 QG'l 1~1
~~ ...
(18) Ff. 129b-138a: Another liturgy of the same St James of Sarug. This
is the second formulary indicated by BAUMSTARK, loco cit. lncipit: '~iI 1i1a.:s.S... 1~1
1~,...~ AQ 1~""~iI 2..l.Q!L::IQ...
(19) Ff. 138a-143a: Anaphora of Philoxenus of Mabbug. This is the
second formulary indicated by BAUMSTARK, n. 13. lncipit: AQ 1s~ 1~1 2..l.!L»
WQG'l~ AQ 1~ .~:ail~ ..
(20) Ff. 143a-148b: Anaphora of St. James of Edessa. Cf. BAUMSTARK,
254, n. 3.
1) Ff. 148b-153a: ~~1i1 ~:a..~15 1~15 ~iI 1.:I:aQA
Qurraba d-qad. Pe'tra, Patriyarka Liturgy of St. Peter, Patriarch of Antioch. Not
located in BAUMSTARK. lncipit: ~S~iI ~Q ~iI ~!L»Q 1.:I11~1..
Ff. 153a-158a: Anaphora of St. Patriarch of Antioch. Cf.
Ff. 158b-162a: of St. of Rome. Cf.
Ff. 162a-163b: St. Rome. Cf.
Ff. 164a-166b: Cf.
This the second indicated n.

~~ u"a.:L»Q 1.:I....:r.;a...
FL 170b-173b: Another amllpn,ora of the same St. Eustathius. This is
BAUMSTARK's first loco cit. QG1 .1...~ ~5 ~Q ~ 1~1
~ t':..a bw.' \ t~S A~ " a.i~;a...
Ff. 174a-177a: of St. Philoxenus of U"'''''JVU'''. This is the first
ormmla:ry indicated n. 13. ~~ QG1 l!1G1Q.1Q ~~ ~ 1~1
~QG1 ~ t» t ~Q ..G1Qbw.l ~!L:I t»,..
Ff. 177a-180b: Third liturgy of the same Philoxenus. The third
formulary of BAUMSTARK, loco cit lncipit: QG1 .~ ~lQ ~~Q 1:&~ 1~1 1...~
~~ ~ t»,.!1 ~~ ~;a. ..
(30) Ff. 180b-185b: Liturgy of St. Philoxenus, Bishop of Baghdad, who is
known as La'zar Bar Shabbta. Cf. BAUMSTARK, 278, n. 6.
(31) Ff. 185b-188a: Liturgy of St. Thomas, Bishop of Germanicia (in other
manuscripts, Thomas of Herac1ea and even the apostle Thomas). Cf. BAUMSTARK, 189, nn. 4
and 5.
(32) Ff. 188a-193a: Liturgy of St. Marutha of Tagrit Cf. BAUMSTARK,
245, n. 6.
(33) Ff. 193a-197b: Liturgy of St. Severus of Mosul, known as Moshe Bar
Kepa. Cf. BAUMSTARK, 282, n. 1 L
l) Ff. 197a-199a: Two additional sedros of entry.

m) F. 199a: Another nuttama prayer of blessing.

n) Ff. 200b-217a: Anaphora of St. Yonannan, Patriarch of Syria, who is also Bar
Ma'dani. Cf. BAUMSTARK, 308, n. 2.
0) Ff. 217a-220b: Another sedro of entry.

Miniatures and decorations:

Title headings, ft. SOb, 56b, 79a, 89b, 95b, 101 b.
.........,.."""""", f. 71a.
1) F. 3b: Notice of donation Basilios to the and the
should to the of St. Thomas in Jerusalem.
F. 198a: Reader's note Severus Isho', who visited A.Gr.

F. 198a: Historical note that Severus Isho' ordained in 1820 A.Gr.

but fell under and fled he n""'. "h"'" this
F. 198a: Reader's note 'Abdallah from the
F. 199a: in the M(),na~;tel'V St. Thomas in Jerusalem in
. the date that BAUMSTARK IIlUlcales, is incorrect and
must a of his in the nIllox<::mus. Pstriarch
and Mar Gabriel of Alexandria.
F. 199a: "On
...."f'".."".""h in the Church

of Alexandria.
F. 199a: Historical note that "this Basilios was Patriarch of the and died in
1756 A.Gr. and the was cared for by Patriarch Bahnam
F. 199b: Record of two ordinations in 1790 A.Gr.
(10) F. 199b: on the creation of Adam.
(11) F. 199b: Reader's note of the priest, 'Abdallah, from the city of AI-Jazirah.

Language(s): Syriac
Date: 1729 A.Gr. 1417/8 A.D.). Ff. 200-220, however, are more recent, of the 17th century.
Material: Paper Folia: 220 Lines: 22 to 25
Size: 28 x 18 em. Columns: 2 (23 x 6, total 13 em.)

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in cloth covered boards. Soiled with finger marks and candle grease spots,
especially in the more used parts. Ff. 201-209 are badly bled-through, and the ink has eaten
through the paper, leaving holes in the text, some rather large.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 96
Baumstark: 10
Project No.: JERU 0004-2-6
Date filmed: 1988 March 14
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512137
Roll: 2

Principal Work:


Pp. -4: of
the author does not appear In man but
U na leaves have reordered SInce
Baumstark. ana the numbers not
to the actua situation. Since I do not available to me a
the British Museum manuscri to which he re nor t.o
W"right, my identification of the fragments can only be probable at
a) Pp. 1 : End of the 1st treatise (in this manuscripL trea
6 of part 3 of the collection = treatise 76 of the entire on
redempti ve death of Christ.
b) P. 2: Beginning of the 2nd treatise trea .J =
of the en re collection), tha t God is good and nature.
:u. m.L ., ..,:) Q ~
~:\ ____ a f"lC.ha ~ 'i ~

•• ~~Q ,.(~~Q r<',..,., rC.i~a

W t<.omi., ~ am
... en', 't "'0
c Pp. 3-8: Fragmen 0 rea Ise = r. n
Inca I am
IS no tnet
1 as seems to t, t on
rC..c::o ~.'\ J m .h. . ~.;'\ . a f"lC.ha
.~ ~ rC.imia : r< m1 r< r<',. • :r~ r( ~ r(
·.. "'-~ ~ t<:om
2 Pp. : Co

x.a.::al a rC.s A= ~ a . ;\D.:\ r<~A., ~~

f"f! iu.a.:\ a re....:. o.a.¥ r< :\ ~ i. u., ~ , Q) o.c.. ; a.a I ~ r<m.lrel
.re:..;(\.S.:1 a d w-tu an.a wa


(1 9-1
the be (end of eha p. 1 of tpe 3rd trea =
trea 12 book 3 or trea tise 82 en tire collection).
2 series on the providence of God
IS. 1 book 3. or of en tire
(2) Pp. 62- 66: Trea tlse on the ()

the net that was cast or on the right side.

(3) Pp. 166-171: Treatise 25/95. that the sou do not
precede the bodies (of men).
(4) Pp. 1 71-177: Trea tise 26/96, on the question of
and Isho" believers from the village of Tarmanaz (on the oola tion
~ew Testament).
(5) Pp. 77-183: Treatise 2 97. on the o
avarice and fornication.
Pp. 18 185: t on
b) Pp. 185-188: Q)o.c..;a.a.' ml.., U

~ ..Jr.. C\.L ~ .i f"f! au:.. f"f! .:\ rd f"f! a.:L.' rCa..z.. ~ .~i.~~
.~ rc'haia ~;~.:1 d dl
Pushsh u d-e ege.
mshammshana lamar.


2 to 5~

: '·,:>'0 . . ~~Q.)OO
ya dileh wa-lbish
d-Anti d-Suriya. Profession (of i th of
Cyriacus. clothed with di vini ty, Patriarch of Antioch of Syria. to

Baums profession is written in a hand more recent

rest the man uscri However, I would jud 1 to
lly contemporaneous wi th the colophon of princi pal

Miniatures and decorations:

Designs of separation between ~he different treatIses 0 h
1 P. 1 Copied by coo:\..l\ (an error for coo...,l\ Thaddeus'!).
) P. 1 ~ote ownershi p by Sta nos~ son of Barhadbshab son
or (3) P. 189: at NIonastery
Qa iniqos, duri the of Mar Patriarch, of same
monas ery Niar Shem'on~ 1:. a r us.
NIe ro i tan 0 llinicus... CopIed from the auto
NIar Te'odoros.
4) 1 .D.), us

a to

Language(s): n
Material: Folia: Lines:
Size: x 6 cm. Columns: 2 9 x 3

Binding, condition and other remarks:

em 10

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 29
Baumstark: 3*
Project No.: JERU 0004-2-7
Date filmed: 1 NIarch 14
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: VesIcular GSU No.: 5121
Library: St. Mark's Jerusalem

Principal Work: Bible. Old Testament. "". . .,.......... uvJl1, with commentary.
Author: al-Darir ibn Mawhfib Ibn a.l-vauu,u.l

Ff. 1b-624a:C'12.:'Q~2. .:I2.~. Kitab al-Tawrah. The book of the Torah. The text is
interspersed with anonymous commentary, which scholars attribute to the Marqus al-Darir
ibn Mawhiib Ibn al-Qanbar. Cf. GRAF, Geschichte II, 329-332. The translation of the biblical text
is that of Yiisuf al-Fayyiimi in its unrevised form. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 101-103. Lections for
different days during the Fast are indicated in the text. There are several gaps in the text, ff.
256ab, 257a, 261b, 262a, 266a, 267b and 268a, where the text of the archetype was lacunous or
a) Ff. 1b-227b: ~~~2. !:I..!.a:J '~QA2. :. S ca~2.. Al-sitr al-awwal, sitr al-
takwln. The first book, the book of Genesis. Interspersed with anonymous commentary.
b) Ff. 228a-410a: ~Q~2. ~ .. c;,2.:'Q~2. ~ WloS2.~2. :. S ca~2.. Al-sitr al-
thani min al-Tawrah...sitr al-Khuruj. The second book of the Torah...the book of Exodus.
Interspersed with anonymous commentary.
c) Ff. 410b-528b: ~~2. !:I..!.a:J , G'l,.a.:'Q~2. ~ ~2.~2. :. S ca.\2. !L...caS~
Tatslr al-sitr al-thalith min al-Tawrlh (lege: Tawrah), sitr al-Lawiyln. Commentary on the third
book of the Torah, the book of Leviticus. Interspersed with anonymous commentary.
d) Ff. 529a-580a: ,u2 .:J~:J ..9Q~2. 'C'12.:'Q~2. ~ ~2.U2. :. S ca\2.
~~2. ~2.. Al-sitr al-rabi' min al-Tawrah, al-ma'rut bi-Minyana, a'ni al-'Adad. The fourth
book of the Torah, which is known as Minyana, that is, Numbers. Without commentary.
e) Ff. 580b-624a: ~2.:'~A2. a,..s~~ ,1lCI.»~2. :. S ca~2.. Al-sitr
fnf,!-,..,,"unf al-ishtira'. The fifth book the Torah), Deuteronomy. Without commentary.

Miniatures and decorations:

F. Rabban 'Abdallah L1,.',1 ............... the Mutran
the who ordered that it should be
transliterated from Arabic A.D.
F. 528b: On the of this world.
F. 624ab: ~v~.~vu is in The ,...r>'...... 71 n.,. in
ua:mascucS, in the home of the aetlcon, LTU-,"UV. and of his the deacons Dawid and
the of Mar Patriarch the and Mar

Language(s): Arabic, written in Garshuni

Date: 18 Ab 30 1889 1-297), and 1817 A.Gr. A.D.)
Material: Paper Folia: 625 Lines: 22 (ff. 1-297) and 21 (ff. "'J<l-'LI"-• •

Size: 27 x 17 cm. Columns: 1 (21 x 14 cm., ff. and 22 x 13 cm., ff. 298-624)

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in leather covered boards. Ff. 298-624 are soiled somewhat with finger marks and
occasional ink smears.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 44
Baumstark: --
Project No.: JERU 0004-2-8
Date filmed: 1988 March 14
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512137
Library: St Mark's Jerusalem
Item: 9

Principal Work: collection of works biblical COlmlIlenlaI

Author: collector.

1) Ff. Ib-139b:"Q~a5,u.. '\,cb'\\;Q2. "Qcn..~52. ~ 2Ti~» 1.:1..5.a.
Ibv'"n>e'o mkannshe men 'am Lections gathered from the
four evangelists, together with their commentaries. This is an anonymous commentary on the
gospel lectionary for Sundays, feasts and commemorations, in Garshuni. In most cases, a verse
from the lection is written in red ink and then followed by the commentary in black. In a few
cases, however, the verse by verse commentary is preceded by the entire lection, also in
Garshuni. Cf. BAUMSTARK-RUCKER-GRAF, OC NS 2 (1912), 321 (# 18A).
2) Ff. 140a-171 b: 2\\»»Q 1.a.i.a5 ~ 1.Xi~~ ,.~ 1.:1~ ~Q2. ~!a.5
~cn:a2. 1.IQ.aQ... Pragsha awkeyt ktaba meddem d-kunnashe men pushshaqe w-mamlla (lege:
mamlle)w-qanone abahaye... Pragsha, that is, a book that is a sort of collection of commentaries,
discourses and canons of the Fathers... There is also a title in Garshuni:~ ~~ ,.~
G'I.~tI~~2. ~2. -::a..~~~ ~Q ~Q~2.Q ~~~2. ~Q ~~2. c:n.s1»A2..
Kaliim mukhtass 'alii al-amiinah al-sanlnah wa-'alii al-tathlUh wa-al-tawnld wa-'alil tarab al-Brah
al-'aqllyah. A discourse that is devoted to the true faith and to the Trinity and Unity and to the
order of the Church of the mind. Cf. BAUMSTARK-RUCKER-GRAF, loco cit. (no. 18B). Another
copy of the text is found in MS. 248 (SMJ 2-13B), ff. 73b-8b. It is divided into 8 chapters.
a) Ff. 140a-144a: Chap. 1: That God is eternal, pre-existent, invisible and
b) F. 144ab: Chap. 2: On the construction of the earthly church.
c) Ff. 144b-145a: Chap. 3: Concerning the eucharistic bread and wine.
d) Ff. 145a-156a: Chap. 4: Explanation of the office and the mass.
Ff. 156a-157b: 5: the pnesulOOO.
Ff. 157b-162a: 6: On deacons and penance.
Ff. 162a-164a: prayer.
Ff. 164a-170a: Translation what has been mentioned in this from
into Arabic. A translation the :lal1lClUIS, Isa. 6:1-3 and the
L LC> .... !,,<L v .. , with cOl1nmlent,ary the Fathers.
Ff. 171a-197a: homilies and short treatises. The titles are
mixed and but the texts are in Garshuni.
Ff. 171a-172b: 1U.1~ ;u.. 1~:' 1~~ Tash'ita flad
The story of a merchant. This is an t'>rt',f-u"nlT tale of merchant who had a very
beautiful wife.
Ff. 172b-174b:~1:'~1 ~ ~ ~~ ~~~. TamthU min ba'a
al-siidiit. A delightful from one of the authorities.
Ff. 174b-177b: 2.tLXaS ~ 1~~:, ';9 ~» ...G'l0ftl=,\ ~:' ,s~ 2i~
......0 .. \ \ s01;».... A sort of parable that the doctors of the Church set forth on the interpretation
of the It is a story about a certain jeweler.
d) Ff. 177b-183b:, ,s\='\~~1 ~A10 ,s\\~~1 ......' 9 \»~1 ~a.a ~ ~
~»~1 ~ ~2..tJ '~Q!uta ~~ ~1 '..:I~ ...3.». Mimar min qawl al-malfiin
al-mu'aiiam wa-al-ab al-mukarram, Mary Ya'qob, usquf madinat Saruj, qiilahu 'ala al-mahabbah.
Homily delivered by the exalted doctor and honored father, St. James, bishop of the city of
Sarug, which he delivered concerning charity. Cf. GRAF, Geschichte I, 151 f. (he fails to mention
this manuscript, however). Incipit:~1 :'~ G'l~~ u.. . .~1 ~1 ~1 2..a. ...
e) Ff. 183b-l 92b: 1~cu.~~ c:n::a ~10 ,1::I..X.:I;u..:, 1»a.. ~ 1».1..~0~
1~ Turgama 'al yawma d-hadbshabba, w-it beh martyanuta hlila. A discourse on Sunday, in
which there is a pleasant exhortation. Anonymous. Inci pit: , ... ~1 2..a. ,~~01 ~ ~
~1 ......" 'G'l~0~1 !L..1!uD 1a»~~ ... ~1 C\D~ ~O~ ~~ ~1 ~1.s1
;u..A1 ,sa.. ~~ ~~ ~..
f) Ff. 193a-195b: ,l.I:ta~1 ~1 ~ 1.s~ 1c:n::a ~1 ...~1 2..a.1~~1
""'~O ~~O ~~ 1G'l:'~Q. Al-wasiiyii aliadhi amara bihii Sayyidunii fi injUihi al-
muqaddas, wa-'adaduhii tis'ah wa-tis'In wasIyah. The commandments that our Lord ordered in his
holy Gospel; their number is ninety-nine. Incipit: •.",....
0 ... Q.l1»~• t"~" \
,A1 ...~ i1~1.Z.:I
~2.U1 ~Q.I ,sN1 . ~oA1 ... G'l0 'G'l;u..10 ""'~O cn....5 ~1~1 ~~1 ..
Ff. 195b-197a: 2s .. ~~· ~0;9 ~1 ~1~~~. Sab' salawiit al-
Seven prayers that are prescribed to us. '~~1 ~A~ ~:' ~01
~ ~ ~ \\1 '<;~1 ~ 2..a.0 ~2.:I~A1 ~~ 2..a. .,sa.. ~ ~ ~~1 ,s~~
t ..

~1 ...:,G'l w.S ~11».\ t~\9 .~ ~ ~1~1Q. ..

Ff. ] ,l.I:tao!L..o1a ~~1 ~A1 ~GJ:I ~ ~2~1 ~1~
:,~A1 ~ ,s~1J:I '~~~1 ...... "~ ,~~1 ~ ~1 w.D~ ~0~2
C\D~2.. Kitiib min bi-Musil. Ibn
the homilies that

al-Bl'ah The first

which he delivered on the consecration the Church and her renewal. The foliation indicated
GRAF is in error.
Ff. 201a-207a: ,..Da:a...a1D .aa.~1 -:s,lll ~1~1 ~~1
C;~1 ~ ~ ~UI '~~~1 ~;a.» ,,1~ ,~ ~1 w.,D@.:I ~a~l
~Q.a ~@.:I "CJ'I~1 2...:a.:.,.:::a. Al-maw'izah lil-ab nl-fJrulr1H.

bi-Musa Ibn mu/ran madlnat lamma bashshara ak-maliik li-

Zakharya al-kahin bi-mawlid yunanna. The second homily by the holy father, known as
Mfisa Ibn metropolitan of the of al-Mosul, which he delivered when the angel brought
the good news to the priest Zachary about the birth of John (the Baptist).
c) Ff. 207a-212a: .aa.~1 -:sAl ~a.a ~ CJ'I~1~1 ~~1
C;~1 ~1~ ';':'1.:1:.:1 ~ ~UI ,~ ~1 w.,D@.:I ~a~l ,..Da:a...a1D
,a.~ ~~ CJ'I:'CJ'Iu,i1 c:\.I'II.ll~1. Al-maw'iiah al-thalithah min qawl al-ab al-qiddls Sa'wlrus,
al-ma'ruf bi-Musa Ibn Klfa, qiilahu 'ala bisharat Jibra'U al-malak al-qiddlsah al-/ahirah Mart
Maryam. The third homily delivered by the holy father, Severus, known as Mfisa Ibn KIfa, which
he delivered on the annunciation of the angel Gabriel (to) the holy (and) pure S1. Mary.
d) Ff. 212a-217b: ,..Da:a...a1D ,.aa.~1 -:sAl ~a.a ~ ~@
,,2\,,7\1 ik:I~~ ~ ~UI '~~~1 ~;a.» ,,1~ ,~~1.:1 ~a~l
. ~Cll~~l ~~ 1.1~ Maw'izah min qawl al-ab al-qiddls, Sa'wlrus, al-ma'ruf bi-Ibn Klfa,
qalahu alii tajribat ai-Shay/an li-Sayyidina Yasu' al-MasUi. Homily delivered by the holy father,
Severus, known as Ibn KIfa, metropolitan of the city of al-Mawsil, which he delivered on the
temptation (by) Satan of our Lord Jesus Christ,
e) Ff. 217b-221a: ,..Da:a...a1D ,.aa.~1 -:sAl ~a.a ~ ~@
~~1 ~:":'Al ~ ~UI '~~~1 ~;a.» ,,1~ ,~ ~1 w.,D@.:I ~a~l
~:',lll1 ik:I~ ~ 1.1~ CJ'I1:":'1. Maw'izah min qawl al-ab al-qiddls, bi-
Musa Ibn 'alii al-abras alladhl abra'ahu min ilarbat al-baras. Homily
delivered the \.:~,r"'"""" known as Mfisa Ibn me11r01JoHtan of the of
which he delivered on the whom our Lord cured the affliction of L,,,..... y·'"',,,t

C;:.~1 ,.a~l WiS ;u.l ~al WiS 1:...a~ ~@.

that read the first
the blessed in the but identified Graf a translation of one
Bar homilies. Cf. cit. ~ ,,1 2:h~~' 4 'CJ'I~1 2...
. ..
G'L:IaCJ'l~l ~1.fZa11 CJ'I:lCJ'l WiS CJ'1,11»la CJ'I~:'a ~~ ..
Miniatures and decorations:
F. la: Note aC<.1luis:iU()fi by Rabban -----, son
F. la: Note of nm'ch;llse Rabban Sadadi from the son of the
witnessed the 'Abdalaliad and 'Abd al-Nur.
F. 222b: A numerical riddle: ~Q 11» ~ ~~Q '~~1Q .u..:u:. G.t.QG'I;a a1
~S1Q ~SA 2JAX ~ '~~1Q ~AQ 1» ~ "a... '~AQ. "0 thou, who art
V-S,~VI~IL whom one hundred have pity through one hundred sixty-nine, on
the name of forty-two.
(4) F. 222b: Notice of dedication (waqf) to the Monastery of St. Mark of the Syrians.
F. 222b: A variant version of the numerical riddle: "0 thou who art thirty-seven,
whom sixty-two adore, have pity on the day of sixty-five on the wretched two hundred forty-six."

