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FORM TP 2016284 TINT test cope 02144010 MAY/JUNE 2016 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION? SOCIOLOGY ‘UNIT 1~Paper 01 J hour 30 minutes (02 JUNE 2016 (p.m.) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. This test consists of 45 items. You will have | hour gnd 30 minutes to answer them, Ta addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. ‘Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. (On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item Which theoretical approach is associated with microsociology? ‘Sample Answer (A) | Maraism ©O0@ (B) —_Neofunctionalism (C) Classical functionalism (D) Symbolic interactionism ‘The best answer to this-item is “Symbolic interactionism”, so (D) has been shaded. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may retum to that item later. ‘You may do any rough work in this booklet. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2014 Caribbean Examinations Council Alll rights reserved. Sociology can be classified as a science because of several characteristies of the discipline. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of sociology? a) ®) (©) Theoretical (D) Cumulative Which of the following Caribbean scholars made @ DIRECT contribution to Caribbean sociology? (A) Norman Girvan (B) Talcott Parsons (©) George Murdock (D) Lloyd Brathwaite Wiiich of the following are characteristics of empirical research? 1. The hypothesis is testable. Il, Data are interpreted and analysed. IIL, Data are collected in a systematic way. (A) Land tonly (B) Land Ill only (© Mand lll only (@) Land Itt Which of the following events was NOT a factor in the development of sociology as discipline? (A)__ Decolonization process (B) Industrial Revolution (©) French Revolution (0) Enlightenmeit In which of the following ways do socialization mechanisms BEST contribute to the maintenance of social order in society? (A) Individuals conform to 8 common system of norms and values. (B) The social institutions ensure that individuals remain class conscious. (C) The values of the society changeas the family becomes modern and global. (D) Formal sanctions enforce ‘established rules and this creates the foundation for change. Cultural patterns that strongly oppose the established norms of the dominant culture ‘within a society are called (A) subcultures (B) youth cultures (C) counter cultures (D) secondary cultures Forced acculturation is MORE likely to ‘occur when one society 1. perceives itself as being weaker II. _isperceivedas being more powerful UL, perpetuates its culture through mitigation (A) Land tt only (B) Land Ill only (©) Mand IM only (D) 1, Wand GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 10. According to the Marxist perspective, the power of the ruling class comes from its ownership of the means of production. ‘Which of the following sets are considered means of production? 1. Land and buildings UL, + Machinery and tools IU, Media and jobs IV. Income and wage labour (A) Land Il only (B) Mand Ill only (©) Mand 1V only (D) Mand IV only Janet was conducting research on gender- based achievement in schools and obtained permission from the guard at a local primary school to interview some of the students. Ten students volunteered to speak.with her. Which of the ethical rules of research did Janet violate? (A) Privacy (B) Transparency (© Confidentiality (D) Informed consent Xi Zhou emigrated to a Caribbean territory from his native country. In Zhou’s family 4 special treat is fish eyes and seaweed. When he carried this snack to schoo! he was teased and called a ‘mermaid’. Zhou's friends demonstrated (A) cultural relativism (B) cultural myopia (© ethnocentrism (D) xenophobia ap 1aaninimave 201K u 12, 13. ‘The statement “Sociology should be value free” means that (A) research should offer moral judgement (B) theories should be unethical and objective (©) researchers’ should be ethically neutral and objective (D) researchers’ emotions should influence only conclusions Item 12 refers to the following diagram. Level of Researcher Control At which point on the graph would the sociological method, covert participant observation, be placed? a) @) © @) Nex Rewards for positive behaviour and punishments for negative behaviour are called (A) norms (B) values (©) social mores (D) social sanctions GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 14, When a research method is repeatedly 18. Matrifocality in the Caribbean emerged applied and consistently produces the same because results in a study, itis said to be (A) itwas an East Indian practice (A) valid (B) Europeans were legally married (B) reliable (C)__ promiscuity was rampant among (© relevant immigrants (D) _ standardized (D) marriage among slaves was generally prohibited 15. Which of the following sociologists is associated with the Labelling theory? 19. The Marxist view on education stresses that (A) M. Smith (A) society rewards individuals for (B) A.Cohen hard-work (©) H. Becker : (8) education allows the elite to (D) —_R.Merton dominate society (©) individuals acquire skills which allow them to meet societal goals 16. According to Oscar Lewis, the growth of (D) education facilitates the teaching gle parent households in the Caribbean ‘ of norms and values to young isarresult of people (A) choice (B) poverty 20. ‘The education system reinforces (©) migration gender stereotyping.’ Which of the (@) education following statements BEST illustrates this perspective? ‘tem 17 refers tothe following diagrammatic (A) Females outnumber males at representation of a family structure. tertiary level institutions. (B) Females only have the capacity for non-technical subjects. (©) Males underachieve in school because teachers are predominantly female. (D) Males value non-academic routes tosuccess more than their female counterparts. 17. Which of the following types of family structures does the diagram above illustrate? Polytheism,; the belief in many Gods, is « (A) Nuclear feature of (B) _Reconstituted (©) Vertically extended (A) Islam (B) Hinduism (C) Christianity (D) Rastafari (D) Horizontally extended GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -5- 22. Which of the following statements are ‘TRUE of the Marxist perspective on religion? 