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Trainee Ongoing Observation/Feedback

Trainee Name: Rachael Del Boccio

Name of Associate: Mehernaz Darukhanawalla
Year Level: 3
Date from/to: Wednesday 7 February till Thursday 29 March 2018

Date Curriculum Area/Points of What was observed Feedback/Comments/Suggestions


Week 1 Classroom management Classroom routines regarding

taking the roll, stopping students
7 - 9 Feb to transition them; reading a
story to the students were

In week 2, responsibilities to include: taking the roll, spelling lessons, reading to students, taking one reading group, handwriting lessons

Week 2 √ This week you have quickly made yourself familiar with the spelling lesson format and have started taking these
12 - 16 daily. We discussed how we need to keep the pace of the lesson moving so as to not allow time for distracted
Feb students.
√ You have continued to read to students daily.
√ You have taken the time to get to know students and begin building a relation with them. It is great to see the
rapport grow between you and the students.

Week 3 Responsibilities added in Week 3 include: shared book and poem teaching

19 - 23

19/2/18 Classroom management √ Well done for reinforcing the routines of raising hands when students have
an idea.
- Remember to follow up your instructions with noticing students who are
following them straight away or in an acceptable manner. This is a good time
to also use the ticks for reinforcing the behaviour.
√ Fabulous for reinforcing the class rule of one person talking at a time.

Literacy - Spelling √ You are well into the routine of the spelling lesson and using the different
√ Well done for keeping a look at the time and tailoring the lesson
- Shared reading accordingly.

√ Great that you used predictions and followed that up when you were
reading the big books.
√ You used the pictures and questioning effectively to elicit responses/
vocabulary from the students.
√ Well done for following up the reading with recall questions and relating it
- Guided reading session to the students. Great question-- How did you know?
√ Clear instructions were given as to what you expected from the students-
“Now I am going to read the poem. I will read the first section and then we
will read it together.”

√ This session worked better today. This group can be asked to read silently in
their heads and then work on the specific skill for the day.

Numeracy - Introduction to maths games √ A rotation of groups came to you for explanation of maths games that
could be used at maths time.

20/218 Classroom management √ Good job for reinforcing the class rules. Remember that there are different
ways that you could do this other than giving constant verbal reminders.

Literacy - Spelling - Think of how you could pace the lesson with some more urgency.

- Shared reading √ Well done for introducing the concept of verbs and getting students to
identify verbs throughout the reading of the book and the poem.
√ Good use of questioning on each page.
√ It was good modelling of fluent reading today. Tomorrow we can all read
together.- sa
-Could possibly add some actions to the verbs in the big book too?
- Handwriting √

√ Lesson flowed well today. Good idea for allowing for students to work at
their own pace.
- Remember to go through all the work on the board before the students

23/2/18 Literacy Shared writing-cinquain poem √ Scaffolding was provided to students for the poem through questioning,
connecting it to the shared book of the week which the students were very
familiar with and a ready resource of a cinquain poem that was written up.
The ready poem provided the base with which the new poem could be
constructed and the students felt successful. These resources also mean that
the students will be able to use these for future cinquain poems that they will
write in class. Very successful lesson.

Week 4 Responsibilities added in Week 4 include taking maths groups

26 Feb - 2

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