Language(s): Garshuni, but many of the titles are in Syriac

Date: 17th century
Material: Paper Folia: 222 Lines: 25
Size: 27 x 18 cm. Columns: 2 (20 x 5, total 12 cm.)

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in leather covered boards. Water stains. The lower outer corners of ff. 1-6 seem
to be flaking away. Following BAUMSTARK-RUCKER-GRAF, I have used above the original
Syriac numerals. However, the leaves have also been numbered in pencil with western numbers,
but the foUator failed to number the leaves after ft. 6 and 12 and skipped ## 143-148.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 49
Baumstark: 18*
Project No.: JERU 0004-2-9
Date filmed: 1988 March 15
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 15
Library: St. Mark's lerusalem
Roll: 2
Item: lOA

Principal Work: Orthodox Church '''',","'''''''''''''''V Missal.


Ff. la-23b: ,","-,",""VU"0 of a missal.
a) Ff. la-2b, 4ab: Anaphora of lames, with the ordinary of the mass. Inc. at the
(doxology of the anaphora = F. E. BRIGHTMAN, Liturgies Eastern and Western [Oxford,
18961, p. 96:23) and end (BRIGHTMAN 105:30).
b) Ff. 4b-9b: '\C'.\ \ sQl ~a...;l 1~a.!L:u1 Annapora d-Yonannan
ewangelista. .Anaphora of lohn the Evangelist. Lacuna btw. ff. (prayer of peace
intercession for the sick). Inc. at the end (prayer for the imposition of hands after communion).
c) Ff. 9b-20b:IoIttQ.... C':.Q\\ .9 2..:I:.:'-t:I;l l~a.!L:ul. Annapora d-qaddisha
Pilloksinos. Anaphora of St. Philoxenus. This is not one of the three anaphoras attributed to
Philxenus of Mabbug, but rather to Philoxenus of Baghdad, also known as La'zar Bar Shabbta.
Cf. BAUMSTARK, 278, n. 6. [ncipit: 2S ~ »Q 1:Ia".;l l.;l~Q 1.s....X;l ~ Q~l;l QG1 l~l
d) Ff. 20b-23b: l:u.Q2..R.t WI:"» 2..:I:.:'-t:I;l ~ ~~ Rsham kasa d-qaddisha.
Mary Sa'wira. (Rite of) the signing of the chalice of holy St. Severus (of Antioch). This is a rite
for consecrating additional wine for communion when the communion wine that was consecrated
during the mass runs short. Apparently not mentioned by BAUMSTARK.

Miniatures and decorations:

Designs of separation ft. 4b, 9b.
(1) F. 23b: Copied by Yonannan, the stranger.

Date: 5th century
Material: Folia: Lines: 14 to 16
Size: 25 17 cm. Columns: 1 12

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in paper covered with a leather from other
Water-stained. the
Manuscript Nos.:
Library: I
Baumstark: --
Project No.: JERU
Date filmed: 1988 March 15
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512137
Library: St Mark's Jerusalem
Item: lOB

Principal Work: Orthodox Church ua,co[)ue Missal.


F. 3ab: A leaf from a Syrian missal containing the anamnesis, epiclesis and the
beginning of the intercessions of the Anaphora of John the Evangelist. Inc. at the of
the anamnesis) and end (intercession for the sick). This was apparently added to MS. 113(A) as a
supply leaf, because f. 5a follows f. 3b almost perfectly, with only two words of overlap.
However, it probably was not originally copied as a supply leaf, but belonged to a different

Miniatures and decorations:


Language(s): Syriac
Date: 17/18th century
Material: Paper Folia: 1 Lines: 22
Size: 25 x 17 em. Columns: 1 (20 x 12 em.)

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound together with leaves from two other manuscripts. Water-stained. Some worm
damage. Worn at the edges and dog-eared.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: I
Project No.: JERU """'"T-,i..-

Date filmed: 1988 March 15

Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 15
Library: St. Mark's Jerusalem
Item: 10C

Principal Work: Orthodox Church \JU'''UU'IL Pontifical ritual.


Ff. 24b-112b: Pntifical ritual. Cf. BAUMSTARK, 299, n. 2.
a) Ff. 24b-52b, 60ab, 54ab: ......a:'@ \oX=-a.a;J 1.:1~ Ktaba d-quddash moron.
The book (for) the consecration of chrism.
(I) Ff. 24b-25b: ...... a:'~ l~,=- ~;J 2.:LI::Iat'\ Tuqqana d-meshlia d-
zayta I-moron. Confection of the anointing oil for chrism.
(2) Ff. 25b-27b: Preparation for the ceremony.
Ff. 27b-52b, 60ab, 54ab: ...... a:'@ \oX=-a.a=- 'e~ Taksa d-quddash
moron. The rite of the consecration of chrism. Lacuna btw. ff. 52/60. F. 54 probably follows f.
60, but this is not certain.
b) Ff. 55a-56b:l~a.... :X~~ laC,=- 1~';J ~ ~=- l~~~. Slota d-'al
meshlia d-zayta d-hawe la-mshiliuta. Prayer (recited) over the anointing oil intended for
anointing (those being baptized). Candidates for baptism have their entire bodies anointed with
oil just before they are plunged into the font.
c) Ff. 57a-59b, 53ab, 6Ia-64b: ~;J IoDw~a~;J 2e~ Taksa d-
kirotoniya's da-msham(mshane). Rite of the ordination of deacons.
d) Ff. 65a-70b: ':x';:XM~ ---.Q~~
• Wft\ • 'eo.L
v- Taksa d-kirotoniya d-
qashshishe. Rite of the ordination of priests. Inc. at the end (a prayer that corresponds in
purpose to the one found in H. DENZINGER, Ritus administrandis t.
II [Wirceburgi, 1864], pp. 89:49-90:4, but with a different text).
Ff. 7Ia-74a: End of a treatise on chrism. In Garshuni. This is the Arabic
version of the ...... a:'@ \oX;Ja.a=- ~=- l~. 'Ellta dileh moron.
LAApU.UU... L.L'-'U of the same consecration of chrism" that is found in MS. 109, ff. 170a-182b.
Inc,om1Dlelte at the to MS. f.
Ff. 74a-79b: l~~ \oXpa.ap 2eo. '" Rite the
conscration church.
Ff. u v ... u,,-,u. End of the exhortation those ordained the
ordained. In Garshuni. Inc. at the end.
i) Ff. 83a-84b: ~ ~Al;a •• l 1.:Il;a 2..:L.;u:J 2~Ch~Dl;a 2D~i
w:.~ ~41 1i.:I:.i d-Abba
leshshana Rite of the habit Abba '"11'''"'''';'_ which has been
translated from the
j) Ff. 84b-85a:~ :'Q~;aQ 2.N.:I;L»;a U1» -:r.;aa.a;a lA~~;a 2 D~ i;.
1.:I:'a.tL:I 1.1~ ~;a 1.:It~1Q. Taksa da-slota ma'ne d-madbna wa-pator
wa-al-lbusha Rite of the prayer for the consecration
of the furniture of the and the altar and the vestments that the priest wears at mass.
Ff. 85a-98a: ~CI'I:'Ql;a 1:'a..i;.;a lAa.vo' z» ~1 1.5.;a;a l:..5aa;a 211~
Taksa d-suppara d-dayraye ayk mashlmanuta d-Tura d-Urhay. Rite of the tonsure of monks
according to the tradition of Mount Urhay (i.e. the mountain country around Edessa).
1) F. 98a:1AQ,z¥t z » ~1;a 1.:It~ ~;a ..... a.iCl'l ~ lA~~. Slota
'al hanon d-labshin lbusha d-eskim mshammshanuta. Prayer (recited) over those who are putting
on the garments of the ministry. This title is explained thus in a marginal note:~ ~l
~lQ ~1. A'nf labs al-jubbah wa-al-sayr. That is, the putting on of the cassock and
m) Ff. 98a-100a: .....1.:ICI'IUi l:..aA ~~1 (~1) ~a.a ~ ~a»
,s.""..~ ~. Maw'iiah min qawl (anad) al-qiddfsfn, tuqra' lil-ruhban 'inda libasfhim (lege:
ilbasihim?). Exhortation delivered by one of the saints; it is read to the monks at their clothing.
In Garshuni. Incipit: ~;a~AQ ~~~ ..... 1», ~ CI'I~l 1. ,s~1...
n) Ff. 100a-103b: 2..:L.;u:J 2'»'~DA ~:..a~ ~ lA..5.;a;a l:..5aa;a 211~
lAa..:a..;ail Taksa d-suppara d-dayrayata, kad metqarrbin l-eskima qaddisha d-dayrayuta. Rite
of the tonsure of nuns, when they are presented for the holy habit of monasticism.
0) Ff. 103b-112b:~Ql .. . .
2.N.:Ii»:» 1.:It:»a.a:» lAQS ,"S ~Ql .
l:'Q~ ~;a A.',\ Aqolutiya naqqiputa d-quddasha d-madbne tablyat (lege:
tablyata) d-'al patora. Order, that sequence ceremonies) of the consecration of altars, that
of the tablets on the altar table. Inc. at the end.

Miniatures and decorations:

F. ordinations Mar 1819-1839 A.Gr. 1507-1528

Record Mar
JenJsaJem, 1921 A.Gr.
Instructions about which nr<:."arc

Language(s): and some Garshuni

Date: 15th century
Material: Folia: 89 Lines: 22 to 26
Size: 27 18 em. Columns: 1 12

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound with leaves from two other manuscripts. damaged

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 1
Project No.: JERU 0004-2-10(C)
Date filmed: 1988 March 15
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512137
Library: St. Mark's Jerusalem
Item: II

Principal Work: Church the East Pontifical ritual.


Ff. 1b-137b: Pontifical ritual. Cf. BAUMSTARK, 200, n. 5. The of this
manuscript was Abdisho" Metropolitan of Gazarta. He was ordained by Yonannan Sulaqa, who
was ordained by Pope Julius III of Rome. He himself succeeded Sulaqa as Catholicos of the
Church of the East and maintained communion with Rome. However, his liturgical books
continued without notable alterations the traditions of the Nestorian Church. Hence, although
this is officially a pontifical of the Chaldean Church, it is practically a Nestorian pontifical.
a) Ff. 1b-2a: Gospel lection for the ordination of a bishop or of a catholicos (Mt.
16:13-18 + In. 21:15-17 + Mt. 16:19).
b) F. 3a: Instruction concerning the wood from which the 1~\' \; tabUta, Le.
the altar tablet, is made.
c) F f . 3b -26 a: -:I~G.X..ll Wl~ 1~;J ~ 1.1. • ~ 1.N...:2~ ~;JQ.tI
~~ ~Q~ Quddash madblia b-meshlia da-'bida i-Mary lsho'yahb qatoliqa
Hadyabaya. Consecration of the altar place with oil by Catholicos Mar Isho'yahb of Adiabene.
Cf. BAUMSTARK, loc. cit.
d) F. 26ab: u:...~ "G'I~ ~ 1.N...:2~ ~;JQ.tI;J 1~a..:U.,,;Ja.». Mawd'anuta
d-quddash madblia kad meshtaliliam ba-gdisha. Instruction (concerning) the consecration of the
altar place when it is profaned by accident. It gives lists of the accidental profanations that do
not require a reconsecration with oil and those that do. A priest can perform the reconsecration
without oil, but a bishop is required for a reconsecration with oil.
e) Ff. 26b-28a: ~ ~;J 1.N...:2~ ~; Quddash madblia d-la meshlia.
Consecration of the altar without oil.
f) Ff. 28b: 1»a...:s ~~ ~ ~1.N...:2~ 1oI:UU;J";La ~ ~;J 2JAZQ2
'-'2 l...X~;t Rushma da-
ULS.uu"s of the chalice before it up
consecrate an additional on a great concourse.
F. 29ab:li' -SO .ft ~;J 1~a..:U.,,;Ja» .
r'At"fr'p·rnllna ordinations.
Ordination I"',,","VI", subdeacons and deacons.
Ff. 38b-44b:' .t.a;s 2., 'XI,m;s Taksa
Rite the ordination
j) Ff. 44b-46b: ~,...........;s 1.Z~2., 21tt0 " Rite
Ff. 46b-66b: ~,..........., 2.:a.9a.m;S 21tt0 " Taksa Rite of
the tonsure of monks.
bnat qyama. Rite of the tonsure of women who are nuns . daughters of the
m) Ff. 77a-78b: 2'\;.Xt, 1»a.a;S 21tt~ Taksa d-qawma da-mshabblane.
Rite of the institution of abbots. The title in the margin has 2., ,XI ,m syamida, ordination of
n) Ff. 79b-89b:2.5i.a..«tt.S2.;S 2., ,XI ,m, 21tt0 " . Taksa da-syamida d-appesqope.
Rite of the ordination of bishops. At the end, the changes to be made in the rite when a
metropolitan is being ordained are indicated.
0) Ff. 90a-93a: ~Q~ ~ 2.5i.a..«tt.S2. ~a.:r.;S 21tt0"", Taksa d-shumlay
appesqope men qatoliqe. The rite of the perfection of bishops by catholicoL In the Church of
the East (Nestorian), a bishop could be ordained by a metropolitan, but he could not exercise his
full powers until he had gone to the catholicos and been perfected.
p) Ff. 93a-I06a:~Q~' l;s...XI ,m;s 2Itt~. Taksa da-syamida d-qatoliqe.
Rite of the ordination of catholicoi.
q) Ff. I06a-107a: ...... a.a.~!l1;S 1,.. ,....,.., 21tt0 " Taksa da-syam ida d-
arkdiyaqon. Rite of the ordination of the archdeacon.
r) Ff. I07a-I08a: ~1 1!1~11 G..a.is1 !I~ ~:a.9~ ~, 2lttO"
-m..Sa.a;S 1!1~ QG'1;S ~ ...... a.a.~!l1. Taksa d-kad metpreysh (lege: metpresh) kor appesqo( pe)
(lege: appesqopa) l-atra arkdiyaqon, d-hu sa'ora d-quryas. Rite when a chorbishop is
appointed for a district (to act) like the archdeacon, who is the visitor of the villages.
s) Ff. I08a-I09b: l~t'rXlrXt 2..i.s, 2., 'XI,m;s 2lttO,," Taksa d-
neshshe m,,\nalnmSnl.lnVal Rite of the ordination of women deaconesses.

p. this who ap1Pointc;;d to intone the nocturns of the office.
Ff. lIla-II ~ 1.IA..Z.»;S 2.5~1 ~ 16l.1cn1.. ~1 1..I~;S 1~~!:
~Q~ ~Q.L~ :..»
... 2 t Itt..i 1~;S ~1...m!l~ 1...m~
that likewise prayer mC:llnatton, over a that is translated from
the venerable Mar 'Abdisho" catholicos. There had been three catholicoi
the name 'Abdisho' before this manuscriut himself became
'Abdisho' but none them is indicated as an author BAUMSTARK.
F. 113ab: of the contents of the manmSCflUt.
Ff. 115b-137a: w-~•• 1~2;a 2 tm~ ~~;a ·.l;a tXhll;a 1.Ieu..a
~~ :...:. ~;a..A»;a :1.:IQ~;a -:I~a.x... da-'bidin d-
C'VJ/'-'u/YVJn d-Soba...d-metida' Bar Malkon. Canons the ceremonies) of ordination
by the venerable (man) of God, Mary lsho'yahb of Nisibis...known as Bar Malkon. These canons
are not mentioned among his works by BAUMSTARK, 309 f. There is a gap, f. 133ab,
presumably where the archetype of the manuscript was lacunous.
x) F. 137ab: Four prayers for the reconciliation of penitent excommunicated
persons. The first is for a bishop who has been degraded - w-A»l 1i~ w.:r.5 ~;a l~~~
F~;a w-A»l 15a..a..aa9l ~ ~..aa....II!lb..a ~Q~ 2QG'I~;a - the second for seculars and the last
two for anyone.

Miniatures and decorations:

Designs separating sections of text, ff. 66b, 77b.
(1) F. la: Pen trials.
(2) F. 3a: Abandoned heading for the rite of consecration of the altar place with oil.
(3) F. 3a: Stamps of the Library of St. Mark's Monastery and of the Library of the Holy
Sepulcher of the Greek Orthodox Church, which was the previous owner of the manuscript.
Apparently when the Nestorian patriarchs of the Mar Shimun patriarchate could no longer send a
bishop or priesat to serve their church in Jerusalem, the Greek Orthodox patriarch took
pm;se~;sicln of the church and its manuscripts.
F. 114a: Copied by 'Abdisho" Metropolitan of Gazarta of Beyt Zabday, at the Church
in the ""niv/"r.,no I residence at Amed
F. 114b: A second COJOpnOll1, written in the same year, at the same but after the
" , , , y... , , . , , . had been ordained Catholicos of the Church of the East
.w-~~~ ~Q ~ ~Q~
~ ~!I 2..1.:1..
~:"':';a C;!lG'la.:L:I z»
~a..,'T' ~Q ~
~2.» ~~ .\ 2..N..:Ia.:r.
.wt.:I~~ ~ct1 ~ ~
139b: Versified prayer the office ~i1 CI'I \ \ t\ ,

~l.aa.:r. ~lt. ~i1 ~ F~ ~ :~1~ t;~~ ...2.»

F. 140b: List of the books owned Catholicos 'Abdisho'.

Date: 10 Tishrln II, 1865 A.Gr. 10 1554
Material: Paper Folia: 140 Lines: 20 to 21
Size: 23 x 15 em. Columns: 1 (17 x 9 em.)

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in embossed leather covered boards. Damaged by bookworms and soiled with
finger marks.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 116
Baumstark: --
Project No.: JERU 0004-2-11
Date filmed: 1988 March 15
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512137
Library: St Mark's Jerusalem
Item: 12

Principal Work: with aP1JenlOl(:es.

Author: Rabban Eudochos and others.

