Joshua Lipman - History Report - 7th Grade

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Josh Lipman

Ms. Diane Nicoll

7th Grade History

October 26, 2017

The Title of Your Paper Belongs Here On One Line

Both trade over land and water between China and other civilizations during the Mongol

and Ming Dynasties were important because they led to the exchange of ideas, technology, and


Land and maritime trade helped the Ming and Mongol dynasties spread ideas and

religions. According to Amy Chau, “The Mongols were more religiously open than any other

power in the world.” This was important, because the Mongols were able to trade the ideas of

religion with other dynasties in order to bring more religions back to China. The Ming dynasty

was also very open to other religions, and helped bring in new religions to China by trade as

well. Bringing in other religions to China by trade really helped cultural blending with China and

all other countries they shared ideas with. Along with these exchanged ideas came the sharing of

scientific advancements.

Land and maritime trade helped the Ming and Mongol dynasties obtain lots of new

technology and sciences in China. For example, when bad epidemics hit China, the Ming

dynasty was able to go on sea expeditions to find medicines. If they had never started sea trade

they would have never been able to journey to other countries to find new medicines that they

didn't have. According to the Travel China Guide, the Ming dynasty was also able to improve

their agriculture very much from trading their technology with different countries. Agriculture
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was a very important part of any dynasty, so to be able to trade for new agricultural ideas was

very important. In addition to ideas and technologies many basic goods were traveled between

the east and west.

Land and maritime trade helped the Ming and Mongol dynasties gain lots of simple

goods. According to Hister On The NET, the Mongol dynasty traded for bows and arrows,

swords, saddles for horses, leather armor, and silk clothing. These goods were very impactful to

the Mongol people because they were nomads. Nomads would need to be able to obtain lots of

goods because they were always traveling and never knew what would hit them. As is evident

trade had a great impact on the Mongol and Ming dynasties.

Both overland and maritime trade between China and other civilizations during the

Mongol and Ming Dynasties were important, because they led to the exchange of ideas,

technology, and goods. Because the Mongolian dynasty was so open to different religions and

cultures, many new ones were introduced into China. China's need for weapons during the

Mongolian dynasty, and western medicine during the Ming dynasty, led to advancements in

technology and science. Additionally, many basic materials were traded throughout Mongol and

Ming dynasties. Overall, trade brought in many new ideas, technology, and goods that had a very

big impact on Mongol, and Ming dynasties.

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Works Cited

Mark, Joshua.​ ​Silk Road​: Ancient History Encyclopedia; ​March 28 2014,

Cohen, Leslie. The Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine during the Ming Dynasty:

Decoded; May 31, 2014,


N/A. Culture of Silk Road: Travel China Guide; January 11, 2017,

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