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We call on the Scottish Parliament and Scottish Government
to develop proposals to convert employment in arms
manufacturing into jobs in renewable energy

A move to renewable energy would Many of the companies making arms in

generate more jobs than the entire arms the Clyde region also already make, or
industry – offering better employment have the potential to make, vital parts for
opportunities for workers in Scotland. developing the wave power industry.
Scotland has just over 10% of the A just transition
UK’s arms industry jobs. At the same MSPs and Scottish government should
time, Scotland is in a powerful position engage with workers, unions and local
to play its part in developing renewable authorities and draw up practical plans
energy sources, with the best sites for wave for arms conversion protecting skilled
technology, offshore wind and largest tidal employment and pay.
stream resources in the UK. Research in
2011 concluded that wave and tidal power A safer world
could provide 5,300 new jobs by 2020. Real security involves tackling the causes
of problems, and climate change is among
Harnessing our potential the biggest we face. If we really want a
Despite huge government subsidies to safer world, we must cut carbon emissions
the arms industry, the general trend is fast.
for arms manufacturing jobs to decline. CAAT has a vision: guaranteeing
Developing more renewable energy jobs highly skilled manufacturing jobs now and
could provide more balance to this picture. in the future; jobs in an industry that is
Renewables need highly-skilled engineers, growing not declining; jobs which create
have a similar breakdown across broad a safer, rather than a more dangerous
categories of skill levels and employs many world.
of the same branches of engineering.
We call on the Scottish Government to end public agency
funding to arms firms in Scotland

Scotland is putting tax-payers money • Raytheon, who manufacture

into an industry which has a devastating ‘smart bombs’ in Fife that have been used
impact on human and international against civilians in Yemen
security. Weapons fuel conflict, support • Chemring, who produce CS
repression and make the world a more gas used against protestors in Egypt and
dangerous place for everyone. Hong Kong
Scottish agencies Scottish • Leonardo MW Limited –
Enterprise and Highlands and Islands formerly Finmeccanica – who have sold
Enterprise have given over £18m to arms drones to Pakistan and helicopters to
manufacturing firms since 2007. Algeria, Libya and Turkey
In 2016-17, more than half a million • BAE Systems whose warplanes
pounds was given to arms companies, to have played a central role in Saudi
support areas such as marketing, strategic Arabia’s attacks in Yemen. Its armoured
development, training and innovation. vehicles were used by Saudi Arabia in
Many of these companies have Bahrain to support the repression of
routinely armed human rights abusers all democracy protests in 2011.
over the world, and are the last companies
that should be getting public money.
Companies in Scotland receiving Get in touch to learn more about the
public money include: international arms trade:
• Selex, who were criticised in
2012 over reports it sold radio equipment
to the Assad regime in Syria despite EU
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