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Rayne Hudson Re: ~Riding Space Vibes~

Respected « Reply #25 on Dec 5, 2009, 10:40am »

(OOC: Apologies for the ridiculously long post. Just setting the tone of the adventure here)
member isonline

"I see I see..."

Murmured the professor as his expression changed into that of slight gratitude as he offered Neal a
small smile and a curt nod. He peered at the Magby curiously as though trying to figure out where the
little thing may have originated from.
The little thing seemed very friendly in the manner of a Pokémon who wasn't wild but had lived with
human companionship before.
Knowing what it was the man searched for, he turned around and offered the nape of his neck to
Your friendly Hawthorn; There, etched painlessly into his skin were little barcodes and the miniscule words, "CNNBR
neighborhood ISL".
"Cinnabar Island.."
came the soft whisper as the Professor straightened up once more.

Joined: Mar 2009 "I'm afraid you've come at a very bad time, Cale--Kaliff....No one except personnel are allowed here,
Gender: but since you've seen it all, I suppose I owe you an explanation. I'll get to your trainer essentials as
Female soon as I---"
Posts: 572
Somewhere in
the wilderness
PokeDollars: The lights in the room dimmed for a couple of seconds, flickering and casting ominous shadows around
P5720 the cold quarters as sparks fizzled in and out of the massive cables strewn all around the place.

The door of the room swung open again as Lt.Hassan entered quickly, not even bothering with a nod for
courtesy's sake. Courtesy could wait.
There was a grim look on his face which overshadowed all pain as he held the case under his good arm;
The left was swathed in bandages and looked as though they had been put on in a hurry at his behest.

Behind him rushed in Ronan who was holding several medical items and muttering rapidfire curses
under his breath as he attempted to work on their commander in a mobile fashion.

"What the hell...."

The Lieutenant stopped in his tracks and eyed the massive static-filled screens dubiously before tapping
a little comlink attached to the lapel of his fatigues.

"Can someone tell me why is it that I am five minutes late and nothing has transpired? What do
you mean 'Last of our reserves'? Ronan?"

The medic nodded as he released his Raichu from the pokeball.

"One power source coming right up."

said the man as Conrad crisply saluted the commander; evidently this was a habit of his and one he
took much pleasure in.

"Go hijack the cables buddy."

Came the rodent's deep call as he skittered to the edge of the room where all the cables had
conglomerated into a large electrical box. Rubbing his paws together, he took off the little defibrillator
set which was strapped to his back, amped it up as much as he could and charged the outlet.
There was a blinding flash of light in the room as the power overloaded to the consoles for a moment
before going down to something normal as a metallic-sounding whine picked up from the screens.
Several bars, mostly red had appeared upon them, slowly moving to the right and changing into green.

"We've got their signals."

said the Professor as he worked furiously over the keyboard, typing madly to gain a strong piggyback
on the wavelengths.

"Got it!. Going live in!"

The first screen with the neon-green words KANTO scrawled across the top-right corner came to life,
summarily followed by HOENN, SINNOH and FIORE.
The last screen remained stubbornly stuck in static as Hawthorn gazed upon it worriedly.

"For a moment there I thought we had failed."

came an authorative voice from Kanto's screen. The man there was a familiar face for all trainers, one
of the top researchers known to their modern world.
Professor Samuel Oak.
Where there was generally a genial smile on his wizened face though, deep frown lines etched
themselves and he looked as though he had aged five years in five days.

"Good work on the communications system, Ben. What of the rest?"

"Danforth Rowan present."

came the dry reply from the screen titled SINNOH; ROWAN where a stern-looking Professor whose
face was half-hidden by an impressive snowy-white beard-and-moustache combination stood in what
look like an outdoor area with several flags in the distant, possibly that of the Battle Frontier.

"Roland Birch...ah....accounted for..."

The voice that came from HOENN; BIRCH's screen was weary and faltering as the heavyset bear of
man who stood there bore deep scratches and bandages over a few places. His labcoat was covered in
dirt and bits of blood as he stood at the edge of a town from where thick smoke was piling up
Several regional aid helicopters made their way towards the epicenter and the air was filled with the
wailing of sirens and low drone of whirling chopper blades.

Came the curt answer from FIORE; HASTINGS. The man here carried the air of a old but still
formidable lion. The mane of white flowing behind him combined with several Rangers who stood like
sentinels at salute in the background made him seem like a warlord or wizard ready to order soldiers
around where needed. And indeed, Claude Hastings was a man who would do so at the drop of a hat.

