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‘口t 》.




Pre户sit协ns 、


介词/(英)丫九茉‘ Silldalr妇侧扁魏跃衡译
北京外妇1 } J胶辛仁2 ' j ( ) 09
ISBN 7119027 ] 4X

【介l]①铃⑦魏川英诊介1司Iv H 3142

外文出版社出版在中}l < 1大陆地区公川发行

COllins Cobulld英语语法系列:1介词


主 土之光丁建民
北京l节百万庄大街24号In阵政编码]0 ( X137
( 0 ] O ) 6吕320579沈、编室)
( 0 ] O ) 68329514/石83272 ] I(推广发行部}
深圳市红岭中路园岭花园南国大厦捅、 29斌

人32少t ( 210又140毫米)字数436干厂
000012川卜。朋印张l ! 5
2 ( ) ( ) o年9月第l版第l次印刷
ISBN7lI9027 ] 4X / H10 ] l(外〕
28 ( ) ( ) 7t

? J肠~

前 暇翻

这套截Collins Cobuild英语语法系列》 ・每一册沦述个专题。除
一般的综合性词典和语法朽外・我们已计划出版篇幅不大・ f山勺容更为详

料。它们均选自拥有3亿多个词的Cobuild语料J咋(The Bank ofEnglish )
及《泰晤十才山中的真实例r 。

每本《 Colhns Cobuild英语语法系列》 ・由厂专注一项英语i几题・
本书提供J ’英语中词和介词搭配使用的信息・而这此子日1足使用英
语者一张口、一动笔就需J ’解的。在很多情沉下・某一介i司}!勺出现常跟某

部分,共有124个介词、 556种不同的用法。

有2 , 000多个词条。

加以理解,使用起来得心应手。清来信将如何改进《 Collins Cobulkl英

约翰・辛克莱(John Sinclair )
《 Cobuild英语语法系列》主编

最常见的英语词中,介词就占3个:o丘to , in 。也就是说・使用介词的

Many … them are used to provide information … place or time , or,… a
more abstract way,… relationships … people or things .(句子的意思见本

He put jt back . the desk .

在本例中,所缺少的介词可以是on , behind , nextto , under或其他


i沂扣u can ' t苗亏tinguish betvveen goodandbad

1 knowhe , S cleveratpoliti臼ldebate .


M丫real friendshiP with hlm began in Rome

she / o oked at me

yo口ma夕bes日甲rlsed at the range ofserVices itcanprovide ,

宾语还可以是动词一ing形式・此时,一ing小句的作)} J类似J几名词词

They乃日ve becorne eXpert at drawing UP maps .


式有:me , you , her , him , it , us , them 。如下句:
凶粉印ent ageswa了tlng for them ・





库(The Bank of English)及《泰晤士报》的500万个单词的语料O


ahead of


along with





To happen before a time or event,说明某事发,月J某l}、士iuJ或事





It be / o门95 to me

He dzd月‘ t compare hlmself with other men

Th即were qu了帕dl所cult to dea / wl动
sabies / Ike to be talked to

These were the ones/四日陀ed for


Th巴e铲以ere theo门es for四hichl四alted


He性斤。 m the BBC




He looked Iike a she印dog




He had rece了ved an invl妇tIOn to julie亏wedding




1 was keen onpolitlcs




每一意义均由几个例证说明。例证选自Cobulld语料库(The Bank
of English ),目的在于展示现代英语的使用者是如何使用介词的。例证


到所需的介词。此部分共有2 , 000多个词条,4 , 000多个与介词搭配的组


词,如near和outside 。因而,介词的选择范围很广,此类搭配本部分


He alw日ys wolks ino了1 paI ' Pts



to hope for somethjng .


an interest in someth了ng

斤eedom from some亡八I门9 unpleasant or " nwan帕d

be enthusiastiC about something

to benefit from ; ometh , ng or bysorneth ; ng
be adamant about something or on sornething , be adamant in
oppo5Jng orre角sing somet为ing




有些词据其意义有两种不同发音。出现这种情况时,有[tll ¥ j 、音标发



Hls arrlval trans角rrned the company

此处the company是及物动词transform的宾语。
沙铂were amazed at the sudden transformation ofthecom户a叮

名词transformation是从动词transform派生而来,the company现

The delegat产。门arrlved

The delegation是动词的般语・但若拜]名词arrival寺午代动词

the arrlval of the de/四atlon

其摹本意义末改变,但the delegation这时出现在以of引分的介词

以土是介词of常见的般用法,所以本书第绪阱州交了J ' 4守其收入,


的词条里。因此,在词条accordance里能找到短语in accordance
with 。如果不11一个短语,将在冒号之后提供简短的定义,以便读者r
解其意义上的区另lj 。

by accident : not deliberately偶然
in an accident : in a violent crash or collision在事故‘ } ,



a : heart , start , calm . b bed talk

士act , rnass , lap . d done Van

al dive , cry , mind . f fit W 认任n

alo fire , tyre , buyer . 9 good 10ch

au out , down , loud . h hat 2 200

auo flour , tower , sour . j yellow ] ship
。 1 say , main , weight . k king 3 meaSUfe

90 fair , care , wear . 1 lip 叼sing
1 fit , win , list . mmat , J cheap
i : feed , me , beat . n nine 0 thin

10 near , beard , clear . p pay 己then

。 lot , Iost , spot . r run d3 joy
。 u note , phone , coat . 5 soon
。:more , cord , claw .
。,boy , coin , joint .
。 could , stood , hood .
u : you , use , choose .
UO sure , poor , cure ・
3 : turn , third , word .
八but , fund , must .
。 the weak vowel in butter , about , forgotten ・


Cobu 1 . d语料库致谢名单

We脚l曲to忆如口n仇the fol
比脚0公仁口口Vn曲t幻1口teFi日l 糯肾孺i粼就瓷留豁粼罗竿盔,
八,陇陀I一曰压函.曰,Pr昭ramm " Ltd加r:升e NexrZ周飞飞。 fi月l训b 11 , h曰by Jonat脑n臼pe Ltd
K的.,油钊议比m日门喇.a涌Le 。 ” M.的引瓦改脚饥妇h啪m笔黑忽黑者代盆豁豁霖
by八,k加.比d Bu.幻” ,
加v : d拟沈.b 。代山叻and 导黑足侃黑滋双。韶岔韶嚣监戈 S 」 n马玉CO Ltd 1979
M . rdoch 。 ‘ bllshedbyC抽tt 。
K ”即〔汽几I耐晰月闭。即
伪v : d ^ tI侃加r创助八几.尸bl . sh曰by
】为v记冉tt曰l加,。山.h pn比扣ct泊书Ltd 冤摆弋E口记W m七rT六吧F盆陀 byC恤tto二Wiod四Ltd
刊之城石川吧by抽m曰臼ldwln俐bljsh曰InGre . t 。 y人SB鸭tt训日15映d by
L记1舫J研加..州助日wml侧幻HTBa 5亡or,白翻e7节之留l月d肠y
切C卜n叫n . Hd映份翻训诵幽目勿aT

N.叨Jul梦1蛤1 and

闪bl助曰byT勺e UO助rth Pr曰5 19洲
, r . . rd Ma肠m目fi门t卿bli , hed In Gr吧.t
留盆贯需乱盔盆留念岔盅职穿晶盔嗯留写盘 架黑留孺尝忠铭舞
氏口以q山by EF byw礼U泊m Ca以肠肋ns几臼口dt舫呜
' Rrio . Ijd吸口口3 by W LW,比例bl
份sP8pers Lldl阅0
行门lp日叹 lm仁on.叭弓乡幼,二C

by Fon田

1974M口r川已by Win川0们ora恤m
by如t几e Stewan而冈

勿右颐E川。 。 n以 byt饥压习块y妇即d Lldl引勺
197 ' P饱I . r弘亏。哥e


T协右J切日dy byL帅ne FOr Fr.衍R ‘肠rd Ma加y打邝lpU七l侣h曰by
Reid臼口匕而r翻训bl肠hed byC仙tto ' wl.山,19 。 dl的2氏R比恤川Ma比yl盯ZU朋耐司Q " e,七
1974劝心Brit比a叼几,巨,Blb沁Sxl傲y wl忆b钊
Ltd for成沁目刊‘ ".肠创.了咖亡为汇艳以盯以刀月洲叱国


油冲如沪人脚沈n巾加、幻协N它.Te ,.翻吧趾、分舫 血yn户”脚诵油肠、
团For画,.几目eg仗‘创vl日勺侣l的口下he ndt 1心y Pn山yl日77仆e

M 。月d by 黑玄黑思黔喘濡公需糕昆嘿盟糯盟男濡沈
G目日‘叻能曰by妞,比.r伪。叮川., nrst目日自,加州by Wijlom弓川】 i口肋盯.压
仁OL团毛的3乙肠仁助幼胜仓叫助G公.lp LtdL臼j H佗f.肥吕口nd
臼月加mp,。 n " b梦加,记O,叨吧r州山加佗k
W山匕m 〔 djl目日立用口‘ Co Lldl创习,t抽的d
r加肠盯月臼剐口mo门耐.州by^血m H . U而rSt例
nGr " tBri回nb梦J佣二抽n 翻.tCOLtdl洲5乙J口均.互IT陀丫orl朋5
Comn恤tion . E匕尾们行即bl电
ID巴Ltd LO.知州19们了ra 忠濡沈缘挤盆叫 声协乞m口八盆月

ml臼吕州.y Gdl妇比几亡盯汕.byP创亡r ^ 111巴
9 byEd姚rd电HO助 压.生.n叨C份卯门d曲197,八晓r月1155的
d吧日口.01的7 Tm日亡 I目15 Bro , . L ' d柏r仆‘ P.月b , J曲n匀.In悦ck

orC七创c . by JO.口than 以昭” hyo侧书宇M亏胜es flrsl即bllshedby彻d件】沈.改h L . d
ljt,皿” l例七l匕hd by JO幻.山.n 1日临C " rg .
F “£“阳。矛乡洲间比m妙肋比加y n门I例日妇加ed沌加耐曰t加R卫做r七v V 5 N . l卿ul fjrst卿叫阅函曰by
Ltd 19漪C ^ R Cr.白.目皿肠J助nch晚夕197t
八nd比n.月臼‘卜曰dl的.下V J.帅Ltdl臼7勺TbeE目.teo!北h .
byR阮b . rd人山m.眨汉娜比s卜曰106
R晓加口叮d ^ d日rng In圈nrkR只
山“ InGr . . IHri因.by八.由.r冲u伙‘ Lldl肠
, ol枷,r比认勺勿JO灿Keu脱IhG泊lbn翻h 跳即勿DrKBHI.血州n比吧m “战m囚
日找.尘.“码Co几门口臼.a时扣叼reD.胆Kh .创51.助功。 Ltd为r加脚川。加咫妙

Will山m ( Num映r 4 Voll
曰助侧口e Lldfor
Gr日口t Hri恤匕

日A翻川的们 加丫如.盯‘角.刃.yol比.Joc知i勿
口月L讨l的l 】 、创肠七.曰Ltdl盯生。
月因吧娜J曲.G ..】倪in功记田目比ro白d切目d翻 d inCr . tnr.相勿H山‘州., ".臼
)加erC抽.勺几ult ' byJ曲.G.叫.吧比比e口.目门
l韶1 GI目.. . P灿七生口tl山臼Ud匆r几.M . ”协自 黔舍胃默哥韶盅瞥摆黑
忠罗提岔乙盟悠票架 二及公戳韶合岔侣啥盘
by ^ S
岛。 ” Ju用州明栩幼月口咒ys用l比

翻r . dp日VL创口皿曰万

例七山如目勿叼七吐份 】 」 dfor ; C九阴d . ol介‘陌‘阿
0加恤O内出伙曰Sml比1 . 1 d . oG愧川.ri.切勿白川‘加创

例目阳白目勿V妇比ot Gd匕胜.Ud


Gd匕., L目l口日1 0J0笋笼。门10川.1口月 糯黑思韶咭
留盅报怒罗豁监糯冤尝苏 J . ..丁护曲叭扭口.创目.C巨
尸创目加目匆V匕tor Gd匕.CZ Ud 1.竹Q ^

( 11翻吻I曰1.盯加
叭比目V目口白.V泪场.勿从d卜陀.H.明几侧例创.卜功.Gn,吸a州.目。切份幽加.目日。.. L目l翻月。 R州翻沈口旧叫翻l日翻G门加口C洲翻日曰助d
l翻1 11吧八曰目比妞t '

翻.dLldl的I泊 l口目石匕口侧日O加甘如口以自仁口1时血甘 介.目呼】,U州.

也目脚臼匕加目勿日脸加阎J.神UdL的口回I , l l的压龙自曰Olr加口




日.. Ud ..目C助.. r八创助剑叨伪Ltd白rl抽拍.训吮明用曰胭目C内山仍

驴盆黑黯黯岩盆 臼国口匕勺匕
灿tbor时,加O泊州即l曰4 01二卜
皿加.份脸..】目翻11 . C.目.心甘.H , r

内甲钾妇” .
In而口以协加叼勿th . an口曲日口.次曰吻
加团侧inl侧润p州月怕nT门忱IL团为r : p佗目洲
巴妞(油比n . r邃冉.们!比《 klob吧rl翻的hOI吻夕

^ u别stl臼l书AugU , l洲l叻dg义ptem比rl洲l )?训blish时b夕内nch
Publ二catlo们日臼dl此1 Ra山巨a们da , 50 ( iat曰forT入eN口灿d Cl 、公5凌八.”亡 丁仑臼俐理内

by咖en咖Cnspn改pu比约树by JOnathan臼pe Ltdl洲.弓伽曰tinCrlsp
l别祀T七e p . iok.闭即bli ' h . n空Grouo LtdforT触彻泞‘.气ZofM口.七蕊日日by Ra户ael first四bll曲目in Grea ,
】朋l 盅纂欲淤麟跳智影
:吧,J州民t目by AI朋CDren n乃,例bl比曰In Great Bri Iml洲日丁加切月甲川召e 01 aot加es妙月匕旧n Lune
出L匕In日,口K比iation , , th八nch内blica忆拍ns Ltdl胭l呀 am HelnemanOLtdl岛Ic月lson Lorlel璐L ' Hel习二hel
l如IT恤R ‘舱Of人目如曰M . n门I by入tt优妞M00le Inth , 1口“ 3trat ' d Lond洲Ne " July
I逮忿山亡ro二曰1丈曰如” N口娜July 1981加vid JO . . Se口吧mberl臼l 品劣
Luci卜Sm " h 1 . thel胜山亡m之州切耐。月News ^ u创51
p灿ntlllg by曰
m比rl湘11 、吧 N让O吻月W创.健.犯ld & N让 岔l劣擂北黑粼黔髯宽思嘿盘
Will妞m 1创日 T翻r生A飞VOm口门, G.日硬如忆九eT叩by Rac阮1 Nelso.眨阁目bl兔s卜翻in
W.山”傀ld二Nlco助。 Ltd 1979兮Rac比l Nel劝幻19拍
pr已口L吸dl舫7 例bl地b曰by W.曰e川e乙d压
P 。 。 rM 。 。 by 】 r切ins恤w
槛 N ie01知n Ltdl盯幻仁弓Ir.吐n
' ovfi门t卿N达b曰忿。 or吧日t
日d恤山by玩 VI翻五m扮Na卜刀白口VI此51砚仙

1留l l佣日。 Gp p以幻.m 、.. , . 19已l 〔叼McG , , HIUInlemat ] o幻日11ncl971T加

义〔 ker压份.rb Hall nm闰b肠曰云n
1佣目凡pel . r旧川1 19即
Ltd for WOf为应.gw ' t为
,盆且,h曰bV The Wri便乃
M.】 co 】川B , d加口1975
令黔槛怨魏rsa & u瓷摄愧嘿咒忿晶耙篇 1盯吸197压

豁温翻串撰浮氢黔瓷粼忍忽怨几岔点恕思 勿内.IE E址比rl口77兄 加j期dt触C八翻

Ltdl洲l沉Erd介.幻nm叫目助曰盆n臼脚幻d byMart.。义仁肚er几Wa比u飞C.阵,晚找L讨19幽l ’胜比
P . U盆E Erd叮曰.1981声l , h 。,. , M 。 ”臼鱼u 、甲e,七,M . ivv . R几二hr .

FOny旧巨n " : A Pd盆亡己c山B阅g阳户y by Ro比n
Wd沈rs.间R 。倪rs内bli , hingCO明沈ra忆i锐
泣N讹加。 rP 。 “ . r forR也曰几朋”七,St.曲二
即bl助已In曰,口.nd by州巨川” Cro目】.od Kaon血门处.训er firsl
ml豹3剐J亡为‘ P限创d.吐目M如
【训如血白ed inE 。少耐妙M.由们
即日」约山吕(沙刃阵,七仲L地1978 崔黯 1口箱l翻口④
111.时,Uor日Ka细.血曰义mPI . r 19781砚盯Yale Unive门lty PTe . forU扭

义心ker盛,盯七,rgL七 l馏塑挽枯篇煞品嘿黑思架 ‘ 。亡脸。创叻CO “时即Ho~厂AS如d 。耐月rc人.‘配t “闷H山。即嗯嘿

01门..刊例bl匕如ed byy目e Univ,倒ty pr色.L喊Lon由nl的日
U 。丘锐旧tyl的8丁七eH州山由Br . dC.扣吧臼们国ra , lon for 11.目.
Or日创In川脚目l心ed by Mart , n叙cker几胃.d刊r妞1洲SOE服
卯比汕刊.G陀目Bl M几处itjey WUI泣am , fort , n , np . or te便,口ion Inte , . " . ith Mrs

晓陇间孙为七.Ha '
腼r吻份1 llia砒l日月肠B L Smi 【 h处七加Iof沁t比mal . ".时ph州cal
义i翻c . Unive围tyol翻思记xlorprO日门mm曰onCur注nl人而”女ie此e
.回仆,凡rts侧目。 liy加.次ast叨R.山。知脱xl的,a时1此0 0 BL
别电.匕胜‘ J . ck . n Lld 197启闭(诀ner . l gr JOhn升妞亡加曰口
、日产护劝刃川口日by岛lr挽yC因门n肠仪脚bl二by到妙ick ' J鱿加匆们件
1的5因口d州巨C翻r . . 197吕1盯了流月月亡此夕口.dH口丁而.bvjohoQI .
Smith下七.加110 , tng阵o口e in theU川花,ty ot Bjrmi叨恤m:介叹吧.目rJ
(阵限沈囚co撅ti曲工愉R Wal咏efor叮硬rlyDe产rtmenlof八‘ . ” 。 ti 。翻
认Gr吧口1 Hn比in
E吻砚陀时ng a . dDrMM门tgo川吧口Uoive甩tyorst . thcly配加声n翻e川
or白回匕扛forat ,.沈d以or众G.吧y 、阮tu花DrLWP民盈加,rtm吧。 t

Ltd 197日伏了七吧压” ton Wo口e.、 H曰I吐h Collecti健
川e州目加r日朽山山〔洲tto 。细甲肠p址111口aodJ山 re ‘盯山叫户Otb妞
pr日曰Lld口加了为已右她rm曰do Tr.月.臼七,rh . r后B
Bd . io by匀目悦。汤r pre.日d盆97 d匕比‘ ,.面ondi鱿阅rs吧.. . ly,匕
' forr记cor山n争orJ比aod .
Qr . . t日州功恤 扔m比由a BPh巨l(创),抽山,t .
sm二thL团for 而比dya日p卜五1(创),川加nt几c " Ityof创‘口t吻
峋由朋e con她,.肠。 ” 1盯队Dr人T.豆加r川erly
洽魏黔瓷馏 for berr悦叮山n口日ofl川。 rm . l Conven . lion MrJ
旧今州 l曰IM , C Fm月陌创t
黑器 .泪R记七口川NOrth 扭讨informal co洲.价.ti . l洲IM门BT人tk电邢加r
dre . ml洲IT加Brlti劝C 。 ‘ nCll for
}思 1981卜。化.阅1 M Hammen . l a . d Mr
浮U 。元v吧门豆.y of Ne . cast协引p旧幻了yne
e , 1阅1 MrGporave,用而r川erly
脚。曰加for his阴ord山甲目te . ch . r
眼t已yr吧,e . rchs加dent枷iv吧门泣ty of
U川 肠.‘加m囚k Mr场nr山记r , o rm . r ] y

番默舔气粼糯黑招嗜篇益群嘿摄溉篇瓮嗯欲留黑矛溉毖瑟黯娶盘 洒幼lh洲oryl翻l众N
for bis tr.幻肚r亏p . of ' n硬r,他” on
陌r口比目yp卜D , tUdenL)口二tmeot or
ofn,叫明.ncy ta巨kl目1 profe.闪rD
气PU悦助目by 11 . U川馆阔tyof日, )峋目Unlve " lly Of Ll花r脚以。 fot hls
比,j山硬of R.遭.rcb.的r地..协pm翻t tr.正Kri哪of . re ,.叮〔七n沈加di赂MrBr访nLa.比nc ' f0n ”记目,时S.阶on
勿山e 侧.的.C 。 ‘爪yH妙kb加L fora谧阵ofb.囚kon仆.Bn它叭E ' uc . t睡n

11 , h曰by vi门即 忽吧月勺时h.加沈.n.血Iot门ceth , coPyn助l hol虎月bol if.即h . ve
PU61匕七吧r,份川be pl吧a别川to ..七e 〔 he
. dv ' rtnt1y训价k旧加曰篇n阔op脚六uoily
ne(已..厅ackoowl目目11 ,.臼.1

X . 1 !

《介词》是Collins Cobuild英语语法系列的一册。它是一本专门研究
词及形容词的搭配,共2 , 000余条。如与名词搭配:an account of an
event(报告、阐述);与动词搭配:to ache for something(渴望);
与形容词搭配:be accustomed to something(习惯)。有时一个词可
以有两种以上的词性,如busy可以是形容词:be busy with something
(忙于),也可以是动词:to busy yourself with something(使自己忙
于某事)。又如date,作名词用时:a date with someone(与某人约
会);作动词时:to date from or date back to a particular time(从某
与不同的介词搭配产生丰富的意义:atcourt(在宫廷)、 inco盯t(在法
庭)、 out of court(私下)、 on court(在球场上)。

所不及的。介词在英语里起组词成句的作用,表示词与词的关系。如I ' m
afraid of sPiders中的介词of仅起结构作用,与前面的形容词的关系相
对固定。但介词本身有它自己的基本意义,举最简单的例子:on the
desk , under the desk , next to the desk , over the desk , behind the desk

to look for ( seek ) ; to look after ( attend ) ;

to look into ( investigate ) ; to look up to ( admire ) ;
介词与动词构成的这类短语动词(phrasal verb ) ‘妇冰上类似于及物

词分为系动词tobe和行为动词。动词的类型往往决定J ’它后向介词的
动静态意义。跟在to be动词后的介词多含有静态意义而跟在行为动

Dan came in just after midnight .(动态)
Billy Stein and Mary Breslow were in the car …(朴态)

He 15 after information and not scandal .(动态)

We don ' t consider a child as important .(静态)

此处15 after相‘ , i于seeks,介词含有动态意义。 as important在
句中作宾语补语,该句可以转换成:We don ' t consider a child to be
另外,tosb / sth与forsb / sth这一对介词短语对绝大多数中等水平
的读者来讲较难区别。 tosb / sth是他人所给之物的领受者(ReciPient ) ,
而for sb / sth则是委托者(Client ),请看例子:

Prison otTicers had helped to administer a sedative to him .
此处to含有“施加”的意义,him是“领受者” 。该句还能变换位

Prison otTicers had helped to administer him a sedative .

They started to explain the plan to Bradlee .

… reforms beneficial to the mass of the people .

第一句表示二他们使得Bradlee听他们解释该计划(即They made
Bradlee listen to their explanation for the plan . ),而后者the mass of

而forsb或for sth常含有“为某人” 、 “为某事”的意思。例如:

Remove the bones from the trout or ask your fishmonger to do
this for you .
She was afraid for her children .

该两句的含义分另lJ指有人“替你干”和有人“替孩子担忧” 。

因此,tosb / sth与forsb / sth最大的区别在于前者是外界施加的


She was surprised at Hugo ' 5 vehemence …
1 was surprised by herreaction .

Hugo ' 5 vehemence surprised her .
Her reaction surprised me .
个:aghast , angry , furious , impatient , indignant , unhappy,其余13个
with,但不接介词by 。而表示情绪变化的分词形容词后面除可接介词

They were upset by thepoverty they saw …
by,否则该句就会变为:They were upset when they saw the poverty
they saw ( at = when they saw)。因此,介词的选择有时受语境因素及


本书因全部语台材料来自《 Cobuild语料库》及《泰晤}报》而被称
为地道的英语《 Real English)・经科学统计,使用的搭配足当代英语使


写到:be filled or covered with a substance or with things某’}不物里面
后并附有例子:The walls were covered with bookshelves.… a dark
veil , embroidered with red and blue flowers . ..一之后词表歹IJ举了47

我们很多人对in the distance(在远处)、 be keen on something
(对某事热衷)、 on the street(无家可归)较为熟悉。那么义・ r into the
distance , be keen about something , off the streets又了解多少IU已户大家
熟悉的《朗文当代英语辞典》(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary
English)和《牛津高级英汉双解词典》(Oxford Advanced Learner ' s
English一Chinese Dictionary)中者f ‘未曾将此收入在内。而本朽却一一收



a fall in an amountorlevel(数量或水平的下降)

distaste for someone or something(对某事或某人不湃欢)

to advertise for someone or something澄报招聘某类人员或征

be exempt from tax or a duty(免除交税或关税)

,因为它们的信号词依次是不定冠词、零冠词、动词不定式to 、 be动

影响,以至产生错用介词现象。例如,很多人往往会将“凭记忆” ( from
memory)误译为“ by memory ",因为在中国人看来,by比from似乎
更接近中文的“凭” 、 “借助”之意。又如,若将“在考虑之中” ( under
consideration)译为in consideration,则又不对。类似的情祝还有under
discussion(在讨沦之中)、 under control(在控制之中)、 under duress
(被胁迫)、 under review(在检查之中)等等。因此要积累词的搭配习



例如be amused at something , amusement at something及to
limit yourself or something to a particular thing , a lirnitation to
something , be limited to a particular place or a group这两个例子,前

unaccustomed to something译为“不习,质的” 。这是因为本书对中等英



aboard beneath inside preparatory to

about beside inside of prior to
above besideS in spite of regarding
according to bCtween instead of regardless of
aCfOSS beyond into round
across from bUt irrespective of save
aftef by 1 Ike save for
agalnst by means of 11llnUS SlnCe

ahead of C10se to near than

along CollCCflllflg near to thanks to

alongside considering next to through
along with contrary to notwithstanding throughout
amid depending on of till
amidst despite off to

aIT10ng down on together with

amongst due to on account of toward

apartfr(〕 m during on board towards

amulld except onto undCr
except for on top of underneath
as for excepting opposite unlike
aside from excluding opposite to until
as to following other than up
astride for out of up against
at forward of outside upon
away from 介om outside of up to
bar ill over up until
barring in between owing to via
because of including past with
before in favour of pending within
behind in front of per without
below 111 lieu of plus worth

1 Preposition


aboard a ship , aircraft , or spacecraft在船上:、机上或宇宙飞船里・
/ came aboard the Queen胡a甲IOng了ng to be lmpre55ed
Theo所clal习,d calm加亡hat ourl四gage was now aboard aB以plane due for
take一O厅In seve门mlnut郎

. e胡ellmen朽carrled out aboard the US SPace shuttle


More lives cou / d be saved through了mproved sa加ty measures aboard aircra斤

The DC10 crashed , kllling all346peopleaboard


1 Towrite , talk , think , orhavefeelingsaboutaparticularthing有关(想起某
乙et , 5 talk aboutth污In the morning
oon ' t woFry about getting killed
l伪rgot all about it
角15 book巧about death .

agreec日re forget muse tell
a rgue chat fret protest th旧k
ask compla旧fuss qulbble warn
b Itch consult groan rave wonder
boast dlsagree grumble read worry
brag dream Inquire speak
b r0Od fantaslze moant日Ik


. ab 。 。 k about几hlng
YOu will八日ve to give them in角rmatlon aboutyourlncome

advlce decislon misunderstanding
agreement fuss news
anxlety Idea oplnion
book Informatlon outcry
chat Joke phobia
complex Judger - nent pred } ctlon
concern lecture quarrel
consultatlon letter question
debate misglvings row

咫mbridge 15 said to be angry about the delay
冷t how ( ould she have been mlstaken about ath泊9 like this尸
1 couldn ' tsle印properlybecau5eIwasworrledaboutbeInglatejnthemoming

adamant enthuslastic pleased undeclded
angry fussy positive uneasy
annoyed gul { ty scath旧9 unhappy
anxlous happy sceptical unsure
apprehenslve lgnorant sensltlve upset
bothered Indignant sentimental vague
certain mlserabie serious wary
complacent mlstaken sorry worrled
ConCerned门ervous UnCerta旧
crazy optlmlstlc unc } ear
embarrassed pass ] onate unconcerned

2 Todosomethingaboutanunsatisfactorysituation努力改变强差人意的




四已can ' t do much about hered,妙
l , hould do someth了ng about those印。奴dear , i厂1 were you

3 Avaguequalityaboutsomeoneorsomething指某人或某事物有种模糊不清


He has a sorto沂oflglnal了ty about hlm
角ere was something角夕htening about thee切erlence
There 15 noth加gp日Ftlcularly frail about hlm in the ph声Ical sense

4 Thingsaboutsomething指这些事物围绕着某物或存在于某物的周围。

The little wrlnkl巴about her即es were more noticeable now
YOungsters are recejving maxlmume胡osure to new ideaso沂the world about
them ,


He put hls arms about her and clung to he厂
shells创p / o ded all about them .

5 Tomoveaboutaplace在某地到处活动O

1 wanderedabouttheflat , lettlhg伪etimepass
It wouldn ' t be safe to have the children running about the grounds


1 wanderedabout , adm了ringthesedetalledpreparations '


1 Onethingisaboveanother前者高于后者或在后者的卜方・
Abovet八e town , the flre was stl / lb / az了ng
l角/t su甩now , t八at the nolse四日5 above me


匆rah was put了n动e room above me
the hllls above the tOFvll

The muslc seemed to be corning from the floor above

2 Beaboveaparticularamountorlevel某事物超过某一个量或高于某一水平。
The temperature has not rlsen much above zero for the pa , t week
Otto , 5 vojce was 10以just above a WhISPe 〔

3 Beabovesomconeelse某人的社会地位高于另一个人或其权力凌驾另一个人。
认飞II , m丫mum , 5 a nurse and she has to bow to the matron above he厂
It djd not even work all that well for the gentry above them

GUy was above八e厂
功em日rrled日bove hersel汽

4 Beaboveaparticularactivity认为自己品行好或地位重要而不屑去做某事。
according to

They were sUPposed to be above , uch crude methodso沂cornrnuni臼tion
eve门沁r them了门orlty四为0 consider themse / v已above suc八rnerce门ary

5 Beabovecriticismorsuspicion某人因品行良好或社会地位高而不可能遭批


those whose/即副ty and mora污were abovere户ro日ch
Martyn was rnerely an erud ; te eccentrlc and entlrely above 5u5户,c , o门

according to
1 Somethingistrueaccordingtoaparticularperson , book , orothersourceof


According to COoke,山e amount ofpestlcldesu : ed勿白朋e巧couldbereduced
1 , 000 tlmes .
Acco八右ng to a recent Arnerlcan study , there ha : been noi门crease , n巾e
的cldenceo沂severe menta / jlln既over the last IO0years

2 Somethingisdoneaccordingtoaparticularsetofprinciples遵循一系列原


COmpu沁巧are crea把d by humans according to setso沂rule ;
YOu should care for扣ur car and have jt servlced according tot为e

3 Tovaryaccordingtoachangingory硕ablefactor某事物受某一变化中的因


万mber ylelds vary according to the tyPeo厂tree and the / O catlon andsol / quali尔


4 Togoaccordingtoplanoraccordingtoschedule某事按原先的意图或计划

But things do nota/四日卢户roceed according top / an
Everythlng went according to , ched " je


1 Togoacrossaplace穿越某处。
叭伯四ent日CrOSS the street to that restaurant dOVvnstalrs in the Bahnho近
He rode the longerw日y home , across the canal bridge .
He drewa万nger以pre " ive今acrossh污throa之

He hadn ' t liked thejoumey acrossA幼ca atall

A万ce四alkeda亡rOSS toD日刚台h , 5 des丸

2 Besituatedorstretchedacrosssomethingelse某事物布满、横跨另一事物。

斤加ted across the poster in large , broad letters was the word ‘川,门ted '
Th即found Evelyn COrbin sPrawled across herbe己
a bannerstletchedaCrossthestreet

… the maln bridge across the river

3 Beacrosssomethingsuchasastreet , river , orarea表示某物在街对面、河对


嶙car亏just across亡he : tree艺
/ t性over near Beddingham acrosst八e raj/以,a了


Th即went Intot八e dlner across the street

4 Across可用来表示某人脸上掠过的某种表情。


DI5appro旧/刀Ickered across he厂后ce
He stopped and a qu产ck sml / e went acrossh店角ce

5 T0happenacrossapIaceororganization某事在该地或该组织IAJ到处发生。

The hablt ofm日le face一5加vI门9 Iswl决印read acro “由eg / o be
yetth店心eology does not aPP / y unlversall , across the membe巧h脚


AtpartymeetIP卯acrossthecountrytheywerechoo5lngde / egdtes

6 Tohappenacrossapolitical , religious , orsocialbamer某事物超越政治、宗


ISsues帕nded to cut across party Ilnes

They found no trouble in controlling love across colour barr ) ers
叭伯are more used to argument across dlscIPllnes .

7 TOcome , run , orstumbleacrosssomething无意中发现某事物。

acr0SS from

The other由州came across a letter { fo m srunel
The idea Ist八atl门才he cou巧eo沂the了rse日rch forsomet为了ng th即may , tumb / e
across something quite dlfferent ando沂great value
jt , 5 ve心“ nusual to run across Amerlcans in th巧parto沂the woFld

a ( r0SS from

Be situated across from another某人或某事物在别人或别的事物又、}面。


. seeingh巧mot八erslttlngacrossfromhlmat妇ble
YOu must know the Hotel Hlrschen It兮rlght across from the church

the park across from the church


1 Tohappenafteratime , event , orperiod某事发生在某一仔寸l闭、事件或时期之

加n came injusta六erm心n仍gh亡
沙甘11 hear aboute陀rything after dlnne厂
she retumeda介era角w mlnutes .
The play clO5ed disastrous今a八er a few pe而rmances
Fra门k Brownwa ' released from prlsona汽erservlngthree尸a巧

1 hate thetll刀e after , un万et be白re扣u come home


叭他had one girlw为o / e斤just before Chrlstma凡ando门eg矛rl who le斤just after

2 After可用来表明已经发生的、并对现在产生影响的事件或经j ) J 。

a / Ight that seemed greenlsha斤er the brlghtn已5 outside
After as妇tement like Mr Howell亏you could hardlyb伯me them

3 Todosomethingaftersomeoneelse指做别人已经做过的事情O

Amalernembero厂山esta斤stoodupaftermeandsaidhetotal / y日greedwlth
everyt厉ngl : aid

4 Togoafterapersonorthing某人跟着别人或别的事情,通常其目的是要跟

He hurned日汽er hIS men
He tumed and Went affer his brothers ,
闪q myfrie门d , th即arenota加rme
, A汽er herj ' shou帕d the臼p妇泊
‘追上她l ”队长大声喊道。

5 Aftersomething探求某物。
Let , 5a巧ume thatth即are reallya汽er informatIOn and notscanda /
Large mining co甲orations began lustinga汽erAboFIgI ' nalReserveland .

6 Tocall , shout , orstareaftersomeone在某人离开时叫唤、高声喊叫或紧盯着

似nd stop drinking ! ' Doctor即rclval calleda六er Castle
AS 1 ran along the wall , voic已shouteda几er me but no one勿llowed
she / ik ed picklng叩after hlm
H店wl角used to run round afterh矛m
咫帕r粉vent and closed the doora八er her

8 Towritesomethingaftersomethingelse写在某物的背面O

HeW阳te on the large尸llow pad彻ohF , Aug仍t , , and put a qu " tion mark
日汽er it .

9 Tobenamedaftersomeone以某人的名字命名。

' It , 5 nameda六er one of扣ur角mous avlators , , said the agent
M丫mother hads反glrlsa门d called them ana六er flowers
They all hadjok即nlcknames Ilke ' Heath Rob角son ' a允er the 193陇cartoonist

10 To take after a relative某人与其亲人相像。

He tooka汽er his gra门dfather where character was con印rned

11 Toaskaftersomeoneorsomething打听某人或某事的情况O
He askeda汽er hl ' s斤jends in FIOre门ce .
she enquireda丹er Mrs Carstairs ' daughte仁

12 After还常出现在两个相同的名词之间,用来强调出现或遭遇到一连串的事


When四u tru为et畔n妙mll " a day , da夕afterda又montha介er month
叭飞pa巧ed throughvl/勿ge aftervj / / a ge untll fina / ly we stopped
Th巧was cop , ed勿one Illustrator after another

1 Somethingisleaningorpressingagainstsomethingelse前者靠着或者贴着


1 saw Kruger leaning against awa / 1 In the termjnal bu厅dj门g
sut the manju , tlaythere , proPPedupagainstthedoo厂
但这个人靠着门躺在那JL 。
sreslow shranka钟日y andfe / 1 against thewa / l
Rain SPlashed against the四I门dowpanes

2 Tocompete , fight , ortakeactionagainstsomeone与某人竞赛争胜或对抗。

lp / ay ed against白n Botham on加tWIce , n three , eason "
How would an 85才oneb以er伯re against a 74 stone boxer户
. actlvities deslgned to ral今and 。勺an污e workers againstwl污。 n

agltate compete play
a Ilgn consplre plot
a llyf ] ght side
lan Gould was jnjured durlng a match against New孙uthwa / es
四户cannot eXpect to wln a war against seven armles
. a斤er bejng accused of conspjraCy against才he Emperor


aggresslon blasphe印y crlmes日nctlons
a Ily boycott flght vlCtory
battle consplracy match war

3 Totakeactionagainstsomething设法终止某事、阻止某事发生或减轻其不


He匆ug自t doggedly against trade restra , n朽
Actlon污a污0 taken to protect consumers againstm巧陌adlng advert ' ements .
The Vlce一斤esldent阳rned against the continuing dangerso沂compa巧jon

advlse guard旧oculate mJlltate warn
counse4 hedge Insulate protect
f Ight Immunlze insure Vacc ' nate
The time had come沁r a full campalgn against vanda台.
hls heroic { lg ht against des户alr
. a natiOnalscherr7eforInsuranceagainstindustrialin ] urles .
One posslble由角nce against such threats 15 the posse巧iono沂prlvate means .

bastlon bulwark flght safeguard
battle campalgn Insurance shleld
b low defence legislation war

4 Beagainstsomething某人反对某事。

The犯P leade巧are against unilateral disarmamen衣
四,rkers themselvesb匆an to pro池ta夕ainst theiF aPPalling condjtlons .
thoseM几who voted against the ban



日publlc prote , t against apartheid
亡he arguments against our current de角nce strategy


compla了n了ngt八at the wel/一educated arep咧udlced against Indust尽


The Be勺Ian : wereln角vour , the Dutcha夕ainst

5 Evidenceagainstatheoryorperson有事实证明某理论是错误的,或某人做


饰伯can get rid of the real evidence against hlm


All the evldence 15 against the vlew that we need an elite system of educatIOn .
Yet all the eVidence was against intelljgentli角elsewhere in the sola厂分,tem

6 Toactagainstsomeone ' swishes , advice , ororders不做别I人希望你做或吩咐

He acted against the wlshes of the electors
unless扣u are travelling against扣ur docto厂,5 advlce

7 Beagainstthelaw指某事是违法的。

someone who 15 insolvent can ' t be a compa即director , , it , 5 against thela以
It阵,a 5 strict / yagainsttherule5tOunlockpri5onersatnIght

8 Tomoveagainstacurrentorwind逆流而上,逆风而行O

ah6ad of

The wlnd was 50 stro门gth日t 1 could no longer bi守cle against厂t

9 SomethingisseenagainstsomethingelseL匕较两个事物或对比两者的差异。
dark bro阴wood ' et againstwh了te emul5Jon
The obvlous attractIOn , must bewe勺hed against the hlgh flna门clal cost
斤esumably th巧has才0 be set against an enormous increase in cr , rne ,
Th " e白cto巧have to be measu阳d aga仍stt八e dangers and anxle妙。沂
p阳gnanq ・

10 The odds against something happening某事不发生的可能性。

The odds against hlm losing hIS ] O b ha四Iengthened
The chanc " aga动st succ哪勿1 tran ' mlssIOn are a thousand to one

The odds are 2 to 1 against .

ahead Of

1 Beaheadofsomeone某事物刚好在某人前面。

PhiliP trotted ahead ofhe厂
sro即was several stePs ahead of臼ssldy
All at once the Ilghts所ckering ahead ofhlm mergedtogether

The cabin ahead of him四as dark

ah6ad Of

2 Aneventorperiodoftimeliesaheadofsomeone指某事很快要发生或不久

咫rhaps ' a斤er ajl , the mo , t aston巧h了ng changesm即,tlll / le ahead ofu ,
叭他‘ vegotalongjourn即aheadofus , solet兮妇Iktopa " the亡lme
YOu ' vegotthew为。/e由夕aheadofyou .

3 Todosomethingaheadofsomeone比另IJ人先做某事O

Igotherejustaheadofyou .
PO厅u卯1 aPPljed toloin the EECin酬arch 1972角urmonthsaheadofSPa加.

4 Tohappenaheadofaneventortime指某事比另一件事先发生或在某段时间


POles stocked UP on sugaF , petFOI and other items ahead of the price rlses
, . concern that Mrs Thatc为er mlghteX户爬55 dI5agreement ahead of neXt month兮
summit .

5 Tohappenaheadofschedule指某事比原定计kIJ提早发生O
He hadarrlvedinFrance5lightjyahead0fschedule
的铂are now easll . two押ars ahead ofschedule .

6 Beaheadofsomeoneelse指某人已比别人取得了更大的成绩,或领先于别


Apparentl , we are角r ahead of the Amerlcans In one rangeo厂goods
In山e nlneteenth centu邝German universi妙education was con ' Iderab今ahead
of th日t of there ' to厂the vvorld .


a Iong
1 Togoalongsomethingsuchasaroad朝某物的尽头,如路的尽头前进。
即连went on back along亡he street towar比thes妇ble
. drlvingh巧caralongalaneln肠stsurr即
rId泊9 afong a dus妙mountaln track In Morocco

He trotted along atm夕side

2 Besituatedalongsomethingsuchasaroadoracorridor前者位于后者的旁


The door , / ike rnost of the doo巧afong the coFfidOr ' was open
He had some sandwlch巴in a pub atong the road .

M丫room , S just along the corrido厂
Hal加卿atong the road , the trees sudde门Iystopped .

1 Bealongsidesomethingelse指某事物在另一事物旁边。
An ambulance pul / ed uP atongsid蚀the coach .
功e hurrled to catch me叩and walked afongsidle me .
The ChaPel 15 afongsid磅the stu由nts ' Union building


a Iong with

The road alongside the rlver附5 never qulet .
He had rentedo门e acreo厂jand alongside a cherry orchard dow门the旧l/即

角e paren朽ran alongside , screaming后rewe / ls

2 Toworkalongsidesomeone与某人在某处一起工作,合作共事。

srltlsh and Amerlcan勿rces were匆hting alongsid户each other
Montgomefy himself worked aIOngside us , clearing a path

3 Onethingexistsalongsideanother指两件事在同一情况下同时存在。

功e ha ' managed to showhowcommerclalfarm泊g臼ntakeplaceafongsidle
theco门servatlo门。沂刚划护fea门d lan比臼pe
The rlsing tlde ofpolltl臼1 vlolence . alongside an increase加crlmlna / andsoclal
Vlolence , poses a threat to the country , 5 stabili妞


The energ夕SuPply problem isj呱t one problem alongside cou门tle ; ; others .

a long with
Along with用来提及同时出现或涉及的另外的人或事物。

O门M日rch 7 4 , she was swom In , atong with eleven otherjurors
Along with numbe巧。沂other vVealthy Citizens , he had a fine hou : e on the bank '
0沂the rive厂
The eggs were de / l阳red from the farm afong with的e mllk

曰nl id



1 Tohappenamidnoisesoreventsofsomekind某事在喧闹){川,或穿插某些事


He sat qulet / y amid the uproar , drawing .
He moved towar出the plano amidst a stormo沂aPplause
lgotthelmpre55了on , amidallherc为atte乙that妇nehadchangedmuc八more
than Anthony .

2 Beamidotherthings某事物受其他事物包围。 Amid是书面用语。

四川te patches radiated bri / llantly amid mottledshades ofredandora门ge .
a dalry farm set amid the woody valle } ' s ofKent ,
ltwa万a fewhundredyards自厂therdowntheCromwellR 。日d , amidstaswarmof


1 Besituatedormovingamongagroupofthingsorpeople指某事物或某人处


Th即found the cat crouching amongstahoardofcardbo日rdboxes
the dange巧。沂伽门9 among hlgh mounta泊s
POtatoes and cabbag " were planted at random among角Xglo吧and roses .
There爬阳atlea ' t自urne以刚少伪undamongher山ings


al " Ong

He turned andwe门亡back to the shaljow cave among the foCk ,

2 Beamongpeopleofaparticularkind某人与某类人有联系或有交往。
He had / ivedh巧,hort Ilfe among adu / ts
1 hado门/y imag ; ned thatl附:among斤iends

3 Amongagroup某人或某物属于某群体当中的一分r 。
/ was among the hap户夕角W Who rnanaged to escape
Amongh巧other purchases were several sheetso厂foam rubber and two paint
bIU5hes .

4 Somethingappliestoaparticularperson0rthingam0ngOthers可用among

A / IstaiF sim among othe践al协laysre勿sed to give autographs
The加stitute for the FUture 15 , among other th加95 , inv " tlga才门g才hee能ctso厂
advanced communlcatio门5 technology

5 Somethingsuchasafeeling , opinion , orsituationexistsamongagroupof

. the resentment among the poor .
Though illegal,泊15 was a weH一“ tabllshed custom among the pr巧。 ners
It has led to a growing preoccupatlon amon夕trade union污ts with甘etting the
procedure rlght '


And thirdly , even amongst adults , a substantlal numbero沂pe印/e can ' t drive



Hewa ; never partlcu / a rly popu / a r amongh巧contemporarle ;

6 Somethingissharedamonganumberofpeople将某东西分给一群人。

The procee比had才0 be dIVided up among four hundred people
handing out gifts to be distributed among membe巧’白mi / I es .

7 Peopletalk , fight , oragreesomethingamongthemselves指特定的一群人谈


They took山e叩portunity to 90巧IP happlly among them ; elve :
It 15 uncerta了门Whetherth即WIl / be able to agree among themse / ves on the
details .

1要说明一般陈述中的例外现象时,用apart from除了。

Father was the on今。 new自。 knewyou thoroughly , aPartfromrne
Apart from that , the RussI ' ans犯id nothiI ' ) g
Apa材斤。 m the occasionala功cle , he hadn ' tpubllsheda即thing勿ryears

2 Apartfrom指某人已注意到事物某方面的情形,但其注意力集中在另一方面。
Even apa材斤。 m her jllne巧she had been very unh日p洲
And , quite apa材介。 m anyth加9 else . how are we going to pay ourw即户
Apart from making四u Slck , it can日污0 cause cramp



见round 。


1 As指某人或某事物的身份、被人认为具有的身份或他们的功用。

she was regarded as a hero勿rnas ; e : ofpeople
a Iarge wagecla了m , which the flnanclalpresscondemnedasunre日115tlc
He used the shlrt as a rag to clean the lawn mower
The ne贴cjearly came as a shock to hlrn
. a man Who worked as a reporter on the IOcalpaper

acknowledge class deSlgnate mark
address classlfy diagnose name
adopt concelve dlsguI5e nomlnate
brand condemn elect percelve
cast cons , der employ prOJect
categorlze construe establlsh reg日rd
certify count groom stamp
charaCterlze denounceh日i } use
choose depict Interpret
仁lte descrlbe } abe }

SCt doub } e WOrk

begin functIOn
〔 O厅】 e masquerade


his reputation as a man ofgreat wlsdom .
the比eo沂her house as headquar帕rs for the resis拍nce movement
my abll才ty as a cllmbe厂

as for

2 Todosomethingasachildorateenager指某人在孩提时或青少年时期做过

creatures that,八e could rernemberseeingasach了ld

3 As引出与某事物用作比较的另一事物。

When the sea 15 as smooth as gla巧

sison can run more than twlce as fast as a SPrlntl门9 man
Th即were exact今山e same as each othe乙

as for

As for在小句开头,引出另一个仍与前面有关的新主题。

1 wasin动e presence ofa verygreat woman ' as forourpre动carnent , therewa ,
never any doubt Inm夕mind that she would rescue us

aside from

aside from与apart from意思相同,用来表示除了某事物外的意思。 Aside


角ey had to sto户twlce becau : e Bllly角/t sick , but asld卜斤。 m that , thetrIP wasa
plea习nt one
POtatoes are Valuab / e asid匕斤Om thelr calone£

as to

1 Asto表明某条信息、某个问题或某次辩论,用于英式英语


The帕nant doesn ' t know四ho thela门d / ord 15 andh日5 no们角厂月〕 atlon日5 to their
making dec巧lons as to how much mon即we印endo门SPo厅日nd阳creatlon


l ' m stlll a bltpuzz / edasto叻yth巧tremendous : ufgeo厂,nterestco门tiPu即


Mr Pjke Inquired as to the part一exchange pFlce .

2 Asto还用于小句开头,引出与前面内容有关的另一个不同主题。属正式用语。

五拟。 years ImprI50nment was的solutely rlght , and as to the有ve一ar
dlsquali万cation , it could well have been IOnger


TO sit or stand astride something跨着坐或跨着站于某物上。

Karen sat astride a large四hite horse
He drew UP a chalr and , sittlng astride it , began to talk to us


1 Ataplace处于某地方O
she Fvas日t the hairdresse乙
M日rgaret Elmer kePt a thoroughbred horse at Garrod , s Farm门ear Cirenceste厂
山n came to the airPo厅to meet me atLosAngeles .
Karln was , tandl门9 at the top of the stalrs



The Incident was Indlcatl阳。沂the mood at the白cto邝where optlm巧m阳s
1 was a shorthand如’ P istatKendalls
M丫mo山er was are / a tlon of the peop / e at the的11

2 Atschoolorcollege , orataparticularschoolorcollege就读某学校或学院。
易m should be at5Chool
l ' ve been In polltl " slnce 1 was at unlversity
He印ent four押a巧at the , choolh巧角ther and grand角ther had attended before

3 Atsomethingsuchasatableordesk , adoororwindow , orsomeone ' ssideor
叼丫brother - in一law was sitting at a table laid for fou厂

E / le n waitedatthed 。 。 ru门tilthelastofthecarshadpu / / edoutofthedrive叭,a夕
She dropped to her knees at hls side .


the glrls at the enquiry desk .

4 Tohappenataneventorameal表示某事在另一事件发生时或在进餐的时间


M厂Foot SP0ke at the rally
O门朋即sth即爬re at the conce厅for vlcto甲Da犷
角at sunda另at break白st , Mark greeted me cojdly


5 At还可表示某事发生的时刻。


哟z / a st traln抽aves Euston at 71了30
/ went back tom夕daughter and husband at weekends .
At ChrI ' 5tma又I ' d sent her twen妙pounds
He used to comea门d read to me at bedtlme

6 Todosomethingataparticularage指在某特定年龄时做某事・

A叮One choosing not to retlre at 65巧allowed to drawastatepens了on
Henze began composing at the age of 12
He , at thIrty - two ' ought to know better

7 At表示速度、频率或价格。


Then 1 beat it down the steps at勿jl sPeed
Rents wlll rlse at a slower rate than mortgage repa尸刃e门ts
Th即are requjred to check every bird at regular Interva / s
you can buy the用at ¥ 87 . 50ashare
roads thatth即are building at great以pense .

8 Tobeatacertaindistance或atanangleinrelationtosomethingelse表达某

Ash fol / 0四ed at ad店〔厂eet dlstance
He awoketo万ndh巧nlce new cars了ttjng Inh店drlve at a craZya门g / e wI ' thi朽


9 At表示某事物处于某种水平。


Interest rates have to sta夕at the了r户resent hlg八level for , ome才lme to come
/ tse用clency remains hlgh even Whe门working ata / o w ou切ut level

10 Be atone ' sbestoratone ' smostpatient指某人或某事物的特质达至IJ本身的


The garden巧at产朽best no四
Indeed , he wasa/四日外ath污m仍tpatlentwheresome角thersmlghthaveranted
in功e early elghteenth centu哪四为en absolute monarc勺was atl朽m仍t

11 Tolookatsomeoneorsomething朝着某人或某事物看。

Th即stood looking at eaCh other for a long moment
切用产ie glared at her fora moment , then heburstjntolaughte厂tO 。

gapeg } ance look stare
gaze glare squint
’功伯/l,夕es , ' Glnny sald with a quick glance at her mothe£

12 Toshoutatsomcone高声或粗鲁地跟别人说话,未必期望别人回应。

l ' m sorry 15hou帕dat扣u
He could hear them swealing at each othe厂
she粉V日nted toSCream at him .


b日rk shout swe日r
scream snap yel }

13 To smile or wave at someone等,表示对某人微笑或朝某人扒犷手。

FOr thefll ‘亡tlme slnce he had bee门In thevil伯she , rnj / ed日t hlrn
The门50mebodye污e waved at me , frantlca/今
The向SPar wlnked at rne . asi沂to an old frlend

beam grln smlle wave
frown scowl sneer wlnk

14 To point or gesture at something用身体某部分指着某方来引起在场人的


He pointed at her as矛沂he meant her to stand up and answer questIOns
He gestured at a chaIF and sald了百it '

15 At引出某人试图打击、取得或抓住的东西。

Then heth阳w日stone at日thin臼才in日阳d COlla厂
He hurled hlmself to one slde and grabbed at thep加卿。 d
四户can on / y guess at the numbero沂mlssilesth即have
l附5 aiming at reconciliatlon

a Im grasp snatch
c Iutch guess strike
9 rab shoot throw


' That must bel刀夕man , ' she said 7n an attemptathernorrnalto门eo沂volce

16 At引出某人试图移动的东西。


He pul / ed ath巧comp日nion , 5 arm .
stuart pushed at曲e Wlre危nce


TOm角It a tug at八店s / e eve .

17 At用来指某人或某事物反覆接触另一事物,或对另一事物反覆进行某种动


He groaned韶he hacked at hls desk with a jack一knl角
He could see her dabblng at her即es with a handkerChle派
She nibbleda叭旧夕at thec 。/d harddi门ner rolls .
NOw that he was work加9 at thls paintlng , h巧sle印wasa/四日外brle厂and broken

cl日w gnaw nlbble poke work
dab hack plck tear
18 At引出某人善于从事的活动或事情。

COmputers are qui帕good at thls , orto厂thing .
He was good at persuading people
1 know he , s cleve厂atpolitlcaldebate



No以妙门don jo八nson was an eXPert at po / I百cal , econd曲oug八ts

角ls巧something atwh了c内H日ndel excels
Mr Ronald Reagan , o沂cou巧e , shone at the bu , Ine双managing good一natured
sel养mocke守励Ile keeping sorne动gnifieddIS妇nce

19 At引出某人对某事物作出的反应。

, j ust日rni门ute , ' Uri sald , somewhat bewlldered at the rap夕d turn ofevents
The sastlllewa ; found to contaln on今seven old men Who were ann即ed at
being disturbed

aghast annoyed ernbarrassed pleased
a larmed appalled furlous surprlsed
amazed astonlshed Impatlent unhappy
amused bewlldered旧dlgnant upset
angry dlsappolnted lrrltated

At tonight , 5 rneetlng , l盯户爬“ ed dellght at the pe而rmance
her pleasure at heaflngh店voice

She shuddered at the bltte厂taste
勿we all laUghed ath后llttlejoke .

chafe Jeer protest recoll sml } e
exc } alm laugh rall scoff sneer
frown rnarve } rave shudder wonder

20 To do something at someone ' 5 request应某人要求而做某事・

away from

she Went日t the了nvl拍tlo门。厂an unk门ovVn man
At sussm日n亏request , both Bem , te矛门and叭/O odward returned to theo所ce the
next momjng
Outslde the hotel . a tax了wlll be summoned at your bldding

away from
1 Tomoveawayfromaplace , thing , orperson离开某处、某物或某人。

Let us 90 away from here to somewhere where the aiF 15 cleaner
Kjtty stePped out5l ' de and walked away from the building
He pulled away from her andra门down the stalrs

2 Awayfromaplace指不在某处。
YOum即bea俩旧y from home角r a period of time
TOda夕mymother / l vesath0usandmilesawayfromChar / e5ton


Almost eve心wornan , bar the veryyoung , can produce tal已of叻巧sort .
1 am pe而ctly Wil / Ing to serve undera即bo即else bar the rest of the present



Barring compll臼台。门又the alrcra斤画刀be矛n operationn以tye日r


It 15 hord to imaginea门夕。 ne , ba们呀ng a lun日tlc , staFtlng a war

b6 ( auS6 of

若an event or situation occurs because of something指某事情引致另一件事发

Because of the heat , the front door was open
斤esident Gorbachov亏vlsit was postPoned because oflastmonth性ea肋quake
The business店ce厂tain加doing Well and its directors clalmth污15 because ofits
e所cient rnanagement


1 Toh叩penbeforeatimeorevent指某事的发生早于某一时l旬或某一事件。
She arrived了ust before又3口a爪
And了can deliver It before Olrlstmas
四甘might not emerge from the first phase before the late 19805
Theba勿teeth are角rmed In the gums before blrth
Before gojng to bed . he叭/r Ote a letter to his father .


The monument had been put UP on加a few押ars before

2 Todosomethingbeforesomeoneelse比别人先做某事。


she dld haveth巧te门de门印to , tart dli门kjng before anyonee / se

3 Bebeforesomething表示人或物处在某件东西前面。属正式用语・
He bo四ed do四门before them
Edward the First burled them before the hlgh a / ta厂

4 0neplaceisacertaindistancebeforeanother某处位于另一处的前面,某人

There , 5 a garage aboUt tWO hu门dred yards before the turning
just before帅勺rre门Farm户turnle斤幼rough a woode门卯te

5 Toappearorcomebeforeapersonorgroup表示某人或某物的意见由另一个

He clearly was not Impressed by the evldence put before hlm
It was a Iittle llke bel门g叩before the headmaste厂


斤“ Ident Ronald Reagan亏appearance before COngre55 was a personal triumph .

6 Tohavesomethingsuchasajourney , atask , orastageofyourlifebefore
1 have adi所cultjob before me
二as汗hisli角四ere stlll before hlm .

7 0nepersonorthingcomesbeforetheotherpersonorthing表达某人或某事


shou / d we place the needso沂Europe亏wo次产ngcla巧“ before亡he月eeds of the
rna55 " o厂八frica and Asla夕


1 Bebehindathingorperson指某事物在另一事物或人的后位J 。
The sun had droPPed behind the roo斤ops
He walked backto才he village behind hIS brother .
Behind the gramophone there were some records
后thers四内0are hldde门behind the pape厂


The man behind the desk watched them reglste乙
Thedri四r beh仍d me began hooting .

There Were哑门妙more in a truck角llowlng behind

2 Toshutadoororagatebehindsomebody出入时随手关门。

He IOoked UP as Gantshutthedoorbehindhlm

3 Thereasonorpersonbehindsomething表示引致某事发生的原因或应对某事


Them即or attemptedto以p / a泊the reasons behind the meats为ortage .
. oneofthestrong " tdrI ' vesbehindthewomen , S movemen衣
He was the moving SPirlt beh仍dt八巧venture to the Arctlc



Of course , behind the Oblnet declslon / ay twom司or po / I tical conslderatlons
/ knew山at she was behindm夕be矛ng victlmlsed

4 Behindsomeone支持某人。

以飞/1 , emotiona / jy / ' m veryrnuchbehindM几hae / FOotonth巧
The wholeo沂our organlsatlon巧behind夕ou ’日t every rnlnute
Th即have角门比behind them and臼n carryo门for a whlle .

5 Bebehindsomeone ' soutsideappearance指某种不明显的特点隐藏在


/ guessed thatM品O刁bbe ' behind that lmpassive venee石had a very nas妙
It was a good indlcatlono厂山e abili妙that lay behind his deficie门cy in literacy
ski / ls


the reali妙behind thejr peoPle一oriented facade .

6 Behindsomeone没有别人那样成功、落后于别人或比别人进步得慢。
In the Champio门shlP he finished了了strokes behind沙日tso几
Th印e children are on加a matterofweeksbehindchildrenofnon一working
mothers .
sheh日d fallen behind the rest Of theC / aSS

The jde日came to rne thata ' a communi妙we had fallen behind

7 Anexpetienceisbehindsomebody某次经历已成过去,现在不再发生。


He already八ado门ed ; vorce behind hlm .
1 Wantedde甲erately to get thatpar才。厂m夕日cademlcli角behindme
Wi山the有巧t万斤een exerclses behind hlm,八e stopped勿r are熨
完成前15项练习后他停下来稍作休户、 。

8 Bebehindschedule某事比原定计klJ延迟了。
stage 1 was eventual加cornpleted nearly two years behind schedu / e
四逆were runn了ng behind schedule when we boarded a bus匆r suva
叭触‘ re alre日即well behindsChedule


1 BebeI0wsomethingelse某事物的位置低于另一事物。
It lay a mlle below the surface of the Pacific ocean
Below us on ou厂le斤there was a blg rive厂
she touched her bare arm where Arnold , S hand had held it , Ju , t befow the
elbow .

.四力enm日n first came to llve In the caVes beloW the clj能

Then we四ai帕d to hear it hit the sur白ce Of the四日拍r角r belo以

2 Bebelowaparticularamount , rate , orlevel指某事物低于某一数量、速度或

昆w以pe巾eXpect their share to dIP below 20 per cen艺


YOu cannot 90 befow abso / ute zero
she , for a glr / , seernedta / 1 , and he ' for a man , just below average height


肋ep the room ternperature down to 68 or befo以

3 Someoneisbelowyouinanorganizationorsystemofassessment指某人在


These con刀,c朽usually rage wel / befow the level of top manage川ent
1 be / i eve he店a genius , somewhere aboveAudenbutbelowEljot


1 Bebeneathsomethingelse指某事物正处于另一事物的下面。
There 15 a heater bene日th the table
功eplacedapillowbeneathhI5head .
The people shlvered beneath theil blanke朽.


