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APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 102, 151111 (2013)

Enhanced light absorption in thin film solar cells with embedded dielectric
nanoparticles: Induced texture dominates Mie scattering
James R. Nagel1,a) and Michael A. Scarpulla1,2,b)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA
(Received 10 February 2013; accepted 29 March 2013; published online 19 April 2013)
We elucidate the dominant physical mechanisms for enhanced light absorption in thin film solar
cells with embedded dielectric nanoparticles and conformal surface texturing. A prior work
reported enhancement in short-circuit current for such a structure and attributed this gain to
increased photon absorption due to Mie scattering by the embedded nanoparticles [S. Nunomura,
A. Minowa, H. Sai, and M. Kondo, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97(6), 063507 (2010)]. On the contrary,
simulations indicate that absorption gain is categorically dominated by the roughened surface
texture that resulted from conformal overgrowth of amorphous silicon above the deposited
C 2013 AIP Publishing LLC []
dielectric nanoparticles. V

With the advent of optically thin silicon films for photo- interfaces.4,5 We have also solved for exact field profiles
voltaic power generation, efficient light-trapping has become found in guided mode propagation through lossy slab wave-
an important area of current research. In principle, the goal guides and showed how they differ from typical low-loss
is to scatter sunlight within the solar cell after it has entered approximations.7 In this work, we use finite-difference time-
through the top surface, thereby increasing the overall domain (FDTD) simulations to probe the broadband response
path length of propagation within the film and absorbing of light-trapping structures incorporating wavelength-scale
more energy. Some examples of experimental embodiments scatterers and front surface texturing. Data were collected by
include random surface roughening,1 photonic crystals,2 and modeling a thin-film photovoltaic cell similar to the device
plasmonic nanoparticles.3 In this work, we specifically focus reported in Ref. 6 and calculating the absorbed photon flux
on the use of light-scattering nanoparticles deposited directly due to excitation by the AM 1.5 solar spectrum. Comparisons
within the film region of the device. Similar to surface were then made against a few simple implementations of sur-
roughening at the back contact, this scheme has the advant- face texture, both with and without the embedded dielectric
age of working cooperatively with antireflective coatings nanospheres. Numerical experiments were then repeated on
(ARCs), thereby allowing for independent maximization of two variations of the same principle design as a test for gener-
light injection in concert with light trapping.4,5 ality. In all cases, the gain in absorbed photon flux from the
Nunomura et al., in a combined experimental and theo- surface textures greatly outweighed those from the embedded
retical paper, investigated the effects of embedded dielectric nanoparticles.
nanoparticles in a tandem solar cell structure consisting of The baseline simulation model is depicted in Figure 1(a)
both crystalline silicon (c-Si) and hydrogenated amorphous and consists of a planar, layered structure with no surface
silicon (a-Si:H) layers.6 It was reported that embedded nano- features or light scatterers. This model represents an ideal-
spheres of silicon dioxide (SiO2) placed between the tandem ized (no roughness) tandem solar cell design similar to that
layers resulted in a 16% improvement in short-circuit current employed by Nunomura. The top layer was a 75 nm film of
density Jsc, which was then attributed entirely to Mie scatter- indium tin oxide (ITO) which serves as both a front contact
ing by the particles. However, it was also reported that and ARC. Directly underneath the ARC was a 350 nm layer
growth of the a-Si:H top cell above the dispersed SiO2 nano- of a-Si:H followed by a 1.0 lm c-Si layer. At the bottom was
particles was accomplished by conformal chemical vapor a thin, 35 nm zinc-oxide (ZnO) layer followed by a silver
deposition. Inclusion of the embedded nanoparticles was (Ag) back contact. The top boundary of the simulation vol-
therefore accompanied by a randomly roughened surface tex- ume was defined by a perfectly matched layer (PML) placed
ture with wavelength-scale feature sizes. Since these features 400 nm above the device surface while the bottom boundary
were not present in the reference device, it is unclear what was a perfect electrical conductor (PEC) placed 200 nm
portions of the observed efficiency gain were due to scattering below the ZnO/Ag interface (well beyond the skin depth
by the embedded nanoparticles as opposed to scattering and over the band of interest). Periodic boundary conditions
antireflective effects by the roughened surface. We therefore along the x and y boundaries were used to mimic the effect
seek to answer this question for the reported implementation of an infinite square lattice every 1.0 lm, which is the ap-
and then generalize the results as far as possible. proximate average spacing between nanoparticles as given in
In our earlier work, we extensively studied the concept of Ref. 6. Optical properties for each material can then be found
dielectric nanoparticles embedded in thin Si films with planar in appropriate references throughout the literature.8–10 The
differences in refractive index between doped and undoped
Electronic mail: semiconductors are generally negligible over the visible
Electronic mail: spectrum.

