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EXTRAORDINARY Registered No. M324 The Sindh Government Gasette Published by Authority KARACHI THURSDAY JANUARY 28, 2016 NOLEPACTECH/T39/2014~ In exercise of the powers conferred under clase (g) of sub-section (4) of setion of 6 of de Sind Environmental Proetion Act, 2014 he Sindh Environmental Prtctin Agency, wih the ppv of the Sindh Environmental Protection Coun, i pleased samental Industrial he: Sindh Eay erage, Industrial Ave Emission and Ambient Airs foe Vehicles, Ait Emission: Vehicles and Drinking Water Quality Standards, 2075, shull come into force ut once Sales s anything repugnant in the subject (a) “Government” meany the Government of Sindh: () Standards" aneaus” the Sindh Envirommental Quality Livtss Ext-18 @), Price Rs. 70.00 ETE E} PAL QUALITY STANDARDS FOR MUNICIPAL AN! 1 JAN, 28,201 LIQUID INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT (ag, UNLESS OTHERWISE DEFINED) 2 Parameter 2 Temperature 40°C ‘or Temperature Increase * Hl value 11") Biochemical Oxygen Demand (HOD)s at 20%" ‘Chemical Oxygen Dermand(COD) ‘Tol Suspended Solids (TSS) ‘otal Dissolved Solis (TDS) Oil and Grease Phenol compounds (as phenol) Chloridetas Cl) Pluorie (as >) ‘Cyanide (as CN) ota Amvionie detergents (as MBAS) Sulphate (S94?) Sulphise (S°) CChromin (trivalent and hexavalent Cooper" Coors Nickel Toil toxie metals Zine iisrin leon Manganese Boron Chlorine fate Inland Waters 3 3% Tato Ino ic, Seal Treatment! 4 5 sve sve loo sees 10 to 40 40 25____THE SINDH GOVT. GAZETTE EXT. JAN. 28, 2016 _PART:I Explanations 1, Assuming minimum diluion 1:10 on discharge, lower ratio would fatact progressively scingent- standards. 10 be -determines! by the Sindh Favigoomental Protection Agency. By 1:10 dilution mzans. for example that for each one cubic meter of trated efMuent, the resipent water body should have 10 eubie meter of water for dilution of his eluent 2, Methylene flue Active Substances; assuming surfactant as biodegradable, 3. Pesticides include herbicides, fongicides, and insecticides 4 Subject total tie metals discharge should no exceed level given at S. N.25. Applicable only shen and where sewage treatment is operational and BODS=H0em achieved by the sewage treatment system. Ment should not eesult in temperature inerease of more than 30C atthe edge ofthe zone where iitial mixing and dilation tke place in the ing body. Incase zone isnot defined, use 100 meters from the point ‘of discharge “Te value For industry is 200 mg/l Discharge concentration at or below sea concentration (SC). \Note! 1. Dilution of tiguid EtMuents to bring them to the STANDARDS limiting values is ‘ot permissible through fresh water mixing with the fluent before discharging into the environment, ‘The concentration of pollaans in water being used wil be subtracted from the cffluent for calculating the STANDARDS limits" “SINDI ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STANQARDS FOR INDUSTRIAL GASEOUS EMISSION (ng/Nan" UNLESS ISE DEFINED)” S.No. Source of Emission Standawls ' 2 3 4 1 Smoke Smoke opacity 40% or2 i ott exoeed Ringleman Seale ‘or equivalent Smoke number Particulate matter (a) Boilers and Frimaces w (i) OitFres 300 (ii) Coal fred 500 (ii) Cement Kilns 300 ‘PART: ‘THE SINDH GOVT. GAZETTE EXT. JAN. 28, 2016 26 (©) Grinding crshing (linker cosers ar Related processes, 00 Motul Processes, caver, bla