The ground beneath them was a bank covered with glass

vast regions ofsmooth矛ce , Where waterhaswelledupfromtheocean

2 Somethingliesbeneaththesurface表达所谈论的事有些不太明显的地方。

1 hOPe lsoundedrnoreconvlncingt八anl角ltbeneaththebravefro门t


1 never thought that beneath丫oursto / ldexterlortherewassornuch厅reand

sut thet旧veller does门ot have to look均r to encounter the tens了ons beneath the

3 Somethingorsomeoneisbeneathyou指某事或某人配不上你或不适合你。

' you ' re ala门downern 。四‘ they teased hlm ‘铲吻rk 15 beneath you
“现在你可是地主啦他们逗他说‘该不用屈尊干活了。 ”
PO邓foondth巧beneath con , ideratjon Theystoppeddlscu “了ng了t
He thought , t beneathh巧offlc白ldigni妙to haggle
The Duke marrled beneath hlm



1 Besidesomeoneorsomething在某人或某物的一边,或紧挨着某人或某物。
M几力ael sat do四n beside her on the bed
Besid铂hlm was a little African boy
ImadeI ' n声el沂wait , standi门gbesidethecar .


He gestured towards the rnan besidle hlm

2 Toworkorfightbesidesomeone与某人并肩工作或作战。

l ' 11 fight beside you In Afrlc日,sovls not jn Euro户e

3 beside可用来比较两件事物。


四八at巧love beside art !
The defic ; t万hot up agalnto月50 , 000 Thatsoundssrna / / besideCovent
Garden兮f3 mi / l ion pounds de斤clt

4 Tohavesomethingbesideotherthingsorbesidesotherthings表示除了拥有

A即协旧另there was ple门妙to do besid冲hunting
Besid七5 the caPlta乙there were角w malor clties .
Besid心Sh污jnterest In anthrop 。七弘he had a flalr for / a nguages


He was ak泊d man , but he was ma叮otherth加95 besides


1 Bebetweentwothings表示某事物处于两个事物之间、位于连接两者的直线

He hadapalnbetweenhisshoulders .
At dinner , he was placed between Lords臼rrington and soam已
occasionall , , there 15 a thln layer ofsan比tonebetweenthetWO
There must be motels betv丫een here and Montauk .

… the叮evICeS betw6en the ' tones .
0门the bo心已厂betvveenFI刁ncea门d swltZerland .
. , . thedi厅road betvveen hl ' s ho叮e and GrandPa , s cabln


2 Tomovebetwecntwoplaces经常往返两地。

I为日ve bee门commuting阳gularlybetweentheUKandthewe5tcoasto沂


. a ciVil avlatlon dgreementprovld ) ng fordirect刀Ightsbetweenthe了rcountries

3 Tostandbetweenyouandathingorperson某事物成为拥有另一事物、或与


How to tackle these men四ho stand between you and the top jobs sho日ld be
扣Urn以t preoccupatIOn
A四为ole serl郎ofrn了ddle men Intervene bet州veen the亡粉vOS了d郎


叼丫hostllity tocu / t ure may have forlnedpa厅。沂thebarrlerbetweenus
It was日vell between hersel沂and和ain whlch she could not pu / / as , de .

4 Tohappenbetweentwotimesorevents某事于一件事发生后才发生,并于另


123 women werere户rleved from the death ' en帕nce between 1900 and 1949 .
coming In hurrjedly between sessions of translating

5 Between可用来表示两个事件或两段时间的间隔。
There , s on加twe / ve由外between the two races .


the 1000一earperlodbetweentheendoftheRomanoccuP日tlonandthe
Re门日巧5日门Ce .


6要表示年龄范围时,用between 。


o能ring techno / o卿一based educatlon top叩115 between the ag邵。沂1 7 and


Between the ageso厂seven日nd eleven , glrls ' preferenc郎changed

7 Somethingbetweenonethingandanother指某物是两个事物的混合体。
He was , omethlng between a saint and an artis衣
He had the same peculiar eXPre " ion on his face , some功ing between a j ' eer and
a challenge
功e , 5 a kind ofcros ' between乙泛刀eand妇n即

8 Arelationshiporinteractionbetweentwopeople , groups , orthings表示两

功劝at 15 the relatlonshIP between language and thought尸
oiscussion can strengthen bounds between coUPles .
A rallyerupted , ntoabrutalba川ebetweenpollceanddemon , trators .

agreement Contact merger
a Iliance co一ordinatlon mlsunderstand . ng
antagonlsm correspondence partnershlp
balance encounter rapport
battle feud relatlonshlp
bond flght spl } t
breach frlendshlp truce
col } ls . on Interface understandlng
connectlon Interplay
ConSU } tatI0n } Ink



silenCe fal / 5 betvveen them

9 Adifferenceorasimilaritybetweenpeopleorthings表示人们之l旬或事物之


Thedi能rence between you and rne巧山atyou ' ve为adachild
There Isa门Interestl门9 sIml ' / arIty betweenth巧and them夕th 。沂Pandora
50 the gap between rlch and poor natlons四idened

contrast dlsparlty gulf slmllarlty
d lfference dlstlnctlon Inequallty
d . screpancy gap parlty

The new tax角115 to distjngulsh between rlc为and poor

10 To choose betweentwoormorethings从两者或更多的事物中只选择一个。
功角en ple55ed to choose between日ltematiVes , she stlll以plicitly refUsed
shewa , tom between what 1 wast尽ing to make her do and whatshe thought
The cholce 15 now befween印glish,斤ench and German at school .

Cllnlcs泊Zlmbab衅now give patients a choice between tradl百onal and modern
doCtors .
Either Onea巧ertion or the other for厂n , theco邝日ct account : and a declsion
betvveen them巧nece55a邝

1 1 TO be shared or divided between people某物供众人共享或分配给众人做一



角e cos朽s为ould be divlded between alj 92 leagUe clubs
When chi / d rearing巧shared between a coUP / e
臼ses where才hek了tchen夕Vas shared betvveent粉vo八ouseho { ds

12 Two ormorepeoplehavesomethingormanagetodosomethingbetween
1 looked Inl刀夕bag and counted What we ' dgotbetweenus一傲eenpounds , it

They managed亡0 wln the tit / en了ne tlm巴between them

1 Bebeyondaplaceorbarrier表示某物在某地或某障碍物的另・面。
There was日b / Inko厂brlght ljohtb归yond the forest
口连were少ust七eyondt自e range oft八e乙19 guns .
Hls village Iles two mjles beyond the border
B归yond the lawn御Mr Annett , 5 kltchen garden


. thelo门9 sandy beach beyond the farm
训角atplace附5幼ere foraBrltI5hpresenceb只yondBritain兮shores ,

It stfetched角r mlles , to the river andb归yond

2 Tohappenbeyondaparticulartimeordate表示某事在某一时I旬或日期过去


昆w children remai门们the school beyond the age of 16
the requiremen朽for teache巧u户to andb叹yond山e year 2000


a strategy for动e 79905andbeyond

3 Toextendbeyondaparticularthing表示某事物影响或包括别的事物。

The problems extendb母yond srltaln亏cltje ,
He haseX户anded八巧inte陀stsb归yOndpalntlngandsculPtureintostagedes叮n
a门d fllm
仍全‘ re notgo加gtocommentb归yondtha衣

4 Beyond引出所谈论的事情的例外情况。
The government could do nothingb只yond warning the四estern govemors to be
on thelr guard
. the only man Who knew something about the山ited states beyond汕at he
had read In magazlnes .
Bpyond a curso印acqualntance , he had never been near theR仍旧/circle

5 Togobeyondaparticularpointorstage表示某事进展或提高至超过某一点


The nuclejpowerprogramme刚l / haveproceededbeyondt八e户ointwhereit
can easijy be st叩ped
1 felt hIS hands onm已grlPplng to andb归yond the po加to厂rea / pa了n

6 Beyondbelief难以置信或beyondcomprehension无法理解。某事在某方面
走极端,以至别人难以置信或无法接受,用beyond 。


The reasonwa 、 ve尽slmple and beyond dispute
The Inef斤cien印。沂t八e泌tern was beyond belie派
The tota / numbero厂尹n , ects In the wor / d seemsb归yonda即cornputa才lon .

In the cou巧eo厂a护ar , he八ad changed almo , t beyond recogn尹tlon


sorneo沂the门atlon日/hablts日re badb只yond descFIPtion
1 feel humjllated bpyondbel了e派


There was 90 / db归yond descrlPtlo门

7 Bebeyondsomeone指某人不能理解某事、做某事或获得某物。

Her rea ' oningwa , qui加b只yond me
The motiv " behlnd artI5tlc impuI5es were beyondm夕comprehens矛on
l ' u印ect th日t an In5lght on thIS scale would beb归yond the capac了tyo沂the
human mind
Even the relatjvely low一cost items may be beyond the resourc郎。厂manysmall
fafF门ers .


四加t haPPenstO 。:巧largely determlned by factors beyond our control



1 could walk acro巧the Ice andseenothingbutgr即sk了“


1 hdve not encountered anything but extrerne coUrte习
/ could never印eak about anyth产ng but buslness to Ivan

1 Somethingisdonebyapersonorthing某行为由某人或物所作或引起某事情

The meal was se厂ved byh店armedb 。即gUards
The chance : o沂being struck by ljghtnlng areve心small
He was al叭旧声arnazed by her confldence


. asasafeguardagainstattackbyoneoftheshePheId5 ' dogs .
a deliberate declslO门妙govemment tores反automatlon

2 Byaparticularperson指著作、音乐或绘画作品等由某人所写或创作。

The paPer巧by EUlage , of whom四u四111 already have heard


1 broug为th , m a coPy ofa bookbyjohnFisheraboutEmilyHobhou ; e
Over the bed hung a pa , ntlng by some Dutc内eighteenth一century artIS之

3 Todosomethingbyaparticularmeans用某种方法做某事。
Dld卢u come byca口
朋日叮。 f thepeoP / ec 。 。 ked勿斤护musstove .
. Iike a cow be ; ng loaded on toa , hIP妙crane .


ThoseW自0 had tr , ed to save thern , elve ; by角ght were be尹ng为u门ted down and
klj / ed
Th即trled to 、 ave themselves byc / ing , ngto山e wreckage


Th即did月ot recomme门djourn即sby臼厂

4 By用在短语里,表示是否已为一事件作好安排或未作安排。

lgaveCa5t / ethewrongnote5byaccldent
Her letterwa ; dropped bym污take Into theb即
功角ether byd " lgn or because heca门‘ t helP lt , he creates ate门夕。 n whlch wlns
OVe厂his audlenCe

5 Bylaw , byaparticularrule , orbyparticularstandards以法律、某一特定规


By law ' ' tate pen , ions must be revlewed once a yea厂
… lfpupils refuse toplay山egamebytherules .
The sala心was enormousby卿sta门dards

6 Someoneisaparticulartypeofpersonhynature , birth , orprofession某人的

助m 15 English byblrthwhateveran夕0门em即钻义
叼丫白ther , whowas a butcher by trade,犯id . ' The LOrd sent the meat沁r usto
e日t ,
我的父亲是个肉商他说“主赐予我们肉食。 ”

7 Whatsomeonemeansbyaparticularwordorexpression引出某人用特定的



/ now卿nt to eXpla,门w八at 1 meanby ' e叩re : 5 ; on '
Thatde户en比。门whatyou mean byluck,亡eonard

8 Toholdsomeoneorsomethingbyaparticularpartofthem抓住某人或某事


角e referee ran uP and caug加6旧幻。 m by the shoujder .
He SPrang 。陀r泊e table and grabbed her by the throat
, A nd what mlght th巧be户‘ she enquired , holdlng uP a damp palntjDg by one


9 Bysomethingelse某物在另一事物的旁边或附近。

samey Was standillg bym夕seatw为e门1 retUrne以
YOu ' re lucky扣u weren ' t by the四川do以
He stood勿her汕Ile she telePhoned


二the table by the sofa

10 To 90 by something else指某人或某物只是经过另一人或某地,未作停留。

功e alsotook阴yha门d as wePa " ed by the woods .

Another bowler-行atted figure went by .

11 To stop by aplace表示在某处稍作停留。


They , nvl帕d us to stop by the house勿r coffee
. too many stot污Who had noth ; ng to do but drop byt八e hou , e and ask after
sta门le ,

I , I / drop勿later

12 By yourself独自人。
she sat by he巧elfand附,ted forservlce .

13 To do something by oneself表示独立做某事。
she could perfectly we / l manage by he巧elf

14 To stand by a person or principle支持某人或坚守某一个原则。

1 would be quite pre户日red to stand bym夕observatlon , and com二ents at any
tI厂门e .
It was her du妙tO ; tlck byjamesthroughthicka门dthln
Inmostcase又they四ijlabidebytheMlnI5te : , 5 declsio门

日b Ide } Ive stlck
90 stand swear

15 Somethinghappenedorwillhappenbyaparticulartime某事在某一时间之


By 1 1 P . m , alltheshlPswereback
比匕,ll all be dead by the几

16 To do something habitually by day or by night惯常在白天或晚上做某事。



. young men who 90 about the ; r wofkby山夕a : pea 〔 eab / ec , v , llan 、 and Whoby
nlght tum znto 50 / diers

, 7 By用在乘法或除法算式中的第二个数字之前。

MultIPly thec " t perday by the nurnbero厂由外

18 By可用来谈论面积的大小。譬如:aroomistwentyfeetbyfourteenfeet指
这房间20英尺长、 14英尺宽。


The lake 15 450 mil邵IOng by 50 mlj " wlde .

19 To increase or decrease by aparticularamount表示增加或减少某数量O
斤。 fits have increased by f7 73 mllll ' on In eleven夕ears
DePartment bu匆e朽have been cut by 20 per cent

20 Things exist or are produced by the dozen , thousand , or million某事物成
GIllian , w为0 wrote / et帕巧by the d02en eve甲week , sPenta角rtune on stamps
a b00k which sel污by the milllon

21 By用在相同的名词之间,来谈论逐渐发生的事情。

OuF犯larles weren ' tln白ct moving up year byyea厂as projected
He movedh污hand blt by blt over the mlrro八
Carefu / ly pour the 011 , dro户by dro几into the paste

by means of

by means of
To do something by means of a particular instrument , method , or process通过


叭全climbed down Into ; t by means of a vertical lron / a dde :
In the end , heh , t the mark by means ofa : imp / e trlck
It would then become po " jb / e to protect people by means of旧cc,门atlon

( 1056 to

Close有比较级形式closer和最高级形式closest 。

1 Beclosetoaplaceorthing在某地或某物附近。

They / i ve close to斤。 me
角e captaln st印ped close to殆mbach性side
The rive厂was uncom角内b今dose to the border

2 Beclosetoasituationorstate接近某种情况或状态。

He came cIOse to dying
1 thlnk that 1 went dose to putting动emo厅ridjng altogether
lt四日5 Obvlous he四as dose totea巧

3 Somethingisclosetosomethingelse某一事物类似于另一事物・
an exchange of compla了n朽Which sometimes came Close to bickeFIng
Hers妇tUs wouldh日ve been dose to thato沂a sla四

contrary to

4 Beclosetoaparticularamount表示某物接近于某一数量・

The authorl妙亏户。//拍x wlj / be close to f376

( On ( 6Fning


1 want to ask夕ouradvlceconcemingoneortwoqu巴tjons
sett泊a and j bo亡h四rote artic / " concerning prlsons and politlcal prlsoners .
In a bld to alla夕public伯ars concerningo卿ershIP


It wasn ' t unattractive ' consid冲ring矛t5勿nctlon .
Consid铂ring the circumstances , this was an lmportantwln角r them


she , s quite well . consldlering

contrary to
Something 15 true contrary to a belief or statement某事是真实的,虽然人们对


contrary topopula厂belle无the desert canp , o duce crops
contrary t00所clal predictlonso沂further increases , the prlson popu白tio门has

depending on

depending on
Depending on引出一个可变因素,会对某情况产生影响

Th即wlll lend叩to 90 per cent of泊e property , 5 value ' depending oni朽age
BUt the tim " wI刀vary depending on the class郎he has to attend
Di旋rent methods are used depending on what resul朽are req " lred

1 DesPite引出某事使所提及的情况或事件显得意外的事物。
He wasve尽re万ned desPiteh巧occupation
she al俩lays had ti阴e角r a plea ; ant vvord , desPite having some famlly problems
O沂her OpV门
. declsions thatwereimplemen帕ddesPitemuchcriti " m

2 Todosomethingdespiteyourself指不由自主地做某事O
Rudo加h laugheda门d desPite herse厅G阳tchen had to laugh too
拍厅grlnned reluctant / y , plea ; ed despite hlmselfateventhismuchrecogn , tIOn .


1 Togodownsomething表示某人或某物向下走或走向较低的位置,如沿着斜


They waved as he drove down the hl / / side
she hurrjed on do创vn the,帕户s


He emptled thela , to厂the ml / k down the sink
Tea巧ra门down朋y chee舫

George wavedh污shlrt up and down

2 Togodownaroadorpassageway沿着道路或通道向对面走去。
g日ren drove on do , vn the street
He粉v日沃5 back dovvn the corrldo厂
He saw切两itma门walking down thep矛er towards hls car

3 Togodownariver指顺着水流的方向走。
sut when you 90 down the river . don ' t hit the rocks .
Thede日d { ls h dri斤down the rive厂

4 Togodownaplace到那个地方去或进入里面。这种用法非常不正式。
5 。 。 ner 。厂later ajl our meetings end UP down the pub
someti阴es 1 90 down theca加for日sausage一and一chlPlu门ch

5 Besituateddownsomething是指某事物的位置离另一事物如道路更远。
There , s a restaurant down the plarform
二a vVOman whollVes ddvvn the road .

6 Onethinghasanotherthingdownit说明一事物从另一事物的顶部延伸至11底


dUe to

ama ; , o沂jonggr即ha , rthatcamehalfv卿downh巧neck
she emerged with her hatr down her back
At the same动刀eyou wlllfee / astrongpullrlghtdownthebacko沂夕ourlegs

A strjPed tje hung down toh店be / t

dUe to

Be due to something else表示某情况或某事件的存在或发生是另一事件引致的
Patho心gists勺und that death was due to poljce vlolence
DuetO泊flatIOn the general cost of Ilving In Brltaln rose bys % last尸a乙


万打“ 5 due to poor worklng conditlons 15 one cause ofi / lness .

1 Tohappenduringaperiodoftime某事在某段时间里连续发生或发生过几


He Wrote a week少column for the Guardlan during 1963一4
Champagne merchants犯夕that jt can be druok before , durin夕anda加ramea关
Ourin夕all the year50沂work , he had been reallstlc with hlmsel沂

2 Todevelopduringaperiodoftime表示某物在某段时l旬里从开始到结束,都


except for

Duringln后ncy , the lltt / e rnonkeys角rm strong日ttachments to thelr owners
论getarlan : oc , etl色grews / o四jy du丽9 the next 150尸a巧
1 hope this wllj become clear才。四u during动e cou巧eo沂the jectures

3 Tohappenduringaperiodoftime指某事在某一期间内的某刻发生

The boy dlsappeared frorn the hote / during the nlght
she 50心the house to the IOcal au泊ori妙during the crls巧months of 1938
He ' dgivenmea5trOnghI ' Dtduringthatphoneconve巧ation

There was nothing / e斤eXcept a few bFIcks
乡he has no money , no用ends eXcept those that live here
The girls all buzzed around , eXCeptingM即Noble

except for
ExcePt for表示主要陈述内容中唯一没有包括在内或考虑到的人或事。
1 hadabsolu沁今nofrlen比eXceptforTOm .
He tho " ght he recogniZed all the均ces eXcept for one woman tn日shab勿fUr
〔 O日之

Now after mldnight it 15 quiet eXcept for an occaslona / motorcycllst


H巧mind阴5 ern户妙except for though朽。厂her


There巧de印and utter Sl / ence here , except for the soundo沂a门/门dlan tune
playing On a recordp / ay er
EXcept for such dlve巧jon匀pond creature , SPend thelr石rne了门a门end/既search
角r food


In 1 98 1 Brita , n甲ent nearly 40 bllllon poun比on inland tran甲ort alone
阳双沁苗。 9 alr trave / and昵te厂freig八t )
EXduding Greenjand and Antarctlca the world八a , 13 15b了llion hectareso厂
除去格陵兰岛及南极洲全球陆地面积有13 , 5亿公顷。

fo 1 lowing
Following a particular event某事紧接另一事件以后发生,或某事是另一事件发


The mines had been closed down followlng a geoIOgical surV即
, o Ilowinga门emergency meetlng , reserve trO0ps were moblllzed
The Investlgatlon was completely reorganlzed , follo叼八9 the reslgn日t ; ono厂the
口〕 all厂门an


月e hasn ' tbeenabletosle印well泊thedaysfollowlngtheflght


1 Somethingisintendedordoneforsomeone表示人们期望某人拥有、使用



叭勺a阳夕ou do , nga / l th巧for me ,
The vll / a ge had bought了t for rne


庚re一thIS巧for you Ashok To brlng you灿以


The vlcar arrlved . bring了ng with hirn an un洲pected present for me


cuttjng down the food SUPp / le 5 available for each户er50n
a 9105习magazlned郎lgned forto由y亏‘叩hI5ticated woma门

2 Toworkforacompanyorperson受雇于某公司或某人・

He worked forolargefirm 。厂solicltors

3 Someonedoessomethingforyou不必自己做某事,有人代做・这种用法中


Remove theb 。门es from the trout or ask your flshmonger to do thIS for扣u

4 Todosomethingforoneself亲自做某事不假手于人。

COme up here and see for夕ou巧el近

5 For阐明物体的用途,或行为的目的,或某人设法要得到的东西。
Iprovlded卿canarywlthabow / forbathingln


He sald the bestp / a ce for the meetlng would be肋rls
物u ' 11 have more才为an enough mon即for any equ钾rnen亡you need
h巧campalgn forre一e / ect了on

Wllllewe门t to the desk for the key
Llz had泊vlted the whole group to her ho叮e for coffee
He craWled aboUt thef / o 。厂,earchlng for the brush
The pollceman was there , waiting for us
下Or furtherin沁rmatlon see leaflet 49

advertI5e bargaln fI5h hunt search
a Im campalgn forage Iook send
apply flght grope scavenge walt

' YOu印enda //扣ur mon即’一’ That , 5 What it亏for , isn ' t It尸’
‘你把你所有的钱都给花光了。 ” ―钱不就是拿来花的吗,

. the amount of money availab / e for SPendlng .
叭心also found these dlets use角/for畔lghtjo " .

6 For表明某人想要或请求得到的东西。


内rhaps she had / onged for a child and never had one .
He had hOPed for some { la sh of泊sPlration .
叭他asked for a meetlng with the DlrectO厂



日ppeal ca日hope lust preSS
日sk clamour hunger plne WISh
beg hanker long pray ye日rn

咫ople力avea / o门ging for normal了ty
the usual reques朽for mon即
lts deman比forgreaterdemocra邸


They were eager for revenge

7 Toleaveforaplace打算到某地。
I , m leaving for仍白shington 。门TUes由夕moming

1 bo日川ed the traln forNewYOrk .

8 For提及需解释或证实的事。

1 cannotseea即reason forgo泊gon
There四as门0reasonable eXPlanatlo门for her declsion ,

There are many elegant theorles to account for inflation

9 For有时能用于解释某事的原因,或说明这样做的理由。

These emp/妙e巧were角mous for their meanness


, . the Oeveland man匆hting hIS convlctlon for the murder 。沂hIS wlfe


1 hated hlm forhavlnghumlllatedme .
He apologlzed for了ntrudlng
He Was arrested for a55ault
a situatlon Inw为矛ch In角nts die for lacko厂e / ementary medical care

10 To give someone apresentfortheirbirthdayorforsomeotheroccasion因

功e ' d receiveda臼mera for her fourteenthbi厂thda夕

11 For用在某些词之后来表明与某特性、事物或行为有关。

Be prepared for a ljttle决la笋


功ciety has门Ot fou门d an accePtable substitute for the角mjly
日Cu爬for rheumatjsm


翻白ry竹lept for her dead frie门d .
havlng叩加d for early retirement

1 shop now at sPecla / boutlques whlch cater for the fuller { ig ure

12 To feel a particular emotion for someone or something对某人或某事物怀



her hatred for he厂hu , band
our love for our chl / dren .

adm } rat { ond { sda { n enthuslasm nosta } g旧
日ffectlon dl引Ike hatred part旧l . ty
affinlty dlsregard love passlon
appreclatlon dI5respect lust predl } ectlon
contempt dI5taste manla weakness

/加e / sorryforhlm

13 For表示为某人而产生的一种感情。

' It亏quite a prornotjon ‘一’ O沂coursel ' mde / i0 hted foryou '
‘这可是不小的提拔。 ’ ―当然啦。我真为你高兴。 ”

14 For引出对某一评论所涉及到的人并引述他的看法。
she was aware she was maklng It ea分for them to trace theca / /
That can ' t ha阳been very pleasant for扣“
For me . kjj ) jng四u wou / d cre日护more prob / e ms than It wou / dso/四

15 For用于某人或某物相对另一事物来说,某种特质的量太多、足够或太少。
she wore froc幻that were日blt tooblg for he乙
He was too hea叮for加r to carry
. a room large enough forfourtosle印in

16 For用于人或事物的一面与其另一面相比,令人感到意外。
助e协.5拍刀for her age


17 Something lasts orcontinuesforaperiodoftime表示某事延续、维持一段


The wea动er had been bad for severaldays
叭他talked for qulte a whlle
FOr year5M日甲was unab / eto万nd a Job

18 Something goes orextendsforaparticulardistance表示某事物走了或延伸

l粉V日/k ed for miles and mlles
The queue stretched for a thousa门d担心反
队伍延伸达1 , 000码。

19 Something 15 planned for a particulartime某事计klJ在某时刻进行。
The wedding was flked for 16june

20 For表示某事发生过的次数。 To happen for the second time表示某事已发


Be角re书ing a pan for the first time . wash it with a sPonge

21 To buy , sell or do something for a particular amount ofmoney表示支出或


. a paPerback whlch he has bought for万御cents
He made an arrangement to rent the proPeFty for ave今small , um

22 To pay or charge a particular amount ofmoneyforanobjectorservice付钱


forU甘ard Of

He had paid ¥ 5 , 000 fort八e boat
他为这艘船花费了5 , 000美元。

23 For与every连用,表示比例。

It worked out at one teac八er for every extra 100pupijs

24 To vote or argue for something投票支持某事或为某事l衍与别人争论。
l ' 11 nevervo加for hlm aga加


He provlded no shredo沂evldence for these刁刀eg日tIOn ,
Theca ' e for more equal relationshlPS between parents 15 strong

25 For something支持或赞成某事。 for在此需重读。

Are扣u forusoragainstus户

26 A word ror another word or for a thing某一词与另一词相同,或用来指代


, . , , g e ' , theGreekwordfortheea肋
功油at , s the proper word for those thjngs尸

fory甘ard of

Something that 15 forward of a particular thing某物近于另一物的前面、距离说

The eXplOS了。门had been in the NO . 1 cargo holdlust forward of the wing


The llne shou / d门。 w bewa沈hed care勿/ly朋d held ljght今between jinger and


The area forward of theva爬夕白voured de角门①


1 From引出某事物的来源或提供者。


彻ucho沂动e了r su户户ort comes from山e political / e斤
The evldence角rt八巧comes from an interestlng汤巧11印eclme月found at Koobl
He bought theca厂斤。 m FOrd , 5 。 fDagenham
1 had了n力erfted It from the late HaroldH日ze

beg cadge extort Inherlt wrlng
borrow come get obtaln
buy ellclt glean recelve
the ability to evaluate Info溯atlo门介。 m a range ofsources
He unea肋ed 0 bottleo沂eau一de一cologne , a present from a wornan admlrer

2 From说起某人的出生地或某物的产地或发源地。


He came orlglnally from the north一east of印g / a nd
He , 5 from PhlladelPhla


诱怡were Joined bya { ri endo沂hls , a man from肠nsa5CI扭


vesse污made outo沂seml一preclous materla / 5 from the East

3 From用来表示某人受雇的公司。

' He , 5 from the BBC , ' stephen sa矛d
He says he性斤。 m the New yorkTi川es

On th污prlnCIP / e the man from the ministry continued to vlsit用e

4 Someoneorsomethingmovesorismovedfromaplace某人或某物离开某一

ma即丫印rs be沁re .
Kate retreated from the FVI门dowa门d dressed
slood阳5 stream加9 from thewo " nd
Iproducedmyownwa比为斤。 mapocket

5 TogofromPlacetoplace到了好几个地方。此结构还可以用来描述离开某地

wa门dering from room to room
Her head bobbed from女de tos护de
o门the由夕he ' d bee门transferred from bedroom to vera门dah
. , . 50 unnerved that he could notpourthellquidfrombottletogla巧

6 Totakeonethingorpersonfromanother将某物或某人与另一物或人分开。

Children were taken forcib少斤。 m thelr mothers


Remove the crus朽斤。 m亡he bread
八starling was bu邓detaching the peta / s from an anemone

cut dlsconnect sep日rate
detaCh remove take

7 Toreturnfromdoingsomething做完某事后回来。
The men as yet had not come back from lightlng

8 Backfromaplaceoractivity表/J 、从某地或某活动中回到原地。
用在be back或be home之后:
a phone call telling her bo " she ' 11 be late back from lunch
即为en肋rland附5 home from boardlng school , the twoo厂u , would 90
sh00ting birds .
即加n hadallthe角mllylastbeentogetherwltheve印o门ebackfromuniverslty户


In walked ChrIS,斤已h from日da门geroussafari

9 Toseesomethingfromaparticularplace从某处看东西0

斤。 m ourcottage , wewould5eeadl ' stantkiteswoopd0wn0nlt5pr即
斤。 m behind hls desk , he heard them passing In the corridor
The clty , vlewed from hund , eds of feet in the alr , wasa/叭/a外勿11 。沂bustling

10 To hang from an object指某物从一物体上悬挂下来。

There , hangjng from a peg was a brand new raincoat
功e wou心勿夕with the black peari that dangled from herrlghtear




The Village was bare今万ve mjles from the eastern outskir朽。沂Caen
The a55日u / t cra斤四ere / e55 th日n a mi / e from Omaha andU扫h beac八es
Th即lived Inte门朽jU5ta角w担厂比介。 m theb 。心er

12 From可用来表示某一时间的开端或某一系列事物的起始。

she was to be了n New york from june to lates印tembe抓
斤。 m now on,四u are free to do asyoulike
Entry fees vary from 50P tofs
四户b四in counting fromzerothroug为tonineandthen , tarta / / overagaln .

13 Tovaryfromthingtothingorfromonethingtoanother表示事物情况不同


昆“ may旧Fy from college to college
The policy on publjc acc改varles from place to place
Thee能cto沂a given dose ofpolsonwi刀va理斤。 m one IndivldUal to anothe厂
There were radlca / design alteratl 。邢斤。 m edltjon to edltio门

14 Tochangefromonethingtoanother表小某人或某物的情况或状态的转变・
. a夕ear whlch tUmed Glllia门斤。 m a happ又gentle person to an emblttered and
dePressed woman
Language examinatlonswi刀test the candidate , S ability to translate from German
when interest rates have角llen from 1 1 to 10percent


The water turned from brown to gold
by encouraging户e叩/e to swltCh from prlvate to pub / lc tran5P0rt

change fall swltch tr日nslate
convert gradu日te transform turn

15 Something 15 madefromaparticularsubstance指某一物质是用来做成某物

RoP " were rnade from 10臼1 flax
making , oap from coconut 011 and wooda , h

16 From用来指某事物与别的事物不同。


you ' re quite a bit dllferent from what / e胡ected
Evldentlyth店Isa门a / togetherdl能rentp比ture 。沂the world from that which

The Amerfcan pol,百cal ; cened ; { fe巧markedly from that加的粉stern Europe
How can扣u tell a poI5ono仍rnushroom from an edible one户
二hjs inability to dl ' stlnguI5h hls friends from hls enemles


A numbero沂Illness邵have resulted from the rnisu , e of these cornpou门ds
沙铂all got a tremendous amount ofpleasure from扣ur vlsit
lrea / iz ed J , ou cou / d dle from a cUt like that
斤。 mm夕past以户erlen ' e , Ith , nk lm日丫sa角ly assume thatth即wj / / notagreeto
the plans .


18 Something ishiddenorprotectedfromapersonorthing表示不主l某人或某
He四ould门eve厂hldeth巧fact from them
you know that wlthho / ding Info溯a百。门斤。 m me巧a crlme
Measures must动erefore be taken to protect户jPework from corrosion

conce日}Insu}日te she } ter
guard keep shleld
h ide protect wlthhold

19 Tofreesomeonefromastate , restriction , oroppressor表尔使人脱离某种状


Toda另刚th ' oPhlsticated machjn既we can free man from the ha巧h门esso沂
some叼Id that he was eventually released from lmprlsonment .


1 am never really free from paln .

20 From用于表示某事受到阻止或禁止。

At the same time she ' dpreventedrnefromrnovingaround
A securi妙guard jn a peaked cap stoppedmefromleavingthebullding
PO内ble yellow metal barrlers kePt vehicles from clrculatjng In the streets

ban deterd ! ssuade stop
bar dI5courage keep
deflect dlsquallfy prevent



1 Inacontainer在某一容器里。

In the drawe巧。厂a / a rge lta / lan ' UPboardl角undhundre击。沂letters
He gathered up the photo , and put动em back inh巧brlefcase
M " t bab拍5内ave a VVOnder勿j tlme in the bath
He loved to bathe in the rlver
Bll / , steln and Ma印Breslow were in the car with hlm


Could he read the labels on packets in the store cuPboard尸

饰勺ter poured in overthe slde of the boa农

There are three bo州es in the kltche门.
M巧Brown strolled in thep日rk alla加rn00几
00you live in London now尸
. muItinatiOnalcorPoratiOnsbasedintheUnited5tates

The table in the kltchen had a tablecloth Overjt
the Iucklest man in the Vvorld .

3 Apersoninapieceofclothing某人身穿某种衣物。


a , mallg了rl in ab / ue dress
an old woman inb / a Ck


When 1 see youwa / kjng日/o门gin夕our Ilght - blue suit
ata / l thln figure dre " ed inb白ck
HI / ary was in her门lghtdre " and dre " Ing一gown

4 Tobecoveredinsomething某物被另一事物覆盖O
The四alls of her flat are covered in dlrt
Then 1 noticed that the lectem was draped in white silk be出heets
切力刁p the loafinsomefollandbake角r15mlnutes .

5 Beinadocument , book , playorfilm能在文件、书籍、剧本或电影里读到、

YOu didn ' t mentjon them in your lette厂
The change thatth台entails四111 be illustrated in the next chapter
Their numberis角the phone book .


乙jke a man in a come即用用,he pushed out hls bare arm and exam , ned the large
四日tch Onh巧叭们st

6 Toseesomethinginamirrororothershinysurface指能在镜子里或光亮的平


He looked ath ; m ' elf仍h ' shaving mlrro厂



she was looking at reflec才了ons in the la勺e mlrror on her dre巧尹ng一tab / e .
. the faCe in the rnirror

7 Somethinginawindow在窗户内、可以看见。

There wasa , Ign in the四IndO四advertlsing a laund守rnarking mach了ne
He stuck a po ' ter inh巧wlndo以


the magazlnes in thew泊dow
she walked along the pavement Iook泊9 UP at the llghtinh污wl门dow

8 Inagro叩某人或某物是该群体中的一部分。
Of cou巧e . we all enjoy the excitement ofbe泊9 in a crowd ,
斤。 m thefi巧t , she was in a sPeclalcate90今


He seemed ' etagalnstmosto沂thekeypeopleinthecompanyexcePtme

9 Beinsomethingsuchasaplayorarace某人是一项演出或比赛的参加者。

1 thought heshowedrealtalentinHamle亡
He was easily the best bOXer in the tournamen亡

10 To happen in a particularyear , monthorotherperiodoftime指某事在某一



产四日5 born in 79了0
When the gra55 dtes back in autu朋n
joe returned to thev尹/lage in the mor门加g
角the万巧t officer , 5 absenc已oemerest四ou / d do someo沂the寿巧t offlcer dutles .

11 TodosomethinginaparticuIarlengthoftime做某事需花费的时间。

1 have walkedbetweentwentyandthlr妙mllesinada夕

12 SOmethingwillhappeninaparticularlengthoftime指某事在那段时l旬后发

The car should be here in ten mlnutes

13 In a particular state or situation经j万某种状态或处境,并受其影响。
amanw内。四日sinanextremestateo沂dI5tre “ ・
00 not阳ni沂you are jnjured and in pajn
/ have a fee / jn 9 thatshelsingravedange乙
A chance reunlon with Char / es Boon VV0uldnot . innormalclrcums妇nces沪have
gladdened PhlllP swal / ow , 5 heart


The thought ofo solution to thenee比。沂3bi / liO npeopleincrls巧seems
desperately absurd

14 In指某一情绪引致某人做某事。


He star帕d leap沪ngu户and down in exc了tement

1 wonderedl沂1 cou / d have rnlsunderstood the arrangementinm夕nervousness .


15 In表示做某事时得到的另一结果。

用在附加状语里・ ‘常跟一ing小句:
He bent down to人巧5 her forehead In doing 50 , he knocked八er arm斤orn the

16 In表示与行为、信仰或变化等有关的事。

Do you be/了eve in ghos朽,
She was reve / ling in her new加acquired freedom
二a勿ller unde巧tand加9 of What ish日ppen泊9 in educatlon

asslst embroll Impllcate Invo } ve revel
belleve engage Indulge Joln share
collaborate fall Interfere luxurlate speciallze
dabble ga旧Intervene meddle wallow
deal glory Invest mediate

. develOPmentsinthem0torvehiclelndustrydurIng1966一7
just as one acquires sklll仍golf or skljog or forelgn Ianguag郎
He had sent a note to the court eXPre55泊9 his confidence in me

belief dec } Ine fall say
boom decrease干alling一off sklll
breach delight fluctuation slump
catch development Improvement stake
change dimlnutlon Increase upsurge
confidence exercI5e Interest volce
cut experlment part
cutback fa . th pride

Are扣u / n terested in Greek pot ' tery户
1 became increa : Ing / y Involved in po / i亡i 。


1 thlnk he was qu , telust;万edin阳fus ; ng to he加her

17 In表示所谈论事物的某一方面。

The electric eeig , o吧to a metre and a hal厂in length
The / e日ves are rough and gr即一green in colou乙
The ; e a5Plratlon , are not nowprlm日rl加economlcincharac帕r


There really wasve尽litt / e djfference in their aPPeara门ce

d Ifference equallty slmllarlty
d lsp日rlty Inequallty varlatlon

18 Someone 15 in things ofaparticularkindorinaparticulartypeofwork指

He used to bein用ms
l ' ve been inth污buslness哪wholell厄


M白ths 15 no IOnger a prime requirement for a career in accountan印

19 In表示某人表述事情的方式。
He eXPlajned rapjdly in French that he had been vlsiting hls gir /
,曰比l ‘ 〔月ed RalPh in a shocked volce
叭伯,re mere少asklng担u to confirm in wrlting what扣u ' ve already toldus
Amessagehadbeensc旧四抽d 。门thewallinchalk
The Iette厂四日5 in French

in betU甘e6n

20 In描述一定的人或事物是怎样排列的。


Th即stood round me in a clrc / e
There were three Ine门standing in a close grouP by the lorry

21 In表示参与某事的人或物的大致数量。


se门sors四八ich would be relatlve少ineXpensl ' ve to ins妇刀in large门umbers
In theirhundre出thepeople ' earchedandsearchedforfac朽aboUttheir

22 In引出某人的大致年龄。

. astock夕maninh污th而es .

she was in her earlyfo八ies ・

23 In引出比率中较大的那个数字。


Only 。门e in ten 。沂the residents 15 working一cla55
One man in five was unempIOyed

in b6tU甘6en

1 Beinbetweenthings表示前者在后者的中间。
Theh 。门2 。门waslike a sandbank , with hOllowS in bet协阳吧n thelo门9 bluec爬5t5 .
全otland were al四日ys able to get a man in between动e bajl and Wherewe
四日nted it to be

in fa丫OUr Of

. setso沂apar加ents , with stal巧in between

2 Todosomethinginbetweenactionsofsomekind表示在做某事的l旬隙做别

Elsa had crled日// nlght , in between bou朽of telling hlm that they were
dI5graced forll份
tending the garde门5 , in between vlslts to varlous ba巧

Be勿re long eve印One , indudingm夕mothe ' hadjoinedin
There were half a dozen plants , inCluding a peach tree growlng了n a co旋e can .
Hls house had a piano in eve甲room ind “苗月9 the kltche门and bathroom .

in fav0Ur of

1 Infavourofsomething支持或赞同做某事。
The overwhe加ing majo万妙。沂the French peOPle were plainly in favour of
爬5污tance to the initlatlve
He was in favour of the retentlon ofcaPitalpunlshmen亡
1 have al叭,a外been in favour ofa volunta甲incomespoli邸

It ha ' been the players who have sPoken out ' tFOng加in favour ofsho鹿rtours -


in front Of

四加t are thea勺umen朽in favour of , chool uni勿rm户

2 Torejectonethinginfavourofanother为选择后者而放弃了前者。

The pa即had rejected whol已ale门atlonalisatlon in favoUr of Compet了tlv已
selectlve public enteFPrlse
you Will have to帕mporarily abandon your own nee比in favour of thelrs .

3 Asituationorprocessisbiasedinfavourofagrouporthing表示形势或进程


COverageo沂the electlon had been blased in favour of theR印ubli臼ns .
The Act 15 blased in favour of the employers . and 15 therefore deePly resented勿
the tradeu门ions


disc门minating in favour of women

in front of

1 Infrontofaparticularthing指在某一事物之前O
Oueues formed in front of the glass doors
殆d即,5八ousewa ' in front of them

The man in front of him looked sick

2 Todosomethinginfrontofsomeoneelse指当别人面做某事。
1 don ' t allow Chrls to uset八at以pre55lon in front ofme


Th即are frighte月ed to make mlstakes in front of their frlen比

in Ii6u of

In lieu of something与instead of it意思相同,作为一种替代或取舍。属正式


Most of them wereex一soldie巧Who had been given ap / oto厂/a nd in Iieu ofa
grarUlty .


在非正式英语,尤其在美式英语中,可用insideof 。

1 Insideaplaceoracontainer指在某地方或容器里。
Melanie sPen比more of herli份insid冶prlson than out
Put扣ur barleyin ‘泪e a poro仍” ck
At first he thought he was inside a church

The hot liquor got to work 。门功e chl / l inside the爪

The prlest was allowed to 90 insid认

2 Insideanorganization指某人是某一组织的成员,因此了解该组织并拥有相


00 we want to sta夕insid匕Europe户
. whetherthey劲。 uldworkinsidethe切bourPartytomoveltlna / e斤wards

in spite of

Thelr con扫ct inside the SV囚55 / n拍l/叼ence serVIceo所ce加serne be / leves that
this Was the臼se

3 Somebodyhasafeelinginsidethem指某人藏有某种感情・

FUry contlnually rose inside me
扔side hlm巧a vacuum cold as sPace


I角It the happiness inside me eXPan动ng

4 Beinsideadoor表示某事物在室内近门处。

He set the basketjust insid铂the door ofhishut

5 Todosomethinginsideaparticularamountoftime在某一段时l旬内完成某

1 was baCk inslde twen妙seconds
l , ll have some men the阳insideo沂fi斤een minutes

in spite of
1 InsPiteof引出使所提及的情况或事件显得令人意外的事。
srftish Rail sald the scheme was working wejl , in sPite Ofearlyc 。门fuslon .
扔SPite of the山reat ofwar , hesaysheremainscon斤dentthatpeaceispossib他.

2 Todosomethinginspiteofoneself尽管某人并不真的打算或预计做某事,



Morrls was jntngued in SPi加ofhirnself

inst6曰d Of

To have or do one thing instead of another拥有某物或做第一件事而不是第二个

He was wearing d sca厅ins帕ad of atie
He accepted the realities instead ofres店tiRg them .
Itp日厂i朽5妇厅6OP a mlle ifth即travel勿bicycle初s帕ad ofbycar


1 Togointoaplace , thing , orgroup某人或某物在其中或进入其中。

He got into bed
1 had to 90 into town on someb呱iness .
. plans to Introduce investment and techno勿卿into Hong Kong
The river rUnS into the OCe日几
The need汤r lowe门ergy consumption should be IncorPorated into our building

Chances ofacc印tanceintothesanD印ocommunityarebecomingmoreand
more remote

2 Tocrashintosomething某人或某物与另一物体剧烈碰撞。

He missed hls footing and crashed into the fence .


Horch sv叼erved and srn日shed intoa / ow Vv日/l

3 Inio诉说某人或某物开始进入某种状态・或被卷入某一活动。

He dozedo厅intoa万t勿l , le印
The户roject ran intodj所cultles
1 didn ' t阴nt to 90 into politlcs , but / fe / t lh日dto
golng into cornbat

4 Into与一些动词连用可表示强迫某人或劝说某人做某事。

she动d not want tOS妇夕。 。,butl妇Iked her intoi衣
1 bullied Mother into giving uP that awful ] O b In Plymouth
Don ' t try toc 。门the doctor into prescribing a tranquillize厂

b ralnwash con galvanlze push trlck
bully decelve lull seduce wheedle
coax de } ude mislead shame
coerce frlghten pressurlze talk
5 Somethingchangesorismadeintoanewform指某事物变化为、或被改变为

It妇kes radlatlon from the sun and conve名it into electFjcity
It四as divided into tVvO sections
Hes协,e pt a double armfUI of阳nd into a pile .

b lossom develop rnake turn
change dlvlde met日morphose
convert evo } ve transform
degenerate grow translate


6 Tochangeintoclothesofsomekind换上某件衣服。

1 tooko厅m夕fan印cjoth " a门d changed into sjacks
Thoma , undres , ed and got into a clean suit

7 Into引出调查中的事情。

1 embarked on a ph了losop八icalenqul令仍topost一war阴rlda脂了巧
a numbero沂了nterestlngp分cholog肠/Ins叼h朽into日chljd性approach to


Mr Channon sa了d thIS was a good , va / Id point , and he wou / d look加to it
It污only now that 1 have ventured to delve into the deeper mea门ing of hlsto甲

8 Tolayintosomeoneortearintosomeone指攻击某人或批评某人。

Iwa ; 90加9 to lay into herbuttheothertwogirI5grabbedmyarm5
1 tore into them仍king耐夕th即爬re there

9 Onethingblendsormergesintoanother指一事物融入另一事物中。

Oneda夕blended into anothe厂

功巾ere the / a门d 15 drler , the vegetatlon merges into heather moor / a门d

10 Tocontinueintoaperiodoftime指某事持续发展直至该段时I司开始。
a ' hi介ofbalance四1llch wl / lcon石门ueintothemid了9905
a behavlourpattem Iastingintoadulth00以

irrespedive of

11 Beintoaparticulartypeofthing某人对某类事物感兴趣,或非常喜欢它。


几enage巧a爬into才hose romantlc novels

irrespective of
Something 15 true or happens irrespective ofaparticularfactor表示某一因素不


severe steps wlll be妇kena卯jnstth " e respon5lble , irreSPeCtive of their rank
There was to be a flat rate charge自r each Indivldua乙介陀sPeCtive of whereth即


1 Belikeanotherpersonorthing表示两人或两件事物有着相似的特点。
jdon ' tbelonghe低Mother一I ' mnotlike扣u ,
He looked Iike a sheePdog
1 felt方ke a burgla厂

I , d love to have a room Iike扣urs
He even 5howeds0methingIikeirritatlonatti阴es .

2 whatissomethingorsomeonelike表示发问者想了解别人对某人或某事物的


’功南at 15 summerhlll Iike户‘一‘四匕11 , for oneth仍g,厄sons are optIOnal '
‘萨莫希尔大学是怎样的?" - ' ‘嗯,比如说可以选修课程。 ”

nl InUS

1 do believe she forgot四八at he / ooked Iike

3 Like可用来列举所提及的事物。


In crowdedp / a ces Iike por朽and alr亡e朋泊als you rnust take careo沂your
luggage .
四,od chIPS are used In a rangeo沂bu了lding produc朽Iike chIPboard and thermal
jn ' ulatio几

4 Like也可指某人或某物跟别!的人或物处于同样的情况下。


Like ma即large wome门she角It pre55ured Into hld的9 hers亿e
He , Iike everybodye污e , had worrled aboutlt

5 Someonebehavesoristreatedlikeaparticularthing表示某人的行为或其受

Z , Ve四日tched them Iikea为awk
The protesterswe阳rounded叩Iike cattle by the poljce

nl InUS

Minus a particular part or thing漏掉或除去某部分或事物。
Withina门hourj阴5 back In Falracre , minus two ba 〔 k teetha门d brimmlng with
Onela协少er wan朽publlcationo沂the repo比minus anyde妇115 that could
jeopardIZe national securlty .


二a Iarge chalr ( m inus a castor )



Near有比较级形式nearer和最高级形式nearest 。

1 Nearaplaceorthingorneartoit在某地或某物附近。
He stood near the door

He为ad bee门:卿门9 with an aunt汕。/I ved near Beac勺Head
Th即we陀near to the French frontler

l , m In a telePhone box near Vjctorla statlo门

The commun厂妙centre巧qui招near

2 Neartoasituationorstateornearit接近某种情景或状态・

彻日即millionso沂peOPle are near tos拍rvatIOn
1 came near to klllj门9 him
The scheme 15 near comp / etlon
she sounded unllke hersel无near帕ars .

3 Tohappennearaparticulartimeorneartoit某事刚好在某时I石l之前或之


sow the seed as near the lstAprlla,扣uare日ble .

The Preside门t亏RecePtIOn Isa/叭旧外he / d near功e start of the academ汇姆a厂

4 Somethingisneartosomethingelse或somethingisnearsomethingelse某

neXt to



Danny 15 as near to a bro动er日5 1 ever had
Most vlews四ere白,r / y near山e tru才h
There was one了门cident that came qu了帕near to the , clence flc亡ion fantasles


she now加e / 5a用ore comp / i臼ted emotlon一near to resentment

5 Benearaparticularamountorneartoit某事物的数量接近某一特定的


Bank overdra斤rates , alrea即downto日bout 185percent , ; hould : oonbenear
The actual numbero沂su能rers may well be nearer ha/沂a mil / lon

. at ternperatures nearer 1000 degre已C

neXt to

1 onethingisnexttoanother某事物在另一事物旁边。
He叼t dovVn neXt to jurls
HeF FOOm价日5 neXt to胡日FCUS , 5 fO0m


, . , the buildl门9 next to the old chapel

2 Nextt 。 。 n 。 thing,。 nothe , thingi 、 th 。 best 。,m 。 Stimportant表示某事物属!


月eXt to love叭白t帕日u臼阳d mO5t about musl 〔
柑ext to radlcal巧m , re / lg lon was the mo ; t lmpo内nt factor

Notwithstanding a particular thing尽管那一事物存在或发生。属正式用语・

Th即mlrro厂each other , 5鱿户erlence in certain respects , notwithstanding all the
djfferences in age and personall妙
she白115 to mentlon that , not仍,i thstanding thelegjslatlon , Can日da / o ses far
more由ys throug八strikes than theU凡


MOdern computers , Ine所cients 。斤ware notwithstanding , still proce " data角r
qolcker tha门brains


1 of指数量或群体的名词之后,表示有关的物质或事物。
. a bitofpaper .

three plnts ofbolling wate几
. , . ac叩oftea
… a complicatedsetofrules .

2 of表示事物或事物的某一部分的情况。

交veral of阴夕万nge巧were stjll palnfUI
… three ofh污poem£


the younger of the two women
ame用berof胡rKurla , 5均ml尔
. at thet叩ofthehllj .
the后mi今horne,确ere the nove / ls t vVrote much of her / ate厂work

3 of也可用来交代日期,即某天在哪个月份。

二the 1 7th ofjune .

4 Of用在kind 、 sort等名词后,表示所谈论的人或事物的种类或类别。
, . this new kind of diction 。年
Certain妙户es of people come down wlthce由jn kin山ofallmen朽

5 Of用在version 、 form等名词后,说明所谈论的基本事物。

二m夕陀rsI 。门of the sto今
AdaiF sent me a co渺of this lerter .

6 of表示某事物或某种特性所属的人和东西。

the rlgh朽ofcitIZens
二,the smell of山e wet garde门
the Irnpo内nce of the dec店io门
. , . the King of印ain

7 of指某人具有另一类人或事物的那种特性或特征。属书面用语。



Every one ofl刀夕vo / unteers巧a manfl / l ed with the courage of日/了。门
Hls即“ were the即es ofa改unkard anda白门atlc

8 Of用来指与某事物有关或该事物所涉及的内容。

her mernor了es of her chljdhood there
There was nos心门of danger
there日了臼use of the crISIS
theD印artment of EmpIO - ymen农

9 of与一些动词连用来指与行为有关,尤其指涉及认识或交流的行为有关的事

curley hadln角rmed them ofh店Intentjon
He smeHed ofsoap
功e did notaPProveofthedec巧Ion
On加a dlsastro叮tacticalm巧take cand印rive hlm ofvlcto年

approve concelve dlspose learn smell
beware conslst dream partake speak
boast despalr hear savour thlnk
comp { ain dlsapprove know smack weary
abso } ve日vall COnvlnce divest warn
accuse balk Cure Inform
acqult cheat denude make
advlse cleanse deprlve notlfy
assure convict dlsabuse purge



Hewa ' not afrald ofcontroversy
I ' m veryproudofwhatBob勿ha;日chleved
认拍Ilke to think that印。厅巧one日rea free of户rejudlce
He 15 capable of dojngm " ch better

afrald devold Impatlent sc日red
appreclat , ve dlstrustfu}旧capab } e scept . cal
apprehenslve empty Independent scornful
ash日med enam0Ured IndlC日tlve Short
aware envlous旧senslb } e unafrald
bare express . ve Intolerant unaware
beloved fearful Jealous uncertaln
bereft fo门d mlndfu } unCh日r日CterlstlC
capable forgetful neglectful unconsclous
Cert日旧free nervous unsure
characterlstlc frlghtened obllvlous unworthy
consclous full possessed wary
contemptuous gullty protectlve weary
crltlcal Ignorant proud worthy
1 1 Of与表示行为的名词连用,来详细说明人或物受某种行为影响或执行某一行
动。例如:the kidnapping of a child指影响孩子的行为;而the arrival of the
next train指由火车发出的行为。

He called角r the remova了Of the ba几
guldellnes for the control 0fdogsInpubll ' cplaces .
the emergence ofa ' trong centre pa即
the death of George Gershwln

12 Of可用来详细说明出现过或人们经历过的事物。


an attack of food polsoning .
Jocasta角It a sudden pang of regret .

一一曰-- . - . . . - . - -~一~- - - - . -.一--一--

13 Of可表示所提及的那人所做的事,受那人影响的东西,或他对某事持有的一

the org日nlzer of the protest
. suPpol - te巧oftheproposal
. theo四门ers of the ollta门ke厂

14 Of用来指某人或某物具有的特点或特性。

. a / a即ofgreatcha溯andlntelliae门ce
二,materlal of the fln已t quallty


such internatlonal successes are ofconsiderable Importance
These lectures are deslgned to be ofgeneralinteresttostuden朽

15 of表示年龄或数量。

There has been a sales increase of 15 percent

16 of引出构成某事物的原材料。

two rooms divided妙a partltion ofglassandwood .
SPrinkle them with a mIXture of clnnamon and suga厂

. a Ilttle hatmadeof四001

17 Of与名词gasp 、 shriek等连用,表示导致某种反应的情感。



He gave a ga5P ofamaze , n ent
a cry ofdespa了厂

18 of还可用来准确地表示某事物。

二strong角ell门那of jealoU习
she must address the problem of corruptjon .
,二the少0夕of seeing her name at山e tOP of the board

19 of在某日期或某一段时间前,表示所叙述的事情发生的时间。
He lost hi5s田t in the election of 1 974
, . thegreatconfljctsofthepastte门护ars


Theo所clal eXplanation given at the time of the crash was pllot erro乙
二on theda夕of the勿nera孟

21 Of可用来说明导致某人死亡的某种疾病或伤害。

The hosPi妇1 said Mlss Garbo died of hea厅failure .

22 of用在某动作施动者的名词前,表示说话者对所发生事件的看法。
1 think it , 5ve甲njce ofhlrn totakeiton .
l ' m sorryaboutthismom加g一it阴sstupidofme



1 Somethingmovesorismovedoffsomethingelse表示某物与另一物分开或


He had almo , t角j / e no仔h巧stool laughing
she walked off the , tage
He刚户ed hIS加gerPrlntso斤the tap
Add musta心pow由r亡0 the wash矛ng一u户water to get山e smel / o沂flsho仔Sllve厂

Eve门l沂Id了d白/10代1 should门‘ t hurt nl外el大

2 Togetoffabus , train , orplane下车(汽车、火车)或下机(飞机)
Just get off the trai门at syf / eet
she 15 not to be al / owedo仔the aerop / a ne for any reason


The万rst pe巧ono仔the buswa ; Mlss胡aude Bentley

功角en the train stopped at a small station , he goto仔

3 Tokeepoffastreetorapieceofland表示不在某条街上行走或踏着某片地。

N 。泊ing cou / d keeP u50仔these roa比


二a notjce ”尸ng ' KeePO仔‘
告示上写道:请勿靠近” 。


4 offacoast指在近海或沿海。


乙ast nlght the , hlP was about 120 mj/已。仔the coasto沂八rgenttna
a shIP wh尹ch sanko斤t八e coasto沂Devon / a st month
There were mas万es of fI5h角eding rlghto厅动e beaches

四户stoPPed at anis / a ndjusto仔the GOjjam shore

5 Abuildingisoffaroedorsquare某建筑物位于连接某条道路或某个广场的街


He had gone to the flato弃south八udley万treet .
a complex 。沂nondesc叩tbUIlding50仔theBoulevardMortle£

M丫office店ju : to仔the strand .

6 Beoffwork指某人由于生病而没在工作。

Men are frequentlyo仔work with nervous headaches

H污secretary , 5 off today

7 Tokeepoffasubject某人有意回避某话题。
三he kePto仔the subject of COllingdeane

8 offsomething某人不再喜欢某事物。属不正式用法。


I ' mrlg为to厅sweet things at the mornent

9 Anamountofmoneyistakenoffthepriceofanitem表示降价多少。

somem日ke巧are 〔 utting hundredso厂poundso仔the blg一,el/们9 med产um一range
Debenhamso能red 20 to 25 per ce门to仔selected purchases

All furniture at 20 % o仔

10 To get something offsomeoneorsomewhere指从某人或某处获得某东西。


功角0 djdyoub即thetrumpeto价
二a picture that we had bought offastallinthePo而belloRoad

1 1 TO live offaparticularkindoffoodormoney指靠着某种食物或靠着钱维持
生活。 amachinerunsoffaparticularkindoffuelorpower表示机器靠着某种


He had been Ilvlng offsavingsaccumulated泊theprevlousseason
. machines whlch FunO仔batterles ,

12 To 90 offtheair表示电台、电视台停止广播。
乙ocal radio goes off the aiF at midnigh衣
They ' Ilbeo仔theairuntll7tomorrowmoming



1 Youarestandingorrestingonoruponsomething表示某事物就在脚下,支
He went qutetly downstalrs and stood on the帕rrace .
On the table wereh店k即sa门dh污pocket一b00丸
There was a Photograph of a beautifUI girl on Daintry , 5 desk
He sat UPon the sweet , cool , grassy Verge .

加ddenly , the teleP力one on the table behlnd her rings .

2 Toputsomethingonoruponasurface将某物放在另一物上面。
功e flung herselfon the floor
He wanted to lay hls hand叩on hersleeve .

3 Onabus , plane , trainorship指坐汽车、飞机、火车或轮船旅行。
He had印me ou才on the bus to VI5it his friend .
As soon as she was on the traln , she OPened the box .

' Must be pretty hard to sta夕由tached , ' a man on the planeto助n FF8nclsco said

A bus cam已andseveralpeoplego才on .


4 Thereissomethingonoruponapieceofpaper表示纸卜已印着或写着东

He四rote some { Ig ures on the ch日rt
月e opened叩the户aper There was刚tjRg on It加pencll


四已stlll don ' t real扮knoww为at helP , chjld阳n to recog门lze阴r比on a page

A / an / ay on hls back and stared at the ceiling
He阳5 leanlng onh污elbo以
she四as on her hands and knee , under a bench

6 onanareaofland在某地方。

l四as born on HonshU , the majn巧/a nd
The hotel四日5 on a hlll
Th即worked on the邵tate 。肠rlch noblema几

. , the beaches On the eastern COast
. , a tenantona白汀门slxmljesfromto四n

7 Abuildingisonaroad表示建筑物临街而立。
sophie Clark Ilved on Huntingdon Avenue .
The bulldlng was on a corner


the house on Slxty一second street

8 onoruponaverticalsurface , aceiling , oranobject表示某物附着于个直


the photographs thatM巧Gomez had stuck on山e cja " room阴11
There wa55爬at叩on hIS勿rehead
He notlc " she巧wearing a cross on a chain around her neck


… IOoking up at动e light fIXture on the celling .

1 can cook and sew button ' on for扣u .

9 Tohurtoneselfonsomething指意外地将身体某个部位碰撞到某物上。

He fell over and hit hls head on the plano

10 To happen on a particulardayorpartofaday表示某事发生的时间。
功e died on Zju门e 7962

叭他had drlven down to Garrod , s后rrn on Su门由夕morning

. a加r the annudl meeting on NOvember20

11 On或upon表示一事件紧随另一事件而来。


On reac为jng the帕nt Don and Dougal told meth即had阳ached the tOP of the
rldge thatd即
. the money that / van had列ven hlm on hls arrlval
Th即grew up overnlght uPon start们9 school

12 Something 15 done on an instrument or machine表示借助器具或机器做某


1 wasputtjnga叭旧了thedlshesWhIle5hepIayedChoplnontheplano
, 8 roadloom ' carPets are wove门on a loom oversjx feet Wide

13 Beontheradioortelevision表示某事正在广播。
It was a song that had been on the radio a IOt that功刀nte几
lt , 5 theso厅。沂thin夕了。 u hea厂on the radio

伪arette advert ) 5的9 onte他vlslon and radio was banned ,


15 therean厂八ingg 。 。 dontonight尸

14 Something 15 done on or upon a particular system , principle , or basis指某

These traps were constructed on the same prI ' nclPle as mouse traps .

15 onadrug表示经常服药O

The child should be on contlnual , regula厂medicatlon to prevent newln角ctlon£


16 To liVe on or upon a particular kind offood表示以某种食物作为主要食
粮。 A machine runs on a particularkindoffuelorpower表小机器靠某种燃料

Heli四d On berrles日门d wlld herbs
NOt all bats feed Oni门seCts .
dlning on smoked mackerel and 〔 01 " la以
The refrlgerato : Fan on卯5

17 on a particularkindofincome表示依靠某种收入。

. , . the problemso沂bringlng UP children on a low wage .

