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Rony Parvej’s EEE Question Bank GTCL ( 03 June 2016 ), BUET

Recruitment Test Question of Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL)

Compiled by: Rony Parvej (IUT, EEE’07)
Collected from: Md. Yousuf Ali (RUET), Nadim Hayder (CUET)
Time: 90 minutes Full Marks: 100
Exam Date: 03 June 2016 Venue: BUET


1. Fathometer is used to measure

a) Earthquakes b) Rainfall
c) Ocean depth d) Sound intensity

2. For seeing objects at the surface of water from a submarine under water, the
instrument used is
a) kaleidoscope b) periscope
c) spectroscope d) telescope

3. Vitamin B1 2 is most useful for combating

a) anemia b) goitre
c) night blindness d) rickets

4. The term 'Butterfly' is associated with

a) Kabaddi b) Swimming
c) Boxing d) Wrestling

5. The UN Charter was ratified in 1945 by

a) 25 nations b) 51 nations
c) 33 nations d) 37 nations

6. The number of already named bones in the human skeleton is

a) 200 b) 206
c) 212 d) 218

7. The headquarter of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are situated at

a) Paris b) Geneva
c) Rome d) Vienna

8. The host of the first Olympic in 1896 was

a) Athens, Greece b) Paris, France
c) London, Great Britain d) Los Angeles, USA

9. The frequency of which the following is the highest ?

a) Gamma rays b) Light waves
c) Micro waves d) Radio waves

10. The clear sky looks blue because

a) reflection of light b) refraction of light
c) diffraction of light d) dispersion of light
Rony Parvej’s EEE Question Bank GTCL ( 03 June 2016 ), BUET
11. The reaction which converts sugar solution into alcohol is an example of
a) saponification b) hydrogenation
c) fermentation d)

12. Magsaysay award are named after Ramon Magsaysay, who was
a) President of the Spain b) President of the Philippines
c) President of the Scotland d) President of the Malaysia

13. The influx of domestic sewage containing detergents cause nutrient bodies due
to the presence of
a) carbonates b) nitrates
c) phosphates d)

14. Light Year is related to

a) energy b) speed
c) distance c) intensity

15. Which country‟s national badminton team has won the 2016 Thomas Cup
a) China b) India
c) Denmark d) Indonesia

a) b)
c) d)
a) b)
c) d)
a) b)
c) d)
a) b)
c) d)
a) b)
c) d)
a) b)
c) d)

22. Which file extensions indicate only graphics files?

a) BMP and DOC b) JPEG and TXT
c) TXT and STK d) BMP and GIF

23. Which one of the following is an e-mail address?

a) b) D:\\Email\standard
c) d)

24. If x is the smallest prime number greater than 31 and y is the largest prime
number less than 55/35, then x+y=?
a) 94 b) 90
c) 89 d) 88
Rony Parvej’s EEE Question Bank GTCL ( 03 June 2016 ), BUET

25. The integers between 1 and 100, inclusive, are put in list A if they are divisible
by 2 and in list B if they are divisible by 3. How many integers in list A are not
in list B ?
a) 16 b) 25
c) 33 d) 34

26. If x, y and z are consecutive positive integers with x<y<z and x+y+z is an
even number, then which of the following could be the value of z ?
a) 2 b) 4
c) 5 d) 8

27. If the perimeter of a rectangle is 36 and two sides are x and 4, then x = ?
a) 9 b) 14
c) 16 d) 28

28. If n= 15 x 28 x 26, which of the following is not an integer?

a) n/15 b) n/21
c) n/35 d) n/32

29. What is the sum of the interior angles of the polygon in the figure bellow?

a) b)
c) d)

a) b)
c) d)

31. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a) Why you have done this? b) Why did you have done this?
c) Why have you done this? d) Why you had done this?

32. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a) b)
c) d)

33. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a) I forbade him from going b) I forbade him to go
c) I forbade him going d) I forbade him not to go

34. The case was reported ------ the police for inquiry.
a) to b) in
c) at d) after

35. We should not laugh ------ poor

a) at b) after
c) on d) to

36. Rahim is certain ------- passing the exam.

Rony Parvej’s EEE Question Bank GTCL ( 03 June 2016 ), BUET
a) of b) to
c) in d) about

37. I always look------------you an my own brother.

a) b) to
c) after d) in

38. The girl take pride-----------her beauty.

a) on b) in
c) at d) to

Question 39-40 : Select the option that best describe the word (S)/ phrase (s)

39. A diseases that spreads by means of germs in atmosphere is

a) infectious b) epidermis
c) contagious d)

40. Animal who eat flesh of other animal is

a) man eater b) beast
c) cannivorous d) cannibal

Question 41-45 : Identify the correct answer of the following questions.