1 Ff. 1b-116a: ~2. :~~ ~:' 2.~5.a ~Q~55Q 2.~·;~%S~ ~
~C'1b.a.~Q t'~SI 2..a.XaSQ ~~Q.D ~QC'1Q :2; C\ \ »Q 2.b.~Q 2.~~SI 2.::i~SI
:.~;L:I2. ~u ~SI ~2.!L.~ :1.:1:..55 2; C\ ~ "~ ~ji..a-.:u"SI ~ ~~a»~2.SI 2.!I.»1x..:ISI
2.~;L» .• :1. 'v ~ .» t"SI 1.:I:..;u:a 1s~Q 2 %. %tau Melle metpashshkanyata w-parsope
qrayata d-'asqan l-sukkala, d-ba-ktabe d-'attiqta wa-hdatta m-mallpane, w-huppak
sukkalheyn w-pushshaqa dilheyn w-maytayutheyn da-b-me'mra d-atomologiya da-'bidan 1-
mallpane prishe, yattira'it deyn l-Rabban Abdakos, qashshisha w-kahna qaddisha d-men Militini...
Words that people doubt about, grammatical forms that are difficult to understand, their
inflections, their meaning and their presentation in the treatise of atomology (apparently the
science of word roots), compiled by the holy doctors, but especially by Rabban Eudochos,
presbyter and holy priest from Melitene. Cf. BAUMSTARK, 294 f., and BAUMSTARK-RUCKER-
GRAF, in DC NS 3 (1913), 130 f. The text is abundantly annotated in the margins.
2) Ff. 116a-122a:~~ 2.1:, ~ ~. Rnat qale d-la meshtalilpan. Words that
are invariable (in pronunciation, apparently). In alphabetical order.
3) F. 122a:~~2.SI ~s.. Yarlie d-Aygoptaye. The months of the Egyptians.
With their Syrian counterparts.
Ff. 122b, 123b: Fragments of grammatical treatises.
a) F. 122b: End of a section that seems mostly concerned with words whose first
syllable is vowelled with ptana.
b) F. 122b: 1....ZQ.tIQ ~Q3~. Mettol rukkaka Concerning
softened and hardened That the letters that have both a softened
and a hardened pn)llumciation and those that do not
F. first in the ".LU;F,U.L.l,4.L is
not in the and derived words ,2.~ .
., ,
F. On the V01weilllfllQ" the derived forms
met/ol atwata mesmani!['1Q'tn" "nrn d-Dawid Bar Pawlos. Scholion £'r,,",£'a,rn',ncr the letters
that are variable pronunciation) Dawid Bar Pawlos. This is the same matter of the hard
and soft pronunciation - .l.....:r.a.aQ ~Q:' - that is discussed above. Cf. n. 10,
and loc. cit
Ff. 124b-125a: ~iI'R1.RI:\~ill~Q~:'~ 1~~ ~l;:a la.a..»;:a ~~~
~:'Q.Il da-mnawwe metnatra trisut lehksis d-leshshana Scholion
that shows how the correctness of diction of the Syriac language is preserved. It treats again the
matter of the hard and soft pronunciation of the letters ~ ~ Anonymous in the
manuscript, but perhaps by the same Dawid Bar Pawlos.
7) F. 125a:~~ ~ ~. Meftol menyan tegme. Concerning the number of the
choirs (of angels). The opinion of Moshe Bar Kefa is cited.
9) F. 125ab:~ Q~~ ~. Mettol shmahayhon. Concerning their names (of the
angelic choirs).

Miniatures and decorations:

(1) Ff. 116a, 122a, 125b: Copied by the monk, Hadbshabba, that is, 'Abd al-Allad Aba'ltos,
from the village of Ka'la, near SHrt, which is four days journey to the east of Amed (Diyarbekir).
(2) F. 125b: Versified grace for meals.

Language(s): Syriac, with a few glosses in Garshuni

Date: 2100 A.Gr. (= 1788/9 A.D.)
Material: Paper Folia: 125 Lines: 26
Size: 33 x 22 em. Columns: 1 (22 x 13 em.)

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in paper covered boards.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 219
Baumstark: 30*
Project No.: JERU 0004-2-12
Date filmed: 1988 March 15
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512137
Library: St Mark's Jerusalem
Roll: 2

Principal Work: Orthodox Church Collection of miscellaneous LLLLUF,""',U


1) Ff. la-2a (the leaves are not numbered): Rite for the reconciliation of a penitent
sinner. Apparently inc. at the beg.
Ff. 2b-3b:Ueu.tI::I 1~b.::1 1b.~ ..::1 ~ RI~ L. Taksa da-slawata d-teshbliata d-
" " 311" V

qanona. Order of the prayers of the hymns of the canon. It appears to be a series of troparia of
a pentitential nature. Incipit: ~ ~S;a ~~ 1aIl~ IIDa:» .1aIl~1 1aIl~1;a 1b.a1~
,,~ ..

3) Ff. 3b-4b: Accrostic alphabetic hymn without title, perhaps to welcome a bishop.
Incipit: ~a... ~1Q " cU ~ X ~1 G'I~ 1aIl~;a ~ ~ X QA.l-1 " a.:s1..
4) Ff. 4b-5a: ~ ~1 ~;a 1~1~ :~ ~;a 1~QQl Sogita d-'al sheqya:
met'amra d-'al (lege: 'al?) alep beyt. A song on drinking; it is sung on the alphabet. Incipit: ~1
1~~ ~~Q ~b.Sb. 1b.~ 1~1.. Unfinished at the end (~Q.tI ) .

Miniatures and decorations:


Language(s): Syriac
Date: 20th century
Material: Paper Folia: 5 Lines: 20
Size: 22 14 em. Columns: 1 (18 x 12 em.)

Binding, condition and other remarks:

A loose ~~.'h~ .. '''''.~ inserted inside the cover item 13B.

Manuscript Nos.:
Date filmed: 1988 March 15
Reduction ratio: Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512137
Library: St Mark's Jerusalem
Roll: 2
Item: 13B

Principal Work: Orthodox Church UalCO[llte Collection of U f •• rrr.r'J and other

miscellaneous items.

1) Ff. la-42a: Miscellaneous liturgical pieces.
Ff. la-9a: 1A~ 1~~QA ~1 :1.:I.:I~a.a -:&~a.tI.:I " %» %» 'u»;1 ~a.:r.
.... s. if.~ .»;-. Shumlaya d-makrez mshammshana b-qurrab qurbana, turrasa nadta d-Miliiini.
Shumlaya that the deacon proclaims in the offering of the Eucharist, according to modern
revision of Melitene. This is the diaconal for the mass. It seems to be called a shumlaya,
"completion," because the responses of the deacon complete the prayers of the priest. Not
mentioned by BAUMSTARK.
b) Ff. 9a-l0a: Communion hymns for the Thursday of the Mysteries and the
Saturday of Good News.
(1) Ff. 9a-l0a: 1AQ,.a:.S ,~ :1,15;1 '%»...:2 t":a.»1~;1 1~
~;u:a 1,15;-. Bate d-met'amrin b-Hamsha d-Raze, b-'eddan nsibuta d-Raze qaddishe. Stanzas
that are chanted on the Thursday of the Mysteries, at the time of the reception of the holy
Mysteries. Incipit: ~Q ~ ,:a.» ~11,1~ ~~ ,1~ ~ ,1~ ~ ,1!1...
(2) F. lOa: 1A:..:ua;l 1~ t":a.»1~;1 1.:15...1 1~ Bate nrane d-
met'amrin b-Shabbta da-Sbarta. Other stanzas that are chanted on the Saturday of Good News.
lncipit: ";l1~ "C1Q~ 1A~ 1A:..:ua ~~ 1.; • ~ 2»\ %, QA...
c) Ff. 10a-23a: t» ~~;I 2..¥IAG...Q 1~Q 15;'L11Q a..»Q~Q 1A~~
Wrh!uDA~ ~ 1A~ 2 %. %n\ 1.:::Ii Slawata wa-promiyo wa-'eire wa-nuttame d-metyallpin
men lebba nadta kad mettasran. proemia, sedre, 'etre and nuttame that are
learned heart a new when he is ordained. These U f •• rcr,I"''J prayers are rtrr,nr\",rt in
"orders" in honor of different . tentions and different offices.
Order Mother of God.
Ff. 11a-12a: the
Ff. the martyrs.
Ff. 15a-16a: Order
Ff. 16b-17b: Order of the ""'...,"'..",,,,,
Ff. 17b-19a: Order the Cross.
F. 19ab: Order of the Resurrection.
Ff. 19b-20a: Order vespers.
(1 Ff. 20a-21a: Order of COIl[]DlJme.
Ff. 21a-22a: Order of the office.
Ff. 22a-23a: Order of matins.
F. 23ab: Ruttame of the other offices.
d) Ff. 26a-32b: Ordinary of the mass. Cf. BAUMSTARK, 328, n. 11. Inc.
at the beg. (an unidentified prayer that seems to correspond to "the prayer of the beginning"
found in F. E. BRIGHTMAN, Liturgies Eastern and Western [Oxford, 1896], p. 69:4-8; it precedes
the prayer that the priest says when he removes his ordinary outer garment, ibid, p. 70:2-6).
Incipit of the fragment: 1.:11 ~l:aU;» ,i.C\:I u...QSQ ".;~» ~;» ~ ,~Q .~ ~;»
~ .~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~Q:aQ l!L::1a.
d) Ff. 32b-33a: ~;» l~:aa.::l;- 1~~~ Slota d-'al burkta d-lanma.
Prayer for theblessing of bread. A table grace. Incipit: ~ ~Qu.Q l~Q 1.:IA ~Q.X
~ ~~1 ~;» UG1 2»'»~~ c;U»Q ~ ~il ..
e) Ff. 33a-39b: ~ ~;- 1~~~ Slawata d-koll gnes. Prayers of
every kind.
(1) Ff. 33a-34a: Prayers of vespers.
(2) Ff. 34a-35a: Prayers of the "hymns of the Greek canon."
(3) Ff. 35a-38b: Miscellaneous prayers (prayer of a bishop for his flock,
prayer for children that the parents bring to the priest to bless, prayer for seeds, prayer when the
priest enters the home of a believer...).
Ff. 38b-39b: Table prayers, in Garshuni.
f) Ff. 39b-42a: Two rhymed homilies for feasts, in Garshuni. Cf. GRAF,
Geschichte II, 203 f. These homilies are, of course, not by Abu RaHm, but are anonymous and
to the genre.
1 Ff. 39b-40b:;-J' .~1 ~ ~ ,su.:a~ . 'ala 'id
MUdd. on the of the ,s~1 .:aQ~lQ Wih~l ,sa.. ,s~1
:a~1 ~ ~Q 1G».Q ,s;-1 Wih~ ..
Ff. 40b-42a: wtJ.l~1 ~ ~:aA. 'ala al-Dann.
the Incipit:,sUA1 ~~ 1.a ~1.».::I..D ~,s1.aA1 ""';u:s1.a ~1.».::I..D
F. 42a: Q~l ~1 ~1;1 •.:I~ w~ l:"'QlJl) w:"» ~l.X;I ~1Q.X
~Q ~ ~ ~Q ~ ~ ~Q ~ ~ ~~Q ~ ~ ~ 1~2.. Shu'ala da-
sh'el Sa'wira Alaha men koll wa-l-tant men koll
wa'-l-QaW men koll wa-l-barr men koll wa-b-koll. vueSllon that ,AJL.}UVIIJI Severus asked of
James "How is God above all and below all, inside all and outside all and in all?"
~~ Xl~;I u:....!»;1 1aS~ ~ ~ ~ 1~1 wenQ~l ~lQ ..::a~ w:"» ~Q
~ .ll,... Not mentioned in BAUMSTARK.
b) Ff. 42b-45a:~ 'G\:2Q~l ~ QenQ ~~1 ;u..:s ~1 ~ ~lQJD
~la..l w:"» Su'al 'ala al-mayyit bald al-datn, wa-huwa 'ala al-tawbah, min qawl Mary
lwannis. Qusetion concerning the dead after burial while he is doing penance, composed by
(Bishop) John. In Garshuni. Unidentified. Incipit:-.a...~l ~ w~l ~ ~1
• • I •