四Orkers on low Incomes ,

18 on a com而ttee or council表示某人是某委员会或理事会的成员。

soth Of them are On the EXecutlve COmmit帕e
There were no women sitting on the臼ntral COmmittee


the bjack peoPle on the committee

19 Be on a list指将某事物包括在内。

The Slze of telePhone directorles and the vandaliZation 。沂telePhone klos如may
also be on the agenda
you , FG not on 171y jisto厂,比pec朽


沁w teache巧put以amlnation ach了evementh勺h on the了r 115to厂important

. the toplcs on the agen由

20 On表示某人在做某事,例如旅行。

when Chrls andl were on a triP to Canada .
They decjded to 90on a shOPPI门g以pedltion

A fewsumme巧agoltallanfrlen比矛nv产tedmeonacru巧ethroug为theGreek
Islands .
On my other vlslt 1 was bolder

矛沂四u are a student ona勿11一tlme course

21 on或upon与一些词连用,表示受某事影响、关联或牵涉到的事,尤其谈

Financlal penaltles should not be lmp % ed on parents
A门。 ther dinner was角rced uP0n Klt妙
ForceW日5 used on Inma帕5
It sounded日51沂h巧Mum rel沦d On him to do most of山e houseVvork
1 walked to the statlon insteado沂SPendlng moneyonataxi
1 vleweditwlthdlstrust , vergIngonpanIc

base confer lmpose model
bestow folst Inflict spend
b } ame forCe } avlsh


bet count focus lmprovep } an
bulld depend frown Infrlnge prevall
capltallze eavesdrop gamble InsI5t rely
check economlze hinge旧trude save
choke embark lmplnge lean settle
concentrate encroach lmpose plvot verge

Thee能ct onM厂Ross was catastrOPhlc
The ban on publ矛city may now be lifted
atta 〔 ks on the state
thee川phas巧uPon the扣ung

assault burden ernphasis moratorlum
attack clalm focus on引日ught
attempt constralnt Infrlngement restrlctlon
ban effect } lm } t sanctlons
boycott emb日rgo Ilmltatlon

The poor are more dependent on the flch than ever before
1 was keen on polltl "
those intent onru门njnga叭la夕

adamant contingent falr Incumbent unfa . r
bent dependent hard Intent
condltional easy hooked keen

22 Books , discussions Or ideas on or upon ap叭icular subject表示关于某一主
. a debate On educatio门
In勿rrnatlon on alr pollutjo门


. advlce on marketing andplann了ng

advlce debate Judgement perspectlve
agreement dec15lon lecture remark
book ldeas Ieg , slatlon report
comment Informatlon out } ook verdlct

He just took the teXt and commented on It
medltating叩on theb俪of divlne unlon

日dvlse dwe } } medltate ref } eCt vote
agree elaborate muse rernark
comment expand ponder report
declde lecture pronounce speculate
23 To spend time on something表示花时间完成或处理某事。
He was working on a book .
men engaged on governrnent work

substandard work on由m projects

24 To congratulate or compliment someone on something表示对某人所做的

In thelockerroomlate ' Thom韶congratulatedhlmonh店vlctory
A加r compllmenting me on卿work , he informed me of动e newarrangements .

25 To round or set on or upon someone表示开始批评或攻击某人O

Arthur rou门ded on her,即es gleaming through his gla " e5

On board

He then tumed On oanie / and " id he must be mad .
1 was set upon byo / der bo少5 andg , ven ab臼tlng eve心morn , ng

26 To stumble or chance on or upon something指偶然发现某事物
He伦It certaln that he had stumbled on something lmportant
臼stle began to regret that he had chanced on thatpoem
Eventual少th即carne opon a dllapidated shack

Ona ( ( Ount Of

To happen on account of something else后者是前者事物发生的原因O

Her parents had been put to death on aCcount of thelr faith .
she was desPlsed on account ofhersex .
No natural pollen can gro四on account ofinadequatesummerra角白11

On board

on board a boat , aircraft , or spacecraft表示在船上、飞机里、或宇宙飞船里。

you knew确州阴n把d to come on board the EXodus
Th即informed us that a certaln Frank Rogers was on boardth七alrc旧允


二an刀e妙over the amounto厂uran沁m on board the satelllte


1 hadin帕nded tos妇夕on board



1 Tomove0ntoortobeputontoahorizontalobject表示该、 F放物体在下面支
He fellb日ck ontom夕bed
she threw her books vlolent少onto the f / Oor

He then pouredt为e beans onto the toa , t frorn a sauc印an

2 Tobefastenedorputontoanobject表示将某物体扎在或放在另一物体的上


she scre衅d the top back onto her scent bottle
. a black handbag with sequlnssewnontojt ,
二He digsh后斤ngers into纳e blaCk greasePaint and beglns smearing ; t ontoh巧
. a concealed bulb Which threw theatrical beam , ofl心为t onto the ce了ling

3 Togetontoabus , train , orplane表示乘坐公共汽车、火车或飞机到某地去。
she watched the people get onto the tF8in .
sllPp泊9 past hls pursueFS , he hurled hlmselfonto the tfsln

4 Toholdontosomething表示紧紧抓住某物。
He held onto Lucas亏h日nd
Hang onto that rope Whatever hoppens .

5 Toget0nt0ormoveontoadifferentsubject表示说话者开始谈论另一话题。
on top of

Then力e move , onto the next了tern
冷ah , I ' m comi门9 onto亡h日t

6 Adooropensorgivesontoaplace或abuildingbacksontoaplace表示该门
斤ench doo巧opened onto the terrace
The door gave onto a f / aggedpath whlchskiFtedthehou , e
Thega心ens and the hous " backing onto them formed the main horlzon .

7 Beontosomething表示某人即将会有发现。属不正式用法。
用在动词be之后,且常跟有代词something :
It seemed that铂b的e was onto something . otherwlses八e would hardly have
called Nan伴
The pOlicem即make mlstakes ' but when they actth店swl协th即‘ re onto a sure

8 Beontosomebody表示某人已发现他人犯了法或做错了事。属不正式用法。
Don ' t forgetl ' m onto扣u , Mrs 81155

on top of
1 S0methingissituatedorputontopofsomethingelse表示某物体位于或被放

she took down泊e box of gamesw加ch sat on top of the green wooden
cuPboard .
Place the mackere / on top of the cucumber


Newmanla了dt为e card on tOP of山e counter

the globe on top of the bui / d了ng

2 Tohappenorexistontopofsomethingelse表示除别J的事之外,又有某事发


On top of山at , there had been a ne叭,5户aper strike in Amerlca
she was even doing an OPen山ive巧ity course on top of eve甲幼ing else .
叼丫角ther had several hundred poundsa夕ear pflvate income on top of that .

3 Ontopofasituation指对某种情况应付裕如。
she was comp " ed , eage ' and on top of every situation '
No batsmanth污afternoon was ever tru加on top of things .

1 onethingisoppositeanother指某事物在另一事物的对面。
There 15 a statue opposite the entrance
The road Widens,四u may note , Opposite the Old Bailey
弘e was thlnking more of彻a心now than she dld when she Iived OPP0sitetO

a smajl house opposi帕a pub


OUt Of


2在电影或戏剧中,某演员与另一位演员演主角,可说二One actor plays
opposite another 。
五甲。 years late ‘劲e played opposite Anth 。即Quin门川the siblJ砧j ePlc
, sarabbas '
两年后她在圣经史诗居lj 《巴拉巴斯》中和安东尼奎恩演对手戏。

Oth6r than

, Other than用在否定句后,引出某情况下涉及的唯一的人或事,意思是除


The fact 15 1 don ' t have a thlng with me other than thls coa乙
1 was 50 tired that 1 couldth泊k ofnoth加gotherthanmycablnandm夕bunk .
NO白t0therthanbut ' terlsacceptabIeintheseproducts
There was a reluctanceto妇Ik about thelr repo市toa即One other than
colleagues .

2 otherthan用来表示除了所提及事物还包括某类事物的全部。

FOrensiC science isin后ct aPPlied most frequently to crlmes other than murder .
二recruiting students from groups other than the conventional pool ofbrlght
Sixth一formers .

OUt Of

1 Togooutofaplace离开某地。
儿ul got out of曲e臼r

OUt Of

He followed Rho由out of the roorn
八g了r / came out of the door四即on thele斤

Once th即were out of亡he air - condl万oned restaurant , the smog hurt steln , 5即es

2 Totakesomethingoutofthecontainerorplacewhereithasbeen将某一物体


He took a bago沂rnoney out ofan Innerpocket
she took a rUg out ofhercase

3 Tolookorshoutoutofawindow朝窗外看或大声喊叫。

Mark阳rker looked out of the wlndow ,
冷t she卿uld not stop shouting out of the功四门dow

4 outofrangeofsomething在某事物的范围以外。
anxlo盯ly tuming to ensure that Luke was still out ofearshot
she watched untllth即were out ofslgh之

5 Outofthesunorthewind表示不受日晒或风吹。

COme In out oft为era尹n
饰伯could 90 UPt八ere a bl亡Be out of the功刀nd

6 Togetoutofasituationoractivity表示某人脱离某种情况或停止某项活动。

There , 5 still a Iot to do if we are to get out of trouble

1 10
OUt Of

unlessth即elec才to opt out oft八e scheme
1 should have拍/k ed her out Of了t


1 wasg白d to be out ofa badmarrlage .

7 Togetpleasureorprofitoutofdoingsomething表示某人得至11快乐或利益,

He obVious今got a 50厅。沂IOy out of ; t
she got a IOt of fun out ofsweePing the frontporchoftheres妇urantt
1 never made a penny out ofit

8 Togetsomethingoutofsomeone表示劝说别人将某物给自己・

He stands no chanceo厂getting a loan out of them
she flattered seery and汕eed / ed mon即out of him '

9 Topayforsomethingoutofaparticularsumofmoney表示用某笔钱付账0

1 waspa尸ng角rFOrlooutofelghtpoun击aweek
The relatlves do not have to pay these debtso " t of thelr own income or savings .

10 Outof可用来表示某人做某事的原因。

1 said夕es out ofpojlteness
我出于礼貌说了声‘是” 。
肋e acc日p帕d thejob outofcurlosity ,
旋used to make白Fge donatIOns out ofa sense ofduty
Thosew为0 remain in primi石ve housing do 50 out ofpove即alone

1 ) 11

11 Somethingismadeoutofaparticularsubstanceorthing表,J;用某物质或某

Th即make sandajs out of old car tyres
a club made out ofan oldpleceo沂drI斤wood .
Men chISel bjocks out OfsolldFOck

12 out ofatypeofthing表示短缺不再拥有某物。
M日叮of them have slmply run out ofmoney .
饰铂oug八t to get some more wood一we ' re out ofgreen bra门ches

13 Out of可表示所淡论事物的比例。


FOur out of five part - tlme worke巧are women
In one grouP , elg乃才out of帕n were unempIOyed .


outside of用在非正式英语里,尤其用在美国英语里。

1 outsideabuildingoraroom在某建筑物或房l旬外面。
00帅ds四日lted outsidle the TOvvnH日11 for threeo ' dOCk
1 can ' triskthepa角tinggo泊goutsidlethebuilding .

one of the ne防巧tands outsidle the station附5 full of角relgn papers and
magaZInes .


1 12

Th即stood outside dI5c既了ng山e用atte厂

2 outsidcadoor在门外。

There四as no一。门e outside the door

3 outsideaplace , area , group , orsystem表示不在某处或某地l火,或不属于某

Not ma砂people have heard ofh了m outsid匕slackheath
More women than ever are working outside the home .
四为atl ' ve learnt , l ' ve learnt outsid匕。沂schoola即叭旧夕
the sch00污operating outside the system


Influentlal peop / e both inside and outsidle govemment
二sales to countrles outside the EEC

4 Be0utsideaparticularrangeofthings指某事超出事物的范围。
It was 50 far outsidem夕range of以pectatlons


八rt andsclencearebothunIquelyhumanactIons ' outsidetherangeofanything
山at an anlmal can do

5 T0happenoutsideaparticularperiodoftime表示该事情发生在某一时间之


youca门d印051亡and wlthdraw money outside normal banking hours .

1 13

The白re ] s cheaper outside ofpe日k hours


1 Onethingisoveranotherorismovingoverit表示前者在后者的上方(移

饰伯价ew water to heat over an open fjre
There污no brldge over the rlve厂
crouching over a silentk即board
Over theva / / ey , a full moon was rlsi门g
He刀ew on over the , chool house

There , 5 an alrC旧斤coming over

2 somethingoversomethingelse表示前一事物覆盖着后一事物。
The blind角ld was tled overAri , s eyes
I白idm夕coat over a nearb夕barrel
韶we ate the crumpets,喇th bUtte厂。 ozing deljclousjy over our finge巧
The ashes were dumped all over the floo乙

3 Towearonepieceofclothingoveranother将前者穿在后者的外面。
The Vlcar wore a reda门dw川te ] a cket overh后clerlca / shlrt

4 Awindowhasaviewoveraplace表示能从窗口看到某个地方。

1 14

Hlgh wlndo陌looked out over a 50斤green wooded park
j了rnH叮5 / ooked out overh巧count守

Most rooms have a vlew over刀e/比

5 Tomoveoveranareaorplace指从某范围或地方的一边移动至IJ另一边。

. , ridingh巧bl守C / e over eve印O门e亏/a wns
7h即5c门mbleda叭旧夕over the rocks
四边drove back over the为jl污to thesa门FemandoVa / ley

6 Togooversomething指越过河流或边界。

Hls POIice jaguar roared over the rl ' ver jn the dlrection 。沂山evi / / a ge
Then German refUgees began pou门ng over the border Into DenmaFk

7 Somethingisovertheroad , river , orborder某一物体在路、河流或边境的对


The posto所ce巧Just over thero日d


My son , 5 dolng betterth日n 1 am一In thats力op over the road

8 Tolookoversomething表示从某物体的上方看。

Her husband watched her over the top 0fhl ' smagazIne
He smlled over Gant兮shoulder at动e四oman

9 Togetoverabarrier越过某个障碍。

1 15


He was caught be角re he could少ump over the wajl
Dan topp / ed back阴rds over山e sofa

10 over a particular age or amount超过某一年龄或数量O

Children over the age ofoneyearstartthe才rco / dswlthasuddenhlgh
帕mperature .
四为at about th仍e over SIX foot who have to squeeze动emselves In亡。日c加ema


she , 5 Well over ' chool Ieaving age

lfyou are 70 or overyou can getyourpension whether扣uh日veretlredorno之

11 Tohaveinfluenceorcontroloverpeopleorthings表示能影响或控制人或


SPeclalists dlsagree on the extent ofAmerican influenceoverthesrit巧hmarke仁
二man , S domin日tion over八15 enVlronme八之
ltprovldesreaderswlthafeeljng 。厂powerovertheircontemporarles

advantage control hold power
ascendancy domlnance Influence vlctory
authorlty domlnlon mastery
12 over可用来指涉及分歧、感情、思想或行动的事物或致使其产生的事物。

5妇rvj门9 childre门畔re匆htlng over印lltgrain

1 16
owing to

Th即Were seeng / oatlng overwa出。沂dollar bllls
乙。 rd Boardman the ba门k , 5 chalfrnan , whoalso re5l ' g门ed over the , candal


agonize disagree fret haggle row
a rgue drool fuss muse wrangle
brood enthuseg } oat quarrel
c } ash flght grleve qulbble

加time the mlsun决rstandlng over the government兮p / a ns would be clearedUP

anxiety debate outcry
battle fuss quarrel
concern mI5understandlng row

13 Togooversomething仔细查对文稿。
He comes acro " in the evenlng to helP me 90 overm夕books
she ran her即e over the guest list and slghed

14 To happen over a period oftime , oroveramealoradrink表示事情在某一


It would probab今90 rott6n over the weekend .
1 didalotofthlnkingoverChrlstmas
Over泊ela ; t twenty片ars our rural communitjes have graduall , wasteda协旧y ,
Luce once told jFK over IUnch,丫taught肋nneth Galbraith to vvrlte '
露丝有一次在午餐时告诉J 「 K : ‘我教过肯尼思・加尔布雷思写作。 ”

owing to

1 17

Garys / a ckledgern璐ed the / a st quartero厂last season owing to Inju甲
Now , owing to the万门anc旧1 cut一back凡the workshOPS have beenc / osed


It was en力re / y owing toh仰that亡h即acqu , red two bonu ; poln朽

1 Togopastapersonorthing指从某人或某物旁边经过。

Thenth即drove past a grove of chestnu朽
A gla巧flewpasthlsheadand5mashedagaInstthewall .

. asm夕tWOco / / eagu郎walkedpastonthe叭,a夕out

2 Bepastaplace指途经某地才能到达。

just past those houses are the LlsPenard Meadows .
About a hundred扣厂此past the last hous既扫ke ale斤on a dlrt road

a smallca , tle two miles past the vlllage

3 Past说明几点过几分,通常以三十分钟以内的时间为限。

用在数词、代词half或名词词组a quarter之后,
即ten past nine the flnalve巧ion was万nlshed .
They came伪r superintendent Thomas ata quarterpastten
It was hal沂past twe / ve

1 18

粉论’ / / try to flnls内ear / y一about twe门ty有ve past

4 Pastastateorstage表示不再有以前的状态,或不再处十以前的阶段。
Oncet自即were past In伯门以t八即were absorbed声ntot八e日dult八ouse自old .
I ' mpastcaringnowaboutpeople亏feelings


It has the decadenceo沂an emplre past its peak .

5 Bepastbeliefordescription事情无法令人相信或难以形容。
二exa卯eratIOn , that are past belie沂
My complex , on巧past redempt , 0门

It was exhilaratlon pastd “印ptIOn

Something 15 done pending a future event指在另一事情发生前暂时做着某事。

The hospitai saidt八e unit had been closed pending an invest叮atlon
油叮charge paye巧have wlthheldp即Inent pending the outcomeo厂a legal test


Per表示速度或比率。 Per表示速度或比率的单数单位词前。

1 19


a newrecordo沂318ml / e sperhour
咫trol costs around 30P per夕a / lon here
Th即印ent$刀per head on de加nce lastyear .


It has 1 6 cla55 teachers , plusa拒acher who works with chlldren with spec泊l
创eaners明rking for才he age门卿get f2 . 45 an hourplusanagen叮角eof创per


preparatory to
To do something preparatory to doing something else做第一件事是为了准备

He was allgning the cu能of histro叮ers , preparato今to draping them overa
功e hadjust drawn a deeP breath , preparatofy toembarkjng on a tedious
summary of the lecture

prior to
To haPpen prior to a particular event or time指事情发生在某事件或时间之前O


the profe55or who corrected the manuscrlpt prior to pub / I catlon
Prior to that he was泊the用阴industry
1 20

th仍ew了dowed prior to 19刀

In the fouryea巧priortotheAct,山erateo厂decllne了ncreased

This djd glve valuable information rega八有ngLI妙d George亏characte厂
八big difficulty巧the confusion regarding qualifications

Rega们ding thls last item , let me dI5cuss an example of What 1 mean

regardless of
To happen regardless of a particular thing指某事物的发生不受别的事物影响。

They are taught to respect eve心One , rega的dless ofrace ,
Regardless of the result . the present conflI ' ct threaten ' serIOus damage to the
创〕 uICh .


也作around 。

1 Somethingroundoraroundsomethingelse指前者围绕后者,或存在于后

He hung日garland Of flOWers round Tusker , 5 neck .

1 21

L厂tt / e crowds would gather around山em to 115ten


the barbed wlre round the blg estat "
the squalor and degradatlbn around亡hem

钟户Crowded round

2 Somethingmovesroundoraroundsomethingelse指前者围着后者转。
He would dance round them exci拍djy


Theyjust seemed to be rlding round and round

3 Tocentreroundoraroundaparticularthing表示某活动(例如进行讨论)围

Next由夕the talk centred around the eventsin乙ondon
哑life revolved around油rgaret , 5 daily vlslts

4 Togoroundoraroundaplace表示在某地附近各处走动。
I四ande阳d round the orch日rd
1 trotted round town gettlng adVIce from Varlou ‘以pe小

aw日Ik round the " tate


1 22
Th即won ' t want anyone else tramp / ing around

5 Togoroundoraroundacornerorobstacle指绕过某一拐角处或障碍物去到


AS 1 carne round the corner ' he caughtmy arm
The blonde secretafy pu才her head round the dooro厂Bruno乙az / o兮。所ce
Mr WIllets才epped round a tombstone

6 Awayroundoraroundaproblernordifficulty解决难题或克服困难的办

I厂you are a wom日n , , t wllj be assurned that he 15 the gu已t , notyou theon / y叭’ a夕
mund th店巧to become a Dame
As usual , Je能巧on had aw日y around the di所culty

Th邵eProvlsions衅re了n帕ndedtogetroundthepe爬nnlalproblemo沂non -
aPPlicatjono沂the lawatloca / level .

7 Tohangroundoraroundaplace指在某地无所事事地闲逛・

1 en]卿ed hanging around肋rllament lIstenI ' ng to debates




nations with Ilttle In common save a hI5toryo沂COrnmonwea / th llnks
角e next electIOn Willbefoughtwltheverypar妙savetheG阳e门;pledgedto
mernbe巧hIPo沂the EC

sa丫e for

Save for

Save for引出刚才所讲内容的例外情况。属正式用语。

TOmorrowt为e report wlll be completed save for the controve巧旧1 clause 31
At length , save foranoccasio门alrustl已theshelter附55jlent


1 Somethinghashappenedsinceatimeorevent自某一时间或某一事件以后某

Thls has been 90,门9 on since ju少.
Thls has been the以perlenceo沂all Govemments since 1945 .
了had dreamed of Cllina Since childhOOd
Since Ieaving stya儿1 have reverted tom夕former slapdash metho比。沂cookjng

He threw hjs stu厅in a bag andle斤1 haven ' t seen hlm since .

2 Somethingisthebiggest , best , orflrstthingofaparticularkindsinceanother
thing of the same kind指某事物是直至目前为止在同类中最大的、最好的或最早


. the万巧t slgnificant ch日nge In plctorlal sPace Since Cublsm
It , 5 the best thing since sliced bread ,


1 Than用来连接两个比较部分。
1 24

FOr somet ; meV比ndy had been more radical than me
The妇pane , e scrIP朽were more dlfflcult than the Chin巴e
五刃。 peoPle cou心survjve用ore印s,少than one
A stronger man than hlmselfwouldnothaveh郎itated

2 Than还可以连接两个对比部分。


It had been a scu用e rather than a flght
An ageo沂/eI5ure , rather than unemplo丫ment , was In pro5Pect
It was more a lodge than a banqueting house

thanks to

Thanks to提及引致事情发生的人或事物。


The town centre had a narrow escape from destructlon thanks to 100价emen ,
四六0contai门ed the blaze .
Thanks to the new network , clerkswi刀be able to deal with alj thep即ments at

1 Tomovethroughsomething指某人或某物从一端向另一端移动,穿过洞口、


The rain poured through a hole in thero 。派
Th即attempted to gain access through a side entrance
It proceeds through the tunnel and emerg邵coa帕d刚th choco白加


The Ante一Room / eads through了nto the Break角st Room

2 Tocutthroughsomething表小把某物切开两半或钻孔穿透某物・

cuttIDg through a crust
The危h rnusthavechewedrlgh才through了t
He put a bujjet through hl , glrlfriend亏即e

3 Tornovethroughagroupofthingsoramassofsornething表示从两旁的

功e ZlgZa卯ed her Way through the otherguests
He trotted through纳e sand

4 Togoormovethroughaplace表示从某地的一边穿过,至IJ达另一边O

/ was travelling throughA泊ens on阴夕四即home from the Lebanon


1 had beenp白nning thlstfi户through MeXIco for over a year

Iwa ' Justp日“ ing through

5 Togetthroughabarrierorobstruction表示越过障碍,从边通往另一边。

NObody ge朽through the加rrIe巧exc印to所cIa污
叭心can 90 through the chec切。加ts togethe :
Morrls paldh巧pound and pushed through a balze cu内In and a swing doo厂

1 26


O门/y 200 demon:亡rato巧got through

6 Tosee , hear , orfeelsomethingthroughanobject表示某人透过物体见到、

沙胜had印oke门to each other In the booth , throughg / a 55 , onte / ePhones .
Iooking through the len , o沂a camera
she klssed his skin through hjs shirt

7 Tohappenorexistthroughaperiodoftime表示某事自始至终存在。
Throught内e尸a巧there附丘。沂course . a great dealo沂rebulld加g
即户would / eave Nalrobl at midday and drive through the nlght to Ferguson , s

8 Tohappenfromaparticularperiodoftimethroughanother表示某事从前面


Th即lived there from earl . February through Thanksgivlng 796又
1 was in col / ege from 1927 through 1932 .
我从1927至l { 1932年间上大学。

9 Togoorlivethroughanexperience指某人有过的某种经历,尤其是指艰难


饰铂‘ ve been through ab勺transitlon .
She proceeded through her pregnancy with a great deal ofaPPrehension .
theb卿5 whohad gone throughH勺h schoof with her
He was a great frlendo沂mlne and另w me through all the hard tlmes .


10 Be some ofthe waythroughatask表示某事已完成了大部分。

He was notyetha/彻即through ' senseandsensjblll妙‘
五形。一th介dso沂the way through the race the wlnd ; udden今b陌w up tog日le -


Ha/肋即through Hawk had:扫rted grlnnlng

11 Tolookorgothroughalotofthings表示・个接一个地查看或处理一大堆


1 looked through a small book / et
He thumbed through the怜ports once more
TO wade through all thepape巧巧a门lmp盼Ibjli妙

b rowse glance look slft wade
f Ilck 90 rlf } e skim work
f Ilp leaf run thumb

12 To 90 through a committee or other official body表示某个想法或建议通

叭电could not be sure that we could carrysanctlonsthrough内动日ment


lts passage through内rllament will be角rther troub / ed勿a campalgn agalnst it .

13 One thing happens through another后者引致前者发生。

He al叭la邓managedto万nd me,叮ually through a serleso沂unbe / ; evable


M日叮。厂t为e audience walked out through sheerboredom

14 To achieve something through particular methods表不用某此方法完成某

叭拍pe巧uade through角a厂
FOreca , tjng has日jready been ; ub ' tantlal / y阴proved through computer日na协j5

1 Tohappenthroughoutaperiodoftimeoranevent表示某事在整段时I旬内或


Thls feelingo沂uncertaintyex巧ts勿r most peOPle throughout/了份
Throughout the day , Mrs Prlngle maintained a sullen si / ence
Throughouth巧ca阳er hls main concerns have been with politl "

COlonelWI / llams remained sea帕d throughout .

2 Tohappenorexistthroughoutaplace表示某事物于某处普遍发生或存在。
Hels角mous一门ot on少in England bUt throu夕hout the world
l ' ve泊Cjuded throughoutth后book quite a loto沂slmple . cheap ideas .
Th即have branches throughout London .


We were given f15 . 000泊itia / ly to equIP the centre throughout

1 29


1 Tohappentillaparticulartimeorevent某事一直发生直至l]某l于寸刻才停止。
YOu cans妇ytill由reelf四u like .
the huge Franc巧can church that阴5 there till the Reformatlon
斤。 m break角st till / u nch

2 Somethingdoesnothappentillaparticulartime某事直到某时刻才发生。

she didn ' t come downstalrs till about a qua鹿r to elght
能did not flnish till the small hourso厂the mornlng .


1 Togotoaplace到某地去。
Adam四ent to the station to meet Sheila .
The doctor walked over to the door日nd openedlt
1 took the b00k and threwittotheotherendo沂theroom .

。 n the longjourneyt0Calcutta
a训sit tothe theatle

2 Togotoaconcert , p叭y , orotherevent到音乐会、聚会或其他活动举行的场



. accompanyl门9 the尹rgrand均山erto日footballmatch
YOu must corne to dlnne厂
A nlght or two late厂we were all Invlted to a par妙atafjlmstudl 。


Three mo门ths ago he had received an jnvl妇tlon to julle亏we叼了ng

3 Somethingisattachedtosomethinglargerorfixed某一物体附着于较大或固

训阳tied hlrn to a kitche门cha众
He unt四isted theV切re fiXed to the cork of山e SeCOnd bottle
Hls tongue stuck to the roofo沂his mouth

4 To表明某事物所处的位置。例如,somethingistoone ' sleft指某物的位置

A为ead日nd to the Ie斤loomed the IOng dark Iine of the Rjdge .
The KIller训/j lale broke the surface no more than twentyyards tothenorthof
口le .


. , the black shape抽55 ma " es to the le斤and rlght of the road .

5 TO指人或事物接受某事物,或以行动或表达情感回应某人或物。


He gave the money to the cook
He ShOWed the letter to sarbara
Mother waved to us through the wlndo以


beckon glve polnt slgnal
demonstrate Offer show wave


Molly was devoted tohers巧ter
Helen seemed utter少;ndifferent to力巧words
万he was司四即swo门der勿ljy klndto用e

courteous falr klnd sympathetlc
cruel falt卜ful loyal unf日lr
devoted frlendly njce unfalthful
d isloyal Indlfferent partla } unklnd

It店a 91斤to the peOP / eo厂愉rtford
cruelty to anlrna污.
The threat todemocracy was rea /
功e wasaPPo矛ntedasa55店tanttotheGeneraj万ecreta邵

6 Tosaysomethingtosomeone说话者希望听者倾听并能够理解他。

A numbero厂peop / e hadcompla泊edtothec为urcho所clalsabout了t
My伯ther andm夕u门cle have门‘ t印oke门toeach otherfo厂万加en护a巧
Th即sta鹿dto以plaln theirpla门toBradlee

announce chat mentlon preach talk
apologlze compla旧mumble report wrlte
boast confide murmur say
brag explaln mutter speak
7 Amemorialtosomeone指纪念、悼念某人。


the monume门t to the father of石ng / Ish poet以Geo所ey oauce厂

8 TO指某人或某事开始具有的形式或状态。

H巧relle沂changed to anger
ad " ire to return tofu //一tlme education
Th即envlsaged了nflatIOn白lling to about 10percenta孵ar

change degenerate promote turn
convert fa } 1 return

hls rlse to powe厂
the tran夕tio门介。 m由刃lghtto由rkness
a retUrn to old一s妙Ie stabllity

9 TO与一些词连用可表示与某事有关联的或用作比较的事物。

The same law appli " to eve印one
Aswe附ited , jen即succ " mbed toa / a st - minute panlc
BothweH 15 sald to have co门拒55ed to hlsp日rt jn the consPiracy
A formerglrl一lrlendcompa阳dh污,miletoasnake , 5


At first itseemedllketheanswertoallm夕problems
. , his abrupt and vlolent阳actionto卿casual announcement
二the jntroductio门to the万rst volu用e ofh污diarl邵.



The nutrl ' tlonal nee比ofa catarebroad / y ; lmi / artoadog , S .
That VVould make us more vulnerable to日t妇ck
. the belie厂that materla / 90 。击aree " entlal to a ha户户夕/I伦

accustomed fundamentaJ parallel un日ccustomed
adjacent ldentlc日1 preferable used
a llerg . c lmmune proport旧nai usefui
central ] mpervlous sen5ltlve vltal
comparable旧debted slmllar vulnerable
equal Inferlor subordlnate
equlvalent } rrelevant superlor
essent旧}marrled susceptlb 】 e
10 TO表示某人对某事的看法及观点。

/ t / ooks万ne to me
she ' eems In rather a hufFy to me
It 15 the sPontanei妙and flexibilityo厂Amerlcan schools Whlch店mo , t lmpre55lve
to an Outside ObserVe厂

, . sa角妙standards whlch are acceptable to the workers themselves
Any attitude she adopted would have been distasteful to hlm

1 1 TO表示某人对事件或情景所表现出的情绪。


To his amazement . she was dellghted
To my relie近门ext morning the角ver为ad vanlshed ,

12 TO表示与行为同时出现的声音。

. carrylng the cuP hjgh arou门d thearenato幼eaPPlause 。厂thelrfans

1 34

1 wokee日r / y tot八e soundo厂raln patterl门9 on the tent

13 TO表示事物在时间或方位上的结束。

He四orked斤ornda粉Vn todusk
He四as covered from head to foot刚tha万new为矛帕dus亡
The entlre theatr已from top to bottom , should betra门5勿rrned .

14 TO指一系列事物中的最后一个。

用在everything from或anything from之后:
。所Ces hand / ing everyth角9 from " pionage to assassina打。 n
COlleges of educatlonm邵havea叮thing froma角w为undred to nearly 2000

a numberof万vetoelg为tdlgits

15 TO用在正点前来表示三十分钟以内的时间。

At ten to nine she was ready to leave
It was a quaFt6r to eleven


l , m afraldit性only tento

16 To表示比率或速度。


His car did万勺miles to the gallo几
协e白ur PaftS ofsand to oneo沂cerr7ent

together with

together with
Together with强调与某事情有关的另一个人或另一件事。

H污50n Lee and daughte厂万tac即wele " ved , together with a frle门d , Mr Pete厂
john GFi所ths
Draln the bean , and add them才0 rhe soUP , together with the stock OF pV日tef

to ”甘ards


1 Tomove , look , orpointtowardsortowardsomeoneorsomething表示朝某


' l ' m 90泊9 towa川rs Chelsea , ' she sald , OPen泊9 the doo乙
她打开门说:我到切尔西区去。 ”
As she nodded in agreement , hee匆ed toward the doo乙
月e 100朽back tO . M日r此me .
she gestured towards the bartender

2 Ashifttowardsortowardaparticularsituationorthing表示朝某种情况变


There has bee门a shl斤in values towards childre门and conventional角mily llfe
. astea即advancetowa用rsequality .
the trend towards large伯rms

二pla门5 to a55ist the / jb eral governments in POlandandHu门garytomove
towardS a market economy
At the moment the trend心definitely towardls arts一based students ,

3 Todos0methingtowardsortowardtheachievementofaparticularresult

ve甲Iittle店be了ng done towards the prornot尹on ofcontem户ora尽art
沙亡shall have勿四。 rk tov盯ar出a solutIOn

4 Togivemoneytowardsortowardsomething为某件事情而花钱。

SR contribu拍d fl异000 towards sa角妙improvemen朽
On少54 mi / lion poun比went towards capitalinvestment

5 Abiastowardsortowardagrouporthing表示与其他团体或事情比较义寸某

lt , 5 modern , progre55Ive , with日blas towardls the arts
There will be a bl ' as to,犷日rds th05e tvVo secto巧


when the ' electjon js clear / , bjased towards weal山。 r lineage

6 Tohaveaparticularattitudeordutytowardsortowardsomeoneorsomething


He was角1 / 0沂111一WIl / towardsm日nkind矛n general
The COmmjtt6e crlticlzed the 18A for lts permlssjve attltude towardS Inves加ent
in Ioca了radlo
AS captajn 。沂thls Vessel , 1 have res户。 nslbllltles towar此bothp邵se门gers and
CfeVV .


1 thinkth污was the flrst timesherealizedhowwarm加we { el ttowardsher .


7 Tohappent0wardsortowardaparticulartime表示事情冈I]好在某一时间前


殆nsion heighte门ed towards thee门d ofju尔

TOwards the endo厂the centufy men began to wear more com允rtable C / oth了ng
Towards ChrI5tIJnas , Howard gota勿rge ro州/妙cheque

8 BetowardsOrtowardpartofaplaceorthing指某物接近于某处或某一事物


Most of jt 15 toward the rear Where jt 15 outo沂his slght
This InformatIOn巧比ual / y towards the backo沂the document .
TOwards thet叩the heat haze shlrnmered through则印5 ofsmoke


1 Beundersomething指某人或物正好在某件东西的下面或较低的位置
Try to avoid havln夕a fitted carPet under the dining table
He 、 lePt under hedges
The阳四日S日casko沂beer und户r the bench .


女uart tossed the paper towel jnto the bln under the sink

2 Undertheearthorunderwater在地底下面或在水面以下。
功e ha , her homede印under the eart为

1 38

the mec力an巧mwh了ch enab / e , divingb了厂比to印end 10门9 pe门。比。沂t仰e


八nlma污that stra尸d In才。动e bog were trapped ands日cked under

3 Togoundersomething表示从某物的底下通过去。
A wlckeddraughtblewunderthed 。 。抓
Thewa拒r passes under the wall

4 Underalayerofsomething表示某物被一层东西(例如衣服)覆盖着。

It污worth Inv已tlng in a long一sleeved tOP to四ear under扣ur tfacksuit .
Under the / o ng overcoat , the directo厂was in evening clothes
Under thelr用m 。厂角t , theco / d sausages were Pink

5 Under可用来指某人或某事物受另一事物的影响。


Eve印thing 15 under control
7heca ' e四日5 stlll und七r Con乡jdera亡lon .
叭令四ere " nder arrest
Cas即,5 buslness dealings had come under COngre贷ional , crutjn丫
The monuments were made In 1682 under Wren , 5 supervlslon


Helis帕d some of the people under Investig日tjon .

6 Tohappenunderparticularcircumstancesorconditions表示事情是在某一



Th巧must under门0 clrcums妇nces be allowed to haPPen
Most pane / s刚// provlde adequate heat under cond了tlonso厂good su门/lght

7 TOhappenunderalaw , agreement , orsystem某事按着法律、协i义或制度所


山der existl门g / eg巧/a tlon , the户/a门nlng autho八妙has a loto沂power
Ve印few people have tol刀夕know / edge been rejeased under thls / a以
M日巧hallwa , obllged to observe山at undert八e COnstitutlon no crlrne had been


No beneficia甲under aWll / m即receive a single penny untll then
二its obllgatlons " nder the Atlantlc Trea尔

8 Tohappenunderaparticularpersonorgovernment某事在某人或某一政府


The banque才阴5 an , nstltutIOn WhiC为刀ourlshed greatly under Queen EliZabeth

9 Toworkundersomeone在某人之下工作,指某人是该人的教师或老板。
The eXplorer Pinzon had served under COlumbus
He showed hlmsel沂naive for anyone Who had worked under的rold Macmiljan .
Hls father had been a captaln under Morrls Eller .

10 Todosomethingunderaparticularname表示化名某某做某事。

He made an arrangement to wrlte for the Even加9 PO5t underapseudo口丫m ,


He was travell尹ng under an a55urned name

11 Under表示某事物在某一清单、书籍或系统里所属的分类・


The / Ibra斗actual今c / a ; ; ; fied these books under乙Ight Roma门ce
Th巧Informatlon 15 sorted and filed underd产能rent headings
Under Liszt she fou门d two blograph了cal volum郎

12 Under a particular age or amount低于某一年龄或数量。

Less than ten per ce门t ofrnembe巧are underfo即

功角。叩ing coug八臼n be a serlous dlsease , especlal今l ' n a baby under2 .
. promlsing dellve印wlthin 24 hours forpa优els " nder25kg

万eatment will be free for everyone aged 17andunder


1 Beunderneathsomething某人或某物在另一物的下面。

H污dog slePt undemeathh污des丸
饰伯aI5o prln帕d日comment undemeath it .
Lampone reached undemeath the seat and found the key


Plate afterplatesm仍hedonthetil已“ nderneaththe5Ink



He drew back山ew八ite cotto门bed印read日nd theb白nket undemeath

2 Underneathalayerofsomething某物在另l{的东西(例如衣服)的遮盖下O
咫rhap ; there衅re more bulkygarmen朽underneath theredandwh , testrIPed
jers即5 the门
Now thesP了der性undemeath扣ur dre "


Hep ; cked at the new附llPaper to see whetherh店pa泊tlng stl / / ex巧ted

3 Underneath谈沦人们设法要遮掩的某种感觉或情感。
口月derneath It a / l . he hatesh巧mother

undemeath that tough exterlor there 15 a core ofold一角shionedrelialousvalues


Th即keeP gettlng angrler undemeath wlthout knowing what to do aboutj衣



Mrs Hochstadt . unlike Etta , was a care角1 shoppe厂
Dogs . unlike other anlma / s . h日ve to be Iicensed

2 Beunlikeanotherthingorperson指两人或两件事不相同,与另一个不一样。

/ twa , qulte " nlike any llul , d以户erlenced before
as though teachers were 5oI ' neh0w unlike other folk



/ t was a book qu;帕unlikea即otherbookl ' vereadrecentjy

3 Unlikesomeone叮用在描述某人行为时说他或她一反岸态。

/ t性,0 unlikeh了m才0 be / a te


1 Tohappenuntilaparticulartimeorevent表示某事发生・并[l肖到某一时刻

Th即talked until dawn

2 Somethingdoesnothappenuntilaparticulartime则指事情到某一时刻

The rush一hour woUldn ' " tart until eig加。 ‘ clock
YOu don ' t need to pay contributions untila加r扣urslxteenthb了rthda丫
Until recently children were not allowed to play nearth郎e sacFed rocks .


1 Togoupsomething表示向上移动,例如上楼梯、爬梯子、 L坡等。
Le门carrled Allie uP the stalrs
M丫father aPPea陈wheelingh污blcycle op the hiH


up against

功即cl了mbed op jn , ide theto衅r

2 Togouparoad汀李着道路行走。

she watched a you门9 wornanwa / k UP the streetw ; th a ba勿,门a户u 。八chalr
月e turnedle斤uPtheRuedeRennes

3 Beuptheroad表示沿着道路走卜去就能到达某地。

The hote/店just a couple of bloc灯叩the road
即为at about adrl门k or two uP the road . eh尸


There , s polices拍tlon勿肋er op .

4 TogouPariver表示逆流而上。

The barge wasto衅d叩the rlve厂to the edge of town


a Vo夕age op the NI / e

up against
Up against something or someone表示碰卜、面对难以对付的事或人O

The authontles know they are uP against a powerful cornmercial角rce .
The flrst time 1 dldth店1 carne op against an unforeseen problem

】 44
tO Up to


1 Upon的一些用法与on相同,但upon是正式用语,详见ono
2 Upon在两个相}司名词问或数词间,用来强调所指事物的数鼠之人。属书面用


shrouded In jaye厂叩on layero厂materlal
1 ju ; t句there伪r为our upon hou ' trying to oork out What he二eant
8即ond , we could seet为。 “ , a门d UPon亡为ou , a门d , packed才oget八er


0污15勿11owed upon crls巧

3 Aneventortimeisuponyou指事件或时机来临。属书而)11语。

1 am convlncedt八e invaslon wlll be " pon us by dawn
Now that autum门was oponu匀we门eeded阴od伪r heat

up to
1 Uptoapartofone ' sbodyinanamountofasubstance表示身体某一部位触


she was uP to her kne邵In mud
she walked jnto the附ter . s泊king UP to her日nkles泊the mud on the pond

2 Beuptoaparticularstandardoramount表示某物已达到某一标准或数量O

His cloth " and shoes were not op to hls usual standard

up until

1 was UP to 19三mp为as 1 moved outto山e le斤自r山e overtak了ng manoeuvre

3 Tohappenuptoaparticulardateorevent强调事情一直延续乡IJ某日期或另


The useo沂pe印ectlve rema了门ed part ofan artlst , 5 tralning rlght up to 1945 .
schoenberg contln " ed toeX户/ore门ew Wa厂。厂m日king mus了c rlght op to hls

4 Itisuptosomeonetodosomething指某事由某人负责。

It巧op to the了ndlvldual亡0 find outw八atsui朽hlmbest
It亏upto夕ouw八atyou tell八了m
Now功e next move was op to the Allj巴

5 Uptodoingsomething表示某人胜任做某事。
If you don ' t角el叩to wrlt了ng才t alone we cando了亡toget八er
The heatm日deh仰feel he wasn ' t uP to more .
As ever , Har户ng即were up to艺he challenge

6 Someoneisuptosomething表示某人秘密做某事,或许是环事。这一用法

1 hadn 。心ea what肠rln was叩to , butl feared the wors之

up until
To happen up until a particulartimeorevent强调某事继续到某一时刻或事件发



Th巧practlce was cont了nued op until才he second沙匕rld以抓
UP untillastnlg八t , I ' d门everevenra巧ed日flngertoher

V la

1 Togoviaaparticularplace指取道某地。
叭飞had to { / y to Ham ; Iton via即户/l角gton
a transitv巧a to returnto [ ondon via Moscow
The Baltlc repub / j “日rern " t readlly approached { ro m SFltaln刃a scandinavla

A fllght to乙ondon via Karac为了was arrangedforhlm

2 Todosomethingviaaparticularmeansorperson指通过某种手段或途径做


The owne巧could be traced via a central reglstry
/ ts刀Igh t plan can be modlfled during fljght via a commUnicatIOns / ' nk with
ground co门tro / / ers


1 Onepersonorthingiswithanother两人或两事物在同一地方。
IW八ere , s Orollne尸‘一‘ she , s with Margaret '
“凯瑟琳在哪儿,’一一“她和玛格丽特在一起。 ”


亡i角would be easler If 1 could live withm夕husband


Th即sPotted me日nd cameu户tos了t with me on the sandhllj
a lego厂/a mb , erved with门ewpotato "

论teran 50 / die巧to / d the new men with them Whatto以户ect

2 Todosomethingwithsomeoneelse表示与某人一起做某事,或参与某事。
1 enj即ed working With Hitchcock
I ' ve dlsc盼ed the matter Withm夕col / eague ,
Th巧en夕ineering flrm has co / laborated With the Unlve巧i妙overa门umbero厂

a lly coilaborate dlscuss soclallze
amalgamate colllde fraternlze spe日k
assoclate confer Inter日ct trade
chat consplre merge work
coexist dance negotlate
cohabit debate share


叼夕next private dl - scu巧ion with him took placea孵ar / a ter
hlsn日tjon性al / ia nCew户th the sovletU门ion
lwa门帕d to mal门talnmy { ri印d劝IP withhe厂

3 Tofight , argue , orcompetewithsomeone指与某人作对、争沦、竞争。

YOu hea川how the boy was arguing with hlm
Dr即勿5 vvrote a lengthypaperheapingscornonthoseWhodi5agreed " , i thhlm

a rgue compete flght row vle
bargain dlsagree haggle spar wrangie


c lash feud quarrel struggle
了n the eve门tofa门Amerlca门附rwithaforelgnpo衅r
Heb四an to tell me about日quarrel withh巧/a ndlord

4 Todosomethingwithatool , object , orsubstance指用工具、物体或物质来做


jlm broke up the frozen mass with a hammer
He mo污te门ed hIS / in 5 withh污tongue
Mend torn shee朽with pre55一on tape )
5 S0meonestandsorgoessomewherewithsomething某人携带某物站着或去
某地。 ‘

Eva wokean加Ur later to fjnd sally sta门ding勿the bedw矛th a CUp ofco能e
Thens为e said , ‘四封t , ' and wento厅汤ramlnute , she臼mebaCkwithsome
然后她说:‘稍等一会。 ”离开了片刻回来时拿着些衣服。

. hundre比。厂men with binocula巧a门dnfles .

6 Someoneorsomethingwithaparticularfeatureorpossession表示某人或某


aVe守old wornan witha ? kled { a ce .
taxPayers with income5U门der ¥ 50,口0口a year
a blue dreSS with a fullskl厅
piec " ofpaper with marks on them !


7 Someonewithanillness某人染卜疾病。

a chlld witha才empera才ure

胡庆e四日5 In bed With刀u

8 Befilledorcoveredwithasubstanceorwiththings某事物甲而或上面存在

The vv日lls夕vere covered with b0o舫he / ves
a dark vel / , embroidered with reda月dblueflo四ers
Nobo即亏90 ; ng to goto山e beach if , t , 5 crawling with cops .
The wlndo贴were thlck with grlme

adorned emb ] azoned Inundated plled
awash embroldered } aden rlch
burst旧9 encrusted llttered r . ddled
caked engraved } oaded studded
c logged festooned ornamented stuffed
c Iuttered fllled overgrown suffused
covered flecked overloaded swamped
crawling furnlshed packed teem , ng
crowded heaped padded thick
d raped heavy palnted tinged
edged Infested patterned wreathed
embelllshed Inla . d peopled
cover thefis为wi幼the mus乃rooms
The POtte甲犯ctlon角lrly brjstled with exciting thin少.

9 Bepleasedorcrosswithsomeoneorsomething表示对某人或某物怀有某种


,.月J . . . . . 1 . 1 . t . t . t . . . . . . J . . . t . . . . . . . . . . . ..硬.1 . . . ‘愁

she got rather angry with mew/论nl介Ied to 7nterve门e
No一onewa , sa亡巧fjed with四为at they had 90亡

日ngry dlsappolnted furlous pleased
annoyed dI5pleased happy satlsf旧d
besotted dlss日tI5fled ! mpressed unhappy
bored fasclnated Infatu日ted unlmpressed
content fed up obsessed unsatlsfled

thei厂d肺atls白ctl 。门with ; ociety

/四日‘石后ml / jar with theca犯asa砂one
NO一one co门nec亡ed with dru少wlll be tolerated jn an夕四即・
Perha那competitlon was simply not compatlble with harmony
1 have bee门ca阳le55 withIJn 。门即ever sjnce
ado ( to厂who 159 。 。 d with chlldren

acquainted conslstent identlcal mixed up
affllcted conversant Impatlent occupled
commensurate engaged Incompatlb } e parallel
comparable faced Inconslstent patient
compatlble famlllar Infected popular
concomltant frank Intoxlcated unacquainted
confronted free Invo } ved unconnected
connected frlendly Ievel unfamlllar

The problem with们stltutl 。门;15 thatth即ale run勿people
Heb旦gan力aVIn夕trouble withh店d勺estion
Hls skill withe胡losive;八ad alrea即been remarked on .

1 51

闪ona would helP With the白und今日nd hOUseWOFk
1 on / y made twom巧takes With功eP即envelopes
The tasko厂亡he court 15 to decide on how to proceed with the case
四户must comblne theo印with pract尹ce
1 asked them to proVlde me with an assjs妇nt

11 Topartwith , dispensewith , orfinishwithsomething指某人不再拥有或使

The snag ls ' ofcou巧e , that如u havepartedwiththemon即onceond匆rall .
1 think we Wj / lsoonseejurlesdI5pen ' edwith的Cnminaltr泊15

12 To side with , hold with , oragreewithsomeoneorsomething指支持某人或

切角en the matter wentto的e勿11 Obl门et , M加isters sided叭,i th Mr Brooke .
1 didn ' t hold认,i th capi妇lpunjshmen亡



The campaig门was conducted " , i th remarkable skill and tenacity
With somere / uc扫nce,功e church authorities agreed


M爪六a slgh , hero , ea门d walkedslo州ya叭la犷
He角11 back with a great scre日m and a IOok ofsurPrlse一dead


He landed with a Cra , h尹门oneo沂动e tfees .



娜巧巧ter went四衍te with rage
1 was shaking With角tlgue



she lay with her head agaln ; t the backo沂the seat
He advanced Intothe room with both ha门ds exte门ded
The keePer came loPing UP the lane with the dog paddlng at hls heels



Even now , with all the pre55ureso厅her , she was unableto心t
With inflationln叭他st Germany rI5ing , this cautlon 15 understa门dable


you and 1 can 90 on borrowing but we have to 90 onp即Ing the interest . It 15 the
same with a compa叮
lt , s differe门t with eaCh Indlvldual

19 TO increase ordecreasewithafactor表示某事随着某一因素的变化而增加

The ch日nceo厂gettlng a free meal from扣ur empl卿er Increase , Withs拍tu ,

20 To move with a wind or current表示顺风或顺流而行。



/ e ttlng both boat and门et drl斤with山e tlde

21 Someone says that they are with you某人听懂你的话。属不正式用法

sor邝l ' m not qu护te with you


1 Bewithinsomethingelse表小前者存在于后者之中・属正式用语・

The casket 15 kePt within an iron chest四旧pped in asb已tos
They generatee / e ctrlci妙within thelr bodies
The well was drll / ed within the powerstatlon grounds


The books and perlodica污within the Ilbra心are arranged by sublect


a box with dials on the ou朽lde andacomplexa55emb少。 fgearwheels
I ' n0unted within


It en ' ured a balanceo沂自庄es “万fhin socle妙
dlscontent within theloca / communjty .

A goodaccountantcaneaslIycamouflagetroub / eswithinhI5co阴户any


气动〕 rklng within anex巧ting organlzatl 。门h日5 a lot ofadvan妇ges


3 Someonehasafeelingwithinthem表示某人隐藏某种感清・]成}‘面用语。

由e hlghs侧rj污that bubbled within her
DeeP withinh了m llveda , ecret dre日d


Amanlooksat动ejoveo , angerwithinhlmsel厂andsa卢’万o , th巧巧me '


旋;ther was that outward se/沂日pparentlya { fe cted by the turmo , 1 within

4 T0happenwithinaparticularperiodoftime某事在某段时l飞刁内发生・

Within a rnat拍ro沂weeks she was cro巧矛ng the Atlantic
The balancem即well tjP withinou厂/ife石mes
比e Wlld mushrooms within 24 hou巧。沂piCking

5 Withinaparticulardistanceofaplace在某段距离以内。
D只MoonW日5 now withint即elvem了/邵。沂Utah Beach
The strateg了cm “了le has a good cha门ce oflanding within力aj沂am尹/e radiusofl污
m 。功e巧who Ilve within walklng distance of free cllnlcs

6 Withinsight , withinearshot , orwithinreach在视觉、听觉范围内,或其力


Ash did not kno四that he had bee门bom within Slghto沂thoses门。防.
Bond st00d within ea巧hoto沂the des丸


Th即werea / m ost within reacho厂the了r goal

7 Bewithinaparticularlirnitorsetofrules表示某事未超出听规定的限度或容

a Party whlch works within the srltlsh邓tem ofPar / lamentary由mocra邸
. keePIng within budge朽
It 15 well within the 25 per cent llm了t角r角re勺n holdin华。沂US dlf/了ne ,


1 Withoutsomething表示某人或某物没有另外的东西O
He 51朽there on a hot evenI ' flg without a care in the world
. ab 。川e whose Iabellcouldn ' treadwithoutmysPectacles
There 1 was jn Parl ' s alone without the slightestidea of howto万nd Harrle衣
They are going to flnd themselves withoutjobs泊a孵ar or 50


Inadequate ho " es without gardens
四户had cakes without suga厂

2 Onethinghappenswithoutanotherthing或todosomethingwithoutdoing
something else表示后者没有发生或出现。
帅姓werere勿sed permlsslo门to see hlm wltho " t以planatlon
沙铂shallin勿rm四u认,i thout delay
without warnlng , 8州an punchedh仰


He ca ' t vote , on the了r behal沂without consultlng them .
Inm " t wort刀laces a Who / e rangeo沂chernlcajs are used without peOPle even
kno昨I门g四内at they are

3 Todosomethingwithoutaparticularfeeling表示做某事时不带某种情感。
‘冷又‘ 1 sajd , without much conVIction
是呀。 ”我不大有把握地说。
Kunta ate without pleasure
He described thls Incident without emotion

4 Todosomethingwithoutsomeoneelse表示在没有别人参与或1三涉的情况下


I ' m not goinga叮where withoutyou toda又
叭华could have a good evening without him .
The勿neral can 90 on without me .
四为en Romeo为lmsel沂dies rather than Iive without jullet


1 Beworthaparticularamountofmoney表示某物值一定金额的钱。

A good角rm in Llncolnshire 15 llkely to bewo件h around three mllllon pounds
The tournament四as vvo口h f75 , 000 to the Vvlnner
锦标赛冠军可得75 , 000镑。
训厅旧decldes ho四muchth即are wo材六尸


she has given awayjewelle甲worth mi / lion , ofpounds .


