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1) Who is Isaac Newton?

Sir Isaac Newton was an English

mathematician, physicist and a 17th century
scientist. He was described as a natural
philosopher as well as one of the most important
and leading scientists of all time. He was the
main and key figure in scientific revolution .He
was an is still famous for his, Laws of Motion,
this entire concept changed the way scientists
thought of the physical universe for three (3)
whole centuries. This just goes to show the
impact, Sir Isaac Newton, made in the world of
science before he died. Sir Isaac Newton
contributed a lot to the world of science and
A Picture of Sir Isaac Newton.

Born: 4th January 1643.

Died: 31st March 1727 (aged 84)

Field: Physics, Natural Philosophy,

Mathematics, Astronomy, Alchemy,
Economics, Christian Theology.
2) What is Newton’s Law of

Newton’s Laws of Motion are basically three

(3) physical laws that once combined together
set the foundation for classical mechanics.
These laws describe the relationship between a
body and the forces acting on it and its reaction
to the forces.

Newton’s 1st and 2nd laws in Latin from the original text
published in 1687 .
Newton’s Three Laws

1st law: Every object in a state of uniform

motion tends to remain in that state of motion
unless an external / unstable force is applied to
it. This law is often called
"the law of inertia".
2nd law: Acceleration is produced when a
certain force acts on a mass. The greater the
mass of that object being accelerated the greater
the amount of force needed to accelerate the
object. However, the second law gives us an
exact relationship between all three: Force
The mathematical equation is expressed as: F=MA.
3rd law: For every action there is an equal and
opposite re-action. Equal in size and opposite in
3) Explain how you would
calculate the formula Speed=

I would calculate the formula, Speed=

Distance/Time by firstly determining how far
the object travelled (distance) and how long it
took (time).Then I would divide distance/time
and that is how I would find the speed of an
object. Keep in mind that the standard SI unit
for speed is m/s which basically exhibits meters
per second.
Examples of the formula for speed

Here are two examples:

1.If this car drove 300 km in 2hrs. Calculate

the speed the car drove at.

Formula: Speed=Distance/Time
Speed=300km /2 hr.
2.This girl ran a distance of 250 m in 50 mins
in a marathon. Calculate the speed she ran

Formula: Speed=Distance/Time
Speed=250m/50 mins
Answer= 5m/min
Instruments used to measure speed.

A speedometer is to measure speed in vehicles.

A Anemometer is used to measure the speed of
the wind.
What is Speed?

To first understand the formula for speed

properly we have need to know what speed is.
Speed is defined as the rate of change of
distance with time or distance travelled per unit.
This should be easy as speed is part of our
everyday life.
Name: Tamara Chunesingh
Subject: Technology Education.
Topic: Research Questions & Answers.
Teachers: Mr. Dottin & Ms. Patron.
Class: 2-2.

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