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Economic field / non-economic field

Level: Bachelor / Master; year of study: 1 2 3

Please complete the following Entrepreneurship Research Questionnaire for students and graduates that will
be continued in the following years.

In the Respondent’s Data section, please select the appropriate section in question 8 and navigate to the
chosen section, and finally complete Section IV. MIGRATION.

Voluntary field: telephone: 0754667275Please

enter your contact details to complete the survey after graduation (with future graduates).

1. Gender:
a. Female
b. Male

2. Age
a. 18 - 19 years old
b. 20-24 years old
c. Over 24 years old

3. Education
a. Average (middle)
a. Higher education (bachelor)
b. Higher education (master)

4. Rate your own willingness to take the risks (scale from 1 low to 5 high), please circle your answer
Willingness to take the risks 1 2 3 4 5

5. Type of current professional (working) activity

a. I'm just learning
b. I study and work for someone in the company
c. I study and run my own business
d. I study and look for work
6. What entrepreneurial behaviour do (did) you undertake during your studies?
a. Seasonal / holiday work
b. Own business activities
c. Obtaining certificates from supplementary and / or extending activities improving my education
d. Participation in training / workshops on career orientation, occupational conditioning, etc.
e. Manifesting own initiative in non-educational activities
f. Active working in spin-off or spin-out companies
g. Volunteer
h. Active participation in scientific circles / discussion groups
i. Activities for my Faculty / University
j. Work in Student Government
k. Other initiatives (what?) ...............................................................................
l. I could not develop my business because of the small opportunities created in this area by the
m. I do (did) not take any activities
7. Do you find your own company more likely to earn more money than work in someone else's
company / organization / institution?
a. Yes
b. Do not
c. I do not know
8. Do (did) you consider the possibility of starting your own business?
a. I am currently pursuing a business activity (please refer to questions in section I.
b. Yes, I think about it (please refer to questions in section I. ENTREPRENEURSHIP)
c. No, I prefer to work on a contract of employment (please go to the questions in section II.
d. No (please go to questions in section III. NO SELF / EMPLOYMENT)

1. What type of business activities you operate in currently?
a. Services
b. Production
c. C. Service and production
d. D. Other (what?)

2. Do you think that setting up your own business involves high risks?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I do not know

3. Do you know how to set up your own business (what are the necessary documents and procedures)?
a. Yes
b. No

4. Do you know who is (will be) competing with on your market?

c. Yes
d. No
e. I do not know

5. Do you know who is (will be) the target customer of your company?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I do not know

6. Do you know the market where your company is (will be) operating?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I do not know what is the market yet

7. Do you own assets (eg. computer, car, real estate) and financial resources needed to start the business?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I do not know

8. Do you know people running own business that can help you get started with your own?
d. Yes
e. No
f. I do not know

9. Do (Will) you take into account corporate social responsibility CSR (ecology, employees, society) in
your business plans?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I do not know
10. Do you know how to organize financial resources to start a business?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I do not know

11. What net monthly income (on hand) would you like to get from a business?
a. Less than 2000 zlotys /500€
b. 2001 - 4000 PLN 501-1000€
c. 4001 - 6000 zł 1001-1500€
d. Over 6000 PLN/2000€
e. Hard to say

12. What determinants led you to start your own business? Please circle your answer for each factor
listed in the table
(0 - irrelevant, 1 very insignificant, 2 insignificant, 3 moderately significant, 4 very significant, 5 most
Factors 0 1 2 3 4 5
Willingness to prove your own value x
Experience x
Inborn resourcefulness x
The pursuit of self-reliance x
Example of family, friends x
A need of getting fair (decent) income
Lack of work x
Necessity to acquire funds for living x

Employer requirement x
Higher earnings x
Greater possibility of self-realisation and job satisfaction x
Independence x
Flexible working hours
Greater responsibility x
Higher prestige of the workplace x
Ability to improve your own qualifications x
Confidence in employment x
Easy to set up business and transparent law rules x

13. Do you assume the possibility of bankruptcy of your own company?

a. Yes
b. No
c. I have no opinion

14. How do you assess the skills and qualifications you acquire (-ed) during your studies in
preparation to run your own business?
a. Completion of the university guaranteed me a diploma and the necessary knowledge
b. Graduation gave me only a diploma
c. The knowledge I have gained is not useful at all
d. Difficult to say because I am still studing
e. I do not know
f. Other (what?)


