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Solution Flyer

Content Manager
ControlPoint Software
Structured Data Manager (SDM)

Reduce Risk and Protect Privacy

Across Enterprise Systems
Most organizations today have content stored in business applications and system databases. This content
can contain confidential information that pertains to future strategy, forecast figures and partnership plans,
or sensitive data such as personally identifiable, personal credit or personal health information. The sensitivity
and privacy needs of this data is often overlooked when content becomes inactive and only referred to for
reporting purposes, or is buried in file shares and SharePoint sites that remain ungoverned.

Global Regulations are Driving spreadsheets and documents that may be left The Challenge of Balancing
Complex Requirements ungoverned in less secure environments such Collaboration and Compliance
With an increasing number of publicized data as SharePoint sites, files shares and exchange In addition to the challenges of identifying and
breaches for organizations around the world, must be identified, analyzed and protected to protecting sensitive information, you need to
information security and data privacy are rap- reduce risk of loss or theft. balance the requirements of compliance with
idly growing priorities. The complexity of ad- your business goals around productivity and
dressing these needs has increased with the Difficulties in Addressing Data efficient collaboration. Today most organiza-
creation of global regulations such as GDPR Privacy Regulations tions (not just highly regulated industry) have
that require compliance across multiple juris- Sensitive and confidential information can compliance as a high priority. While they need
dictions and many types of content. reside in many different business systems in- to put essential systems and processes in
cluding; databases for HR, Finance, Customer place to protect and govern their data they
The risk of exposing sensitive data increases and Sales as well as file shares, SharePoint also need to improve productivity, collabora-
when applications are retired, databases are sites and email servers. These systems don’t tion and efficiency to grow their business in
duplicated for development and training envi- have to be active either, they may be retired ap- an increasingly competitive market. It’s easy
ronments or SharePoint sites and File Shares plications or abandoned SharePoint sites. The to forget collaboration extends well beyond
are abandoned at the conclusion of a proj- problem is, if you don’t know what information the ability to work simultaneously on a docu-
ect. For retired applications with no suitable resides in these systems and you don’t have ment. Efficient and effective collaboration is
upgrade or migration path, this inactive but the tools to identify PII, PCI, PHI and corpo- dependent on staff having access to the right
sensitive data often needs to be maintained rate records you run the very real risk of this content, in context when and where they need
for regulatory and business continuity reasons information being exposed, lost or stolen and it. You need to have tools that facilitate the
so must be secure, accessible and usable. your organization being in breach of various governance, protection and authorized shar-
Similarly unstructured content such as email, regulations including privacy. ing of content without negatively impacting the
Solution Flyer
Reduce Risk and Protect Privacy Across Enterprise Systems

user experience—this means having powerful

Minimize disruption
search, an intuitive user interface, navigation, to services during Protect intellectual
automation and mobile support, to name a few. application property from
retirement competitive leakage
The Ongoing Cost to Compliantly
Manage and Access Data from
Retired Applications Identify dark data Improve
Data privacy and protection can be overlooked and sensitive data in compliance state
for application data in retired, test and training system repositories and audit reporting
databases, it can also be costly to maintain and
access. You might struggle to identify, mask Protect and mask
and extract sensitive information from a retir- Reduce cost and risk sensitive data to
associated with comply with global
ing application before it is shut down, or as managing archived privacy regulations
is the case with many organizations, you may data and applications
choose to maintain an instance of the retired
application for reporting purposes only. In ad-
dition to the license costs you also have to
maintain costly (skilled) resources and infra-
structure for as long as access and reporting Figure 1. What do you care about?
is needed—even if this is sporadic and very
infrequent. The difficulty in extracting data or Micro Focus® Secure Content Content is analyzed for sensitivity and risk,
running a report with limited resources could Management—Reduce Risk, Protect masked (if required), classified accordingly
result in your inability to respond promptly to Privacy and Collaborate Efficiently with policy applied to govern access, sharing
an FOI or e-discovery request. The Secure Content Management suite in- and retention. Connected repositories, contex-
tegrates file analysis, structured data man- tual relationships and powerful search coupled
With changing privacy regulations there is agement and governance-based enterprise with policy based enterprise content manage-
also a real risk that sensitive data may not be content management to help you identify, ment (ECM) makes it easier to find the permis-
managed in accordance with legislation and analyze, manage, retain and consign both sible data you’re after.
could be accidently or deliberately exposed or unstructured and structured data across the
leaked. An industry survey suggests 20% of lifecycle. The Secure Content Management Unstructured content can be managed in-
organizations sighted “staff negligence or bad suite consists of ControlPoint (file analysis for place or moved to a secure repository while
practice is the most likely cause of data loss”1. unstructured data), Structured Data Manager structured data extracted from system data-
__________ (application retirement and structured data ar- bases has security and access controls applied
chiving) and Content Manager (governance- prior to being intelligently archived to support
1 “© AIIM 2015,—Industry Watch, based ECM to manage both structured and future reporting and access needs.
Information Governance: too important to be left to
unstructured content across the lifecycle).

Redundant, Obsolete and Trivial (ROT) Lower data security and privacy risks
with data identification, masking, access
controls, redaction and defensible disposal
Apply policy to manage in place
Manage-in-place Reduce the cost of managing applications
Declare content and and data by
Active system File Analysis records
repositories— Connect Identify Analyze Auto classify – Removing the need for legacy
unstructured Categorize Policy applications to provide secure access
data Curate Enterprise
Security and reporting on data
Redaction Defensibly
Identify PII, PCI, PHI Management dispose – Simplifying the process for reporting
Lifecycle— Encryption
management across archived data
Intelligent Authorized access
Legacy Structured Data archiving
Validate Reporting – Centralizing control and access to
databases— Extract data
structured App retirement Audit logs archived data
Data extraction
data Data masking Reduce the cost and complexity of
Legacy data and ROT
securely managing unstructured content
with automation and integration
Figure 2. Secure Content Management components. In simple terms the Secure Content Management
suite allows you to get control, enhance com-
Both the structured and unstructured data is Authorized access, reporting and ongoing use of pliance, improve productivity and lower cost for
managed by Content Manager (governance- content from business applications such as MS structured and unstructured content in both
based enterprise content management), in a Outlook and SharePoint/O365 and database active and inactive systems.
unified and policy driven manner across the applications such as PeopleSoft and SAP ERP
lifecycle to facilitate authorized access, re-use is managed in a uniform manner with reduced Learn More At
and reporting. To optimize system performance risk, complexity and cost.
and infrastructure costs, redundant, obsolete
and trivial (ROT) data is defensibly disposed Secure Content Management can help you:
while storage is tiered and the remaining Preserve data and security through
content allocated according to its value and application retirement
activity levels.
Balance requirements for collaboration,
productivity, security and privacy at a
What are the Advantages of Secure
lower total cost by leveraging existing
Content Management? investments through
Secure Content Management suite helps you
balance the requirements for collaboration and – Interoperability with business systems
productivity with information security, privacy – Integration with MS SharePoint/O365
and compliance across enterprise systems. – Automation 3

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