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EDU 364 Fall 2017 Service Learning Project Log

1. Service Learning: All teacher candidates are expected to spend fifteen hours outside of class teaching
someone else how to use a computer. This could range from teaching a senior citizen the basics of
email to working with a classroom teacher and teaching them how to create a web page or a scavenger
hunt for a certain topic. Teacher candidates will be required to keep a log of hours and write a reflection
paper about the experience.

Your name: Gina Oliver Current Course: EDU364.01

Hour[s] of this Service: 2hrs-----------------2hrs-----------------1hr
Total Hours to Date: 2hrs-----------------4hrs-----------------5hrs
Date of this service Jan.25th-------------Feb.1st--------------Feb.8th
Time: 6:30-8:30-----------6:30-8:30----------6:30-7:30
Person/Student/Teacher’s Name: John Oliver Institution/School/District (if applicable): ----
Grade and Subject Area (or other description): My Father, 55 years-old
Description of Instructional Activities Which Took Place during the Service Learning Session/Lesson:
[Continued on Reverse if Necessary]

1.First, we downloaded his bank’s application (TD Bank) on his phone. We set up an account including a

username and password. I explained to him that the purpose of doing this, which is to allow him to have access

to his money from anywhere directly from his phone. Next, we will explore the application and saw what

functions are available. First we deposited a check. Next, we set up notifications to allow him to be notified

when there is activity going on with his account. Lastly, we transferred money from his account to my account.

And then, I transferred the money back to his account and he was able to get a notification and see a credit

transferred in.

2. On the second visit, we worked on texting. He refuses to text and will only make phone calls. In order to get

him comfortable with texting I started off by asking him to text simple expressions (lol, gtg, brb). He wasn’t

aware of what those expressions meant so I taught him five of the most common ones (lol, ttyl, idk, jk, thx). I

want him to understand that texting is supposed to make life easier and formal sentences are not required. I will

also introduce him to the talk and text feature. I showed him how to press the microphone icon, say a simple

sentence and check it in the text box to make sure it is written correctly. This is another way he can text and

utilize his phone for more than one purpose. Once he mastered one sentence, I showed him how to make two,

three and four sentences using the microphone feature. For example, I made him say, “ Hello (comma) how are
you (question mark) I am doing well (period)” This allowed him to use the feature for a whole idea, rather than

one sentence at a time.

3. The last and final part I assessed him on the information he has learned. Before I gave the assessment I
allowed him to ask me questions. Surprisingly he didn’t have many questions. This was the assessment:
Section A-Banking Questions (1-5)
1. Open the TD Bank application
2. Sign in with your username and password
3. Deposit a check
4. Transfer money into my account
5. Wait until I transfer money into your account and read me the notification.
Section B- Texting Questions (1-5)
1. Tell me what each one stands for:
a. Lol
b. Ttyl
c. Idk
d. Jk
e. Thx
2. Text each expression to me
3. Text me one sentence using the microphone feature.
4. Text me two sentences using the microphone feature (include comma and question mark)
5. Text me three sentences using the microphone feature (include exclamation point and period)

Section A-Banking Questions

1. 10 points /______
2. 10 points /______
3. 10 points /______
4. 10 points /______
5. 10 points /______
Section B- Texting Questions
1. 10 points /______
a. 2 points /______
b. 2 points /______
c. 2 points /______
d. 2 points /______
e. 2 points /______
2. 10 points /______
3. 10 points /______
4. 10 points /______
5. 10 points /______

Total – 100/________
Page 2
In your service learning, please note what materials, visuals, and or artifacts, you are using. (websites, Internet
based activity, software, other technology tools, hardware, software, etc.) What assessment tools did you use to
evaluate the learning that occurred during the session?
Alignment with Course Work:
Considering your professional training through coursework at Molloy College, identify those topics presented in
your courses which were in evidence during the service learning period [e.g., specific instructional strategies,
short and long-term planning, identification of goals and objectives, assessment strategies, etc.] Also, include
your thoughts about how this instructional lesson/session links with the theories of education presented in your

Your signature: Gina Oliver

Service Log entry reviewed by: John Oliver Date: Feb. 1st
1. Banking- My plan for teaching him how to do online banking worked well. I made sure to introduce him to

one topic at a time. Normally, I like to tell list the objectives of the lesson before I actually start in order for the

student(s) to understand the purpose and goal of the lesson. In this case, I decided to jump right in and take it

inch by inch. The reason I did it this way was because I know how overwhelmed my dad can get. I rather take it

inch by inch so when we were done with the lesson he didn’t even realize we traveled a whole foot. This system

that I used worked because as we completed each step and he mastered it, he felt confident to go on to the next

step. One system does not work for everyone, which is why its important for a teacher to know her/his students

and have different tricks and tools up their sleeve.

2.Texting- The next lesson I did a little differently because I earned his trust from the last lesson and proved to

him that I can teach him and he can learn about technology. So, I presented to him all the things that we learned

in his first lesson (all the objectives). By showing him last lesson’s objectives, I was proving to him that he

should not feel overwhelmed and he should be proud of how far he has come. Once I worked up his confidence

again, I showed him the objectives for THIS lesson. It was a lot, but rather than feeling overwhelmed, he should

of felt challenged because he knows the goals are reachable. We went over each step little by little. I was able to

ask him questions along the way. During this lesson it was clear to see that he was much more confident and

engaged. He wanted to learn, rather than feeling scared and discouraged. I told him that next time we meet, I
would be giving him an assessment. I told him that he should practice on a day-to-day basis and by the time he

takes the assessment he will feel well prepared.

3. Before I gave him the assessment I allowed him to ask me any questions that he’d like to ask me. He didn’t

have many questions so we jumped right into it. There were a total of 10 questions and each question was worth

10 points. It would acceptable if he got a 70% because he is still fairly new at using these techniques. The one

thing that did surprise me was when I asked him to sign in with him username and password (Section A-

Question 2) and he signed in with his fingerprint. I was in shock that he setup that feature by himself and knew

how to use it. Overall he got an 80% and I was very happy with that score because it was actually better than I

expected. Below is a picture of my actual score sheet:

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