He wlll graduate ; hort / y and 15 already negotlatlng勿r ajob worth ¥ 3丘000
他毕业在即便已开始合谈份年薪35 , 000美元的工作。

2 Beworthaparticularactivityoreffort表示某物可能有用或值得一试。
Th已e shops are wel / worth avls了t
youm即be wastlng yourtl川e , but了t亏worth atry
Having a careera门d belng a rnother lswo代h thee而厅
The cathed旧/' s weljwo代h seelng , youk门ow

2 Preposition collocation

abandon to abandon yourself to an脱某人的罪责。 You ' / / notl印为e , 5ca阳勿l
emotion沉酒于或陷入某种感情。 to absolve the you门90沂万cer of any
1 wanted to abandonm外e / ftoprlmlt了ve blame你会注意到・他小心地为那个年轻官
se门5日tlons,我想尽清感受原始的感觉。 员开脱罪责。 It had the ef角cto沂absol ・
abhorrent be abhorrent to someone vingh了m from responslbl万尔结果是他无
使某人憎恶的。功e constant " tru99le需负任何责任。
勿r日dvantage阴5 abhorrent to him.没absorbed be absorbed in something
完没了地为占上风而争斗,真令他厌恶。 全神贯注于某事。 Anne had been too
abide to abide by a law or agreement absorbed in her ow门hopes.安妮当初太
遵守法律或协议等。 The Preso should专注于自己的期望了。
abide bya山arte厂。沂g 。 。 d practice新闻abstain to abstain from something
界应该遵守行业工作守则。 enjoyable戒除某种习惯或享受。 1 have
ablaze be ablaze with Iights or keptm外el厂石t allm丫j尹角,abstaining
colourful things明亮,灿烂。 The Hal /斤。 mdrinkandtobacco我烟酒不沾・所以
四日5 ablaze with ma巧ed f / owers and 一辈子都健康。
e欠。 tlc斤ui朽大厅里鲜花盛开,异果点缀,显abundance in ahundance丰富的,大
得光彩夺目。 量的。 The essen士Ial a99ressiven巴5 and
abound to abound with things or in ski / / s were there in ab " ndance在那里・
things盛产某物,富于。 The / arger极为重要的干劲和技能很丰富。
art了fICial lakes日bound with bird3 and accede to accede to a request or demand
wildllfe大型人工湖有很多雀鸟和野生动植 答应请求、要求。 hls rejuc妇ntre自sal
物0 Theplaceaboundsinrumou巧此地to accede to thel厂request他不情愿
谣言盛行。 地拒绝他们的要求。
absent be absent from a place or thing acceptable be acceptable to someone
不在场的,缺少的。 The Pollce djscoVered值得接受的。 what we ' ve got to dols
/ was absent from卿house警察发现我find a government which巧acCeptable
不在家中。 Re角rences to the , a rmed stru - to thepeop / e我们所要做的・就是找到为人
ggle ' were consplcuous加absent from民所接受的政府。
thePr " ident性印eech.人们明显注意到・总access access to a place , person , orthing
统的演讲辞中没有提及武装斗争。 接近某地、某人、某事物等。 a门
absolve to absolve someone from or OrganiZation fort八ose尹nterested in
of blame , responsibility , or guilt宣布maintainlng free access to the
免除某人所受的责难或要负的责任;开cou门切闷de ・为有意保持郊外出入自由的

a ' ( 6SSible

人而成立的组织。 addre55千万不要把我家的地址给她。 0 be
a ' Cessible be accessible to someone of no account不重要的・石veryt为ing
某人可接近的。 a门川:tltutlo门wh , chIS th即5日y巧of no account他们说的一切都
reasonab扮accessible tot八e户ub / ; c无足轻重。 0toaccountforsomething
公众尚可以接近的组织机构。 解释某事。 He wa : al即a卢户rePared to
accident 0 by accident并非存心做某 account for hls act ; ons他随日“准备为自己
事,即无意做了某事・ Igaveca : tlethe 的行动作解释oCh才ldren ' 5门ee比account
四阳门g门。 tesbyaccident我无意中把错误for a good parto沂the角m了ly budget儿童
的笔记给了卡斯尔・ 0 in an accident牵 的需求占该家庭预算的大部分。
涉于意外或事故中。 Thlrty一;Ix户eo川e accountable be accountable to
Were欠11陌d yes亡erda夕in八ustral了a ' swo巧t someone for your actions为自己的行
ever road accidrent昨天澳大利亚发生了最 为向某人负责・ Th巧w 。田dbeapublic
严重的交通事故,有36人丧生。 agenCy , aCcoun怕ble to均rllarnent这个
a " 1 imatize to acclimatize to a new 机构要成为公共机构向国会负责。 A了l
situation or environtnent适应,习惯于 t八ese Inst声tu亡潇。门5 area 〔 〔 Oun怕ble for
新情况、新环境・咫叩IeaccIl ' , " atizeto whatth即d 。所有这些机构要为自己的行为
a / tltude at different阳才巴人们对高度的适 负责。
应过程快慢不一。 accusation an accusation ofsomething
accompaniment 0to the accom - against someone就某事情对某人的指
paniment of a sound在某种声音伴随责。 Their caree巧are threatenedb丫
或伴奏下。 The proce贷lon contlnued on ac ‘ 。 sations oflncompeten 〔 e他们的事业
lts way to the accompaniment of因别{人责难其平庸而受到威胁。 The accu -
介℃门zled chee巧游行队伍在狂热的欢呼声中 sation againstU , wast为at四e Were
行进。公an accompaniment of glving the country a bad name overseas
something ; an accompaniment toa有人指控我们败坏了匡家在海外的名声。
particular thin伴随物,佐餐。 accuse to accuse someone of doing
Authoritarlan reglmes seem to be an something wrong指责某人做错事。挽
almost了nevitable accompaniment of阴saccusedof , nclt们gy ; olence他被指
natlonal pover妙专制政体似乎是国家贫困 控挑起暴力事件。
的不可逃避的伴生物。日sauce serVed as a ( Customed be accustomed to
an accompaniment to veal or斤sh something习惯于某事物・ They are
・羊肉、鱼肉的佐餐酱。 getting accustomed to the ldea.他们渐渐
accord of your own accord自愿做某 习惯了该观念。
事。月e had been ho户,ng that 1 would ache 0to ache for something渴望得
c阳ck and Ieave ofm夕own accord.他指到某事物。 she had bee门aching for
望我会垮掉,并自动离开。 recognition foralo门g叻l / e她早就渴望得
a ' ( ord臼n ( e in accordance with a rule至‘ l公众承认。公to ache with a feeling
orsystem根据或按照规定、制度。 The由于某种情感而痛苦。 l / ay aching认,ith
secreta今。沂stare wlll dI5trlbuten日tlonaj m巧ery我痛苦不堪地躺着。
resources in accordance with thls acknowledge to acknowledge
勺rmulation国务卿将根据这条公式分配国家 someone or something as a particular
的资源。 thing赞美、承认某人或某事为某种身
account 0an account of an event报份或某事物Q ZUseacknowledgeditas
告,叙述。月eg日ve日n accounto,力ls oneo厂the bes亡肋刀5 eve厂made.朱斯称赞
附rtlmee胡lolts他叙述了自己的战功。 0 它是最佳电影之一。
on no account 〔用来强调否定〕决不;acq " aint to acquaint someone witha
绝不。 on no account give her卿home fact or subject将某事告诉某人。.to
addi ( ted

organ巧e groups勿r sel厂一de加门ce and中。 George砧rr had bee门wounded加
acquaint them with the useo厂arms action Int八e sah日ra乔治法尔在撒哈拉
组织自卫小组教他们使用武器。 沙漠战斗中负伤・ studyt八em in aCtI ' On日5
acquainted be acquainted with o斤en as户055 , bjea月d get才0 know their
someone or something知道、熟悉某人 movemen污要尽可能在运转中研究它们・了
或某事。/w巧为to走门ow八ow扣ucame解其机械设计・公out of action不起作
to be acquainted with those户eople我用OA / jth阳e tank:四ere ve甲qulck / y put
想知道,你怎么认识那些人的。 the门ew outofaction三辆坦克全部很决丧失了战斗
Rena了5 ' ance mena门d women 力。
acquainted with great Ilterature新adamant be adamant about some -
的文艺复兴人士,谙熟伟大的文学作品。 thing or on something义、 J某事坚决的;
acquiesce to acquiesce in something be adamant in opposing or refusing
or to something默许某事。 ord ; n日即something ’塔定不移地反对或抗拒某
COnscripts too , were ultjm日te / y to事。 7hese wome门are adamant about
户artlcIPate or acqu沁scein , uch horro巧denying anyt了es or simllaritles to thejr
径。 Rather than embarra , ' h巧host又瓜葛或相似处01 ' msorry . son , butMUrray
万Ihanouk acquiesced to the了r deman比 Isadamantonth巧又寸不起小伙子默里
西哈努克不会使东道主难堪・也就对他们的对此绝不松口。 The le日de巧。沂由e teachlng
要求加以默许。 p rofe55ion have bee门adamant in
acquit to acquit someone of a charge op户05了ng the not了。门。/unqual尹fied
or on a charge宣布某人无罪〔该指控asslsta门朽教育界领油坚决反对起用不合格助
不成立〕 。 ont为e da夕the夕were 手。
aCqui枷d of murder charges , we helda adapt to adapt to something new or
celebratio门宣布他们谋杀罪名不成立那天, different适应新的或不同的事物。 They
我们举行了仄祝0 HewasaCquittedona / / wlll then be able to adapt to a varle妙of
charges他的所有罪名都不成立。 ] obs那样他们就能够适应各种工作了。
act 0to act on advice , orders , or add 0to add one thing to another将一
information根据劝告、命令、通知等事物加到另一事物上。 sugar劝ould not
行动。 Acting onm夕;n : tructjon : rn夕be addred toa叮of these milks这种类型
lawyerp日id a week了n advance forh户s的牛奶都不该加糖・公to add to some -
户rivate care根据我的指示,我的律师提前一thing增加。 she knew that she ought
星期预付了他的个另l]护理费。公toactas not to add to herco川pan尹on , 5 mlse今她
something or like something担任某一知道自己不该增加同伴的痛苦。 0 to add
角色,起某一作用。二sp厂eading the up to somethingJ营、计。八11 these后ctors
rope on the刀oor of the ledge to art asa comb加ed add叩to a strong incentlve
roUgh cUshlon在壁架地面上铺绳索充to buymoremachln " andemploy角阴r
当粗垫。 Th即。 bvlouslybe / le vethatunlon men所有这些因素综合起来都成了多买机
executives must act Iike manag产ng器少用工人的强大诱因。
directo巧.他们显然认为,工会执行委员必须addicted be addicted to a drug or an
跟经理的举止行为一样。 0 to act for enjoyable activity对麻醉药品有瘾;对
somcone代理某人的职务、代表某人。 某一活动有强烈的兴趣而成为嗜好。 He
乙a叼/e巧acting for the government have wasa动成d淤dto昨1lle朋d Ften山brandy
argued that such changes would be他有喝葡萄酒和法国白兰地的嗜好“ lt四日s
agalnst the pub / lc Interest代表政府一方的a magazlneo沪popularsc了ence ' thekind
律师认为,这种变动违反了公众利益。 of rea动ng 1 had becomea动山cted拟这
action 0in action在运转中;战斗是科普杂志,我极爱读的。 、

addition in addition此外:in 本主义的附属品。
addition to something除此之外。 In adjust to adjust to a new situation适J叙
addition,八e proposed才hree ot八er新环境、新情况。 We wa , ted勿ro日r
chang郎此外,他提议做三个其他的变动・ 即es to adjust to the由rkness我们等候
A ba勿wouldsome叮mesdrlnkasmuc为 眼睛适应了黑暗再说。
as a quarto沂m产Ik in addition to a fUll administer to administer a drug to
meal婴儿在吃饱饭之外有时可喝下一夸脱 someone将药发给或配给某人。斤厄on
牛奶。 o厂fice巧had helPed to administera
addr6SS to address someone as se由tlveto八溯在典狱官员帮助下,给他用
something 〔用于某人姓名或头衔〕称呼 了镇静剂。
某人0 she aIWa外addressed用e as知夕admiration 0 admiration for someone
daughter ’她始终把我称为‘女儿” 。 or Something赞赏、羡慕某人或某事
口ddreSSed be addressed to someone 物。 modern admiration for Greek
写给某人的。 The letter was addressed art现代人对希腊艺术的赞赏。公in
tO ' Mr and MI55助getl信是寄给‘佩吉特admiration of something怀着对某人
先生与小姐”的。 或事的赞美、佩服和欣赏。 Manyof比
adept be adept at doing something对are 10 , t in admiration of hls abi / ity to
做某事内行的。 lhadneverbeenadept conCentrate On hI5o卿though朽我们许
at controlling people我从不善于控制人・ 多人对他的聚精会神的能力赞叹不已。
adhere to adhere to a thing , rule , or admire to admire someone for a quality
view砧着;坚持某事物、规则、观点。 they have羡慕或钦佩某人的优点。旋
二a substance whlch preven朽the fibres admired the Brltish troops for their
from adhering to each other二防止纤courage日nde门dura门ce他钦佩英军的勇敢
维粘连的物质。.ensuringth日t profes -和毅力。
slonal standar比are adheredto ・保证admission an admission of guilt or
职业标准得到遵守。 faifure对某宗罪行或某次失败的承认。
adjacent be adjacent to something与The admission of guiltls八ard认罪是困
某物邻近的。.in theshoweradjacent难的。二after this旧re and revealing
to thecell在单人间隔壁的淋浴室。 admis幻bn ofdoub朽在这次罕见的、
adjudicate to adjudicate in a dispute , 坦白承认有着疑惑之后。
on the point at issue , or between the admit 0to ad而t to a crime or fault承
People involved裁定纠纷、争议中的争认有罪或犯了过失。 He couldn ' t admlt
论点或人们之间的事情。.powersto toa叮协吧日k门“ slnfro爪ofothers他不能
adjudicate in Intorunlo门砒putes,裁在他人面前承认有弱点。 0 to admit to
定工会之间纠纷的权力。 commltteesto someone that you have done something
conslder and adjudicate on suppl , erand向某人承认自己做过的事。 Earjier lrene
cUstomercla加5研究裁定供应商、客户 hada动”舰ed to Mr万te昨art thatshehad
索赔的委员会0 We cannot sensibl夕wondered whether there was an了
adjudicate between theser ; val connectIOn bet即een the two events.艾琳
e万户lanatlo门5.我们无法明智地裁定这些对立 曾经向斯图尔特先生承认,她想知道两件事
的解释谁是对的。 之间有无联系0 Otoadmitsomeoneto
adjunCt an adjunct to something or of acluborinstitution接受某人加入某俱
something附加物,附属品0 years ago ,乐部或某机构。 Constable四as not
podd , ngs used to be eaten as an adjunct admitted to勿11 membe巧hIPo沂the
tomeat.多年前,布丁曾是吃肉时的佐餐Academy un才了1 eight yea巧before his
品。 Even leI5ure had been reduced to an death.康斯特布尔去世前八年才获得科学院
adjunCt ofcaPltalism甚至闲暇也退化为资 正式院士的资格。训劝en admitted to the

affli ( ted

cl了n Ic尹门janua甲1976 she四elghedjust most / uxurio口50沂才hem al / ‘轻便车在广告
54 kllo,她于1976年1月入诊所看病时体 上又被喻为‘最大、最豪华’ ・
重才54公斤。 adv6rtiS6m6nt an advertisement for
admonish to admonish someone for aproduct某户:品的)‘告Oadver -
doing something因某事指责或非难某 万sements for c05meti “一化妆品厂
人。 He admonished us for not 告。
arrang , ng enough cock拍Ij partles他指责advice advice on something or about
我们鸡尾酒会安排得不够多。 something就某事的劝告、建议。 Th即
adopt to adopt someone or something began glving hlm advice on how to run
assomething选术某人或某事物为某身 the buslness他们开始就如何经营业务给他
份或担任某职位。 Thelo臼1 constltue门邸提出建议01厂you need advice about
par妙had adopted hlm as了朽can动date四ur edu臼tlon如果你需要教育方面的
地方选民集会选举他做本区候选人。 忠告。
adorn to adorn something with things advise 0 to advise against doing
用某些材料装扮某物・ she wantedto something劝某人不要做某事;to
make the room hero四门,to adom it with advise someone on a particular matter
汀easures她想单独住这个房间,并用珍宝装 向某人提出某方面的建议。 The d0Ctor
扮一新。 advised against tlring hlm.医生建议不要
adorned be adorned with things or by 让他劳累。 YOur loc日/healtho所ce四11 /
thing用某些东西来装扮,装饰。 a advise you on the necessa沙require -
' erj色。沂steps and banks adorned with ments你所在的当地医务所会告诉你有关要
勿u门ta们5.・一系列台阶・斜面上装饰着喷 求的。公to advise someone of a fact
泉。 lts角cadei ; adorned by an , m -通知或告知某人某事。 fal / u reto
户ressive scu / P tUre其正面装饰着雄伟的雕 advise them of the acc了dentv训thln the
塑。 sPecifled time / i mjt没有在规定的期限
ady日n ( 6 in advance of an event or 内通知他们发生了事故。
thing在某事件或某事物之前。 They aff6 ' tion affection for someoneor
四日门ted the了r musjC旧ns to阳he日巧e in something对某人或某事物感受到的喜
advance of the company亏arrlval他们要爱。二h污respect and affection , or
求乐师在戏班来到之前先排演。 G以他尊敬爱戴盖伊。
advantage 0an advantage over a什1 liated be affiliated to a group , or
someone超越某人的优势。 The smoker with a group隶属于某一团体或组织O
has an enormous advan怕ge over the He was not affiliated to any hun扫n
non一smoker durlnq momentso沂stre55在rights group他没有参加任何人权组织。
压力出现时・吸烟者比不吸烟者拥有明显的. , an以perlmentalgroupa所行冶招d " , I th
优势。公be to someone ' 5 advantage theR口四I弘akespeare Compa叮二皇家
对某人有利・ lt巧toyouradvantageto莎士比亚剧团所属的买验小组。
keeP hlm as ha户户少and relaxedasposslbje a什inity an affinity with something or
尽量让他开心、放松,这对你有好处。 someone or for something or someone
advertise 0to advertise for someone非常喜爱某事或某人・ Anne沂elt an
to do a job登报招聘员工。了imm ; e affinity with theD即Nurse安妮喜欢保
advertised for a researcher abou亡a 姆的为人。 IhavehadagrowlngaHinlty
month ago.吉米大约一个月之前登厂告招聘for Iost causes我对失去的事业越来越倍感
研究人员。公to advertise something as 亲切“
a particular thing在少‘告上将某事物喻afflicted be afflicted by something or
为另一种事物。 Compact cars were with Something受某事打击使某人苦
again advertised as ' the blggesta门d恼、疼痛或悲痛;遭疾病侵袭。 ln浏te

of户recaut了on凡you may be afflictedby agonize over四h尹c八t了e to wear他并不
mlce你再小心也可能遭到鼠害袭击。 On扮 为佩戴哪条领带而苦恼・
other su斤户re巧knoww八at了t巧j尹ke to be agree 0to agree with 、 ollleone on or
afflicted withth巧d巧ease只有同病者万 about a matter ; to agree with what
能体会此病的痛苦。 someone saysl司意某人又寸戈仁事的观点・
affront an affront to someone or 1 agree with DrM日r / o畔th日tyou ' re门ot
something对某人、某事物的有念口the rlghtpe巧。门我赞成马洛先生的意见,你
犯;" , j众侮辱・ such a movewo " jd be不是合适人选。了厂t四。户eoplec日nnot
a grave affront tot八e Trade Unlon agree on the mea门ingo厂a word如果
Moveme门t这一措施将严重冒犯工会运动。 丙个人不能商定一个词义。 No tWO拍ache巧
afraid 0be afraid of someone or Wlll agree aboute阳丫八川g没有两名教师
something害怕某人或某物。 l ' m afraid的观点完全一致。 Iagreewitheverythlng
of sPiders我害怕蜘蛛・ 0 be afraid for夕。 u ' ve sald我同意你说的一切。 0 to
someone为某人的安全担忧。 she was agree on an action that isjointly worked
affaid for her chl / dre门她为子女的安危担 out就某行动取得一致意见。 weagreed
忧。 on thIS arrangement to阴rds the endo沂
aff6rm日th the aftermath of a serious 1957我们于1951年底就这一安排取得一致
event某一严重事件,尤指不幸事件的意见。 Otoagreetoanactionproposed
余波,后果。 Intheaftermathofthe by someone else同意,答应别人的提
四日厂在战后余殃中。 议。臼stle agreed to a plcnjc.卡斯尔同
aggreSSion aggression towards意搞野餐。 Otoagreewithsomething
someone or against someone侵犯,同意某事。 Note that / do not agree
侵略。 aggression towards the ”庇力th污hablt一1 slmply recordit,注意我
out5lder二对外人的侵犯。 the并不同意这种习惯―我只是记录而已“
aggression against thelrgrouP对他agreeable be agreeable to someone or
们小组的侵犯。 something迎合某人或某物。二a
aghast be aghast at something对某事: ubject which was agreeable to both哪
惊恐,惊讶。 l ' maghastathowBillyIS pare门ts ・ ・一个迎合我父母的话题。
being educated我对比利所受的教育方式感agreement 0 agreement between
到惊讶。 people or among people on , about , or
agitate to agitate for something you as to ap叭icular matter人们就某事达
want为某事进行鼓动;to agitate成的协议。 Th污state门ent underlines the
against something you dislike为反对agreement between the two sides on
某事进行煽动。:quarters Whose many Issues这项声明强调,双方就许多问题
leaders had been agi怕ting for polltICa /所达成的协议。丁here巧wldespread
refo溯5.抢占住房者的领袖在煽动政治改agreement among people as towh比为
革。 There污now a vlgorou : bo即of changes in theirl才ves requirem司or
opiniona夕itating agalnst the useo沂adaptations.人们普遍同意・生活中的哪些变
chemlcal feFtiliZers如今有强大舆论反对使用 化需要作重大调整适应。角ere lsve甲litt陌
化肥。 a夕reementaboutoblectlvestandards,对
aglow be aglow with something发光于客观标准,没什么一致意见。公be in
彩,发热〔指某人异常激动〕 。 oanlel , agreement意见一致。 we wereaM旧声
his即esagfow " , i th in5Plration . tookh污inagreementonthlsmatte厂对于此事,
/ e日ve丹尼尔的眼睛由于灵感勃发而闪烁发 我们始终意见一致。
亮他告辞走了。 aid 0in aid of something作为援助之
agonize to agonize over something对用。二soc泊l勿nctjons in aid of worthy
某事物极度忧虑或担心。 He didn ' t charities.社交集会援助高尚慈善事业。
a Ilian 【 e

公with the aid of something or现・ 0 be on the alert警惕,提防。
someone借助某物或在某人的帮助下。 功e ve甲formaj了tyo沂h了,question put
The gr即即e附:明;hed out With the He / en on纳e alert他提出的问题很拘谨
aid ofa , olve耐双色染料在容剂的作用下被 引起海伦的警觉。
洗干净了。 alibi an alibi for a time某人、,1时不在
a im 0to aim something at a target瞄犯罪现曝的工11明。月era “月才‘ : : upposed
准靶子。 He aimed at the角r附/l日nd tobehe厂alibiforthenlg加据说她的阿姨
squeezed the trlgge厂他瞄准远处的墙扣动 可以为她那夜不在现场作证
扳机。公to alm at or for something a lien be alien to someone or something
desirable旨在针对。 All厂ajr Re门t 对某人或某事物陌生・角即are habi污
A55oclatlo门5 aim at he加了门9 peoplew了t内st阳nge and alien tot八e Brltlsh people
rea / houslng门eeds公道房租协会的宗旨是 那些习惯对英国人民来说很陌生。
帮助确有住房需求的人。 We should aim a lienate to alienate someone from
for more nu巧ery schoo / s我们应该努力增someone or something使某人疏远或冷
加托儿所。 0 the aim of achieving淡某人或某事・,uch att ; tudes haVea
something ; the aim of an action or tenden印to alienate a boy斤om hl ,
activity目标・意图ot八e户ar妙亏aim jather这种态度易使男孩子疏远父亲。
of attrac石ng 500 , 000 votes at the门ex才a lign to align yourself with someone
electI0n该党的目标是在下次选举中网 against someone else与某人结盟对付
罗50万张选票。 The aim of the拍厅。 rI5ts 另l!人。月e勿undh ; m : el沂;nt为e pre一war
巧to halt our peace勿1 progress towards尸日rs aligned withC八urch ; 11 and Eden
the e / ectlons恐怖分子的意图是阻碍我们迈against Chamberlaln他在战前曾与邱吉尔
向选举的和平进程。 和艾登结盟反对张伯伦。
air by air乘屹机;通过航空途径。 50二e alive 0 be alive with things充满某事
{ re lght movement附5 posslble by air-某物。 The maln , treet was alive wit六
些货物可以通过空运来流通。 p " shcarts and bicyc/郎大街上挤满了手推车
akin be akin to something与某事物近和自行车。公be alive to a problem or
似,有关系・ They could门ot helP feeling situation意识到・注意至‘ 」 I飞。 」题或情况。
something akin to rel了e派他们不由得略微lam勿llyalivetotheprob / e ms后clngthe
感到宽慰。 Indust甲我充分汪意到该工业所面临的问
a Iarmed be alarmed by something or 题。

at something惊恐,警觉。 the owner a Ilegiance someone ' 5 allegiance toa
came runnlng , n勿功e street alarmedby person , group , or country对某个人、团
the clatter 。沂broken glass听到玻璃砸体或国家的拥护,忠诚。 the worke巧‘
碎声,主人警觉地跑到街上来。 ooCtors are allegiance to the Labour Par却工人
alarmed at the progressjve deterloration 们拥护工党。
。 fthepopu / atl 。门’ sdiet.对于居民饮食的不allergic be allergic to a substance对某
断恶化,医生们感到惊恐。 一物质过敏。 people who are alle勺ic
a Iert 0be alert to something or for tocow , s mllk对牛奶过敏的人。
something对某事注意警惕0 In al . iance an alliance with another group
assessing prog阳‘ 5 , we have to be alert or person or between two groups or
to thelandmark,我们评估进展情况时,得peoPle与某一团体或个人的联盟;an
注意找划时代事件。 HekePth污‘ e邢“ alert alliance against someone or something
for a slgn他警惕地寻找着标志牌。 OtO为反对某人或某事物的联盟。 a夕rouP
alert someone to something提醒某人 which forrned an alliance with the
注意某事。 The pre : 5 had been alerted Ll ' bera / Pa心与自由党结盟的集团。 An
tom丫prese门ce新闻界已经注意到我的出alliance between her party and君he
a 1 1 ied

BO污heviks had cojla那ed她的党与布尔什维 取软硬兼施。 7hew内了te sand al加rnates
克的同盟已经垮掉・ Th即createda勺朋卜 w矛throcks.白沙与岩石交杂・
dab / e alliance against邓Ilabus refo溯alternative an alternative to something
他们组成了强大的联盟反对课程改革。 else对某物的替换・ irn户rov , ng the
a Ilied be allied to something or with户ublic tran,户ort system to rnake jt an
something与某事物结盟,联姻・ a ttractlve alternative to the户rtvate
Allied to the concern勿re所c了ency巧a ca厂改善公共交通系统吸引人们不开私
concern for tralning户eo户le to do certaln 家车。
jobs与效率观念息息相关的是对训练人们amalgamate to amalgamate with
做某项工作的关注。胡any natlons are门。 something else与其他事物合一一角eir
印ec;万。 al今all沁d with either cap , tallsm Incllnation was to co门quer nature , not
0厂communism许多国家并不专门与资本主 amalgamate withlt他们意欲征服自然・
义或共产主义国家结盟。 而不是与自然和谐共处。
a llocate to allocate something to amazed be amazed at something or by
someone or something 〔为某种目的〕 something对某事惊异,惊奇。日oth
将某物分配给某人或某事物。 the Were amazed at thelr夕ood fortune两人
用on即Which 15 allocated to education都对自己的好运感到吃惊・ yOuwl ' l / prob日-
orotherpurP仍e5为教育或其他目的所b今be amazed by the warmtho沂your
拨的资金。 welcome你可能会对受到热烈的欢迎感到惊
allot to allot something to someone 〔按 奇。
现有份额〕分配,摊派某物给某人。 A amenable be amenable to something
substantial5Umh日dbeen日材Ot加dtoher 指人对某事物服从。弘ewasamenable
in Harold , sWi刀哈罗德在遗嘱中给她分配了 towhateverl5Uggested她对我言听计从。
巨款。 amount to amount to something等于
allow to allow for something考虑到某某事物。 Thes妇teme门朽amoun加dto
事。 He fai / ed to allow for the blackmail该声明简直是讹许。
un以pected他没有考虑到出现意外的事。 amused be amused by somet址ng orat
al . ude to allude to something提及,something被某事逗笑。 He was not
暗示某事。 lhavealreadya " udedtothe amused by the storles 1 relate己我讲的故
energ夕problem in someo沂the earlier事并没有逗乐他0 Marckswassl , ght扮
山apters我在前几章中已经提及能源问题。 amused at the role he was sup户osedto
a Ily . 101翌/to ally yourself with play玛克斯对自己所要扮演的角色感到有点
someone against someone else与某人 好笑。
结盟对付别人。 The mother ; hould not amusement amusernent at something
be seen to ally hersel沂with the children对某事发笑。 She : mlled In amusement
against the均ther母亲不应公开联同孩子at阴夕叭伯stern loglc她对我的西方式逻辑感
反对父亲。公/丝lal / an ally against 到好笑。
someone else对付某人的[tiJ盟者。 The analogous be analogous to something
only role in which jane would accePt else与其他事物类似的,相似的。朽
M白rsha was as an ally against妙nn珍妮Bud scul加,5 case analogous to thato沂
愿意接受玛莎的唯一角色是做反对林思的同john BrownZ巴德・斯卡利案与约翰布朗
盟者。 案相似吗?
口lt6rn口t6 / nltonelt / to alternate be -口nath6m口be anathema to someone
tween two things or states两种事物或极受某人讨厌的人或事物。殆大巴were
状态交替;to alternate with something a从旧厂anathemato泊e Amerlcans美国
else与别的事物交替。 He alternates 人始终讨厌纳税。
bet即een moderation and mllitance他采anger anger at something or against

someone对某事或某人发怒。 A / exa月dra toal / myProblems起初臼似乎回答了我的
vva:万/led刚动anger at闪ed亏betra如I所有l司题。 Oinanswer ; inanswerto
o沂the了r , ecret ' lgn亚历口德拉对内德泄露aquestion作为回答。 conc印朽确,ch
他们的秘密标志感到怒不可遏。 aco邢U - had been forl刀u后ted in ans夕ver toth " e
ming and useles , angera夕ainsth巧questlo门5为了回答扭些口题而构想的概
mo山er对他母呆的无谓怒火。 念・ 0 to answer to a particular
angle 0 to angle for something 〔通过description与某人描述的相符合。阿。
11习接手段〕谋取某物・尸eople beg日n one answering to the尹r descrIPt尹on比ed
angling for the besto所c " and勿m了tu阳a叮勿rmo沂pub / i c orprlvatetra门甲ortout
人们开始谋求最好的写字楼与家具。公at of to四门没有一个符合他们描述的人用任伺
an anglc倾斜的。月e worea扫/j , w八ite 公共、私人交通工具出城
chef , 5 cap at a rakish angle他歪戴着白answerable be answerable to someone
色厨师高帽,样子颇神气。 ro r something又寸某人、某事负有责
angry be angry about something or at任。 The交creta今。厂state巧answerable
something对某事生气;be angry with to Parliament国务卿对议会负责。 Mr
someone or at someone对某人生气。 斤Omstein污now日nsvve门ble for that
He had been angry aboutt八e artlcle他money弗洛姆斯坦现在对那笔钱负责。
对该文章的发表很生气。 Iwasn ' thurt一an怕gonism antagonism to or towards
just ang理at having made am污扫ke我someone or something与某人或某事的
并没受伤害,只是悔恨犯了错误。 Are户u对抗;antagonism between people人
angry with me尸你在生我的气吗?He ' d们之间的对抗。.a generalantagonism
' ounded ' 0 angry at me whenl ' d told totech门ologica / ly basedsocle妙对建
hlm.我告诉他的时候,他显得十分生气。 立在技术基础上的社会的普遍对抗。
announce to announce something to . antagonism towa川sau山。 rI妙对
someone对某人宣布某事。 she an -抗权威。 a baslcan怕gonismbetween
no " nced firmlytO山ea " embledre妇加es worke巧a门d management工人与经理
that she八e巧elf In才ended to take sole 层的根本对抗。
charge 01 the boy她坚定地对在场的亲戚们antagonistic be antagonistic to or
宣布,她打算独自照顾男孩。 towards someone or something对抗
annoyed be annoyed with someone某人或某事物。 Ian七。户en扮anta夕。-
ror doing something因某人做某事而nistiC to the media.伊恩公开与媒体对抗。
对其生气;be annoyed at 、 by 、 or A daughter阴即be刃甲rISIng加antago -
about something对某事颇为生气。/nistic tO . vardS her伯ther at tim巴.女儿
was annpyed withm外el沂勿r wasting日 有时会跟父亲发生惊人的对抗。
day.我生自己的气,浪费了一天时间。 Mr antidote an antidote to or for a poison
Neumann seemed annoyed at this or unpleasant situation解毒药;抵销
suggestion诺伊曼先生似乎对这个建议很生不愉快事情的方法。 The antidoteto
气0 she had been annoyed by her unhaPPlne55 15 communl妙角eling消除不
frle门d , sre日ctlon tohe厂门e四5她为朋友对 愉快感觉的办法是集体感・ an antld匕te
于她的消息所作的反应而生气。 1 usedtoget for thelrme白门ch 。尔解除他们的忧郁的
annoyed about了ta / I我曾对这一切气恼得 力、法。
很。 antipathy an antipathy to or towards
answer 0an answer to a question , someone or something对某人、某事的
problem , or letter lbJ题答案,解决难反感,憎恶。 tho antiPath夕叮ma即
题,回信。 Th e answer to both outslde the count甲to the policies
questlons 15 yes两个问题的答案都是‘ ’是pursued there.国外许多人对那里奉行的
的” 。 Atfi巧t了t seemed like the ansvver 政策很反感。 This perhaps盯plained her

antiPathy towards Koda Oad and为巧不周・公to appeal to someone against
son这也许是她对科达父子反感的原因。 a decision上诉。 He appealed toa
antithesis the antithesis of something hlg八er leve/他向上级申诉・漩aPPealed
与某事正相反・对立面。 Mostte / e vlslo门againstth巧co门vlct了。门a门d won我们就此
巧the antithesis of art大多数电视节目绝 判决进行上诉并取得了成功・ 0 to appeal
无艺术可言。 tosomeone对某人有吸引力使人感兴
anxiety anxiety about , over , or for趣・ The nove / ty oft八巧appeaIS toh肋
something or someone对某事、某少、的返事很新奇,他大感兴趣0 the appeal
忧虑焦虑・ anxiety abo " tm 。门即of someone某人的诱人之处、吸引力・
发愁没钱花・ anxiety over门uc俗日r It巧jmposslble to unde巧ta门d the appeal
四eapo门5对孩武器的忧虑。 ou厂of山店charmer见法理解区位帅哥的魅力。
anXiety for曲eI厂w创后re我们为他们appetite an appetite for something自
的福利而焦虑。 然的欲望・ an ; n : atlabje appetite for
anxious 0 be anxious about someone p0Wer不可满足的权力欲。
or something担忧某人或某事。 we are applicant an applicant for a job申请
a / / rather anxious aboutM日urlce我们都工作者;an applicant to a college申请
颇为莫利斯担忧。 0 be anxious for入学者。 seveno山er applicants for the
Something渴望,焦急盼望某事物。 He po ' tturnedu户forthe了ntery了ew此职位有
Was anxious for good marks他渴望取得 七位其他申请者前来面试。 succe55厂u /
好分数。 app阮ants to Oxford Unlve巧ity.申请
ap0logist an apologist for something 就读牛津大学被录取者。
or of something为某一主义的辩护者。 apply 0 to apply to an organization
an oUtsPOken apofogist forpsychlatrjc for something such as a job向某机
practlc “加hlscO朋try一个为在祖国构申请工作等・洲e内日do门/y applied
推行精神分析业务而直言不讳的辩护者。 to One col / ege他只申请了一所大学。 l
apologists oft力e cap了才al巧t system applied for a jobo门t为e旧了lway我去铁
为资本主义制度的辩护者。 路部求职0 otoapplytosomethingor
apologize to apologize to someone for someone与某事有关・对某人有效。
something为某事向某人道歉。 1 even The same rule appliesto户aren朽该规贝IJ
角ltllkeaP0fogizingtothem我甚至想向也适合父母。 0 to apply something to
他们道歉0 ldoaPolog仕efor臼usingall something else将某事物运用到另一事
thls dlsturbance我为引起这一切麻烦道歉。 物上。 … t八e沂0 rce applied to the
appalled be appalled at something or ba厂加于木条上的力・ 0to apply
by something因为某事受到惊骇感到yourself to something致力于某事。
沮丧01阴;aPpalled at the prospect Mrs Oliver applied hersel厂to an
该前景令我沮丧。 He was appalled by examination oft八e addre55 book奥和}弗
四hat was happenlng他凉骇于正在发生的 太太正在仔细查阅地址本。
一切。 appointment an appointment with
apparent be apparent to someone对someone与某人的约会。 l ' ve got an
某人来讲是明显的;显而易见。 My日ppointment with脉OrPen.我与奥彭先
m尹5 take in choos矛ngR了ck became 生有个约会。
apparent to me我明白了选择里克的错appreciation 0appreciation of or for
误。 something对某人所做事的感激。勿
appeal 0 to appeal for something要showing thelr rea / apprec伯石。 n of hls
求某事物。 He appealed for local effbrts.表明他们对他的费心十分感激。
vo / unteers to work Iong hours for slx her lack ofapprec白tion fora / l hehad
叭吧e七.他要求当地志愿者每天长时间工作达done for he乙二她对他为她所做的一切毫

不感激・ 0 appreciation of the叻ich ones to户ut forward勿r aPProval
significance or quality ofsomething竿by the臼cUlty Co用m了ttee我们得确定
定,评价某事・ He八日dakee门appre - 哪些该提交教师委员会批准角e autho -
Ciation of the power and由门ge巧。厂t八e r , ties ' arrangemen朽:为ould be subject to
阴edia他对媒体的威力和危险深有体会。 the aPproval of山e交cre阳ry 。厂万tate当
appreciative be appreciative of局的安排应得到匡务卿的批准。 0 the
something对某事有欣乞犷力。 1 had approval of someone某人的好感、赞
a/四日外been appreciative of hls wrltlng成。八erde户ende门ce ont八e approval
我一向都欣赏他的又章。 0f0山e巧她依赖他人的赞同。
apprehensive be apprehensive about approve to approVe of something or
something or of something对某事不安SOmeone同意赞成某事或某人。/
的,’陇虑的。 Ifeltallt对eaPPre力ensive don ' t仍uallv approve ofnew用ethods
about the cho , ce我对该迭择有些担心・ 我通常不赞成用新力法心
l明saPPrehensiveofstrange巧我担心approximate/。 pr旦ksomeltl to
有陌生人来。 approximate to something接近,近似
approach 0an approach to a place某于某事物。:tor , e : wh , ch vague今
地的进道。 Alde叼ate street , forma即approx阴。 ated to the tru山影射真相
centurles the main aPProach to London 的事故。
斤。 mtheNorth档木门街,即历时几百aptitude an aptitude for doing
年的伦敦北大门。 0 anapproachfrom something某方面的能力。 In
someone某人的套近乎。 M乃Thatcher eng加eering management . an aptitude
sa矛d she welcomed the aPProach from for languagesm即belm户ortant.在工程管
Mr Gorbachov撒切尔夫人说她欢迎戈尔 理中,语言能力颇为重要。
巴乔夫先生的姿态。 0an approach to arbiter an arbiter of something ; an
something对某事物的看法、态度。 arbiter between two people or groups
. hIS rationalaPProachtolife.他的仲裁人,权威人士。二the linal arbiter
理性人生观。 。 fhumandestln多人类命运的最终仲裁
appropriate/。 pr型prlotl be者。二Germany ' 5 renewed status as
appropriate to or for something or arbiter between East andw户st德
appropriate thing for something or argue 0 to argue with someone about
Someone对某事或某人合适的事情。 or over something与某人争论某事。
an educatlon班tem aPPropriateto There was no Polnt In arguing withh而.
IOca / needs适合当地需求的教育制度。 与他争论毫无意义。角eywerearguin夕
. clothing appropriate for hot about polltl " as they pla孵d.他们边玩边
climates适合炎热气候的衣服。 It四as争论政治。四户would then argue over
an aPPropriate start for a par妙叮this the meritso厂the indivlduals concerned
klnd对于这种聚会,那样开场很合适。 我们便争论起有关人士的优点。 0 to argue
approval 0 approval for or ofa for something or against something为
proposal by someone某人对建议的认某事辩护、辩论或反对。 Benn argued
可,批准;the approval of someone某for a massive extensiono厂public
人的赞同。 Iwa ; g ; venMc尸he巧on ' s 。 wnershlP本恩论辩主张,应该大力推广公
approval for the plan我得到了麦克弗森有韦IJ 0 Bratkowskia污0 argued against
认可该计划的消害、 ・ j比tjce dePartl刀ent actiVeres巧ta门ce布拉特考斯基也反对积极抵
approval of any户roposed changes in制。 0 to argue someone out ofaplan
local electio门laws司法部门批准地方选 劝阻某人改变计划。 H巧刚角andfri户nds
举法的修改建议0 We ' veqottodecide argued him out of内15 ambition.他太太

和朋友们劝阻他放弃这个野心 about something又寸某事感至l]羞耻或惭
arise to arise from or out of something愧。 He角/t ashamed of为巧selflshn既
由某物引起,从某物产生・ an夕他对自己的私心感到{淤瑰。 l门夕de she felt
consequences arising fromo口r ashamed about be厂nga后了l口re她内心为
decISI0n由我们的决定引起的任伺后 事业失利而感到羞耻
果0 lamsure才八e了rpollcyaroseoutof ask 0 to ask someone questions about
co门cePts 。厂elltlsm我肯定他们的政策严something向某人打听,询l飞,]某事。 He
生于精英主义的概念。 asked me about my明rk他询l问我的工
armed be armed with something用某作・公to ask for something or
事物武装・ army 。所cers armed with someone了找,请求某事或某人。昨伯
rn日chi门eguns带机枪的军官们・ asked for ‘日ndwlchesa门d tea我们要了
arrange to arrange something with三明治与茶。 Otoaskaftcrsomeone问
someone与某人制定计划。 she候,探听。 Mrs日。巧mortler has beenby
arranged With山e户rlnCIPalo厂herschool the ho比e5everaItlmes ' askinga加ryou
totakethe门ec既arytlme 。任她与自己学博伊斯莫提尔太太几次来家里问候你。 Oto
校的校长商定腾出必要的时间。 ask something of someone向某人要
arr6St to alTest someone for a crime or 求、期望某事物。八l / that巧asked of
on a particular charge因某种罪行或指the reader巧thatt为即appro日〔 h it step
控拘留某人・月e wa ; arrestedfor勿step wlt力an openm了nd对读者提的要
dru门ken drivlng他因酒后驾车被逮捕・功e 求,无非是要他们以开放的心态循序渐进地
pol了ce arrested八er on a chargeo厂 学习。
con印Iracy to murder警方指控她一项谋杀aspire to aspire to something又、 l某事有
罪而逮捕她。 恒心,渴望成就某事・丫。 U Were not
arrive 0to arrive at or in the place以户ected to aSPire to excellence并不指
you were going to至I!达某地;to arnve望你出人头地。
from a place you were in before从某assault an assault on or upon someone
地来到。妙t为et , me we arrived at or something突袭某人或某事物。
功ctorla statlo门当我们来至l]维多利亚车 armed assaultS on home又stores and
站时。四七arrived in Queenstown at昨日rehous巴.对家居、商店、仓库的武装
日bout 4 am我们约在凌晨四点钟到达女王 袭击。
镇。 having just arrived fromt八e assent 0 to assent to a proposal赞
Caribbea门刚刚从加勒比海地区赶到。 成,同意某一提议。 58 % ofCon5Gold
公to atrive at a conclusion or decision shareholders have assented tot八e
得出结论,作出决定。 lhadarrivedat takeovero厅改58%的康斯哥德公司股东同
a conclusion on the baslso厂山e only伯cts意了收购建议。 0 theassentofsomeone
then avai伯ble to me我凭着当时所能得至l 」 in authority主管人的许可・ The student
的唯一一些事买得出结论。 had to gajn the assent of two tutors to
ascendancy ascendancy over someone h巧stateme门t学生陈述的报告必须征得两位
else有压倒别人的优势・乙;verpool 导师的同意。
con价med thelrascendan印overEverton asset 0an asset to a person or
刚thaZ一7vvl门利物浦队以2比1获胜证 organization对某人或某组织有价值
明他们比埃弗顿队强。 或有用的人。月ewasagreatassetto
ascribed be ascribed to a cause or the Commlttee他是委员会的宝贵人材。
person归功于或归咎于某一原因或某公the assets of a company or person
人0 Illn泌“ ofeve甲k , ndwe , e ascribed公司或个人的财产资产。 7口%ofthe
to wltches各种疾病被归咎于女巫作怪。 assets ofm日nu均cturing companles四e爬
ashamed be ashamed of something or fore心汗owned制造公司70%的资产是外资

所有 atone to atone for something wrong弥
aSSign to assign something to someone辛I ・过失・厂ranc巧atoned for hl : / apse
将某物分配给某人汀there邵e tw 。 wlt八tn ; p , r/门gplay旧t力esecondha从弗
or oore sta沂沂poo户/e assigned to ooe兰西斯在下半时的比塞中发挥出色弥补了
group 。沂c川ldre门如果一组孩子分配两 过失。
名以上的职员。 attach 0 to attach something to
assimilate to assimilate people intoa something else将某物附在另一物上・
group吸收、融合进某团体・ These角巧str了ng店attached tot八e ou朽lde of
护ndiv尹dua污m即not be勿/l , assimilated the户eg这绳子系在挂钩外部0 to attach
into the阳llng cla巧区些个体可能没有完全to something适用Jl某士卜与某事有联
融合进统治阶级。 系。 A certajn rom日nce attaches to
aSSISt to assist someone in a task or叩era引ngers歌居演员附带某种浪漫情调・
with a task协助某人做某项事情。角e atta ' hed be attached to someone or
na呷wi / j assist in the trla台海军将协助进something对某人、某物有依恋。/
行审判OH巧puptlsw了11 assist the loc日j阳a / / y was very attached to hl二我真心爱
sch 。 。台with印gI巧内女u动es他的学生将协 着他。
助当地学校进行英语学习。 attack 0 an attack on a person or place
associate/。 s丝sie ; t / 0 to associate 〔对某人或某地的〕进攻、袭:1 「 。
something with something else将某 attacks on de角门ce / e 55 clvllla门5又寸
事与另一事物联想起来。 the八rm手无寸铁的平民进行袭击・ Oanattackof
confidencet八at we normal少assoc伯te an illness 〔某种疾病的〕发作。 an
with the Vlctorlan日ge谈到坚定的信attack of gastro一en才erltjs胃肠炎发
心我们通常联想到维多利亚时代。 0 to 作。
associate with someone与某人交往。 attempt 0 an attempt at doing
论ughan ha , been assoc伯ting witha something试I刽做某事・月e made日n
known cr了m了na/沃恩与一个出名的罪犯交at拒mpt at aPPearing to be In control.他
往。 试图显出掌握着大局的样子・ 0 anattemPt
association in association with on someone ' 5 life 〔杀害某人的〕企图。
someone else与某人联合起来。 Fearsth日t an attempt on Mr Mandela亏
working in association with the life mlght be made were being taken
Peruvian Nat了ona / Inst了tute of Culture serlously有人想刺杀曼德拉先生这种可能
与秘鲁国家文化院合作。 1生受到高度重视。
aSSure to assure someone ofsomething attend to attend to something or
为某人确保某一事情。 lbellevedth拼someone办理〔某事〕;关心〔某人〕 。
being an intellectua / assured me ofa Isha / l at怕ndtothatma才ter , hortly我马
内lgher life我认为成为知识分子可确保高 上去办理那件事。
质素的生活。 attendance 0attendance at an event
astonished be astonished at something or institution出席或到场人数。
or by something对某事感到惊讶・ I兔turda夕’ S attendance at the功刀mb / edo门
was astoni ' hed at the speed of the tennls cham户ionsh胭s阴5 28 , Q77周六参
reaction我对反应的神速感到惊讶。 1 am 加温伯顿网球锦标赛的观众人数达28077 。
alw即5 astonished by the , rk加dne “我公in attendance护理,护卫;in
总是对他们的善意感到惊讶。 attendance on someone打,理、护卫某
astonishment astonishment at人0 There附snolonger日叮reasonto
something对某事的惊讶。 he厂keeP Ashok in attendance on hlm不再
astonishment at her ‘污ter ' 5 depar -有理由让阿舒克继续护理他・
ture她对妹妹的离去感到惊讶。 attest to attest to something 〔作为某

事物的了明证・砧巧/e tte厂c / e日r / yattests 吉兆。
to加厂” nl妙这封信是她精神正常的明证・ auspices under the auspices of
attired be attlred in clothes of some someone在某人的帮助、支持下。 The
kind穿着〔某种衣服〕 。脚以侣5 at抽日女comm产ttee风侣万日,万e阴b/尸d under the
5尹x角et tall . ejeg日ntly attired ina勿r - ausPices of the sund日y Tlmes.委员会在
col泊red cashmere coat他身高至少有不英 《星期四时报》的赞助下召升了。
尺,穿着毛领开司米外套十分高雅。 authority 0 authority over someone
attitude someone ' 5 attitude to 对某人的权力・ me门w , t八。 omplete
something 〔又、 I某事物的J态度・ h巧autho石ty over the , rc八了ldre门对子女
0卿pe " onaj attitUde toli角他个人有绝对权威的男子・公an authority ona
的人生态度“ particular subject 〔某‘ ’汁科的〕权威。
己ttrad to attract someone to someone Edith standen a di , t7nguished
orsomething将某人的注意力吸引到某a " thority on tap邵t甲伊迪丝斯坦
人或某事上。 tha才quali妙wh , c八had登,杰出的挂毯权威。
斤巧tatt门dedhimtohe厂当初他被她avail 0to avail yourself of something
吸弓{到的那种品质。 利用〔某事物〕 。 some people might
attradion 0someone ' 5 attraction to wlsh to avail themselves of山e mlnls仰忿
something 〔某事物对某人的〕吸引力。 servlces某些人也许想利用部里的服务。.
1 was unable to account forth巧strange to no avail ; be of no avail无益的,没
attraction to a coun抑1 had neversee门有用的。 Theyoung / le utenantCOntinu习
我无从解释从未见过面的一个国家竟有这么topleadwlth thecaptaln , buttonoavail
奇怪的吸引力・ 0 the attraction of年轻中尉继续向上尉求情但没用。 It
something 〔事物的〕吸引力OHa / f the see用ed as ifa / / thep / ea动ng and threats
attraction of climbi门g店playing with 四ere of noavail似乎软硬两手都无效。
da门ge厂攀登的一半魅力来自挑战危险。 available be available for someone ,
attribute/。 t甩hju : t / to attribute as something , or for a purpose可达到
something to a person or cause认为某的、可适用的、可得到的。.cutting
事物是由某人或某一原因引起的。 The down the food suppl了es available for
each person肖}{减每人的食品供应定
决日tho厂M巧Thurston四as attrib " tedto
the ho厅。 rs she had川tne55ed.瑟斯顿太太
量。 Geography lsa污0 available as as
的死因被认为是目击了令人毛骨惊然的事女course In the co / lege地理作为大学理
物。二a rernark attributed to乙ord学士课程也在开办。.动e pol反e man -
闪。 rthcli能.据认为是诺思克利夫勋爵说power available for thlsta获此项任
的话。 务可用的警力“
attuned be attuned to something适average on average平均;平均说来O
应、熟悉某事。 be , ng attuned to内ople move house on average once
other pe0Ple性moods 、熟悉他人的情eve甲eight ye日r5人们平均每八年搬家一
绪。 次。
audition to audition fur acting or aversion an aversion to something 〔对
singing work , or for someone such某事的〕厌恶。 the日verage citlzen ' s
as a director试听〔演员等〕的发音。 pro勿und aversion to doing what he or
. whenEIJ加bethTa到ora “苗打。 nedfor she 15 told.一般公民对任人差遣深恶痛
the抽ad InN日tlonalVe / vet当伊丽莎白 绝。
泰勒在《国产天鹅绒》中尝试饰演主角时。 avid be avid for something 〔对某事的〕
augur to augur well or 111 for something渴望,贪婪。胡ore and more corr " -
预示某人某事物的吉或凶。 ThIS augurs ponden朽arr了ved一a / 1 avid for good ,
四ell for了our career这是你事业发达的sensationaZ5torles越来越多的记者来了,

都想猎取好的轰动郊夙。 badge a badge of quality or status 〔质
awaken to awaken to a fact意己(到某量或身份的〕标记・八二a ; ter了O厂
一事’欠。/门mlddle日ge , th即awakento readlng and wrltln夕附5 a badge of ' / a5 ,
the rea/忆日亡了ont八日t they do门‘亡know读书识罕是阶级的耘-
日ny 。门e人到中压乍州门觉杏到自己谁也不bai ! to bail someone out of a difficult
认识。 situation吞l夕助某人摆)}兑l不1境。 even汀
award to award sonlething to someone 为e bailed me out of斤nancial trouble
〔向某人〕颁发授予。阴eda / 5 now即使他现在帮助我搜脱财政困魔。
awarded to th " e洒O匆ug八t们the Fr6e balance 0to balallce on something在
FFe门c为Fo陌es dur了门9 the second WOrld某物土保持平衡・,。 。门t加blrd / earned
四歇颁发给第_次世界大战中加入自由 tobalanceont八ee匆eo厂卿hand不久
法国部队的战士的奖章。 鸟儿能够在我的手肚卜站褚了。 0 to
aware be aware orsomething注意至l ] balance one thing ( ) r idea against
奋识到・ wa , t , ng勿rsome ; Ign thathe another权衡l脚者不11弊He had to
was aware of her户rese门ce等待他汪balance叻at they附门teda如inst确at
意到她出现的迹象 thelrrl旧ls四日nted性不得不叹衡他们的要求
awash be awash with something被某和敌人的要求的利弊导失0abalance
物淹过了・功e户l日;门wa : awash with between things or ofthings均衡状态。
材材日te厂平原被洪水淹过了。 t为e balance between tea ' hing and
厂e , ea厂‘ h教堂与科研的平衡。.a
balance of forc郎wI曲们:。 cle妙社会
中的力量平噢丁・ Obeoffbalance不稳
B 定;迷惑。 He was alrno : tt为rown off
balance他差点失去平衡。 0 be in the
back to back onto a place表示背靠某balance不能确定・右ve今t八Ing阴:: tlll
处・ In our / l ttle garden Which baCks l ' nthebaIance一切仍在未定中。 oon
onto the ot八er gardens of士为e square balance总的来说。 On ba矛anc已才为ere
我们的小花园背靠厂场中的其他花园。 seemsl尹ttle doubtt为口t theya伦fol / Owing
background the background to an the wlserp刁th总的夹说他们无疑走对了
event某一事件的背景二a background 路。
of a particular kind of thing某种事物balk 0to balk at sornething unpleasant
的背景・ The back夕round to the ca:。不愿从事某事・洲owever . Mr sorrell巧
had been the subject ofgreat controversy like扮to balk at su亡八日pr , ce然而索雷尔
该案子的背景曾引起厂泛争议。 again女先生很可能对这种价格望而生畏的。公to
亡h声5 background of contlnulng balk someone of something阻止某人
Unrest面对这持续动乱的背景。 做某事。.1门order勿balk the court of
backlog a backlog of things to be dealt any opportun了ty of makl门9 a dec巧Ion
with要处理的事情。 the backfog of 以便阻止法庭利用机会做裁决。
unproc郎sed appl矛c日t了。门5积压待处理ban 0to ban someone from an activity
的申请表。 orPlace禁止某人从事某项活动或进入
bad 0be bad at doing something不善某地。 Th即had banned me from all
于做某事。 The Romans were bad at contact with them他们禁止我与他们接触。
science罗马人不善于搞科学。公be bad功即阴re banned from state sc自0015
for someone or something 〔对某人或他们被禁止在州立学校士学・公a ban on
某事物〕有害的。 Nob 。即wa门朽tota / k something对某事的禁l上、禁令0 The
about it beca口se it , 5 bad for bu5Ine ".谁ban on Publlcl妙m即now be Ilfte己对宣
都不愿谈起它,因为它妨碍业务经营。 传的禁令可以取消了。

b曰n ish

banish to banish someone or something toreform改革珍的最井\憧碍。
from a place or thing or to another base 0to base something on or upon
Placc从某地放逐某人到另一地从某something else把某事J浅J几乒二事物之
事物中排除某物到另一地方。 to上。 ac / ass:了:tem based on / and
banishh " nger日nd户overty fromt八e 。 wnersh旧以土地所有制为基础的阶级
ea厂山在地球止肖灭饥诊和贫困。 Eve门 朱l]度・公a base for a systeln , method ,
t为e几relgn secre拍r了es are banished to or particular task 〔某系统、方法、任
a门othe厂room连外三的部长郡坡赶到另一个 务等的〕基础。 It forms a base for jater
房一目。 dI5cu巧Ion它是以后讨论的基础。
bank 0 to bank with a particular bank basic be basic to solnething 〔对某事物
与某银行有往来・ 7he case invo / Ved日来说〕是基本的・ t八e厂earo / the
company whlch banked with sarc白ys案 unknOFVI 〕四八iCh巧b日Sic to山e beha叨Ouf
子牵涉到与巴克莱银行来往的公司。公to ofalZanlma污害泊未知世尺是所有动物
bank on something happening指望某 的行为基础。
事物・ It巧po " , ble that八em即relen亡basis 0the basis for ( ) r of an idea ,
but don ' t bank on了t他有可能手下留1青 system or method 〔想法、系统、方法
但不要太指望这情况会发生。 的〕根据・ Past ex户er ; e门ce , ; the be : t
bar to bar solneone from a place or basis for a sound了udgeme门t经验是正确
from doing something阻扩,}某人进入某判断的最佳基础・ Cur / 05)妙15 the basis of
地或做某事・ Forejgn rel , e厂agencle : learnlng好奇心是学口的基砒公on the
were bar那ed fromt九ed巧aster area夕l\国basis of sornething在某’}乍物基础上。
贩开机构被禁止进入灾区。 The de殆nda门t 吻后lr - mlndedjuror wou / d convlct me on
l , a lmost invar了ably barred from the basis ofsuch ev厂de门ce丫干何持公平观
particlP买ing Inh巧胡日/被告几乎全被禁止念的陪审员都不会凭这神证据给我定罪。
参加审判。 bask to bask in the sun 11西人l泪取暖;to
bare be bare ofsomething空了的。功e bask in approval or attention受到J赞许
rooms were largely bare of灿rnlture房或注意而过分得意・ They baskedin the
里一般空无一物。 warmth ofpub / jca户户rova/布也们深受公众
bargain 0to bargain with someone 的赞许,心里得意洋洋的
for something就某事与人讨价还价・ bastion a bastion of something which
He , 5 now In a better posltlon to bargain 1 5 preserved ; a bastion against
with Ru55Ia他现在更有能力与俄国讨价还something which 15 resisted 〔某物的〕
价。妇pan已e steel produce巧usuallyjo,。捍卫者;〔反对某物的〕堡垒。 the
forc色tobargainforcoaI5uppl了es.日本bastions of prlv尹lege at the apex of the
钢铁厂家通常联手为供煤讨价还价。 0 to创a55,厅日cture处于阶级结构顶点的特权
have not bargained for something未堡垒。 the pFIncIPal bastion against
料到会发生某事或某事发展到的程度。 thls aggres5lo门反击这次入侵的主要堡
Th巧was one compjjcatlon he had not 垒。
bargained for这件麻烦事他倒没有料到。 bathe 0to bathe in water游泳,戏
bark to bark at someone or something水。 Bathing in the : ea 15 no Ionger
朝某人或某事物叫喊。 Thelr dog came po55lble there那海里再不可以游泳了.
Inandstartedbarkingatme他家的狗进0 be bathed in light or sweat光线充
来朝我狂吠。兮ust do me a favourl ' he足或汗流侠背。 The stage was bathed
barked at the " Owd ‘帮我一把!”他向人in blue ljght舞台笼罩于蓝光下。 Gant
群喊道。 re日IIZed that hls body was ba纳ed ina
barrier a barrier to something 〔某事情swe日to厂relle派甘特意识到自己通体流汗・
的〕障碍。 the ; In夕legreatestbarrier 但松了一口气。


battle 0 a battle between two groups educatI0n此书以鲁等教育概论作为开头。
〔 1丙个群体中的〕,于争;abattlewithor 0 to begin with a particular letter以
against another group 〔,J某人的〕斗某一字母)t二始・八11 governmentage门ae :
争,搏斗。 the battle betweent八e have a code门ame beginning With OD
9 。比and theg旧门乙众神与巨人的战 所有政府机构的代码都冠以OD开始。
斗。 the Godw为。八elped us Ino " r belief a beliefin something 〔对某事物
battle with动e Brltlsh保佑我们与不 的〕信仰及信赖・口f沂,rm ; ng their
列颠人作战的上帝・尹朽battles against beliefinh巧Innocen ' e发誓他们坚信
动egovernm即乙它与政府的斗争・公 他无罪。
a battle for something , against believe 0 to believe in the existence
something , or over sornething 〔为了某of something相信某扛物存在・ 1 don ' t
事、制止某事或就某种纠纷而进行的〕 believe in God我不相信上帝。 0 to
斗争。 the battle for sa沂era门d believe in something you are in favour
八ea / thler worklng enVlronme门ts为安of相信某事〔肯定某事物的价值〕
全、卫生的工作环境而战。 He did flghtln They believe in equa / lty他们相信平等。
the batfle for New york lsland他真的参belong to belong to a person , thing , or
加了夺取纽约岛的战斗。 the battle group属于某人、某事或某团体。.a
against cancer抗癌斗争・ t八e t叮te / escope belonging to one of用夕
battle over nextyear , s budget就明 childre几我孩子的玩具望远镜。月ea污。
年预算的斗争。 belonged to an organ泛日tlon called the
beam to beam at someone朝某人愉快YOu门gFront他还参加了一个称为“青年阵
地微笑。 Th即beamed at each othe厂他 线”的组织。
们相视而笑。 beloved be beloved of a type ofperson
bear to bear down on or upon someone被某一类人深爱二the blg wlndows
or something向某人或某事物迅速逼befoved ofmodern arc加tec朽二现代建
近。二swervlng to avoldahugelo呷that筑师所钟爱的大窗户。
bore dovvn on them为避开冲过来的belt 0be below the belt不公道;做
大卡车而转向。 小动作。 Ife / t叭/e日therby , 5 next questlon
beckon to beckon to someone向某人四日sallttlebefowthebelt我感至}」韦瑟比
召唤。 He beckoned to me : ' Come he低的下一个问题有点不公道・公under your
Hugh ‘他向我招手:“过来,阿休。 ” belt已获得的。 He女ar朽toda丫,s阳ce
beg to beg for something乞求某物;to wltht四0 vlctories under his belt他以两
beg money or food from someone向 项胜利开始今天的比赛。
某人乞讨钱或食物。尸eter begged for b6n . fi ' i口1 be beneficial to someone
more stones.彼得乞求再讲个故事。 kids or something 〔对某人或某事〕有益。
begging cigarettes from passers一b丫 . reforms beneficial to亡八e mass of
向过路人讨香烟抽的小孩。 people.…又寸人民群众有益的改革。
begin 0to begin with something or boneficia汀a benefici盯y ofsomething
by doing something以某事开始。 The 〔某事的〕受益者。 They are perceivedas
pamphlet beg角5 with the headjng妈benefid油对怡‘ of the们d仍加副习‘ tem他
par妙ofNatlonalism胡dPatriotlsm ‘传单们被当作工业制度的受益者。
以’ ‘民族主义、爱国主义的党”的标题开头。 benefit 0to benefit from somethi吧
He began by apologiZing profUSe加about or by something从某事物中受益。 The
what had haPPe门e己他首先为所发生的事拚children benefit from knowing thejr
命道歉。 0 to begin as something ofa均thers better.孩子们从了解父亲中得益。
particular kind以某类事开始。 T八15 one一parent角rnili " will benefit by this
book be夕an as a surve丫of higher reform.单亲家庭将从这个改革中受益。.

