Positive Real Estate News and The Marin County Market

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Marin Market News

Volume 1, Issue 1 September 2010

Positive Real Estate News and the Marin County Market

Marcella Tate, Realtor Let‟s start with the National pired. Since May, after the
Frank Howard Allen Real Estate Market. Here are deadline, contract signings
DRE# 01845888 some interesting facts from have been notably lower and
a pause period for home sales
NAR that you may find
Direct Line: is likely to last through Sep-
encouraging about buying, tember,” he said. “However,
415.258.4156 selling, or just being a given the rock-bottom mort-
homeowner in general: gage interest rates and his-
Email: torically high housing af-
Marcella@marcellatate.com July 2009 home sales were at fordability conditions, the
5.14 million units while July pace of a sales recovery According to Freddie Mac,
2010 home sales are at 3.83 could pick up quickly, pro- the national average commit-
Website: million units, down 25.5% vided the economy consis- ment rate for a 30-year, con-
www.MarcellaTate.com from July 2009. Why? tently adds jobs.” - Lawrence ventional, fixed-rate mort-
Yun, NAR chief economist. gage fell to a record low 4.56
Existing-home sales were percent in July from 4.74
“Even with sales pausing for
CONTACT ME TO sharply lower in July follow- percent in June; the rate was
a few months, annual sales
RECEIVE HOME ALERT ing expiration of the home 5.22 percent in July 2009.
are expected to reach 5 mil-
OR MARKET REPORT buyer tax credit but home Last week, Freddie Mac re-
lion in 2010 because of
EMAILS! prices continued to gain, ported the 30-year fixed was
healthy activity in the first
according to NAR down to 4.42 percent.
You determine the frequency half of the year. To place in
of the emails and the search perspective, annual sales
“Consumers rationally All-cash sales rose to 30 per-
criteria to fit your needs. averaged 4.9 million in the
jumped into the market be- cent in July from 24 percent
past 20 years, and 4.4 million
Let the current real estate fore the deadline for the in June.
over the past 30 years,” Yun
information you want find home buyer tax credit ex-

The Job Market & Our Local Economy-Factors For Growth

California's economy is the 500 headquarters at 57 compa- Jobs and security. In fact,
largest of any state in the US, nies each. (April 2010 Fortune Marin County has the lowest
and is the eighth largest econ- Magazine) unemployment rate in
omy in the world. As of 2008, the state of California at
the gross state product (GSP) Here is an interesting fact: 8.2%.
is about $1.85 trillion, which is Of the 57 Fortune 500 compa-
13% of the United States gross nies in California, 8 are in San In comparison to the state‟s
domestic product (GDP). Francisco, and an additional 22 12.1% unemployment rate our
are in the Bay Area. What does county offers a little more
As of 2010 California along this mean for our local opportunity than a typical
with Texas leads all other economy? economy right now.
states in the number of Fortune
Page 2 Marin Market News

Novato Specifics - When Will We Recover? Maybe sooner than you think.
When looking at the specifics of the current Novato Market, I started to feel like we are still
in trouble. Let‟s face it, when the Novato bubble burst it burst HARD. A staggering per-
centage of homes available in Novato were distressed sales, and the sooner we sell them
and flush them out, the better off we all will be. If sales in Novato continue as the past few
years dictates, there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Total Number of Total Number of Percentage of Difference from
Old Novato City SFH’s Sold in those homes that Homes Sold in previous year
Hall Novato from were distressed Novato that were
Jan-July sales distressed
2007 258 38 15% -
2008 198 86 43.5% 28.5% increase
2009 216 130 60.5% 17 % increase
Contact me for a 2010 238 113 47.5% 13 % decrease!
free Comparative *Information Source: BAREIS
Market Analysis.
I grew up in Loma I wanted to see what percentage of Novato Single Family Home sales are distressed prop-
erties to determine if we have „peaked‟ our distressed property sales, and what I found was
Verde and I still live
encouraging while still showing the reality of how hard we were hit. Hopefully, the 13%
here today, and I am decrease in distressed sales is an indicator that we are getting past „the hump‟.
available to assist
Bad news first? Some prices are still dropping. Not by very much, but they have not lev-
you. I am happy to eled off completely yet. The good news? More homes are selling in Novato, and when
provide the answers priced well they are spending a lot less time on the market (see breakdown of city chart
below). So, as long as more distressed homes keep selling with lower days on market, the
to any real estate sooner we can flush them out and see our price point increase to a stable level. Having
questions that you been born in Marin and raised in Novato, I want nothing more than to see our city recover
and the people who have worked so hard to be able to call Novato home. Contact me for a
have and be your free Comparative Market Analysis, or if you simply have any questions. I am happy to
real estate provide the answers to any real estate questions that you have and be your real estate in-
formation source.
information source.

January-July 2009 vs. 2010 Non-Distressed Single Family Home Sales Comparison
Number of Units Average Price Per Average Days On
Sold Square Foot Market
CITY 2009 vs. 2010 2009 vs. 2010 2009 vs. 2010
Belvedere 9 / 15 $998.98 / $847.23 122 / 162
Corte Madera 17 / 30 $571.98 / $542.52 77 / 45
Fairfax 20 / 28 $424.11 / $385.65 78 / 28
Greenbrae 11 / 22 $538.40 / $504.09 49 / 78
Kentfield 10 / 78 $828.21 / $609.46 48 / 78
Larkspur 13 / 21 $568.71 / $629.14 93 / 49
Mill Valley 73 / 107 $597.93 / $580.80 85 / 77
Novato 78 / 112 $334.55 / $314.98 102 / 65
Ross 14 / 6 $758.05 / $845.27 77 / 64
San Anselmo 46 / 48 $498.90 / $434.21 65 / 63
San Rafael 103 / 139 $420.03 / $410.16 87 / 72
Mt. Tam Views Sausalito 5 / 12 $498.18 / $593.77 196 / 118
Tiburon 24 / 38 $753.16 / $695.60 117 / 127
*Information Source: BAREIS
Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 3

Company News - Frank Howard Allen Has A Lot To Celebrate!

