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Deductive quantity of Item 505(5) for Lined Canal.

There was a discrepancy in the cross sectional area of lined canal

between the one quantified in the program and the one implemented on site.
In the program, cross sectional area is 0.39m2 while on the actual is 0.23m2.
However, the decrease in quantity does not regard that the area for lined canal
has been reduced in the actual site because the area reflected on the plan is
more narrower than the one implemented in the actual site. Nonetheless, site
instruction has been issued to the contractor regarding that matter. Below is the
details of Lined Canal reflected on plan and in actual.
With this, the deductive quantity of Item 505(5) for lined canal contributed
to an amount of Php.1,641,725.54 in which this will be considered as "savings"

Lined Canal Details (Actual) Lined Canal Details (Original Plan)

Reducing the size of lateral RCPC

The original size of lateral culvert to be installed on site is 910mm dia.
RCPC. However, based on the hydraulic analysis, the use of 610mm dia. RCPC is
already sufficient to accommodate the run-off. Thus, using of 910mm dia. lateral
RCPC will be considered as overdesign and the use of lateral RCPC of 610mm
dia. will be appropriate. With that, a deductive of 14 l.m. x910mm dia. RCPC has
contributed a "savings" amount of Php. 86,800.00.

Considering the savings amount mentioned above, below are the following
provisions identified to benefit the community:

1. Concreting of gap between the project and the BUB road in order to utilize
fully the latter in safely manner.
2. Transition pavement at the start and end of the BUB road to ensure smooth
and safe travel of the motorists.
3. Installing of warnings signs at both ends of the BUB to alert the motorists
that there is a widened portion of the road.
4. Providing of concrete sidewalk, same length of the BUB, along the area
encroached by the electrical posts. In this manner, accidents will be
prevented due to the electrical posts encroached by the pavement.
5. Providing of reflectorized thermoplastic pavement markings (both edges
and centerline) along the widened road.
6. Providing of slope protection before and after the Bridge to prevent
erosion of the embanked material.

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