O3 The TCM Model of The Human Body

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3/20/2018 The TCM Model of the Human Body

Acupuncture and Massage College

10506 N Kendall Drive, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33176 | (305) 595-9500

The TCM Model of the Human Body

Posted August 14, 2017 by Acupuncture & Massage College

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In the rst article of the series, we discussed how Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was
a form of holistic medicine, since it focused on healing the physical and non-physical
aspects of the human condition. In the second article, we discussed how the di erent
doctrines of Taoism set the intellectual foundation for TCM.

In this article, we will discuss how these ideas form the TCM view of the human body.

Philosophical Paradigms of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

Perhaps the two most important Taoist ideas in Traditional Chinese Medicine are Yin-
Yang and Wu Xing.

Yin-Yang: Just as reductionism forms the basis for Western medicine, the Taoist concept
of Ying-Yang forms the paradigm for Traditional Chinese Medicine. Yin-yang, which
translates into “dark-bright,” describes the idea that everything in nature consists of two
paradoxical phases or energies.

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Toaist philosophy  holds that yin-yang is inherit in everything 

The dual relationship of Ying and Yang is meant to demonstrate that everything in the

universe exists as having connected and complementary, yet polar-opposite elements.
The table below demonstrates many of these relationships.

In other words, everything is made up of yin and yang. In terms of the human body, yin is
associated with the lower parts of the body, while yang is associated with the upper body
and back.

Wu Xing: Wu Xing, also known as the Five Phases or Five Elements, is notion that the
cyclical change of the cosmos occurs in a pattern of ve stages.

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Wu Xing is important across all areas of Oriental Medicine

Using the classical Chinese description of the seasons as an example, Wu Xing

demonstrates that Spring gives rise to Early Summer, which turns into Late Summer,
which then becomes Fall, then Winter, and then Spring again. The table below shows
some common examples of Wu Xing cycles.

Wu Xing is an extremely important concept in Traditional Chinese Medicine. For example,

it is used for diagnosing and treating illnesses. Similarly, it gives rise to Zang-Fu, which
shows how di erent networks in the body are interconnect as a penta-cycle. The Zang-
Fu is discussed in greater detail in this article.

TCM Model of the Body

Functional Entities: Traditional Chinese Medicine maintains a holistic view of the body.
Rather than being a strictly physical specimen, the body is viewed as being composed of

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physical and non-physical substances.

Organs in TCM are viewed by their function, not physical makeup

There are three major functional entities in TCM that explains how the human body
operates. They are:

1. The Five Fundamental Substances: Qi, Xue (Blood), Jinye (Body Fluids), Jing
(Essence), and Shen (Spirit).
2. Zang-fu: A Wu Xing cycle of 5 zang organs, 6 fu organs, and their functions
3. Jing-luo: The channels or meridians through which qi ows

Each of the functional entities is associated with a cardinal functions. The Five Cardinal
Functions are:

1. Actuation–Locomotion of all the physical processes in the body. This is especially

true of blood and qi

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2. Warming–Regulation of temperature, especially that of the limbs.

3. Defense– Protection against foreign pathogenic elements
4. Containment–Preventing excessive drainage of di erent body uids
5. Transformation–Converting foods, liquid, and breath into qi, blood, and other jinye

As such, the functional entities should be viewed as practical roles, rather than strictly
anatomical or biochemical functions. The functional entities are all interconnected. 

Zang-fu: For example, the organs have a We Xing cycle called Zang-fu that
demonstrates this relationship well. Zang refers to organs that are yin in nature. They are
the pericardium, heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidneys. Fu refers to organs that are yang.
They are the triple burner, small intestine, large intestine, gall bladder, urinary bladder,
and stomach. Each zang has a fu, and every zang-fu pair corresponds to one of the ve
phases. The chart below shows this relationship.

Jing-luo: Each of the Zung-fu pairs has 12 Jing-luo or pathways where qi, blood, and
body uids ow through, known as the 12 Principal Meridians. They run from the Zung-fu
organs to the limbs and joints. There are 8 extraordinary meridians, which connects the
12 Principle Meridians. From these 20 meridians, extends a network of nearly 400 points!

The numerous meridians and acupoints are visually represented in the famous

acupuncture models that many are familiar with.

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 An exact replica of models used in our Miami classrooms

The relationship between yin-yang, Wu Xing, functional entities, and the meridians can be
complex and di cult to understand at rst. However, in the coming weeks, we will expand and
discuss these holistic concepts in greater detail. 

So far, we have assumed a balanced or ziran state of the functional entities. What happens
when yin-yang or qi levels become unbalanced? In the next installment of our series, we will
discuss the Traditional Chinese Medical view of illness and methods for diagnosis. 

If you nd this blog series interesting, then perhaps you should consider a career in
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

Download our free guide below or call our admissions o ce in Miami, FL at (305)-595-9500 to
learn more. 

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