Environmental Case Study

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Drainage system

I. Introduction

Drainage systems are the patterns formed by the streams, rivers, and
lakes in a particular drainage basin. They are governed by the topography
of the land, whether a particular region is dominated by hard or soft rocks,
and the gradient of the land.

Drainage helps our communities control rainwaters during rainy

seasons that causes floods in our streets. Stagnant water in our streets can
cause some diseases that greatly affect our bodies like leptospirosis, which
comes from dirty waters in drainage systems and floodwaters.There are
several concerns about the sustainability of irrigation and drainage projects,
and there are water quality problems related to the disposal of drainage
water. There are also problems with land degradation due to irrigation
induced salinity and waterlogging. There have been instances where saline
or high nutrient drainage water has damaged aquatic ecosystems.

Drainage continues to be a vital and necessary component of

agricultural production systems. In order to enhance the net benefits of
drainage systems, more attention will need to be given to the water quality
impacts of drainage water disposal.But how can we avoid such incidents if
the drainage system in our community is not fixed or not systemized? What
do we do in order to prevent these kinds of happenings? Drainage must be
in order or systemized because our main concern nowadays is our health.
Sewage can enter drainage and toilets bringing in harmful contaminants
which can cause damages in our properties and raise concerns to our
II. Environmental Problem

Our environmental problem is related to drainage systems. The location of

our problem is in Miramar Subdivision, Jaro Iloilo City. Everytime it rains
hard, water does not flow or is stagnant at one place due to the drainage
system. The drainage system in the said place is causing floods on the
streets during rains because some of the unorganized drainage and
garbage that stop the flow of water. These water can cause diseases that
greatly affect our health and an unhealthy body can affect our education.
Urban areas or areas in the city is greatly affected by this street flood
because there are more garbage produced in the city than in rural areas.
These garbages are thrown by careless people in the streets. Then, some
of these garbages will be carried by rain water to the drainage system
that stops or slows the flow of water in the drainage system which causes
street floods. These floods can slow the flow of traffic, affect commuting
citizens, and mostly bring diseases. But what do we need to do in order to
stop these kinds of happenings.

We have encountered this problem in Miramar Subdivision. It was raining

on our way to school. But as we approach near the school, waters on the
street rose due to the strong rain. Many garbages were flowing with the
street flood. Unfortunately there was no "trisikad" passing by. It made us
decide not to continue our way to school.
III. Environmental Solution

Each project has its own particular set of design parameters. An

elementary solution that solves one drainage problem might not be
applicable to another project.

The solution to this problem is that we will use our communication skills as
well as some of our devices to contact the Brgy. Captain or the Home
Owner's Association President of Don Julio Subdivision, Pavia, Iloilo about
the said problem. We will try to talk and tell them about our opinions about
the drainage system in that community. That it greatly affects the living of
people that stays in the area. We will talk about our suggestions and
solutions to the problem like renovating or rebuilding the drainage, which is
the main cause of the problem in the area.When warranted, our contract
consulting civil engineer will analyze the site for volume of runoff and
design a discharge system accordingly. Most projects are designed in
accordance with the guidelines contained in the "Storm Water Management
Design Manual". Second, the control of garbage production. We suggest
that they should put up big garbage cans in every corner of every street.
They should also put up cctv cameras to detect the people that carelessly
throw their garbage on the streets. Street sweepers should always be
present every morning and every afternoon to control trash that's on
IV. Conclusion

Although several significant research projects on permeability

pavement systems are ongoing, this study identified many needs that must
be addressed to advance this technology. It is hoped that the following
needs will support ongoing research to help engineers design, build, and
maintain pavement systems with confidence.

There are a number of factors to consider in the design of a drainage

system. Among them are:


The lack of a positive outfall that drains by gravity alone might

dictate the installation of a pump.


Consideration is given to the degree of porosity of the site. Projects

that are heavily impervious will be designed for larger volumes of discharge
that those with more pervious area.


Steeper sites drain faster that flat sites. Steeper sites generally
require fewer intakes, while flatter sites require more intakes.

Frequency of Return.

A storm event with a short but intense duration will generate more
runoff than a longer but milder storm. All habitable areas should be
protected from the inundation expected of a 100-year storm. Other areas
can be protected from the same storm, or a storm of lesser duration,
depending on the owner’s wishes.

The condition of the receiving body like the gutter, inlet, pond, open
pervious area, and etc.Affects design considerations. A basic principle is to
not overload the downstream areas.

Type and Size of Discharge.

Whether using a closed system or an open flume, the choice of

material affects certain design parameters. Where a perforated pipe in a
gravel trench might work in one instance, groundwater levels or the
moisture content of the soil might dictate a solid pipe in another.

One of the most important design elements appears to be the quality

of the permeable aggregate. Construction difficulties concerning placement
of permeable base and edge drains do exist; however, as confirmed by the
routine, all can be overcome by resourceful contractors and inspection by
well-trained construction personnel.

Long-term maintenance also was found to be essential to successful

long-term pavement performance. Because the design, construction, and
maintenance groups are interrelated, the team approach has been
proposed. In this approach, communication between all functional groups
is established at the design phase, with feedback provided throughout
construction and long-term maintenance.

Better performance indicators and performance monitoring schemes

are required to fully explore cost-benefit decisions. Information is required
on changes in roadway support so that it can be compared with historical
information on other undrained sections, joint behavior, and shoulder
behavior. The national effort to improve pavement assessment methods
could help provide this information. Remote methods of collecting inflow
and outflow data and rapid assessment of drainage backup also are
required to demonstrate drainage effectiveness.
A clear indicator of the cost and benefits of maintenance is needed.
In addition, national and local training programs for construction and
maintenance personnel are needed to improve drainable pavement
V. References







This environmental case study is made possible through the help and
support from everyone. Especially, please allow me to dedicate my
acknowledgment of gratitude and appreciation to the following, which in
one way or another became a part in this case study.

First and foremost, The Almighty Father, for His gift of wisdom and
strength to make this project with knowledge, love and passion, for his
guidance and for His help all throughout the study.

To his ever supportive and beloved friends, for their unending help
and support, partners, and for all people who gave him encouragement
and help he needed.

To those who, in one way or the other has contributed morally and
materially in the realization of the study.

May the Lord God, Almighty, continue to shower us his graces.

Thank you very much.

VII. Documentation
By: Renjan Solis and Ro-el Alocada BS ECE-2

Engr 223 MWF 7:00-8:00

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