Psii Goals

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PSII Goals

Name: Kendra LaRocque

Dates: March 5- April Grade Level: Grade 6


Goal #1: I will create detailed unit plans that will reflect not only
the program of studies but methods of instruction.

It is important that we as teachers develop unit plans so that we can gauge the length
of the unit but also assure that we cover all the material in sufficient detail to assure
that the outcomes from the program of study will be meet.

KSA#6: The purpose of short, medium, long range planning.

Strategies: Resources: Timeline:

 Detailed unit  Using the TA for  By mid point I

plans with advice and will have
assessment suggestions created a
methods  Using the detailed unit
outlined. Bloom’s plan that will
 Creating taxonomy. assist in
outcomes planning and
using Bloom’s give an
Taxonomy. overview of
the length of
the unit.
PSII Goals


Possible Performance indicators:

 Evaluation by Teacher Associate that has meeting or

exceeding expectations on the Formative Assessment at
 A completed Unit plan that assists in planning the lessons
that will be comprised within the unit.

Reflection and Evidence of Success:

I have currently created a unit plan that has assisted in planning my social
studies unit. This plan has detailed goals, outcomes and what will be
covered within each lesson. This unit plan has assured that I not only meet
all the outcomes of the program of study for the unit but that I cover them
within enough detail. Having established a unit plan I am also capable of
gauging when I will be administering tests to the class. This will assure that
I stay on track over the course of a year or semester.
PSII Goals

Name: Kendra LaRocque

Dates: March 5- April Grade Level: Grade 6


Goal #2: I will create an authoritative presence in the classroom

so that I can gain the students respect as the teacher.

It is important to develop an authoritative presence in the classroom. This presence
will assure that students respect you as the teacher. Establishing this respect and
presence will create a classroom that runs smoothly with limited interruptions.

KSA#7: Students’ needs for physical, social, cultural and psychological security.

KSA#8: Importance of respecting students’ human dignity.

Strategies: Resources: Timeline:

 Not continuing  Using attention  By mid point I

with learning if grabbers that will be
students are work for my demonstrating
speaking. teaching style. effective
 Wait time.  Establishing classroom
Allowing firm management
students to self expectations techniques so
regulate poor with the that they are
behaviour. students. minimal
PSII Goals

 Use non-verbal classroom

cues and disruptions.
 Listing
for the class on
the board.

Possible Performance indicators:

 Evaluation by Teacher Associate that has meeting or

exceeding expectations on the Formative Assessment at
 The need for less attention grabbers. Students will begin to
self regulate.
 The presence of less interruptions in class.

Reflection and Evidence of Success:

I have been writing outcomes on the board, these outcomes have reduced
the number of interruptions in the classroom. Students now see me as a
teacher in the classroom, they respond to attention grabbers that I have put
into place. I have also put into place a clap back attention grabber, by doing
so the students know when I am calling them back to attention. This has
reduced the length of transition times. At the beginning of class I have also
reduced the length of transition time by handing out Disney bucks to the
students that helped to pass out the duo tangs of students upon arriving in
class. I have also established that students are to be ready by the time I am
done attendance, in the first week my transition times were from 5-10
minutes, however, now we have them down to about 2-3 minutes.
PSII Goals

Name: Kendra LaRocque

Dates: March 5- April Grade Level: Grade 6


Goal #3: I will create a variety of valid and reliable assessments

that will align with the outcomes from the program of study.

It is important that the assessments that are created not only align with the program of
studies but will provide students with a variety of methods to demonstrate their
understanding. For the assessments to be valid they most align with the program of
study and be weighted correctly based on the size or importance of the outcome that
it is assessing. For assessments to be reliable they should be free of any errors that
will inhibit the students from demonstrating their full understanding.

KSA#11: The purpose of student assessment.

Strategies: Resources: Timeline:

 Checking tests  Using the TA  By mid point I

or quizzes for for advice and will have
test wiseness suggestions outlined a
errors.  Looking over variety of
 Verifying that PAT exams to methods to
all the assure the assess the
outcomes from questions will outcomes of
the unit are align with how my students.
PSII Goals

appropriately they will be

assessed. assessed on
the PAT.

Possible Performance indicators:

 Evaluation by Teacher Associate that has meeting or

exceeding expectations on the Formative Assessment at
 Review from the Teacher Associate on assessments that
are created to assure that the assessments are meeting
the needs of the students.
Reflection and Evidence of Success:
I have not had the chance to create my own exam for the class to this date.
However, I have already outlined what outcomes will be assessed with
each exam and the distribution of marks. In social studies I have come up
with a variety of other methods to assess the understanding of the students
such as through posters and flipbooks that the students will be handing in
at the end of class. Each of these assignments assess a variety of
outcomes to assure that I will be assessing the larger or more heavily
weighted outcomes in a variety of methods. For the quiz, that I am building
in my social studies unit I am pulling questions from released PAT’s and
creating my own, this will assure that my students will be familiar with the
form of test they will encounter with the PAT and that I do not have any
reliability issues, such as with test wiseness errors (like an answer in a
question that follows).

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