for the benefit of someone为J某人an enemy将〔某人或秘密〕出欠给敌
的利益。 tou ; e亡为j : tool for the人・ j know为e wo日/d门ever betray me
bene斤t ofa / / ma月大Ind使用逐个新工 toa门ybody我知道他沼不会把我出卖给仃何
具造福全人类0be of benefit to人・ The ' e户八ra , es be亡rayt为ejr reaj
someone ; to the benefit of someone i门te门t尹o门stot八eo户po ' ; tjo月这些词语把
讨某人有利・八勺erla昵、门otwllll门gto 他们的真实意网透露红了反外之。
r巧k as了月glec了t亿e月jn a causet八a才co日jd beware to beware of 、 olnething ' '}心
be ofnod了rec亡benefittohe巧e/云匡邓!\及 某事OBewareofbe : om ; ngtoo
利西在逐项没衣直接利益的事业中不愿牺牲 complace门t当心哭’{办\自以为是・
一个公民・才。勿r夕尸,t厂on夕er / / nk , bewi . dered be bewildered by
乙etwee门vote巧日门d户oj尹t产c了ans to the something or at something义、 r某事感
/ a stlng benefit of both住选民与政界至l}迷惑。功。户01 , cemen bewllderedby
之间加强联系为了双方的长远利益・ t八e旧Cket.八ad sto户户ed too警察们被纷乱
bent be bent on or upon doing弄昏了头也都站住了・,j仍亡amlnu绝‘ Url
something心想做某事・ T为ey sajd , somew八at bew月dered at the旧pld
, eemed bent on ave门91门g八巧death他们 tu厂门。厂eve门朽等长’方里说事情急
似乎一心为他报仇 转直下令他迷惑。
bequeath to bequeath something to b iased be biased against someone or
someone将某物遗赠给某人。 Ge门er日l something又、 l某}\或某【 1车有偏见:be
Compson八ad bequeathed the gun to b 1 ased in favour of ( ) r towards
八im康普森将军把枪遗赠给了他。 someone or something又、}f某人或某事)
bereft be bereft of something使丧失偏心。 t八巧te门den印。厂ju匆es to be
某事・哪mb / ln gslu阴:。 ere介of山e biased against四orkers厂n , uch
mostb日,Ic ame门了t了e ‘缺乏最起码生活 臼ses法官在这种案子里训工人抱有偏见
设施的破贫民窟。 的倾向・ Educatlonal卯户ort日nl妙15 heavlly
beset be beset by or with difficulties , b白sed in favour of mtddle一clas又urba门
danger , or problem 、被〔困难、危j琦、 p户oP / e.教育机会尤其偏向对中产阶级・城里
疑自」 〕所困扰。 O日门Iel found him , el沂人有禾l]・ Ho川e一ow门ershj户pol了cies are
beset by techn , ca/动所cult ; e ,.丹尼尔为技b伯sed towardst为e户re角renceso沂the
术难题所困Oa socie妙th日t 15 beset nch住房所有制政策偏袒富人
雨thprofoundcontradlctI0ns充满深bid 0to bid for something at an auction
刻矛盾的社会。 〔拍卖时〕叫价。,f夕ou are plan门;ngto
besotted be besotted with something bid for the pro户er妙t八atyou vvan亡atan
迷恋某事情。 He was beso " ed with山e auctIOn.如果你打算在拍卖会上竞买所
coun即a门d了朽peo剧e他迷恋于该国家该要的财物。公abidfursomething 〔为
国人民。 钩某一东西的〕出价〔尤指拍卖时3
bestow to bestow something on or Mob了1 has ajso made a bid for the
upon someone把某物给予某人。 l company美孚公司也出价购买该公司。
want tot为ank山em for the ho门ourt八ey bill the bill for something that you are
want to bestow on me我要感谢他们赋予 buying付款单二a bill for a particular
我荣誉。 amount 〔某一数额的〕账单。 The bill
bet to bet on the outcome of something for卿un才form came to ten po " n由我的
对某事打赌。 Zvereva wa : askedl沂制服账单达至}{十英镑。 He remembered the
people shoujd bet on八er to wl门t为e bill for more tha门才we / ve dolla巧th日t
Champlonsh旧有人问斯维利瓦人们是否Boy/胡had pald他记起博伊兰所付的账单超
应该打赌她会赢得冠军。 过十二美元。
botray to betray someone or a secret to b ind to bind someone to a person ,
】 76
b lueprint

group , or thing使某人受〔另11人、某-surrou月dlngs不要太突出要与环境相协
I刁{体或某一事物〕约束。.thet , e :调・开ee snakes are green , butt八ey
汕,ch bind hlm toh巧col / eagu郎把blend 50 wel / into勿/jage树蛇呈绿色・
他与同事团结在一赶的纽带。 与树叶混在一起。
bit to bits 〔将某物」搞成碎片。 If , t turn : b 1 ind 0 be blind to something 〔犬、 f某
out yo口’ re notw为。丫ou say yo日日rel ' l /事〕视而不见,不能察觉。 A brlbe
乙jow you to bits如果你不是你所说的身m日kes peop / e blindto毗at巧rlght贿赂
份,就把你揍扁。 使人分辨不清是非。胡。女custome巧are
b lame 0 to blame sorneone Or com户lete扮blind to what a Waltress巧
something for a bad situation or event dolng多数顾客根本看不见女招待的所作所
为出现的环情景或事件而谴责某人或某为・公be blind with a feeling被感情
事物。品ch man八as blamed the other所蒙敝。 A momentbeforel ' dbeen
for starting山e勺ht双方都指摘对方挑起blind witha门ger刚才我气糊涂了。
战斗・ 0 to blame abadsituationor b 10SS0m to blossom into a new form
event on someone or something将出or state长成或发展成新的形式或呈新
现某一不好的情景或事件归咎于某人或的状态。肋ren began to blossom角to
某事。而lice blamed the violence on 四。 manh00d卡伦开始长大变成成熟的女
excessive dnnk加g警方将暴力事件归咎于酗 子。
酒。 b Iow 0 a blow on or to a part of
b lasphemy blasphemy against someone ' 5 body , from a weapon 〔身
something that 15 sacred 〔袅读神明的〕体某一部位受到武器的〕重击。 Hehad
言辞或行为。二alleged blasphemy received a bfow on纳e Cheek bone他的
a夕ainst ISlam据称裹读了伊斯兰教。 颧骨吃了一拳。 He had been killed妙a
blaze 0blaze with light , colour , ora blow to the braln他因脑部受重击而致死。
strong feeling闪烁、闪耀光亮或色彩,A , ingle slashing bfow from a sword had
表现强烈的感情。 The cottage gardens broke门Tuk “兮back背后一剑斩断了图库的
blaze with lrlses and jllies房舍园子里鲜 背部。公ablowtosomeoneortotheir
花盛开,有莺尾、百合。 Her后ce blazed hopes or pride(对某人或该人的希望或
雨thjoy她脸上喜气洋洋。公ablazeof自尊心的〕打击。尸ta门。 ther bfowto
light or colour一片光亮,五彩斑斓。 hopeso沂the early cap才ureo沂the klller
切巾en nlght角/ls , the Vljlage 15 a blaze of 对早日抓获凶手的希望的又一打击。
llghts夜幕降临,小村华灯闪闪。 0 a blow for something you support
b lend 0 to blend one thing with or against something you do not
another将某事物与另一事物混合;to support为某事业而奋斗二或反对某事
b lend two or more things into情的斗争。 ldld卿b " ttostrikeablow
something new将两种或两种以上的东for modern sQence我尽全力为现代科学奋
西混合成新的东西。 a de55ertsP 。 。 n 斗。斤巴心ent Garcla described the arr郎t
o厂cornflour blended with a Iitt / e as a bfow against , ub陀乃lon加西亚袋、统
rnilk一匙玉米面混和少许牛奶。 sach说,该逮捕行动是对颠覆行为的打击。 O笼。
andB旧h用5 blended into th尹5 welrd blow money on something乱花钱O
50und巴赫和勃拉姆斯混合成这一怪异声 , l ' rngolngtokeePthem 。门ey二‘ Tobfow
音0 oablendoftwoormorethings ltondrlnks户’ “我要留下这笔钱。 ” - “喝
〔不同种类的〕混合。 These are a blend酒乱花掉,"
of a varlety 。沂0115这是多种油的混合物。 b 1 ueprint a blueprint for or of
0 to blend in with or blend into the something in the futurei}划,蓝图。
background与某一背景协调。 oon ' t be , , , abtoepri月tforsurvlva/生存计划。
conspicuous , blend In with your Eve甲cell in our bod尹e ' contains this

essentlal bluoprint of / l角人体的每一个细abookbyMorton切Hont莫顿
胞包含这一生命基址盆图〔 ・ M亨特所著书的题材。 5八e八ad四rltten
boast to boast to someone abollt abookaboutherc八了jd八ood她写过一本
something or of something向某)\自 关于自己童年的书。 ab00konco阴mu -
吹自擂。 she boasted about her门巧!' n关于共产主又的书。 a b00kof
a 〔 q " alntance wlt为him to her { rl en比她poems一本诗集0 to book
向朋友吹嘘曾与他柜几乡、 7hey boasted of sorneone for comlnitting an otTence
由elr pro四e55他们吹嘘自己能干・ 〔因某人犯过错而〕将其名‘笋记卜・ Th巧
boat by boat坐船咫opje cou / d get to w日5 the twen妙一亡八产rd才了me八e八ad bee门
斤刁nce日nd the门come over by boat人们booked for poac为了门9 deerl也偷猎鹿只,
可以坐船去法匡再过采 这已是第二十三次记录了Otobookinto
bode to bode well or 111 for someone or ahotel预定旅馆房111 」 。 He ' sbooked
something 〔对某人或某事物〕预示凶into the hotel for two门叮八朽他登记入住
吉。 It bodes welj forh巧勿t口re这对他 酒店两晚。
的前途是吉兆。 boom a boorn in a particular activity or
boil to boil down to something归结为type of event 〔某项活动或某类事件的〕
某事物・ It boils down to mu亡ual agree -突然增加。 Hlgh pro万tabl / lty 15 he / P Ing勿
me门t它归结为双边协议。 勿nd the b00m in InVestment高利润率导
bolt to bolt something to or onto 致投资猛增。
another thing用螺栓将某物固定在另一boon a boon to someone 〔对某人的〕
物体仁。八two一wa夕radlowa , bolted好处、禾I 」益。日a勿一s , t亡e巧are a boonto
onto the roo近天花板上装着双向无线电。 pa爬nts保姆对家长大有帮助・
bombard to bombard someone with border 0the border bctwecn or of
questions or ideas以连珠炮的介,]题或想two countries 〔 Iw冈11 .!的〕边境;the
法围攻某人;to bombard something border of one country with another 〔一
with things不断轰炸・ bombardin夕国家与另一国家的〕边界。 the bo川er
them with a bew了ldering ' erieso沂 between the two Amer了can nations
5 " ggestions用一系列令人迷惑的建议围 ・两个美洲国家间的动界。 nea厂the
攻他们。 He bombardsmalelnsec朽with border of印aln靠近西班牙边境。
radloactive par百cles tos加nllse them他用The border with Hungary was clO5ed与
放射性粒子轰击雄性昆虫,使它们不育。 匈牙利接壤的边界已经关闭。公to border
bond a bond of a particular kind on another country工J某国接壤。
between two or more people 〔两人、 Other sma / / countrles that bofdef on
多人间的〕结合力。 strengthenlng山e Russla与俄罗斯接壤的其他小国。 oto
bond between member5o沂the border on another state , feeling , or way
g厂。 up加强小组成员间的团结。 a ofbehaving接近〔某一状态、情感或行
bond of mutuaj depe门dence and为方式〕 olcult ; vateda 。日lro沂pollteness
Iove相互依赖与爱恋的结合。 bord铃ring on ' ubserVlence我培养了一种
bone to bone up on a subject专攻某一 接近卑躬屈膝的礼貌态度。
科目。 It isdl偷ult for mature stUden朽七Orderlin6 the borderline between two
toboneuP0nthesclences成人学生专攻things 〔两件事物的〕分界线;the
理科是困难的。 borderline of something 〔某事物的〕界
book 0a book by someone about限。 The no丫e/以日mln " the borderline
something or on a particular subject betvveen fact and万ct了on,」,说探讨了事实
〔某人所著关J二某事或某一学科的〕书; 与虚构的界线。 lh日ve not been ab / e to
a book of different pieces of writing discover Where the bo川户刁初e Offanta分
〔不同文章组成的〕书。二the subjectof begins and ends我尚未发现狂想分界线的

起终点。 restriction of some kind受〔某规,11!、
bored be bored with something or by法律或某种规定J限制丁hoy are
something又、}某事仄倦・ sy then hewa : bound byt八er " le , o厂t八e ga川e他们受
bored with山e户roject到那列他对这项目制于竞赛规贝{・ 0 be boundtosome -
已经感至‘]厌烦・ He , ee二ed bored byt内e thing or someone又、}〔某,冬或某人}有
proceedln少他似乎仄倦了诉讼程序・ 义务。 I斤门dmyse厅二ore斤rm少bound
born 0 be born to parents 〔用于指婴to my peop / e than ever before我觉得比
儿〕出生于・角etw尹门,畔rebomtoa以往任何时候都对人民负有又务。 0 be
surrogate mo亡her双胞胎由代孕妇所生O bound for a destination ; f };爷去某地。
公be born of particular parents具体指 ap / a门eboundforje巧ey飞往泽西
某一父母的孩子・日thl厂妙一川ne一year -的飞机・ Obeboundtlpwithaparti -
old lawyer , born of Quakerp日ren朽了n cular problem , situation , or activity 〔和
Ca / i fomla出身加利福尼亚州公谊会教 某一问题、情况或活动〕有密切关系。
徒的三十九岁律师・ 0 be born ofa角e prob / emo厂pover妙15 bound up
particular feeling or activity 〔由于某-; nextrlcably With the probjemo厂r , ches
hate or dI5tr口女由于憎恨或不信任严生bounda汀0 the boundary ofacountry
的害泊。 orregion 〔一l川家或地区的〕分界线二
borrow 0to borrow money or the boundary between two countries
possession from someone or off or regions 〔 l丙国或l丙地l犬的〕分界线。
someone向某人借钱或东西。了erem犷 the boundaries oft为e new states
had to borrow ac / o th from the barn , an 新国家的边界。 the boundary
杰里米只得向酒保借了一块布。 Hew日5 betvveen the Frees妇te and theE日5帕rn
pe巧uaded to authorlze the po / ice to斤。 vlnce自由州与东部省的分界线。 0
borrow his house keyo仔the next一door the boundary between two types of
ne叮hbour他终于同意授权警方向隔壁邻居thing 〔两类事物的〕界线・ the chlld
借他家的钥匙・ 0 to borrow an idea or who seems automatica / / y to know the
word from a person , piece of writing , boun一da仃between沂reedom and
orlanguage从某人、某一作品或某一语 llcence似乎不假思索便知道自由与放纵
言里引用其思想或言语・ lts tltle污 的界线的孩子。
borrowed fromw了Ide ' 5 decorat产ve bowo / b丝八0 bow to someone俯身
户hrase in De PrO勿ndls它的标题取自王尔或欠身致敬。八gass , bowed toa / 1 foUr
德《德普罗奋带斯》中的修饰语。 sldeso沂the court before hugg了ng hls
bother 0not to bother with or about coach阿加西向球场四周致敬,然后拥抱教
something犯不着〔干某事〕 。 we练。公to比w to pressure , or someone ' s
四。门‘ tbotherwiththecandles我们犯不wishes , demands , opinions , and 50 on
着为蜡烛麻烦。 am卢tery that he felt对〔压力、某人的愿望、要求、意见等〕
too contented to bother abo " t 屈服。 The助anceljor bowed toC;妙
so / vlng他心满意足而犯不着解开的谜。 advice.大臣屈服于城里众议・ 0 to bow
公not to bother about something不用out of an activity退出某项活动。 Davld
惦记〔某事〕 。 oon ' t bother about me Lean bowed out of appearlng大卫和」
lm fine.另l]惦记着我。我很好。 思退出现场。
七。 thered be bothered about something boycott a boycott of something , on
worrying为某事而烦恼。丫ou ' re something oragainstathingorcountry
gett矛ng alj bothered about门othing你真对某事物或对某国实行抵制。 the
是无事烦恼。 boycott of examlnations by academi "
bound 0be bound by a rule , law , or 学术界抵制考试。 the intematlona /

bra ( e

boycott ons户ort了门9 llnks with sout内1960he万门a / lybrokewith山epaFty1960
A斤Ica国际上抵制与南非的体育关系。 年,他终于与该觉决裂了〕公abreakwith
尸ardjjne巧called for a boycott against agroup , colleagueortradition 〔与某
Br了tls为900比and compa门了es强硬派要求团体、同事的〕断交或决裂・ 〔对某-
抵制英工货物与公司 传统的〕放弃。 t加臼ta协tlnbrlnglng
brace to brace yourself for something aboutl朽break with乙abour促成它
bad稳定情绪・做好准务。 Pollce are 与工党决裂的因素。功ebreakwiththe
bracing themse / ves for a spateo沂past has beend阳mat ; c与过去的决裂富有
劲。 。 tin少警方正在佳备迎接枪战。 戏居‘川生OOtobreaksomeoneofahabit
brag to brag to someone about使某人放弃某一习惯・ Cecll叮edto
something向某人吹嘘某事。 5八e为ad c八ewh巧nal后before 1 broke hlm of尹t塞
overheard为lm bragging toh巧cornrades西尔过去喜欢咬指甲我使他改了。 Oto
about how he八ad been勿110四ed她无意 break some bad or surprising newsto
护。 惊的消息。 o门our return 1 broket八e
brainwash to brainwash someone into b日d门ewsto]溯my我们回去后・我把坏消
thinking or doing something用宣传促息告诉了吉米。 otobreakforamealor
使某人那样想、做・ consUmers drink 〔中问休息、时〕就餐喝茶。 8夕
brainwashed into belleving that白cto守m矛d一morn了ng he was介nls为edw , th th巧
products are superl 。厂给不停地灌输工task , and broke fora ' u户。沂cof { ee早晨
厂产品质量好的思想的消费者。 过半,他完成了这任务就喝杯咖啡休密。
brake a brake on or upon development Oabreakinanactivityorstate 〔对某
or activity制止〔某一发展或行为〕 一行为或状态的〕中断・ Thoflg八ts were
see才ng age as a brake on progre55 seen as a break int内e monoto门y打斗被
认为年龄妨碍进步。 看作打破单调乏味的插曲。 0 a break
brand to brand someone as a particular from something改变〔乏味的或不愉快
kind of person谴责某人为〔某类人〕 。的事情〕 。 It heralded a complete brea女
Th即are branded as后了lures他们被当成斤。 m the apathyoft力e ; r门ormal / ives它
失败者。 导致他们日常生活中彻底改变漠不关心的情
breach 0a breach of an agreement or况。 otobreakintoabuilding闯入・
rule违反〔协议或规定〕 。 a serious破门而入。山e manw八。 hadbrok朗
breach of prlson regulatlons严重违 intoh巧homea门d murdered八巧wife
犯狱规。公be in breach of an 闯入他家杀他妻子的那人・ 0 tobreak
agreement or rule违反〔协议或规定〕 O into laughter , song or a run突然笑起
He was technlcall , in breach ofco门tract来、唱起歌来或跑起来・阶en RudolPh
他在技术上讲已违约。 0 a breach ina sa四her , he broke into日run鲁道夫看见
wall or barrier 〔墙上或障碍物上的〕缺她・便跑起来。 0to breakoutofan
口0 the on扮breach in the wall ' s undesirable way of life摆脱改变不如
defe门ces城墙上唯一的缺口。 Oa意的生活方式。 Hefe日red to break out
breach between two friends or relatives of功e conve门tlona / / I殆Wh了chh日ds / Ovvly
〔两位朋友或亲戚间的〕隔阂。丁here su伪cated hlm他害怕改变令他慢性窒息的
had been ato勿j breaCh betvveen them 传统生活・份to break through a barrier
some yearsa斤er her second marrlage她突破障碍。阶e门t八e丫broke through
再婚之后数年两人彻底闹翻了。 山edoor , theydlscoveredgold他们破门而
break 0to break with a group ,入发现了金子・ otobreakawayfrom
colleague or tradition 〔与某团体、同apersonorgroup脱离、背弃某人或某
事〕断交或决裂;放弃〔某一传统〕 。加团体。八group broke awa夕fromt加
1 80

户arentb 。即/以组服离了母体机欢〕 bring ma55了ve be门e丙朽for the户oorest
白to break in on 、 omeone or a conver - cou门trj “人日形扭扩些小改兰可以给赤贫
sations or activity于{断某人、某一淡话王家带采莫大的歼夕0 to bring
或某项活动It : ee二ed日户了tytobreak something to an end ( ) r 、 top使某’ l冬叶,
inon八巧e刊oyme门川丁叶的亨受似乎可止・/t took : evera / / ette巧to bring the
借・ 0to break out in spots or a sweat relationsh脚toa门e门d兰了几封信才断绝
出现斑点胃}1}宁1水・四加门jsawtheir了关系・ Otobring 、 hanleonagroup
tace匀/broke out in a sweat我看至I 」,亡们给某团体带米耻辱;t ( , bringtrouble
的脸时我冒{1 { 7 on yourself给自已找麻刘,砧ls即ou / d
bridge 0 a bridge over or across have brought greats八ame on日11
something such as a river横跨某物的 conce厂门edi主会使所有右关尹\士蒙受奇耻人
桥梁・例如横跨河流的桥梁。.the辱。 0 to bring a response from
bri内eoverthe肋ar / " Rlver查尔斯someone从某人处传来反]、袱。功巧la犷
河上的桥。少olned ontot八e cas艺Ie bya阳mark brought,门兮ge巧斤。 m thec八。产r
〔 overed bridge across the rnoa才〕车这最后一句话令合廷困偷信欣笑。 0 to
接城堡的是横跨护呱河的有篷桥梁・公a bring someone or solnething intoa
bridge between different people , particular state or situati ( ) n使某人或
groups , or things 〔人或物丰目互联系或接某事物迸入某一状态或情景
触的〕桥梁・ Indu : tr , a / des ; gner : sen动刀e门朽刚补c八阴u / d / a ter bring hlrn
frequentl . actasaoommun , cationbfidge intoco门f / lctw了thPa厂ty jeadersh脚日
between other team membe巧工业设计 后使他与党的领号发卞冲突的意见。 0 to
师经常充当其他队员之间的沟通桥梁。 bring a charge against someonell,式
brief in brief 〔川J几泛、结〕简单地说。 控告某人。闪。动日rgeo厂m " rder wa :
The facts , inb万心近日re as fol / o吧简言之, brought against them并借有控告他们谋
具体事实为如下。 杀・ 0 to bring someone out in spots
brim to brim with a particular emotion使某人身上起皮疹・ somet ; rn巴peop / e
充满某种情感。角e闪ew ze副日nde巧th们k some肠od oro山erbringsthemou忿
who have tra产门edt八15四eek , are in ara劲人们有田u为某神食品令他们身
brimming with con { jd ence新西兰人本周 上起皮疹。
经过训练,可谓信心十足。 brink on the brink of an event or
bring 0to bring a person or thing with experience濒于(某事件或某一经))]的〕
you to a Place将某人或某物随身带到边缘。 Cu门日rd wa , on the brink of
某地;to bring something to a person ba门krU户tcy丘纳德已濒临破三。
将某物带给某人・ ab 。 。 k whlch劲e bristle to bristle with a large quantity
内ad brought back with her to FFance of things有大量的事物・万ve shiP :
她随身带回法国的书・ Oc臼:Ional / ys八e bristling with radar and radio
brought Oroto乙ondon有时她把卡罗带a门ten门ae架满雷达・无线电天线的五艘
来伦敦。 she brought the drlnk to me船OTh巧top了c bristles with unanswe -
and set it on the妇ble她把饮料端给我 rable qu邵tlons这个题目充满了没有答案的
放在桌上0 otobringaqualityorthing 问题。
to or for a person , thing or place给某brood to brood over something , on
人、某物或某地带来某一品质或事物。 something , or about something忧闷地
月newp日iro厂shoes brings more沉思某事。 lsatbacka门dbroodedo兜r
内appln既tO日chlld thana门ew car brings四hatl , ddo门e我坐不1沉思自己所做的事。
to日gro朋man新鞋子给孩子带来的快乐1 / brooded on the户ro为lemo厂theb已t use
超过新汽车带给成年人的。 small Improve - Icouldmakeo沂myfreedom我思索着充
ments in the population sltuat了onc日门 分利用自己的自由的问题。 O / dh日mfound


八im , el沂brooding about the police and on something that has been achieved
t八eVVCman奥尔德姆在沉思那个警察和女人 依赖,指望〔某事〕 ・功e伪盯山job店
的事。 to build on th巧progres,第四项工作有赖
browse to browse through a magazine 于这一进展。
or book浏览〔杂志、 1弓籍〕 。 Browse bulge to bulge with a mass of
through the勿l / ow,门9 page : and choo : e something某事物被另一尔西鼓起・ I
ah 。/Id日yjustrlghtfo厂扣日翻阅以下几页 sUppO5e you ' Ve come back with yo口r
并选择适合你的假期。 pockets bulging with money我想你是腰
brush 0 a brush with someone 〔与某 包鼓鼓地回家来了。
人的〕小冲突・ wevverest ; llagitated勿bulk in bulk大量地・四内en you dea /
t八ebrushwiththe户。/ice我们仍在为与In flneporce / a了nyou 〔日n ' torderinbulk
警察的小冲突而感不安・公to brush up on 经营细瓷器时不能大批订货
a subject重温某课程。 Hedefinlte加bully to bully someone into doing
needed to brush up on hls knoWledge something胁迫某人做某事・ They抑to
orrura产Amerlcdn custom,他很需要重温美 bullyu : into bUying山e , r products他们
国乡村习俗的知识。 试图胁迫我们购买他们的产品。
bubble to bubble with a lively quality bulwark a bulwark against something
充满活力。月巧w,触Marie bubbled undesirable or of something that 15
with vlta / i妙他妻子玛丽充满了活力。 preserved 〔作为某事的〕防御或保障・
buckle to buckle down to a task卜定决 bulwarks against chaos反对动乱
心做某事。 Cr , ck cou / d no四buckle的堡垒。 i朽户ast role日5 a bulwark of
dovvn to hIS山巴巧克里克现在可以下定决 the reglme其过去的作用是政权的保
心写论文了。 障。
budge not to budge on a matter or not bump 0to bump into a person Or
to budge from your idea or decision object与某人或某物相撞。八:; he
〔常用于否定〕对某事态度不变;无法改backeda叭lay , she bumped into someo门e
变主意或决定。月ere勿s郎to budge on be为Ind he 。她后退时与身后的人相撞・公
deslgn princIP / es he knows to be sound to bump into someone巧遇某人。 A
他不肯更改自认为正确的设计原则。 BUt do week ago thet即0 men had bumpedinto
what th即mlght , the Brltish would not each other InG 。 。 dge street一星期前两
budge from才helr;。 mlgra艺ion po / I卿但 个人在戈奇街相遇。
不管他们怎么做・英国人都不会改变移民政burden 0a burden on someone Or
策。 something 〔某人或某事的〕负担;bea
budget to budget for something为某burden to someone 〔成为某人的〕累
事编制预算。石/ectrlc , ty , gas and tele -赘。 Th污泌tem wou川p / a ce into / erable
phone billS can all be budgeted for电burdens on teache巧这个制度会给教师带
费、煤气费、电话费都可以编制预算。 来不堪承受的负担。 1 tr , ed门ot to bea
build 0to build something intoa burden to my后ther我试图不成为父亲的
system or thing将各部合在一起变为某负担。公to burden someone witha
一体系或某一事物。盯夕。 u build problem用山J题给某人增加负担。
greater challenges into夕our pe巧onal Ho畔ver , 1 mus加’ t burden you With my
fltness programme当你增加个人健身problems.但我不能用我的问题给你增添负
计戈.J的难度时。 0 tobuildsomethingon 担。
or upon a principle or basis 〔将某事〕 burdened be burdened with or by
建立在〔某一原则或基础上〕 。 Th污something troublesome or heavy肩负
morality附5 built on two foundatlon ,重担。 Many were burdened with the
这个道德建立在两个基础之上。 0 tobuikl SPeclal印uIPmentthatthe介pa币cularjobs

demanded许多人都背负着工作所需的专用buzz to buzz with conversation充了两谈
设备・ Hewa : burdened bya力Ugecl叼Ilan话)李f 0 The room buzzed With exc , ted
popu / a tlon that had to be角d他肩负着大questlo仍居间里的人七嘴八舌,兴奋地提
批平民人口的吃饭丁题O {司。
burning be burning with anger or by一product a by一product of a process
humiliation感至l 」极度气愤或羞辱。 The or thing副]、 、二品00郑gon巧relea : ed Into
少ailers weres , lent少burning with rage t八e atmo万户here日,a by一product of
囚犯们的怒火在默默地燃烧。 p力oto分月的已巧氧气是作为光合作用的副产
burst 0to burst into tears , laughter , 品而释放到大气中的
song , or flames突然哭起来、笑起来、
唱起歌、燃烧起来。 she burst into
tears and刀ed她突然哭起来,跑了出去。
公to burst in on someone突然打断某 C
人说话0 Hesuddenlyburstinonrne
durlng a meetlng他在开会时突然打断我的cab by cab坐i}程/l ・ Mr and Mrs
飞舌。 Slm那。 ncamebycab辛普森夫妇是坐出租
bursting be bursting with energy , 车来的。
happiness , or excitement充满〔能量、 cadge to cadge something offsomeone
喜乐或激情〕 。 The chlldren衅re ther已or from someonel 〔 」 J某人索取某物。
bursting with / l角韶叮ua关孩子们在那里,The亡roops cadged日加w clqarettes off
象往常一样生龙活虎。 us部队向我们索取了几支香烟。 the
bu ry 0 to bury a dead person in a place dr ; nks th即coujd cadge from othe巧
将死人葬在某地。 He wished to be 他们从另{」人身上索取的饮料。
b " ried in the churc勺日rd他希望葬在教堂caked be caked with a substance厚厚
墓地・ 0 toburyyourfaceorheadin地覆盖着某物质・月15沂;ngers were
something将脸或头埋在某一东西里。 caked with grime他的手指上沾满了煤
she buried八er白ce in her hands and 灰。
sobbed她手捂着脸哭泣。 call 0 to call someone by a particular
bus by bus乘公共汽乍。月e had return - type of name叫某人名字。尸e never
ed home by bus他是乘汽车回家的。 called her by her厅rst name.他从不叫她
b usy 0 be busy with something忙于的名字。公to call on someone去某人
某事Oif丫ou are busy with义our家拜访。 Petera门d 1 called on her In her
hobbies二如果你忙于业余爱好。 0 to cottage彼得和我去她的寒舍拜访。 0 to
busy yourself with something忙于某call for someone接某人外出。四为at
事。日e bus沁dh仰selfwithplatesand 。 me shall / ca " foryo听我什么时候来接
cuPS and saucers他忙于锅碗瓢盆“ 你呢?0to call on someone todo
butt the butt ofjokes or for teasing 〔常something恳求某人做某事。丁he
被嘲笑或戏弄的〕人或事,成为笑柄。 keePer called on Father to helP hlm.店主
The butt of the satire 15 a pompous ,恳求爸爸帮他。 0 to call for something
agelng scientist嘲笑的对象是架子+足的年to be done要求、需要做某事物。 He
迈科学家。 H15 brash matlnees made called for ma " Ive旧creases inde份nce
simon an obvlous butt for humour赛蒙spendlng他要求大幅度增加国防支出。
穿着露骨的女式晨衣,自然成了笑柄。 something more radlcal was called for
buy to buy something from someone 需要进行更激进的东西。
l句某)\买东西。月ehadboug打tt力e campaign to campaign for something
equpmen才斤。 m a salesman他是向推销员or against something发功〔拥护或反
购买的设备。 对某事的〕运动。 campaignin夕for

legal and po厅tlcal eq以a万妙为法律和政doubt on something又,J某‘{丰产生’阵疑・
治平等而奔走e门vlfonme门tal巧朽cam - 砧e op户05 ; tlon四ere casting do以bt on
paigning against nuc / ear四e日po门, t八eo所ct日/co门c / u , ion反对夕廿官方结论
发动反核武器歹动的环保派 产生}不疑
capable be capable ofdoingsomething ( atch 0 be caught in an unpleasant
能做某事・砧e四。庆e巧were no / onge厂situation卷入或陷入某不于}」隋况中・
capable of bringi门9 abo以t revolutlo门工she was caught in a Cr以e / d了/emma她进
人不再能够进行吊命厂角e田厂巧capable呈维谷・ Otocatchupwithsomeone
of at叩speedo厂7了om户为此车的最喜臼,赶l某人・ Kev / n raceJ to cat , h uP with
速可达170英里 h , m凯又跑步追赶化、 Ot ( ) catch up on
capitalize to capitalize on or upon something补做某事・ 7h巧雨刀为e加夕。 u
something利川某狂物卜peo户le汕。 catc八up ont八e八ouse四ork,会帮助你赶
八ave capitalized on vlolence乖}{用过完家务・ Obecaughtupinasituation
暴力的人们。 陷入某一状况。丫ou日re bound亡0 be
car by car坐汽车四e had to travel caught up in eventsf尔必认会陷入事件
seventy mije ' by car我们得坐车7 。英里・中・ 0 to catch up with a criminal发
care 0 to care for someone照j卜贞某人。现罪犯。功epo / ; cecaughtupwith
she has cared for ot八er户eople兮b日b了郎 thernln山ee门d警察最蛛发万了他们。
她照顾过他人的婴儿・公tocareforor categorize to categorize someone or
about someone喜欢、关心某人。 Doe , something as a particular thing将某人
hecareforhe厂户他喜欢她吗,角即care或某事物分类・ ManyJ山em had been
about each other长们互相关心・公not categoriZed asl门犯门e竹抽们l丫多人被认为
to care for someone or something不喜是疯子。 The group四ou } d八ave been
欢某人或某事・ Ge门erJ / Raven:一cro沂t categorized as belo门ging to the extreme
didn ' t care for加m much雷又斯克罗夫特 endo沂the po万才了ca / s户e 〔 trum该集团被人
将军并不怎么喜欢他・/血角’ tcareforthe 为属于政治极端分子
四即加cal / ed me ' m仗er,我不喜欢他叫我cater to cater to or for people or their
先生’,。 needs迎合人有]的需要・ a coljeg 。
case 0the case for doing or haVing caterin夕to the rlch为昌人服务的学
something做某事或拥有某事物的实院・付e仍pape巧cater for a varle妙of
例、情况。 Th , ; ; : cle日r扮a case for tastes报纸迎合多种口味的需求。
breaking with traditIO门这明显是打破传统cause cause for a feeling or type of
的买例。山ecaseformorelndlvldual behaviour拥有某种情感或行为的理
freedom扩大个人自由的清况。公the由。 There阳5 some cause for co门cern
case for or against someone 〔法庭上有关心的理由。 Th即爬re unable to see
辩控双方的〕证词。 the case for the anyca " se for卿oICI门g他们无法看清兴高
defe门ce辩方证词。亡自e case 采烈的理由。
against oavld POIndexte乙指控大卫cede to cede territory or power to
波因德克斯特的证词。 another country or person将〔领土或
cash to cash in on a situation从某种状权力〕让给〔别国或另11人〕 ・ Part盯the
况中获得利润或利益。 1 d0n ' tblame maln白nd四日5 ceded to GreatB月扫了n部
buslne55men for cashing in on thelr分大陆让给了英国。 H巧governmenth日dto
succe55我并不责备商人乘胜赚钱。 cede power totheb治ck ma / Orl妙他的政
cast 0 to cast an actor as a character in 府被迫将政权让给黑人多数派
a play选派某人担任戏剧中的角色。 l ceiling a ceiling on something 〔价格或
remernber being cast as juljus Caesar我工资等的〕封顶。.the 6 per cent
记得被指派饰演凯撒大帝。 0 to cast reilin夕onsa姚growth销售增长6 %
1 84
( hara仁teriZe

的上限。 无严阶级事业的捍州者
central be central to sornething首要chance 0 the chance or chances of
的・重要的・ In勺rmat , on沁Ch门O / O盯15 something happening 〔发生某事的〕机
central to , mprovl门9户roductlvl妙信息技会。 Th即八ad a good Chance OfWInnlng
术对提高生严率十分重要。 才he 7953 electlon声也们大梢机会赢得1953
centre to centre or be centred round ,年大选。 H污chanc " ofsu 〔 c踢are户retty
around , or on something以某事物为good他很有希望获胜〔 0 by chance偶
「},心・ ⑦ j / ege /;角巧centred round hall ,然;意外。 am日门耐om he mlght have
ch叩e / a门dlodg川gs大学生活围绕着礼堂、二etbychance他可能巧遇过的人。
教堂和公寓房・ a tra了n了ngprogram用e change 0a change of something 〔某
which 15 centred around亡he st “即事物的〕变化。 The四。 rld went through
sem了nar以研讨班为中心的培训课程。 agreatchangeofc / imate世界的气候发
Interest has centred on the useo厂50泊r生了大变化。公achangein aparticular
energ夕人们主要关注太阳能的使用。 thing or person 〔某事物或某人的〕变
certain be certain of something or化。 There would be am司or changein
about something确信某事。 ltwa : ; o匆叩tian勿reign pollcy埃及外交政策会出
dark that no一one could be Cer怕in Of 现大变。 0be a change from :
What was happenjng天那么黑,没有人确something改变・变化。 The decl , lon
知发生了什么・ Peop / e are not certain was a sh日甲Change from past procedure
aboutt自e consequences人们不能确知后这个决定是对以往程序的剧烈变动。 0 to
果如{可。 change from one thing to or into
certainty with certainty可以断言・ another将某事物改变成另一事物或使
四户couldn ' t say with certainty that the之进入另一阶段。 The coun抑grad阳lly
chlld would be abno刀刀al.我们不能断言这Changed from勿r郎t to mud即pla矛。那
孩子属于不正常。 国家渐渐从森林变成了黄土平原。 Brltaln
certify to certify someone or something Changed八er勿relgn户011卿介。 m oneo沂
as being a particular thing证明某人或force to oneo沂a户peasement.英国的夕l,交
某事为某物。石xpor才ed beef must be政策从武力转向了绥靖・ Hls / a ughter
ce币fied as comlng from approved后rm呈Changed abr叩tly to a cry ofpaln他的笑
出口牛肉必领经过验证,确买产白经认可的 声突然变为喊痛声。 H15伯ce seemed to
畜牧场。闪everthel邵5 , we can门。 tce币fy have changed into a masko沂hatred他
the moon as comple帕/y un角habited但的脸似乎变成了憎恨的面具・ 0 tochange
我们不能证明月亮上完全无人居住。 into a different set of clothes换上〔衣
Chafe to chafe at or under an 服〕 0 she changed into her street
undesirable situation 〔因不快的事而〕 clothes她换上了上街穿的衣服。 0 to
恼怒或不耐烦。 Th e n elghbourlng have change for a banknote有零钱找O
后rmers chafed at the delay附近的衣户对Have you got Change for a fiver尸你能兑
于拖延很不耐烦。 Th即had been chafing 开五元钱吗,
under the : tern rule exercI5ed勿the ' har口tteristi ( be characteristic of
vlllage headnlan他们在村里头人的严厉统someone or something(某人或某事物〕
治下敢怒不敢言。 特有的,典型的。 that relianceon
champion a champion of a cause , t h e mselves whlch had been
principle , or group of people某一事characteristic of the Brltlsh …英国人特
业、原则、一群人的捍卫者。 a有的自力更生・动。;。/arge.。 u厂ved tiles !
champion of the Fi巧t Amendmen才50characteristic of品stA门动日很具!
《美国宪法第一条修正案》的捍卫者。 有东安格利亚特色的弯曲大瓦。
亡he champion of the proletariat characterize 0to characterize
1 85

someone or something as a particular某事的〕 I \ j聊(j八ad日chat with ] o丫
thing将某人或某事物的特点描述成一乙emolne about old tlm邵我与乔伊莱莫
事物。 H巧publ巧hedJ旧心wI刀cover more恩一祠聊过去的事・
山日门2 , 000户age又日门d八e characterizes chatter to chatter about sonlething{唠
; tasanautob , ogra户为y他出版的日记厚达l刃・喋喋不休・ We 。日日g八ttwe门tyor
2000多页他称之大自传・ 0 be charac一thlrty触h and chattered about了t for
terized by a particular feature以某事衅eks我们抓了二、二十条鱼并就此事吹
为特征・户ubl,。 aware门es : t八at ;:嘘了几个星期・
characterized by女ron夕厂eej了ngs of cheat 0to cheat at a game 〔玩游戏
distrust以强烈的不信任感为特征的公众时〕作弊。/门ever cheatat臼心5/我打
觉悟0 The勿t口relsmore八kelytobe牌从不作弊’公tocheatsomeoneofor
' haracterizedb梦Inf / at ; ont八an out ofsomething从某人处骗得某物・
unempjo叨刀en亡未采的特征更可能是通货膨she巧万ke / y to be robbed or cheated of
胀,而不是失业。 herla门d她的地有可能坡抢走或被骗走。 I
charge 0to charge a sum of money bet he cheated you out of thdt tr以st
for goods or a service收取货款或服务money我敢说他骗走了你那笔信托款项。
费・ Th即cha勺ete门户enco for them他check 0 to check on or check up on
们(卖货)收取货款十便士・ The museum someone or somethingi ) 6]杳・核定O
wl / lstlj / chargeforadm肠lon博物馆参观POlrotcheckedona户oj门t八ereand山ere
仍要收费。公to charge someone with波洛在四处调查搜集证据・ 7heCo " nc , 1 had
an offence以某事指控某人犯罪。八che比ed Up on hera门d dec , dedt八atshe
grand jury charged Wlll了arns withwa , t000ld地方议会调查了她认为她年纪
m " rdering Oter大陪军团指控威廉斯谋杀太大了,不合适。 0 to check with
凯特。 Eva门ge / ; na四a : charged with someone与某人核义、 l 、商量・ you
sedition伊万杰里娜被指控扰乱治安。 0 won ' t do anyth川gw , tho口t checking
the charge against an accused person with theo勺dnlzatlo门夕你不与组织商量
〔对某人的〕指控。 The少udge announced是不会采取行动的吧,0 to check into or
thathewa : dropp川g日// chargesagainst out ofahote办理住店手续或旅馆结账
Frank / ln法官宣布撒销对富兰克林的一切指手续。 He checked into日sm韶boardlng
控・ 0 in charge ; in charge of house他办理了宿舍约人住手续。 The
someone or something负责,经管。角/lo wlng morning he CheCkedoutof山e
l , m incha勺en 。以现在由我负责了・ Iwas hote/第二天一早,他力理了旅馆结账手续・
in Charge ofsaraha门dPam我负责照顾Otocheckinatahotelorairport办理
萨拉与潘姆。由emanincha勺eof功e住店或登机手续・ Hechecksinatthe
bullding主管此楼的人。 hotel成four O ' clock他于四点办理了住店手
charged be charged with a quality or续。
feeling充满着某一特性或情感。.an cheque 0 bycheque用支票付款。 The
atmosphere that was八ighly charged groundsmen area / 5 0 pdld by cheque场
with emotion充满着情感的气氛。地管理员也是用支票付酬的・公a cheque
chat 0 to chat to or with someone for a particular amount 〔某一金额的〕
about something跟某人I %]聊某事。支票・ He wilirecelveache口ueforf300
] a门echa " edtONel / abouta刀thepeop / ea门dag / a sstankard他会收到一张三百英镑
she ' d heard斤om珍妮与耐儿闲聊所有与她的支票和一只玻璃大啤酒杯。
通信的人的事・ He strolleddo阴thero日d choke to choke on sornething被〔吃的
and动atted with the pa ; ; e巧一by他在马或喝的东西〕硬住。胡l ' / ler : eemed about
路上走与过路人闲聊。公a chat with tochokeonhI5drink米勒差点被喝的饮料
someone about something 〔与某人就呛着。
1 86
C 16anse

choked be choked with 、 omething被claim to a partictllar status 〔某人〕因
某物塞住。 aj ; ttlefo “门tai门choked其身份相川:得至l!的权)J或资格。 The
w歹thmud被厂泥堵塞住的小啧泉。 亡日bour肋r妙cou / d reas , ert尹朽claim to
choose 0 to choose someone or户opular leade巧八脚工党司私重新要求得至!」
something as a particular thing选」圣人民的领号权・ 0 aclainlonorupon
〔某人或某物〕为某一事物・ A仲四someone or their time又、}某人或其11寸1101
weeks ago you were chosen as the new的要求・砧ey ha以e a claim upon our
Bls八。 p 。厂jarrow儿个星期之前你被选中做jo扣j妙他们要求我们效忠
杰罗的新主教・公to choose someone or clamour to clamour fors ( ) mething you
something for a particular purpose or want大)} i地要求。 l四a ' a / ways
occasinn为某目的或某情祝选择某人d日mouring for work我一贯大声要求工
或某事・ Mrs沁友外加d bee门‘ hosen for 作。
山ejob已选择斯托克斯做那工作・ 1 cho ' e clamp 0 to clamp one thing to another
a夕ellow dre55 for tha才n兮h才我选足穿黄用火具火住某物・ astee/才rapclam -
裙子出席那晚会。 ped to the印gnet性leg天鹅腿上夹着
chum to chum up with someone与某钢圈套。公to clamp down on people
人成为好友。物ucouldhaveChummed or their activities 〔又、}人或其活动〕施力11
uP withMaclean你是可以与麦克莱恩成为压力或取缔它・不八e aut八or了ties Were
好友的。 seeking to Clamp down on trade日月to门
cipher in cipher用密码编’ ‘子。 Mo ; to沂孔tlvlty当局在寻求压制贸易工会活动・
us wrote in ciPher我们多数人用密码写c lash 0 to clash with someone over
信。 something对某事与某人有重大分歧、
circumference in circumstance圆J司冲突・ l朽c为alrm日门阴:alrea即cI8shing
长。 lts artific ; a / Iake ; are ten or twenty with Benn over th巧户r叩osal其主席已经
kllometres in circumferen ' e其人工湖的 因这项建议与本恩发生冲突厂。 Ca比Ollc
周长为一二十公里。 youths clashed with户oljce In Bel角st天
circumstance in the circumstances ;主教青年在贝尔法斯特与警察冲突了。公to
under the circumstances在这种情形clash with another thing 〔与另一事〕不
下。扔the circumstancesh巧senseo沂相称,有冲突。劝e " : eo沂reason woUld
humour wasa用azl门g在这种情况下,他的have山shed with亡he , trong mystical
幽默感很惊人。 under the orcUmstanceS e / e ment运用理性会与强烈的神秘因素发生
th巧was为ard今surP厂ISIng.这种情况下这 冲突。
毫不奇怪。 class to class someone or something as
c ite to cite something as an example , a a particularthing将某人或某事归类为i
reason or evidence引述某物为〔例证、 某一种。 such men : hould not be !
理由、证据〕 。 5八e ' itedd,能renceso沂d日ssed as common labourers这种人不;
opinlon as the re日son for her deParture 应归入普通劳动者的行列。}
她举出观点不同作为她离开的理由。 Low c lassify to classify someone or {
wag巴were Cited as the maln臼use for something as a particular thing将某人
di55atls后ctlo门低工资被引证为人心不满的主 或某物归类为某一种・ Literacy
要原因。 educatIOn 15 Classified as ' eduCatio门勿r
clad be clad in particular clothes身穿泊edisadva门taged ’扫盲教育被列为”对生
某种衣服・ 5八e阳sCladin 17比一cent口〕 活条件不好者的教育。
co ' tume她身穿17世纪的服饰。 claw to claw at someone or something
claim 0 a claim for something要求、 搔〔某人或某物〕 。 Connle clawed at
索取应得之物・ aclaimforcompen - hls后ce.康妮搔搔他的脸。
satlon索取赔偿。 0 someone ' s ' Ie臼nse to cleanse someone or

s ( ) mething of something 〔使某人或某/ o门gba阴edme对长期困惑不解的事我有了
物〕彻底清洗掉〔不想要的力、西〕 。 H巧 线索。
body should be cleansed ofa / I , In他的clutch to clutch at something试图抓住
躯体应清洗掉所有罪莹 某事物・ 5力eclutchedatm了八。 nd她试
c 1 1 ng 0 to cling to someone or 到抓住我的手
something紧抓着〔某人或某事物〕 cluttered be cluttered with objects被
万八e clung toM巧Hochstadt , 5 arm她紧某物体塞满・ ak川d叮川at沂。厂m
抓着霍克斯塔特夫人的手臂・ Otodingto cI " ttered with cratesa门dc八urns一
an idea or way of behaving坚持〔观种平台,塞满了板条箱和搅乳器。
点、行为方式〕 。 50山part , e : clun夕to coach by coach乘长途公共汽/l一We
the prlncIPleso厂soctal democra印双方都usuaj / y 90 by coach我们通常坐长途汽车
坚持社会民主的原则。 去。
clogged be clogged with things被某coast 0 on the coast在海边。砧e
物阻塞。月erald , quare was ' Iogged均rn ; jy wasa才oneo厂t为e , r other八ou:即
with户eoPle,哈罗德厂场上人山人海。 Our on the coast那家人正在海洲别墅里他们
m in比are clogged With伯15e op , nlons有好几幢另1{墅呢・公off the coast海岸
我们的头脑中充斥着错误的观点。 附近的海里。 arldge250mijes 。厅the
c lose / kl丝s / 0be close to a place , coasto厂Mexlco离墨西哥海岸250英
thing , or state接近某地、某事物或某 里的山脉。
种状态。 Ther " taura门t阴5 quite Close coat to coat a surface or object in
to the alrPort餐馆离飞机场很近。 Th污15 something or with something为某物
dose to the trUth这与真相差不多。 1 had加一层外皮。 5为aket八e户an to coat the
been cIOse to belng kl / / ed我差点被杀。 O mushroom , in fat翻动煎锅使蘑菇包上
be close to someone跟某人关系密切。 油。 gla55 coated with alumlnjum
I八ad grown 50 CIOse to Hattle thatithurt 铝膜玻璃。
tO5eeherleave我已经与哈蒂变得非常亲coax 0to coax someone into doing
密・看到她离开令我痛苦。 0 / kl丝z / to something哄某人做某事・ He ma犷be
close in on someone从四面八方朝某able to coax her into 90了门9 along wlt为
人逼近。 The Mand , nkas ' Iosed in on him他也许能哄她同去。 0 to coax
50umaoro , 5 forces曼丁哥人从四面八方逼 someone out of a place or state哄某人
近索毛罗的部队。 离开某地或摆脱某一状态・ He wou / d n ' t
closeted be closeted with someone与/ et anyone coaxh了m out of hIS house
某人作私人会晤。 Worrieda ; rline agaln他不肯让另l]人再把自己哄出家门了。
o所clals have been close帕d with their功e wouldtenderlycoaxt八epoorgIF / out
bankers all this week苦恼的航空公司官员of her depre " Ion她温柔地把那可怜的姑
整个星期都与他们的银行家们关在一起商 娘哄得开心起来。
议。 code in code用密码。 l门formation
close ・ up in close一up以特写镜头的方tyPed in code.密石引倩报・
式・ pictureso沂terrlble ca ; ualt , es , coerce to coerce someone into doing
shown in cIOse一“ p重大伤亡的特写镜something迫使某人做某事。 7he
头。 employe巧trled to coer ' e them into
clothed by clothed in particular clothes slgnlng an I / lega / agreemen乙雇主试图迫使
身着某一服装。万he明sclothedina 他们签订非法合同。
crum剧ed school unl自溯她身穿皱巴巴的( oexist to coexist with another thing ,
校服。 person , or group 〔与另事物、人或团
clue the clue to something 〔某事的〕线体〕共处。 a fish ; pec ; e ; which can
索。 1 had the due to somethin夕that had ‘ 。 exist with otherm日rI门e / l角二可与

1 88

其他海洋生物共夕的角类。 tion withh巧col / eagues ar旧nges亡he
cohabit to cohabit with someone与某teachi门9 oft八e grou户,o厂户up了七校长与同
人同居。 she ha , no,门亡entjono沂事们一起安排各组学生的教宇。
cohabitiDg Witht自e角t八ero厂her baby combine to comblne one thing with
她不打算与孩子的父万同居 another与另一事物牛}]结合。月er wrlting
coil to coil round or around something ' ombines ob / ectjvity with a deft
盘绕某物。 a tree四肋asn日kecoiled manageme月to沂sty / e她的又章结合了客观
roundlt盘着一条蛇的方对。 性与熟练的文笔。 a户e厂角ctexamPleo沂
( Oin ( ide t0C ( ) inCide with another event pro角55尹onal eXPer才jse combined with
J万另一事件同l]寸发生。 Oott , e ' s pe巧onalC八d溯职亚专长与个人魅力相
departure coincided with Tob丫’ 5 结合的完美例子。
marrlage多蒂的离去与托比的结婚同时发come 0 to come to a place来到某地・
生。 A才last he came to肋尹lade加h旧他终于来
( 0 1 laborate to collaborate with 至‘]了费城。公to come from or out ofa
someone or in something or on place从某地来。四为ole后m , lie : came
something就某事与某人合作・ we斤。 m nelghbourl门9 vlllag色to Iook at八er
should collabora招with other colleges一家一家的人从邻村赶来看她・ Roger and
了n户utting勿rward pro户osa污我们应与其 M日Urlce came out oft八e勿rest罗杰与莫
他大学一起合作提建议a sy时em旧里斯从森林中出来。 Ot ( ) come froma
四h了ch a un了ve巧尹妙a门d an Industr尹al firm place出生于某地she comes斤om
collaborate on用ajor programmes of闪ew Zealand她出生于新西三。训角ere do
研究项目的制度。 from something源于某物・ The wealth
( 0 Ilide to Col ! ide With somCone or ofindustrla / soc沁tyco日ldo门lycome介om
something与某人或某物猛撞。月e由etollofthema “郎工业社会的财富只能
COllided Witho门eo沂the me门斤Om the 来自群众的劳作。 otocometoaperson
s为lP他与船上的一名水手猛撞“ 7he ca厂or to their mind被想起0 vague
stalled as it collided with the bank汽车 thoughts and memorle , came to her.她
与河岸相撞抛锚了。 产生了含糊的思想与记忆。 Ascenecame
c0llision a collision with something or toh店mlnd他想起一个场面。 0 to come
between two things 〔与某物〕相撞或to or into a particular state进入某一状
〔 l街事物的〕相撞o . t八e dangero沂态・ The日勺ument came to an end争论
co " ision with anothers内lP与其他结束了・ They hld whe门1 came into sltyht
船只相撞的危险。 acollisionbetween 他们看见我就躲了起来。 He而rst came into
tVvo ca巧两车相撞。 promlne门ce when he刀nlshed fifth In the
colour in colour彩色的〔用于电影、 Tokyo OlymPlcs他在东京奥运会获得第五
电视节目或相片少。 They帕dphoto:。沂名初露头角。 Otocometoorontoa
themselves prlnted in colour他们有自己particular topic少「始谈沦某一主题。
的彩色照片。 l ' rn 90泊9 to come to thatlnaminu把.我
comb to comb a place for something很快会谈到那个的。丫劝u then comeonto
彻底搜寻某物。 Thed店trlct had been the whole que ' tion of闪orthern lreland .
combed for rec厂u了t5搜遍该区招募新人。 接着你会谈起整个北爱尔兰问题。 0 to
( Ombination in Combination with come to a particular amount总计,达
something or someone与某事、某人联到。协;ncome now comes to f65a
合・ Th即were tested in cambination week我现在的收入达到每周65英镑。 O
四护th othe厂chemlc日污它们与其他化学品一 to come on , upon , or across something
并测试0 The八ead帕achef . incomb初a - or someone偶然找到或遇到〔某事物或
( Onln节and

某人〕 。 A角四八。以rs latert八ey came题或困难。 Eve甲one comes up against
upon日be日uti勿I户la了月几个小叫后他们 that hurdle sooner or后ter大家迟早得碰
来到一个美丽的平原・勿m民阴邵八ecame 到月l ‘个难题的・口to come up for
acrosS snapsho朽。厂h朋,e厅a门dH尹la印有discussion or election 〔某人或某事物〕
时他翻到自己与希拉里的决照・ 0to come有待讨论或选举・ Fl门anc;日/ob匆at , ons
as a surprise , shock , or relief出现时带and partnersh尹ps门。四come up for
心〕 。 The ne防came as a rel ; e大该消尝to come up to a particular standard达
使人放心・ 0 to corne in a particular到某一t ' J 、准。/tneverrea / / y cameuPto
form or colour有某种形式或颜色。角巧以pectatio爪它从未真正达到期望值・自to
devlce comes in two par朽这个装置由两come up with a proposal or suggestion
部分组成。 Fe四people real,。 et八a亡提出建议。 The people ofa门eg为bo口nng
/ a即b了厂此come indl加rent co / ou巧人们klngdom ' ame up with a tempting
不知・瓢虫有不同的颜色・ otocomeby propositlo门邻国的人民提出了诱人的建议。
a possession获得某物。 Eve即one command 0be in command指挥;
kn 。吧how Barbara came byherfu : coat be in command ofasituationorgroup
人人知道・芭芭拉是如何获得皮大衣的。 of people指挥某一场面或人群。
自to come between two people破坏 C口。门elw白ntwoFth was in command
两人lh]的友谊。 lbej , evehe四日ntedto温特沃思上校在指挥。 jones was in
come between you朋d介/la我认为他想command oftheattack琼斯在指挥进攻。
离间你和西莉亚0 0to come under公under someone ' 5 command由某
criticism or attack遭受批评或袭击。 It人指挥。 troops under厂rench
would soon come under ve甲八eavy command法国人指挥的部队。 0 at
pre55ure它很快会承受沉重的压力。 0 to someone ' 5 command听凭某人支配。
come under someone ' 5 authority or a wrlter who has bo才he / egance and
control受某人管辖或控制。 Day pa55lon ath心command既优雅又激
Nurserles come under theD印artmentof情的作家。
Health and soc旧1 securlty托儿所受卫生和commend to commend something to
社会保障部管辖。 0to come down toa someone向某人推荐某事物。 1 com -
particular consideration 〔用来指最重要mendth污book to anyone了nterested的
的考虑〕可归结为。 Wh en it comes family morals我向任何关心家庭道德的人推
down to it.才h即‘ re all on the side of the荐此书。 This石即divISlo们。 f勿ncti 。肛m即
emPI即ers怠、而言之,他们都偏袒雇主。口commendi朽el沂to theoretlclans如此细巧
tocomeinforbla毗orcriticism受到 的功能分工可能会受理论家的推荐。
谴责或批评。 H污DePartmenth盯come ' omm6nSUrate be commensufate
infor甲ecla / crltjcism他的部门受到特另}{的with something与某事物成比Wll的。
批评。 Otocomeoutwitharemark忽Their po5ltlon In the soclal hierarc柳15 not
然说出或宣布・ He actua / ly came out commensura拍with the了r们come他们
with a word ofpra店e他真的赞誉了一番。 的社会地位与收入不相称。
He cameo " t with ' O沂course夕ou have comment to comment on or upon
metm夕门iece before ’他忽然说:“你当然something评论某事。角e Presenter
是见过我侄女的。 ” 0tocomeroundto ' ommented On the hUge capacityo沂
something回心转意。漩shall ha陀to computers主持人评论了电脑的大容量。
come round to thelrwa夕。沂t八Inking我' ommentary a commentary on or
们得想他们所想0 He八adcomeroundto upon something现场报道;集注。 a
Iovlng her.他还是爱上了她。勿to come up series of comment日ries onj刁ne
against a problem or difficulty碰到l司 Austen …简奥斯丁评论集。了tw日‘ a

1 90

terrlble commentary on her斤u , tratio门 个以上的听者传达作者的会思。
and lonel了ne55那是对她的挫折和孤独的苛comPany 0 in someone ' 5 company与
1平。 某人一起。印e门di门gt加whole由丫in
commiserate to commiserate with the company 。沂young chlldre门一整
someone on or ovcr something天都与小孩子在一走:。公in company
unfortunate同情某人遭受不幸的事。 l with someone , J某人结伴。 He
Commiserated with him on八巧了ljl " ck returned to功eo所‘ e in company with
我同情他所遭受的厄运 八15col / eagues他与同事们一起回到办公室。
commit 0 to commit yourself to comParable be comparable to
somethingl袱身J几某事。 A才tho age of something or withs ( ) mething可与某事
40 , he has committed hlmse/厂more and物相比较;a comparable thing to
more to motor rac川940岁时,他越来越something else 〔可与夕二外事物相比较
多地投身于赛车・公to commit money的〕事物・角ele门gt八ofasoundwave
or resources to something调拨资金或巧comparable tot八es忆eo厂日human
资源用于某事・ T八ecompan夕m " : t skulj声波的波长相当于人头部的大小。 The
commiti朽en扮e resourc郎tO山eprqect e所clency of electr尹c ' a巧js comparable
公司必须倾注全部财源于这个项目。 with that 。沂petrolca巧申动汽车的效率可
committed be committed to something与汽油汽车相匹敌・ government
〔对某事〕尽忠的,’展定的。 He ; 5 ' up户ort on a comparable sc刁le toth日t
committed toh巧。四门caree厂他忠诚于自 gl阳nto 。卿er一。 cc “侧e巧政府支持的
己的事业。 规模与给予私房主的支持相类似。
common 0 be common to several compare to compare one thing or
people or things 〔几个人或几件事情〕 person to another将某事或某人比作二
共有的。 t内e角aro厂do少common to to compare one thing or person with
all tramp ‘所有流浪者都怕狗。 the another将某事或某人与另一事或人作
ugly : tyle common to engjneer ; ng and比较。尸ecanbecomparedtoapatient
tech门Ical wrltlng工程技术又章所共有undergoing户班为oana协巧他就好比接受精
的破文笔。公in common with someone神分析的病人・ Asa门exarnple , I ' / l
or something与某人或某事一样二to compare freedom with marrlsge作为例
have something in common有共同之 证,我要将自由与婚烟作一比较。
处。 Young in common with内i : comparison in comparison to , in
contemporarle又has realisedth日t theo / d comparison with , or by comparison
comblnatlo门5 work best扬和同龄人都认识with someone or something与某人或
到,旧的组合最有效。 Thet四0 natio门5 had某事比较起来・ lncomparisontoher '
jittle in common两国之间没什么共同之Va / echka vvas日modelo沂d污cretlon与她
处。 相比・瓦列契卡可谓甲慎的模范。 M日nls
communicate 0 to collllnunicate with , mmeasurab今prlvlleged in comparison
someone与某人交流〔情况或思想〕 w矛thmostofh巧fe / l owcreatures与大多
四e ' retry泊9 to ' ommunica拍with all数动物相比,人类非常得天独厚。 They are
dl伪rent kln击of people我们试图与各种wel / o沂沂by comparison with almo , t
各样的人沟通。 You ' vegottobeableto an劝。即e污e与绝大多数人相比他们算生
communicate with each othe厂你俩得学 活得不错。
会相互沟通。 0 tocommunicateanidea compatible be compatible with
or feeling to someone向某人交流思想something or someone , J 〔某事物或某
或感情。 The勿nctlono沂read ; ng aloud人〕合得来的相容的。 Prjvate
店to communicate the wrlter , 5 mea门ing owne巧hIP 15 compatible with ah坦八
too门eormorellste门ers朗读的功能是向一 degreeo沂equali尔私有制与高度平等是相容

的・ 1 wa门ted / a呷e所四八。四ou / d be about something向某人抱怨某事;to
compatible with eacho山er我要请的律complain of something诉l兑、抱怨某
师应能互桩协调 事・丁homa , kne四that户eop / e had
compensate ot ( ) c ( ) mpensate for complained to Unc / e月aro / d日bout hj ,
something又、}〔环乎‘ {,、去失J ’的事物〕给斤gh朽托马斯知道有人就他乎J今的事向哈罗
予乎1 、偿A rt,厂;c , a / sno , Can门Ot德叔抱怨・ she never compla仍ed about
compensate fort八e ge门eraj / acko厂阳日/the no巧eo厂山e tra用c她从入抱怨噪音太
snow人造雪无法补信降雪的普道缺乏。角e 大・交通繁乱砧e 。册ce巧complained
senseo沂rellef moret为a门compensates ofa : hortageo沂sta厅日tR巧l即官员们抱怨
for any 105 , es youm即川cur如释重负的 里斯利那里人手太少
感觉远胜于蒙受的损失。公tocornpensate ( omplement 0a complement toa
someone fors ( ) mething因为某事向某particular activity or thingt对某项活
人赔偿。户/a门;to compensate动、某事的〕辛l 、充・丁八eq日ie t good
patien朽for damage ca " sed by med尹c日l humouro沂h , sw;沂em日de a per伦ct
门e剑jge门印向病人赔偿因医厅疏忽造成complement to为尹5 more ebulllent
损害的计划。 n日tufe他妻子拥有恬静的好脾气,而他热一青
compete to compete against someone奔放,真是相得益彰・公a 、 pecified
or with someone于犷某人竟争或又寸抗。 complement of people or things 〔人员
Heh日5 competed against the万nest或事物容许的〕数额编制名额・ B丫
at八/et " Insrlta川他与英国最好的运动员比 the打me the crew reached the四est coa , t ,
赛过・ US companle , are havl门9 to 440厂the orlg了n日1 complement of 150
compete Withg ; a门朽斤om Europe and四ere de日d船员抵达西每岸时巧O人的原
japan美国公司不得不与欧洲・日本的巨头 班队伍中已有44人死仁He / acks a fu / I
竞争。 complement ofteeth他的牙士已不齐全・
competent be competent at or ina complementary be complementary to
particular skill , job or subject 〔在技something与某事物互补。砧ero / es of
能、 1_作、 ’ 、劳科等方面〕有能力、有技the sexes are complementary to one
能或有知识。 a门educated IJnan Wh 。 another两性的角色是互补的。
阴sa / s 。 competent ath巧job一位comPlete complete with something
受过教育、工作能力又强的人・ Peopleca门〔用来提及外加的力、西〕带有某物的。
be helPed to be competent in pe巧onal He boug九t a lovejy Bever / yH , l污man : lon
af殆厂巧可以帮助人们增长处理个人事务的才complete with swlmmlng户。 o/他买了贝
干。 弗利山一幢带有游泳池的优美的住宅。
competition in competition with complex a complex about a problem
someone or something与某人或某事物or bad experience 〔某方面的〕情结・
竞争。 wearenotincompetitionwith a boy who hadan了n走rlorl妙complex
people汕0 sell equ脚ment at the IOwest abouth巧Slze对自己的身材有自卑感的
prlces我们不与以最低价销售设备的人竞 男孩。
争。 complexities the complexities of
complacent be complacent abouta something 〔某事的〕复杂性・ He
situation对某一状况而自满。 The workedha心to maste厂the complexities
Departmenra阳giv了ng日warn了ng notto of拍x / aw他勤奋工作以掌握复杂的税务
be complacent about the , ucce , 5 in 法。
cu才才尹ng acc了de门t stat了5亡jcs部门里发出警compliance compliance with an order ,
告不要因为成功降低意外发生次数而沾沾 law , or set of rules遵从,) 11贝从〔命令、
自喜。 法律、制度〕 。功eoepartmento沂the
complain to complain to someone Envlronment eXpectS compliance with
1 92
( On 【 entrate