1. It is the opium of the masses. I Tt acts as a mechanism of social contol. UL Itdistortsreality andhelpsto produce false class consciousness. (A) Tand Il only (B) Land lf only (© Wandiit only (©) Land Ul 23. Which of the following development indicators is BEST associated with a reduction in poverty and an increase in employment? (A) Social development (B) Economic growth (©) Political stability (D) Climate change Item 24 refers to the following diagram which describes various religious organizations. Loosely organized ‘and short- lived Charismatic leader 24, Inthe diagram above, P describes a (A) denomination (B) church (©) cult (©) sect 25. 26. 21. 28, ‘The MAIN technique used by leaders of sects to build their gathering is (A) focus on collective wealth (B) focus on traditional authority (C)_— charisma and emphasis on purity of their doctrine (D) drawing from a highly diverse and stratified public Which of the following groups of historical factors has impacted educational systems in the Commonwealth Caribbean? (A) Emancipation, colonialism, independence (B) World War 1, slavery, American Civil War (©) World War If, colonialism, stavery ©) Col sm, emancipation, World War! Which of the following BEST explains the objective of decolonization of Caribbean education systems? (A) Reducing ethnic différences (B) Liberating people’s minds (©) Increasing government involvement {D) Reduced dependence on the European model One of the latent functions of education can BEST be reflected in students (A) being punctual to class (B) wearing the right uniform ©) being given detention for wrongdoing (D) learning how to obey persons in authority GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 29. 30. 31. 32. 33, ‘The Caribbean education system produces some individuals who cannot read and ‘waite sufficiently to administer simple daily tasks. What isthe term for this condition? (A) Streaming (B) Functional illiteracy (©) Delinquent subculture (D) Poor academic self-concept According to the Social Pathology thesis, the changing family structure in the Caribbean was a response to (A) behavioural patterns of children (B) the increase in crime and violence (©) __theschool not working closely with the family (D) _ the disorganizing effects of socio- economic conditions Social class can be defined as @ group who shares (A) the same religious beliefs (B) the same geographical area (© similarskin colour and appearance (D) similar occupational status and consumption patterns Which of the following is LEAST likely to be considered a social trait used for ethnic classification? (A) Shared culture (B) Shared currency (C) Shared language (D) Shared nationality Which of the following factors is MOST likely to reduce the prevalence of male underechievernent in the Caribbean? (A) — Gender resocialization (B) Increasing family ineome levels (C)_— Greatéremployment opportunities (D) Increasing economic responsibility 34, 35. 36. Mary was forced to leave school at an early ‘age and could only obtain work as a hotel maid. She went back to school at nights and eventually became an engineer at age \ce shows that education serves as a vehiclé for (A) social stratification (B) gender stratification (C)__intragenerational mobility (D) _intergenerational mobi ‘The Marxist view of social stratification states that it (A). represents equality of opportunity (B) secures the interest of the dominant ‘ groups in society (© provides the greatest rewards for the most important jobs (D) _ is functional to society since it assists in the allocation of human resources Which of the following reasons BEST accounts for the ‘open’ system of stratification in Caribbean society? (A) The upper class has maintained its privilege over other social classes. (B) Women still advocate for greater access to education and eniployment opportunities. (©) Education and employment opportunities are inequitably distributed across all classes. (D) — Government policy has promoted equal access to education and employment opportunities. GO.ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 37. 38, 39, 40. a Which of the following is characteristic of a closed stratification system? (A) A person’s status can improve or decline. (B) A person’s mobility is determined by birth. (©) Mate mobility is based on success and effort at work. () Female mobility in the occupational structure is based on success and effort. Lloyd Brathwaite’s description of a plural society is evident only in (A) open societies (B) closed societies (©) homogenous societies (D) heterogeneous societies jems 39-40 refer to the following scenario, Angie and Davey were born to parents who were market vendors. Both children got scholarships to attend prestigious colleges. Angie became a teacher and Davey became ‘a chemical engineer. What type of social mobility did Angie and Davey experience? (A) Horizontal mobility (8) Downward mobility (©) _Intergenerational mobility (D) _Intragenerational mobility What type of society is illustrated in the seonario above? (A) Open (@) Caste © Class (D) Closed 41. 42, 43. Ltem_ 41 refers to the following table which provides data on the enrolment in a teachers’ college in 1972 and 1992. ‘Male | Female % % 1972 93.5 6.50 1992, 27 72.3 Which of the following statements BEST explains the trend in the table above? (A) Females dominated the teaching profession in the 1970s. (B) Female enrolment increased in the teaching profession, (©) Females achieved higher grades than males. (D) Males dropped out faster than 1 females. Society is kept together by value consensus, Which of the following theorists is associated with this view? (A) Emile Durkheim (B) Auguste Comté (©) Talcott Parsons ©) Karl Marx Which of the following theorists assumed that the working class is homogeneous? (A) Karl Marx (B) Auguste Comté (©) Talcott Parsons (D) Emile Durkheim GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 44. Inaclosed society, which determinant will 45. LEAST affect a person’s social position? (A) Rave (B) Education (© Skin colbur (D) Family ancestry -8- Which of the following theorists applied the Plural Society model to the English- speaking Caribbean? (A) () «© @) END OF TEST 4.8, Furnivall ‘Susan Craig MG. Smith R. Van Lier AF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 021440 10/CAPE 2016

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