The last screen was still blank for a few minutes until a small image popped up at the lower left corner
where a dark-haired, distinguished-looking man in his early forties stood working over a computer
screen, his glasses propped over his brow.

"Dr.Spencer Hale here. Still working on New Bark Town's signals. I'm afraid the recent attack in the last
two days knocked out most of their equipment."
He said ruefully as Professor Hasting's face turned into that of an outraged snarl.
"The audacity of it all! They DARE?!!"
the old man stormed as Dr.Hale winced bodily at the sharp sound.

"Claude, calm yourself."

said the figure from Sinnoh scathingly as the two men looked ready to bicker when the larger portion of
Johto's screen finally came to life to silence them.

The man here in his early thirties with auburn-brown hair was in a sorry state; The entire right of his
face was wrapped in bandages and a large piece of bloodied gauze covered the area where his right eye
should have been. Cracks spiderwebbed over the frames of his glasses which sat askew on the bridge of
his nose and several deep scars ran across his left cheek, yet to heal.
Willard Elm was considered the youngest, most naive of his much-older compatriots, but whatever
innocence he had before this looked as though it had been torn away rather violently in recent times.

"Sorry I'm late."

He apologized in a faint-sounding voice as he gathered some files and documents under an arm.

"A lot's happened here."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

said Professor Oak sympathetically as Birch nodded in agreement. Hastings' condolences came in the
form of more righteous rage written across his features, as though he was ready to avenge blood for
blood while Rowan's remained unreadable.

"How is your son taking things?"

A weak little smile crossed the younger man's face as he tried to set up something in the background.

"He misses her of course, but we'll get through."

said Elm dismissively, a far cry from his usual chattiness as he looked forward to drowning himself in
more work instead of sorrow. The latter was going to drive him mad.

"Status report on Kanto?"

"Orange Islands and the surrounding isles have been placed under hourly surveillance from Lt.Surge's
division ever since communications from Cinnabar Island were cut off from the hostage situation a day
ago. They've razed the laboratory but I can't get an official figure. I've got my grandson down there----
he's trying to getting a visual from the place right now. Gary?"
Professor Oak enquired as a small screen appeared in the bottom left-hand corner.
The young man with a fiery-brown mane shown here was seated in a plane or a chopper, donning a pair
of piloting headsets and a tattered labcoat in the style of regional researchers.
An Umbreon, red eyes glowing in the dim light of the aircraft's interior was determinedly looking ahead,
settled close to her owner.

"Details, if you please. The vague news reports haven't done us much good."

"Area is still being cordoned off, Gramps. They've evacuated most of the island. Bodycount sits officially
at twenty-one and rising, all of them scientists and researchers or people tied to the field. I've got a list
of stolen documents and equipment which includes remnants of Project Mewtwo and dossiers on
reviving fossilized DNA."
said the young man in a serious tone that did not suit his spitfire personality as the screen shifted to
grainy images of a town below; In the center was the charred remains of the island's famed laboratory,
once a thriving research center for the region's top scholars. Even as they spoke, little figures of aid
workers could be seen searching through the rubble and pulling out filled bodybags.

"Whoever did this was f*cking pissed. They were out to make these guys pay, big-time."

"Any sign of Blaine?"

The professor enquired as more worry and a sense of urgency began to creep lines over his brow. If
Blaine had been taken, they would be done for though he knew the wily, puck-like scientist to be a very
tough nut to crack.

"No. His gym looks like it's been searched through-and-through. They were definitely looking for
something or someone. My guess is he's gone into hiding----Knows too much."

"Figures. I want you back here right now for debriefing. Take care of yourself."

The edges of Gary's mouth lifted into a humorless smirk as he scratched his Umbreon's chin knowingly.
The animal's bright yellow bands glowed as she let out a low growl of protectiveness. No man dead or
alive was going to harm her master.

"I'm not a kid anymore, Gramps. I'll be fine."

"Godspeed, Gary. Roland, status on Hoenn?"

Hawthorn enquired, increasing the volume with one of the dials so they could some clarity over the
sirens and chopper drones.

Professor Birch was about to answer to this when a loud rumble tore across the area where he stood,
shaking the camera violently for a few moments as behind him, several alarmed yelps from aid officers
and a local geologist told him the area was getting unstable.