0003-6951/2013/102(15)/151111/4/$30.00 102, 151111-1 C 2013 AIP Publishing LLC


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151111-2 J. R. Nagel and M. A. Scarpulla Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 151111 (2013)

TABLE I. Absorption gain (%) relative to baseline geometries.

a-Si:H/c-Si tandem 3-Layer spherical 3-Layer pyramidal

Sphere 2.0 5.2 5.2

Texture 14.9 47.4 38.4
Both 15.1 52.3 46.5

Once the absorption factor is determined for a given

model, we may then calculate the solar flux absorbance SðkÞ,
defined as the absorption factor weighted by the AM 1.5
photon flux UðkÞ as obtained from the NREL database.11
Writing this out explicitly gives
FIG. 1. Simulated solar cell geometry. (a) Baseline geometry for referencing
absorption gain. (b) Model including embedded dielectric nanosphere and SðkÞ ¼ AðkÞUðkÞ : (1)
conformal surface texture. The inner radius R1 ¼ 480 nm while the outer ra-
dius R2 ¼ 555 nm. The sphere is made of SiO2 and has a radius of 130 nm.
The periodic unit cell repeats every 1.0 lm.
Note that the units of SðkÞ are given by photons
s1 m2 nm1 . Finally, the short-circuit current density Jsc of
the device is calculated by integrating SðkÞ with the internal
The embedded spheres of SiO2 and accompanying sur- quantum efficiency IQEðkÞ, written as
face texture are illustrated by the cross-sectional model in
Figure 1(b). The mean radius of the embedded spheres was ð

r ¼ 130 nm with a mean separation distance of 1.0 lm. The Jsc ¼ q SðkÞ IQEðkÞ dk ; (2)
spheres were allegedly deposited through spin-coating along 0
the surface of the c-Si layer, after which the a-Si:H layer was
deposited by chemical vapor deposition. Analysis with an where q is the electron charge. In principle, if the IQE were a
atomic force microscope also revealed a peak-to-peak eleva- known function, any simulation output could be used to com-
tion of the surface texture that was approximately 200 nm, pute Jsc under ideal AM 1.5 illumination. Because our inves-
which we modeled as a hemispherical surface texture centered tigation is concerned only with optical effects of embedded
on the SiO2 nanoparticles. The radius R1 ¼ 480 nm denotes particles and surface texturing, we simply postulate that IQE
the bulge in the a-Si:H layer due to conformal deposition is unity across the majority of the solar spectrum and then
around the nanoparticle while R2 ¼ 555 nm includes the outer abruptly decays to zero near the bandgap wavelength of c-Si
surface of the ITO layer. The system was excited in our simula- (kg ¼ 1130 nm). In other words, we assume any gain in light
tion by a plane wave pulse at normal incidence and covered the absorption within the semiconductor layers of the solar cell
entire visible spectrum from 300 to 1200 nm in wavelength. manifests as a proportional increase in Jsc.
The output of interest from our simulations is the Figure 2 shows the resultant absorption spectra for each
absorption factor AðkÞ, defined as the fraction of incident simulation model. The “Baseline” curve indicates the planar
power absorbed within the c-Si and a-Si:H layers at a speci- structure as depicted in Figure 1(a) and has no embedded
fied wavelength k. For an ideal photovoltaic cell, AðkÞ would scatterers or surface texturing. The “Spheres” curve denotes
be unity across the entire solar spectrum, but the low absorp- the addition of embedded nanospheres, but no surface tex-
tion coefficient of silicon prevents this from occurring in thin ture, while the “Texture” curve represents a surface texture
films. This is especially true at longer wavelengths where the without any embedded spheres. Finally, the “Both” curve
absorption coefficient of c-Si is very small. denotes both the embedded nanoparticles and conformal

FIG. 3. Simulation geometries for the simplified 3-layer models. (a)

Baseline structure consisting of a 3-layer stack with a 1:0 lm active layer
of c-Si, a Si3N4 ARC, and PEC back contact. (b) Embedded nanosphere
and conformal surface texture with R1 ¼ 400 nm and R2 ¼ 475 nm. (c)
Embedded nanosphere and pyramidal surface texture with h ¼ 200 nm.
FIG. 2. Absorption spectra for the a-Si:H/c-Ci tandem structure, including Depth and diameter for the SiO2 sphere are the same in both cases with
embedded spheres, the surface texture, and both at once. z0 ¼ D ¼ 200 nm.