41. The poem “Daffodils” was written by

a) Robert Herrick b) Artur Miller
c) Jane Austin d) Charles D

42. Which one of the following in the plural of word “Appendix” ?

a) Appendices b) Appendicitis
c) Appertains d)

43. Which one of the following is the singular form of the word „Alumni‟ ?
a) Alumnae b) Alumnum
c) Alumnus d)

44. Some people send job application even when they are happy in their jobs-----
improving their position
a) With hoping to b) with hope of
c) hoping that d)

45. Which of the following is a labor organization?

c) WHO d)

a) b)
c) d)

47. ?
a) ইংরেজী- আেবী শরেে বযবহাে b) আঞ্চলিক শরেে বযবহাে
c) আেবী- ফােলি শরেে বযবহাে d) িংস্কৃত শরেে বযবহাে
Rony Parvej’s EEE Question Bank GTCL ( 03 June 2016 ), BUET
48. KvRx bRiæj Bmjv‡gi †jLv cÖeÜ †KvbwU ?
a) b) `y`x‡bi hvÎx
c) e¨v_vi `vb d) Kz‡nwjKv

49. MvQcvKvÑ †Kvb mgvm ?

a) mßgx Zrcyiæl b) lôx Zrcyiæl
c) cÂgx Zrcyiæl d) PZz_x Zrcyiæl

50 Mvq‡Ki mwÜ we‡”Q` †KvbwU ?

a) Mv + AK b) •M + AK
c) Mvq + K d)

51. ÔwkÿK Qv·`i‡K cov‡”QbÕÑevK¨wU †Kvb wµqvi D`vniY ?

a) abvZ¥K wµqv b) †hŠwMK wµqv
c) cÖ‡hvRK wµqv d) mgavZzR wµqv

52. Ôhv mvavi‡Yi g‡a¨ †`Lv hvq bvÕÑ Gi GK K_vq cÖKvk †KvbwU‡Z ?
a) Ab¨iKg b) mvaviY
c) AmvaviY d) Abb¨mvaviY

53. ga¨g cyiæl †KvbwU ?

a) Avgiv b) Zuviv
c) Avcbviv d) Iiv

54. †KvbwU Ø›Ø mgvg ?

a) †eZvj b) ivZKvbv
c) gvZvÑwcZv d) ANvU

55. †KvbwU fzj evK¨ ?

a) me gvbylB giYkxj b) gvbyl giYkxj
c) mKj gvbyl giYkxj d) gvby‡liv giYkxj

56. ÔAvcb fv‡jv mevB PvqÕÑ GLv‡b fv‡jv †Kvb c` iƒ‡c e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q ?
a) we‡klY b) wµq we‡klY
c) we‡kl¨ d) fve we‡klY

57. Awbó Ki‡Z wM‡q fv‡jv nIqv‡K Kx e‡j ?

a) kv‡c ei b) Zvgvi wel
c) D‡ov •L Mwe›`vq bgt d) GKv`‡ki e„n¯úwZ

58. wj½všÍi nq bv Ggb kã †KvbwU ?

a) mv‡ne b) KweivR
c) iRK d) †eqvB

59. †KvbwU mvay ixwZi D`vniY ?

Rony Parvej’s EEE Question Bank GTCL ( 03 June 2016 ), BUET
a) nuvm¸wj b`x‡Z muvZvi KvU‡Q b) nuvm¸‡jv b`x‡Z muvZvi KvwU‡ZQ
c) nuvm¸wj b`x‡Z muvZvi KvwU‡ZQ d) nuvm¸‡jv b`x‡Z muvZvi KvU‡Q

60. Kwe KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg‡K KLb evsjv‡`‡ki bvMwiKZ¡ †`qv nq ?

a) 1975 mv‡j b) 1974 mv‡j
c) 1973 mv‡j d) 1972 mv‡j


1. A 220V shunt connected dc machine has an armature resistance of 0.5 Ω and

shunt field resistance of 110Ω. If the full load line current is 20A, Find the
induced emf when the machine works as generator and motor.

2. The rotor Copper loss of a 3 phase induction motor is 300W. For a slip of 4%
calculate the electrical power converted in mechanical power.

3. Draw the circuit diagram of a DC-DC converter (class E chopper) for four
quadrant control of dc motor drive and mark on it the feedback and
freewheeling diode.

4. Draw the circuit diagram of a single phase AC-DC dual converter for DC motor

5. Find VO in the following:

6. Assuming the diode ideal, Find input (VI ) – output (VO ) relationship for the
following circuit:

7. Find Ammeter and Voltmeter reading in the following circuit:

Rony Parvej’s EEE Question Bank GTCL ( 03 June 2016 ), BUET

8. Find the value of VO in the following circuit:

9. In the following NMOS, ID =80µA, Vt =0.6 V, Kn =200µA/V, L=0.8 µm and W=

4µ. Find the value of R neglecting channel length and modulation effect.

10. Determine thevenin‟s equivalent circuit with respect to a-b terminals.

11. A system is described by differential equation

Rony Parvej’s EEE Question Bank GTCL ( 03 June 2016 ), BUET

where, x is input and y is output. Find the expression of Y(s)/X(s). (Assume

zero initial condition)

12. The pole zero plot of a system is shown. If the steady state gain is 3, find the
transfer function of the system.

13. Find ζ , ω n, TP , TS and % OS for a step input:

14. Find the value of K for critical dumping.

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