"Sootopolis and Meteor Falls have both recorded attacks coinciding with several cave-ins within the past
week. I'm at the foot of Mt.Chimney right now, where volcanic activity has recently resumed. We have
reason to believe that the cause is manmade; There is no natural explanation for the suddenness of
the deteoration here or elsewhere."
Said the heavyset man as he brushed off clumps off soot which had peppered broad, powerful
shoulders. He picked up a sheaf of printout from a machine which was recording seismic activity and
showed a massive spike range between the points as the pages got longer.

"Could it be Team Aqua or Magma at work once more?"

Professor Rowan enquired skeptically in the manner of a man who wasn't apt to shoot-first-questions-

"It is possible, but if so, it's highly unlikely they're working alone."
said Professor Birch after thinking the notion over for a few seconds while rhythmically tapping his chin
with a finger.

"These disturbances do not serve to push their earlier-established purpose, and is far too spread-out to
be the work of two die-hards. I've got Pacifilog Town and Sky Pillar put on DEFCON 4. We're ready to
pull it down to 3 if necessary."

"Do what you can, Roland. The more insight we've got on this matter the better."
Hawthorn nodded in agreement to the system as he then directed his attention towards Elm's screen.
"And what of Johto?"

"Alto Mare has been placed on level three of national security right after the recent Whirl Islands blitz.
Missing documents from the laboratory attack tells me that their intended targets were the family
of Lugia living there which we had tagged several years back. We're lucky to have rescued the child. As
of now, I still can't get a local reading on the adults' current locations, which serves to say that either
the radio equipment has been damaged or that they are no longer within the region."
came Elm's reply as he adjusted his glasses for a moment before the screen showed old footage;
That of a group of researchers carefully tending to an injured baby Lugia who was wailing plaintively for
his parents, and the second was an older underwater shot of two massive water beasts making their
way into the deep depths beneath Olivine City's ocean.

"The summit meeting in Sinnoh's Battle Frontier after panel discussion have agreed to elevate this
matter to that of a regional crisis."
Professor Rowan notified them as the screen flickered to show several members of the board signing a
memorandum and then to what looked like a battalion comprised of Ace Trainers and several other
specialist areas alongside their Pokémon ready to leave for the next call.

"We call for aid however from our Ranger brethren."

"And the nations of Fiore and Almia shall answer."

came Hastings' determined reply as he nodded in agreement as several top Rangers came into the

"We shall deploy our best on the next freighter out of our borders. What of the shipment sent to Yusoh?
No hitches I presume?"

"We were attacked on our way to Redbud, sir."

Lt.Hassan spoke as he came forward and stood next to Haifa.

"Lt. Omar Hassan of Glass City's army reserves, Special Ops division. I don't know how anyone here
knew of our mission, but they did and I'm afraid this might not be the last we see of them."

There was sharp gasp from Elm, followed by a groan of realization from Birch. Rowan's expression
changed for the first time throughout the teleconference to a deep frown as Hastings' blood looked as
though it was boiling beneath his skin.

"My men as well as a few others---"

He casted an appreciative glance towards Neal and his daughter,
"Did our best to corral the Pokémon."

Hawthorn fumbled with the buttons of the main console as something which looked like a holding tray
hooked up to elaborate machinery slipped just beneath the keyboard area. He called Hassan forwards
as they began placing the Pokeballs onto each holder.

"From Kanto, codenames Bai Long, Fan Long, Shen Long and Mayana."
Lt.Hassan called out as the images of three young Dratini and the playful Mew came up, looking like
they were in deep sleep or a peaceful suspended animation.
He looked over at Neal and gestured to the Magby wrapped around the boy's shoulder.

"Codename Krakatau*. I have reason to believe that Blaine sent over this little creature as well for
safekeeping shortly before Cinnabar Island's attacks and that he may be descended from the man's

The Magby reacted positively to the name 'Blaine', letting out little calls of recognition as Oak offered
him a small smile.

"From Sinnoh, codenames Eomer, Eowyn and Sindarin."

The Cranidos and Shieldon came up looking like a pair of fraternal twins settled comfortably in a fetal
position. Next to them was a small, curled-up ball of green grass-like fur with red Gracideas adorning
the sleeping creature's head.
A Shaymin.

"From Fiore, codename Galatea."

The iridescent form of a Manaphy came up, sea-blue body and gold spots giving off an ethreal glow.

"From Hoenn, codename Tugarin."