en~a.:a!» ,U ~Q? \ Xl .~ :G1Xl \ ' , u

3) Ff. 45b-48b: ~1 a,~lQ ,...:..» 1.s~ len~~ a" \ ~. Mu'jizah sana'atha
Sittuna Maryam, Walidat Allah. Miracle that our Lady Mary, the Mother of God, worked. It is
about the man from Awflmiya who used to hold a great feast on her feastday every year, whose
son was rescued from drowning. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 255.
4) F. 48b: ~~1 ~ . ~.~ a. QallU min al-shi'ar. A few epigrams. lncipit:,.s ~
~ ~en~l ~Q :~ }i.~~2..u
5) Ff. 49a-58a: Four more rhymed homilies.
a) Ff. 49a-52a: C;~~1 }iQ~l }iu..~~ Tur jam al-sawm al-mubiirak.
Tur jiim of the blessed Fast.
b) Ff. 52a-54a: en»\\Xl~l ~~~1 ~Xl~\ }iu..~~ Turjiim jamUah al-
salbut (lege: lil-salbut?) al-mu'aiiamah. A pretty homily of the venerable crucifixion.
c) Ff. 54a-56a: 1JIUa.. ~1 ~Q~Q wa.s...s }iu..~~ Tur jiim Ninawa wa-
tusUl al-nabi funus. Turjam of Nineveh and lections of the prophet Jonah. A single rhymed
composition. What 3701 refers to in this context is not clear.
d) Ff. 56b-58a: Ck»~1 ~ }iu..~~ Turjiim 'ala al-Qiyiimah. Turjiim on
the Resurrection.
F. 58ab: Two prayers, one for the patriarch and one for the sultan.
Ff. 59a-61a: Another w!»~l 1.s6""""" \ooNIol..l ~ }iu..~~
on the Dormition our
Ff. 61b-69a:~1 ¥a..Q .Q.tI~Q.tI w:"» '~~~1 ;len~l .....~1 a,~ .
Cf. op. I, 500.
~~1 ~ ~ ~2.a ~,,?C\\Xl~l.:1~ ~1» ~Q.tI ~ ~
~~~1 ~ ,sa... ...:...a... Mlmar min Miir 'alii al-
al-SalbiU. delivered St. JUU''''''':>, which he
delivered on the thief the read on the of the Crucifixion. Cf.
n. and Opt I, 448. lncipit:~ ~ .... ASl , ... ~11.. ..:::I!l1..
~1.DA..:! ~ 2~.~ Wl.J~ a,~\'\1 ~1Q. ..
Ff. 73b-88b: ~ ~~1!1~ ...ll,Q ~~1 Ci\l1»Al ...ll, !I~NI» ,s~
it.\ "\\1. Kaliim 'alii al-amiinah al-saJilJiah wa-tariitil Btat al-
An abridged discourse on the true faith and on the hymns of the spiritual Church. Not
identified in GRAF. This is the same text that is found in MS. 9 (SMJ ft.140a-171b. lncipit:
QG1Q ~w..Z ~...ll, !I;a1.a QG1Q ~ .• 9~»,..~ ~,1 QC1 ~1 ......1 ~Q.a.1 ~~QA1..:::1~1
w..Z ~ ~a,... Ff. 79-80 and 87-88 are supplies of the 19/20th century.
i1) Ff. 89a-96a: .a...!l4u..Q toIDQ.~ .D-~ ~~1 ~.2.J:ra.». Masii'il al-qiddisayn
Baslliyus wa-Ghrlghuriyus. The questions of Sts. Basil and Gregory. Cf. GRAF, Opt cit., I, 324-
327. Inc. at the beg. lncipit of the fragment: ...,sa... Al :1.1.»1..1 !I;a..\.:I ,sC1 1» C1»1..1
cr.:aa ~1 !ll~ ..:::I~1. ..
12) Ff. 96a-112a: C1~\\~~ ~A~l ~ ,s~ ~1.D ... ~1 ~1.11.» ~.
'Ashar masii'il alladhl sa'ala 'anhum ba'il al-taliimldh li-mu'allimihi. Ten questions concerning
which a certain disciple asked his master. Cf. GRAF, Opt cit., I, 466 f.
a) F. 96ab: Contents.
b) Ff. 96b-112a: Text. lncipit:,s~ . • ~~ U» 1.. ~ ~1 ~~1 ~1.a
~1 ~1 w•• aa~~l ..... 1 ~Q.tI ~ 1»Q ,sASu.» ~1 ~2~\~1 ~~ ~
,..:..» ~1Q. ..
13) Ff. 112a-118a:1.I!1 ...ll, ~1.a ,&uDAl .a...!l4U. ~Q.tI ~ !I~
~ aa \ \1 ~ ·aa9 '\1 .'- Q~Q W~1. Mlmiir min qawl Grlghuriyus al-usquf, qiilahu 'alii
I 41, ~.'
fanii!'] al-dunyii wa-khuruj al-nafs min al-jasad. Homily delivered by Bishop Gregory, which he
delivered concerning the destruction of this world and the departure of the soul from the body.
The Bishop Gregory in question is Gregory of Nazianz, to whom this homily is elsewhere falsely
attributed. Cf. GRAF, Opt cit. I, 332.
Ft. 118b-148a: ~Q.IIlUl toID~aS -51.Z~1. .. Fililils al-rasill. The
afJ\.;",aJ.Y,fJ;~'" of the Paul. Cf. Opt cit. I, f.
F. 148b: tlej.l:mn:mg an unidentified item. The title covered a
Inc. at the What still a in Garshuni. : ~1 1..
-:111.. ~~:~,1 ~1;a 1.. ~~ :~11.. ~ t .. :lQI~l :~11..~ ... :1 0 \1

F. 42a: Notice of dedication to the of the St of
F. 56a: Two in Garshuni.
F. 69a: Two for a scribe.
F. 69a: A counsel for health.
F. 69a: A aphorism.
F. 96a: Two wise in Garshuni and Arabic.
F. 112a: "This manuscript copied) by commission of the priest, 'Ali, son of
Alkhara'izaU Isnaq. In Arabic
(8) F. 149a: Ghrighfiriyfis Jirjis cared for the renewal of this manuscript in 1887 A.D.,
and he separated it from the Psalms of David, with which it had been bound as
one manuscript.

Language(s): Syriac and Garshuni (Arabic written in Syriac letters)

Date: 1786 A.Gr. (= 1474/5 A.D.)
Material: Paper Folia: 149 Lines: 30 (ff. 1-92) and 34 (ff. 93-148)
Size: 26 x 17 cm. Columns: 2 (22 x 6, total 13 cm., ft. 1-96) and 1 (22 x 13, ff. 97-148)

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in cloth covered boards. Water-stained. Damaged by bookworms. Holes in many
leaves have been repaired with patches that cover some of the text. 11 gatherings are missing at
the beginning and an unknown number at the end. Filmed together with item 13A (a gathering
of six unnumbered leaves stuck loose inside the cover of this manuscript).

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 248(B)
Baumstark: --
Project No.: JERU
Date filmed: 1988 March 15
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512137
Roll: 2
Item: 4

Principal Work:


Ff. 1 16b: . ~;~ \ ....H! tJ,..;J) Qer l1e n
l-qurraba. Lections are mass.
the Pa and the and sedros for
Lacuna btw. (sedo of Th ursday
Har n version -- other gospel lections! howe veL are r rom

c) Ff. 16b-21a: lL~,
Qeryane d-Hamsha d-Raza (lege.
lb..::u.,o .
: l,l~,
d-Raze) wa-d-S

• •
da-S barta wa-d-'e'de maran-aye. Lections of the Thursday of
of the Sa turday of Good News and of feasts of our Lord. The
does not correspond to what the manuscript actually contains.
( 1) 16 b - 2 0 b : E pIS 1e (I Cor. 1 :2 3- 32 L go S p e :VI.
26:26-30) and sedro ... ~ ~ OOlt .. ~! l~l I ... ••
Thursday the Iv! ysteries.
2 Ff 2 21 a l;...»lb.:io,. Ib...Jo+H'. lL~ •

b..:)o~ lL~, l~o l,l;! IM"Lv

. ILo:::...~• . ~)O 0....,:)

.1;o.! f.,Jl ,. Slota da-Hshamita d-met ' amra b-y m amsha -Ra e
da-Sbarta b-dukkat da-shlama

....l;o.!f.,Jl,. J.:t~
....1 .,~.o~ ~nOM.-l
: L:) o.cD..6

.... ;.Jo ,
..O~ lL;~,
w I ' • \
;..Jo, .
I.a...~ "f,.;...::b ~
~ ... b..» , \.lID 0... ; 4.l.---.. ~
~. .
.... ;..»
. 0,:)'.
:~l ~ :..... ;1! l,o..J, ~ ~ . .
" J,...J.,.:ao ,
\J)". "l....
1. f,J0-.,:) ..... ;....Lb..» ~o(' L..... ~,
• '*
.... ~l
.......a! ~~O "
ahuhy d-lvlaran,
"'~ ~;~ t..:);...AJ
. . ra.

a da-abun d-metida'
d-ill adnha! qasspah baynay ture d-Armanya ba-snnat 1
d-methaddat awkeyt mettasrah kahna hadta, zadeq d-qadma'it
qurbana (lege: qurraba) hana; w-hakan pqid men abahata. S
St. James. the brother of our Lord, who became
according to the arrangemen t ?vIar Gregorios, known as
?vIafrian of East. who abrid 1 among moun Armenia In
the 1593 1281/2 .D.). Whenever a new priest IS IS.

ordained, it is proper tha t he first celebrate this mass. and thus nas
prescribed by the Fathers. Cf. BACMSTARK, 316, n. 3.

(2) Ff. 31ab: ll~,

• •
haw da-shlama.
O~ ~o.,..:t
. Slota d-Shabbta da-Sbarta. d-met'amra
Prayer of the Saturday of Good News, which IS In
of prayer) of peace.

(3) Ff. 31 b-39b: "'~o..t,

."":.;;), 0 2

Luqa msabbrana.
10 ~~
Anaphora the Twelve
da-Tre'sar Shlihe
es. Whl

. BACNISTARK. 267. n. 4.
4) F . 39 : Anaphora of S . Jo n. o an
, n. 5.

BAU n. 13. 111.

... ~CM ,.,)O~.

F . A ora

t es . n, 12. In. Lvit: ~,

... ~;..» ~,
. 1;"»0
s . B
n.3 .

. n.
(11 ) . 94b- 3a: Ana doctor S james.
Bishop of Batnan-Sarug. This is the first formula indica d
BA,UMSTARK. 1 . n. 5. 1n.cipit: U ~ ,...oYl,.
O~ J=>l l~l

12) Ff. 113a-126b: or St.

Antioch. . BALiv!STARK. 1, n. 2.
( 3) Ff. 126b- 34a: Anaphora or S Eus a nlU .

Arch bishop of An tioch, one of the leaders of grea t and v

Nicea. This is the first formulary indicated by BALIvISTARK. . n. J.

1 ncipit:~! \ o.J~! 00. .~;..» ~;

... 0...-1 ~ oYa.-,., ~ ,,;..A oY~.'!
(14) Ff. 134a-148a: Anaphora St. NIaru t.ha
. BALNISTARK, 245, n. 6.
(15) Ff. 148a-160a: Ana phora of St. ivIoshe Bar Kera.
is Bishop Severus. Cf. BALNISTARK. . n. 1l.
(16) . 160a-168 b: of 51. Philoxenus
rst formulary ind' by BALJ\1STARK. n. 3. I nc1.
~oYl ~~ ~, 00. ,.[ ;o.o.Ja ~, ~ ~
• •
... ~ao. ~ ~
(1 Ff. 83a: na ora of a
1. n.

uttama d.

u RK. n. In t !Jt ,""~.

,''at, b.......L \
"" , .~
. ~
w . \;",
1Lo.!....:) '='
) F . a- 9 no er 0 h m S J m

I»o~, 004 1~1 ~l

rian. IS In seven sy meter IS

name~ t cer no composed him. . BACNIST

, '- o~
......... "" ~
'- !ttl • .. \~l \'" I.. ~.

(4) Ff. 198a-199b: .,""",o...~ JJ~l Hrena ars U-rH

Ano n Garshu . Inc. at the Incipit: t. : ~ ,",,~f.:,

L.:); J.,..

Miniatures and decorations:

Ti tIe heading~ f. 1b.
Ff. 21a~ 193b: Copied by Qawmo~ son of Shem'un.

Language(s): and one piece in Garshuni

Date: 15 (cont to what BACNISTARK In

1911 1 3. where he seems to say tha su

15th cen main text he
ver. resem CLI
Material: Paper Folia. ] 9 Lines, 1 l ]- , 15

2 ]

Size, em. Columns. ] 11

x 2 x 1", 2 x 5 12

Binding, condition and other remarles.


one ac

Manuscript Nos ..
Baumstark: 4
Project No .. 4
Date filmed. 1 :,
Reduction ratio: Emulsion. Vesicular GSU No .. 1512
Library: St. Mark's Jerusalem
Item: 1

Principal Work: Orthodox Church. for feasts


F f . 1a -247 b: 2.S»1.»:'Q 1.s..II5.tI:'Q 2 It' S. ' Q2.:'Q 2.S;utt:, ~Q2. 2 X:I 01 » 1.:1~
2.!L:La ;u.~Q 2.~Q ~:'!»a..::IQ ~~ o.SG'1 :~~ 2.~;u:t 2.~Q;a.:a:,
~a.:, G'1~@Q ~Q.%Q 2.!L:IQ.G» ~ ~1..:l!t.:4 Ktaba mkannsha awkeyt d-sedre wa-d-
ewanglaye wa-d-qeryane wa-d-me'mre, da-b-dukkyata qaddishata meshtammshin, hanaw (deyn) b-
BeytlJiem wa-b-Yordnan wa-b-'Ellayta w-seyd Qabra Maranaya, ken Subbara wa-Shunnayah (adde:
d-lYfart Maryam Yaldat Alaha), w-mawladeh d-Yonannan. A compilation, that is, (a collection) of
sedros, gospel (Iections), lections (from other biblical books) and homilies that are read in
liturgical ceremonies in the holy places, that is, at Bethlehem, the Jordan (River), the Upper
Room and the Sepulcher of our Lord; then the (Churches of) the Annunciation and the
Assumption (of St. Mary, the Mother of God) and the nativity of John (the Baptist).
a) F. la: Contents.
b) Ff. Ib-38a: ~~:' 2RtOlIv Taksa d-Beytlnem. The order of (the services
celebrated on the feast of the Nativity in) Bethlehem. Besides the biblical lections and the
sedros and their associated prayers, the order includes, ft. 20b-26a, a homily of Mar Isliaq
Unci pit: 2.,,1. ~ .~Q!» ~a..::I 1.»S2.:, .t;~!»2. 2.!» \ (\ ':, ~G'1 .t;~~ W\~ ~~~
b... t;~Q~2.~ a second by the same, ff. 26b-30a Unci pit: 1.:1!» 1.»~ .~ - - 2.~~:' ~!L:I
G'1~@~..), a third homily by the same, ft. 30a-34b (incipit: ~:' ~~:':' ~~ 02.
,~ ;u.~ ~) and a fourth, ft. 34b-38a, also by Mar Isliaq (incipit: .2.~2. ~~ ,...~
/ /
;u:tQ 2.~:, Q~ •.). On Mar Isliaq, cf. BAUMSTARK, 63-65.
c) Ff. 39a-63a: Order of the feast of the Epiphany. Homily of Mar Isliaq on the
oa{)Uz,andB, ff. 57a-59a ~~2. ~ ~ ~2. ~2. .2.~:'Q~~»:' 1.1~ ,~ homily
of the same on ft. 59a-63a 2.tIQ~ ~a..x...:, ~ :2.~5.:I ~:' ~~..).
Ff. 63a-80a: Part the order of Palm 66a-80a
~G.tI:, 1.:&.Z:, a:a!u:l . It::l. :hlt ,Q~:"2. ~2..s.ZSa5 ~ 2.:,u,~..). On the
homilies cf. 1.
Ff. 80a-97a: Order of the reclenlDllve Passion.
Ff. I02b-112a:

Ff. ll2a-118a:
~i' l~Qi' ~ ,s.tIQ...

Ff. 118a-122a: of the ,Q~X\x. ~

~2.Q ~a..:r...i ~5 ..:I~Q !~S ~~1...

Ff. 122a-126a: Order of the ninth hour of the Thursday of the Mysteries.
h) Ff. 126b-135b: Order of the that comes at the ninth hour of the
Thursday of the Mysteries. Ff. 132b-135b: Homily of Mar Isnaq on the mass. Incipit: ~l ~ .
~ Q' !L:I ~ l~oi~ ~~a:s.tL:l A..
i) Ff. 135b-157b: Order of vespers of Friday. Ff. 138b-157b: Homily of Mary
Efrem. Incipit: 1~, ....,....
:a_I \. ~Q ~Q ~~a.x..... ~~. ~.\ "\C"I...
j) Ff. 157b-166a: Ninth hour of Friday. Adoration of the Cross.

k) Ff. 166a-179b: Order of the Saturday of Good News. Ff. 170a-179b: Homily of
Mary Ya'qob on the cherub and the brigand. Cf. BAUMSTARK, 154, n.t. Incipit: ..~ :a~1
~:aa5 ~ Q\\*,X\~ .. ~ ~lQ :~ l~ t;~G1a» ~..
1) Ff. 179b-184a: Order of the Saturday of Good News. The title is identical with
that of the above, but the above is for the night office, and this is for matins.
m) Ff. 184a-186b: Order (of the service) of forgiveness which is performed after
the office of the ninth hour and before the mass. Only a sedro.
n) Ff. 186a-219b: Order of the Sunday of the redemptive Resurrection. Ff. 204b-
21lb: Homily of Mary Efrem. Incipit: ~!\n ~, "i'Q~ ~ '~i' 1~1 G.:r.~.. Ff.
21lb-219b: Homily of Mary Efrem, on the reception of the Mysteries. Inc.ipit . .
al a.t:Li:.s a.a..a.a:a
~""A» ~i' ~ .l~o....»...
Ff. 219b-235b: ~!L:r.Q .~!L.t2 ~i' ~l ~~i' 1!L:aa.a:ai' 2.~ ~
l.Q5.a;s. Taksa d-meshtamle w-sharka The order of
the AnnUIlCH1LtIOn, which is celebrated wherever and the rest of the lectors wish.
Ff. 235b-247b: Order of the of the Mother God. It
the the Mother God. Cf.
1 n. lU;.S ~Q .U,,:aA ~Q 1»Q:» ~:al G1:Ia...:Ii' 1!L:a
"~,, ;a..Qi' ~!L:a ~ 2.:Ul l~G1Q

Miniatures and decorations:

F.38b: Christ.
<::>n,,,,,,t·,h,,,, on the world.

Date: 1725 A.Gr.
Material: Folia: 248 Lines: 19 to 22
Size: 26 16 em. Columns: 1 13

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in cloth covered boards. Water stains. Soiled with occasional finger marks and
candle grease spots. The binding is tight, so that a few letters of the text in a few places cannot
be read in the film. The folia tor skipped the leaf after f. 129.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 53
Baumstark: --
Project No.: JERU 0004-3-1
Date filmed: 1988 May 20
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512143
Library: St Mark's Jerusalem

Principal Work: Collection of the

Author: collector.

Ff. 1a-400a: Lives of the part L Cf. in OC NS 11-318.
The first leaves are not numbered. There are three nmno<;rulgs of the numbered leaves. I follow
the Syriac numerals that are written on the versos, beginning with f. 4. It appears to be the
oldest numbering and is the most accurate.
Ff. la-lIb: Contents.
b) Ff. IIb, la-400a: Text
~ ~Q1Q ~~1 wS 'h\~l ~~1 C1l~
(1) Ff. Ib-4b:
w.:l1~~A1 Aa.:a 1.:1.11 ~Wh1~1 ~Q1Q cn...~1 ~ Sirat al-qiddis al-'azim Ii al-
qiddisin w-awwal man sakana al-barriyah wa-awwal al-sawwali, Anbii Bula al-lskandariinl. Life
of the saint who was great among the saints, was the first to inhabit the desert and was the first
of the anchorites, Anba Paul of Alexandria. Cf. GRAF, Geschichte I, 512.
(2) Ff. 4b-33b: 1G\:1~ ",,~1 ~.a....I~l w.:ll:l~l :....:s1:»~ ~
cn...~~1 ~1 :.~U1~1 ~l». Khabar tadabir al-tubiini Antuniyus, allati katabaha
Mar Athiiniisiyus, usqul lskandariyah. Story of the manner of life of blessed Antonius, which
was written by Mar Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria. Cf. GRAF, Opt cit., I, 312.
Ff. 33b-52a: wS ~~lQ iJ.\\~l ~~1 ~1~ ~
"l:IC1l~l a.:a1Q ~~~1 1J:I:»a...~2...a» 1.:1.11 ~1~~1. Khabar laila'il al-qiddis al-'azim wa-
al-muntakhab Ii Anba Maqiiriyus al-Iailil wa-abu al-ruhbiin. Story of the virtues of
the great saint and the elect among the hermits, the virtuous Anba Macarius, father of the monks.
Cf. GRAF, Opt cit, I, 395.
Ff. 52a-67a: IJ:I:»Q~~'hRl:i.» :~1.»Q~l a,~A1 :....:s1:»~ ~
\\~1 .Q'.'v'\QQ1 .:3"\
~ Q1 :J:l:tQ'f.'»Q:3Q...
. Khabar tadabir Maksimus wa-
the manner Maximus and
rnn,prr\r Valentinus.
67a-81a:~Q~1 ",,1a.z...::1 1.:1.11 ~~1 ~1 a,~
~ ~ 1G\:1M ~Q :1\,.aRlA1 il.!L:2 ~ QC1l ",,~1 .~~~1 :»C1l1~lQ ~~1
il.~ ~ wS ~1 ~ ~1~ ;La ",,~1 :~~1 UAa... \~1 ~1 ~1.aN1 19.'
""a»l:I 1.:1.11 •:w..»A~ ""G\:L.Il.I~l
, . . 1Q~lwQ
30 ~¥ t amA1....
al-mutawanliid nl-Arnn:1l1 wa-al-zahid
katabaha min ba'd mtj~(Ja,tlm Ell_F.nt't'

VTU,[ftUm talamldh Anba Bamoi... The story our

the Anba .... £>1.~""'."~ hermit and virtuous ai)""vL~v. who the Desert
Scete. It was written after his pm;SlI1lg John the who became a brother
to him when he came to the Desert of and the two of them were .1"'"
rl .. " ........ of Anba RamoL.
Cf. op. 539.
Ff. 81a-98a: :Wl~l ~uilQ ~Q~2. :...... ~1 ..::IA,l a,~
~1.ILI:I .Aal~ ~1 ::":'~1 ~~1 1.1...t..a.. ~1» :~1~1 .\ t~ ~ ~~1
. ~ t aeA,2. Ck.a.!L::I. Qissat al-ab al-qiddls. al-mashhur wa-al-'all al-mudl, al-kamil fl jaml' al-