ECS才andards才0 be日chieved by thee门d things or people包括某此事物或人・
。沂山巧year环境邵希望在年底前做到符合欧The medlc日1 pro沂e : : ; o门i ' largejy
共体标准。 comprised of res户ons尹blec日rlng and
compliment 0 to compliment competentprac亡itlo门e巧医各界主要由负责
someone on Something or for doing 任、充满爱心、精明能干的开止医生组成。
something 〔因某事或某人做了某事而〕 compromise a comprolnise between
对他们表示赞美或恭维。功omas tr , ed two things折衷・妥l办・印一。户。 ratlve
to sm了l已to ' omplimentM巧jardino on te门ure产,a compromise between
her senseo沂humo口r托马斯满脸堆笑以 。朋们ga门drentln夕合作形式的房屋居住仅
恭维贾丁诺夫人的幽默感。 5八e巧才。为e是拥有和租赁的折衷
compIi ' " ented for为a门dling the sjtuatlon con to con someone into doing
50四ell她把情况处理得这么好,难能可贵。 something欺骗・口少七骗〔某人做某事〕 ・
公with someone ' 5 compliments致B日rrymayconuns日印ect了门gpeopleinto
意・ l飞,J候。 send hjm a co户夕。沂the户aying hlm for 901沂le55ons巴禾l]会哄骗毫
dlctlona甲with our complimentS把我们 无提防的人付钱上高尔夫球课。
的字典寄一本给他请他指正。 conceal to conceal something from
comply to comply with an order , someone 〔向某人〕掩.袱或隐瞒某事。
request , or set of rules遵从〔命令、要四eh日d to wor心日bout concealing our
求、制度〕 。闪ew veh , cl " mu : t comply Intentlons from the Mex尹cans我们得为向
with certaln sta门da司5新车辆必须符合某 墨西哥人掩盖意图而丰知亡。
些标准。 concede to concede something to
composed be composed of particular someone将某物i}给某人。 The
things or people由某些事物或某些人government has concededt为e po / ltical
组成或构成・ The book 15 composed of In沪tI8tlve to勿ndamental巧t opponen朽政
e “日外wrltten over亡八e / a st ten尸a巧本书 府已将政治主动权让给了原教旨主义政敌。
收录近+年所撰写的论文“ t八e tltles八e con " ded to ste所Gra沂
composite a composite of several last year去年她把头衔让给了斯台菲
different things由不同事物组成的事 格拉夫。
物。丁h 15 ; cene , s日composite of conceive 0 to conceive of something
features from vll / a ges In NorthWI/朽h了阳想像某事。 1 can conceive of no
whereTa朋ef llved本场景由坦纳故居所在clrcum ' tances Inw八Ichwe阴“ ldg户veln
地北威尔特郡乡村景色组合而成。 我无法想像我们会让步・ 0 to conceive
composition in composition 〔用来表one thing as another thing ; to conceive
示某物构成的成分〕构成。 T八e of it as another thing认为某事为另一
oFganlzation巧。 ain少work ; ng cla : 5 in事物。八po / ; tician conceives the world
comp0Sition该组织的构成主要是工人阶as being a varle妙。厂co门刀IctIRg values政
级“ 治家认为世界由各种冲突的价值观所构成。
compounded be compounded of The need to COnceive of the house as日
different things or from different things placeo沂recre日tlon and work需要把房子
由不同的事物混合而成。功eolds 。/d Ier 构想为娱乐、工作场所。
cast me a glance , compounded of co " centrate to concentrate on or upon
despalr and amusernent老兵瞥了我一眼,something精神集中犷・争自于某事。
眼神中混杂着绝望与有趣的感受。 H巧日ctlng Once扣u ' ve gota / / thesed巧trac打ons , yO "
了s ' ompounded fromt八eorieso厂can ' t real扮concentrate on the pl即你
dlfferent kln比他的演技由各种理论交融而 有这么多约分心因素也就无法专心看戏
来。 了。 Mr Hattersjey concentrated
comprised be cornprised of particular partlcularly on the provls ; ons madefor
1 93
仁On ( entration

四。 men In the soclaj 〔 harter哈特斯不l{先生 with a demand勺r more八rner / ca门a了d
特别关汪社会先章中天于妇女的规定) 又章以增加美援的要求结束。
concentration 0concentration on conclusion in conclusion最)云。 In
something集中精力于某事物・ H , 5 conclusion jet me sugge , t日门umbero沂
concentration on civ了/r了g八ts八as户ractlcal ap户jicatI0n,最后找想提出一些
lmproved hIS户。 pu / arI妙他专汪于公民权 买用方法。
这改善了他的受欢迎程度・ 0 aconcentra - concomitant 0 be concomitant with
tion of a thing or substance 〔事物或物something下‘ 1性l随的・ l附:awareo厂the
质的〕聚集。八/o四concentration Of h心hmorals勿n由r比concomitantwith
fer才了llzer may be used了n the solut了on可用 山e门ame 1 bore我体会到我的名字所伴随的
低浓度化肥溶液・亡arge concentrations道德高标准・公a concomitant of
ofca户了ta / we爬In the八an比。厂merchan朽something伴l通物・ oec阳a : ed mobl / ; ty
商人手中有大量的资金。 巧often a concomi怕nt ofo / d age行动
concern 0 concern about , over , or at 不便往往随着年老而到采。
something担心・忧虑。 1 wou / d : hare ( on ( ur to concur with someone or
扣ur concern about户rlson conditlons我something that they sayl , J仓某人或某
与你同样担忧监狱内的条件。 the 人的话。四为en wea阳;日t巧厅ed.脾Wlll
growlng publ尹c concern over the concur witht八ose 〔日1 / 1门g勺r,日nctions
trea加ento沂c了所us an们als公众对马 我们满意之后,就会同意制裁的号召。饰伯’ ve
戏团动物的待遇忧虑日增・ The帕ache巧concurred with eve甲th尹门9 MacG爬gor
eX户阳55ed thelr concern at the尹门creasing has ordered , and It , 5 been to no ava ,/我
je吧/s0沂c / a贷room vloje门ce教师对课堂暴 们对麦格雷戈唯命是从却无斧于事。
力日益加居j表示担心。公to concern condemn 0to condemn something
yourself with or about something 』}亡as bad or unacceptable宣称某事物不
于某事;关心某事。/' ddear加loveto好或不能接受。 The rom日rk has been
see mo阳women concerning themselves wide / y condemned as rac二t这句话被广
w矛thsuchvl拍了lssues我很高兴地看到更多 泛谴责为种族歧视・ 0 to condemn
的妇女关心这种重要l 『题・ It性了门terest了ng someone for something谴责某人所做
you should concem you巧ejf 50 much的事。 The Councl / condemned the
about Oave你这么关心戴夫,真是有趣。 Government fora / / ow了ng the saleo沂
0 be of concern令人担忧的。 斤ewo沃5 to chl / d阳n地方议会谴责政府许
Increaslnqz了nc po / Iution 15 also of可向儿童出售爆竹。 0 to condemn
con ' em.锌污染加居J也令人担忧。 someone to a particular punishment or
( on ' ern6d be concerned with unpleasant situation宣告某人要受的惩
something or about something 〔对某罚;使某人处于不愉快的境地。 a
事〕担心的。厂mmoreconcernedwith mu川er for whjch her mother hod been
ef介oen印tha门以户aoslon我担心效率超过cond匕mned to death她母亲为之伏法
担心发展。四户are四ryconcemedabo " t的谋杀。 Lacko厂educat了on condemns
theb阳akdown In family life我们很担心家thern to extreme pover妙缺乏教育使他们
庭生活的破碎“ 处于赤贫。
conclude 0to conclude from evidence condense to condense a speech or piece
or facts that something 15 true下结论of writing into a shorter form or intoa
经推理相信某事物・ Itwoujdbeeasyto shorter rime将演讲或作品压缩到更短
时l司。 Act One was condensed into
Concl " de fromth巧rhat the whole了dea
四dsa伯llure,由此可以下结论,整个想法都about seven mjnutes第一幕被压缩至七分
错了。公to conclude with something 钟左右。
以某事结束。 The article concluded cond云tion 0a condition of something
1 94
( Onfornl

or for something to happen or exist某个月他向我叶露了最弃的毛{戈・八了5一yea厂
事物发生、存在的条件・ Wei门夕女。门old户uPll confided to为erparen朽山a亡she
the grantingo厂内以man rlghts日sa阳s户reg门ant一名巧岁的常生向父母吐露
condition of加a门c了a / ald我们坚持保证人 自己环孕了公to confide in someone
权是经务援助的条件・ 7八e rjg八to沂。 u厂信赖某人jl几l司某人(l土扮林秘密。亡。门门,e
natlo门to Ind印e门dence巧a condition for doesn ' t believe川confiding in docto巧
wor / d peaCe我们三家的独立权利是世界和朗尼不相信医生是可以信赖厂且谈心的。
平的条件・公out of condition健康状confidence confidence in a person or
祝不好。 7he men are exh日u女ed日nd thing 〔对某人或某卞J勺勺〕么丫心・,he ha ,
乙adly out of condition那些人精疲力尽 an unshake门confidence in八er own
身体状况不佳。 abl / ltles她对自己的能力具有不可动摇的信
conditiona日be conditional on or upon 心。

something依赖某事物的・ The肠ue of confine to confine yourself toa
a Iicence was ' ondition日1 Ont八e particular thing or place , ( ) r to be
product了ono厂certa了门documen朽要发执confined to it限于・不{l}〔某范序1 〕
照首先得拿出某些又件・ Thelrs日户户。 rtwa 、 Union巧tM凡八ave confined themselves
conditional upon勿rther reduct了ons尹n tomattersrelatingspeoi斤ca / lytoNol ' the阴
publlc exPe门dltu阳他们支持的条件是进lre / a nd爱尔兰统一主义议员以具体涉及北爱
一步削减公共支出・ 尔兰的事务为限制・ T为e co门f/沂ctw日5
conducive be conducive to somethjng ' onfined toth日后厂刁re日冲突局限于远方
有助于某事物。角eabse门ceo沂门atura /地区oA门urnbero厂亡hose prevlous扮
jlght and sunsh了ne巧not conducive to confined to bed have become moblje.许
m印ta / and ph外Ica/衅华being缺乏自然多卧床不起的人可以走动了
光和阳光不利于身心健康。 confirm to confirm someone in a belief ,
confer 0to confer with someone与人opinion , or intention使〔某人的信仰、
商议。 In了943C八urchill wentl门t力e观点或意志〕更坚定・ ltconfirmed八Im
Queen Mary to confer with Rooseve / t inh巧bel了e矛that Eng / a nd was no / o门ger
1943年邱吉尔坐‘玛丽女王’号去与罗斯福会t八e sorto沂p / a ce了门即八ich hew巧hed to
谈。 0 to confer a title or award on or llve它坚定了他的信念即英咯兰不再是他要
upon someone授予某人头衔或奖项。 居住的地方。
Baron de Reuter污t / tje wa , ' onferred conflict 0jkonflokl / to conflict with
uponh矛m in 1871德路透的男爵头衔是something冲突・不致。 M丫w , fe
1871年授予的。 t八ought th日t my户l日门sm尹ght conflict
conference in conference在JI二会。 with a book that she and herll行t
The party remained加conferenceu门tI / daug八ter were havl门9 published我妻子认
70 ' clock那批人开会开到一点钟。 为我的计划会与她和大女儿的出书计划相抵
confess to confess to something承认触。公Ik旦nfllkt 1 in conflict冲突;in
〔错误、罪行等〕;to confess to conflict with someone与某人发生冲
someone向某人承认。 Four亡een per突。 Full emp / oyme门t and economlc
cent confessed to rravel / ing on pub / jc vlab了11妙are in conflict完全就业与经济成
tran5Port wlthout paying14%的人承认坐长’ l生格格不入。 Ma月y parents were
公交车不付钱・ The man ' : comp日n , on日larmed to万nd the用sejve , in COnflj亡t
创日Imed山at胡r X had confessed toh杯n w行h the church许多家长吃惊地发现自己
那人的同伴宣称X先生已向他承认。 与教会有冲突。
confide 0to confide a secret to conform to conform to or诫th a law ,
someone向某人吐露秘密。 L日st mont八demand , or wish 〔与法律、要求、愿望
he confided to me hls latest scheme.上 等〕相符合,相一致。 lmported drogs

must为ave pack日9 ; ng that conforms to orcoach 〔与某一交通卜具}联运。角店
UK standa心5进口药品的包装必领符合英国 tra了n connects with ab " 5 sery尹Ce to
标准。 Itw日5八eld that all了门tej / ectu日j 四。 rces拍厂这趟火车与公共汽车联运直达伍
actlvlty mu女conform with日n acc印ted . 斯特。
approved ldeology大家认为所有的智力conn6 ( ted be connected with
活动都必须与公认的・经批准的意识形态相 something 〔与某事〕有关联的。丫ou
一致。 门eed two re加rences pre沂era勺/y lrom
conformity in conformity with peo户/e connected with the rac了ng
something依照・角巧new八ct巧not in Ind " stry.你需要两份推号书最好是赛车业
conformity with , nternatlonajl日w这 内有关的人写的。
新法案与国际法不相符 connection 0 a connection to or with
confronted be confronted by or with something ; a connection between two
something面临〔不愉快的或困难的things连接点联系・ the raj {
事〕 。日,/ l , tared , a :;沂confrontedby日connection to the tUnne/铁轨与隧道
po / Iceman日bout to make an arr郎t比宋的连接点OMrlkeda八asden了eda门夕
瞪大眼似乎面对着准备抓人的警察。 The connection with the ca , e伊克达先生己
Controlle巧were confronted witha 否认与案子有任何瓜葛胡uslco / og巧朽afe
刃dden bulld up 。沂tFa所c监督员面临突然investlgat了ng the connection between
聚集的车流。 schumann七men扫1 11/门e55日门dh巧muslC
( onfuse to confuse someone or音乐学家正在探究舒曼的精神病与他的音乐
something with another person or thing的关系。 0 in connection with
将〔某人或某事物与另lj的人或事物〕混something与某事有关・ Har甲月earns
淆。饰um " st be ' onfusing me with卿had been arrested in connection with日
SI5ter你一定把我与妹妹混淆了。 1 had均ta/劲。 。 tlng哈利赫恩斯莎嫌开枪杀人而
not尹ced thatseveral亡ime55heConfused 被捕了。
/ e斤with right我王意到她数次左右不conscience on your conscience因为
分。 某事而i勺疚。 Ica门‘ ta:。 e户tit , / ' d八a , e
congratulate to congratulate someone allth " e poor peop / e on卿consCi6nce
on or upon something ; to congratulate我不能接受它否贝」会为了那些可怜的人而
someone for doing something向某人 良心不安的。
祝贺某事。乙etmebetheflrsttocongra - conscious be conscious of sornething
tulate扣u on a wI5e decI5lo门让我第一个知道,察觉至IJ的・ Recall,。 9 , t门ow , : he
来祝贺你的英明决策吧・ Couoclls were wa , conscious of a shafPp日ng ofguilt
being congratulated foreconomlsing人 现在回顾起来她感到一阵刺痛般的内疚。
们祝贺地方议会节俭有方。 squlrmlng a litt / e ' conscious ofh巧fllthy
connect 0to connect one person or a户pearance知道自己外表召陋感到有
thing to or with another把〔某人或某 点难为情。
事〕与别的人或事相联系。 There wasa consent to consent to something同意・
lacko沂quall斤ed sta厅to connect / a mps容许〔某事〕 ・ T为e Vlce一President
tO泊ecablenet四ork缺少合格人员把灯泡日n门ounced that he woujd consent to
连接到电缆网络上。 A cause叭,a yconneCts severa / televlslo门aPPearances副袋、统宣布
the巧/a nd toGuern , ey有堤道把该岛与格同意在电视上露面几次。
恩西连接。 The Commu门污t Par妙巧more consequence 0the consequence ofa
ln帕rested In connecting itself with the situation or event 〔情景或事件的〕结
mainstreamo沂the Labour movernent共 果OH , gher mortgage rates area
产党更热衷与工人运动的主流联系起来。 consequence of hlgher Interest rates提
公to connect with a train , bus , plane ,高按揭率是由利率提高引起的。公10
( OnSUIt

consequence of SOmething作为〔某’扛bat八日nd consoled my , e/沂with Bob
的〕结果。 Flve worke巧四ere la ; do厅in即lan ' , latest ajbum我躺六浴缸里用鲍
consequence of日d巧p口亡ej门whic为t八卿 勃迪伦的最新唱片集安丈以自生。 5为etrled
were pl即们g门0 djrect part五名工人由于to console rne勿5即了门9由日tl ' d probab扮
一场争端而被开珍了尽管川们自己并没有 be ha那lerl月日ne即jo白她兄我换个工作也
扮演直接角色・ Oofconsequence重要 许更开心以此来安我
的・砧e : e are斤j门ge户art ; e ; of门0 rea / ( onS0rt / kon 、 。 t / toc ( ) 11sort witha
Consequence区此是非王天党派见夭人particular person or gr ( ) up与某人或某
局的。 群人结交・ Mo阳,mportaot,四口s八。口ld
tonsider to consider a person ( ) r thing not八ave consorted with才八e enem多更
as something认为某人或某事女t ] f可。 j 重要的是你不该认玖为友
consider twen妙一nj门em了nute , as the consPire to conspire with someone
abso / utel了m尹t我把29分钟当作绝刃吸限。 against another person,了某人密谋反
Th ey do not consider a chi / d as对另一人。能角e心th耐夕。 uconsPired
川户or拍时他们并不看重孩子。 with the stUde门朽tovve日ken the au山orlty
consideration under consideration of the senlo厂,拍任他觉得你串通学生以削
在考虑中。 FUrt八e厂debtred以ctlb门moves 弱高级职员的权威。 The re , tflctions are
have been under consideration正在考 t八ere to preVen才peo户le conspiring
虑进一步减除债务的措施。 aga仍st thes扫拍建立限制制度是为了防止
consign to consign someone or 人们阴谋颠覆国家。
sornething to a particular place , constrained be constrained by
position , or person将〔某人、某事物〕 someone or something受〔某人或某事〕
交到某地、某一位置或交付某人。 Her约束的。八/oto厂men jeej consfrained
daughter hadbeen consignedto乙公,e性by ; ocie妙’ 5 ' mageo沂ma:。 uli门,ty许多男
dre日dfuj Government deserves才0 be constraint a constraint on someone ;
consignedto山ed叮tbln ofp 。/l tics这届constraints of something对某人的限
可怕的政府应该被扔进政治垃圾桶里。 制;限制性的事物。 The constrainton
consist 0 to consistofparticularthings m仍tdocto巧巧/a ckoftime大多数医生的
or peoPle由某些事物或某些人组成。 局限是没有时间。.theconstraintsof叻e
The trap ' onsists of a hollowed一ou亡market eco门。卿・市场经济的制约。
cOConut cha了ned to a stake圈套是用椰子construe to construe a situation , an
壳拴在柱子上做成的・ The另mp / e con ' is - event , or a statement as something 〔把
ted of 1 0 , 000 adult males抽样由一万名某一情景、事件或声明〕解释为某事
成年男子组成・公to consist in a particu -物。 Theju匆e oou / d八ave construed卿
lar activity or thing存在于某一行动或 a ttendance att八e trlal as a violation of
某事物中。 Progr 。:5 in future ma夕the ball orde几去官可以将我出席审判看作违
consistin有门d了ng wayso沂爬ducingt八e 反假释令。
Gro55 Natlo门al Product未来的进步也许存conSUIt to consult with someone ab0Ut
在于发现减少国民生产总值的方法。 something与某人商量某事。月e
Consistent be coflslstent with became suspiciouso门receiving another
something一致0 These proposa / 5 are request to consult with the chalrmano沂
qulte consistent with泊e modifiedp伯门 the townco明cll他又接到通知,要求他语
这些建议与修订后的计划颇一致。 询镇议会主席不禁心中狐疑。 5八emade门。
console / kons 。(Jl / to console someone secreto沂her ann砂’ a nce thatshe wasnot
with something or by doing something consulted aboutt为e / ega / lrnplj臼tIOns
以某事或做某事来安慰某人。 Ilayin the 。 ftheagreement他们没有就协议的法律含
( OnSUltation

义与她商量,她丝毫不掩饰自己的怒气・ beneath someone ' 5 contcmpt为人不
consultation 0consultation with沫f Oa de:户,cab / e act beneath
someone about something , orbetween , o ntempt为人不齿的卑劣行为・砧e
two or more people 〔就某事与某人的〕户oor were beneath为er contempt她对
磋商,〔两人或更多人之问的〕磋商・穷人不屑一顾・ 0 in contempt蔑视;
Bu心e朽w ; 11 be { lX eda斤er consultation in contempt of court 〔法律术语〕蔑视
with加a击and govern 。巧与郭门领导和州法庭0 Thecourtorderru / e dt八atth即are
长们磋商之后就可定下预算。/t ' sa theoretica / jy in contemp乙去庭裁决,他们
qu " tion of wln门Ing consultation about在理论上算蔑视法庭。 H巧四研比四ere he / d
manageme门t户治ns那是赢得关于管理计戈l ] to be in contempt of court他的1舌被认
的磋商的问题。 There would stl / l be日/o门g 为是蔑视法庭。
process of consultation between the contemptuous be contelnptuous of
Forelgn Offlce , Buckjngham助lace , and someone or something轻蔑某人或某
the Kremlln.英匡外交部、白金汉宫与克里姆事。 The Prlme胡in巧terwa : contemp ・
林宫之间仍需进行长期磋商。 oinconsul - tuous of Pre55 crltlc巧ms首相轻蔑新闻界
tation with someone征询某人意见。 的批评。
Th即haveprom巧edto肋plementreforms contend to contend with a problem or
inconsul怕石。 nwithb / a 〔 kleade巧他们difficulty与困难拼搏。丁he夕had to
允诺在征询黑人领袖之后买施改革。 contenddallywithaPP副Ingco门dltlons .
consumption for someone ' s他们不得不天天与恶劣条件抗衡。
consumption供某人消费。 some of contento / kont兰nt / be content with
this meat woujd be un万t for hum日n something对〔某事物〕满意的。八lot
consumption这里某些肉不适合人类食o沂unat妇ched / a dies尹月mid一11角seemto
用Owhatpoliticians ' ayforpubllc be con拍nt with the了r tot许多未婚中年妇
consumption政治家说给公众听的东女似乎安分守己。公to content yourself
西。 with something呀.涛足于某事。 5为e
contact 0 contact with someone or hadn ' ts日id much but had contented
between two or more people与某人的hersel厂with ' mok尹ng cigarettes and
系。 we are the on加people四ho have contention be in contention ; be in
any real contact with the general public contention for something欲赢得某事
我们是唯一真正接触公众的人。 There四as物;可望赢得0 Three pl妙ers arein
ve印little contact between the people contenfionto四In the tlt / e三位迭手想赢
In the Universl妙该大学里人与人的联系很松得冠军。以勺几胡C舫hlre日re stl //吧尽much
散。公in contact with someone or in contention for the championshIP沃
系。 we were ve印clo : ely in contact context 0in context全面地。 1 think
w了th ourvv门te巧我们与作者保持密切的联0门e has toseetheoil份ueinconfeXt我
系。 想,石油问题必须全面地理解。 0 outof
contempt 0contempt for someone context片面地;断章取义・ This remark
or something轻视、藐视[某人或某事was taken complete今out of conteXt.这
物〕 。 Ranim日de no secret of the句话完全是断章取义。
contempt she加It for the older woman contingent be contingent on
雷妮公开鄙视那老妇人。.a cynlcal something因事而变的・ Gran朽are才。
contempt for truth , Justice , or be contingent on contlnuing aca由mlc
体面。公beneath contemPt ; be continue to continue with something
1 98
( OntrOI

继续某事物以某事物接续。 Hew形contrast with the de户re “尹ng seventl "
户re户ared to lett内em continue witht八e 这是创作成就杰出的}年与箫条的七十年
task他准备让他们继续完成该任务。 T八e 代形成对照Gordon ' 5斤jend , were
, erles continued with a per勺rma门ceo厂口ncer才ain , in 〔 ontrast to才heir usua /
角e乃re印ennyo户era系列剧以演出三便 boldne55 of manner戈令的朋友们举棋不
士剧》接续。 定这与平川的人肚邵动形戎对照。 0
contraCtO / kontr岑kt八0 contract with / kontr些st / to contrast ( ) ne thing with
someone to do sornething与某人签i丁or to another thing将某事物与另
合l司做某事・ A ge门eralpractlt ; o门er事物进行对比・/ca门门。才八e栖contras -
contracts witht八e state to providea ting her at 。才ude wit八山ato厂her lrie门出
rnedlCal servjce一般开业医生与州政府签 我不禁将她与她朋友们的态度井行对比。 Hls
订合同提供医厅服务・ 0 / k旦ntr次kt / accent contrasted curjo以5 / y with the
under contract to someone立约为某臼rthln既。沪h巧/a nguag创世的口音与他的
人工作。 Iwasthenundercontractto 粗俗语言形成奇怪对比・ Phaedrus巧a
a万nance compa门y我当时与一家财务公司blzarre pe巧on when contras招d to山e
鉴过约。 pe叩lethatsurrou门dhlm菲德鲁斯与周围
contra叮/k旦ntrori / 0on the contrary 的人相比是个怪人。
相反地。 There was noth , ng dowdy or contribute to contribute to something
ugly about her dre55厂on the contrary , or towards something促成、贞献给某
she八ad a certa了n private elegance她的裙物。 Thewo呷and : tra,门cont厅butedto
子一点不寒酸也不难看,相反,她有一种独a long andpa尹nfUI尹/l门e , s操心和紧张促成
具的优雅。公to the contrary意思相反了长期的病痛0 They hadcontributed
的〔地〕 0 Th ; ; method , desp , te tovvards the cost of the scherne.他们出
thousands ofpub / i5八ed , tatementstothe钱支付了计划的部分费用。
contrary , has no damag才ng ef厂ects control 0control over something or
叻atsoever.这种万法丝毫没有破坏效果,尽of something控制、管J甲・四。 rke巧
管人们发表了成千上万的声明反对它。 Obe should have more influence and con加01
contrary to something与某事物相反。 over productlon工人应扩大对生产的影响
she c / almed that山15 was contraryto山e和控韦l]力。 Steve Co四刀er called ont幻e
sex dlscn门nlna石on act of 1975她宣称这违 group to take control 01 thec / ean一up
反了1975年性别歧视法案。 OPeration.史蒂夫・考拍号召该小组去管瑙青
contrasto / kpntrQ : st / a contrast with扫活动。公be under control受到控
or to another thing 〔与另一事物的〕对制。 The Asian rePub / lc of Uzbekistan加5
比;a contrast between two things 〔两been brought under contrOL亚洲的乌兹
个事物的〕又、 r比。 Hls work would glve另lJ克斯坦共和国的局势已经得到控制。 O
t八e dance巧a good contrast with thelr beyond someone ' 5 control ; outside
usual style他的作品会给舞蹈者的常规风格somcone ' 5 control无法控制。 The delays
提供很好的对比。角eshIPwasSPaFtsna were causedb厂events beyondt为e
poor contrast to her sumptuous compa叮,5 confrOI拖延是由公司无法控制
succ巴sors此船简朴,与豪华的后继船不可的事件造成的。 m 。 。淤5刃de印that th即
同日而语。 There cou / d hardly be a greate厂are outside our co门scious contr0I .
contrast between the之WO painters这两 …不受我们的意识控制的深层动机。 Oin
位画家之间再没有更大的反差了。 6 in control of something or someone控
contrast with something ; in contrast制,掌握。 she was in contrOI ofherself
to something和某事物形成对比;和某completely她完全能掌握分寸0 1 wa ,
事物对照。 j才has been a decade of beglnningtO角e / that jwa ' in con加Olof
ou朽tanding creative achievement , in events.我开始感到自己能控制局面。
COnVen . enCe

convenience at someone ' s state , or into something else改装;换
convenience在方便的f讨候。// e斤t八e算・ They ; / e户t on户日l / ets了门a do溯jtory
勺lanke朽。 ut5I由m丫room for my land妇晰 ronverted from as亡ore自ouse他们睡在仓
才oremo四at内erconvenience我把毯子 库改成的宿舍里的硬板床士・ He knew the
放在我房间门口,几房东太大可以随犷拿 formu / afo厂converting火{lometres to
走。 ml / es他知道公里换算戊英甲的公式・砂加9
converge to ConVerge on or upona to runw { t八an了叨ured日门klem即convert
particular place or person朝某地或某arn尹/dl刊u甲动toa , evere one脚踩扭伤
人聚集・ Seve门ty才rock ; andt八,「 ty 了再跑步释伤会受重伶的
perso门nel carrle巧converged on the convey to convey something toa
卿uare七十辆卡车与于+辆装甲运兵车集中particular place or person将某物运送
至l]厂场上。丁四。 men converged ont八e去某地或给某人・ 7八。 u ; ands 。厂
card户/aye巧a门d勿/d亡内em gam61了ng was Angol日ns八ad勺ee门conveyed tor八e
l / / egal两个人冲向打啤人宣布赌博非法・ 刃uareln阴ljltary truc七数丁名安哥拉人被
convergence a convergence of Or军用卡车送到厂场上5自e加e污门。八邵J妇-
between two or more thingsL某I街个t了on conveying such厂ee/了ng , to八er
或以上事物的〕会聚。亡八epredlcted da " 9价er她毫不迟疑地把这汕感情传达给女
Convergence Of the尹nd口str了allzed 少匕。
50c旧tles工业化社会不出所料的会聚融( OnVid Ikonvlkt / to convict someone
合。 The Pres , dent兮勿rmu伯has endeda of or for a crime飞・ 〔半IJ某人有罪。 a
movement亡。四日厂ds convergence judgew八0 convicted石ve men ofas , ngje
bet协吧en the stat “总统的方案结束了各州 mufde厂一位法官宣判五个人共犯一宗谋
融合运动。 杀。 Oni丫t四0 we厂es口bseque门tl夕
' onversant be conversant witha convicted for motorjngo厂角nces后来只
particular task or topic精通(某件事或 有两个人被宣判犯有违章行驶
某话题〕 。丫ou wil / need to be沪ul / y conviction the convicti ( ) n of someone
conversa门t with亡八e ru门n娜ng ofr内e for a crime 〔对某人仁.勺〕定竿Ot为e tr ; aj
hou犯hold.你需要全面了解其家政情况。 and conviction ofo / jver闪or才h奥
converse 0Ikonv少1 to converse with 立佛・诺思的审判与定罪・ a crimmal
someone交谈。 Noneo厂them had ever conviction for斤aud欺诈的刑事定
bee门le斤alone to conversewi幼Capta们 罪。
Paget他们当中没有一个能与佩吉特上尉单( onVin ( e to convince someone of
独交谈。公/k旦nv3 : s / the converse of something or about something使某人
something相反的事物。八nother Cliche ,确信、承认。 The扫Iksdidconvinceher
山e conve " e aft八e斤巧t,污tha亡people of how urge门tly th即wa门ted progress
四内0 live 11 ) the samep / a ce all thelr / ive '会谈后使她确信,他们迫切需要进步。 A
are Insulara门d blgoted另一个陈词滥调与 se 。了Or co门sultantls伯r斤om ( onvinCed
第一个正相反・即终生住一地的人封闭而固 about the worth 0 { 8加the , s work一位高
执。 级顾问根本不承认布莱思工作的价值。
' onV6rsion conversion from one convoy be in convoy结队。 one of
belief , system , or method to another e叮六ttrucksrnovinginconvoy ・结队
转变信仰、转换〔系统、方法〕 。 the前行的八辆卡车之一。
conversion介om goerrilla fighting to co ・ operate to co一operate witha
0勺日nlzedwa而re从游击战到有组织战person , rule , or order与人合作,服从
争的转变。 条例或命令。了00 prisono所ce巧have
convert / konv旦八0 convert something been su ' pended for re勿sjng to co -
from a particular state to a different 。 pera帕Wi幼门ew shi斤arranqements由

于拒绝服从新的当厂安排100名典狱官被 达。 Herev旧5 a reso / utlo门couchedin
停职。 fo厂thrlghtte朋5这是一个直抒胸臆的决议。
' 0一ordination co一ordination between counsel to counsel someone about or
people or things 〔人有l之l ) , J或事物之l飞.J against something就某I飞‘]题又、}某人提
的〕协调。 the户roblemo沂户oor co -出忠告或表示反义寸・月ecounselled
ordination betweend了fferent户ar朽。沂eacho沂us about our pr已ent and勿tu爬
山eHeal山交rvlce卫生机构各部门之间 goals他对我们每个人的当前与未来目标提出
不协调的问题。 忠告。 Iwouldstronglycounselthenew
cope to cope with a difficult task , admln巧tratlon against complacency我竭
problem , or situation应付・对付〔艰巨 力建议新政府不要自鸣得意。
的任务、问题或险峻的局势〕 count 0to count against someone对
schoo污that , peclajIZe in cOPing with某人不利。 It wou / d count heavi今
handlcapped ch刀dren专门照顾残障儿against mel沂1 gott八e Dlrector into
童的学校・咫ople Who have了ust arrlved亡阳uble如果我让董事陷入麻烦,就对我非常
are goingto为ave problems coping with不利了。 otocountassomething被视
our deman击.新到的人将难以应付我们的要 为某物。 Horses areu ; ua你斤ee , buta
求。 horse一box counts as a tral / e厂and扣u will
corredive a corrective to a particular bechargedaccordlng扮马匹一般免费,但
attitude , account , or quality 〔对某事物 运马的拖车与另l]的拖车一样要相应收费。
的看法、计算、质量的〕矫正物。 Th巧0 tocountforsomething有价值。 50
analys污pro时des an仰portant correCtive all his feeling th尹nk了ng and wrlti八g
to the tradltionalvlew这种分析对传统观点counted for nothing他的一切感觉・思
是重要矫正物。 想・写作都一钱不值。 0 to count on or
correlate to correlate with something upon someone or something信赖、依
与某事物相关。八geo沂ten correlates靠、指望。 6ivem夕a户ologies一I ' m
with consery日t巧m老年往往与保守相关afraid they wereco " nting on me.我很抱
联。 歉,恐怕他们在指望我去呢。 0 to count
correspond 0 to correspond with to or count up to a particular number
something or to something与某事物顺数到某个数。 Icounted叩toone
相符合。 Th巧vlew corre印onds Iess and thousandse四门hundred我一直数到一千七
less withre副i妙这种观点与现实越来越不百。 0 to count towards something被
符。月e finds Itdi所cult to make hIS words包括进。 1 thjnk hls exams willcount
cor爬印ond to them仍lc他难以使自己的towards his apprentlceshlP我想他的考试
歌词与乐曲相配・ 0 tocorrespondwith包括在学徒期之中。
someone和某人通信。 He began to counter to counter something witha
correspond with other shell collecto巧particular action or by saying or doing
他开始与其他贝壳收藏者通信。 something以〔某行功、言语或行为〕来
correspondence correspondence with反对、反击某一不好的或有害的事物。
someone or between people与某人通Labour should coun饱rth污propaganda
信或两人lbJ的通信。月e巧engaged in with a serleso厂pre巧5妇tements.工党应
correspondence with near今one该发表一系列声明来反击这种宣传。 D污ease
hundred竹们ters他忙于与近百位作家通信 problems are countered by rotating
1 haveseensomeo沂thecon ℃气pondence crops庄稼的病害问题可通过轮流种植不同的
bet , Meen the价勺ro所〔 e and the 〔-O lone / 衣作物来解决。
我已看到国际部与上校的部分通信文件。 coupled be coupled with something
couched be couched in a particular与某事物联系起来。 He had slml / ar
style of language用某一语言风格表lin夕u台tjcabllities , couPledwithalove 。沂
' OUrse

exotlc户lace , a门d cu / t日res他具有类似的语pe印ed山rough他分月手指唯观看・ oa
言能力而且还执爱异到他乡及其文化。 crack in something仁某物}的〕裂缝・
' ourse be on course在规定的航线或裂纹・ watcra户pe日red to be seeP , ng
方l句仁;be off course偏离了规定的航t八oug八a craCk int为e wall墙上裂缝好像
线或方向。洲ewa;日t the四乃eelaga ' n ・渗水了・ Otocrackdownonsomeone
wltht八e Mo阴产ng Rose back on course or something打t}。尸‘惩镇)」 、 。 the
他又在骂驶了,晨玫瑰号回到了规定的航 5户e ' ia / / nve , t厂gat产on州n了t日55尹gned to
线。肋rtherlyw / n比s四ePt肋梅万日门d八巧craCk down ont为e dr以9 tr日de指派
clew off course北风把菲利普斯和全班水 去严惩毒品交易的特别调查组
手刮得偏离了航向 craving a craving for something渴望・
court 0at court在辛可廷:在朝廷・砧e丁八e craving for im户orted goods
k了ng had commandedh巧presence at co门tlnue,进L口商品较超退干退。
court国王命令他到匀里来・公in court crawling be crawling with something
在法庭。 The latterm日de a statement充斥着。 c八ee ; e : covered , n mould
tha才明:used agaln : t theju匆eincourt and crawling with ma99 。朽长满霉、
后者发表声明用于法庭上反驳法官。 0 爬满蛆的奶酪。
out of court不纤法庭:私下。 se craze a craze fur solnething狂热。
careful abou才se才才jlng out of court 才he craze for,门f夕atab / eb日nanas
wlthout刀巧t co门su / ting theu门了on不沼询 对外型饱满像充了气的香蕉的狂热。
工会就在法庭外私仁解决了,要注意影响。 crazy be crazy abouts ( ) mething 〔义、 r某
Ooncourt在球场仁。 Oncou戊BI / lle事〕狂热。 jullewa : cra即about mUslc
je日nhastakenrlsks在球场上比和」简已 and / lk ed tosl月g朱莉是音乐迷喜欢唱歌。
冒足了风险。 ( redit 0 to credit someone with
' ourteous be courteous to someone
something ; to credit solnething to
又、}人彬彬有礼・月e was qulet and someone认为某人拥有某事物;把某事
courteousto山e staf派他不大说l舌对职物归功于某人。 l口、 ed to credit厂ou
员彬彬有礼。 w矛thablto沪commo门sense我曾经认为
cover 0to cover one thing with你有点常识。 The orlginal sonJ衅re not
another用某物覆盖另一物。尸。 urth巧credi拍dto日compo , er or lyrlclst In the
mlxture Intoa户了e dISh and coveri亡with prog旧mme节目上并未汗明原歌的作曲者或
m韶hedp 。妇toes把调好的混合物倒在馅饼作词者。 ocreditfordoingsomething
盘子里・再覆盖上土豆泥。 Otocoverup称赞・月e , s never为ade门。口9八credit for
for someone为某人掩盖或隐瞒。 Once thejob加动d他做的工作从未得到充分的赞
I ' d covered叩for四u,比叼5 myw 。心
agalnst thelrs一旦我为你隐瞒,我就违背了crick a crick in your neck 〔于贞背肌肉的〕
对他们的诺言。 疼性痉挛,落枕。 1 gotacrickinm丫
covered be covered in something or neck切门9 onth污bed躺在这张床上,我落
with something被某物覆盖着。月e ,枕了。
mout八四日5 bru巧eda门d covered in blood crime a crime against a moral code ,
她的嘴巴撞伤了・,茜口是血。 Ma / pas泊rule , or standard 〔违犯道德准则、制度
Cheshlrel了ke most of the countFy,巧或标准的〕罪过・丁八e乙abour / e日der
cove阳d with a bla门ket of snow柴郡马
condemned thek ; jjing 、 a , a crime
尔帕斯与周围的乡村一样是一片冰天雪against humanlty工党领袖谴责该杀戮为违
地。 反人道罪“
crack 0a crack between two things criterion a criterion for something or
〔两个事物之I飞IJ的〕裂缝。 He madea of something标准。 。叩。 tltIOn should
crack 6etvveen two of hisfl门ge巧and be the on扮criterion for a55essing

me勺e巧竞争应成为评估兼并的唯一标准。的0 Howcou / d丫oubeso ' ruelto户oor
Econom了c relat了onshlps should be Rhoda夕你怎么能对可怜的罗迎这么残忍?
dom们ated勿the criterion ofowne巧hlP cry 0 to cry out against something大
经浴关系应由所有制标佳来支配 声反对某事物。 Peo户le日reC即ing out
critical be critical of someone or against the门ewla陌人们人声疾呼反对新
something对某人或某事指出缺点・法律。公to cry out for something要求
The伯m,加八a:日/wa厂beeo critical of某事物・币e以丁。历ce巧c甲ing out for
才he尹rachieveme门朽那家人始终在批1平他们 new sta任增值税税务所要求增加人手・
的成就。 ' u 11 to cull information or ideas froma
criticize to criticize someone for or particular source从某来源中挑选出
over something因某人的错误或愚蠢的情报或主意・ The story巧culled from
事而批评他。厂ranc , 5 criticized the legend.故事是从传说中挑选出来的。
P / aye巧for be尹ng gree即a门d妇cki门9 prlde ( u 1 minate to cu ! minate in or with
价thelrper角rmance弗兰西斯批评球员们太something以・告终。 Their la ; t tour
贪婪,表现得缺乏自尊。 He四韶increa - culminated in fourn兮hts at Wembley
别ng / y criticised for Obstlna印他因固执日 stadium他们上一次出游中最后四夜是在
益受到1批评。 someo沂her col / eagu巴ha阳温勃里体育馆度过的。 The w / lole event即111
切打d讼ed her over动el门tFOductIOno沂the ' “夕minate with thetl日d尹tlona尹万reVvorks
门ew tax她的某些同事批评她推出新税种。 on Frlday nlght整个活动将在星期五晚上以
cross 0a cross between one thing and施放传统烟火而达到高潮。
another 〔两种不同的〕混合物。 The cure 0a cure for an illness or disease
black gownm日de hlm Iook Ilke a cross 〔对某疾病的〕疗法0 Eat , ngISthebe ; t
betweena户reacher and an avengl门g cure forjet一/ag吃东西是克服时差反应的最
angel黑袍一上身他看上去像牧师与报复天佳办法。 0 tocuresomeoneofahabit
使的混合物。公to cross one animal or Or attitude矫正某人的不良行为或态
plant with another动植物杂交0 The度。 Hem盯t try and cure hl哪el沂of this
main hybrid used In pig伯rm了ng was拍ndency toda州ream他必须设法矫正自己
CrOSSed With the Brit了sh saddleback 做白日梦的倾向。
varlety养猪中所用的主要杂种来自英国黑脊curse a curse on or upon someone又、 r
胡狼种。 0to cross awordorwords某人的诅咒。 There 15 a curse on thIS
off a listylJ掉。认他crossed the dayso仔lamlly这家人中了诅咒・
our home一made calendars我们将这些日子cursed be cursed with something受某
在自制日历中划去。 事物之苦。 It 15 the el印h日nt , s rnls角rt " ne
crowd 0to crowd around or round that It has been cursed with a pairof
someone or something聚集在某人或某沁sks大象受象牙之祸真是不幸。
事物周围。 ‘八ildren were alwa夕5 cut 0to cut across a place穿过某地
crowd角9 around the tlcket booth.孩子〔尤指抄近路〕 。 We ' utacrOSsthegrass
们总是围着售票亭聚集・ Otocrowdinto toarelative加犯cluded印。 t.我们穿过草地
a place拥入某地0 Ou朽Ide , : hinycars来至l{比较僻静的地方・ otocutthrough
crowd into the square夕卜面有乌黑发亮的something穿过某事物・角eir voices
汽车拥入广场。 cut through the murmured pra夕e巧.他们
crowded be crowded with something的说话声穿过低沉的祈祷声・ 0 a cutin
拥挤的,被某物占满的。 The Plerwa , something 〔费用、质量、数量等的〕削
crowded with anx尹ous pare门朽wa尹t了门g减。 nreside门t日叮h announced a ten per
fo厂thelr children码头上挤满焦急等候子女 cent cut l ' n US forces布什总统宣布,美
的家长。 国裁军百分之十0 0 to cut back on
cruel be cruel to someone对某人残酷 something降低〔支出、质量〕 。确呷
( utba ( k

manu角ctUre巧cut back on the qual产tyo厂damage damage to sornething对某物
the keyboa厂d许多制造商降低了键盘的质的损环。 ltc刁n cau ; e damage to the
量。 otocutdownonsomething减少Iiver . heart , and kidne卢它会损害肝脏、心
消耗。物u : houjd cut down on dai甲脏、肾脏。 M了on / y concern巧the
户厂oduce你们应该减少生严奶类制品。 damage to your re户utatlon我唯一关心的
companie5w/刃门eed才0 cut down on 是对你的名誉的损害。
adl刀ln巧tratlve vVaste需要削减行政浪费dance 0to dance with someone与某
的公司。 0 tocutsomeoneofffrom人跳舞。八Iverio sa夕;为ew日:dancing
something切断某人的来往・使某人与with frlen击at a nig八tcjub埃弗禾l]奥说
外界隔绝。 succe55t八爬atened to cuther他在夜怠、会与朋友跳舞・ 0 to dance toa
off斤om hlrn.成功之后她和他有断乡圈往 particular kind of music按着某类音乐
的危险。乙iverPooj prjdes了tsel沂on Its节拍跳舞。不he夕do门ot dance to
u门IqUene55;山ew即了t巧cuto仔斤。 m the class了caj mus了c他们并不按古典音乐的节拍
rest 。沂山ecou门try利物浦为自己与众不同 跳舞。
而骄傲,因为它与国家其他地方隔绝开了。 danger 0be in danger二in danger
公to cut someone out of an activity不of something处于某种威胁之中。 Do
容许某人做某事。 Idon ' t山InkI5hould you realjze that夕ou may bein山nger户
be cut out oft八e trIP我想我不应该被排除 你知道你自己可能有生命危险吗?/ t 15 in
在出游活动之外。 0 be cut out for danger of cojla那ing它有倒塌的危险。 O
something适合于〔某一工作或活动〕 。 out of danger脱离危阶0 once he was
l ' m not rea / ly cut out for thlsk , nd of out of danger , the doctors were able to
work我不适合做这种工作。 0 be cut up invest了gate the causes which Ied to his
about something 〔对某事〕不高兴。 collapse.他脱离危险之后,医生终于能够调
角ey sent her home ' she seems awfUlly查他病倒的原因。
cut叩aboutit他们打发她回家,她似乎大date 0a date with someone与异性约
为不快。 会。 He四as late forh巧date with julie .
cutback a cutback in something such他与朱莉约会时迟到了。 Otodatefrom
as expenditure , quality , or amount 〔在or date back to a particular time从某
花费、质量、数量等方面的〕削减。 时追述起;追溯到某一时间。.a
. thecutbackinpublicserVIces公用rococo sh叩fro门t that dates from about
事业的削减。 1760.…约建于1760年的罗可可风格店
面。 The useo沂mon即da加5 back to the
打me when human societles万fst be臼me
large ande所cient金钱的使用可追溯到人类
O 社会初次扩大、效率提高的时期。
dawn to dawn on or upon someone某
dab to dab at something轻触某物。 He人慢慢地明白。 It never dawned on her
d白bbed athercheekwlthahandkerchle近 that herli殆was In danger她从没意识到,
他用手帕轻触她的脸颊。 自己的生命有危险。
dabble to dabble in an activity涉足某day hy day在白天。 The bird:伦ed
活动。 lsometimesdabbledin m日Inly勿山夕鸟儿主要在白天觅食。
commercla了art我有时涉足商用艺术。 deal 0to deal with something处理,
dally to dally with an idea or plan不认对付〔某事物〕 。四为enth即had dealt
真地考虑意见或计划・ He began to with the斤re . anothe厂crjs巧a厂Ose他们处
dally with the Ideat八at she mlght be理好火灾后,又出现另一场危机・ Th即have
Iooking for him他开始随便地思索她可能在 to deal with chlldren who ' ve been
找他这个问题“ drillking in the lunch一hour他们不得不对付

午餐时l司喝酒的孩子。 0 to deal witha decide to decide on or upon something
particular subject论及涉及研究下决心,对某事决定。 Ha ve you
〔某一主题〕 ・ The book deals with山e decided on how四〔 5八ould act,你有没有
pu巧ult of Rommel亏日m沙a加r EIAlame川下决心我们该怎么行动,Already巾eI厂
本书讨论阿拉曼战役之后追击隆美尔军队的 万rstproductlo门八adbee门decidedopon
事・ 0 to deal in a particular type of他们的第一批生产早已确定
goods经营某类商品。月e dealt in ajl de ( ision a decision on or about
dome , t了c commodj才les他经营各类家用商something对某事的决定・ A decision
品。 on the魔ue mlght门ot be nec既a甲也许
dealings your dealings with someone 没有必要就这个问题作出决定。 He门ever
与某人有交往〔尤指商业上的往来〕 。 j made a swl斤decision about anyth尹ng
kePt him in允rmed ofm夕dealings with他从不很快下决心。
cablnet mln店ters我始终让他了解我与内阁decked be decked with , in , or out in
部长们的交往。 l ' ve never hada门y something用某物装饰・ ralsed
dealings认,i th Gertrude我从未与格特鲁德mounds decked with garlands and
做过生意。 fI0wers ・以花环花朵装饰的土丘。
dear be dear to someone在某人看来极 二,twin beds decked inr了Ch cream -
为珍贵的。 IOng stretches 。行andwl幼coloured brocade用浓奶油色织锦装饰
rocks and pools 50 dear to children的双人床OT八ey were decked out in
大片的沙滩,有孩子们喜爱的石子与水ernbroidered coats她们用绣花上衣打扮自
池。 己。

debate 0a debate on , over , or ahout decline a decline in something or of
something对某事的辩论、讨论。 thIS something 〔某事物的〕 「降,衰亡0
debate on the勿沁re guldellnes forsocial,二a declineinstandards标准下降。
甲e门ding.关于社会支出的未来指导方针 the decline of the亡iberalPa厂妙自
的讨论。 the deba拍over the extent 由党的衰落。
and scopeo沂pub / ic ownersh脚・关于decrease a decrease in something 〔某
公有制范围的讨论。 the unendlng事物的〕降低,减少。 The tax on fue /
d七bate about tobacco.关于烟草的无wlll encourage a decrease in petrol
休止辩论。公to debate with someone co门sumption燃油税将鼓励人们减少汽油消
与某人进行辩论或讨论。 He debated 费。
with his forem日n on the压t日reo沂the dedicate 0 to dedicate yourself to
cro那他与工头讨论庄稼的情况。 Bernstein something将自己奉献给某事。日e
debated with hlmse厅for aw八ile.伯恩斯dediC日ted hlmsejf to the solution of
坦与自己辩论了一番。 routlne problems他全力以赴地解决日常问
debt in deht欠债。 Herh呱band drank题。公to dedicate a book or piece of
and was deeP in debt她丈夫酗酒,且债music to someone 〔在自己所著的书或
台高筑。 音乐作品上〕题词、献词。 she
deceive to deceive someone into doing d七dlcated her斤巧t b00k ‘州门der the从冲产
something欺骗某人去做某事;故意使tORa夕mond Que门eau她将自己写的第一部
某人误解。 one can ea ; ily oe deceived书《网下》献给雷蒙德・昆诺。
into feeling eve甲山jng wasjusti万ed人们dedicated be dedicated to something
很容易蒙受欺骗,感到一切事情都有正当理专心于某事。 ama门dedicatedtohis
由。 Reade巧were deceived into the craft专心本行的人。
m巧taken belle厂th日t the adver才lsements default 0by default因某事未发生;
were genulne读者受骗误以为那些厂告是因疏忽。 Mu山。沂叻at 1 was doing had
真的。 fallen to me by default我做的许多事倩都
defe ( t

是临时冒出来的。公in default of doing defle ( t to deflect someone from
不还债・不出庭〕 ・丫。 u can even be she had no reaso门to be deflec饱d from
, ent to户r巧on in default ofpa卯祀nt你 her usual modeo沂li角她没有理由改变一贯常
若不还清债务甚至会坐牢的。 0 to 的生活方式。
default on an amount of money拖欠欠degenerate / did3旦norelt八0 degene -
款。 7h ef , lm oompan夕hasa / rea即rate into or to somethingl丫之落、衰退
defaulted on one户ayment电影公司已经到某一程度。月er四or走为as dege -
拖欠了一次货款 nera帕d into a ser尹e , o沂sexual puns and
defecto / d工fokt / a defect in or of metaph 。巧她的作品堕落到大用色情双关语
something不足之处・缺陷・功ere are与隐喻0 The尹ractingoftendegenerated
anumberofdefe 〔朽inthlsvlew这个观 toanlnfan川e抽ve/他们的表演往往降低到
点有不少缺陷。 the defects of叭健5帕rn 儿戏水平。
;。 clety西方社会的不足之处。公degree by degreesi斩渐地・能r hatred
ldi几kt八0 defect from one place or ofPhljlPhadgrown勿degreestobethe
organization to another叛变投敌。 The domlnantpa " iono沂herl厂fe她对菲利蒲的
composer亏son defected斤om Russ尹a 愤恨渐渐加深,成为生活中的主导情感。
earllerth巧尸ar作曲家之子今年叛逃,已离delight 0the delights of an activity or
开俄罗斯。几到ordefectedtotheLlbera台experience 〔做某事的〕快乐。丁he
In 79口6泰勒于1906年投靠了白由党。 VICtorlans deve / oped a great passion for
defence defence against something用the deliuhls ofcrulslng维多利亚人开始非
于防护的屏障・ ababy ' sdefence常热衷乘船出游取乐。 0 to delightlnan
against infectlon婴儿的防感染屏障。 activity or experience喜爱・以某事为
defer to defer to someone遵从某人的乐。 He delights inco门troversy他喜爱争
意愿・助lldre门were以户ected to defer 论。
tot八e矛r parents才n evefyth加g要求儿童一delude to delude someone into
切行动听从家长的指示。 believing something哄骗某人使他误信
deferen ( 6 in deference to someone 某事为真。 we mu , t n 0 t delude
or to their wishes出于对〔某人或其意ou巧elves into了magi门ing that we are
愿的〕尊重。月echangedh巧n日me亡o being educated我们不可欺骗自己,以为正
四论Inreb in deference to hIS gra门dfather 在受教育。
根据祖父的意愿,他改名为温勒布。 deluge to deluge an organization or
d6fian ( e in defiance ofaruleororder place with something使〔某组织或某
不顾规则或命令。 Hls son had comein地〕泛滥某物或被某物淹没。 The了
de石白nce ofh巧后the厂,5 strict orders他儿deluged the Min巧抑with陌tters他们的
子无视他父亲的严令来到了。 信件潮水般涌至{]部里。 Fivem , nutes later
deficient be deficient In something缺the ho帕1 was deluged With uniformed
乏某物。 Cow ' 5 mllk 15 deficient in pollce五分钟之后,旅馆里就到处是穿着警
vltamjn5C日门do牛奶缺乏维生素C和O 。 服的警察了。
deficit in deficit赤字。二a countFy delusion under a delusion错觉。弘e
whose balanceo沂payments was continued to drink , under the delusion
perma门ently in deficit一个收支始终 that shev , as immune to It她继续喝酒,
出现赤字的国家。 误以为自己不会醉。
definition by definition依据定义为。 delve to delve into something在某物
A democra即has by definition to be中搜寻。角即delved into thelr desks
Independeot民主国家依据定义必须是独立for thelr pens他们在书桌里翻找钢笔。
国家。 . delving into the secrets of nature ・
des 【 end

探索自然的奥秘。 depended eq日ally on八lger了ans and
demand 0a demand for something Morocca门5法国同等地依赖阿尔及利亚人与
〔又、 l某物的〕需求要求。 There Wasa摩洛哥人。 He arguedt八at security
heaVydemandforgoo比andsery尹ces商depended upon djsarm日ment他争辩
品和服务的需求很大。公the demands of 说安全取决于裁军。
atypeofactivity 〔某项活动的〕要求。 dependent be dependent on or upon
山edemandsof角cto甲work工厂someone or something依靠,取决于
工作的要求。 〔某人或某事物〕 ・ 7hey are时111
demonstrate to demonstrate dePendent on the , r户aren朽他们仍在依
something to someone向某人证明某赖父母亲。 NoW , as门ever before , one兮
事;向某人演示某事。 They needto fUture巧a如。,t洒01少决pendent opon
demonstrate to children just wha亡educatlon如今,人们的前途比以往任何时
cheatlng mea门s他们需要向儿童演示,欺骗 候都几乎全依赖于教育。
意味着什么0 Theappropr了ateactlon巧depict to depict someone or something
then demonstrated to them.然后向他们 as a particular kind of thing将某人、
演示了正确的动作。 某物描绘为某一种事物。 Intheplcture ,
denounce 0 to denounce someone or judges are depicted as sheeP在图中,法
something as a particular kind ofthing 官被描绘为羊只。 The huma门hunterIS
谴责某人或事物为某种东西。 Th ey often depiCted as a savage killer猎人常
were being denounced as tralto巧他们 常被描绘为野蛮的杀手。
被谴责为叛徒。 0 todenouncesomeone deprive to deprive someone of
for something they have done因某人something they have or want从某人处
所做的事而谴责某人・ But rnany In the剥夺某事物。 Thep / aye巧were deprived
cro四ddenouncedh朋fornotgoinq角r of thelr instruments演员们被剥夺了乐器。
enough但人群中许多人谴责他走得不够弘e was deprivedofsleep勺r勿urteen
denUd6 to denude something ofa derive 0to derive pleasure or an
quality or feature使某物裸露,失去某advantage from something从某处获得
品质或特点。 wln比sweptt力e pla ; n ,快乐或利益・ The夕derive enormous
den " ding It ofallvegetation大风刮过平pleasure from thelrg阳ndch了刁阳n.他们从
原,把植物剥去了。 孙辈那里获得很大乐趣・ How was 1 to
depa代0to depart from a way ofdoing derive aI ' ) y sorto沂/Iving from that one
things违背、超出传统习惯。 He acre户靠那一英亩地我怎么谋生呢,0 to
决parted from cu ; tom on由15 occasion derive or be derived from a particular
bytakingabath.他洗了一个澡,违背了这source源出于某物。 50 ; 1 derives from
种场合的习惯。 The par妙depa柑ed斤om many kinds 。沂rock,泥土来源于多种岩石。
the prlncIPle that all members were equa / principles derived from re / jgious
党违反了全体党员一律平等的原则。 0 to doctri门e源自宗教教义的原则。
depart from a place离开某地。 Th即descend 0 to descend on or upona
fIRallyd印arted h . om the : tage他们最终place or person突然访I司;袭击。
离开了舞台。 Otodepartforaplace出 silen印四Ouldd巴印口d On the me日dow
发去某地。 The ma门was alrea即lateln寂静降临到草地。 5 〔 h 。 。 lgirlsde " en -
depar打ng for Bllyarsk那人出发去比利亚ding opon hlm wlt八teas才ng crles女
斯克时已经迟了。 学生嬉笑着乎l\向他・ 0 to descend toa
depend to depend on or upon type of behaviour降低身份或人格。八11
something or someone依赖,依靠,取too soon they Will descend to SPreadi心
决于〔某事物或某人〕 。 France scandal and gosslP.他们很快会沦落到散布
des ( 6nd6d