fimaees and cpa 3. Hydrogen Any 400 Chloride 7 aay Toae ee 5 any 0 6 Hydrogen Sulphide Any 0 7. Sulphur Oxides!) Suture sci Sulponie acid plants Other Plants except power 1700 Plans operating joni snd coal Carbon Monoxide ‘Any son Lead Any 50. Mercury ‘Any io Cadimisin Any 2» AArsenie ‘Any » Copper Any 50 Antimony ‘Any 20 Zine 20 To. Oxides of Nieogen Nie aid Manufacturing 3000 6 nme exept (fet 00 Stir! oo Explanations |. Based on the assumption that the size of the patiulate i 10 meron or 2 Based. on 1 percent Sulphur content in fuel oil. Higher content of Sulphur wil case standards o be peo-ate, 3. In respect of emissions of Sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen oxides, the power plants operating on oil and coal as Fixl shall in adiion to ‘Standards specified above, comply with the following stndards:- 27_THE SINDH GOVT. GAZETTE EXT. JAN.28,2016 _PART-1 A. Sulphur Dioxide Sulphur Dioxide Background levels Micrnsyram per cubic méter (agin) Standards, Bockround Air Annual Ma. Criterion | Criterion Quality (S02 Average 2eshours Max'S02 Max. Basis) inert Emission ground level (Tons per Day increment to Per Plant) ambient y = (One year Average) Unpoltated ——100 ou 0 0 + For intermediate valves betwen 50 and 100 ug linear intepotations should be yee ** No projects with Sulphur dioxide emissions willbe recommsne B, Nitrogen Oxite ‘Ambien air concentrations of Nieogen ovis, exjwessed as NOx should not be csceul the fllowingse Annual Acthmetie Mean roHugind (045 pp) Emission level for tionary source discharge before missing withthe atmosphere should be maintained x Follows:- For fel fire steam generators as Nanogram (10°-gram) per joule of edt input: Liquid fossi uct 130 Solid fossil fel. +300 ignite fossil el 260 Note Dilation of gaseous emissions o bring them wo the STANDARDS limiting ‘Value isnot permissible thongh excess ae mining bowing belige eating ino the enviroment PARTI __THE SINDH GOVT, GAZETTE EXT.JAN.28,2016 __28 Sindh Environmental Quality Standards for Motor Vehicle Exhawst and Noise Paramisr ~~ Standands Measuring Applicability (maximum Method permissible Tit) 7 ay z i Smoke AWMeoromthe Tobe compared immediate HRingleman Seale with Ringleman, effect uring engine Chart at seceleration distance of 6 mode meters or more 2 Carbos 6% Under idling Monoxide kg Patt 4.0 te RW< 1700 Ky) Pak-ll 50 0.08 NEIIRW> 1700 ke) Mowe 24strokes © Pakll 5.5 1s CER 40 Rickshaws 150 & Movor Cycles 2A‘okes> — Pakell 55 13 150ee Parameter Standards (maxi DI Ik 1 permissible limit) Measuring method 85ub (A) Sound-mer a 7.5 meters from the Direct Injection Ingitext Injection, Extra Urban Driving Cyele New European Driving Cycle, Urban Driving Cyele Vehicles designed and constructed forthe cariage of passenger and Comprising no more than eight seats in addition to the drivers seat ‘Motor vehicles with at Kast Fur wheels designe and constructed forthe catrage of gon ‘New mel ses oth nude an engine type cigs Te existing moxkels of pseu driven vchicles locally manufactured will immediately switch over 4 Pakc{l emission standards but no late than 30" June, 2012 ETE, 16 Pottsants Sapte Diidts02) aso) Oxides of Niven ss(No2) o Stspenied Maree) Respable Parise Maree Patio Resale ato MonoxissCO) Anau Averys buns tour? in Ambient Air sony Method of ow aigéine UY they tid ing Volume 1 ay abortion ASS Matha ts spislemt fer Naw Diane tea RaNDU 