1. Do you work?
a. Yes
b. No (please go to questions in section III. NO SELF / EMPLOYMENT)

2. Is this work for you:

a. First job
b. Next job (which one?)

3. You currently work is:

a. In Poland (please specify in which voivodship and in which city) ..............................
b. Abroad (please specify in which country) ..................................... ... ...

4. In what sector of economy / company do you work? (Please tick one answer)
a. Public
b. Private - employee
c. My parent’s company / family company
d. Agriculture farm
e. Non-profit enterprise
f. Other company / company what? ......................................... ....

5. How many employees are employed by the company you work for?
a. Up to 9
b. 10 - 49
c. 50 - 249
d. 250 and over

6. At what level of management do you find your position at company?

a. Worker
b. Specialist
c. Head of the first line (supervising only contractors, eg foreman)
d. Middle manager (eg. plant manager)
e. Top manager (eg. chief executive officer, board member)

7. What type of employment (legal status) is your current job?

a. Contract for non-fixed period of time
b. Fixed-term contract
c. Civil law agreement (order, work)
d. Trial contract
e. Replacement contract
f. Without contract ("gray zone")
g. Internship from the Labor Office
h. Internship without employment agency
i. What other form? ............................................................

8. In what range do you find your current net earnings:

a. Up to 1500 zł /400€
b. 1501 to 2500 zł /401-600€
c. 2501 to 4000 zł 601-1000€
d. over 4001 zł / 1000€
e. I do not want to give this information

9. In which level your work is related to your study’s education?

a. Completely
b. Partially
c. No


1. What factors have decided not to create your own company? Please mark your answer for each factor
listed in the table
(0 - irrelevant, 1 very insignificant, 2 insignificant, 3 moderately significant, 4 very significant, 5 most
Factors 0 1 2 3 4 5
Lack of business idea
Confusing registration procedures for business setting up
Long time to complete the procedures for starting a
Lack of capital
High taxes
Lack of appropriate knowledge and skills
Lack of time
Lack of courage
Too much competition
No physical space/room for business
Risk of loss of own capital
Family problems
Lack of possibilities to improve own qualifications
Aversion to borrow and repay then the credit taken to
create a business
Other (what?) ...........

2. What is your reason for not taking up any job? (Applies to people who are not working currently)
a. No job offers relevant to your education
b. Failure to receive employment despite filing of application documents with at least several
c. Health problems
d. Family responsibilities
e. Continuing education at higher education

3. What concessions would you be willing to find a job? (Refers to people who are not working currently)
please circle your answer for each type of concession listed in the table
I strongly I rather I rather I definitely
Kind of concession
agree agree disagree disagree
Retraining / getting new skills
Acceptance for longer distance to reach working place
(eg. longer than an hour a day)
Acceptance to work a few shifts
Acceptance to change of residence place (possible
temporary separation to the family)
Leaving to work abroad
Acceptance to work on holidays and weekends
Acceptance for a business trip at least once a week
Abandonment of having children in the next 3 years
Acceptance to 24-hour availability for employer
Further education at your own expense
Other, what?


1. Under what circumstances would you decide to go abroad to find the work? Please tick your answer
yes or no for each circumstance mentioned in the table

Circumstances Yes No
I do not see another possibility to earn money x
Abroad I would earn more x
I could have learned a foreign language better x
Only if I could go abroad with my family x
If I had the same rights as the citizens of the country to which the trip would be planned x
If I had better career prospects there than in my home country x
Other circumstances? x

2. What is your opinion: is going to work abroad only the chance for you to earn for living?
a. Yes
b. Certainly not, there are other possibilities, please specify: ...........................................
c. Hard to say
3. In which countries would you look for work? (please indicate)
4. During your stay abroad for a job, I consider (I would consider:)
a. Finding incidental work (for a short period)
b. Finding a job for a long period (employment contract)
c. Self-settlement - setting up a business abroad
d. Work on own account - extension of existing business activities
e. Work in the grey economy


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