丑闻、谣言的地步・ 勿wl门他是我的偶像一我渴望他能获胜。
descended be descended from destined 0be destincd for a particular
someone为某人的后裔。 He was experience or thing某纤j万或某事是命
descended from the founder oft八e ' },注定。八orses destined for
set对eme门t.他是该殖民地创立者的后令。 引aughter汪定要屠字的马匹“ He
describe to describe someone or seemed destined for a conve门才Ion日l
something as a particular thing把某人careerln山e City他似平命中汪定要在城里
或某事物说成。 One亡abour MP 从事一辈子的传统职业。公be destined
described him as ' the most八日ted ma门 for a Place去某一地方・日fllght des -
In ParIiament ’一位工党议员把他说成是‘议 tined forltajy去意大利的航班・
会中最遭憎‘}恨的人。 She de ' cribed Mr detach 0to detach yourself froma
sjack ' , al / egat了ons as be了ng completely situation or a group of people摆脱,
un打ue她说布莱克先生的指控完全不属买。 离开〔某种情势或某群人〕 ・ Arab Afrlca
design by design蓄意的。 even朽had begun to detachi朽elf fromex加rnal
whlch did not occU : by design不是control阿拉伯非洲开始摆脱夕「部控制。 she
蓄意造成的事件。 detached he巧el厂fromt为e groupa门d
designate / d旦zlgnelt / to designate 四andered over towards me她脱离1亥团
someone or something as a particular体,向我靠拢。公to detach one thing
thing委任或给某人或某物某个称号。 from another使某物脱离另一事物。
The Prime Mi门巧ter designated硫hathlr 二a scheme tod七tach the western states
ash巧sUcces犯r首相指定马哈蒂尔为接班 斤。 m theresto沂山eUI钊帕dstates使
人。.areas designated as ' wl / derness ' 西部诸州脱离美国的计划。
称为‘旧厂野’的地区。 detail details oforaboutsomething某
desire desire for something对某事的事的细节。 The bank gave门。幽tails of
渴望。 The desire for八。 me ownershlP the agreement银行未提供协议的细节O
I55tlllstrO门g拥有房屋的欲望仍很强。 you Give mea角w details aboutyourwl角,5
cannotsuppr邵:the desife forllbe你你 route to Svvazlla门d给我讲讲你太太去斯威
不能压制对自由的渴望。 士兰之行的情况。
desist to desist from doing something detention in detention被拘留。 He
不再做某事。 forlorn hop邵t加t they was in detention awaltl门gtrJ日l他被拘留
四ould desist斤om snowba / Iing each 候审。
othe厂但愿他们不再相互扔雪球的无望之deter to deter someone from doing
希望・ The pub / js八e巧persuaded the something阻止某人做某事。 That刚//
author to desist from such references.出 not deter八im from break了ng才he law
版商劝作者放弃这些参考文献。 agaln.那不会阻止他再次犯法・
despair to despair ofdoingsomething ; detraCt to detractfrom something good
to despair of something existing or贬低。 This shou / d门ot be allowed to
being successful对某事绝望。日e detract from thelr ac内了evement不应允许
由SPair6d of ever八aVIng the courageto 它贬损他们的成就。
ask her他放弃了鼓起勇气问她的希望。即户d6triment口1 be detrimental to
四ould be very un四巧e to despair of something 〔对某事〕有害的,不和l的。
democracy.我们对民主绝望的话,就很不明PlantatiO门匆re5抑巧a污。 detrimentalto
智了。 州了dllfe植树造林也有害于野生动物。
desperate be desperate for something develop to develop from one thing to
极需要某事物・ l四a 、 desperate for or into another thing 〔使某人或某物〕
rnoney at the time我当时急需要钱。 He发育、发展、成长为另一种事物。 she
was my idol一1 was deSPerate for hlm ha ' developed from a youthful , smiling
di什er6n ( 6

enthu5last to a hardened户ro伦55iona/她 一位艺术家设立的博物馆。胡ucho厂h巧
已从一个充满朝气・,满面笑容的热心者1成户e巧onal tirne巧devoted to help了ng
长为老练的专业人员。 50me0沂them de - charltab / e orga门lzatIO形他的大量私人时间
veloped into very , tr日nge creatures 都致力于帮助慈善组织。
Indeed其中一些发育成极怪异的动物・ d iagnose to diagnose sorneone ' s
develoPment a developmentinafield symptoms as a particular illness诊断
of actiVity or a type of thing 〔某项活某人的病症为某种疾病。 Th即a / l dled
动或某类事物的〕发展或进展。犯me from a djsease diagnosed as
exciting new developmentS in cancer consumptIO门他们均死于诊断为擂病的一种
SCIe门ce癌科学的某些惊人新进展。 病。
deviate to deviate from a particular dialect in dialect用方言。 He could
rnethod , standard , or idea违背,偏离recite the Declaratlo门。厂IndePendence角
〔某一方法、标准或思想〕 。 peoPle苗日Iect他会用方言背诵《独立宣言》 。 He
汕ode沂白te from ' oc了ety兮Ideaso沂what印oke in Sicilia门苗自Iect他说西西里方言。
巧normal一偏离社会正常观念的人们。 diameter in diameter直径。.bottles
四户have never devia拒d from our belle沂9l ' nch " indiameter直经9英寸的瓶
th时abortjo门巧a mo阳/evl/我们从未违背 子。
堕胎不合道德的信念。 didat6 / dlktelt / to dictate to someone
devoid be devoid of a quality or thing向某人发指令。 There was nodoubt
缺乏某种品质或事物。 His work 15 totally who would be dic怕ting to the genera朽
devoid of merlt他的工作毫无价值。 谁向将军们发指令是勿庸置疑的”
devolve to devolve or be devolved to , d ie 0to die of or from a particular
on , or upon someone将职务、工作移disease or illness死于某种疾病。
交给某人。 Cons , derableP 。畔巧wou / d Be沁re he could retir已he diedofaheart
be devolved to the reglonal admlnI5tra - at才ack他尚未退休就死于心脏病。 A man
tIO门s会把很大的权力交给地区行政当局。 四为0 worked at the nuclearproce巧ing
The labou厂。沂finding food should devolve plant has died from a rare form of
on the men.找食物的差事应交给男子。 leukaemia一位核处理厂的男子死于一种罕
devote to devote yourself , your time ,见的白血病。公to die in a particular
your energy to something为某事奉献event or accident在某一事件或事故中
出〔一生、时间、精力等〕,献身于某丧生。 Oneo厂her daug八te巧died初the
事物0 The夕devote themse / ve : to djsaster她的一个女儿在灾难中丧生。 A
WOrking IOr social少ustice.他们献身于为社Ieading human rlghts actlvlst has diedin
会正义而努力。山ose四八odevotethelr a carcrash一位人权活动领弓人死于车祸。
energies to par妙polltlcs二把精力奉献0 tobedyingforsomething极想要某
于党派政治的人。 物。 I ' m dying for a clgarette我极想抽
devoted 0be devoted to someone or 烟。
something热爱某人或某事物・ Nico / a differ to differ from something else不
remained devoted to her SI5ter尼古拉始 同于别的事。 Your户“ lti印di月铂rsfrl " 1
终热爱妹妹。 FOr the Iastt四oye日巧of hls mlne in somere印ects你的立场在某些方面
llfe he was devoted to weight一trainlng 与我不同。
在他生命中最后的两年里・他非常热爱健身difference 0a difference be加een two
运动。公be devoted to a particular things or people 〔两件事或两人之间的〕
Subject or activity致力于,专为某一对不同。 she could te / / the difference
象或活动而设。 Re了k少avlk ha : a bet , veen山e snarl ofa / I on and thatofa
surPrlsing门umber ofm叮eums devo怕d leopard她能分辨狮吼与豹啸。公a
to a single artist雷克雅未克拥有大量专为difference in something 〔某方面的〕不

d iff6rent

[ a ] OTh即stood back to bac走mea : urlng / e eks吃新鲜韭葱涪盘菜
纳elr difference in Slze他们背靠背站着,d ip 0 to dip into a book or particular
比较高矮。 subject浏览某本ll}或某‘ 、户科。/厂you
di什erent be different from , to , or than want to kno口阴ore ' vve , u夕9 " tyou diP
someone or something与某人或某物不into ‘角e石ngj , sh走egajs厂才em ‘妙KT
l 「习二a different thing from , to , or than Eddey如果想知道详情请侧览K.不爱迪的
another thing与另一事物不同的事物。 《英国法律制度》 ・ you 。门少have to diP
ju即’ 5 home四as very dif拒rent from into Vlctorlanl了terat " re to see th日tth巧
Etta ',朱迪的家与埃塔的大不相同。 四日snotthec日se你只消查下维多利亚时
customs四自了c八are different to日 代的文献,就可知道情况不是如此・ Oto
] ewlsh pe巧。 n亏customs与犹太人习俗dip into an amount of money从自己的
不同的习俗。 The日tmosphere was储蓄中取出钱・ Itlsnormalforpe叩/eto
different than our earller meetln少气氛diP动to thelr sav尹n少斤om tlme to tlme
与我们以前的见面不一样・ They clearly had不时动用储蓄也是常有的事。
adi加rent pe巧pectlve from rny ow门他direct 0 to direct someone to a place
们的观点明显与我的不同。 给某人指路。乃epol , ce八日ddifected
d ifferentiate 0 to differentiate h了mtotheVvlongcourtroom法警给他指
between two things or people就l丙人错了法庭的位置。 Otodirectcriticism ,
或两个事物进行区另lj Ohls们abilltyto anger , threats , and 50 on at someone
diflerentiate between ' exual and or against someone 〔义、{某人〕寸t仁评、生
platonlc relatlonsh胭5他无法分辨’!生关气、威胁等・乃e boo : and whi " tles
系与精神恋爱。公to differentiate one were directed at the manager , not the
thing or person from another将事物teaIJn倒彩和口哨是冲着经理来的,而不针对
或人与另一事物或人区别开。 the队员・ the rI5ing tide 。沂rac巧mdi沈ded
works whlch differentiateyouh ℃ myour against Immlgran朽针对移民的种族主
用any Imltators将你与大量模仿者相区 义浪潮日益高涨。
别的作品。 disabUSe to disabusc someone of an
diff云cult be difficult for someone to idea or belief消除某人的错误想法或信
do something某人做某事有困难・ I才仰。,he / o nged todi妇buse hlrn of山后
wasdi所cult for meto日咖st to the ne 、 mlstake她渴望能消除他的这一错误想法。
邓/la bus要我适应新的教学大纲很困难。 A disadvantage 0 be at a disadvantage
lew precautions ca门makel了fe difficult处于不利地位。 once again , the
for crimlna行采取一些预防措施,可以使罪Go甘ernment九as putt为e le55 well一。厅at
犯难以得逞。 a disadvantage,政府又使穷人处于不利地
di什iculty in difficulty处境困难。月e位了。公to the disadvantage of
went to thea矛d of a swlmmer in diffi - someone对某人不不小The termso沂
culty.他去帮助遇溺的游泳者。 tradeha阳mo四d to the disadvantage
dilute to dilute one liquid with another of the山护rd四orld贸易条款有变动・不利于
用一种液体稀释〔另种溶液〕 ・ 011 " te 第三世界。
the mllk withV阳te厂牛奶要搀水。 disagree 0to disagree with someone
diminution a diminution of something about , on , or over something就某事
or in something某事物的减少・ a与某人意见不一1 disa夕ree with them
diminution of斤eedom限制白由。 about malntenance我不同意他们关于维修
adimin “石。 ninconte门tment减少 的意见・叭他,/ I just have to disagree over
知足感。 that.我们对那事只得存异了。 It vvould be
dine to dine on a particular food进餐O Inaccurate tOS即that they disagree on
dining on a ca55eroleo沂fresh most I55ues.说他们在大多数事上意见不一是

2 10

不确切的。公to disagree with an action d 15 ( ourse / dlsk 。:s / a discourse ona
or proposal反又寸〔某一行为或提议〕 particular topic 〔对某一i题的〕论述・
闪0 one四ou / d disagree With才he flrs才Theyj ' tened po / I tely勿h巧苗scourse on
suggestlon.没有人会反对第一条建议。 humanre心tlo门5他们毛礼貌地听他讲人际关
d isagreement a disagreement with 系主题。
someone or between people 〔与某人d iscrepancy a discrepancy between
的〕分歧,或〔 l脚人之lioJ的〕分歧。 she two things 〔两件事情的〕差异,不一
dropped outo / un了versity aftera致。 the discrepancy between prlvate
disagreement with her tutor她与大学里aff / ue门ce andpubllcsqualo厂私人殷富
的导师闹僵后便退学了二the publlc dis - 与公众肮脏贫困之间的矛盾。
agreement between slr八/a n and Nlgel d iscriminate 0 to discriminate
乙a吧on ' caus了ng embarra巧ment to动e between things辨另I}两件事物。能wa :
GO陀rnmen亡阿兰爵士与奈杰尔劳森 un日bleto币3criminate between colou巧
的公开分歧使政府十分尴尬。 他不能辨色,是色盲・公to discriminate
d isappointed 0 be disappointed in against someone歧视某人。日ern ; tein
someone or with someone对某人感到 claimedt为at teachers diSCrimin日te
失望。 R " doIPh had the加el ; ng功atshe against working一cla55山泪阳门.伯恩斯坦声
was disappointed in hlm沁r门ot telling称,教师们歧视工人阶级的孩子。公to
her鲁道夫觉得,她由于自己不向她吐露之事discriminate in favour of someone袒
而对他感到失望。 I ' mafraldthechlldren 护某人。 Th e landlords tend to
areve尽d加ppointed with me恐泊孩子discriminate in favour of young
们要对我很失望了。公be disappointed chjldlessco叩/es房东一般对没有孩子的年
with or at something对某事感到失望。 轻夫妇格外开恩。
1 know he附5 disappointed atm了d iscuss to discuss something with
reactlon.我知道他对我的反应感到失望。 someone与某人谈论某事。四e were
disapprove to disapprove ofsomething wi / ling to discusst为e matter wI ' th our
or someone不赞成〔某事或某人〕 colleagues.我们愿与同事们谈论此事・
TOm苗污aPProved of sonny , 5 tactics汤discussion under discussion在讨论
姆不赞成索内的策略。 中。 the pe叩le who are going to use
d ischarge / d : stl些d3 / to discharge the items " nderdi污cussion将使用正
someone from hospital , prison , or ajob在讨论的东西的人。
准许某人出院、获释或离职。 A沁w d isdain disdain for something or
wee朽ago 1 was dis动a勺ed from the Alr someone 〔对某人或某事的〕蔑视。 She
FOrce我几个星期前从空军退伍了。 was fuH of disdain for pojltlcs.她对政治
d isconnect to disconnect one thing充满蔑视。
介om another使两物断开。 Disconned disentangle to disentangle one thing
the machine from the electrici妙sUPp / y from another使某事物从另一事物中摆
使机器断开电源。 脱出来。 He disentangled his力ead
d 15 ( ontented be discontented with介。 m the netting他的头摆脱了织网的纠
something对某事不满意。 she wa :缠0 Rellgion cannotbedisentangled
discontented with the自口刀of Victorla门介。 mlreland性problems爱尔兰问题无法摆
rellglon.她不满意维多利亚宗教的形式。 脱宗教的纠缠。
d iscourage to discourage someone disgrace 0in dlsgrace失宠;不体面
from doing something劝某人不要做某地。 Hls brother为add ; ed here in
事。 It 15 good sen ; e to discourage older disgrace他兄弟在此可耻地死去。公a
peoPle h . om eatlng more thanth印need . disgrace to a place , profession , org卿p
劝老人吃饭七分饱是有道理的。 of pe0Ple 〔某地、某一职业或某个群体
2 11
d isguise

的〕不光彩的事。 a门act ; o门condem - u门Feal巧tIc ’蒂姆、凉斯认为返些政策“不成
ned邵a disgrace toEngland被谴责熟、不现买’ ・ Her as户了ratjo门5 were
为英格兰耻辱的行动These ar才尹c / es can苗3missed as sel六delus ; on她的热望被贬
o门Iy be descr了bed as a disgrace to
jo盯门a/污m这些文童只能说是新闻界的耻dism0Unt to dismount from a horse or
辱。 abicycle下马或跨F自行介。月ewa ;
disguise 0to disguise something or dismounting from八js ho巧e to greet
someone as another thing or person将 Lucla门日.他正下马迎接卢西亚娜。
某物或某人伪装起来。 He dis夕uised disparity a disparity in something or
h朋selfasastudent他把自己打扮成学生。 between two things某方面的差距,或
. a laser gu门d行guised as a pairo沂两个事物间的不同、差别。 regl 。门al
bt门。 cUlars伪装成望远镜的激光枪・ O disparities in unem剧。尸刀ent失业状
in disguise伪装的〔地〕 01 ' d come baCk况的地区差另l]。二the disparity between
。门eda夕indisguise我日后会化了装回归。 rlch and poor贫富差异。
d isgusted be disgusted with or at dispense to dispense with something
someone or something厌恶某人或某省却,免除〔某事〕 。功e少00 could oe
事“厂m absolutelydisgustedwithsa叮done more cheap / y bydi印ensing with
ItVvasaridiculousldea.我很厌恶巴利,那 叼fety equlPme门t省去安全设备可减少此项
个主意真好笑。 O " r members are工作的开支。
苗污gus拍d at this Iniqu了tou55了tuation.我display on display陈列0 He had al /
们的会员对这一不公正情况十分反感。 his machines and tools on disp伯y他把
d isillUsionment disillusionment所有的机器和工具都拿出来陈列。
with something or someone对某事或d ispleased be displeased with
某人失望,幻想破灭。 publj 〔 something or at something对某事不
苗sillUSionment with politics公众对快。 she remalned obvlou ; Iyd污pleased
政治的失望。 with botho厂us.她显然对我俩依然抱着不
dislike dislike of or for something or满。 PhijiPwa : nota/勿gether displeased
SOmeone 〔对某人或某事物的〕反感。 at findjngh洲on rhe ' ame plane菲不l{蒲
ad台Iike of pub / Ic eX户enditure不对发现他同机旅游并非十分不快。
喜欢公共支出。二our cat , s tota了diSlike disposal at someone ' 5 disposal由某
foral / othe厂ca朽我家的猫对所有其他人作主。 … the mo : t int ; m , dat ; ng
的猫深恶痛绝。 weapons at the state性disP0sal.…该国
disloyal be disloyal to someone对某所支配的最可怕武器。 He " ldheremain习
人不忠实。 wemayfeelltlsdisIOyalto at MrAziz , s disP0sal他说白己听从阿齐兹
our paren朽to recogniZe how lmportant 先生的调遣。
t八ese other people are我们可能感到]承d ispose to dispose of something or
忠。 除掉某人。 Camero门had disposed of
dismiss 0to dismiss someone froma some of the gold卡梅伦已处理了部分黄
place or their jobi - - L某人离开某地或解金。 stein Will have to be disP " ed of斯
雇某人。 Hewasdismissedh勺mhis ] ob坦因必须被除掉。
In the尸爬巧and尸ublici权DePartment.他d isputeo / dlspj竺t八0 dispute with
被解除了在新闻出版部的职位。公to someone over something就某事物与
d ismiss something as untrue , foolish ,某人进行争论・日nolghbour wh 。
Or unimportant认为某事不真实、愚蠢disputed wI ' th them over some / and .
或不重要而不予理会。 Tim jones ・ …与他们有土地争执的邻居。公/d些Pju : t /
dismiSSed the pollcles as ' hal吞baked and a dispute between people over
2 12
d istin ( tion

something or about something 〔就某not dissimilar tot八e户。户ular imageo厂
事在两人中进行的〕争论。 The Ca , e DO门Qu优ote夕卜表上他与吉诃德先生的公
ar巧e ' ffom a dispute between万尹r lan众形象不无相似
and john samue污over money本案源自d issociate 0to dissociate yourself
伊安爵士与约翰塞缪斯的金钱争议。 The from someone or something脱离〔某
COmm了ttee白l / ed to resojve a dispute人或某事物〕 。劝即犯ught to dl ' ss0 -
abouts娜c阳pers委员会没有解决关于摩天 ‘扫怕them ' el口es from the ranchers他们
大楼的争端・ 0 in dispute有争议。 H巧想脱离大衣场主・ 0 to dissociate one
r口htto日ttend巧in dispute他的参与权thing from another 〔在思想上〕将某事
有争议。 物与另一事物分开。八rt seemed
d isqualify 0to disqualify someone dissocia帕d from them日terlal conditlon ,
from something取消某人某一方面的 ofll角艺术似乎与物质生活条件分开了。
资格。 Mr saunde巧wa,价‘ qualified dissolve 0to dissolve something ina
斤。 m Ieg别ald桑德斯先生被取消了获得法liquid将某物溶入某一液体・ Pll污
律援助的资格。 He has been disqualified四川ch diss0Ivein四ate厂溶于水的药
斤。 ms了tting jn the House of Commons片。 0 to dissolve into a particular state
他已被取消旁听下议院的资格。公to开始进入某一状态。 Hi 、 relie厂h刁d
d 1 squalify someone for doing d台‘ olved into furtheranxle尔他的宽慰已
something由于某事而取消某人的资 瓦解为进一步的焦虑。
格。日e was disqualified forln用门ging d石ssuade to dissuade someone from
the ruj ".他因犯规而被取消资格。 doing something劝阻某人O
d isregard disregard for something or Interve门tion mlght dissuade them from
of something漠视某事0 . jeffe巧on ' : us了ng nuclear weapo门s夕卜来干预可能会阻
disregard for the constitutIOn.杰斐逊止他们动用核武器。
漠视宪法。 He殆行ang今a才the disregard distance 0in the distance orl址0 the
ofhlssclentlficjudgemen亡他对于自己科研distance在远处。 He thought he heard
判断力被忽视感到恼火。 new soun出in the dis怕nce他以为自己
d isrespect disrespect for something听到了远处有新的声音・ He would stare
or someone不尊敬〔某事物或某人〕 into thed店tance他会望着远处出神。 0
He tried to reduce such disreSPect for to distance yourself from something
aut八or矛翔among his men.他试图在部下中or someone疏远〔某人或某事物〕 。 He
减少这种不敬权威的作风。 distanced hlmselfh . om the乙abourPa即・
d云SSatisfied be dissatisfied with他疏远了工党。
something 〔对某事〕不满意,不满足。 d istaste distaste for someone or
角即became dissatisfied with pastrfes something不喜欢〔某人和某事物〕
斤。 m loca了bakerles他们对当地面包房烤的, h污growlng distaste for the values of
面包开始不满意。 自巧generat沁几他对于他同代人的价值
dissent to dissent from a proposal or 观渐渐反感。
idea不同意〔某建议或主意〕 。 Our dist . steful be distasteful to someone
frlends would dissent from that 令人厌恶的。 A即attltu虎she ad叩ted
决scr旧tiono沂t九err Iabou巧,我们的朋友会 四。 uldh日ve been distasteful to台im她
不同意那样描述他们的劳动。 的任何态度都令他厌恶。
diSSimilar not be dissi而lar from orto distind be distinctfromsomethingelse
something 〔与某事〕不无相同的,不无〔和某事物〕不同的・ convention '
相似的。阿Iscla ; s币ca亡ionlsnotent ; re少distinct from theF了ne Art tradition
d污Similar from GoldthorPe , 5他的分类与 与美术传统不同的习俗。
戈德索普的不无相同。 In aPPearance , hels distinCtion a distinction between two
2 13
d istinguish

things 〔两件事清的〕 I犬另11 Othe划,部长们仍有分歧・印Inlon ; are dividled
disti门cfion betvveen creatlve work and over how rnanyv了ewers a rejiglous
se厂vlle / a bour创作与奴役的区另lJ 。 channe / Wouldattract至十宗教频道会吸引
d istinguish to distinguish between 多少观众舆论大有分歧。
two things将l丙事物I式别l少于来;to d ivorce to divorce one thing from
distinguish one thing from another将another将某事与另一事物分开。 The
事物与另一事物区别)I 。 the failu阳 COndltlono沂roa比co日ld门otbedivor亡ed
tod污tinguish between了ncome and斤。 manyo山eras户ecto厂才ran印or才路面
Ca户itaj没有区分收入与资本・ Many 情况不能与其他交通状况分开来讲。
peo户le foundj才dl所cu / t to distinguish do 0to do something about a problem
rea / l妙斤。 m后n拍分许多人难以区分现买与为解决某一困难而做某事・ There Was
幻想。 no动了ng he cou / d do about了t他对此事毫
d istraCt to distract someone from无办法。公to do away with something
something分散;i:意。 oaj邓:aldh , 5废除某事物。尸ro户。:al ; were put
pr邵enced污tracted her from wrlting黛勿仰阳rd to do away咐thal厂forces and
西说他在旁边出现干扰了她写作。 l了mjtm了/ita尽eX户end了ture有多人建议废除
distrustful be distrustful of someone空军、限制军费开支。 Otodowithout
or something对〔某人或某物〕不信任。 something不用也行0 It was warm
It saddened her由日t he四as 50 distfustfl对enough to do without aja沃et天气很暖
ofher他如此不信任她,令她不快活。 和不穿夹克也行。
d iverge to diverge from sornething背dole on the dole领取失、 1卜救济金。
离。私eir vle吧diverge from山ose of Most actre55es spend ! Jn ore time on the
thelr contem户。 rarles他们的观点与其同龄doleth胡working许多女演员领失业救济
人背离。 金的时间比工作时间都长。
divest to divest someone of something dominanc6 dominance over someone
解除某人的权力等・ Bydol门gth巧th即or something 〔对某事物或某人的〕优
四。 uld divest them , elV郎Oft自elrs妇tus势・支配。 m日n , s dominance over
a , ChrI5tlan mlnlsters他们这样做,就放弃h巧fe刀ow cre日勿阳5人类支配动物。
了基督教教士的地位。 dominion dominion over someone or
d ivide 0to divide something into parts something 〔对某人或某物的〕统治,管
or groups将某事物分成部分或组别。辖。 He均voured some sorto沂dbminion
proposa / 5 to divide the Nature over勿uthA川enc日他赞成对南美洲拥有适
Co门servan卿Councll intoth阳e将自 当统治权。
然保护委员会一分为三的建议。 Thech刀d阳n donat6 to donate something to a person
a爬divided intot八ree age groups.孩子or organization将某物捐献给某人或某
们分成了三个年龄组。公to divide机构。 Membe巧were asked to dona佗
something among or between a group thel ' r kldn即sto功ec八日rltya斤er death成
of people将某事物分配给某几人。 员被要求在死后把肾脏捐献给慈善机构。
Dlm了nlshing resource , wil / have to be Our mjnlb峪阴5 donated to us byalocal
di时ded among more pe叩抽越来越稀少public house.我们的小型公共汽车是当地一
的资源得分配给越来越多的人。 The land家酒馆捐赠的。
四日sdividredbe加切eent四Obrothers.土地doomed be doomed to a particular state
由两兄弟分。 注定要出现某一状态・日i : attempt to
d ivided be divided on or overa achleve thIS四日5 doomed to白ilure他试
particular matter就某事有分歧。 图做到这一点,但注定要失败的。
MlnI5te巧are st了11 divided on whetherto d0S6 to dose someone with a medicine
90 ahead四ith the plan.对是否推进该计or drug给某人一定剂量的药。 some
2 14

are reputed to八ave dosed themselve ,会而穿礼服的英国人。
with户ain一k尹j / jng drugs据说某些人自己服dressed be dressed in particularclothes
用了止痛药。 穿着某一服装・/was dressed in slack :
dote to dote on or upon someone热a门dajers即我身穿孟动衫和宽松裤‘
爱,宠爱〔某人」 。 you know how she drill 0 to drill for 011 or water为、 I找
dotes on you all你们知道她多么泥爱你们〔石油、水〕而进行挖掘。 Nor Wl / l , t be
大家啊。 jong before we drill foro了1 on ocea门
d0Uble to doub ! e as someone or厅。 0巧到海底钻探石油的日了不远了。 oto
something兼作〔某人或某物〕 。 The drill something into someone刀}I练某
/ Iving room doubled as an offlce起居室人学会某事。 t为e tra;门;ng rules that
兼作写字}间。 had bee门drilled intoh ; m训练他学
doubt in doubt拿不定主意。 5为em即 会的培训规贝一」 。
四日nt to ask advlce四内en she店角doubt drink to drink to someone or something
她拿不定主意时可能来求教。 〔向某人、为某事〕祝酒。 He tooka
drain a drain on or upon someone ' s bott / e wlt八h了m to drink to the healtho厂
energies or resources消耗某人的〔精hIS h05ts.他带上一瓶酒为主人的健康干
力或资源〕 。 The drain on our re50urces 杯。
has alrea即gone too后r我们的资源消耗drive to drive someone to or intoa
已经太过分了。 particular state使某人或逼迫某人进入
draped be draped in something or with某一状态。 Th " edls韶te巧d沁veme门tO
something用某物覆盖・ lwa沃ed out , des户eratlon这些灾难把人逼入绝境。用湘g
动旧ped in a blanke亡我身披毛毯走了出去。了n the勿rm on / y droveh巧rnlnd into
Three sideso沂the tab / e were draped勿厂the厂co门勿sion填表格只能使他的思想更
w矛thUnion ] a cks桌子的三面覆盖着英国国 加混乱。
旗。 dr001 to drool over or at someone or
draw 0to draw someone intoa something对某人或某物流露出兴奋的
situation使某人涉及某处境。 He and神情。均u weredroolin夕overthat
Davidh日d beend门,犷月into a ferocious idiotic woma门你很有兴趣地注视着那疯
argument他和大卫被拖入了激烈的争论。 婆。
公to draw on or upon something使drop 0to drop in on someone { l匝便拜
用,利用。 He was ab / e to draw on vast访某人。丫ou must drop in on me
材。 drop out of an institution , agreement ,
dread a dread ofsomething orsomeone or competition退出〔某机构、协议、
〔对某事物或某人的〕恐惧。.a dread竞争等卜少en叮a : ked me汀1 would like
of bejng alone对独处的恐惧。 todropoutoflaw义八。 oI珍妮问我,是
dream to dream of something or about否想从法学院退学。.山e vlrUS thatfofCed
something梦想、梦见某事物。 lh日d him to drop out of动e COmmonwealth
价eamed of China slnce childhood我从Games迫使他退出英联邦运动会的病
‘ 」\就梦见中国。 He为日doncedreamedof毒。
bel门gafootba / jer他曾梦想当足球队员。 drum to drum ideas , knowledge , or
四加n you are young you dream about behaviour into someone反复向某人灌
all犯I - tso厂thln少人年轻时会有各种梦想。输思想、知识或行为。砧巧knowledge
dress to dress for a particular occasion had been drummed into he乙这种知识已
or activity穿晚礼服〔因要出席某一场 灌输给了她。
合或活动〕 。 Englis为men who dressed due 0be due to a particular cause由
for dinner In thelu门g / e.因参加密林宴于某一原因。 Death was due to natjraj
2 15

ca 。,es是自然死仁0 be due for不能坦然地做某事・/have门ever bee门
something应得到!。 1 reckonwe ' re due able to殆el ea邓about be了ng才n debt ,
for a rest我想我们应该休尝、一下了。 even拒mpo阳rljy我从采不能欠了债还坦然
duplicate / dj些pl , kot / in duplicate一对待,哪怕是暂时欠债・ 0 beeasyfor
式两份。 aformwh ; c为I为adtoread someone to do something某人做事很
a门ds勺门in duplicate表格我得看一容易。 ltw ; I / not be easy for an夕
遍,签上名一式两份。 ne叹omer tos拍y the co以rse新手要坚持
duress under duress被迫;被胁持。 至.』底是不容易的。 0 to 90 easy on
The statementa户pe日red to八日ve bee门something节省某物。厂or tho : ew八。
made " nder duress该声明似乎是胁迫下做 want to lose welght,了t巧best to 90 easy
出的。 on the rlce日nd bre日d要想减肥,最好少吃
duty 0 on duty值班。,he八ad to be 米饭面包。
on duty at the八。甲jtal她不得不在医院值eat to eat into a substance or resource
班・ Ooffduty下班。物uc日ngooff腐蚀,分解。 Copper or , ronp日ns are
duty now你可以下班了。 not sultab抽a ' vlnegar eats into them不
dwell to dwell on or upon a fact or 能用铜锅铁锅因为醋含有腐蚀一生。
memory细想・详沦〔事实、记忆〕 ・ eavesdrop to eavesdrop on someone
He had dwelt ont八e new以perlences of偷听某人谈话・ Ido门‘ tlikeeavesdrop -
the day他详细讲述了当天的新鲜经历。 ping On peop / e talklngo门山ep内one我
economize to economize on something
节省。角即八ad to economize on sta厅
E 他们只得减少员工人数以节省开支。
edge 0an edge to someone ' 5 voice言
eager be eager for something渴望O 语中流露出某种情绪・ ThereW盯a
月e will be eager for advice and de斤门;te sharP edge toh巧melodjou ,
In勿厅门atio门他将渴望取得建议和信息。 vo汇e他的圆润嗓音中明显露出逼人的清绪。
earmark to earmark something fora公an edge over someone略胜过某人。
palticularPu印ose为某一目的指定或安He was thee / dest , whlchg日ve hlm an
排某事。 … the mon即earmarked for edge over the otherb砂5他是长兄,所以
5 " pplles安排来采购供给品的款项。 比其他男孩强。 0 be on edge紧张。
eadh on earth世界上。 the coldest功e ' dbeenonedgeandhadtrfednotto
place on earth世界上最寒冷的地方。 ' howlt她很紧张还试图掩饰。
ease 0at ease ; at ease with someone edged be edged with something由某
安心;与某人相处融洽。 she beganto物形成的一条边。 aPathedgedwith
feeZ more at ease她开始安心了一点。 YOu rou门成white stones圆白石砌边的小
wl / 1 soon角el at ease with your加I / ow 径。
students你很快会和同学和睦相处的。 effect 0the effect of something on
0 foreaseofsomething为方便起见。 the thing or person affected 〔某事对一
FOr ease ofriding , theyworeacoattha亡事物或人的〕影响・ the wjthering
wa , cuta协lay In front为方便骑马他们穿 eff户ct Of四el角re on the moraleo沂th仍e
上了裁去前摆的外套。 recelvlnglt ・福利金对被救济者的士气具
east east ofaplace某地以东。 It店being有逼迫效果。公in effect实l沐上。 Each
constFuc拍d on a sitea殆w mlles ea ' t of o沂t内e斤09污角et 15 , in effect , a small
造。 伞0 Otothiseffect ; tothatel ' fe ct大
easy 0not be easy about something意为。 lwasabouttosa丫somethlngto
2 16

this effect我准备说差不多相同的话。 embark to embark on or upon a new
Oforeffect为J ’加深印象。 I ・ venever project or course of action少l:始或从事
cr了ed , exce户t for effect , sjnce / was新项目或行动步骤・;f " u刁reembar -
tvVelve除装哭外我自+二岁起就不哭了。 king on a long perlodo厂t阳Ining ・如
e laborat6八l况borelt / to elaborate on 果你要从事长期培计。
somethinglteJ述〔某内容〕 ・ she embarrassed be embarrassed by
wou / d门ot elaborate on her earl尹er something , about something , or at
户ronou门cements她不会闰述先前的声明。 something又、 1某事感至!J尴尬。 1 felt
e leCt to elect someone as something or embarrassed by allth巧八elP勿In邵s对这
to a particular group选举某人担任某 么多的帮助我感到不好意思・ He seemed
一职务或选术某人进入某一群体。/门terrlb今embarrassed about四内at had
1956 he四日5 elec怕dassenator角rthe Just been sa了d to us他似乎为刚才对我们说
Arn , ed Forces 1 956年他当选为负责军队的 的话极为不安。砧etwoo所cersseemed
参议员0 IwaselectedtotheA " embly embarrassed ats以ch ca门dour两位官员
我当选为议员。 似乎对这种直率态度感到尴尬。
e levate to elevate something to or into embarrassment 0embarrassment at
something将某物提高到更重要的地something 〔又寸某事感到的〕尴尬。
位。 Fo日rteeno沂the colleges were thelr embarrassment at附Iking In on
e Ievated to the status of st日te rne他们对闯入我处感到尴尬。 0 an
Unlvers了tles十四所大学升格为州立大学。 embarrassment to someone 〔令人困窘
where danclng becom " elevatedintO或不安的〕人或事物。功eprlsonershad
an art forl刀那里的舞蹈被提升为艺术。 become an embarraSSment to the
elicit to elicit a response or a piece of authorltles那些囚犯已经令当局十分尴尬。
information from someone从某人处embedded be embedded in something
探出反应或情报。 Theygave叩抑加gto嵌入某事物・ a detailed model
eliCit 50川ere印onse from him他们放弃embedded in ab / o ck叮户lastlc嵌入
from her the伯ct that Cal was , t了11 6mb6llished be embellished with
夕eePing.卡梅伦从她那里知道卡尔还在睡。 things用某物来美化Osimple clothe ;
eligible be eligible for something 〔对embellished with ha门d embrolde邝
某事物〕有资格。 student : Wlth 点缀有手工绣花的简朴衣服。
由胆ndants may be eligible for an extra emblazoned 0be emblazoned with
allowan 〔 e.有家属要扶养的学生有资格获得a design用某一设计装饰某物・ a
额外津贴。 casket emblazoned With the de Char门y
e 1 iminate to eliminate something “已t装饰着德查尼纹饰的棺材。公be
undesirable from something消除某事emblazoned on an object装饰在某物
物。 the de5lre to eliminate rlsk from上0 a backdrop on which was
human万角消除人生风险的欲望。 emblazoned the阴户erla / doub / e一headed
emanate to emanate from a place , eag / e饰有帝国双头鹰标志的背幕。
thing , or person从〔某地、某事物或某emblem an emblem ofapersonorthing
人处〕传出。 a ; i沂:he could殆el the 〔某人或某物的〕象征,标志。 … aruler , 5
hollness tha才emanated from them sta代an emblem ofki门gshiP国王的
似乎她能感悟他们传出的神圣物质。 象征―权杖。
embargo an embargo on trade贸易禁embodiment the embodiment ofa
令。.the long一sta门d , ng口5 embargo quality 〔某一品质的〕化身,体现・功e
on trade with Cuba.美国长期禁止与古 阴5 theembo苗mentofIOJ / a lty她是忠诚
巴做贸易。 精神的化身。

2 17

embroidered 0 be embroidered on某东西・ the jacto印w为ere he Was
cloth在布面卜刺绣。 b / ack 51甲户e巧employed asa门a55了5才ant toa , en旧r
wjthl / ttje f / o四e巧embroidered on sa / es朋a几他担任高级营业员助理的那家
them绣有小花的黑拖鞋。公be 工厂。

embroidered with a design绣有某种l钊empty be empty of something缺少某
案。 Orlental sllk : embroidered with物・ The : treet阴5 empty of ca巧大街
de5lg门50沂bambooa门d drago门5绣有 上没有汽车。
竹和龙图案的东方丝绸。 enamoured be enamoured of someone
embroil to embroil someone in an or something热衷于某人或某物。 Iwa :
argument or scandal or with a person日/四日声enamoured of才八e theatre我一直
or group使某人卷入争论或召闻中去, 酷爱看戏。
或陷入与别人或团体的争吵中。 The encased be encased in something置于
ep尹sode embroiled Benn in a major某东西里。斤。 mc八I / d八ood , our feet are
pojlticalsto溯.这段播曲把本恩卷入了政治大 encasedin ' hoes我们从小就把脚穿在鞋子
风暴0 Heh日dnolnten亡lono沂becomlng 里。
a门y旬rther embroiled with Bi / 1 Potter enclose 0 to enclose something in or
他不打算跟比尔波特再吵下去。 with a letter or document sent by post
emerge 0to emerge from or out ofa将某物放入信件或文件中邮寄。 The
p lace , situation , or experience从〔某cheque was enclosed ina / etter支票夹
一处所、情景或经历〕中出来。.when在信中邮寄。 return enveloPes enclosed
the two In5Pectors emerged from the w行六charlty appea污装有慈善呼吁的
fla也两位检查员从公寓中出来时。 the 回信信封。 0 beenclosedinsomething
new nations Which eme心ed out of the or by something被某物围住或圈住O
dI5了n亡egratlono沂Au,州日一Hungafy奥 His no , e Vvas endosed in the mask他的
匈帝国瓦解时诞生的新国家。公toemerge 鼻子包在面具里oa ten门户5 court
from an investigation 〔事实等〕经调查endosedby四Ire角nc们g铁丝网围住
暴露出来。 one ge门eral problem 的网球场。
emerged f ' om ourd巧cu巧ions我们在讨encounter 0 someone ' 5 encounter
论中发现了一大问题。 with another person 〔与某人〕意外相
emigrate to emigrate from the country遇;an encounter between two people
you leave to another country从某国移〔两人之间的〕意外相遇,冲突。州丫。 wn
居外国。 a了oung man who had enroun怕巧w矛th the vVoman confirmed
emigrated from Germany in the early eve即thlng 1 had heard about he乙我自己
了92陇二十年代初移民离开德国的年轻 与该女的接触,证实了我听说的关于她的一
小伙子・ He emigratedtoCa门ada他移民切0 any encounter between the
去了加拿大。 herolne and the man,为e joved ・女主
empathize to empathize诫th someone人公与她所爱的男人之间的任何冲突。 0
体恤某人。 ” that theym即empa - someone ' 5 encounter with something
thize with the le55沁rtu门ate以便他 遭遇某事。 It wasm夕斤rst encounter
们可以体恤不幸的人。 with pure terro厂那是我第一次遭遇恐怖的
emphasis emphasis on something 〔对 事情。
某事的〕强调。.our culture ' s八ea叮encroach to encroach on or up on
emphasis on the need for beau妙in something占用。八smajl ho比ing已tate
women我们的又化强调妇女对美的需 had encroached on thes/叩es一个小住
求。 宅区占用了坡地。
employ to employ someone or some - en ( rUSt6d be encrusted with
thing as something使用某人或某物为something用某物充当薄而硬的外壳。
2 18

角ek门ocker巧encrusted With pa产ntl门 病赋予头脑一种新的洞察力
环罩有油漆。 enemy an enemy of a person , group , or
encumber to encumber someone with thing 〔某人、某团体或某事物的〕敌人,
something某物妨碍某人自由活动。 对手。 enemies oft为e:妇te国家
pa55enger , encumbered with 的敌人。
sultcases受手提箱之累的旅客。 enfold to enfold someone in your arms
end 0 the end of a period of time ,拥抱某人。 G , nn了eofolded hlm in her
situation , activity , or object 〔时l飞,]、情arl刀,and rubbed hls内ead金妮拥抱他,揉
景、活动、物体等的〕结柬、末尾、尽 着他的头。
头・ by the endof功atyear到该engage to engage in an activity从事
年年底。 att八e沂ar end of the某一活动。 You ma夕not engage in con -
room在房l间那一头0 0 an end toa versatlonwl山them你不可以和他们交谈。
situation 〔某一睛形的〕结束。 An end engaged 0 be engaged in , on , or upon
to civ , I ; ery ; ce : ecreCy will on少co二e an activity or task忙于某一活动或任
日bout through Inte门se pressure结束公务务;be engaged with something or
不公开状况,只有通过施加大压力才能买someone忙于某事或面晤某人。 P日ul
现。 0 to end with particular words以was engaged in a che巧game保尔忙于
某些词作为结束。 The / e tter ended下棋。 15力all be engaged on churc八
with a curlous requ " t该信件末尾提出了b仍iness on sunda夕eve门尹ng礼拜天晚上我
奇怪的要求。 0 to end with or ina将从事教会事务・ Mr smlthwa ' enga夕ed
particular part , thing , or event以某事with a cllent史密斯先生正在面晤一个客
物作为最后一个项目。 The me引户OObeengagedtosomeone与某人
门。 rmal加ended withd邵史rt进餐通常以订婚。 she tojd us all she was engaged
甜点作为最后一道菜。.long对ralght tohlm她告诉我们大家她与他订婚了。
streets , eaC八ending in a plazza笔直engraved 0 be engraved on an object
的长街,均以厂场为终点。 obeatanend刻在某物上。 The由te巧engraved on
结束0 Theromantlc夕ea巧,erenowat the base日期刻在基座上。 0 be
an end浪漫岁月结束了。 0 in the end engraved with a design刻有某种花样。
最后、终于。月e八ad , in the end as亡one engraved with strange
become genulnely角nd ofhe厂他终于真正ll ' gure5刻着奇怪人像的石头。
喜欢上了她。 0 on end连续。 It , 5 engrossed be engrossed in something
deslgnedto { Iy at well over 65 , 000ft勿r or with something全神g士注。尸ewa :
由外on end它可以在65000英尺以上的高complete今engrossedin八巧book他在全
度连续飞行数日。 神贯注地看书。 He was角r too engrossed
end6口r to endear someone to w万th his妇sk to botherabou才us他埋头
something else使某人喜爱。 It性not an工作・根本不管我们。
approach that endearsh了m to crltl “那engulfed be engulfed by something or
不是使他喜爱批评家的办法。 in something被某物包围、吞没。
endemic be endemic in a place or M帕cuIO叮ly , th即had notbeenengulfed
society 〔某地或某一社会的〕流行病。 by the avalanche他们奇迹般地没被雪崩吞
二the pollu才lon that巧now endemic in没。 The raging ocean that covered
the Mediterr日nean现已在地中海流行eve心thing was engulfed in total
的环境污染。 dark门“ 5,惊涛骇浪的海洋淹没了一切・真是
endow to endow someone or something 一片黑暗。
with a quality or thing使某人赋有某enlarge to enlarge on or upon a subject
一品质或拥有某事物。 Slck门e55endows细说0 1 wentontoenlafgeonthe
them泊d with a new percePtiveness.疾difficultieso沂naming a cat.我接着细说给
2 19

猫命名的困难。 parents were notaltoget八erenthusiastic
enlist to enlist in the army , navy , or air about the山eatre as a proje巧lon我父母
force参军。 jam , e had enlis加d in the 对戏剧职业并不怎么热心。
army at Geo心eto四n杰米在乔治敦参了entitle to entitle someone to something
军。 给某人获得某物的权力。丫ou are
enmeshed be enmeshed in something entitled to th巧mon印sow勺notc / alm
陷入某事物中・ atatlme四he门Indla it户你有权得到这笔钱为什么不去认领?
四日senmeshedintUrmoi/当时印度正entrance 0the entrance to or ofa
陷于动乱。 building or place 〔某一建筑物或某一处
entailed be entailed in an action or所的〕大门。 in斤onto沂the maln
activity牵涉到。 desPlte山edl偷uI - entrance to the bu了lding大楼正门
决5 entailedinestabllshlngwhatpeoPle 前。 the enfrance of the cave山
eat尽管要确定人们吃什么很困难。 洞的洞口。公entrance to an institution
entangled be entangled in or with 〔进入某机构的〕资格。 7herels门。
something纠缠于,缠绕〔某物〕 exam了natjon for entrance to seconda甲
Parker had rlsked becomlng entangledin sch00ls.进中学不用考试。
the investigatlon帕克冒受调查连累的危entrust 0to entrust something to
险。 Ourlimbs got entangled with each someone将某事交某人照顾。 1 was
othe厂我们的手脚相互缠绕。 entrUstingm夕li加to them我把‘}生命都托
enter 0to enter into negotiations or付给了他们。公to entrust someone with
an agreement缔约,达成协议。 The something委托某人照顾某事。八t first
TUC were not prepared to enter into he will on今be entrusted with minor
d巧cusslons工会代表大会尚未准备参加会] obs起初只能委托他做次要的工作。
谈。公to enter into something某事物entry 0the entry to a place 〔某地的〕
里含有某一因素・八11 sorts of emotional入口。., , the en仰to thetu门nel二隧
facto巧enter into the relatio邢hiP.关系中道口。公entry into , or to a group or
渗染着各种感情因素。 0to enter area of activity加入某一团体或进入某
someone or something for or in a race活动区域。 the qual沂cat ; ons nee介d
or competition让某人、某事物加入比自rent邝intoellteocc叩atlons …加入
赛。 lenteredherfortheracem " el派我 精英职业的资格。,A ' Ievels are the baslc
亲自替她报名参赛。 Alsoentered inth污quali厂ication沂or entry to higher
race 15 Gold Ace戈尔德A也参加了这场educatlon . A级是上大学的起码资格。 0an
比赛。 Otoentersomethinginawritten entry in a written record for a particular
record将某事记录在案。 The grades date 〔写入日记、账本或清单等的〕项
四ere entered in a b00k分数记录在案。 目,并附有日期。 the entry in hls
enthuse to enthuse over something or dlary.他日记中的记载项。.卿dia甲
about something 〔对某事〕极为热心。 entry for万unday , 25M即我在5月
There污plen妙to enthuse over可以热衷25日星期日写的日记。
的事情很多。.asth即enthusedabout entvvine to entwine something with or
the succe55o沂their latest campaign in something else将一物缠绕在另一物
他们对刚刚获胜的竞选兴奋不已。 上。 she ent叭,i ned her arm wlthh污她
enthusiasm enthusiasm for something挽起他的手臂a One second lateF , her
〔对某事物的〕热情。 her enthusiasm flngers were entwined in my own说时
for new eX户erlenc巴她热衷于新鲜经 迟那时快她的手指叉住我的手指。
历。 envelop to envelop someone or
6nthUSi口Sti ' be enthusiastic about something in something else使某人或
something热情的,热心的。 M了某物被另一物围绕。 Our heads were
6Stil " ate

envel叩ed in smoke我们的头笼罩在烟雾 当于250%。
中。 escape 0to escape from someone or
6nVi0US be envious of someone or something unpleasant逃脱某人或摆脱
something they have妒忌某人或某人不愉快的事・ 5八e八ad escaped from
所拥有的事物。功eymaybeenviousof t四oun勺rtunatenJ7arrlage,她已经摆脱了
如ursuccess他们可能妒忌你的成功・ 两次不幸婚烟。公to escape from a place
epitome the epitome of a quality or to a safer or better place逃离某地去更
type of thing缩影。月巧wealt八。厂安全或更好的地方・丁四。 。厂the senten -
knoWledge made八im : ee二the ePitome ced men escaped from pr巧。门两个刑事
of日ph了IO5opher他知识沸博,俨然是一位罪犯越狱0 Iescapedtoaquietspo才
哲学家。 u门der ahe内e我逃避到树篱下面的安静场
equal 0be equal to something与某事 所。
一样。 H乃in刀uence巧at lea : t equalto essence in essence本]贡1几。 Th巧was
thato沂a门y户。/It了cian他的影响力至少不亚in essence the theoryt八at LIP , et and
于任何政客。公be equal to a task胜任 Ben动大had advanced to account勿r thelr
工作。 as 500门as they加ej equal to findl门g ‘这在本质上就是利普塞特与本迪克
the challe门ge一旦他们感到能应付挑 斯为解释自己的发现而提出的理论。
战。 essential 0be essential to or for the
equality equality of something or in occurrence of something某事出现所必
something 〔某事物的〕平等;the不可少的。 The outboard motor wa ,
equality ofone group with another 〔某essenti8I for oure , ca户e尾挂发动机是我
一群体与另一群体〕平等。 eq " a " tyof们逃跑所必需的。 Calclum Ise " entialtO
叩portunity机会的平等・ equality hea / th钙是健康的必需品。公be essential
inpayrat邵薪酬标准的平等。 the to someone or something人或事物的
politjcal , soclal . and economlc equality of基本构成。昆athe巧are essential toa
WOmen with me门男女在政治、社会、 bird羽毛是鸟儿的基本构成部件。
经济上的平等。 establish 0to establish contact with
equate to equate one thing with another someone or something , ora
认为某事与另一事物等同。以犷should relationship between two people or
On no acCOunt be equated with 910今战things与某人或某事物接触,或在两人
争绝对不应该与荣耀相等同。 或两物之间建立某种联系。 the
equip to equip someone or something proposal to establish contact with
with useful things or for a task or pre55ureg厂。 ups与压力团体接触的建
activity 〔为某人或某物〕配备,装备。议。.the relat矛onship established
huge bujldOZe巧equiPped with印eclal between the psychiatrist and the
blades配有专用刀具的巨型推土机。 patient.心理医生与病人之间建立的关
即泊‘ re not eqUIPped for四川ter travel我系。 0 to established yourself or
们没有冬季旅行的装备。 something as something使某人任某职
equivalent 0the equivalent of或安顿某事物。 Ithe / P ; him to establis力
something相同的事物或数量,等值。 himsel沂as oneo沂the gang它帮助他在帮
They wovld bee和ected to spend the派中立足。
equivalent ofa month性wag郎on their estimatel旦stlmelt / 0 to estimate
costum巴他们可望将大约一个月的工资用于 something at a particular amount对某
买服装。 obeequivalenttosomething事物估价。丁八e flre cau : ed damage
相当于。 The poor had to borrow from estimated at more than half a million
the rich , atra眺e口ulvalent to 250 per pounds.火灾造成的损失估计为50多万英
centa夕℃ a乙穷人只得向富人借货,年利率相镑。公l旦stimotl an estimate for the

cost of something 〔 I二程的〕估价・ With the exception of Gower . noneo厂
the enorrnous estimate forre户a了r尹门g theb日朽men scored more tha门20没有-
the Mercedes修理奔驰车所需的高颤估 个击球手得分超过20高尔是例外。
价。 excerPt an excerpt from a piece of
estranged be estranged from someone writing or rnusic 〔作.气了.或音乐的〕)了
疏远某人。月e交门。四5 Iamestranged录Oan excerPt from日ie亡ter to八e 。
斤。 m卿后山er他知道我与父亲很疏远・ mo山e汽她写给母亲的信的一段摘录。
evict to evict someone from a building exchange 0to exchange one thing
将〔房客或佃户〕逐出・ attemp朽to for another以某物换取另一物・
evict后milles fromt八e尹r homes将整 coupons whic八‘ a门be collected and
户人家从家中逐出的尝试。 exchanged for 900比票汪可以收集起
evidence evidence of or aboUt来换取东西。公to exchange things ofa
something 〔某事物的〕证据。/t was particular kind with sorneone和某人
vlslb / eevid泊nceof八巧wea / th那是他的财 交换某物。 1 exchanged lette巧with
富的明证0 Unt , / rece门t / y therehasbeen these户eopje我与这些人通信。 0 in
ve甲/I tt / e evidence about howt八e bra了n exchange for something交换某物・
勿nctlo门5到目前为止关于大脑如何运作的 t八e boyw八0 hadg了ven hjm a marble
证据不多。 inex ' hange for ab巧cult用弹子跟他
evolve to evolve into something new 换饼干的男孩。
进化为新的事物;to evolve from one exclaim to eXclairn over something or
thing to another从某事物迸化为另一at something因某事忆;叫起来・ The义
事物。石arly ho巧e : evolved into the had exclaimed over my volu阴eo沂
folms we know today早期的马进化成我们Verrneer prin乙他们看到我那本弗美尔画作
今天熟悉的形态。 The French revolut产on复制品集,便惊叫起来。 Th e 9 ues "
evolved from亡八e protesto { a拒w exctaimed at how well八e looked看至,1他
la叭少e巧toap叩u / a厂川。 veme门翻去国革命 身体不错,客人们惊叫着。
从少数律师的抗议演变为人民的运动。 excluded be excluded from a place or
exad to exact something from someone activity被排除在外。 1 di : like be , ng
强索费用。 h巧rejuctance才0 exact eXcluded h . om勿reig门po / icy dlscu55lo肛,
介。 m the Germans afo而矛tt幻eyco口Id门。才我不喜欢被排除在外交政策讨论之外。
pay他不愿意向德国人强要他们付不出exclusive 0 be exclusive toa
的罚金。 particular company or place为某公司
example for example例如0 on才力ls或地方所特有的。物u couldt印“ ndget
farm for eXample,衅‘ ve got very llght some印e帕l , tu厅made . exclusive to us .
5011例如,这个衣场的土质很松软。 你可以设法制造一些特殊材料,为我们所独
excel to excel at or in an activity擅家拥有。 Obeexclusiveofaparticular
长。阿edoesnotexcelatgames他并不amount or group不包括某一数量或团
擅长游戏。 Athjetes devote their万ves to体。 The Astors had thlr妙;ervants In the
excelling 10 somes了ngle sport运动员终193051 eXclusive ofthreedal / ycleaners .
身致力于在某个单项中获胜。 阿斯特斯家在三十年代有三十名仆人,三名
exception 0an exception to a rule or 清洁工不算在内。
tendency 〔规贝l]或倾向的〕例外。尺oral excursion 0 an excursion to a place
vls产to巧were the one exception to the去某地短途旅行,远足・ anexcursion
加门denCyo{亡he grea亡to travel wlt自他wer tO亡六e Greek templesa亡内estum去
peoPle重要人物出外所带随从倾向于减少, 希腊派斯顿的神庙远足・公an excursion
皇家访l司者是唯一的例外。公with the into a new field of activity涉足新的领
exception of something除某物以外。域。 … a relative今rare excursion into

contempora甲m比Ic比较少地涉足当代pens ' on and exPelled from the pal ' ty妙
音乐。 为巧joca / comm尹ttee格里高仁科被剥夺了养
excuseo / ; kskJ些s / an excuse for老金,并被地方党委开除出觉。
something借口・ l明:即ng to thlnk up experiment 0 to experiment with or
an excuse for Iea囚ng hlm我在找借口离on animals or things又、 J动物或物品进
开他・公/Ikskj些z / to excuse someone行实验。 Pro厂e55or sk ; nner 15 st ; l /
for doing something wrong or rude原e义perimentingwi功p勺eons史金纳教授
谅某人做错事或粗鲁的行为。 Excuse还在做鸽子买验。 Ista旋deXpenmenting
川e forlnterrup加g . Pr 。角贷or请原谅我插 On jonath日门性maCh尹n色a门d阳a / iZ edl加d
一句,教授。 0 to excuse someone h了tonsomet八ingu门lque我开始对乔纳森
from taking part in an activity 〔因某原的机器做试验,并发现自己找到了独特的东
因而〕使某人免卜做某事。 He巧tobe西。公to experiment with something
excused from du妙勿r one year他将免new试验新的东西0 We area / rea即
于值班一年。 e义perimenting with山e史strategles.我
exempt 0be exempt from tax ora们已经在试验这种战略0 0 anexperiment
duty免除交税或责任。 H日roldw日s with or on animals or things对动物或
exempt from mljita甲servlce哈罗德被免物品的试验。 t八e result ; of his
除服兵役。公to exempt someone from eXperiments with pla门朽他的植物试
atax , duty , orobligation免除某人的税验结果。 her experiments on what
款、责任或义务。 Th污那tem exemp - diets bables choose她对婴儿挑选什么
帕d those on Iow incomes from paylng食物进行买验・ 0 an experiment ina
拍x.该制度规定低收入者免税。 particular kind of activity 〔对某一活动
exercise 0 an exercise in doing的〕试验。二an eXperiment in industrial
something练习OTh店probiem was put 。 rganlzation工业组织方面的试验。
tomeas日neXercisein / ogic.这个问题供exPert 0an expert on or in a subject ;
给我作为逻辑学练习。公the exercise of an expert in doing something 〔某方面
power , responsibility , orjudgement行的〕专家。日neXpertonconstltutIOnal
使〔权力、责任或判断力〕 。 The eXercise law二宪法专家。 Pro角巧or Hlck 15 an
ofjudgment巧a hlgher匆nctIOn than the eXpert in orlental rejlglo仍希克教授是东
ability to count and臼Iculate行使半I]断力方宗教的专家。 Davld was an eXPertin
比计数计算能力更高级。 judo and karate大卫是柔道与空手道专家。
exit an exit from a place 〔某地的〕出公be expert at doing something善于
口。 the north exit from the 做某事0 The夕have tobeexpertat
gardens花园的北门。 dealingwl动a即prob / ems that arlse他们
exon6门t6 to exonerate someone from必须善于处理任何出现了的问题。
blame宣布某人无罪。四‘ ve prom巧ed explain to explain something to
Captain Imrie a statement exonerating someone向某人解释。 le耳plained卿
hlm from all blame我们承诺替伊姆里船长predicame门t to the alrh “帕“我把自己的
发表一个声明,宣布他无罪。 难处向空姐解释了。
expand to expand on or upon what explanation 0an explanation for or
you have said详细阐述某事。 Marx of an event or situation 〔对某事件或情
do " not eXpand on the socla / process邵景的〕解释、原因。角emostobvious
州门gbehindth巧夕tUatlo门马克思并没有详eXplanation for my Iack ofsucce贷was
论这种情况出现背后的社会过程。 that 1 was a bad wrltef我很少成功,原因
expel to expel someone from a place明显是因我不会写文章。 tO0btalnh习m
or organization将某人驱逐出某地或某Perrls an explanation ofh巧extra 。几为朋甲
一组织。 Grlgore门co was dePrived叮h污behavlour ・从佩里斯处取得其异常行为

的解释・ oanexplanationofsomething extort to extort money or something
〔对某事物的〕详细描述。 The secretary - else from someone向某人勒索钱物・
general proceeded with an eXPlanation H了,mother attem户tedo门several
of山e WP八亏/egal户051亡;on秘书长接着详oCcasions , to eXtO材mo门即from hlm他
述了WPA的法律地位。 母亲三番四次试图勒索他的钱。
exponent an exponent of an idea or extract 0 Ilkstr兰kt / to extract
activity 〔某种思想或活动的〕倡导者或something from a place , person , or
代表者・]anet Rober朽巧ane却onent thing从某地、某人或某物中榨出某
of the亏。 cla / work ' a那foac为珍妮特罗物。 when丫ou have extracted the
伯茨是‘社会福利工作法的倡导者。 julce from the户ulP你从果肉中榨汁之
exporto / , ksp里t / to export goods后01 ' d on加u ; edt八e thre日t to extract
from one country to another将货物从Informatlon from hllT7我只是利用威迫榨
一国出口到另一国・ Thousan比叮劝e印取他的情报。公l旦kstr况kt / an extract
are bel门g才Ilega / / ye万po材ed from Britaln from a book or tape从},籍、录音带中
to EUrope成千上万的绵羊正从英国非法出口选取的东西。 Inth巧extract from hIS
到欧洲。公/旦ksp 。;t / the export of dla年在他的这段日记摘录中。
goods to another country货物出口到extrapolate to extrapolate from
另一国家。 India earned 43 mill ; on information that you have从已有的信
poun比from thee荞po材of { rog5 ' Iegsto息中推断。 It attemp污to extrapolate
the叭/e5亡In 1976一77印度在1976一77年度 斤。 m establisheddata它试图从确证数据中
向西方出口蛙腿赚取了430万英镑。 推断。
expose 0to expose a person or thing eXtreme 0an extrCme of circumstance
to something 〔人或物〕接触某物。 or behavior 〔某环境或行为〕的极端。
afterachildhasalreadybeeneXposed The root of Ecuador ' 5 extremes of
to thedisea史・孩子接触该病之后・公povertya门d wealth污门land tenure厄瓜
to expose someone or something as多尔的贫富悬殊的根源是土地保有权。 0 in
deceirful揭露某人或某事是欺诈的・ the extreme非常地。 Her manner was
soonl雨11 be eXposed as a fraud我的骗侧endly andwe / com了ng in theex加me '
子行径很快会被揭露。 她的举止很友好,极其欢迎的样子。
expressive be expressive of something 6Xtri ' ate to extricate someone froma
表达某一事物的。 Th e work seems situation or place从某种情况下或某地
expressive of pr了de , power , and解救或释放某人。 the effort of
sorrowful pessimism.作品似乎表达出自ex幻介atin夕m外el矛介。 m thoseminlature
尊、权力以及悲观情绪。 raVInes我自己从这些小峡谷中逃脱的努
eXtend 0to extend to something向某 力。
事物延伸。月乃radlc日Ilsm did门ot extend eye an eye for something of a particular
to the fieldo沂econornlcs他的激进观点并 kind对某类事物有眼光或鉴赏力。
没有延伸到经济学领域0 0 to extend YOU ' Ve gotan eXcellenteyefordetail.你
something to someone向某人提供某事 对细节很有非凡的眼光。
物。 He extended hIS ha门d to Elle门.他向
艾伦伸出手来。 1 wrjte to extenda
eXtent to a particular extent在某一程F
heart attack 15 related to prosperl妙and face to face up to a problem or difficult
g00d Iiving.在某种程度上说,心脏病死亡与situatinn勇敢地面对。 ThIS四111 not加lP
富裕、及高水平生活有关。 0能nders face叩to thelr crlm巴.这不会

