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Columban College Inc.

College of Education
A.Y. 2017- 2018


The Philippines has registered the fastest-growing HIV/AIDS epidemic in the Asia-Pacific in the past six

years with a 140-percent increase in the number of new infections. At the end of 2016, there were 10,500

Filipinos infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) up from 4,300 in 2010. (Health Minister

Paulyn Ubial, citing data from UNAIDS). Two out of three new HIV infections were among 15 to 24-year-

old men, who have insufficient awareness of HIV, it’s symptoms and


infection-growth-rate-in-asia-pacific). The top cities in the Philippines which infected by HIV virus with

their prevalence rate are Quezon City - 6.6%, Manila - 6.7%, Caloocan - 5.3%, Cebu - 7.7%, Davao - 5.0%,

and Cagayan de Oro - 4.7%. “According to the World Health Organization, if the prevalence rate exceeds

5%, in a matter of two years' time, the HIV in these areas will really be uncontrollable already so lessons

learned, let us not allow the HIV prevalence in any of the cities to reach 5%.” (Dr Jose Gerard Belimac,

program manager of DOH's National HIV/STI Prevention Program)

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) it is a virus that attacks a human’s immune system, which is

the body’s natural defense against illness. This virus, is said to destroy a type of white blood cells in the

immune system called a T-helper cells also referred as CD4 cells. The HIV virus destroys the T-helper cells

and make more copies of it inside the said cell, and gradually will make a person’s immune system break

down. Infections or cancers might take advantage in a very weak immune system. This virus spread through

certain body fluids such as semen, blood, vaginal and anal fluids, and breast milk, but it can’t be transmitted

through sweat, saliva or urine. According to the Department of Health- Philippines, there is no existing

effective medicine to cure the HIV virus, but with proper medical care, it can be controlled. This medicine

that can be used to treat or control the virus is called antiretroviral therapy or ART. If this medicine will be

taken every day and in the right way by the person who has the virus, it can prolong that infected person’s
Columban College Inc.
College of Education
A.Y. 2017- 2018

life, keep them healthy and reduce the chance of infecting other people. But, if the person doesn’t take any

treatment, the HIV virus might advance in stages and might get worst. The three stages of Human

Immunodeficiency Virus are: 1. Acute HIV infection- the HIV virus in the blood gets very high within a

few days or weeks, and some people might experience flu-like illness. 2. Clinical Latency Stage- the HIV

virus is still active but reproduces at a very low level. Lastly, the stage 3. Acquired Immunodeficiency

Syndrome, or also known as AIDS. This is the most severe part of HIV infection. A person infected can get

severe illnesses called as opportunistic illness e.g. cancer, pneumonia and meningitis.


This purpose of this research is to raise awareness on the HIV virus among the students, specifically the

C.A.T officers in Grade 9 in Castillejos National High School. According to the Department Order no. 47,

series of 2012, the Department of Education will accelerate the Implementation of the School-based HIV

and AIDS Education Program (SBHAEP) nationwide (

This order is guided by an urgency to address the increase of HIV virus infection among the affected

populations in high-risk areas in the country. Our country, the Philippines is one of the two countries in the

Asia, which has a large number of HIV incident in the recent years. The Health and Nutrition Center (HNC)

will conduct an orientation and workshops for the teaching and non-teaching personnel to disseminate the

information about the HIV virus to the students for them to have a background information and how to

prevent the HIV virus. The youth aging 15 to 24-years old are the ones who are greatly affected by this

virus. Of course, experimenting with sex is part of the personal development of every child or adolescent,

but occurs at an early age especially among youth living in the streets, not having a home environment and

good prospects for the future. As a result of the little knowledge, they not only start experimenting at an

early age, but also experiment in an unsafe way, not using any contraceptives to prevent pregnancy and

sexually transmitted diseases.

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