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151111-3 J. R. Nagel and M. A. Scarpulla Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 151111 (2013)

FIG. 4. Absorption spectra for the (a)

conformal surface texture and (b) py-
ramidal surface texture.

surface texture acting together as shown in Figure 1(b). 75 nm layer of lossless Si3N4 serving as the ARC. The em-
Clearly, the presence of the texture and particles is having an bedded spheres were given a diameter of D ¼ 200 nm and a
effect on the spectra, which can be quantified through nu- depth of z0 ¼ 200 nm below the planar surface, which is sim-
merical integration of Eq. (2). We may therefore define the ilar to other generic models used in various numerical stud-
absorption gain as the percent change in Jsc relative to the ies.5,12,13 The lateral periodicity was finally kept to the same
baseline geometry. 1.0 lm value as before. Two variations on surface texture
Table I summarizes the calculated absorption gains for were then tested, with the first being a conformal spherical
this numerical experiment, labeled by the “a-Si:H/c-Si coating as in the previous models. Depicted in Figure 3(b) we
Tandem” column to indicate the tandem structure in Fig. 1. have R1 ¼ 400 nm and R2 ¼ 475 nm. The second texture is
We found that the addition of embedded dielectric nano- a pyramidal geometry depicted in Figure 3(c) with a height of
spheres into a flat surface only increased Jsc by 2.0%. In con- h ¼ 200 nm.
trast, the inclusion of a conformal surface texture pushed this Spectral results for the two simulations are shown in
value up toward 15%. This was true whether or not the Figures 4(a) and 4(b), while the percent absorption gains rel-
spheres themselves were actually included. Such results are ative to the baseline geometry are summarized by the corre-
consistent with the gain of 16% reported by Nunomura. sponding columns in Table I. Once again, we find that
These predictions are also consistent with numerical experi- surface texturing dominates the absorption gain, and even
ments in our own prior simulations,5 where SiO2 nanospheres more so than the tandem structure of the previous section.
were embedded into a flat substrate of c-Si. Using a periodic- The reason for this is likely due to the removal of the a-Si:H
ity of 1.0 lm between the embedded spheres, we found that layer, which has a much stronger absorption than c-Si and
absorption gain was only 5% under a perfectly flat surface therefore benefits less from light trapping. We also see that
and that greater gain could only be obtained by bringing the the absorption gain is relatively insensitive to the exact sur-
spheres much closer together. These results strongly indicate face geometry, since both the conformal geometry and py-
that the conformal surface texture was mostly responsible for ramidal geometry produced absorption gain well beyond the
absorption gain observed in Ref. 6, and not the direct Mie embedded spheres alone. These results are consistent with
scattering of the embedded SiO2 nanospheres. the work of Han and Chen,14 which showed that how a well-
One possible explanation for these results is that the engineered surface texture can potentially meet (and even
additional volume of absorbing material within the surface exceed) the Lambertian limit for light trapping. Likewise, it
texture itself provides an added path length for light propaga- has been shown that embedded nanospheres of SiO2 without
tion through a lossy medium. However, simple calculations any surface roughening at all can barely induce 25% absorp-
clearly show that this cannot be the case. Even if the a-Si:H tion gain at most.5
layer is increased to a thickness of 480 nm (the peak height of The numerical results in this paper strongly indicate that
the conformal bump), the absorption gain relative to the base- surface texturing is the dominant source of light trapping
line is only 7.4% for a flattened structure. It therefore appears when compared to Mie scattering by embedded spheres of
the most likely explanation is that the scattering properties of SiO2. The gain in Jsc reported by Nunomura was therefore
the roughened texture are dominating the enhanced light most likely the result of the conformal texture along the sur-
absorption. face rather than Mie scattering from the embedded spheres
If this explanation is indeed accurate, then we should themselves. Embedded spheres of SiO2 therefore appear bet-
expect to produce similar results under variations of the same ter suited as a method for generating roughened surface tex-
theme. We therefore considered the geometries depicted in ture rather than any direct source of absorption gain via light
Figure 3 for numerical simulation. Figure 3(a) illustrates the scattering.
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