fada'il, Mar Yunanna al-Saghlr, al-mudabbir, a'nl ra's qussan Barrlyat al-lsqU. The story of the
holy father, famed and exalted in (his) passing, perfect in all the virtues, Mar John the Short,
director, that is, head of the elders of the Desert of Scete. Cf. GRAF, op. cit, I, 534.
Ft. 98a-ll0b: 1:Ul :~~1 - l Q "t\\~l ...... ~1 ~
Wl~A,l ~~1 ..::IG'llu'l ~~::'Q.l1.:t. Khabar al-qiddls al-'azlm wa-al----- al-'all, Anba
Shanudln, al-rahib al-kamil al-ilahL History of the great saint and exalted -----, Anba Shenute, the
perfect and godly monk. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 463 f.
(8) Ff. 1l0b-1l4a: ~ ~ QG'I Wl~l ~.Aaa.a!a.» 1:UA ~a, a,~
1A»~~1 QiSsah 'ali yah li-Anba Marqus, alladhl huwa min Jabal al-Tarmaq. A sublime story of
Anba Mark, who was of Jabal al-Tarmaq. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 536.
(9) Ff. 114a-132b: Wl~l ~::'~1 .Aal~ :~a..91!Le 1:Ul ~
Wl~ Ul!Le G'I~~.. Khabar Anba Sarafiyun, ra's al-'ubbad, alladhl tafslruhu
saraflyan jasadanlyan... The history of Anba Serapion, the leader of the worshipers, the
interpretation of whose (name) is corporeal seraph... Cf. GRAF, op. cit, I, 530.
(IO) Ff. 132b-137b: 1.1...t..a.. G'I::,AQ1Q :...,~1 ~a.S.s~1 a,~
Wl::'1.a~2.Q. Qissat lksunafun al-wazlr wa-awladihi Yunanna wa-ArqadL The story of the vizier,
Xenophon and his sons, John and Arcadius. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 515.
(II) Ff. 138a-142b: ~ QG'I Wl~l ......~~1 ......~1 !L...:Il::,~ ~
V 't"
-tS y s"y ba\. Khabar tadablr alladhl huwa min The
the life of St ArCn(~ll(leS, who was from Const:antino Cf. op. 1,498
omits this manuscrilpt
Ff. 142a-146a: ~ QG'I Wl~l ~~\"~1 ~1 1.1...t..a.. ...... ~1 ~
c;~l c;,.s..;L» ~Q!l Khabar fiJ-J',lI{J{J;/.\

Ff. 146a-148a: :~Q:' au...~ ~ QC'l Wt~l 1.:1:..:' :'1» a,~
..!.tuDl Aa.:I:' "1..1.:1 :1C'l~1 au...~ w.S C'l;aU,.6..::1 ~u.ll wS ~AQ ~UA Wt~l
lC'l~l au...~. aliadhi min madinat alladhi
takallala fl al-falam madinat al-
The who was ennobled and
crowned in the world his detachment of n.aILJUlu.a.

of the of Edessa. Cf. op. I, no.

Ff. 148a-150b: ~ Wt~l a,.,..s1~1 1.:1:..:' :'1» ~1-U.:' a,~
~1.aNl ~Q ~1 w.S C'l~ ~Q :1C'l~1 wS ~;aQ C'lAG» ~ ..
Rajul Allah, Mar Risha al-thaniyah, allatl min ba'd mawtihi wa-dafnihi fl al-RuhaI'J, wa-'alii
talibatihi fl al-qabr intiqalihi... The second story of the Man of God, Mar Risha,
(concerning the events) that (occurred) after his death and burial in Edessa, concerning his
petition in the tomb and his translation... Cf. GRAF, loco cit.
(I5) Ff. 150b-153b:;aAQl ~.:I.
wS la.x~Q ~ ~Q ~u.ll l;a~ 1~;a:' ~~1 ~u..slQ ~Q:' ~.Aa
\~lQ "t~t \\~1 .~1 ~

:.......a..,. ~ wS Wt:'1..~Al ~1 Khabar al-nas al-'azimin wa-al-'ajibIn, awlad salatln
Rumiyah wa-Antiikiyah, alladhin radhalU li-hiidha al-'alam wa-kull-ma fIhi wa-'iishu fl al-faqr al-
ikhtiyarl fl shaklan liaqIr. Story of the great and marvellous persons, children of the potentates
of Rome and Antioch, who renounced this world and all that is in it and lived (a life) of
voluntary poverty in a miserable manner. lncipit: ~~ ,1:1 2:1.~ ~. ~1~1:I QC'l ~
~ wl AQ :~ 1..1:'A Wt~l ~... This is a reflection on the preceding five lives.
( 16) F f. 153 b -1 56 a: J.......D1:l1~lQ .a...a....sQ:.:ul ~~1
~ •

~~11;aC'l ~ ,.~ :'1~ Wt~l ~1I~1 WtC'l~l ~Q C'lAl~1 Khabar al-qiddis

AndrunIqus wa-Athiinasiya imra'atihi, wa-'alii al-muntahii al-sa'id alladhl siira lahum min hiidha
al-'alam. History of St. Andronicus and Athanasia, his wife, and concerning the happy end that
came to them (at their departure) from this world. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 404.
Ft. 156a-159a: til', .naaAl ~ QC'l Wt~l ~1...Il;a .::sAl a,~
a,:'~1 ~Uvn ~~Q1Q. al-ab alladhi huwa min
of the Daniel, from and . . . ,.."V-""',..>.>, the stonecutter. Cf.
op. I, f.
Ff. 159a-162b: ~ ~ Wt~l ,a.\~X " , \~1-U.~1 a,~
:'~1 .:::I.Iu. ~ Wt~l ~=,-",~. alladhl
The the marvellous man, from Kafar
the mountain.
66a:~~1 ~Q~l ~Q:' ~~1 a,~

elect Awtil. Cf. op.

1 Ft. 1 Ib-174b: ~A1 ::s..,\Q ".'.'\1 .....~1 iI~
~~ 22.» ·9.9 \\1 ~1ai..A2Cl wa-tablb al-
ltfar Dlmat. of the saint and "'",,,...... ,,'" souls and UV\~Lvi). the chaste Mar
Dometius. Cf. op. cit., I, 525.
Ft. 174b-182a: ~~ ~Q~2 ,s..C11:""1 .....~2 iI~
lll-.fLllLUC\ IbrahIm -V"'~""f,.", kutibat ii-Mar
Story of St Abraham al-Qidiini, written by St Efrem, the doctor. Cf. GRAF, op. cit, I, 523 f.
Ff. 182a-187a: ~2 ~a.. 22.» ~~2 ..... ~2 iI~
w.~l. Qissat al-qiddis al-muntakhab, Mar Yullna, al-shaykh al-bahl. Story of the elect saint,
Mar Julianus, the magnificent old man. Cf. GRAF, op. -cit., I, 367, who omits mention of this
(24) Ff. 187a-195b: ~2.:I~1 ~~2 wS ,s..'.\\1 .....~2 ~
"Q2C12 22.». Khabar al-qiddis al-'azim fl al-'abbad, al-iubani Mar Ahriln. History of the saint,
great among the devotees, blessed Mar Aaron. Cf. GRAF, op. cit, I, 523.
(25) Ff. 196a-226a::..... ~1 G\la.\Aa22 "Q'\~% 22.» ~2~~ iI~
cnll •.::12.\.~l. Qissat tadabir Mar Shim'un Ra'stunah al-qiddls, al-Labis /i-Allah. Story of the
life of Mar Simeon Stylites, the saint clothed with God. Cf. GRAF, op. cit, I, 513.
(26) Ff. 226a-265b: ..... ~1 ~~2 tJD22 ~~1 iI~
~~2 ~1.s ~ QC1 w.~2 2.»Q~:"" 22.» ".\\~2 cnll JD.:2~l. QiSsat al-
muntajab, ra's al-'abbad, al-qiddis al-labis /i-Allah, al-'azim Mar Barsawma, alladh'i huwa min
na/iiyat al-shamal. Story of the chosen chief of the devotees, the holy, clothed with God, the
great Mar Barsawma, who was from the district of the north. The account of his life includes 99
miracles attributed to him. Cf. GRAF, op. cit, I, 524 f.
(27) Ff. 266a-272a: ~W1~ 22.» ~~2 ;I"'" G:I~l .....~2 iI~
.:I~ 22.» cnll JD.:2~2 .....~ ~~ :~ ~ wS QC1 w.~1 ~C12~2
~a6G:1!n~2 ,,'9\~\l. al-sa''id Mar alladh'i
huwa Jabal Kutibat al-labis al-maskunl.
of the Olessect, elect ............""•. the ascetic who "'-' ......... u .. , written
the clothed with the ecumenical doctor. Cf. I, 525.
..::a~ 22.» .....~1 ~ ~2 iI~
about the
Ff. 277a-278a:21.t'tL!a.» 1olI.I1.:I- l \1 ~~1 ~
v ~. • Khabar
Martininii. of the blessed Martinianus. Cf. op. I,
Ff. 278a-280a: cn.2~1 ~ 1~1Q 1.:11.% i1~
shabban waJiidan min The a certain from Alexandria. This is the
of St. a hermit Alexandria. Cf. op. I, 530.
Ff. 280a-282b: Wl~1 loDa.tI!a.» ~~1 ~1a5 ~~ i1~
al-qiddis alladhi huwa Malhis
al-rahib. An exemplary benefits of the St. Mark who is the monk, Malkus. This is the story
of St. Malchus of Clysma. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 529.
(32) Ff. 282b-286b: ~ ~~1 ~2 ;l~Q1 ~1.:1~1 i1~
~1 ~~1 "G'1~;a. Qissat al-tubaniyin awlad Rakabim, alladh'in yuj'ib dhikrahum Irmiya
ai-nab'i. The story of the blessed sons of Rechab, whom the prophet Jeremiah commemorates.
Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 214 f.
Ff. 286b-290a: wS ~10» Wl~1 ~~1 ~1~1 1.a!a.» i1~ ta:a» 21~ ~2Q 1.h5 :Itt 2ll.~ G1~2U.~ ~Q Ck:I~1. QiSsat Marqa al-tajir al-
mu'min alladh'i mat f'i al-Gharbah, wa-sallama tijaratahu li-rajulin Hanaf'iyin, wa-raja'a sara
Mas'iJi'iyan. The story of the believing merchant, Mark, who died in the West and entrusted his
business to a Muslim, who was converted and became a Christian.
(34) Ff. 290b-294a: G1~;l~ Wl~ ~ Wl~1 ~a. ~~1 i1~
~1 wS. QiSsat al-qiddis YuJianna, alladh'i kammala sa'ya tadb'irihi f'i al-bi'r. Story of St.
John, who completed the course of his life in the welL Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 527.
(35) Ff. 294a-308a: ~~ 12Q~ 1A.a.;utQ 1.llG1~1 A.1..2 i1~
~~1 ~Q~1 i1~~1 ~a. 210» ~~1Q 1oD~1Q) ~~ Wl~1 "Q~~J: 210»
~a51..1;l ~1 IoD~Q~ ~ A.:I~Q :~2~1 1G1U1 c1k:a..~ ~,sG1. Qissat
rajulin ilah'iyin wa-qidd'isin mashhurin, yud'ii Mar Shim'un, alladh'i talqqaba Stilus, wa-al-qidd'is
ufu,mna. al-ikhwah alladhin hum min madinat al-Ruha[' J al-mubarakah; wa-kutibat
min Story of a and famous man called Mar Simeon,
who was nicknamed the """.,...."n"'. brothers who came from the blessed of
J:.O'essa~ it was written of ,,-,a,,,,..,.,,,,,, This is the story St Simeon the FooL
Cf. op. I,
Ff. 1Oa: ~Q ~Q~1 IoD~Qu.. 1.:1.11 i1~
~ ~A.II1 Wl~1 ~ a:a~ 1. f , Garusimus alladhi
the hermit and the him.
Ff. IOa-31Ib: ,1.:Ien~lQ 1..1~ ,..en1:":'1 ~~1 c;,~
~~A1. Ibrahim St. Abraham
of Kashkar and the other monks. Cf. op. I, 523.
Ft. Ilb-313a:wS :al~Q ~:.s1 ~ Qen ..~1 l~ c;,~
~:a ~ ,u:. 1»Q ~ ,u:. QenQ .~!L.; "\1 ~:ail alladhi huwa
min wa-sara fi wa-huwa kana wa-ma kana
ranmah. The of who was from and attained the rank of the
was rich and had no mercy. Cf. op. cit., I, 530.
Ft. 313a-323a: ~Q :1;acn.:d1 ~ :aJ.» ~~ ~~ c;,~
&Il.:UQ1..1 ~~ ~~ Qissah 'allyah Iii-sharif Mar Bayt al-Shuhada" wa-qad kutibat lil-
qiddis lyawannis. (The) sublime story of the noble Mar Bayt al-Shuhada'; it was written by St.
John. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 525. There is a gap in the text on f. 316b, presumably where there
was a lacuna in the archetype.
(40) Ff. 323a-340a: ~ Qen ..~1 ~Q1 :aJ.» ~~1 ~l~Q c;,~
1 \",a~1. QiSsat wa-faila'il al-qiddis Mar Awgen, alladhi huwa min al-Qubt. The story and
virtues of the holy Mar Eugene, who was from the Copts. Cf. RAF, op. cit., I, 525 f.
(41) Ff. 340a-349b::aJ.» :a1~1 ~ 1o&ra.:I~1 ~~1 c;,~
,.ena.:a1Q ,1.:Ien~1 \All:a ~ Q1 :aJ.» ;u..) 1rI~1 ~1 t'1 ~ Qissat al-qiddis al-labis li-
Allah, al-mukhtar Mar Maika, ibn ukht al-sa'id Mar Awgen, ra's al-ruhban wa-abuhum. Story of
the holy Mar Malchus, clothed with divinity, nephew by his sister of blessed Mar Eugene, the
leader of the monks and their father. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 528.
(42) Ff. 349b-356a: ..~1 Qen -:aen1~1 ... , \ M~l ~1 :aJ.» c;,~
en!L.;a ~1;a wS ~ ~Q~@Q '~'RlQ ~~A1 ~ ~Q1 :aJ.» ~ ~
\AI~1. QiSsat Mar Isha'ya al-Halabi al-rahib, alladhi huwa min shl'at Mar Awgen, min al-
ithnayn wa-sab'in; wa-mawilu'an jismuhu fi dakhil dayrihi al-muqaddas. Story of Mar Isaiah of
Aleppo, the monk, who was (one) of the band of Mar Awgen, of the seventy-two; his body is
deposited within his holy monastery. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 528.
Ft. 356b-362a: ..~1 w..I1:a~A1 A:J. :aJ.» ..::a..~ c;,~
~ :a~A c;,~A~Q c:;,.2 »1rI»~ 01:ua wS en~:aAQ en~a.»Q en~ Su"A 1cn.:s
~1.I~1. biha baladuhu wa-mawliduhu
miracles of Mar Yareth in which there are made known his f"r... nt,~"

his UPI)fUlgulg in the year the Greeks Ct. op.

I, L
:'1!ubA1 &~Q. of
the elO'Quem of ideas and revealer Cf. I,
no. 4.
Ff. 363b-366a: ...s ,~ '-'t~1 1.t..U1 1.:1.:&1 c;,1.w.. !L.:::I1;-~ c;,~
.:::a1~1.:::a~ QcrlQ ~~1 bw..:l tadabir Anba alladhi kana Ii
UL-~/.LU;UL;)Ln, wa-huwa kataba al-kitiib. of the manner of life of Anba who was in
u. .. -''"<u,J'u .."....., he himself wrote the book. The Isaiah in Qwestllon is Isaiah of Cf. GRAF,
Opt cit., I, 403.
Ff. 366a-379b:...s ;-Q~llcrl~~'-'t~11" tCD):a~l c;,:'Q~ c;,~
~~1 <:,'):a~l ,cu.., ,.1.1...s .1~ 1Q'crl~ 2¥a.t:.U. tJZIa..:'~ G1:L.~. Qissat
surat al-Masin allati sana'uha al-Yahud Ii madinat Tibariyus likayma yastahzli'lu 'alayha, Ii
ayyam Zaynun al-malik al-mu'min. Story of the icon of Christ that the Jews made in the city of
Tiberias in order to mock it, in the days of Zeno, the believing emperor. Cf. GRAF, Opt cit., I,
245, no. 8d.
(47) Ff. 379b-390a::a.;- ...s '-'t~1 "CD .:I~l :'1» c;,~
~ ~~1 l;-~lQ cn.a2.S:'1 ~"CD.~lQ Qcrl ~;L:Ia, :.~ ~ ...s ~~ Ch..!u:I.
Qissat Mar Ya'qub al-Habisi, alladhi Ii dayr qariyat Salan Ii balad Tur 'Abdin, huwa wa-al-
nabisiyin arlaquhu wa-al-shuhada' alladhln ma'ahu. Story of Mar James the Recluse, who was in
the Monastery of Qariyat Salan in the country of Tur 'Abdln, and his recluse companions and the
martyrs who were with him. Cf. GRAF, Opt cit., I, 527.
(48) Ff. 390b-400a: ;L:I1.U1 ~~Q2. :'1» ..... ~1 c;,~
crl~1.w.. ,.1.2. ~t):a~\ .),:lCD\2. ~ ~~~ '-'t~2..1.\,:ln~2.. QiSsat al-qidd'is Mar Awlugh,
ai-'abid al-Qubii, alladhi tataimadha iahu ai-sab' jami' ayyam nayatihi. Story of the holy Mar
EuIogius, the Coptic (i.e. Egyptian) devotee, to whom the seven became disciples all the days of
his life. Cf. GRAF, Opt cit., I, 526.

Miniatures and decorations:

Many of the lives are separated by aesa.Q;I1IS.
The text is framed.
F.367b: ...H ' r r :...
'": ....... vicar in H .......... U ..... read this book
while in ,erUS8Jern, A.D.
367a bis: Reader's note 1916 A.D.

Langll1al.!:e\s:}: Garshuni
Date: 13 Kanun II, the

Binding, condition and other remarks:
Bound in boards covered with leather. Some here and
there. Ff. 9 and 145 are A few leaves had holes in them which have been
ff. 283-284. Occasional ink smears; the one on f. 141b is
## 94 and 317. The ff. 95-122 have been
367 was
to two successive and, in # 368 was Ff. 1-2 and 93 are 19th
The original collection consisted of some 750 leaves in a volume. When
the manuscript was the original volume was split into two codices, and tables
of contents were added for each. In the case of this part, the supplied text at the beginning
commences on the second leaf of the table of contents. F. 400, on the other hand, has been split
between the two parts.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 199A
Baumstark: 38*(A)
Project No.: JERU 0004-3-2
Date filmed: 1988 May 20
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512143
Library: St Mark's Jerusalem

Principal Work: Collection lives

Author: nnn,'lJrnnn", collector.

Ff. 401a-750a: Collection of lives of part 2. G. GRAF in
Oriens C hristianus NS 3 318-327.
a) Ff. Ia-IIa: Contents.
b) Ff. 401a-750a: Text. The leaf numbers and numbers of the lives continue
those of part 1.
(49) Ff. 401a-409a: A::a.1. ~b- 1ootl~1 "lG'll!L.:I1 :'1» ~~1 a,~
;a~1 .1:' 1»a~!L.:I :'1» .a:a..~1 ,.~)jo aC'1a .~u.,. Qissat al-sharif Mar Abraham,
alladhI tukanna jabalan 'aliyan; wa-huwa mu'allim al-qiddis Mar Badawma, ra's al-'abbad. Story
of the noble Mar Abraham, which is called a lofty mountain; he was the master of the holy Mar
Barsawma, the leader of the devotees (that is, of the monks of Tilr 'Abdln). Cf. GRAF,
Geschichte I, 523.
(50) Ff. 409a-412a: lootlC'1a .~~1 ~~1 2..:LN.a.. w..I1.:I~1 a,~
::I t::l \\1 2..:LN.a.. ~~~. Qissat al-iubani YuJianna, al-nasik al-kamil; wa-hiya min qiSas
YuJianna al-Tabib. Story of blessed John, the perfect anchorite; it is one of the stories of John the
Physician. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 527.
(51) Ff. 412a-414b: ~ cns1.:l .;aa\ C'»1.1 ~~1 ;aa..1..a a,~
~aA1 Ciu»,A1 wS .l.:Ill Wlh~b-1a ~l. Qissat wujud al-Sallb al-masjud, bi-annahu
inkashafa wa-ittadaJia /il-nas fi al-azminah al-awwallyah. Story of the finding of the
adored Cross, that how it was discovered and manifested to men in the first ages. There are
accounts of two LU'U"'f'i>"" Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 244.
Ff. 412a-413a: The first T.nrnn'fT t ...... ru,n-h the wife of
Claudius in the time of St. James our
Ff. 413a-414b: cnsA.G'I ~ ~~1 ;aa..1..a ~ 1~1
~a.»l.1 (,\»~1 ~. \,' \0'G.a "1 a,;\»~l.
Also the the Cross
mother the
Ff. 1 ,..:..» G\C'.t.~1 ~a~l ~1.aN1 a,~
~ abw,l.l ~ wS :..' t ,~Al ~Ul lG'1a.:1~ 1ootl~1 •G1ll1 a,~1Q.
Walidat allafi katabuha al-Rusul Jabal al-
of the AS~mnl[)[lOn of the Mother of which the Twelve
""~'V~l,LV~ wrote on the Mount of Olives. Cf. op. I, 249-25 L
Ff. 420b-422b: A.a.~2. ~ ~3 Wt~2. c;,~ ~2. ~1.113
1.IIQ3 ~a» ~ .aaS2. .5.tI.D2. .Q2.~Q~
't L ~2. •• 2..s.'t~2. iI:w.:».» .5.tI.D2. .a...IJta:LIa...~
v • •
~a.::IQ .~ ~~2. ~U.1 a'n"i allafi rusilat min al-
mad"inat £1< r .. au., , madinat 'ala mawt
Bulrus w-Buius. LJ~J'~"'L''''', that story that was sent by St. Dionysius,
bishop of the city of Athens, to Timothy, bishop of the city of Ephesus, concerning the death of
the leaders of the Apostles, Sts. Peter and Paul. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 270.
(54) Ff. 422b-433a:~CUDU.2. 't~ \ 1 sA2. aa..a... 31» A.a.~2. c;,~
Wt~A1 Qissat al-qiddis Mar Yunanna al-injili, ai-rasul al-ilahi. Story of the holy evangelist,
St. John, the divine apostle. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 261 f. and 263 f., but this particular manuscript