The massive Salamence was next, fangs still showing the snarl in his upper lip as he slept fitfully.

"And from Alto Mare-Johto, codenames Liosalfar and Li-Ying--"

He stopped abruptly in wide-eyed horror upon noticing that they were short of one Pokémon, and not
just any Pokémon at that.
There was an empty space next to the sleeping form of Liosalfar the young Latios as Ronan voiced out

"We lost one."

There was nothing but a deathly silence to this statement as Oak, Hastings and Birch stared at them
slack-jawed, refusing to believe what they'd just heard.
Rowan was pinching the bridge of his nose in a manner which suggested that the revelation had given
him a huge migraine.

Professor Elm however was completely beside himself as though the cracks which had appeared ever
since his lab's assault had given way to a full-blown fissure.

"Lost one? LOST ONE?"

He demanded in an uncharacteristic anger which made Dr.Hale draw back and the rest of them stare at
him as though he had completely lost it.
It wasn't far from the truth.

"My god is that what you call it? We are in the midst’s of what is probably one of the worst organized
crime waves this decade, we have lost years of research and a lifetime's worth of invaluable
knowledge from several now-deceased colleagues, we have a highly rare, very volatile national
treasure of a young dragon, possibly the last of his kind out there in god-knows-whose hands, and all
you can say is 'We lost one'?!"

Ronan was taken aback by the sudden outburst while Professor Hawthorn looked as though he had
been slapped across the face hard. Lt.Hassan on the other hand bore it stoically as a flash of guilt flitted
across his features.
"I accept full responsibility for what has happened. We'll do our best to track down the men who
could have taken him and retrieve Li Ying."
said the platoon commander, the last sentence intended as a promise.

"I'm sorry, but that isn't nearly enough. This Lugia is but a child who needs constant supervision and
care. Readings tell me your region is in the worst winter this decade which means if you don't find him,
the elements will and they're going to kill him."
The tone of the young, auburn-haired professor had taken on a very hard edge as his breathing became
labored. He looked ready for another red-faced outburst but stopped short of it, instead popping two
blue-ish pills into his mouth and grimacing at the taste.

"I have to go."

"Will, don't."
Professor Birch tried to reason with him gently.
"We need to talk things over alright? They're going to get him b--"

"I have to go now. Spence---"

"We're still running."

Dr.Hale said firmly. A lot of work had been put into transmitting the signals and he wasn't about to let
all that effort go down so easy.
The next outburst however drove home the point as Elm's voice became a full-fledge bellow;



"Will?! Willard!!!"
Birch barked out his colleague's name in alarm.

"Spencer, please see to him."

Professor Oak directed his attention towards the dark-haired researcher in the smaller screen.
"Make sure he doesn't do anything foolish. Not now."

said the man as the screen went dark, presumably as he went off to check on the Professor Elm's
mental state.

"Benjamin, you promised us all that they would be safe. We were under the impression that Yusoh
would not fall into the chaos that stirs within our regions now."
Professor Rowan sternly called out to the floppy-haired blond researcher who looked as flustered as a
child at school who was being admonished by a teacher. Rowan was the eldest of their lot, Oak's senior
by a few years and the wisest voice so far.

"Far be it for me to pin the blame on anyone especially one such as you who has proven himself
trustworthy over the past few years, I must insist that you raise the level of security in your area.
We cannot afford another loss."

Hawthorn nodded fervently, mouth set in a grim lop-sided grin as he threw a glance over at Lt.Hassan
who nodded as well.
"We'll do what we can."
said the young Professor earnestly.

'Very well. I believe that covers all points of our discussion today."
Professor Oak uttered after catching a look at his wristwatch.
Behind him, the massive map-and-radar bleeped again, this time with a large centric red-hued spot
over an area in Cerulean city near the unexplored cave systems.

"I want reports from each region every seventy-two hours. Until we figure out why this is happening
and who is behind it, we cannot afford to rest on our laurels. Godspeed, gentlemen, and good luck."

Mumbled "Amen"s were exchanged between each of the researchers, bound together by science and
brotherhood at first and now a time of duress.

One by one the screens went dark and Oak's, the first to come to life was the last to disappear as
Conrad finally let loose the cables, his job for the day done.

* This is merely a codename and not a term the Magby actively answers to. You're free to name him as
you like.
« Last Edit: Dec 5, 2009, 10:41am by Rayne Hudson » Report to Mod - Link to Post - Back to Top Logged

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