While Frank Howard Allen cele- the true success lies in our repeat burn out and have less to offer our
brates having a century of local business and referrals. FHA was clients.
service under our belt, our company named the Best Real Estate Bro-
Random Margarita parties in the
continues to receive awards reflect- kerage in Marin, as part of the
office complete with a fabulous
ing the level of uncompromised Pacific Sun 2010 Best of Marin
taco truck, Bocce Ball tournaments
service we pride ourselves on. Readers’ Poll which recognizes
on a Friday afternoon, music after
local favorites. This was the first
our office meetings echoing
Locally owned and operated, FHA year the Pacific Sun included the
throughout the halls, and Karaoke
has been a part of the Bay Area‟s category of real estate brokerage.
Christmas parties really lighten
history for many years, and sur-
things up and keep the important
vived every Real Estate market I love being a Realtor in the San
balance of work and play. There is
imaginable. Rafael office, and one thing my
never a shortage of laughter at any
office is known for is the work hard
Frank Howard Allen event, and we
While Frank Howard Allen is play hard lifestyle. If we don‟t
are all in this business because of a
number one in the Real Estate remember to have fun in-between
common desire to provide unmatch-
Market Share for both dollar the long hours and sometimes chal-
able service...and the common love
volume and number of units sold, lenging market, we will eventually
of where we live!

Don’t let the

Propositions 60 & 90- Take Your Property Taxes With You!
reassessment of
Prop 60 was a constitutional property must be in the same be purchased or newly con-
amendment approved by the county. structed within two years your property
CA voters in 1986. It allows for (before or after) of the sale of
-The benefit may be used once-
the transfer of an existing Prop in-a-lifetime unless you become
the original property and must taxes stop you
13 base year value from a for- be occupied by the claimant as
severely and permanently dis-
mer residence to a replacement abled.
the principal residence at the from moving
residence. This benefit is open time of filing.
to homeowners who are at least -The original property must
-The original property must be
into a better
55 years old , and who meet the have been eligible for the
Homeowner‟s Exemption or subject to reappraisal at its cur- situation! Feel
following requirements:
entitled to the Disabled Vet- rent fair market value as a result
-You must be at least 55 years
old or severely or permanently
eran‟s Exemption. of its transfer. free to contact
disabled. -The replacement dwelling
must be of equal or lesser value. *continued below... me with any
-Both the original (former resi- The replacement dwelling must
dence) and its replacement - questions.

Props 60 & 90 Continued...

-A claim or relief must be filed completes construction of the The following counties have
within three years of the date a replacement residence within adopted a Prop 90 Ordinance:
replacement dwelling is pur- two years of the sale of the Alameda, Los Angeles, Orange,
chased or new construction of a original property, the base year
San Diego, San Mateo, Santa
replacement dwelling is com- value of the original property
pleted. may be transferred to the land Clara, and Ventura. Please note
and the newly constructed resi- that these counties are subject
-The replacement property must to change.
be purchased for consideration
at fair market value- it cannot Prop 90 allows eligible senior Contacting your legal advisor
be inherited, distressed sale citizens relief from reassess-
priced, or exempt from and tax professional is an im-
ment when purchasing a re-
reassessment. placement home of equal or portant first step to determine if
lesser value in a county which you qualify for Props 60 & 90. The Great Seal of the state
-If a claimant purchases land of California
more than two years prior to the has adopted the provisions of Knowing your options can
sale of the original property but the law. make a world of difference!
Helping you create opportunity in your own backyard.

MARCELLA TATE, Your neighborhood is now on Face Book! Join our page and contribute!
REALTOR Loma Verde Neighborhood Page
DRE#01845888 Pointe Marin Neighborhood Page
Country Club Neighborhood Page
I will post random news, events, and things to do in our neighbor-
700 Fifth Avenue hood. This can be our forum and an easy way to reach out to our
San Rafael, CA 94901 neighbors.

Phone: 415-258-4156
Fax: 415-457-2359
E-mail: mtate@fhallen.com

Promote your local business, organize walking groups, support

neighborhood watch and initiate discussions. The more of us who
contribute the more the page will have to offer. I encourage you
to join in and let us know why you love where you live!


Positive RE news and the Marin County Market-What is going on in 2010?

Inside As a Realtor it is always a In this newsletter you will
little frustrating listening to find detailed statistics that
the news and their take of will create a clear picture of
The Novato 2 the real estate market. While the current state of the
RE Market the staggering national num- market.
Update bers are accurate, such as a
27% drop in the July market, To truly understand the state
there are a lot of other fac- While the economy is still of the Marin market as a
The Marin 2 whole, we must break it
tors to consider when hear- recovering and the crisis is
County RE ing such broad statistics. still very real, we are blessed down by city since each city
Market by City to live in Marin County not in Marin has its own
I have heard so much nega- only because of its beauty strengths and challenges. In
Frank Howard 3 tive publicity in the last two and location, but because of this newsletter you will find
Allen weeks about the current the unique market we are a special emphasis on
Celebrating 100 trends of real estate that I Novato and the details
experiencing. So before we
Years decided to address the nega- needed to understand how
all buy into the „sky is fal-
tivity head on and shed a ling‟ concept, let‟s take a our city‟s market has been
Propositions 60 3 little light with what the effected and how it is chang-
look at what is going on
& 90 Take Your media has failed to mention. ing since the bubble burst.
both locally and nationally.
Property Taxes
With You

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