33___THE SINDH GOVT. GAZETTE_ EXT. JAN. 28, 2016 _PAREL + Anoual arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in year taken ti hoy nd at wniform interval + 24 fiurly’8 hourly values should be set 98% i 8 yea, 2% ofthe time, Ht may exceed ut ot on to consceutive days Anu Average Timit of Ain? or background annual average coneatraton pls allowable allowance of 9y/n whichever is lower tes Ee Sindh Standards for Drinking Water Quality Properties Parameters “Riba endST Tor Me SaSIE Nhat a de = king Cot or any OU sumple any 100s simple crunties a “Theme leat fol WHO Cole tra) standin ra beac Mata asable Moni A (Col verneme fallow HO torn clr and satin ‘otal cal acter) Tinian Raabe Siar na be dae Air San TT wan outotrsycet any Kinsale ay rat samgle—* sountics aso {Coser wert fw WHO Chliuoraad it tcc ys upon, ssc ng sais, tina Siem andtaal where slice samples whee sue samp Sim cers) ~ —esanina ut abe sain mes poentinesiihe peetin too he Sample tien hoot snes tah Ioana iste vse Ne pan jectionttAcce” sone Nea Re PAREI___THE SINDH GOVT, GAZETTE EXT.JAN.28,2016 34 objctombleAecupable objeto sep ‘enti coer cont Tot aces as bso cao, gee, Tos «100 0m pH os-as es-us Chemin! Essel Inorganic my/ire meine Aluminim (Ay 50:2 02 ‘Aninany (S6) sous aot Sandan fr Pain Arsc 008(%) ao Sina st i ‘eveloping counties Sarum) 07 o Boron 0 Sur fr Pais Cain ca oor ams Simao mt entoite <9 20 Chroma ic) 0s 0s oper) 2 2 Fase organic ier mative Sta fr Pakistan ‘Cymide CN) suas var seas ssa Forde" sts ts Sond fr Pisin Lease) eons ot cet were A Manganese (Mn) sos 05 Mercury) 0001 oat ike (Ni som ow ate N00 Sete (St) Zine ea) ene! Pertirmance Np Enters yo The existing drs ir Vk Sy Spare Remarks ing water tecatent nieastructre i not adequate 49 comply with WHO yuidelines. The Arsenic coneentatns in some pars of Sindh have ben found high thei col arse thong Weatment process. Lead Revised WHO guidelines. Iwill tke sone time to eon WHO Guidetives. As the piping system for ‘songenrston inthe proposed standard s high tha supply of drinking water in urban centers ae generally old and will tke significant resourees and lime to pet then replaced. nthe scent pas, Lasal ay completely phases out fom pettol PARE GOVT. produets to, cut down Lead entering into environment, These steps will enable to achieve WHO ‘guidelines for Arsenic, Lead, Cadiniun and Zine. Mowever. for bots water, WHO. limits for “Arsene, Lead, Cadmium and Zine willbe applicable and PSQCA Standards forall dhe Fema parameters ‘Standards for Noise Tfctve fom YJan, Eleven 1 fn "015 20 Gp asa in ene ae oe are No. Zone Limit in aay ey Day Time Nig Time Day Time Night Time iadaNA Gr eee ‘auth. An area comprising a fess han 100 meters around bsp, euetional insittions and courts 4 Mised categories of aress maybe declare as one ofthe four bev: mentions alegories by the competent bor 3, Repeal and Savings (1). The provisions of the Stastory Notifiation dated 10" August. 2000 andl 18" Ost, 2010, issued hy the Minisry of Enveonment, Govemnmen: of Pakistan, tothe extent of ‘the Provinesof Sin ae hereby epee 2) Alfactions taken, proceedings nt sal be dosed to have boon taken a inated ‘aid under the the provisions ofthese Rul, DIRECTOR GENPRAL SINDI EXVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, AGENCY (Kevachi: Printed at the Sindh Government Press 201

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