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Mine Engineering Department
Internal Memorandum
TO : Mirza Chairot
FROM : Wisnu Jati
CC : Agus Setiawan, Nengah Sugita
DATE : 6 August 2004
SUBJECT : In pit Haul Road – Contingency Plan

1. Request for Readers

The readers are required to review this memo and send the suggestion back to Wisnu Jati for
finalizing this memo.

2. Executive Summary
To anticipate the impact of failures occurs in the East and South wall that has been reducing
the existing southern ramp width become 18-20m, this proposed inpit haul road plan could be
applied to improve the existing hauling access in the southern pit to and from phase 3A as a
appropriate ore haul road.

This haul road that connects the bench RL255 and bench RL165 is designed to be a wider
road (see Figure 1). This plan will require a mining operation to push out the southern west
wall to provide some additional space for widening the road. This will require 9.9 Mdmt of
material move.

New ramp to

315 – Bambang

Figure 1. Inpit Haul Road Design

3. Recommendations
This design should be applied sooner than later as an option to maintain the southern ore
hauling access available.
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Mine Engineering Department
4. Plan Forward
To construct the inpit ramp from RL315 (Katala) to existing 310ramp before starting cutting
the 315-345 ramp Switch back (see Figure 3).

5. Background
In 2004, the majority ore supply to Crusher comes from the Phase3A. There are dual accesses
that established for haul access to and from Phase3A. North ramp was used for access to the
North and West area. The second access (South Wall) was used for access to the East and
South area.

The failure on the pit (East Wall failure from RL330 until RL165 and South Wall failure from
RL245 until RL255) was affected the South ramp become a narrow ramp (see Figure 2).
Access to Phase3A was decreased until 18 - 20 m on the some spot area. The narrow ramp
will be negatively impacting the safety and production. Therefore need to do any effort to
turn back the function of the southern ramp as a two way ramp and follow PT NNT haul road

20 m

(blue dot Narrow spot
(red circle )
18 m

Narrow spot
(red circle)

Figure 2. Actual June 04 Surface

6. Ramp Specification
Referring to the mine haul road with booster pad specification, the ramp is designed as

 Haul road ditch 2.1 m.

 Haul road 28 m.
 Booster pad 14 m.
 Ramp gradient 10%.
 Total haul road wide 42 m.
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Mine Engineering Department
7. Ramp Construction
A Shovel PH4100 and CAT793’s will be allocated for digging and hauling the west wall. The
cuts will be from RL330 to RL210 with 9.9 Mdmt of total material moved (Table 1.). Before
starting the digging, it is required to construct an access or ramp that can connect the RL315
(Katala) with the existing 330 ramp. This ramp will be functioned as a replacement of the
existing ramp switch back RL315-345 and will be used as an access for hauling material to
the Upper Tongoloka.

Table 1 Tonnages Material for Ramp Construction

A Wheel Loader Cat 994 will be required to initiate digging the first lift (400 kt) of switch
back due to narrow area for PH4100. The Shovel will then be used for digging from RL315
until RL210 Figure 3). This operation will require approximately 3 months to the

Cut Shape
(9,964 kt)

Figure 3. Cut Shape for Widening Ramp Construction

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