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Mole Fraction:

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package _molefraction;

* @author user6
*/import java.util.Scanner;
public class _MoleFraction {

* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input= new Scanner (;
double mA, nA, nB, MWA, MWB ;

System.out.print ("mass fraction of A: ");

mA = input.nextDouble ( );
System.out.print ("MW of A: ");
MWA = input.nextDouble ( );
System.out.print ("MW of B: ");
MWB = input.nextDouble ( );

nA= (((mA/MWA)/((mA/MWA)+(1-mA/MWB))) ;

System.out.printf("mole fraction of A: "+"%5f",nA);

nB= 1-nA
System.out.printf("mole fraction of B: "+"%5f",nB);


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