is not mentioned.
(55) Ff. 433a-434a: ~CUDU.2. .
aa..a... A.a.~2. .
~1J:2N2. ~ Khabar
intiqiil al-qiddis Yunanna ai-rasul. History of the assumption of the apostle St. John. Cf. GRAF,
loco cit.
(56) Ff. 434a-437b:aa..a... 31» .2.3 ~Q.l2. ~ .su,~ c;,~
•~ iI:w.~ ~2. ~1sG1 ~ ~N2. ~Q .~~Q!L.G1 iI:w.~ ~2.~ wS ~2.~ ~ ~ ~~2.
G13Q~Q en~~Q 32.~ ~ ~ ~ ~Q. Qissah tu'arrif kayfa inwajada ra's Mar
Yunanna al-Ma'madan fi dakhi/ madinat Hirudis, wa-kayfa intaqala min hunak i/o. madinat
Hums, wa-kayfa min ba'd ninin sara wujuduhu wa-zuhuruhu. Story that tells how the head of St.
John the Baptist was discovered within the city of Herodis, how it was translated from there to
the city of Horns and how, after a time, its discovery and manifestation came about. Cf. GRAF,
op. cit., I, 506-508.
(57) Ff. 437b-439b: ~2. A.:I~2.Q A.a.~2. c;, ~2. c;,~
.Q.ll.~ ~ wS ~cn.:r.~2. Wt~2. .~Uvs2. ~!L.~ w.S2.3~2. .~~2. 31»
~Q3 iI:w.~ ..5. a'ni shahiidat wa-al-liibis Allah Mar
alladhi istashhada fi fi madinat
19natill1S the LUlmlJIOUS, clothed with Patriarch of
who suffered rngrtu1rrlnrn the in the Rome. Cf. op. I,
Ff. 440b-443a: ~Q 15~2. ~~ ~~ '''''t~'t'n c;,~
2.~2. 2.Q~~~ ,.en ~ ,.au1:l G1A~2.Q cr.,..1:11
Cf. Opt 304.
Ff. 443b-446b: .1~ .~ ~~1 c;,;l1G'I.X ~1 c;,~
~~1 t~ ~1 .a,s2..t \ .\ "G.t;l ,.1.t1 IooIl9 ;lG'l.Xb.a1 w-~1 a,..~~A1 iL5-a1.D1.
a'ni shahadat UL-LJLUI'1.L ra's alladhi
istashhada fi al-malik that t n . " .. t " , r r f , A t n of S1. Peter,
Archbishop of who suffered during the of Diocletian, the
unbelieving emperor. Cf. GRAF, Opt cit., I, 309, where he fails to mention this manuscript.
(60) Ff. 446b-452a: <1:a...~ .a.....R»l.I1~1 ".\;\~1 ~~1 c;,~
"a,sa.a..1 ~1 .a;~.~ ~ »1 ~~1 ~ ~~ ;LaQ .a,..~~A1. Qissat al-qiddis al-
'azim, Athanasiyus, batriyark al-lskandariyah; wa-qad kutibat min Amfilikhiyus, usquf 1qunun.
Story of the great S1. Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria; it was written by Amphilochius,
Bishop of !conium. Cf. GRAF, Opt cit., I, 315, no. 15.
(61) Ff. 452a-453b: w-~1 F~ Ck:u.~ ~1 .:a~ ~1» c;,~
"~~1 ~ w-crL QiSsat Mar Ya'qub, usquf madlnat Nusaybin, allafi hiya bayn al-tukhum.
Story of Mar James, bishop of the city of Nisibis, which is within the borders. Cf. GRAF, Opt cit.,
(62) Ff. 453b-462a: ;LaQ .,,1.t~1 ,.\ '» "1~1 ~1» c;,~
w-;l~ ~ -5u'~Q.~ w-~1 c;,:"~1 .:a~1 ~ 1:"~ l;11C'1~2.:I "'"\ '1
C'1~1.wt- w-C'1~ w-~Q C'1!L..:::1;1A Qissat Mar Afram, mu'allim al-Suryan; wa-qad injama'at
bi-ijtihadin kathirin min al-kutub al-kathlrah allafi 'alayhi; wa-tu'arrif min mubtadi' tadbirihi wa-
natta li-muntaha nayatihi. Story of Mar Afram, doctor of the Syrians; it was gathered with much
effort from the many books that concern him, and it tells (about him) from the beginning of his
career and as far as the end of his life. Cf. GRAF, Opt cit., I, 433.
(63-69) Ff. 462a-469b: ~1 ~~1 G1ll1 1ooIl9~ ~a,s~ c;,~
w-~1 .Q.~ .Aa:W ~~1
• •
~lt.. w-~1 -::s..." '~1
It ~ 2.aJ:lQ~l.9.a ,;,..~l.Aa...J:I
Vt-I' •
.., :..»

1~ G1.sQ;Aa"~l ~Q Ck:u.~1 ~~ ~1 ~1~ Qissat masnu'ah li-safi: Allah,

usquf madinat Qafaduqiya, 'ala al-'aja'ib allafi al-qiddis
alladhi sara usqufan li-tilka al-madinah wa-mu'allim al-maskunah kulliha. Story composed the
pure of LL"'LLa'~LU", bishop of the of Caesarea of LaDD':lU(JCI,a. Cl[)nc:erl[ung the
miracles u ,,nclhf who became and doctor of the entire world. Cf.
Opt I, f. Seven miracles are recounted. A ,<:>
t n . " ,.. ('( • • note, f. indicates that
the second miracle narrated in the St. Efrem.
Ff. ,. • \; , \ 1 &.Il.U1o.W. ~1» ~~1 c;,~
t\"~l Ck:u.;L» IooIl9 !21!w:1A1 G1.s~1 1.DQ~ ~~Q • .:act1;a.11 ~Q ~~1
t , t v .~1.
J;... , • ny
among the J;WJueJIJ-JllUuuJt:~u and chief among the in the
Cf. I,

1 Ff. 479b-484a: Jlaa..:'4~ ~~lQ w-I1.:I~1 a,~

.:s..' \ '~1 ~15 QG'l QG'lQ cn:....~1 1..:'~ G'lW w.5 1.!...aJDl ~1~ w.~1 :":'~1.
al-tubani wa-muntakhab alladhi sara
ahrnalaz fl;an, Wa-flU14la huwa of the blessed and elect
';'Au,,,..n,,,,.. who became in the of Neocaesarea and who is the Wonder-Worker. Cd,
op. 1,309.
Ff. 484a-494a: .t»~Al ~Q~1.a Jlaa..:'4~ ~~1 a,~
~1 "1.I~Al ~~Q ~~1 ~A~ t» lG'l~:'Q ~~A ~A QG'l w.~1
~1 ih!\~. Qissat al-qiddls Ghrlghuriyus, qathulIqi ai-Arman, alladhi huwa talmadha li-
Armlniya wa-raddaha min daliilat al-shayatln wa-sujud al-asnam Uil ma'rifat al-Jiaqq. Story of St.
Gregory, Cstholicos of the Armenians, who is the one who taught Armenia and converted it from
the error of demons and the worship of idols to the knowledge of the truth. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I,
310 and 518, where he fails to mention this manuscript.
(73) Ff. 494a-498a: ~~lQ ~Al Jlaa.s1..!aSa.tI ~~1 a,~
~Q~l ~a..~Q. Qissat al-qiddis Qufriyanus al-usquf wa-al-shahld wa-Diyusta al-batu!.
Story of St. Cyprian, the bishop and martyr, and Justa (i.e. Justina), the virgin. Cf. GRAF, op. cit.,
I, 517.
(74) Ff. 498a-506a: ~Al ~~ ~~1 a,~1G'l.Z ~1 a,~
.9:'~lQ ~~lQ ~QJtIU1Q. Qissat a'nl shahadat al-qiddls FulUtlna, al-usquf wa-al-
shahid wa-al-rasul wa-al-mu'tarif. Story, that is, martyrdom of St. Plotinus, bishop, martyr, apostle
and confessor. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 530.
Ft. 506a-511 a: cn:....~ ~1 AaS :'1» ~~1 a,~
w.Q1G'lU1 ~1 1.s...t.a.. :'1»Q JlaQ\v .sa Qissat al-qiddis Mar Fulii, usquf madinat Qanltus,
wa-Mar Yuhanna al-Rahawi. Story of the holy Mar Paul, bishop of the city of Cnidus, and
of Mar John, priest from Edessa. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 529.
Ff. 511a-513a: w.~1 JlaQ~ :'1» ~~1 ~~1 a,~
1:'= cn:....~ ~1 ~, :'1» QG'l al-muntakhab Mar
Mar the Mar 'U,,",lIVJlUi>, who
Cf. op. 1, II.
Ff, 513a-524a: ~1 :'1» ~~1 ~~1 !L.:Il~A a,~
~~1 Jlaa..&tQ~Q1~Q Jlaa..:'a.soR.. Jlaa..~1.a:'1 ~ ,,~t ,.4{ ~14 w.~1 ~ ~1

1..:'QJtI ~u..a1 ~:"'Urs ~~ :a~ 1:"'~ 1A~ ~~ w.a1cf .~~1.

kathlrin ii-lvlar of the manner life of the
noble Mar who lived in the time of the of .-"'<>1tU.O Honorius
and emperors; it has been revised with perseverance Mar
Mlicn2lel. Patriarch Antioch of Cf. Opt
Ff. 524b-526b::'1» "~1 ~ ~:. ...~1 ~1.11:'
~~1 ~Q=, ."'1"1 ~ ;t~ ~ 1.:'0.- ~~1 ft!\..t.~ \Il)a.!\..t.Q1.Il
Risalah allatl rusilat min
lamma iurida min LJV.l,J".lV that was sent the
Patriarch of Antioch of when he was "''''"IJV.l.LV''' the Cha1cedonian hypocrites. Cf. GRAF,
Opt cit., I, 419.
(79) Ff. 526b-527a: :'1» ~1 JIL:I.Jll1Q ~~1 "~1 it~
~Q!uD ~1 ...~A1 .....' 9 ';'\1 ..::Ia.tU..... al-qiddls al-muntakhab wa-al-Iabis Allah,
Mar Ya'qub, al-malfan al-ilahl, usquf Saruj. Story of the holy, elect, clothed with divinity, Mar
James, the divine doctor, Bishop of Sarug. Cf. GRAF, Opt cit., I, 452.
(80) Ff. 527a-533a:1G'1U1 ~1 ..::I~ :'1» "~1 it~
~:'1 G'I"" ,Q .~UJ;t~1.:I ~Q~l =' \ »\ 1 ~ .».. a~l t \ .;, \ \ ... ~1.:IQ
Ch.::La1:a... Qissat al-qiddls Mar Ya'qub usquf al-RuhatJ, wa-bi-al-nara (lege: bi-al-anra) li-jaml'
al-mustaqlmln ai-majd, ai-ma'rut bi-al-Burda'anl, wa-bi-sababihi arnayna Ya'aqibah. Story of
the holy Mar James, Bishop of Edessa, or rather, the glory of all the orthodox; he is known as
Baradaeus, and on his account we are called Jacobites. Not mentioned by GRAF in Geschichte,
but cf. OC NS 3 (1913), no. 80.
(81) Ff. 533a-548b: Ff. 533a-545b: b-1;t1.\.aa ~~1 :'~1 it~
2.1~1.:1 ~~ 1.112.11 G'I;tG'l 1a.\.aQ~ ;LtIQ •A~ eu..:t-» ~1 :'1» "~1
it;s..2.!U. ..::I~~ 1!\..t.~2.11», "~1 l;tG'l ~ ~ ..... ~ ...~1 C;A1 ~ ';'. i v "
~!\..t.~ QiSsat ai-barr ai-mumtalitJ sa'adat, al-qiddls Yunanna, usquf madlnat Tella, wa-qad
tawassalu hadhih unasan bi-i'tina' 'azlmin min al-akh alladhl kana ma'a hadha
al-qiddls zamanan kathlran, li-tuktab ii-fa'idat kathlrln. Story of the righteous Mar John, bishop
of full of btessednc;ss; some distin:~Ulsne~d persons bes:ou:g-nt this with solicitude from
the brother who lived with this saint for a so that it be written down for the
of many. Cf. Opt 1,528.
Ft. 545b-547a: w.5 ~~lQ ~A1 ...;t1 ~1.:I~1 it~
blessed God. Cf. Opt I, 524.
UtQ;tQ1~ "~1 ~1~ ~1 it~
~1 eu..~. .
mentioned in Geschichte.
~~1 ~~1 ~..zll1 ~~1 1~C'II.Zi1
Ff. 564b-566b: 977
~ ~1G1 ~~ ~ AQ1 .0.» • • ~~1 ~A ~~1 cft~l ,.1»1 1Q~G'L%~1
JZI~1»~ U.~Q .~2.I:l al-shuhadii' al-liibisin
alladhin istashhadu amiim al-muLUk ai-Masin. Awwalan Hiibll min
wuili'at li-Sumiikhus. Stories of the clothed with n."."..'" who bore witness
before the hypocrite emperors for the sake of Christ. First of all, ""'11'''''''.·..... ..,.n the CI<>U'11,n of Abel
composed Symmachus. Cf. GRAF, Geschichte I, 528.
5) Ff. 566b-570b: ~~ ~~1 1:, .'1\9 w.S1.:I~1 c;,~
~Q G1~l!1.»lQ JZlQ1~~Q1. Qissat al-lubiini Falqidii, alladhi takanna Awsliitii'us, wa-
imra'atihi wa-banihi. Story of blessed Placidus, who was surnamed Eustathius, his wife and his
children. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 502.
(86) Ff. 570b-574a:~~1 1~G'L% ~:'~1 c;,~1G'L% w.U..1 c;,~
,...~A1 (:\~~1 JZlo..tLaJ:IQ~ "1..1 ~ ~1..::Ia c;,~ ~ 1~~ ~~1. QiSsat, a'nI
shahiidat al-arba'In shuhadii' al-qiddisin alladhin takallaLU td bunayrat SabiislIyii fi ayyiim
DuqIqus, al-malik al-athIm. Story, that is, martyrdom of the forthy holy martyrs who were
crowned in the lake of Sebaste during the reign of the wicked Emperor Decius. Cf. GRAF. op.
cit., I, 510.
(87) Ff. 574a-578b: ~~lQ .91:'U.1Q c;,~1G'L% w.U..1 c;,~
."a.91!LDQ .~1a..1Q .JZI~a:LIa..~Q .JZI~!I.»Q • 2~ .~ ~ .Q . 2:1. hX\ ••:).» .~~1
JZlaa.91 ~~ ~ 1Q.1~ ~~1 ~:'~1 .JZlQ.I..:&~lQ .JZla:a..:' \.'1.~lQ. Qissat,
a'nI shahiidat wa-i'tiriif wa-inbi'iith al-qiddIsin MaksimInii, wa-Yamllkhii, wa-MarlaLUs, wa-
Diyunnusiyus, wa-lwiinnIs, wa-Sariifiyun, wa-AksaqaslarInus, wa-AnlunInus, al-mu'tarifIn alladhIn
kiinu fI madinat Story, that the martyrdom, confession and resurrection of Sts.
Maximi(a)nus, Iamblichus, MarteHus, Dionysius, Serapion, Aksaqastarlnfis and Antoninus, the
confessors who were in the city of Ephesus. These are the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus. Cf. GRAF,
op. cit., I, 512 f.
Ff. 578b-582a: ~:'a..1. ~~1 c;,~1G'L% w.U..1 c;,~
:'Q~l ~C'II.Zi1 :,. \ .\1, a'ni shahiidat al-shahId al-
mashhur. that the blessed St. the famous ..... .,. ..• " .. Cf.

op. I, . J U L , - . H '..... F. 581

S1. the
Ff. 585b-590a: .~Q ~!uD ~~1 it;a1G'I.X ~1 it~
it,\ \ \1 ~;a!l~lQ ~~1 1;a~1. a'nl shahiidat wa-
al-shuhadii' that
the and the noble martyrs who back the Cf.
op. I, 512.
N.B. The of this was too to fit in a
computer file. The remainder can be found in file SMJ3 3.2.

Language(s): Garshuni written in Syriac

Date: 13 Kanun II, 2045 A.Gr. 24 Jan., 1734 A.D.)
Material: Paper Folia: 353 Lines: 32
Size: 33 19 em. Columns: 2 (27 7.5, total 16 em.)

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in boards covered with polished leather. The leaves have occasionally been
repaired with patches that cover a lttle of the text. The lower inner corners of the leaves are
progressively worn and are flaking away, but without significant loss of text, except ff. 745-750,
where the renewer has supplied the missing text. F. 581 is missing.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 199B
Baumstark: 38*
Project No.: JERU 0004-3-3
Date filmed: 1988 May 20
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512143
Library: S1. Mark's Jerusalem

Principal Work: Collection of lives part

Author: r>n.""r....,ru,c. collector.

Ff. 401a-750a: Collection of lives of 2. G. GRAF in
Oriens C hristianus NS 318-327.
N.B. The description of this manuscript was too long to fit in a single computer
file. The first part, containing the description of ff. 401a-590a can be found in file SMJ3 3.1
(91) Ff. 590a-599a: G'I~;l1CI'LX ~1 :~ ~;l ~Q.Il ~1» ~~1 G1~
Qissat al-qiddis Mar Yoliannan d-Kafar Sanya, a'ni shahadatuhu. Story of the holy Mar John of
Kafar Sanya, that is, his martyrdom. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 527 f.
(92) Ff. 599a-604a: ~~1 ~~Q~1 1;lCI'LX au ''b\1 G1;l1CI'LX ~1 G1~
~~1 i)~~1 ~Q.l2.~.'b~ ,sJ...1:J .\T.~.x ~~ wS 1Q;lCI'LX~1 QiSsat a'ni
shahadat ai-sab'ah shuhada' ai-mashhurin alladhin istashhadu ti madinat Shamishat bi-ayyam
lt1aksimiyanus, ai-malik ai-katir. Story, that is, the martyrdom of the seven famous martyrs who
suffered martyrdom in the city of Samosata during the reign of the unbelieving Emperor
Maximianus. Cf. GRAF, DC NS 3 (1913), 323; not mentioned in Geschichte.
(93) Ff. 604a-609b: ~~~ ~1» =,.\ 'b~1 ~~1 G1;l1CI'LX ~1 G1~
a\\.» ~~1Q. Qissat a'ni shahadat ai-qiddis ai-sa'id Fantaliyun wa-alladhin ma'ahu. Story, that
is, the martyrdom of the blessed saint, Mar Pantaleon, and those who were with him. Cf. GRAF,
Geschichte I, 521.
(94) Ff. 609b-612b:') 9 \,\1Q .G'I~;l1CI'LX ~1 i'.\ 'b\1 ~a.s.»Q~ ~1» G1~
a\\.» ;lCI'LX~1 Wl~1 QiSsat Mar Rumanus ai-sa'id, a'ni shahadatuhu, wa-ai-titi alladhi
istashahada ma'ahu. Story of the blessed Mar Romanus, that his martyrdom, and the child who
suffered with him. Cf. op. cit., I, 530.
Ff. 612b-624b: .~~:a."A ~~1 ~~1 G1;»1CI'LX ~1 G1~
,sa\\.» 1~~ ~~1 G1'\ \ \1 ~)ll1 1;lcr..:d1Q ~1.a..U.1 ~1» ~!L:d1Q
1»0-1Q . ~'b .. ~~ wS 1aS!Lz~Q tut• • 'b~\1 ~o.ILtt 1.i.:I.~ ~~ G1;»1cr..:d1.:l
a'ni .>nt<~uul~U~ lLl-,']ULllL\ al-muntakhab
al-,'lhlAllal>ah allLU1.'lj~n takaUaLU ma'ahum bi-al-shahadah Rabbina Yasu'
~UlrPtlrp and
r n " .... " '.." A r n in behalf of our Lord Jesus Christ and were ennobled on the rnAl.. n~'"l"!'lC' HasmI and A-
iima. CL op. I, 528.
Ff. 624b-63l b: ~~1 -,:IC'lb.;llG\.X ~1 ~; t 'a ~1 ~1.:I~1 G1~
,~~~ w5 l~A a'nz alladhzn
takallalii fI madznat of the blessed ~innu<:1rit."C' that their rn,","'~Ul..rlArn who were
crowned in the city of Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 516.
Ff. 63lb-635b: 1.Ic=.z ~~1 ~;~1 G1;11G\.X ~1 G1~
~;~1 lC'lu'l ~~ w5 la;lG\.X~l ~~1 1.;~Q. QiSsat a'nz shahadat al-
mu'tarifayn al-qiddIsayn, Shamona wa-Gurya, alladhayn hstashhadii fI madInat al-Ruhal'l al-
mubarakah. CL GRAF, op. cit., I, 530.
(98) Ff. 635b-638b: w.'l1.:l~1 ;La-~1 JI»~l ~ ~~1 G1~
QiSsat al-qiddis HabIb al-shammas, al-shahzd ai-liibanz. Story of the deacon, St. HabIb, the
blessed martyr. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 526.
(99) Ff. 638b-642a: c:n.a2.5;la Jl»aS2.5 ~~1 G1;11cn.:r. ~1 G1~
G1,.i..ti:I w9 s ~1 t' 'a~1 Jl»QS.t....I:I~ -,:11.1.:1 la;lG\.X~l ~~1 t~l ~~a ~;Al
1.;u:a ~~ ~Uvsl ~ w5 ~~. Qiitat a'n"i shahadat al-qidd"is Fafiis wa-arfaqihi
al-arba'ah wa-'ishrin alf, alladhzn istashhadii bi-ayyam Liiqiyaniis, al-malik al-hanafi, bi-qariyat
Mijdal fi balad Anlakiyah, mad"inat Siir"iya. Story, that is, the martyrdom of St. Pappus and his
twenty-four thousand companions, who suffered martyrdom during the reign of Lucianus, the
pagan emperor, in the village of Mijdal in the country of Antioch, the city of Syria. Cf. GRAF,
op. cit., I, 529.
(l00) Ff. 642a-646b: Jl»a;aS~~ ~~1 G1;11cn.:r. ~1 G1~
~ ~~1 ~~1 l;1~la w.!a.:I~1. QiSsat a'ni shahadat al-qiddis KhrIstiifiiriis al-
Barbari, wa-al-shuhada' al-qiddIsin alladhIn ma'ahu. Story, that is, the martyrdom of St.
Christopher the Barbarian, and the holy martyrs who were with him.. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 500.
101) Ff. 646b-648b: Jl»a.a1.;a.a ;1» ~~1 G1;11cn.:r. ~1 G1~
G1»1 ~a...Q. a'ni shahadat al-qiddzs Mar Qiiriyaqiis ummihi. Story, that
the martyrdom of the holy Mar Cyriacus and Julitta, his mother. Cf. op. ciL, 1, 500.
1 Ff. 648b-651 b: C'la.:lla 1»1» ;1» ~~1 G1;11G\.X ~1 G1~
2..s.11Sa; C'lb.l:.:ala JI»~a;le1A. shahadat Mar Mama, wa-abiihu
that the the Mar Mamas, his
neC»QOlLUS, and his CL op. I, 520.
Ff. lil'ttO''a\l ~ ~1~; G1;11G\.X ~1 G1~
~~ t» aC'l w.~1 w.;la~l lola! ~1 i.t..:I:.l C\'a.IIl ,~a Itt to'''\\ 1~ ;1~
;\ ·x
the man of 'Abd '-Iv,n;",". who became a servant whose name son
of Levi the of Cf. Opt I, 523.
657a-662a: ~~1 ~ ~ QG'I 1oII~1 '-a..AS :a1» "'~1 G1~
G'lt\:,1G\X ~1. lLl-,[LHLUL\ Mar alladhl huwa min balad a'nl shahiidatuhu.
of the who was from the nrrnf11t1t'p of Cf.
Opt I, 529 f.
( Fi. 662a-669a:IoII~1 ~Q:aQ:'Q1t\ :a1» ~.). aa~l G1:'1G\X ~1 G1~
