Claudio Galeno de Pérgamo

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Why you selected this person?

I selected the Greek doctor Claudio Galeno de Pérgamo, because he was a

Pioneer in the history of science that introduced the scientific foundations of

medicine. In addition, due to its influence and contribution, it has been

established as one of the decisive events in the structure of Western medicine

that, to a large extent, has established the objective foundations of medical

knowledge. Among his works stand out, the medical system created by Galeno

de Pergamo, that has influenced more than any other in the history of medicine.


Galen was born in Pergamum, in the year 129 AD. Galen. At twenty years old,

Galen became a disciple or partner of the god Asclepius in the Asclepeion of

Pergamo for four years, where he would begin his medical studies.

Galen completed his studies in Alexandria, Egypt. In this place, he learned the

importance of anatomical and physiological studies for medicine, dissected

corpses and came into contact with the work of important anatomists such as

Herófilo and Erasístrato. From 162 he lived in Rome, where he wrote numerous

works, publicly demonstrating his knowledge of anatomy.

Galen spent the rest of his life in the imperial court, writing and conducting

experiments. According to his own testimonies, he used twenty scribes to write

down his words. The date of his death has been estimated around the year 201.
Achievements, inventions or discoveries

 Galeno managed to introduce the knowledge of anatomy as the objective

foundation of medicine, through dissection and vivisection.

 He wrote important works that formed an essential part of university

knowledge in the late medieval period

 The doctrinal legacy of Galen was accepted as a true science.

 Established the principle where philosophy and logic, which are necessary

disciplines in the formation of the good doctor

 He discovered a series of associations of ideas to explain the function of

anatomical structures.

 He designed the bases of the anatomical and functional model to explain

the health-disease process.

 Galen built his biological doctrinal foundations on Aristotelian vitalism

based on the works Natural History of Animals.

 Galen designed his theory of urine examination including the semiological

value of sediment, cloud, suspension, among some other things.


 «Galen». Encyclopædia Britannica IV. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. 1984.

pp. p. 385.

 Castiglioni A, Historia de la medicina. Barcelona; Salvat Editores, 1941:


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