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S4 S U N DAY , J U N E 11, 2 017 L AT I M E S .



CANOEISTS ply the waters of Lake Tahoe, of which Mark Twain, in “Roughing It,” wrote: “I thought it must surely be the fairest picture the whole earth affords.”

changed offices twice. In 1875 a fire
By Christopher Reynolds burned down most of the city. And
Twain himself was never a particu-
Who flies to Reno on a spring larly reliable narrator.
evening, rents a car and heads into “People will come in for tours,
the mountains with no skis, no and they’ll believe every word in
mountain bike and a backpack full ‘Roughing It,’ ” Buie said. Even
of books? Me. better, Buie said, she’s had visitors
Why? Because in 1861 a 25-year- who claim to be descendants of the
old Missouri riverboat pilot named author. Visitors named Twain.
Sam Clemens boarded a stage- I was still picturing those Twain
coach bound for the same territory. visitors as guide Greg Grant, who
He was going to dodge the Civil specializes in mining tours and
War for a few months, work for the mock gunfights, led me to the Cor-
government, do some writing, ner Bar at Piper’s Opera House
maybe dig for silver. Instead he (built 1878) on B Street and or-
stayed west for almost seven years, dered a shot.
emerged as Mark Twain, gave us It wasn’t hard to picture young
“Huckleberry Finn” and won global Sam Clemens doing the same
fame as that sardonic old man with thing at this same address.
the white hair and droopy mus- In fact, as historian and former
tache. Virginia City resident Carolyn
But what do we know about the Grattan Eichin and others have
young Clemens in Nevada and Cal- pointed out, there was an Old Cor-
ifornia? Not much. That’s why I ner bar on this spot in the early
had Twain’s Western memoir, 1860s.
“Roughing It” (1872), and two biog- By custom some drinkers’ tabs
raphies in the backpack, and it’s were tallied with chalk on a wall,
why I spent four days on a 270-mile and “twain” was a common way of
road trip and Twain pilgrimage. saying two. By at least two ac-
I wanted to see some of what he counts in 19th century Nevada
saw in those early travels — a dusty newspapers, Clemens got his nick-
Nevada silver-mining town, the name by hollering “Mark Twain!”
shores of Lake Tahoe, the hills of to bartenders.
California Gold Country. And I Twain denied this and insisted
wondered: After so much history, that his pen name came from Mis-
myth and marketing, how much sissippi River boat slang. But I
Twain remains? know which explanation I enjoy
A desk in Virginia City
The route from Reno to Virginia A trail above Tahoe
City, Nev., starts with broad, The next day I moved on to the
smooth Interstate 580, but before wetter side of the Virginia moun-
long, you’re climbing Nevada High- tain range and pulled on my hiking
way 341, a narrow, curvy road that A TRIO portrays Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday and Bat Masterson in Virginia City, Nev., where boots.
creeps near the summit of rocky Samuel Clemens worked at a newspaper and came up with his pen name, Mark Twain. After a drive of less than 50
Mt. Davidson. miles from Virginia City on Nevada
Virginia City (population 855), the main drag. — he covered them all with more portrait of the author, an aged highways 341, 431 (the Mount Rose
carved into the steep slopes and It wasn’t so quiet when Clemens verve than scruples, inventing wooden toilet that says “Mark Highway) and 28, I reached the
raked by winds, is part-ghost town showed up in 1862. In those days, hoaxes and waging feuds. Twain sat here” and, in prime loca- Tunnel Creek Cafe in Incline Vil-
and part-tourist concoction silver prospectors were arriving by In “Mark Twain: A Life,” biogra- tion, a weathered desk. lage, Nev., and shook hands with
plopped atop a netherworld of old the hundreds every week. The pher Ron Powers put it this way: Of course, you have to ask David Antonucci, a retired civil and
mining tunnels. town, he wrote in “Roughing It,” “Rather than focus on facts that whether the desk was used by the environmental engineer. Then we
The silver boom and the Wild was a jumble of “fire companies, any fool could observe and report, author. started climbing up the Flume
West are the prevailing themes brass bands, banks, hotels, thea- Sam reported facts that would Sandie Buie, who manages the Trail, one of the most popular hik-
here, and there are no regularly tres, ‘hurdy-gurdy’ houses, wide- have occurred in a better and more privately owned Twain museum, ing and mountain biking paths in
scheduled Twain tours. But there open gambling palaces … a dozen interesting world.” tells visitors that the desk was dis- the region.
is a 24-hour Mark Twain Saloon breweries and half a dozen jails … These are words to remember played at the 1939 Golden Gate Within minutes, we were sur-
Casino, and his face and name and some talk of building a as you enter the dim, dusty Mark International Exposition in San rounded by pines, a vast indigo
adorn several storefronts. church.” Twain Museum at the Territorial Francisco, and that its owners lake sprawling below us. When
By the time I arrived at the Sil- When silver mining didn’t work Enterprise (admission $5), down- have a letter from the expo com- Twain and a buddy arrived here in
ver Queen Hotel (built in 1876), out, Clemens took to reporting for stairs from Sandie’s General Store mittee authenticating it as being 1861 (before his time in Virginia
night had fallen and the old build- the Virginia City Territorial Enter- on C Street. The re-created news- used by Twain. City), it was known as Lake Bigler.
ing was creaking. Beneath my up- prise. By early 1863 he had come up paper office is furnished with old But Buie likes to tread lightly Now we call it Tahoe.
stairs window, snowflakes fell on with the pen name Mark Twain. posters, taxidermy, a vintage when it comes to historical claims. Antonucci knows the territory
the empty boardwalk of C Street, Crime, culture, mining, politics printing press and type cases, a The Territorial Enterprise particularly well. I arranged to join

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