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Multislice serial axial sections of lower limb acquired in helical mode with MIP and volume rendering reconstructions.

Enlarged lymphnodes seen in the paraaortic , preaortic precaval , aortocaval , B/L
external iliac , internal iliac and inguinal level with largest measuring 29 x 19 mm
on the left external iliac level . This node encases the left external iliac vessels
The abdominal aorta appears normal.
The celiac artery appears normal.
Superior mesenteric artery appears normal.
Both the renal arteries appear normal.
The infrarenal abdominal aorta and its bifurcation in to common iliac arteries appear
normal. There is no significant narrowing or thrombus in aortic bifurcation.

The common iliac artery, internal and external iliac arteries appear normal in calibre
and course with no significant ostial stenosis / luminal narrowing.
The continuation of external iliac artery into common femoral artery appear normal with no
definite evidence of narrowing / thrombus.
The superficial femoral artery, profunda femoris, popliteal artery and its branches appear
The proximal &distal segments of anterior tibial and posterior tibial artery appear normal.
Attenuated flow noted in the right distal anterior tibial and posterior tibial artery .
Occlusion of the dorsalis pedis artery .
Complete occlusion of distal peroneal artery at a distance of 10 cms above ankle joint .
Mild asymmetrical jointspace narrowing noted in the medial tibio-femoral joint with
subchondral cyst and sclerosis changes –s/o degenerative joint disease

The common iliac artery, internal and external iliac arteries appear normal in calibre
and course with no significant ostial stenosis / luminal narrowing.
The continuation of external iliac artery into common femoral artery appear normal with no
definite evidence of narrowing / thrombus.
The superficial femoral artery, profunda femoris, and its branches appear normal.
The proximal &distal segments of anterior tibial and posterior tibial artery appear normal.
Attenuated flow noted in the left distal peroneal artery and anterior tibial artery
Occlusion of the dorsalis pedis artery seen
Diffuse subcutaneous edema changes noted in the left lower limb.

Mild superficial varicosities noted in the medial aspect of thigh and also the medial ,
antero-lateral and posterior aspect of leg.

Soft tissue swelling with airpockets noted in the dorsum of the left foot near the 2 nd, 3rd
and 4th metatarso-phalangeal joints with lytic destruction of the 4th phalanx and the head
of the 4th metatarsal


 Attenuated flow noted in the B/L distal anterior tibial artery , distal right
posterior tibial artery and left distal peroneal artery.
 Complete occlusion of distal right peroneal artery at a distance of 10 cms above
ankle joint.
 Occlusion of the B/L dorsalis pedis artery.
-S/o Peripheral vascular disease

 Enlarged lymphnodes in the paraaortic , preaortic , precaval , aortocaval ,

B/L external iliac , internal iliac and inguinal level with largest measuring
29 x 19 mm on the left external iliac level . This node encases the left
external iliac vessels

 Soft tissue swelling with airpockets noted in the dorsum of the left foot near the
2nd, 3rd and 4th metatarso-phalangeal joints with lytic destruction of the 4th phalanx
and the head of the 4th metatarsal

 Mild asymmetrical jointspace narrowing noted in the right medial tibio-femoral

joint with subchondral cyst and sclerosis changes –s/o Degenerative joint disease.

 Mild superficial varicosities noted in the medial aspect of left thigh and also the
medial , antero-lateral and posterior aspect of left leg.

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