Upgrading MET Institutes - Project

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Upgrading MET Institutes – Project

This CD-rom contains the following chapters :

Module code list : a breakdown of the modules for study levels : ANT III

Module code contents : this is the course syllabus and contains the general overview of each
module, stating the Function, Study-line, Competence, Module code, General aims,
Textbooks, Equipment, Training outcome, Objective, Teaching aids, Number of hours and
Examination procedures.

Time table : the actual course outline, containing the subject area, the knowledge,
understanding and proficiency area (KUP-area) and the hours for these subjects.

Lesson plans : a detailed breakdown of the subjects and topics, the allocated hours, teaching
method and books to be used.

Books vs module code : an overview with all the books used in the lesson plans, since we use
abbreviations in the lesson plans, this list is necessary to find the actual titles.

Annex 1 : this contains the full equipment list extracted. The course syllabus and lesson plans
refer to this list.

Explanation for the module code :

For all subjects and topics are the module code is used, sometimes in combination with the
study line. A typical module code may look like this : ‘N III –’ or ‘T IV –’.

N III – means : study line ANT III, function 1 : navigation

competence 2 : maintain a safe ………..
subject 2 : principles in keeping………
topic 1 : keeping a safe…………

and for :
T III – : study line ATT IV, function 3 : maintenance and repair ……………
competence 1 : maintain marine engineering…..
subject 1 : safety and emergencies
topic 7 : safety and emergencies procedures

On some documents only the figures appear ( e.g. The breakdown into function,
competence, subject and topic is the same and the study line is mentioned on the page.

STC-Group 20-3-2018 intro 1

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