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Understanding Children: Theories, Concepts

This chapter presents the major the connbute to our understandi enduring features and areas
wher experimenters and clinicians own schools of thoughtTh thinking that give us established
and em
the major theoretical perspectives on child development that nderstanding of children. The major points of
each theory, their
areas where each is most applicable are presented. The thinkers,
clinicians who have shaped our understanding are named within their uhought. This chapter educates the
health care provider on the basic lines of hat give us established and emerging insights into the
development of children.
There is notining as useful as a good theory.
Systematic study of the behavior and des gi owth in the 19th century an
te study of the behavior and development of children began its period of tremendous in the 19th century
and is flourishing today as an area of rich scientific inquiry and rch. Although all cultural and even
religious traditions have harbored a distinct view of
and how to raise them, these folk theories are currently augmented by observations
ural setunugs and the laboratory and by the thoughtful reasorning of a now large gallery of eminent
thinkers. We know more about children than ever before an
is growing exponentially. Moreover, like the child himself, this theoretical bedrock of our
understanding of our work with children is always changing and devel chapter presents the
major, enduring theoretical perspectives that have shaped our views of the child. These
perspectives prende insights for our everyday encounters with them. You can expect that these
perspectives will evolve, will be modified or even debunked. So why bother with this theoretical
stuff at all?
First, the science of child development is a core science that touches our
professional lives It is imperative that we have a professional level of knowledge
of this science, just as we do in genetics or pathophysiology. The major
theoretical perspectives add a high level of understanding of those we work with
every day. It is amazing to me that as the discipline of child development has
marched on, the training of most child health care professionals in this arca
remains elementary. We should know more and we should be familiar with these
perspectives, both the classic and the new. Theories allow us to think about
behavior, family interactions and new achievements and to then make sense of

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