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Understanding Expressing

Birth – 3 months

 startles to loud sounds  makes pleasure sounds (cooing)

 Turns head toward a sound source  cries differently for different needs
 appears to recognize familiar voices
 watches your face when you speak
 smiles or is soothed by calm, gentle voices
 as a newborns smiles reflexively; this develops
to social smiles by 3 months
4 – 6 months

 moves eyes in direction of sounds  babbles using more speech-like sounds with
 responds to changes in tone of voice many different sounds, including p, b and m
 notices toys that make sounds  vocalizes excitement and displeasure
 pays attention to music  imitates some movements and sounds
7 months – 1 year

 enjoys to play “peek a boo” and other games  Imitates different speech sounds
 turns and looks in direction of sounds  Babbles with both long and short groups of
 recognizes words for common items like “cup”, sounds e.g. “tata”, “upup”, “bibibibi”
“shoe”, “juice”  Has 1 or 2 words e.g. “bye bye”, “mama”;
 recognizes own name although they may not be clear
 Begins to respond to requests like “come here”,
“want more?”
1–2 year

 Points to a few body parts when asked  says more words every month
 follows simple commands and understands  Uses some 1-2 word questions e.g. “go bye
simple questions e.g. “roll the ball”, “where is bye?”, “where kitty?”
your shoe?”  Puts 2 words together e.g. “more cookie”, “no
 listens to simple stories, songs and rhymes juice”
 enjoys being read to  uses many different consonant sounds at the
 points to pictures in a book when named beginning of words
2–3 years

 Understands differences in meaning e.g.  has a word for almost everything

go/stop, in/out, big/little  uses 2-3 word sentences to talk about and ask
 Follows two requests e.g. “get the book and put for things
it on the table”  speech is understood by familiar listeners most
of the time
 often asks for or directs attention to objects by
naming them
3 – 4 year

 Hears you when you call from another room.  Talks about activities at school or at friends'
 Hears television or radio at the same loudness homes.
level as other family members.  People outside family usually understand child's
 Understands simple, "who?," "what?," "where?," speech.
"why?" questions.  Uses a lot of sentences that have 4 or more
 Usually talks easily without repeating syllables or
4 – 5 year

 Pays attention to a short story and answers  Voice sounds clear like other children's.
simple questions about it.  Uses sentences that give lots of details
 Hears and understands most of what is said at  Tells stories that stick to topic.
home and in school.  Communicates easily with other children and
 Says most sounds correctly except a few like l, s,
r, v, z, ch, sh, th.
 Uses the same grammar as the rest of the

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