u"...~1 ~~ wS :'G\X~1. a'nl shahadat al-sa'ld Mar Tha'udurus alladhi
istashhada II madInat Story, that the martyrdom of the blessed Mar Theodore,
who suffered martyrdom in the city of Euchaita. Cf. GRAF, Opt cit., I, 514.
(106) Ff. 669a-672a:t\1~~lQ t\l;L:12.U1 t\1.Ia...~1 ~1 ~~
G1~ AQ1 " .. • aa~~l ~A :'1~1 wS ~Q;'\' ,:'G\X~11011t\1~1 t\1.a.a.~~1
~1 ~QSQ1 ~1.:IQ\«
\\ Y ~~
1:Lat1ct1 . , QiSas al-nisa' al-qiddlsat al-
'abidat wa-al-shahldat al-wathlqat, allawatl istashhadna bi-jabarut 11 ai-jihad Ii-ajl ai-MasIn.
Awwalan qiSsah mumaththallyat lawa'idan lil-tubanlyah Awnusima, ibnat al-malik. Stories of the
holy devout women and the firm martyrs who suffered martyrdom with fortitude in the struggle
for the sake of Christ. First, the exemplary, profitable story of blessed Onesima, the emperor's
daughter. Cf. GRAF, Opt cit., I, 529.
(I07) Ff. 672a-675a: ~1 ~QS1 ~~1 ~ ~1~1 G1~
1~ 1Q:a~ ~~1 ;L:I~ Ck.1» ~;.A1 ~Q ~~1. QiSsat al-thaniyah 'ala al-
qiddIsah Anuslma, ibnat al-mulUk, wa-'ala ai-arab' mi'at 'abid alladhln zaharu ma'aha. Second
story concerning S1. Onesima, the daughter of emperors, and concerning the four hundred
devotees who appeared with her. Cf. GRAF, loco cit.
(l08) Ff. 675a-677b: ,:a~ 1oIIt\1~1 t\1.Ia...~1 t\AQ~l G1~
~ 1~ l~lQ ,,\.MDA1 i.:I~Q ...; ~2..I..I1:' 1.:1.11 "'~1 1oII:'~~0~lQ
"'~1. Qissat al-batuliit al-qiddIsat allawatl zaharna wa-aklaralna bi-ayadl Anba
Daniyal, ra'ls wa-mudabbir al-lsqIt; khabaran 'ala al-qiddls. Story of the holy
who appeared and were instructed by Anba Daniel, abbot and guide of Scete; likewise, a story
COl1lCel'nil1lJ;; the saint Cf. Opt I, 403 f., this is not
677b-684a: ~:.sQ1 ~~1 ...... aa~~l Ck.!ia. G1~
the maidservant of S1. Cf.
Opt I, 5
III Ff. 689a-69 a:~ WtG'l Wt~2. ~Q~Q2. ~~2. ih~
~ w5 ihb5~~2.:1 6~6Q ~2. -U.A "'Q~!L», 2.G'l62.~ ~Q a,.,.~~A2.
~~U2.. allatf min wa-kannat dhiitahii
Alliih wa-ta'abbadat Ii maskan of St. who was from
called herself ,rn<lr~lTrhlC for the sake of God and devoted herself to his service in
the of the men. Cf. op. I, 50 L
(1 Ff. 693a-694a:1s..~1» 2.G'l»J:Ia2. ~6 Wt~2. 1.A~1» ~~2. ih~
~~U2. ~ w.5. allati tukanna ismuhii Marinii Ii maskin al-
rijiil. Story of St. Maria, whose name was called Marina in the dwelling place of the men. Cf.
GRAF, op. cit., I, 508 f.
(II Ff. 694a-695b: w5 iI:I t ' . \'Q ih~ iI~2.Q )llQ~ iI~
2.G'I!La..::I2.~t'\ QiSsat batillin wiinidatin sa'idatin wa-'ajibah Ii tadiibirihii. Story of a certain
blessed virgin, wonderful in her manner of life. Another hand has added:~~2. iI~
~Q~l cn.cta~ Qissat al-qiddisah Lusiyah al-batill. Story of the virgin, St. Lucia (Lucy).
However, she is not identified in the text. lncipit: a,.,.~~A2. w5 iI~2.Q Aa.s.:a N1:.
2.G'l,.t.~1s ~ bY! '. ' ~ ...... ~ 2.G'I~Q 2.~ Wt~2..n

(114) Ff. 695b-698a: 'tt baa~2. ~Q~ ~Q.Z c;,...s2.:l~2. iI~ QiSsat al-
tilbiiniyah Shilshan, batillat al-Masin. Story of blessed Susanna, virgin of Christ. Cf. GRAF, op.
cit, 1, 530.
(115) F. 698ab:~2.6Q ~ Wt~2. ~Q~ ih~2.Q iI~. Qissat wiinidatin
batillin allati saqatat wa-tiibat. Story of a certain virgin who fell and repented. lncipit: N~
62.~2. ~N~2. ~ ~1.D WtG'lQ ~Q~ il.:aG'l2.~ iI~2.Q. ..
(116) Ff. 698b-703a:ilt\::l M '2. ,...!L» c;,...s2.:l~2. iI~ Qissat al-
tilbiiniyah Maryam al-Qubtiyah. The story of blessed Mary the Egyptian. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I,
(117) Ff. 703a-709b:w5 c;,...s2., N~ Wt~2. 2.t '. t~2.S ~~2. iI~
2.G'l2.G'I~ w5 ~6!L»Q ~~ 6~2.~Q .Wt~~2.. al-qiddisah Fiilljiyii, allatf
kiinat Ii al-mubtadi', wa-siirat kiimilah muntahiihii. of St. who was a
prctstU:ute in the h"""'inninlT and became ....".. 'Ffir>~ and exalted in her """,,.UI,€,,>' Cf. op. cit., I,
11 Ff. 709b-71 b:~,A2.:IQ 61~~2. ~2. ~~ -:a..6~6
AQ2. .~~2. c;~2. ,a2.:u:- ...... ~AJza2. Wt62.~2. ...... G'I~2.~ w5 6~~~2.
~AlaUl ~Q.:I G'I~6 Aa6 ih~~2. ih~ Tartib al-nisii' al-shahidiit wa··nl-,(ll
the of the the Paul. Cf. op. I, 514.
Ft. 714b-716a: ~a. c;,~ .) _~la 13l.:1!L.:1 c;,; c;,~ al-
shahldah Barbara wa-al-sa'idah yullna. of the martyr Barbara and blessed Juliana. Cf.
op. 1, 499 f.
Ff. 716a-718a:c;,~.)_~1 iI.t..:Il.:I~11.ll31» c;,~lcn.z ~l c;,~.
a'nl shahiidat al-sa'idah. that the
blissful op. cit., I, 528.
Ff. 718a-719a: ~a~l~ ~G1 G\a..~l c;,~lcn.z ~l c;,~ Qissat
a'n'i shahiidat al-qiddisah al-batul. Story, that the martyrdom of the virgin, St. Hagna.
Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 526.
(1 Ff. 719a-723a: ._. \_9 "'31~ c;,~A~l c;,~lcn.z ~l c;,~
~Q:a ~;L» ~ 1.IlC\Q,AJ ...... cn»la 2.5u..1Q ,m.. 9 ~1Q. Qissat a'ni shahiidat al-thalathat
'adhiinl, Pistls wa-Alpls wa-Aghiipii, wa-ummuhunna Sufiya min madinat Rumlyah. Story, that is,
the martyrdom of the three virgins, Faith, hope and Charity, and their mother, Sophia, from the
city of Rome. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 513 f.
c;,?J) _~l Ck.:IG11Ul c;,~lcn.z ~l c;,~
(123) Ff. 723a-729b:c;,;
2~ _:I c;,~.) _, la Fl~la .1G1~~lQ lcn»la lG1a.:ala ~ al l.» • _~~l ia.)".
Qissat a'ni shahiidat al-rahibah al-sa'ldah wa-al-shahldah 'iwail al-MasUi, Awganiya wa-abuha wa-
ummiha wa-ikhwatiha, wa-al-tawashiyin, wa-al-sa'idah BasUiya. Story, that is, the martyrdom of
the blessed nun and martyr on behalf of Christ, Eugenia, her father, mother and brothers, the
eunuchs and blessed Basilia. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 50L There is a large gap in the text of 6
columns, ff. 726b-728a, where there must have been a lacuna in the archetype.
(124) Ff. 729b-737a: ~~lQ c:r..a.~~l c;,; c;,~lcn.z ~l c;,~
lG1:....:.1~~ ...s ~1:ll1 G\a..~l Ck.:IG11Ul!L.:lC\ c;,:I' \ '2.
QiSsat a'ni shahadat
al-shahIdah al-wathIqah wa-al-labisat al-ghalabah, FabrunIyii, al-riihibah al-qiddIsah, al-kiimilah
fI tadiibIriha. Story, that is, the martyrdom of the firm martyr, clothed with victory, Febronia,
the holy nun, (who was) perfect in her manner of life. Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 502.
(125) Ff. 737a-750a: ....a....I~lu..-l c;,~ .)_~l c;,~lcn.z ~l c;,~
.aQ,l1.ll~Q,I "1.Ill.:l .aa.a.,a.a ~ ..... laiK'\&~l ~l 1G1:t1.t \: l' .aQII~CU2lQ
,...~Al et'~~2. a'ni shahiidat al-sa'idah
that the
rtu,rnnrn of blessed Stratonike and her rn'!:1rtu'rrlnrn in the
Cf. op. 1,530.

Kanun II, 2045 A.Gr.
F. 750b: from a
",""VIJJ.",'U of which was dated 1490 A.Gr.
1 and translated into Garshuni in 2045 A.Gr.
F. 751ab: The was State'os 'Abd al-Nur from a
merchant of He it with a table of contents, 25 TishrIn I 6
1876 A.D.
F. 751 b: Purchased at Ni'matallah and his son, nti'in.,,,it,, from a soldier in
1850 A.D. donated it to the 1\.4'"'.... 0'.1'.0 ..· " of St. Mark, 1 AylUl 13 Sept.}, 1874 A.D.

Language(s): Garshuni written in Syriac letters)

Date: 13 Kanun II, 2045 A.Gr. 24 Jan., 1734 A.D.)
Material: Paper Folia: 353 Lines: 32
Size: 33 x 19 cm. Columns: 2 (27 x 7.5, total 16 em.)

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in boards covered with polished leather. The leaves have occasionally been
repaired with patches that cover a little of the text. The lower inner corners are progressively
worn and are flaking away, but without significant loss of text, except ff. 745-750, where the
renewer has supplied the missing text. F. 581 is missing.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 199B
Baumstark: 38*
Project No.: JERU 0004-3-3
Date filmed: 1988 May 20
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512143
Library: St. Mark's Jerusalem

Principal Work: 2.,52. !3~2.~ 2.::1~. Ktaba raze. The book the storehouse of the

Author: Barhebraeus

Pp. 1-837: ..!L» '- a.:I2.~ ~ ~ •.:S~ ~!3Q~ W~ 2..t:LXa5 :2.,52. !3~Q2.~ 2.::1~
2.~2.::I Wh~A» ~~~ u..~ lID a..!34 u... Ktaba da-awsar raze, pushshaqa d-kollah
surat ktab men syame d-abun l'vlary Grigoryos, lvlapryana d-Madnna, metnassan b-Alaha. The
book of the storehouse of the mysteries, the commentary on the entire text (of the Bible) from
the writings of our father, Mar Grigoryos, Mafrian of the East, renowned in God. Cf.
BAUMSTARK, 314, n. L
a) Pp. 1-2: Preface.
b) Pp. 2-837: Text.
Pp. 2-64: Genesis.
(2) Pp. 65-97: Exodus.
(3) Pp. 97-112: Leviticus.
(4) Pp. 113-135: Numbers.
(5) Pp. 136-148: Deuteronomy.
(6) Pp. 149-151: Chronology of the patriarchs, from Adam to Nachor
(the names of the last three patriarchs have not been filled in).
Apparently unfinished.
Pp. 153-161: Joshua.
Pp. 161-174: Judges.
Pp. 174-201: Samuel (I and II).
P.202: of the JU\.L<:'~C>' Unfinished (OthonieI).
(II) 208-367: Psalms.
the from Saul Sedecias.
Ben Sirach.
452-456: Wisdom.
456-459: Ruth.
459-474: Job.
498-504: Hosea.
504-506: JoeL
506-509: Amos.
P. 509: Obadiah.
Pp. 509-510: Jonah.
Pp. 510-513: Micah.
Pp. 513-515: Nahum.
(29) Pp. 515-517: Habakkuk.
Pp. 517-518: Zephaniah.
(31) Pp. 518-519: Haggai.
(32) Pp. 519-528: Zechariah.
(33) Pp. 528-529: Malachi.
Pp. 529-541: Jeremiah.
(35) Pp. 541-543: Lamentations.
(36) Pp. 543-560: EzekieL
(37) Pp. 560-575: DanieL
(38) Pp. 576-580: Chronology of the kings of the Babylonians, Persians,
Greeks and Romans who ruled over Palestine, from
Nebuchadnezzar to Vespasian.
(39) Pp. 581-661: Matthew.
(40) Pp. 661-684: Mark.
(41) Pp. 684-724: Luke.
Pp. 725-750: John.
Pp. 753-773: Acts.
I Corinthians.
II Corinthians.
819-821: Col,ossians.
I Thessalonians.
nL,,,,,-nL'"I'. II Thessalonians.

Pp. 830-831: Titus.
P. 831: Philemon.
Pp. 831-837: Hebrews.

Miniatures and decorations:

P. 750-751: What appear to be liturgical pieces in honor of St. Simeon Stylites. They
include, p. 751, a petition of Mar Ya'qob, that a versified prayer in the 12 syllable meter
characteristic of the homilies of James of Sarug.
P. 838: Versified praise of this commentary based on its title.
(3) P. 838: Reader's note by three monks from Ba-Sparina, Addai, Marqos and Abraham,
in 1801 A.Gr. (= 1789/90 A.D.).
(4) P. 838: Notice of dedication (waqf) to the Church of our Lady in the Monastery of St.
Mark in Jerusalem.

Language(s): Syriac
Date: 15 Adhar, 1785 A.Gr. 15 Mar., 1474 A.D.).
Material: Paper Folia: 418 Lines: 30 to 31 (rarely 27 to
Size: 26 x 18 em. Columns: 2 x 6, total 13 em.)

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in boards covered with polished leather. Water-stained. Pp. 1-2 a supply leaf of
the century. The has 454 and 455.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 41
Baumstark: --
......" . O P T No.: JERU ""u'-Y-.r--Y

Date filmed:
Reduction ratio: Emulsion: GSU

Principal Work: Collection saints.


1) Ff. Ib-l11b: ~~l Alcrl.:ll ~ ~~l .-aaUl -:al~ Kitab al-
min abahat The book of uttered the holy Fathers. in
the manuscript, but the work of Cyrillus Ibn Laqlaq. Cf. GRAF, Geschichte II, 367-369.
Ff. 112a-187a: ------------- "",~l ~~l ~ l~ Ia~Q.Il :~l:.~,Al Wl5
~~la ""~~l a".. \,~l ~ ~~l ~l ~~a... ------------ II al-i'tiral,
Ilha al-tarlq allatl yusil ita al-khalas min al-khattah al-mailiyah wa-al-mustaqbalah. -----
------- on confession, in which he explains the circumstances of the road by which (a Christian)
attains salvation from sin, both past and future. This is the work of Cyril II Ibn Laqlaq that in
some manuscripts is entitled, KiUib al-i'tiraf, The book of confession. Since it is written in the
form of a dialogue between a master and a disciple, it is popularly known as, KiHib al-mu'allim
wa-al-tilmldh, The book of the master and the disciple. Cf. GRAF, op. dC, II, 365-367.
Unfinished at the end (22nd treatise).
3) Ff. 187a-191b: ...... o~~z "",:'1» c;,~ Qissat Marl Shim'un. The story of Mar Simeon.
According to GRAF, Opt cit, I, 530, this is the Simeon of Kafr 'Abdln. The account is a
translation of the Syriac life found in Berlin Sachau MS. ff. 57b-73a.
Ff. 192a-199a: :'0:,1 ~lo w..:::Il :'1» ~:a..:dl ....~l =,-,,~l c;,~
C'I"9" l~~l "",~l =,-"cn.x ~,Al ~o 2:h \ "1 a'\»lo :'~,10:'lS. QiSsat al-
shahld l\tlar wa-ablhi Adur wa-ummihi wa-khamsat
shahld alladhl inqatalu bi-sababihi. The story of the holy, noble martyr, Mar Abai, his
father Adhor his mother Astina and 5000 who were slain because of him.
Cf. op. I, 523.
Ff. 199a-203a: :,~,Alo &S..s,Al :2.",~:, :'1» ....~l c;,~
Mar LJ'VUlv,L1UL>. nn'''ctl''ll'Cl

bis: a'\»l ¥Q.Ila .-a.a1.t.:'a.a "",:'1» ....~l c;,~
'urt'Cll"llC' and
",7SG1N.:1 l..:.Al ~~1 al-
bintihim. The his sweet ne,art
Shams t:i1-IVIU][lIL the elect their Cf. op. I, 526 f.
Ff. 210b-213a:.a:It'o.Sal t=J 1.:LN.a.. ~:'1» ",7S~1 ~~1 it~ . al-
al-jmuICal'ram ,Pyfari YiUianna bn The the honored Mar son
of ~ulpne:ml.anuls. This a version the of St. L1J,\.,AJ,Ul.::>, "the man of God. Cf. op.
I, 497 L, no. 5.
Ff. 213a-227a:..... \m~l 1»ab- :'1» it~ . Mar Tuma ai-salin. The of
the St Thomas. Cf. GRAF, op. I, no.9.
10) Ff. 227a-232b: ~ lG'1-- ~ ~~1 it:'G1~l crLAL.t.~1 .1.:1:'1» it~
.\ n Qissat Marnas Marina) al-qiddzsah al-tahirah allatl ja'aiat -----ha fi -----. The
story of the holy, pure Marina, who put ---------. CL GRAF, op. cit, I, 508 f.

Miniatures and decorations:

(I) F. la: Reader's note in Garshuni of the deacon, Sulayman, son of Hanna, '46.
(2) F. la: Reader's note in Arabic, dated 1730
(3) F. la: Notice of dedication (waqf) in Garshuni to the Church of our Lady (in the
Monastery of St Mark) in Jerusalem.
(4) F. la: Notice of dedication in Arabic to the Monastery of St. Mark.
(5) F. la: Reader's note of Jirjis Hanna.
(6) F. III b: Pious sayings, in Garshuni and Arabic.
(7) F. 232b: Copied during the pontificates of Patriarch Mar Ignatiyus 'Abdallah, from
1~1 ~ ~:'1.:I.'o11 ~2.i \ma, and Mafrian Mar Basilliyus IlIya, from the village of
Dayr Mar IlIya.
(8) F. 232b: The manuscript belongs to the nun, G1a::1Al~ daughter of Mubarak al-
Barad'I from Mardin, who copied it for her own use.
Rear cover: Pss. in
Rear cover: manw;crjipt, in

Language(s): Garshuni
Date: 15 1864 A.Gr. 15 1553
Material: Folia:
Size: cm. Columns: 15

OUldln!, condition and other remarks:

Bound in wooden boards covered VUltJV.JvV'''''. ~n",.rI
""nl .. leather. Considerable
from bookworms. Mildewed. Ff. are bled ~u~vu~u. The foBator has 70-79
and but has aU1)11(:a[(:a 201-209.

Manuscript Nos.:
Baumstark: 19*
Project No.: JERU 0004-3-5
Date filmed: 1988 23
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512143
Library: St. Mark's Jerusalem
Item: 6

Principal Work: Collection homilies and other

Author: nnn",rnnl1<' collector.

1) Ff. la-4a: ~~J.Q ,,\ \ ~~J. ..::IJ.~ ~ J.Q~. Juz'an min Kitiib al-mu'allirn
wa-al-tilmidh. Part of the Book of the Master and the Disciple. This is the work on confession
by Patriarch Cyril Ibn Laqlaq. It bears a number of different titles in different manuscripts, but
this is the one that it is best known by. Cf. GRAF, Geschichte II, 365-367. Unfinished at the end
(lst treatise). The work is repeated and completed below, ff. 108a-197b.
2) Ff. 4b-22a: ~Q1.I~ ~Q a'L.:IQ~J. ~ ..::Icn~J. ,.s ~o.. ~Q.tI ~ ~
cn..~AJ. :aJ.!utlAl. Mirnar min qawl Yunannii Fam al-Dhahab 'ala al-tawbah wa-'ala taniiwul
al-asriir al-iliihiyah. Homily delivered by John Chrysostom on repentance and on the reception
of the divine mysteries. Presumably identical with one of the homilies on the Eucharist indicated
in GRAF, Geschichte I, 346 and 350. lncipit: cnAJ. 1oA'I~J. WhQUJ.Q ~AJ.Q ..::IAJ. ~
~~J. IoA'IQ:a ~ J.~J. :G\» ::Jaa» cn.»~ ~~J. :~J.Q. ..
3) Ff. 22a-34a: ~ ~ ~1.tI :~Q~J. ..::I~ :a1» ~Q.tI ~ ~
~uiJ. clJ.;L::J ~J.a.»~ ,1.:I:a~1. Mimar min qawl Miir Ya'qub al-Saruji, qiilahu 'ala nat'
al-Qurbiin lil-amwiit bi-dhiik al-'iilam. Homily delivered by Mar James of Sa rug, which he
delivered on the benefit of the Eucharist for the dead in the next world. Cf. GRAF, Opt cit., I,

. .
451. lncipit: c;,~ G'I.9 1» ~::a...!1J. 1)Q..:i» :.... taa~~J. SJ.U 1.. w.1.::I.a.J. 1.. J.~~~ ..
Ff. 34a-39b:~ "0.. ~ ..::IC1~J. ,.s ~o.. ~~J. ~1.tI ~
~!L:I:il ~~l.Mimar qiilahu al-qiddis Yunannii Fam al-Dhahab 'aLa yawm 'id al-Sha'iinin
ai-sharif. Homily delivered by St. John Chrysostom on the illustrious feastday of Palm Sunday.
Cf. GRAF, op. cit., I, 345. lncipit: ~ ..::IUJ. ~ J.Q~~ :s~Al ·t::J.a-» 1.t. J.~cn
G'Ia;Ltl ~..
5 F f. cl!L..~ ..::IC1~J. ,.s ~o.. ~~J.
9 b -4 a: ~1.tI ~
.aa •~~ cn~ J.:ua.. ::a....»A~ ~ . \. ... '. Q w.~J. ~J. ~
\. '.:aJ. ~ crt.:I." :I"
aa n\J.
; t ::J&~J. :S~l. i~imar Yunannii Fam 1A£-jL/H.e.H".V

bukrah Khamis al-'Ahd al-Kabir.

",-,"",-,A,U, Patriarch the
read in the Great
,.a..111;1en wS ~,~ :'Q:"'Q wt.~ I0.Il1 ll.~ .aa~~l.u
Ff. 43a-50b: en~~ 9 ,»Q G'L:I~QQ G1~~\ \1Q ~:'A1 ,.a. "Q~ .::a.::LD ,1.h.:I.

al-arba'ah of
the reason for the fast and its and its benefit ;La ~
,.crS~ 1o.II~1 G1'D;La wt.Q:' :'a:L:I t\ n\. ~ ~1 u,,1 :~1 1c:r\.tl1 C;~;lQ1
U-::I:.A1 ,.a. .::a.::LD ~ ~1 ,1 :en~QenA :....1!u:1:t... This is the 7th treatise of the work
Severus Ibn that is known as the KiUib al-idan. Cf. Opt II, 309-31 L
Ff. 50b-54a: ~~~1 ~Q ~~1 cns1»A1 ~ ~~
~1 G1t\ n'~1 ~1 -::s.~:'~ ~Q ~Q~1Q. ------- mukhtass 'ala al-amiinah al-
saftlftah wa-'ala al-tathtith wa-al-tawWid wa-'aUz al-BI'ah al-'aqtiyah al-w[iiftidahl. ----------
especially concerning the true faith, concerning the Unity and the Trinity, and concerning the
[one] interior Church. Unidentified. Two other copies of the work are found in this library in
MSS. 49 and 248. Incipit::~,s.;La ~,1 :~.u..~ ~1 ,1 ~a..a.... :~QA1 -:::I~1
2.....:r. ~ ~.u..Q w..X ~ ~ :';l2..a QenQ...
8) Ff. 54a-57b: wS 1.i.:I:' 1~2..a ~ B1»\O~1 ~ -:::I~ :'1» ~~ ~
C\Ia.9-I :""'Q ~ ~~1 wt..:t:' ~ ,~A1 ~ 1;11» :.~1 . ~ t \ ,Al.
MImar lil-qiddIs Miir Ya'qub yufassir al-kalimah lahu qiilaha Rabbunii fI al-Injil al-muqaddas:
Miidhii yufId al-insiin law rabifta al-'iilam kullahii wa-ftassara nafsahu. Cf. GRAF, Opt cit., I, 450;
cf. also BAUMSTARK, 155, n. 3. lncipit: lo.IIenlo.ll~1 ~1 ~QenA a,:'Q~ lo.IIen ,~A1 ~
1en2.l-~ ~~ w.::I ~1 ~1 2.1- :en~t\,"'"
9) Ff. 57b-62a: Sedro for the feast of the Ascension. lncipit: ~~1 ~
:'1:..aA1Q ~1Q :~Q MQ ~ ~ :..... aa~~l ~~ 1s~lQ 1.i.:I:' 2.1- ~.\ »~1Q
-a... ~1 ~ -a... ~1 2.1- C;~» \, \~ ..
10) Ff. 62a-69b: ~ ,1~1 "1~ ~ ~2..a -:::I~ :'1» ~~1 ~
1s~ MImar ai-qiddIs Miir Ya'qub, qiiiahu 'ala khiSiim ai-Shaytiin ai-Shay/an) ma'a
Sayyidinii. Homily of St James (of Sarug), which he delivered concerning the dispute of Satan
with our Lord. Cf. GRAF, Opt cit., I, 450; cf. also BAUMSTARK, 155, n. 2 (from p. 1 lncipit:
G'L:I ~;lA :cn...:s1 cn.:::LZ~1 ~1 ~1 2.1- ~1:1 ~ wt.bSl...
II) Ff. 69b-75b: cn:..~ ~1 -:::I~ :'1» ·aa.S,\1 ~~1 ~Q ~
~1 ,Q\~X ~ ~ ~~1 ~1· •• aa~~l ~~;I 2..:U,. ~Q!u:I:t. MImar
the Christ into the the Old
Man. Opt cf. p. n. p. 1 wt.bS1
~~Al ~~ ~ 2.1- C;~;lAG:.I ~enA tww.19Q ~Q ~ ~ 1o.II~ 2.1- ~..
1 Ff. 5b-78b: 2.:LN.a.a. ~o.» ~ ....!A51 !l1» ......~1 .:a~ ~
,1t'):a)~1. Yunannii al-Ma'madan.
the Mar on the birth of John the CL op. I,
" 2):a t\ '" ~ ...s ,G'I~1 ~u, !L.z.:.I ,1», ...sQ...
1 Ff. 79a-87b: .~.~~a.a. ~:- 1~Q ..s..oa.a.Q ....~ ~ ....!A51 w~:- 1~1»
lvle'mra 'al w-nesda d-men Homily of Mar Efrem
on and and the reproach from the Jews. In and Garshuni
in parallel columns. Not identified in either BAUMSTARK or GRAF, op. cit lncipit: ~
~a.1.. G'I;u.1Q ..s..oa.a. ~ :~ ~ Q~ ....~:- 1~1 ~ 2.:IUV..
14) Ff. 87b-92a: 1~::s 1~ ~ 2'9.~» .:a~ w~::s 1~1». Me'mra d- .
Mary Yaqob mallpana 'al qyamta d-mite. Homily of Mar James, doctor, on the resurrection of the
dead. In Syriac and GarshunL Cf. GRAF, op. cit, I, 451; not identified in BAUMSTARK. lncipit:
WI ~Q.S ~ Q\\n~ :1~o,C\ ~»::s
• 2 (<y t x.s ~ w~ w.::I ~1. ..
15) Ff. 92a-l07b:"'\\):a~1 ~A1Q ~2.N.QU1 .:aA1Q !lG'I~1 ...... ~1 c;,~
~1~ !l1». QiSsat ai-qiddls ai-Whir wa-ai-ab ai-runanl wa-ai-usquf al-mu'allim, Mar libra'l/.
The story of the pure saint, spiritual father and teacher bishop, Mar GabrieL This is Gabriel of
the Monastery of Qartamin, who died in 667. CL P. PEETERS, Bibliotheca hagiographica
orientalis (Bruxelles, 1910), p. 71; and GRAF, op. cit, I, 526. Inc. at the end. lncipit: ,:-1 ~
2...X1 !I~1 ~Q :u:a
~ ~~1 ~~ ~ :~ N2Q ~ wl.::l.M.1 ~
~ .:a.1..1Q QG'I ,11.:1...1!1 ~1 ,A15 :2...X1...
16) Ff. 108a-197b: mQG'lQ :~~1Q ,..~\n\1 .:a1~ ~ 1Q~ .:a~a. .. w:-~
~1.t:L» ,Q~Q ~~1. ...nabtadi'...wa-naktub juz'an min Kitiib al-mu'allim wa-al-tilmld, wa-
huwa ithnayn wa-'ishrun maqiilah. ... we write a part of The book of the master and the
disciple; it consists of twenty-two articles. Despite the title, this seems to be substantially the
entire work, which is attributed by the authorities to Patriarch Cyrillus Ibn Laqlaq. Cf. GRAF,
op. cit., II, 365-367.
Ff. 198a-204b: ~ ~ ~1a ~~1 !l1» ...... ~1 ~Q.tI ~ ~):at):a~11:-G'I
G'I!ll.:I:..:I11. Hiidha al-mlmar min l\1iir qalahu 'ala 'id al-Bishiirah. This is a
delivered the Mar which he delivered C0l11Celrn the feast of the
Annunciation. CL op. 1,440 f. ~~2.:I G'I:....~1 .~1 ~ "'~1
~~1 t" t "'):a~1 2.s~ tt \ »:2 ~~1 1i1 "'~1 .~!lQ!u:D.» ....
Miniatures and decorations:
F. 197b: the sinner.
F. 204b: The names of the months.
F. 205a: Reader's note in Arabic Khiiri the Church Mar Bahnam in
located within the Church of Abii 9 1657 19 1665 A.D.
(7) F. 205b: verse in honor of the Virgin Mary, in Garshuni: ~QA.:I wtt~l
G1!1G1~l t\~,. ~lQ G1!1G1~l t\~1 G1~2.U1 ...... Ra~~ 1 "" G1!1G1~1.

Language(s): Garshuni written in in

Date: 17th century
Material: Paper Folia: 205 Lines: 28 to 30 I-I and 28
Size: 28 x 17 em. Columns: 2 x 6, total 13

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in cloth covered boards. The rubrics are faded in some places and are poorly
legible in the film, which was somewhat overexposed.

Manuscript Nos.:
Li4M"ary: 184
Baumstark: --
Project No.: JERU 0004-3-6
Date filmed: 1988 May 23
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512143
Library: St. Mark's Jerusalem

Principal Work: ~a.t:a..~A1 ..::I1~ Kitab The book the Ethicon.

Author: Abu Barhebraeus.

Ff. Ib-169b: QC'1Q :..::I1;1A1 ..::I1~ 1ooIl1 ~a.t:a..~1 2~D:I~1 '111.9'\1 ..::I1~1
1ooIl1~ ~ ~~A1 ~1Q.11 ~1~ ~ :~2..N.QU1Qw..Il~D:I\\1 ~1..~~1 ~u...
1ooIl~1 ~1Q.1A1 ':='1 ..a; %~~1 ~1..~ 1.DQ.a~4U. ~U2. .....9...:l~~ :F1;':'~1 2.:IA1
1ooIl~2.:I ~Q~1 ~~1 ~Q~1C'1 ~1 ~~1 a.::a1 QC'1. Al-kitab al-naf'is al-
musamma lthlqiln, ay kitab al-adab; wa-huwa jami' al-diryaq'in al-jasadan'i wa-al-rillian'i, 'ala
faiJa'il anwa' al-a'mal, 'ala ra'y al-aba!'} al-mudabbiraniy'in tasn'if...Mar Ghr'ighilriyils, Mafriyan
al-Mashriq, umm al-anwar, alladh'i huwa Abil al-Faraj ibn Hariln al-Mutatabbib, al-ma'rilf bi-al-
'lbrL The precious book that is entitled Ethicon, that is, book of good morals; it gathers together
the corporeal and spiritual antidotes in regard to virtues and kinds of actions, following the
opinion of the Fathers who were guides composed by...Mar Gregorius, Mafrian of the East, the
mother of luminaries, who is Abu al-Faraj, son of Aaron the Physician, who is known as the
Hebrew. Cf. GRAF, Geschichte II, 278; cf. also BAUMSTARK, 315, n. 4.
a) F. 1b: Introduction.
b) F. 1b: Contents.
c) Ff. 2a-169b: Text. There is a hidden lacuna in the text, f. 136a; the end of
section 5 of chapter 9 of treatise 4 to the beginning of section 2 of chapter 10 of the same
treatise is missing.

Miniatures and decorations:

Decorative U""C""'f',"" occasionally separate divisions of the text. There are also many
near the u"""l;;,ULj'u.. s.

F. 1a: Dedicated the M()lna~)tel'v St. Mark in memory of her
ae(;ea:sea nmmana, the deacon A.H. the U"""'''''\JU,

'A bd son of MBloaaSI

146b and pas~nm: ~\J~'LVU Denna
F.175b: the ae,lcon, 'Abd al-Nur.
F. 175b: Reader's note the Hanna 2039 141 A.H.

F. 175b: Reflections on the in

F. 176b: Graffiti and pen trials
F. 176b: "Remember thy servant, BUlus.

Language(s): Garshuni written in

Date: Sat, 28 Adhar, 2035 A.Gr. 8 Apr., 1724
Material: Paper Folia: 176 Lines: 26
Size: 33 x 21 cm. Columns: 2 x 7, total 15 cm.)

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in leather covered boards, well worn. Some bleed-through in a few places.
Occasional ink smears.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 188
Baumstark: --
Project No.: JERU 0004-3-7
Date filmed: 1988 May 23
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512143
Roll: 3

Principal Work: ....

lo~l #
Author: L

. L:)Ul \.9..J.L
o~ \A~l .. ~
I '
0 ~
~;oo .~~;I.:» '\.. ~ j;...~l 0.-

t» ~~l ~ ~~ ,..; aL ~ ~Q ~;o

1 J.r,.... 0.. \"0
:t..a.,.tO U O't b...t ~ 1 ~0 Y:D 0,..:) 0 1 ~ 0 ~ ~ n..
~ ....:::.1 )OO't~o ~o~l 1;0.00 :~~l ~~, 0

1!O't )Ol~ ~ CMb...~ ~ ~l o-...t! o-.,:)L; u~ 0'\J1.Jo~

~l Kitiib, alladh"i huwa min tasni
al,-bat r~ yar k al-ladil, 1\1 ar jl;!ikha.'ii· wa-qad nazzamahu.
wa- jama ahu min tawar"ikh sabiqah, min al- Atlqah! mLn usi ii.s
wa-A.wsabiyus, wa-min al-Hadithah, min Yuhanna al-Amidz va
al-l\1.antiqI wa-Qura al-Saruji wa-ghayrihim. ila hadd zamiinihi L
rattabahu [rhi. ila hin niyahatihi linda khitam hadha al-mujallad ...
book composed by
who ordered, arranged
t. from Josephus and Eusebius. and from the
John Amida. Zachary Rhetor, Cyrus
tIme him who
tome .. in question is

t..a.! rQ,)O~ ~~l ~;~I ~l

Y:D 0;"" 0 t.m "" :~l ~ ~lo ~JeU.l ~~M~ IJ~
~ ~ ,.\,.,'\" 1 ~~l
T names

un name In

and successor, has been ren urn
c) F, 272a: !o;11 ..... .,:::...1 O'U~l
,... 01~~ A.smaf ru' /
~ ".
al-kahanah alladhln saru
names of the bishops who were reigned In Edessa. names are
Addai to Basiliyiis.
d) F. 2 a: 10;1 1 ..... .,:::.../ 0\J~1 ~o;
.~ A.smat}
ru asal' 1 al-kahanah
alladhin saru bi-
names of bishops who were reigned in NIelitene. names are
from La'untiyiis to I wannls.
e) F. a: !o;l. ~
Asma['} ru' asal' ] al-kahanahl alladhln sarli. bi-Amid names
who were in Amida. 22 names are lis
to Iwannls.
f, Ow·~ L to...!
.:...... ~/ ~~ ~
. }
Ba: mar names are

. 3 b- 0\J~1
}O 01 ~ ~....JCHl_;"» }O 01
~l 111.

names are

F :l~
.)O~!~() ",,~ul to..U»~ ~

names are . from S ter [il

#1 ordained each are

Ff. 383b- a:;~ l~~;l ~~; ~;Q

~ ;t..1 ;01..& tt..a.! ~~O ;'~L ~;\ .. ~l ..... ~~

... .
Surat risalah arsalnaha li-Tur In
wa-'ishrln shahr iiyyar, sanat 2 Yunanzyah. x of
sent to Tiir al-'Abdln. dated 29 2132 A.Gr. 10 June. 1

Miniatures and decorations:

(l F. la: Arabic verse in Garshuni. on work of a
) F. 385a: Notice concerning massacre Armenians
Sultan aI-HamId. 2205 A.Gr./1895 A.D./ 308 A.H.

Language(s): Garshuni In
Date: 5 II A.D.
Material: Folia: Lines: to
Size: em. Columns: 8 em. 3

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Library: 2
Project No.:
Date filmed:
Reduction ratio: Emulsion: GSU No.: 5 2
Library: St Mark's Jerusalem
Item: 9

Principal Work: 2.:I..i, b\a.:L:I~ i~aktbanllt Chronicle of the ages.

Author: Abu Barhebraeus.

Ff. 1a-402b: 1.a.5..:::U.. !L:::I:, au.i, b\a.:L:I~. l\1aktbanut zabne d-Bar
Chronicle of the ages by Barhebraeus. Cf. BAUMSTARK, 18, n. 6.
a) F. lab: Introduction. Inc. at the beg.
b) Ff. 1b-241a:2....51~Q.lQU:' l~;LtI lb\~. Pelguta qadmayta da-
Kronograpiya. The first part of the Chronography. This is the part that deals with secular
history. Ff. 221a-241a records history from 683 A.H. 1284/5 A.D.) to 1714 A.Gr. 1402/3
A.DJ, largely after the death of the author (1286 A.D.) and hence must represent a continuation
of the work, perhaps begun by the author's brother, Barsawma.
c) Ff. 242a-250b:2.:I..i, .::I~:' l.:I~ ~ ~. Qallil men Ktaba da-
maktab zabne. A little from the annals. This is an addition to the secular history, covering the
years 1705-1803 A.Gr. (= 1393-1492 A.D.). Inc. at the end.
d) Ff. 251a-390a: ~Sb\:' lb\~ ~Ql ... a~~a:hO!\nl:' l.:I~
~~l a:al Qc:rI:' .a.!I~~ ...!L» l.I~~ l.X.~ ~:' 2.:I..i, b\a.:L:I~:'
2..M-I~:, 2.:L.ll~ ,Q!lc:rIl !L:::I 2~"" \ ~~. Ktaba d-Eqlesiyastiqi, awkeyt pelgllta d-tarteyn
d-Maktbanut zabne, d-sim l-qaddisha lubtana Mary Grigoriyos, d-hll Abu al-Faraj Militinaya, bar
Ahron, Mapryana d-Madnna. The book of church history, that is, the second part of The
Chronicle of the ages, which was composed by the blessed saint, Mar Gregorius, who is Abu al-
Faraj of Melitene, son of Aaron, Mafrian of the East. Ff. 321 and 321 bis are glued together, but
the pages that could not be filmed, ft. 321 b-321a bis, are apparently blank.
390a-393b: Continuation of the history by the author's brother, Barsawma. It
inc:JucLes, f. a list of 1 works of Barhebraeus.
f) Ff. 393b-402b: A continuation of the an anonymous writer. Inc. at
the end to 1807 A.Gr. =

Miniatures and decorations:

Front An
Khiiri 16 Tishrin I, 1982 A.Gr. 1670
F. 241a: Record a meteor and a violent thunder storm without rain that occurred in
June and A.Gr. 1503
F. 241a: Record a storm that occurred in 1882 =1

F. 403ab: Sketch of the life of Barhebraeus taken from ;sAaA ~J..S..:I11 -:11M
-'b!ll~l Kitab li-awlad al-madaris. The book of gems the sons of the schools
Not mentioned in Geschichte.

Language(s): Syriac
Date: Between 1807 and 1814 A.Gr. between 1496 and 1503 A.D.).
Material: Paper Folia: 404 Lines: 22 to 33
Size: 27 x 16 em. Columns: 2 (21 x 6, toal 13 cm.)

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in leather covered boards, worn at the edges. Water-stained and worm-damaged.
The final leaves are tattered at the edges. Apparently the leaves were loose, but have been
repaired. The foliator has given #74 to two successive leaves.

Manuscript Nos.:
Library: 211
Baumstark: 36*
Project No.: JERU 0004-3-
Date filmed: 1988 May 23
Reduction ratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512143
Library: St. Mark's Jerusalem

Principal Work: Orthodox Church Offices for the nmlpUtml of the Fast.

Ff. 1b-8a: ------ 1»Q~:» ~ ------. d-sawma ------. ------- mid point of the
Fast -----. A hymnary for the on which the midpoint of the Fast is celebrated.
Ff. 1b-3a:
b) Ff. 3a-6b: Midnight office.
c) Ff. 6b-8a: Matins.

Miniatures and decorations:

(1) F. la: The manuscript was renewed and dedicated to the Monastery of S1. Mark, 18
Tishrln I 31 Oct.), 1910 A.D. Renewed by the priest, Hanna, son of the late Maqdasl Malkl
Kandur, during the pontificate of Metropolitan Ghrlghuriyus Afram al-Sadadl of Jerusalem.
(2) F. 8a: Copied by Khurl Musa Hatum.

Language(s): Syriac
Date: Fri., 5 Shubat, 1986 A.Gr. 15 Feb., 1675 A.D.).
Material: Paper Folia: 8 Lines: 21
Size: 29 x 20 cm. Columns: 2 x 6, total 13 cm.)

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound together with another manuscript, probably as a supplement to it. Worm-
F. 1 is torn, with the loss of part of the title. F. 2 is also torn, but without loss of text.

Manuscript Nos.:

Baumstark: --
Project No.: JERU
Date filmed:
Reduction ratio: Emulsion: GSU No..
Library: St Jerusalem
Item: lOB

Principal Work: Orthodox Church \JaCO[)lW ~Ulrnn'"ru for the ferias the
Annunciation and the the

Ff. lOa-112b: ~Ulmn'"ru for the derias of the Annunciation and for the feast of the

Ff. IOa-I03b: J.s»~ lEl.:sQ.D;l 2~ % l~a....:. ~~;l 2 IZI:\~

l~ Taksa d-meshtamle shliime d-Subbara, ba-tmane qinata. The order (of hymns)
that is observed on ordinary days of (the season the Annunciation.
(1) Ff. IOa-20b: First tone.
Ff. 20b-30a: Second tone.
Ff. 30a-39b: Third tone.
Ff. 39b-50a: Fourth tone.
(5) Ff. 50a-63b: Fifth tone.
(6) Ff. 63b-76a: Sixth tone.
(7) Ff. 76b-89b: Seventh tone.
Ff. 89b-I03b: Eighth tone.
b) FE. 103b-117b: l~::a
• • .2...X..:u:I
•• l::au..:. ~~::a• 2IZI:\ Lv Taksa d-
meshtamle b-'e'da qaddisha d-Yalda. The order (of hymns) that is observed on the holy feast of
the Nativity.
Ff. 103b-105a: Vespers.
b) Ff. 105a-112b: Midnight office.
c) Ff. 113a-117a: Matins.
F. 117ab: Mass.

Miniatures and decorations:

F. 117b: Remember the miserable and his and JJvuu,u.

his aalJgl1lter's, Sara and "'''''OrtU' and teacnc;rs.

Material: Folia: Lines:
Size: em. Columns: total 16

Binding, condition and other remarks:

Bound in wooden boards with a leather Considerable worm Bleed-
UUiOUlJrh also considerable. Some water stains. Bound ,,"Vi',"'''"'''''''' with a for the
of the Fast.

Manuscript Nos.:
Project No.: JERU 0004-3-10(B)
Date filmed: 1988 May 23
Reduetionratio: 42X Emulsion: Vesicular GSU No.: 1512143

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