帮助犯罪者正视其罪行。 见钟1青・ Otofallforalieortrick陷入
faced be faced with a problem or骗局・ UnawareJ由巴e妇CtiCS , M厂肋an
difficulty面临1 、,J题或困难0 We were fe " for every trap坎先生没提防这些陷阱,
then faced witha把rrlb / e dllemma我们 不断中计。 otofallintoanunwanted
当时面临着可怕的困境。 state陷入不佳局面。补eI厂lde书had
fact in fact事实上。 In fact,亡here后a夕mplyfa " en intod巧Use他们的主意被弃
problemo厂over一crowded户r , : on :之不用・ otofalltosomeone成为某
eve甲丽ere事买上,到处都有监狱人满为患人的责任・ The ta : k of , nformlng Phil
的问题” 〔白vijlerl fen tome通知茉尔卡维勒里的
faculty a faculty for doing something任务就落至‘]我身上0 0 tofallbackona
做某事的特殊才能・ peoPle wh 。 resource or method求助于,依靠〔资
develop the faculty for / o oking况th们华源、方法〕 。 The丫川a丫fall back ona
in dlffere门t叭妇y5养成以不同方式看待varlant of山e orlg了门al户阳户osals他们可能
事物的才能的人。 变相动用原建议。 Th巧tlme there四a , no
fail 0to fail in an attempt or area of reserve tofa " back on这次没有预留物资
activity 〔在尝试或活动中)失败。 she(预备队、替补队)可以利用。 0 to fan
failed仍her attempt to sv切厂n to France behind with something that you are
她想游泳去法国,但没成功。公without doing拖欠、落后0 Unfortunately , we
fail必定。 Every afternoon , he wou / d have fallen behind with the pa卿ents
without fail扫ke a nap.每天午后他必定不幸的是,我们拖久付款了・ 0 to fallin
要午睡。 with a proposal同意,赞成〔提议〕 。
fair 0be fair to someone or on 了didn ' tknoww八ethe厂tO殆"inw护th this
someone 〔某事物〕对人公正的,公平arrangemen亡我不知道是否赞成这种安排。
的・ The situatlon巧ju ; t not fail on the 0to fall in with a person or group of
childreno厂thejrparents.形势对儿童或家长peoPle与〔某人或某群人〕做朋友。 Phjl
就是不公平。公be fair to another person fell in with a perk丫survlvor called Ros
公平地对待别人・ Heal叭旧” was fairto andstartedbegglng.菲尔与一个活跃的幸存
eve吵。即around hlm他总是公平地对待周者罗斯混熟了,并开始乞讨。.tofanout
围的人。 with a friend or colleague与朋友或同
faith faith in something or someone事争吵、闹翻。 I ' ve怕Ilen out with
〔对某事物某人的〕信任、信赖。 rve got certaln membe巧。{the band我已经与乐
faithin六uman natUre我相信人性。 队某些成员闹翻了。
faithfUI be faithful to someone or falling一。什a falling一off of something
something 〔对某人、某事物〕忠实的。 or in something(数量或质量的)下
Theyw巧h to rema了n faithful to thejr降。 There was a deflnjte falling一。仔of
herltage,他们希望继续忠买于自己的传统。 actlve intores走积极参与的劲头确有下降。 A
fall 0and fall in an amount or level fallin夕一off in buslne弘was以pected营
〔数量或水平上的〕 「降。二a 3percent业预计下降。
fa " inindustrlaloutPUt工业产量下降familiar 0 be familiar to someone为
3%。公to fall from one level or某人所熟悉;a familiar thing to
amount to another从某一水平或数量someone某人熟悉的事情。 HIS name
下降到另一层。能fe " from thlrd place was familiar to me我熟悉他的名字。 This
tot四entieth In the rankings他的排名从第污not , orn 。艺尸t , a familiar term to most
三下降到第二十。 otofallforsomeone vote巧这个名词大多数选民都不熟悉,或尚
or something attractive突然开始喜爱未熟悉0 0 be familiarwithsomething
〔某人或某物〕 。 Richardfe " for her the熟悉,精通。 lam , of course , famih泊r
moment he set即es on he抓理查德对她一with your卿rk我当然熟悉你的工作。;

familiarize to familiarize someone bejleve ' lfm丫memofy巧not at fault我
with something使某人熟悉某事物・ 认为是1976年,如果没记错的话。
He had to familiarizeh了mself with the favour 0in favour ; in favour of
s八lP他只得去熟悉该船・ In八e厂ea厂沙something支持二有利于〔某事〕 ・ A
户uzzles , she wanted to familiarize nation日1 op;门厂。门户。/11门the oa尹今Ma了l
readers with the jdea of a cro巧四。 rd在sho四ed 78 % to be in favour 《每日邮报》
她早期编的字谜中她想让读者熟悉纵横字 的全国胜民意测骑表明78%的支持率。 He
谜的概念。 was in favour of moder门了5{门g亡八e亡rade
famous be famous for something以某unl 。门5他支持工会的现代化。公in
事而著名。功ec为口rch巧famous for the someone ' favour有利了厂某人。 The
tomb ofwl / / lam Hogarth该教堂以威廉 com户uter seems to be programmed , o
贺加斯之墓而闻名・角e 〔 。 u门clllsfamous that the error巧a / wa厂in the bank , s
for spend声ngt自e rnost amou门亡of mo门即favour电脑编程似乎做了手脚・差错总是有
0门educatI0n该委员会以教育支出最多而著 利于银行方面・ a ser ; e : o厂court
称“ decISI0nsin八15 favour系列有利于
fan a fan of something or someone 〔某他的法庭裁决・ 0in favour ofanother
事物、某人的〕热情崇拜者・ fans Of thing代之以别的事物・ He had/。 ng
利的歌迷。 of a motor truck他早就抛弃了马拉车代
fantasize to fantasize about something之以汽车了。 Obeoutoffavour不受
奢望,幻想。,ho doe ; not dare to欢迎;不流行。 The , r views日re Ve甲
fantasize about her novej be川9 wlde / y much out of favour no以他们的观点如今
acclalmed她不敢奢望自己的小说厂受喝采。 已不大受欢迎了。 0 afavourtosomeone
far not far from a place离某地不远。对某人的恩惠・ He had户e巧uaded her ,
av了/la no亡far from HotelM了rand日 as a pe巧onal favourto八了msel无to move
离米兰达饭店不远的一幢另}{墅。 her ba门k accou门t他劝她看在他的份上把银
fascinated be fascinated by something行账户挪一下。
or with some山ing对某事物极感兴趣、 favourable be favourable to something
着迷。 I ' m fascinatedbythewhole倾向于、有利于某事物。 M 。女peop / e
world ofpolitlcs我对整个政界着迷。 Bables 四ere favoura6le to亡八e Idea大多数人赞
m即become fasCinated with one thlng成该主意。 a门atm 。甲here favourable
数个星期。 fear 0to fear for someone or
fashion 0 be in fashion流行。 such something为某人或某事担忧・亡ocal
Ideas were now no longer in fashion.这peoPle fear for为er sa殆妙当地的人为她的
种观念目前已不流行。公be out of安全担心。决feared forh巧brothera几er
fashion过时。 Ha朽日re out of fashion
hearing about the escape at帕mpt听说企
礼帽已经过日寸。 图逃跑之事后他很为兄弟担忧。 0
fasten to fasten on or upon something someone ' 5 fear of a frightening thing
or fasten on to something固定在另一or person 〔对吓人的为、西或人的〕恐
物上。八vlcious : erPent / ea户t upon hlm 」俱。 she was brought叩wl山no fear of
andfa ' tened onh巧arl刀一条毒蛇跳到他anlmals她从小到大就不怕动物。 0 fear
身上缠住了他的手臂。 The klds fastened for someone or something 〔对某人或
on to their famj/了e ,/了ke了ronfl / in95 toa所关心的事的〕担忧。 trembling with
m日g门et孩子像铁屑粘上磁铁一样依附于家 fear for the chljdren为孩子担忧而发
庭。 抖。 Theyle斤selrut because 。沂fears for
fault at fault有错。 It was 1976 , l山e厅5a拒ty由于担心安全问题他们离开了

贝鲁特・ Oinfearofexperiencing food of some kind月」某利,食物喂养。 l
something bad ' 1几怕经)) J某些不如意的 to / d her ro feedt八e cat on bread and
事。 Ra了rnond门owl ; ved in fear of mllk我让她给猫喂面包和牛奶。角即叮ed
d巧m巧拍l雷蒙德成天害怕被解雇・ 0 for to feed jt With warmed goat , 5m了Ik他们
fear of doing something生怕、以免做一度用加热的山羊奶喂它0 to feedfi力d
某事・角即d ; d门ot ment , o门It for fear of some kind to an animal给动物喂养
of offending him也们没有提起它以免他某类食物・ t八e roo才vegetables We
生气。 feed toca材le我们喂牛的块根蔬菜。
fearful be fearful of something害怕某0 to feed on or offfoodofsomekind
事物・ parent : who are fearfUI of依靠某类食物为生・ Foxes feed on
/ e州门gthelr角el们卯takeove厂害怕感rode门ts , beet / e又andberrles狐狸以啮齿动
情用事的家长・ The sury即5八owed that物、甲虫和浆果为生・ tlny sn引/s whlc为
women were part尹c口larly fea承Jl ofcrlme feed off the刃厂角cefll二。肠勺韶小
调查发现,妇女特另l 」害泊犯罪现象。 蜗牛吃的是藻类的表服。 0 to feed
feast to feast on or off food of some something into a machine or appliance
kind大吃某一食物。 F / , es feast on 向机器或某装置里输送原料・ Vents川幼e
rottlngll已h苍蝇大吃腐肉・ feasting door feed alr into the rad尹ato巧门上的通
off coldro韶t duck大吃冷烤鸭・ 风口向散热器送风。乃巧门ewd日ta巧fed
feature 0a feature of something 〔某into the computer区个新敌据输入至l]电脑
事物的〕特征。 Cont ; nuou ; rapid 中。
econom七growth was门ever a pe溯anent feel 0to feel like a type of person感
feature of the邓tem持续高速的经务增觉像某种人・/felt Iike日murdere厂我的
长决不是该制度的水久特征。 0 afeature感觉像凶手。公to feel like a thing ofa
on a particular topic 〔某一主题的〕特particular kind看似某类事物・ It feeIS
',子。 The loca / ne明户aper recentjy rana Iikew了nter感觉像冬天。 0 to feel like
feature on drug abuse当地报纸最近刊登something or like doing something想
了关于吸毒的特写・ Otofeatureinan要某物或想干某事。 1 feellikea : troll
event or thing在某事件、某物中起重我想去散步・ Iwondered厅youfeltllke
要作用。 One athjete who co日Id have corn了ng out for a dr了门k小知道你是否愿意
beene叩ected to feature in severa /出来喝两杯・ Otofeelinaparticular
eVen朽Was Dal即角ompso门可望参加多个way about something义、 l某事的意见、
项目的一位运动员是戴利汤普森。 Th巧态度或反川:・ we feel very po ; ltlve
p icture features in a show of沂了ne about the厂uture我们对未来充满信心。
paintin少at山e scottlsh的tlonaj POrtralt功即mlght not bes " reo沂how they feel
Gajle甲这幅画参加了苏格兰国家肖像画廊的 about th污四日厂他们可能无法确定对这场战
精美画展。 争的态度。 0 to feel something for
fed up 0be fed up with something or someone对某人怀有某情感。 1 felt
someone对某事或某人仄倦。 I , m fed de甲era护lysorryform外elf我深感悔‘}吾。
UP withpeo户letalklngtomea5I沂lwas the love he felt forh巧伯ther at rh巧
an idiot.我受够了人们像对待白痴一样对我说moment他此刻对父亲的爱。 0 to
话OW已meta / l sor朽。厂peopje who got feel for something摸找某物。月巧left
fed uP with boarding school我们遇见了 h日nd felt foft八eb " tto门under the日厂门门
各种各样的人,他们仄倦了寄宿学校。 0 be 0班the chalr他的左手在椅子扶手下摸找按
fed up of doing something 〔用于非正钮。 0to feel for someone in
式口语里〕仄倦做某事。厂mfedopof misfortune [ HJ情某人。/felt for即ron ,
walting foryou我等你等得不耐烦了。 butltcouldhavebee门夕材。 rse我同情拜伦
feed 0to feed an animal on or with但情况可能会更糟。 0 a feel for some -

thing对某物的直觉。为巧5八rewd , with her new hat母亲站在镜子前摆弄新帽
了n tu了t了ve feel fort内e门ewspaper 子。
buslne巧他对报业具有精明的直觉・ fight 0to fight for something设法获
feeling 0 your feelings for someone得某事物;to fight against sornething
you like 〔对某人的〕感情・哑feelings竭力制止某事。斤ade on ; on ' , tsh日Ve
for him had grow门dee户er我对他的感情fought for ef { ective / a吧工会分子已经为
加深了・公your feelings about some -买施法律奋斗过了・ yo口can ' t fight
thing 〔对某事的〕预感・ negat , ve against progress你无法阳止进步的O
feelings about compute巧对电脑的公to fight with or against an enemy
否定预感。 Oafeelingforsomething与敌人搏斗、打架:to fight with
〔对某事物的〕理解、鉴赏力。 Youh洲e people on your side与自己人一起打仗。
to have some feelin夕for the qualj妙of He wasal叭’ a ys fighting with hls brother
the work你必须对此工作的质量拥有一定的 他动不动就与兄弟打架。 ba门djts
鉴赏力。 fighting against eac八other ・内i工的
ferry by ferry乘渡船。角即crossed the土匪。 He had fought witht为e 15th
rive : byfeny他们乘渡船过河。 Punjab Reglment In Burrna他曾在缅甸与第
festooned be festooned with things饰15旁遮普团并肩作战。 Otoflghtabout
以花彩。 The houses are festooned or over something为某事物打架。
with poste巧屋子里拉上了装饰海报。 Th即fought about mon即他们为钱而打
fetch to fetch something for someone架。 robbe巧whos妇rt fighting over
为某人取来某物。 ‘日et , fetc六a : hawl the pro万t5 ・为分赃而打架的强盗。 Oa
for扣urstepmother " ‘贝特,帮继母拿条fight against something bad防止某
围巾。 ’ 事,战胜某事物;a fightforsomething
feud 0 a feud between two people or desirable为某事物而战・ the fight
groups 〔两人或两团体间的〕世仇;a against pollution防止污染的战斗O
feud with another person or group 〔与 her fi " ht for freedom她为自由而
另一人或团体的〕不和。 t自e / asring战。 0 afightwithsomeoneoragainst
feud be八附een thet四O角ml / ies两个 someone 〔与另一人的〕斗争;a fight
家族的世仇。 H巧father became Involved between people 〔 l丙人n , J的〕斗争。
ln日fe " dwithanot自ervlllager他父亲卷Eig八t soldiers have been了njured in a flst
入与另一村民的不和。公to feud with fight withlo臼/pe印Ie八名士兵在与当地
someone与某人结世仇。 He feuded老百姓打架时受伤。 There角fee女。 pped
w声ththeform了dableErnestBe曰门他与可 h污fight against Watson , n the万斤h
怕的厄内斯特・贝文结了仇。 rou门d裁判员制止了第五回合他与华生的打
fiddle to fiddle with something or斗0 Therewouldbefightssometimes
fiddle about with something胡乱摆 be自刃een the workers有时工人中间会发生
动。 Delaney fiddled witht八e curtain 打斗。
cord.德莱尼摆弄着窗帘索。 fiddling f igment a figment of someone ' s
about with a llght摆弄电灯。 imagination 〔某人想像中的)事情01
f idelity fidelity to something or thought this man Broum was another
someone 〔又、 l某事或某人的〕忠实。 figment of扣ur ove卜act ; ve , mag加ation -
… fidelity to theca呱e忠于事业。 我以为布龙这个人又是你过于活跃的想像力
. Vlta , 5 fidelitytoHaro / d维塔对哈 的产物。
罗德忠买。 figure 0to flgure in something出现
fidget to fidget with something烦躁被提及。乙oneliness figures quite a jotin
不安地或心不在焉地玩弄某物。 Mother h污co门ve乃atio门他的谈话中经常提及孤单。
stood in斤onto沂the mirror , fi匆eting None of the accusedfi夕ured in the

爬户。 rt没有一名被告出现于报告之中・公to了udge had found for动e husb日nd法官的
figure as a particular thing扮演某种角 裁决对丈夫有利・ j厂t为e court斤nds in
色・ the ma 。夕deb日tes jn四h ; ch内e favour ofh巧appea /,万e门na mayre妇尹n
figured as aM了门巧才ero沂才八e Houseo沂h巧tltle如果法庭就森纳的上诉作出有利于他
Comrnons在许多次辩论中他扮演下议 的裁决,他就可以保留他的冠军。 0 tofind
院一位部长・ ap八otograph wh尹ch against one of the people in a court
figured as户arto沂tho eVldence充当case法庭就某一案子作出对某人不利的
证据的照片。 裁决。 The石urope日n Courto沂ju : tlcem即
file 0to file for divorce or bankruptcy find against the Un沪tedK了门gdom on
申请离婚或破产。 l,门structed my th邵e肠u “欧洲法院就这些问题的判决可能
501汇了tor to file ford了vorce我指示律师申 不利于英国。
请离婚。 60nnle务档。四户havehal沂finish 0to finish with something or
a dozen re户ortsalreadyonfile我们有五by doing something以某事或做某事而
六份报告已经归档。 告结束。 Thed即had finished witha
fill 0 to fill a container or place with quarre门亿天以争吵而告终・/finishedby
something or fill it up with something descFibing jeremy In some detal/我结束时
将某物装满或填满〔容器、某地〕 。乡he详细描述了杰里米。 0 to finish with
用拒dthebottlew户th四ate厂她把瓶子装满 someone or something终止与某人或某
水。 He filled the car叩with petrol他事关系。 COrne and八ave a 90巧IP alter
给汽车加满汽油。公to fill someone with M , 5 finished with youM与你的事结束
a feeling使某人陷入某一感情。 Th巧后,可过来聊聊。 Th ey ' ve both just
thought filled her withd巧m即想到这,fin台hed “班h thelrglrl用ends他俩都刚刚
她充满T惊惶0 0 to fill in for someone 与女朋友吹了。
临时补缺。 to犯efriendsaboutfilling finished be finished with something
inforhII ' nonsentrydu尔・去看朋友, 完成某事物。 He阴5 almost finished
替他临时子I ・缺站岗0 Otofillsomeonein with the pOZz抽when the phone rang.电
on something向某人提供情况,使某人话铃响时,他快解出字谜了。
熟悉。 ’ Klelber性:ecurl妙compan厂s日id fire 0on fire着火。 H店clothes were on
夕ua厅’月材me in on that , ' ’克莱伯保安公fire他的衣服着火了。公under fire受
司,”斯图尔特说。 “给我提供它的说明情况到攻击。 The rad了0 headquarters was
吧。 ” under fire from Interior mlnistry trOO那
filled be filled with something充满某电台总部遭到内务部部队的攻击。 Th了5
事物。 The house was filled witha / l un肠ir system has come under fire from
klndso沂b00七屋子里堆满了各种书籍。 He crltICS这一不公平制度已受到批评家的攻击。
was filled with apprehension.他忧心‘ l冲0 to fire bullets or questions at
忡。 someone向某人射击或提问。 He叼四
find 0 to find sornething for someone Germans and Americans fifing at each
为某人寻找某事物。 The next step was other In the均uare他看到德军和美军在广
tofindanewjobforthecleaner下一步场上交火Osudden今firing at him
是为清洁工找到新工作。 0 to find str加gsofwordsto5Pell突然提出一批
pleasure or consolation in something 单词让他拼写。
在某事物中找到快乐或安慰。 wem即first at first起初。 At first she was
find purPose and heallPg in the loveo沂nervous,起初她很紧张。
God我们可以在热爱上帝中找到目标和安fish to fish for something寻找某物O
慰。 0 to find for or in favour ofone the rlver In whlch / used to斤3h for
of the people in a court case法庭就某salmon我当年抓鲜鱼的河流。 M 。印h
一案子作出有利于某人的裁决。 The fished for thek即to the backdo 。 〔莫夫

在摸后门钥匙・ He阴5八日户砂tosee为er with something为某人安午1卜某事物・ I
fl ' shl ' ng for com川阴en朽他很高兴看到她to / d hlm that Id了山‘ tk门。四an夕one who
搏取别人对她的赞美。 cou / d fixh了m up with a job as a tax卜
fit 0be fit for a person , thing , or drlve厂我告诉他我不认识任何可以安排他
purpose适合・ pajace : fit for 做出租车司机工作的人
门obZeme门适合贵族住的宫殿。 Th污flair a flair for something 〔某方面的〕
me日t ; 5门or fit for八uman co门sumpt声。门 天分。 sorneo门e四自。自as a flair for
这种肉不能给人吃・ subjec朽fit for sej / lng日produCt销售产品的天才。
serl 。比palnting适合认真描画的题材・ flames in flames燃烧着。 Thelf home
的地方容纳某物・ AI / mycloth " fitinto flanked be flanked by or with people
one sultcase我的全部衣服装得进一个手提or things被人或物火持・ shew日。
箱・ 。 ddth加95 thatdo门‘ t fl ' tintoa即marchlng along flanked by two Danlsh
ca阳gory.不属于任何范畴的怪物。 girls她在两名丹麦姑娘的左右陪伴下大踏步
0 to fit a part to an object ; to ftt an前进。二green meadows flanked wit打
object with a part用某物安装于某东西towerlng 《 yPFe55 tre55参天柏树夹着的
上0 13一ampfu ; " s为ouldnotbefitted绿草地。
tolow - poweredappllanc " 13安培熔断器flash 0to flash a look or smile at
不应安装于低功率电器上・ The dinghles someone朝某人望一眼或笑一下。
had been fitted雨th searc为jlghts救生艇Maurice flashed a sm , je at RalPh莫里斯
上装了探照灯。 0to fit in with an朝拉尔夫笑一下。 0 to flash back to
arrangement , system , method , or idea something回忆・回想〔某事〕
符合。角污would fit们wi叻肪t能orle ' soshnick ' 5 mind fla ' hed 6aCk tor九e
about civilisatlon这符合他的关于文明的理 notorlous IIP5tick murde巧索希尼克回想起
论。 They have cjaimed that the门ewtes污臭名昭著的唇膏谋杀案。
w了11 fit泊with norma / teaching他们宣f . aw a flaw in something缺陷。二thls
称,新的测验会适用于正常教学。 0 afitof obvlous flaw in thelr theo令・他们的理
laughter , rage , etc一阵大笑、怒火等。 论中有这一明显缺陷。
Heh日d broken the door doVvn In a fit of flecked be fiecked with marks or things
jealou分他醋性大发把门砸了。 有〔斑点或东西〕 。/t5 stem 15 tal / and
fitted be fitted to or for an environlllent四加t已月ecked with brown sca廊其茎干
or task适应环境或适合完成某任务。 又高又白,点缀着褐色鳞叶。
He污exact今fitted to the 50 ' iety that flick to flick through a magazine , a
made hlm他恰好适合曾造就自己的社会。 book , or documents快速翻阅〔杂志、
she 15 confident that the laborato甲台书、文件〕 ・助en力ereturnedtoh '
fitted for thelnvestlgation她坚信实验室。所ce , he flicked through山e majl他回
适用于该研究。 到办公室后,翻看了一下邮件。
fix 0to fix your eyes or thoughts on or flinch to flinch from something不想
upon someone or something将目光或或不做某种不愉快的事。 MS Amiel
思想注意到某物上・ Hls即eswere石渝ed刀角ches from the ideao厂加日ls埃米尔女
on her他注视着她OH污attentjon now士不愿想起审判的事。 men whowould
appears石滋ed on the German question . not flinch from assa55i门atinga
他的注意力似乎集中于德国问题。公to fix presiden卜不惜刺杀总统的人。
on something选定某事物。 we seemto f 1 1 p to flip through a book ora
have fixed on the same day厂or magazine很快地翻阅书籍或杂志。
5叩eFmarket劝。户户Ing我们似乎选定了同一二an abandoned magaz ; ne 1 fliPped
天去超市购物0 0 to fix someone up through on atra加我在火车上翻阅过

的一本人家丢掉的杂志。 fly 0to fly at someone进攻某人・ she
flirt 0 to flirt with someone调情。 flew at me and sla户户ed me across the
功e另wh朋flirting with Carol swa门son角ce她扑过夹,打我的耳光・ otoflyinto
她看到他在与卡罗尔斯旺森调情・公to a rage Or panic勃然大怒二惊惶失措。
fl irt with an idea or something new假R日m尹ro flew into a tem户er拉米罗勃然大
装对某主意或某一新事物感兴趣・ 怒
VICe一Cha门CellO巧flir拒d with山e ldea Of fob to fob someone off with something
prl旧tefe " / a女year副首席法官们去年曾unsatisfactory以假货或次货敷衍或欺
考虑过私人费用的主意。 骗人。尸emay亡尽tofob夕。口oHwitha
flock to flock to a place or event聚集户rescrlPtl 。门fo厂Pllls他会试图用药丸处方敷
到某地或某事件中・ 7h ousa门d , 衍你的。
flocked tot八e Slopeso沂Glencoe and focus 0 to focus something such as
Avlemore千百人聚集到格兰科和阿维莫的山 your eyes , your attentlon , or a camera
坡上。 on someone or something 〔眼睛、注意
flood 0 to flood into a place大量地打}J力、照相机等〕焦趾对准某人或某物。/
入。 the re厂ugees flooding into pro户ose才0 focusa亡tent尹on on one
Malawl大量拥入马拉维的难民。 oto爬50urce一沁e/我提议把汪意力集中到一种
flood a place with things使某地充满 资源―燃油。 W日tso门focused八了s
某物。 to户revent the , r horne marke朽blnocula巧on功e treeto那华生把望远镜对
belng fI00ded with Imports防止国准树冠。 The 200 ma门agement Inten击to
内市场充斥进口货。 foCuS on educat尹on日nd conser旧tIOn动
flow to flow from something来自某事 物园管理层打算着重于教育和环境保护。
物。 the benefi朽wh了ch mlg八亡flow公the focus of attention注意的焦点・
斤。 ml刀夕dea功源自我的死万的利益・ Hee切ected to bet六e evening ' 5 chief
flower be in flower盛开。 At the foot focus of attention他可望成为今晚的主聚
o沂the trees the户rjmro ' es were in焦点。即t八e印rl门90厂19尸3 , thefocus
刀。 wer在树根处盛开着樱草花。 of debateh刁ds八l斤ed到1 973年春尹1辛论
fluduation a fiuctuation in something的焦点已经变化。 0 a focus on some -
or of something 〔某事物的〕波动・ thing对某事物的关注・ shlftlng from
h lgh winds and fluctuations in a concernw尹th thepresenttoafocuson
tem钾rature大风与气温波动。 m夕the勿ture从关心现在又为关注未来。
rnother , 5四i / d fluctuations ofa矛角ctlon Obeinfocus清楚或对准焦距。 A / / he
and selflshn " 5我母亲的喜怒无常和自 had to do was to keep八15 mlnd and hls
私自利。 即“ infocu ‘他只要集中精力、双目注视就
fluent be fluent in a language语言流可以了・ 0 beoutoffocus模糊或没有
利的。 He附sfl " ent in Ffe门ch.他的法语对准焦跟・ as ar " ulto沂bei门9 photo -
很流利。 graphed out offocus由于拍照时没有
flush be flush with a surface与某物在 对准焦距。
同一平面上。 a : lab almost flush " , i th foil a foil for something or to something
the ground与地面几乎平齐的石板。 某物的陪衬。 ayou门goratorwhOIsa
flushed be flushed with an emotion or foil for socrates tnth巧d了alogue在
with success充满感情的;因成功而非 这篇对话中做苏格拉底陪衬的年轻演说家。
常激动。臼r / o / e日ned back , hl:怕ce 0日nberri巴are a good foil to伪亡meat
flushed with gratlflc日tI 。门卡罗挺直身体, 越橘是肥肉的好佐料。
高兴得满脸通红・ Mrs Bradley Fesumed her foist to foist something unwelcome on
seatl flushed with succe55布莱德里太太or upon someone将某事物强加于人。
回到座位上,因成功而非常激动。 Goodness knows what tyPe ofmana卯r

我们什么样的经理呢。 间。
follow 0to follow one thing or action force 0to force something unwelcome
with another使某事物或行为〔在空八l } on or upon someone将某事强加于人。
或时间上〕跟随另事物或行为。 T 。 Thelr { re quen才retums to sc八eldegg were
fOllow one cro户。沂耐沦at with日门other forced on them by bad weather他们频
and another巧们v了ting trouble一季季地连频回到夏德克,是由于恶劣天气造成的。公
续种植小麦是自讨苦吃。 she followed her to force someone into doing something
educatlon witha , t了门亡a亡a三四巧sfln巧h矛门g or into a difficult or unpleasant
, ch00/她在毕业后即上了一家王湍士仪表进修 situatinn强迫某人做某事或使之处于不
学校准备进入社会・公to foU0w froma愉快的境地。 Mr Hansen was forced
fact从某一事实中得出结论;必然发into res尹gn尹ng over the affa了r汉森先生被
生。/t follows from日l / th巧that ma门y迫为此事辞职。 The dflve for competltjon
bureaux are res巧扫nt to change由此可 has forced tho呱a门比。厂四。 rkers into the
见,许多政府机关在抵制变革。 job queues竞争的驱动迫使千万名工人待
fond be fond Of someone or something业。 Oin force存在;生效。 Demon -
爱好,喜欢。 Angela was very fond of stratIOns are barred under the ernergency
her parents.安吉拉很爱自己的父母。 M厂爬gu / a tions stlll in force仍然有效的紧急条
Klnnock 15 fond of quoting the ltalian令禁止示威游行。 0 in force大规模的。
commun台tAntonlo Gramscl金诺克先生喜 One 。沂the guards sald thatth即jnte门ded
欢引用意大利共产党人安东尼奥・格拉姆齐 to return in force to carryoUttheo心er
的话。 一名卫兵说,他们打算派大部队来执行命
fool to fool around with something瞎 令。
摆弄。 Nino论lentiwa ; : itting at the forefront in the forefront of
plano fooliPg around with thek即5.尼something ; at the forefront of
诺・瓦伦提坐在钢琴边瞎弄键盘“ something在〔某事物的〕最前部,最重
foot 0on foot步行。 1 pre加rred to要的。 Amerlcan televis , on 15 in the
enter on foot我宁愿步行进去。 0 on forefront of telecornmunicatio八s
your feet站立着・月e , s bee门onh污peet techn 。心卿.美国电视站在通讯技术的前沿。
allda义他整天都站着。 0 to your feet匆me empl妙ers were at the fore介.ont
站起来。 1 tried to get to my feet but of campaig门‘ to extendsa角tyleg台latlon
could no之我想站起来,却不成。 某些雇主站在延长安全立法运动的最前线。
footing on ap叭icular footing站在某foreign be foreign to someone非某人
一立场;on a particular footing with固有的,陌生的。 Th e cr , me had an
someone和某人站在同一立场。 Th污, ngenui妙and : ubtle妙fore勺n to an
pu朽agriculture on a ve印precarious Eng / ls hma门此罪行具有英国人感觉陌生的创
footing泊deed这就把衣业放在十分危险的意与巧妙0 Eve叹thing abouth污11沁was
境地。 The school ' , const了tutjon Puts foreign toher关于他的一生,她一概不
parents on an equal footihg with sta任 知。
学校规定,家长与教职工是平等的。 forerUnn6r the forerunner of some -
forage to forage for food or other thing先驱者,开路人・ working class
things寻找食物或其他东西。 squirre污organlzatIOn , thata阳thefo陀川月ne巧of
are foragin夕eve印Where forsustena门ce workers ' councl / s作为工人理事会先驱
松鼠在四处觅食。 的工人阶级组织。
foray a foray into a field of activity foretaste a foretaste of something in
〔对新的环境或活动的〕尝试。 In the the future 〔对未来事物的〕浅尝,预
forty years sinceh污fjrst foray into兆。 These plctures were a foretaste of

the com加9 ageo厂甲日ce邵列。旧tion这些fraught to fraught with a quality or
图片是正在来临的太空探索时代的先期迹 with things充满某一特征或事物。 Th巧
象。 四即ofli斤巧6刁ught withda门ger这种生
forget to forget about something遗忘活方式险象环生・ These户roposajs are
了某事物0 TheCoun才hadmomentarlly fraught with eXPlos了ve , oc了al con , e -
forgotten about亡he let拍r伯爵暂时遗忘que门ces这些提议充满了爆发’}生的社会后
了那封信。 果。
forgetful be forgetful of something又、{free 0 be free of or from something
某事物不考虑、疏忽・ Howard . forgetful不受某事影响的。功eyseemedfreeof
of the time , wass石j / woFkinga四ay In the raclal prejudice他们似乎没有种族偏见的。
/ lbrary霍华德忘记了时光的流逝还在图书 . ensur了ngt八日才t八ey are free from
馆里工作着。 harm勿Ibac加rIa保证它们不带有害病
forgive to forgive someone for doing菌。公be free with advice , money , or
something原谅、宽恕某人所做的事。 etc.慷’慨。 SheIS门ot known for be ; ng
Forgive me for u5Ing these pom户ous斤ee with her money她并不以花钱大方而
四。 rds请原谅我使用这些夸张的词汇。 著称OTh即are pret妙free with their
form 0 a form of something形式。 commen朽他们很随便地加以评论0 0 to
stlck一介ght了ngwa , more an art thana free someone or something from
for们nofcombat棍战是艺术,而不是打斗 something or of something使某人或
形式0 Ointheformofsomething以某物脱离某物。 to free the world
某种形式。 exerc巧e in the form of斤。 m hateandmlse甲使世界摆脱仇恨
walks or swlmmlng散步或游泳的锻炼与痛苦。 He had freed her of the
形式。 responslblll妙。沂feel了ngg川lty他使她从罪
forward to forward a document to恶感中释放出来。
someone将文件转递给某人。尺eg , ona / freedom 0freedom from something
o所clals forvvarded the阳sults to head 〔不受某事影响的〕状态。 freedom
0所ce.地方官把结果转递给总部。 斤。 mhu门ge乙不挨饿公freedomof
founded be founded on or upon a basis speech or action言行自由0 Wlll夕ou
or fuct建立在事物的基础上;依据事allow them freedom of cho , ce尸你允许他
实。 a novel which , 5 doubtless 们自由选择吗?
founded on a ma55o沂h巧torical da妇fresh be fresh from a place刚从某地
无疑是依据历史资料写成的小说。 来。 bread fresh fromt八e oven
framed be framed in something or by 刚出炉的面包。闪IckFa / d 0arrlved ,
something给某物框住0 Matron wa ;斤esh homh店vlctO甲In theU , 5 . M白sters
尹泊med in thedo 。几帕丫护士长站在门口。 Tourname门t尼克福尔多刚从美国主人联
p了ctureso沂mountains framed by赛凯旋而来。
trees树木覆盖山脉的照片。 fret to fret about something or ov . r
fr口nk be frank with someone about something对某事不愉快。 she fretted
something 〔就某事对某人〕坦率的。 about herap户earance.她对自己的模样感到
Now , Hugh , / wantyou tobeperfect加烦恼。 Nothing can be galned勿fretting
丙.nkw矛th me.休你就跟我买话买说吧。 over resul朽.为结果而烦庙于事无补。
He , S quite frank about eve甲thinge污e friend 0be friends with someone和
他对别的事情都很坦率。 某人友好,与某人交朋友。 You usedto
fraternize to fraternize with someone be gre日t州endswi功八了m dl由‘ t扣u户你
与某人建立友谊。 when山eysawme曾与他很要好,是不是,0 a friend of
斤日temiz仍9 with thelower 〔/a55当someone or to someone 〔某人的〕朋
他们看见我与“低下阶层”交往。 友。 she has become a clo ' e币心end of


the Pre夕dentand八巧w;角她已成为总统夫 eye / a sh “她的眼睛很人周围是长长的假睫
妇的密友。 5八ebecameafriendtothem 毛。 a ba夕。厂bluew日亡er fringedby
匆r there , to厂theircaree巧她在他们后半 户a / m trees棕搁树围绕的蓝色海湾
辈子生涯中始终是朋友 front in front在前1自l ; in front of
friendly 0 be friendly to or towards something在某物前l自J卜a dev ; ce
someone又、 1某人女好・石veryone巧:o wh了ch com户utest为e speedo扩the car
斤沁ndly to eve甲。门e else大家彼此都很友trave / ll ng in front计算开在前面的汽车
好。/八ave not尹cedt八atyour后山er巧not车速的装置。八门actor为as to 900 " t eve尽
as friendly towards oea : he used to da夕and户rove为lmsel厂in front of an
了。 Obefriendlywithsomeone成为 明自己。
某人的朋友。 lbecamefriendlywith日frontier 0 the frontier bctween or of
young eng了neer named勿GI巧才我与一个two countries 〔 l脚卜1之11 , 1的〕边界;the
名叫席格立斯特的年轻工程师交了朋友。 frontier of one country with another
0 be friendly to someone or something 〔一国与另国的〕边界。亡he
支持某人或某事・ ablgco甲oratlon 斤。 nfier betvveent为e口nlted万扫拍sa门d
very friendlytO山e Pre夕dent非常支0门ada美国与加拿人的川界。 along
持总统的一家大公司 the frontier oft八e two German了es
friendship someone ' 5 friendship with 沿着两个前德匡的边界。 the门orth -
someone else 〔某人与另一人的〕友 四est frontier of Ind了日印度的西北边
谊;a friendship between two people界。 Greece was monn了ng her frontier
〔!街人之间的〕友谊。/wa门ted to with Bulgarla希腊正在与保力〔]¥ ll亚的边界上
malnta们m丫friendshiP withhe厂我想同驻军・ Othefrontiersofknowledgeor
她保持友谊。 a stu即ofthefriendshiP afieldofactivity知U毛边缘・新领域0
betweent四0 sout八London youths . the way In which tec八nology can
关于两位伦敦南区青年之间的友谊的研e和and the frontiers of knowledge
究。 技术可以拓展知识领域的万法。
frighten to frighten someone into frown 0 to frown at something or
doing something吓得某人做某事。 a someone朝〔某事或某人〕皱眉。 He
bomb加9 campalgn almed at frighten角g 斤。,犷月ed at八巧re刀ectjo门了n them了rror
the Peruv产a门5 into boycotting the 他对镜子中的自己皱皱眉。功e尸r已ident
e / ectlons旨在恐吓秘鲁人去抵制选举的 frowned at thes日ggest旧n that hIS
轰炸战役。 councll had wasted the money总统对于
frightened 0 be frightened of说他的委员会浪费了金铁的暗介深为不满。
something or someone害怕某事或某0 to frown upon or on something不
人。月e角Ita / l tt / e frightened ofgoing赞成某事。 TejevI5lo门15 frowned叩。 n
back他感到有点害怕回去。 1 have日 人们不赞成电视・加the户历t,山e Edlnburgh
reputatlon now and people are 90了ng to fe ' tlval comm了ttee frowned on prlze -
be frightened of rne我如今已经有T名glvl门g在过去,爱丁堡艺术节组委员会不赞
声,人们会怕我的・公be frightened for成额授奖项。
someone or something替某人或某事害fruits the fruits of someone ' 5 work or
怕・ On今da外ago we were frightened success某人的工作成果或成就。 You
for our llves才几天前我们还为性命担忧are now加a pos了tlo门to enjoy动e frUits
呢。 of扣urlabours你现在有条件享受自己的劳
fringed be fringed with things or by 动成果了。
things以某物作边界。月er eye ; were frustra加d be frustrated by , at , or with
/ arge and fringed with long false something对某事感到不满、灰心。

Theyarefrustratedbyhaving门oou心oor fUrnished be fornished with furniture
印ace top白y阴他们为没有室外玩耍场地而配有家具。 ltw日5 furnished with
不满・ They may get frustrated at thelr ord加a甲。{fI ce勿mltureo厂the be亡加rso对
。 W门fallure他们可能因自己失败而气馁・ 它配有高档的普通办公室家具。
frustrated with才he slowp日ceo厂fuss 0to fuss over someone又寸某人过
reforl刀对改革步子缓慢而灰心。 分体贴・日。夕:don ' t llke a motheF
full 0 be full of something充满着・ fussing over them男孩不喜欢母亲的过分
He seemed full of energy他看起来精力充体贴。 0 to fuss about something or
沛Oa garden full of斤u , t才reesa门d over something为某事大惊小怪・八
厂。 ses种满果树与玫瑰的花园。公in greatma即WOmen门owadaJ ' fussabout
fu 11全部。丁h e com户an夕would be th elr welg六t许多妇女现在对体重大‘}京小
unable to pay了ts cred了tors in full公司无怪。]ohn FOrd dldn ' t Ilke an actorfU “仍g
法足额偿还借权人・ jt巧worth quotl门gin 0丫erh巧role约翰子副寺不喜欢为角色焦虑
fu"四为at the chalr汀后n叼ld主席的话值得 不安的演员。 othefussoverorabout
全文引用。 something or someone为某事或某人大
fun for fun开玩笑。 whether扣u wI5h惊小怪。角ere附;日t阳mendous fuss
to run just for fun or to compete jn aboutseatingarrangemen朽座次的安排给
races不管你想跑着玩玩还是参加赛跑“ 弄得乱七八糟。 It was Sl / ly to make sucha
function 0 the function of a person or fuss over a womanw八om he had only
thing ; a person ' 5 or thing ' 5 function as seen halfa dozen times为才见过五・六次
something 〔人或事物的〕功能、职能、 的女人这样大惊小怪・未免很傻。 0 to
作用。 The function of阴tlcism 15 to he加make a fuss of someone对某人过分体
the女udent to Improve批评的功能是帮助贴或无微不至地关怀。 jhu卯edherand
学生改进0 HecouldnolongerfUI厅l八巧made a great fuss ofhe乙我抱住她,对她
function as breadw , nner勿r the family 十分宠爱。
他不再能够胜任养家活口的职能。 0 to fussy be fussy about something 〔对某
function as something起某一作用的。事〕挑剔的。 5内ewasve甲fussyab0Ot
a room whlch hadprevlous今function - pro门unclation她对发音十分挑剔。
ed as a pla厂oom匆r the children曾
fundam6ntal be fundamental to
something又寸某事具有重大意义。 CIO5e G
llnks with supplle巧are fundamentalto
the succe55 of , tsb " sI门es5与供应商密切联gain 0to gain in a quality or ability
系对于其业务的成功意义重大。 〔在质或能力方面的〕增加。 Bare门bolm , s
furious be furious at or with someone Pla户ng seerned to gain in confjdence as
or something对〔某人或某事〕大发雷石me Went on巴伦波姆的演奏似乎随着时间
霆。 Man了people刁re furious at the的推移而增强了信心。公to gain on
Duke for golng to the勿ne旧j,许多人因公someone or something赶上某人或某事
爵参加葬礼而对他感到十分愤怒。 物。弘e kePtgainingonmeallthe协妇y
Ruben ' tein 15 furious with the dec巧lon down the long hjll在长长的下山路上,她
鲁宾斯坦对该决定大发雷霆。 不断地追赶我。
furnish to furnish someone with gallop at a gallop吃跑0 The dog ,
something向某人提供某物。角ey dld would follow at a gallop归pping and
门ot furnish us with an opportunlty to yelPing.狗狂吠着猛追。
meet as a groUp他们没有向我们提供在小galvanize to galvanize someonei城。
组内会面的机会。 doing something激发某人做某事。 She

ernb日rkedo门a ml门了一才our dimeda亡 是针对这一事件・ POI ; cies wll / be geared
galvanizing her su户户orte巧into turn了ng towards su ‘拍iningt八e srre门gt自oft八e
。 ut tovote她着手进行了一次小型巡回活pou门d政策的取向将是保持英镑的强势。
动以便策动支持者出来投票・均u ' vegot The team Where geared for ac亡了。门该队
to galvanize peo户/e into actjon.你得激发 是针对行动而设立的“
人们采取行动。 general in general 〔用f提及某物的主
gamble to gamble on a race ora要特征时〕咨位、的说来。 Ingeneral , th即
particular result又、 l 〔赛事或某一结果〕 see川才0 share amply , n山e户rospe万tyo沂
打赌。后m ; 11 " r口;门ed勿gamblihg on the RePublic一般来说・他们似乎充分分享
由eho巧es因参加赛马赌尊而破严的家 着共和国的繁荣。
庭・角es叭旧po Hlg八Comm日nd seemsto get 0to get at something or someone
h日陀gambled on a certaln妙西南非洲{人抓住某事物或某人。 The bul / wastry川g
民组织总司令部似乎在对确定的事打赌。 to , mash the角nce to get at me公牛试
gamut a gamut of something全范围。图冲破围栏来追我。 Otogetaparticular
Fulh日m werec日p日ble of putting thelr feeling from or out of something从某
supporte巧through a whole gamut of事物中得到某种感受。 w加t夕。 uget
e ! Jn 。 tIOns富勒姆能够充分操控支持者的情斤。 m亡he cultureo沂C即Iond印ends on
绪0 your attltude你从锡兰文化中得到的感受取
gap a gap in something or a gap决于自己的态度。训巾at doesa口尸0门e get
bctween two things某一缺口空白或两out of act泊g户人们从演戏中得到什么呢?
事物之间的差距。 c / o5Ing the gapin 0 to get into an activity , situation , or
用Illta甲technol 。卿填补军事技术上的way of behaving陷入或从事于〔某一
空白。 Acentrajth哪e 。厂the厂eP 。厅巧that活动、情景、某种行为〕 。 j , m gojngto
t为e gap between rlch and poor has need a quick ‘拍rt to get into the moo己
grown报告的中心主题是贫富差距扩大了。 我将需要快速的启动,以进入角色。 I , m not
gape to gape at someone or something going to get into an argument about it
吃惊地凝视某人或某物。 Crowd百我不准备为它陷入争端。 0togetoveran
gathered to gapeat山e playe巧.人们围拢unPleasant experience , illness , or
来观看那些演员。 difficulty越过,克服。 George did not
gasp a gasp of a particular emotion 〔因get overh污hom巴ickness forsometime
某种情感而引起的〕深呼吸。 A gasP0f乔治一度无法克服思乡之倩。 One mother
此belie沂ra门gout不相信的叹密、冲口而出。 gof Over山污problemby抽aVIng herba勿
gateway a gateway to somewhere or Wlth someonee / se一位母条通过将婴儿交
something 〔某地或某物的〕门径,关另}l人看管而克服了这个问题。 0 togetout
口。 Cockermouth了s ' ltuated at the of something避免。肿‘ / / do日邵thing
northern gateway to the Engl店h Lake tO夕et out of working我们会千方百计避
0巧trict,考克茅斯位于英格兰湖畔区的北门。 免工作。 0 to get round a rule ,
四已alth has notprovedtobeagate协旧y problem , or difficulty回避〔规定、 l司
tohaPPlness.财富并没有证明是通向快乐的题、困难〕 。 Them 。女valuable archltect
「]径。 15 the one who can get round the
gaze to gaze at someone or something planning邓tem最有价值的建筑师能够回避
注视某人或某物・ He gazed at me规戈l]系统0 Otogetroundsomeone说
steadl扮他盯着我看・ 服某人。万he could alwa外get round
geared be geared to , towards , or fora hlm in thee门d她总是能够说服他的。 oto
Particular purpose适应某一需要。 The get through a particular task , problem ,
whole training programme has been or unpleasant experience完成任务;度
夕eared to this one event.整个培训计划都过某段不愉快的经历。 lt巧diffl七ultto
9 Iare

get through th巧amount of vvork In such of ou厂quarre/她尽力想了解我们争吵的要
作量是困难的・即冶ju , tho户e腆canget 9 ive 0 to give something to someone
through the game wi才houta门y勿rt八er orsomething将某物给某人或另一事
Injur了邵我们只希望不受更多的伤害就结束游物。 1 pu / jedo " t a packeto沂(lgarette ,
戏。 Otogettosomeone影响某人・ and gavet八em to八i川我抽出一包香烟交
角e fatlqt , ea门dbackachearegettingto给他。 Pr , o , ; tywljl八刁vetobegivento
me nOW我已经感到疲劳和腰背痛。 0to unemployme门t得优先老息失业问题・
get along with someone与某人和睦相0 to give in to someone or something
处。 lgetalongve印wel / withoonald 对某人或某事物日步・/沂eaFed劲e ' d
我与唐纳德相处得不错・ 0to get away th了门kmeweakforgivinginto八lm我担
with something做环事而逃脱0 Pu户治 心她会因为我向他让步而认为我软弱。
此rupt cla " " and geta ”旧y withu门ru少je : ; Icare角sed to give in to sel养p ; ty or
behavlour学生破坏课堂纪律,不守规矩 despalr杰西卡拒绝屈服于自怜和绝望。
却得不至‘]惩罚・ 0 to get down to 0 to give something overtosomeone
something开始认真对待某事。 T为e交给某人。八w八。/e户age had to be
two of them get down tob " In既here given over to reade巧‘ lette巧得用整整一
tomorrow他们两人明天在这里正式工作。 版刊载读者来信・ 0to give up on
. togetinwithsomeone结交某人O someone or something放弃某人或某
she takes good care to get in with the物。功e / ifts take : 0 10门9 to reach山e
pe叩lew内omatter她}心翼翼地与要员结ground刀oor that扣u usuajly give UP on
交。 Otogetonwithsomeone与某人 them.电梯要很长时间才能到达底层,所以通
友好相处。 Thec八,ldren have to learnto常不乘电梯。 otogivesomethingupto
get on " , i th each other孩子们得学会彼此aparticularthing将某事物贡献于另一
友好相处0 . to get on with something事物。 Th e la ; ta厂ternoono厂the
取得进展。 a / I加spent hiding my助ristm日5 termwa , given up to a tea -
角elings and getting on with the jobt party圣诞节学期的最后一个下午用来举行茶
我一辈子都隐藏自己的感受并努力工作。 会。
0to get on to atopic在演讲或谈话中given be given to a particular kindof
将主题转入另一话题。 somehow we behaviour有某种习惯或倾向。 David
got on to gran中arents.我们辗转谈至}」了祖was门Ot given to dan门9 acts 。沂bravado
父母。.togetontosomeone同某人 大卫并没有沉缅于鲁莽的虚张声势行为。
联系。石et on torn夕secreta甲and 9 lance 0to glance at something or
日rra门ge an Inte厂vlew找我秘书联系安排约through pages or documents迅速读,
见OOtogetroundtodoingsomething浏览文件。 I夕Ianced at " ur letters thls
挤出时Ib1做某事・ Most peo户le才ake mor门ing我今天早上看了看你的来信。
weeks to get roundto斤I / Ing thefo溯5 glancing throug六the Iob advertlse -
Zn多数人过了几个星期才有空填交表格。 me门ts ・浏览招聘广告。 0 to glance
Otogetthroughtosomeone至l{达某人off something被弹回。 The ball
处;被某人理解。 wor比which wl / l glancedo斤hls foot into the net球在他
get through to a chl / d会被孩子接受的脚上弹了一下进网・ 0 ataglance一
的话。勿to get up to something干某眼就。月ecouldtellataglancethat劲e
事,Ma即see schoo / trIP ; as an exouse was uPset他一眼就看出她很心烦意乱。
forc八Ildren to get uP tom巧chlef许多人glare to glare at someone or something
认为学校旅行是孩子干坏事的借口。 怒视某人或某事物。 we froze , gIarl ' ng
gist the gist of something 〔某事情的〕 at each other In hatred我们站住,相互怒
主旨、要点。 she , trove to catch the夕ist 视着。

9 loat

9 10at to gloat over solnething or or method选择〔某户:[ ' l}。 、方法〕 。 00
someone又寸某才、 、某人沾沾自喜・/t巧you 90 for ofgan亿at了。门or do you户refer
worth not了ng ho四many了门de尸ende门t flalr尸你选择依靠组织还是喜欢依靠个人才
schooIS gloat over the尹r Oxforde门try干工作呢0 to 90 for solneone进攻
, ucce " rates值得冷意的是有多少的独立 某人。月ewentforme四jthabread
学校对学生成功升读牛津大学的比率沾沾自 k门i伦他手持面包餐刀攻击我0 to 90
into a job , subject , or arrangement of
glory to glory in somethingl月某事而some kind加入、从书、深入研究。
得意、自豪。 The women we阳gfo理ing功山e门you 90 into a dea / , you can ' tlay
in山巧nev协found斤eedom妇女们对这种down the law你从事交易时不能置法律于
新获得的自由不胜自豪( 不顾。 tralnlng programmes匆厂people
9 low to glow with a particular emotion wlshing to 90intob呱In既为希望从
因情绪激动而面色发红。 Mrs Volkov商的人而设的培训计划。 Otog00nor
9 Iowed witht为e户rideo厂为av产ng into something 〔金钱或资源〕用于某事
produced a chl / d伏尔可夫太太困生孩子而物上。八后lramounto厂用oneygoeson
倍感自豪。 阳search一笔相当多的钱用于研究。 MO女
glutton a glutton fors ( ) mething贪吃
酷爱某物。尸enevergott ; red , and为e of the ald has gone into口rban projec朽
大部分援助投入了城建项目・ 0to g00ver
was日glutton for work他不知疲倦,酷something仔细检查・考虑。助tentlal
爱工作。 b夕厂e巧‘ hould 90 over日l / t八e决ta矛ls潜
gnaw to gnaw at something啃某物・在购买者应检查全部细节・ 0 to 90
The insects co门tinued gnawing at the through an unpleasant event or
四。 od昆虫继续啃着木头。 experience经历某一不愉快的事件或有
90 0to 90 about a task , activity , or不愉快的经” J 0 sheh日dtogothrough
problem着手〔任务、活动或I石J题〕 。 the indlgni妙。沂trave / ling In the luggage
those trying to 90 about thelr normal va几她只得有失体面地坐在行李车内旅行。
business.试图着手正常业务的人。公to . to 90 through things such asa
90 against someone , or their advice or collection of papers or clothes检查。
wishes不理会某人或忽视某人的劝告或He went through Gu夕’ 5 books to find
愿望。 The head 15 only answerab / e to the some亡hing about Poland他检查了盖伊的
90vernors , whora阳ly 90against hlm.首书,发现了有关波兰的情况・ 0to 90
长只对州长们负责而他们很少忽视他的愿towards a particular scheme or
望。 Otogoagainstsomeone 〔常用于p盯chase作为对某一方案或购买某物的
法庭〕对某人不利。 The verdict went部分付款。劝e勿n比w , //夕0 towards
againsth污brother裁决对他的兄弟不利・ security and educatlonal act了Vltles,基金将
Otogobeforeajudgeorjury被提交用于保安与教育活动・ 0 to 90with
给法官或陪审团进行讨论或作出判决。 something和某物调和。四川te wine
Th e measure went before an goes with flsh白葡萄酒可以和鱼同吃。
eccleslastical comIJnlttee该措施提交给了教Otogowithoutsomething没有某物
士委员会供讨论。 0 to 90 beyond也能行。尸ri ; one巧ma夕have to 90
something越过超出〔某事物〕 。 Mr w才tho " tabath勿ravVeek囚犯可能一个
B日ker ' 5 warn , ng went beyond Frlda夕亏星期没澡洗。由to 90 ahead witha
statement贝克先生的警告超出了星期五的 decision or action开始执行某一决定或
声明。 Otogobycertaininformation行动。二50动e勿,s dete溯/nation to 90
or evidence依照〔某一情报、自l据〕 。 ahead with the sa / e苏富比决心执行
Don ' t goby励at he纪外不要根据他的话该销售。 Otogoalongwithsomeone
行事・ otogoforaparticularproduct or something接受某人或某物0 We

内a ve to 90 alo门9 withw八atever了aw她在爱丁堡大早受教育法律专业毕
government comes to户ower我们得接受业・公to graduate from one thing to
当政的任了可政府・ 0tog ( ) back ona another进l自J做较难或较重要的事。
Fromise or agreement违背・闪ow乃ere are stad了um gro日户sa门d arena
如u ' re going back onwh日才夕ou told朋e gro叩s ' and th即have graduated斤om
ear / ier你正在违背以前对我讲过的东西。砌 the / a tte厂tothe勺朋er有体育馆组和竞技
to 90 down with a disease or illness患 场组是从后者向前者逐步发展的。
病。 seven oj the石ngjj : h bo厂went graft to graft one thing onto or to
down with们刀uenza英国男孩中有七人得 another thing移置・嫁接。 moder门
了流感。口to 90 in for a particular kind polltlc日/structures grafted onto日nc了ent
of thing or a competition从事‘参]] [ ] cu / tUraZ dlvlslo门5现代政治结构移植到
〔某事或某一竟赛)・ They have declded古老的文化分野・ CUtt川95 jro阴the frult
to 90了门for们form日tlo门帕c八nology他们tree wlllh日ve bee门grafted to another
决定从事信息技大0 to 90 on with klnd 。厂tree果树的切枝将嫁接于另一种树
something继续某一事情・ ‘ oon ' t 木。
Interrupt , ' he rep万ed , and wento门with grant to grant Something to someone
内巧ta / e别打岔,也回答并继续讲故事。 依法授子某人某物H邵h巧g 。陀rnment
匆to 90 out with someone与某人谈恋granted favou巧to乙口夕nes , men尸他的政
爱或有性关系・ 5为egoesoutwith 府给予商人优惠政策厂叫,
四unger men她与年纪更小的男人谈恶爱。 grapple 0 to grapple with someone
必to 90 through with a decision or与某人扭打・ detective : grappling
action继续做某事。 He ho户ed they with an unldentl斤ed阴a门侦探与不明
四ould not got八roug八with thelr身份者扭打着。公to grapple witha
treatment他希望他们停止对自己的治厅。 problem or difficulty努)]解决难题或
good 0be good at doing something克服困难・石ng厉h victor,。 n nove / ls朽
擅长做某事。月e阴;good at八汹门gh巧were grappling with guilt and
而a户polntm印ts他善于掩饰自己的失望・ mela门ch 。加英国维多利亚时代小说家在与罪
公be good for someone or something 责・与忧郁作斗争。
对某人或某事有用,适合于某人或某grasp 0 to grasp at something急着接
事。尸“ t一war welfare thlnk们ga贷umed受。 The印ec旧lls朽hadg ; ven hlm some
that the arts were good for the peOPle hoPe , but hewa ' not graSP仍9 at了t专家
战后的福利思维假定,艺术对人民有益。 lt , 5们曾给予他一线希望,但他并不急着抓住
great to see all these户eople here , it ' s它。公be within someone ' 5 grasp能
g00d for the game看到这些人来这里真力所及。 It lookeda : i厂少one ; hdd vlctoly
好・对比赛有利。 0 forg00d永远。角e withl ' n his grasP似乎琼斯已经胜券在握。
theatre cl " ed down for good该居]院水grass to grass on someone出卖某人。
远关闭了。 The rumourstartedth日tlhadgrassedon
grab to grab at something企图抓住某 them谣言四起,说我出卖了他们。
事物。月egrabbedatthedrawerwhere gravitate to gravitate to or towardsa
the户Istol附5他去抓放手枪的抽屉。 particular place , thing , or activity受
graduate / gr逻djoelt / 0 to graduate 〔某地方、某事物或活动的〕吸引。 Llke
from a school or institution ina many a French一speak , ng Beig ; an , : he
particular subject毕业于某学校或机构inevltab今gravitated to the French
及某专业。 vo加In graduatedfrom caPlta/她就像许多操法语的比利时人一样
Moscow Unlve巧了ty了n 7946伏尔平1946年 不可避免地被法国首都所吸引。 JO厂dan
毕业于莫斯科大学。 she was educated改reslgned from theCo门munI5t Par妙aod
Edl门burgh Unlvers了妙a门d graduatedin hadslncegravitatedtowafdsthe乙abo " r

Pa厂ty乔旦辞去了共广党内的职务后采被吸意见或论据・角即八ad grounded the ; r
弓}到了工党。 appeal on the common伯四他们根据不成
greeting in greeting友好地・ Th即又法作出上诉・公on certain grounds ;
k邵ed each other in greeting他们友好地on the grounds of something以某事
亲吻。 为理由。 Mr 〔 overlyp / eaded not gu , lty
grieve to grieve for or over someone on the groundst为at cuc日mbe巧could
orsomething为某人或某事而感到悲痛 not bec / a巧ed as firea溯5柯弗利先生以黄
或伤心・ grieving overt八e deat为of瓜不能算武器的理由不承认自己有罪。 Th即
50me 。门e 110陀d为我所爱的人的逝世而 , tarted maki门9 cuts , on the groun山of
伤心。 H巧5拒户mot八er had grieved for paper shortage他们藉口纸张短缺而开始删
功emotherfesschl / d他的继母为失去母亲的 减。
孩子而伤心。 grounded be grounded in a fact or
grin to grin at someone咧着嘴笑O situation使某事扎根J几。 I沂parenta /
FOntane附‘ griDning ath巧frlend方坦pronouncements日re grounded in
对朋友咧着嘴笑。 reallty如果父母的声明有现买根据。
grind to grind away at a task刻苦工作grounding a grounding in a particular
或学习。 Mllllon , of chjldren are forced subject某一学科的基不i出、底子0 It 15
to spend precious hourso沂their lives desi阳d that alj Instructo巧ha四a better
grinding away at polnt / e巧tasks千百万gmunding in genera / cu / tore希望所有讲
孩子被迫将大好时光花费在毫无意义的作业 师对一般文化有更好的掌握。
上。 groundwork the groundwork for
groan 0 to groan about something抱something 〔为某事打基础的〕准备工
怨。 moanlng and夕roaning abouth后作。 Chairman Mao户rovided the
bel / ya che他呻吟抱怨着肚子痛・ oto groundwork for future eco门omic
groan beneath or under the weight or : uccess勿creatlng勿11 employment毛主
difficulty of something受到压力而嘎席创造了充分就业为未来的经济成功打下
吱作声,受某事之苦。 The bed groaned 了基础。
beneath her as , hes日tdo四n她坐下时床group a group of things or people一
铺嘎吱作声OT八e厂atherso沂many组,一群。 agrouPofcancandance巧
daughters groan under the welghto沂from EastA门g / la来自东安格利亚的一
pa了了ng ldrge sums沂or marriage群康康舞蹈者。
ceremonles不少有女儿的父亲深受支付大笔gro . v 0to grow into something长成・
婚礼费用之苦。 A small faction ma了grow into an
groom to groom someone as something eXtremistgroup一个小宗派可能演变成一个
Or for a particular position培养某人为极端组织。公to grow into an item of
可担任某职位的人。 Barber told mel clothing已长大能穿某件衣服了。 It性a
had been chosen to be groomed as bit blg , but ' he ' / j soon grow into it衣服
edltor巴勃告诉我,我已被选中,要培养}故 有点大,但她很快会长大的・ 0 to grow
编辑0 CliveLI即d八asbeengrooming on someone渐渐吸引某人。 she was
h了m for the四亡‘才/ndies cap拍Incy fora someone Whose charm grewve甲510州y
long time克莱夫・劳埃德长期来一直在培养on you她这个人的魅力是慢漫吸引人的。
他做西印度群岛的船长。 0 to grow outofatypeofbehaviour
grope to grope for something暗中摸or interest长大而戒除某种行为或嗜
索・ l朽clt忆en : are夕roping for a sen : e好・ My ambitlonwa : to bocome日comjc
。沂ldentl妙.它的公民正在摸索身份认同感・ strlP artlst but / grew out of it我小时候
ground 0to ground an opinion or 想成为连环漫画家,但长大后这梦想就变了。
argument on something根据某事提出0 to grow outofanitemofclothi吧

长得高大而穿不卜原来的衣服。/tc " ta犯有鲁莽驾驶罪引致他人死仁。 0 feel
, mall fortune ands八e grew out of尹t In guilty about doing 、 omething因做了
比ree mo门ths那衣服价格昂贵而她穿了三 自认为错的事情而产生犯罪感。 Perhap :
个月就穿不下了。 women ' hou / d be made to加e / guilty
grudge a grudge against someone恶about衅ar , ng勿巧也许应该使妇女对穿裘
意。闪ord ; d Church ; / l八arbour日n了戴皮感到内疚。
grudge againstM巧:助zajet邱吉尔对卡gulf a gulf between two things 〔 l街事
扎蕾小姐也没有恶意。 物l旬的〕鸿沟。砧,; j:亡为eroal夕ulf
grumble to grumble about something betweenfll贾d了v巧旧门and non一陌ague
发怨言,鸣不平。 A mat山with olne football这就是甲级队与非俱乐部足球之间的
90日/s , some oj them印ectacu后r , shou / d 真正鸿沟。
be nothing to grumble aboot一场比赛gun to gun for someone t / ) J害某人或持
进了九个球,其中有几个极漂亮,这没有什枪搜捕某人・ Idon ' t阴nthal厂anar卿
么可抱怨的。 gunning for me我不想让大队人马搜捕
guard 0to guard against something 我。
or guard someone from something提gunpoint at gunpoint在枪口威逼下。
防,预防。 Io门g一:ta门ding doub朽。 ve厂加万ce he was challenged at guopoint他
how one can guard against cheatin夕 两次被人持枪查问。
对如何提防作弊具有长期的怀疑。 rm
抑加9 toprotecthlm , toguardhlmfrom
hls enem沦5.我试图保护他・不受他的敌人的
伤害。公on guard警戒。肋Ilcet四irled H
thelrbato门sgently onguard勿rpossib / e
仃。 uble.警察轻轻转动着警棍・警戒可能出现hack 0 to hack at something猛劈某
的麻烦。 0underguard在别人看守之物。 we found Charlle haCk角9 at the
下0 Pollcehaveputanotherservlceman bacon with a knlfe我们看到查利持一把刀
under guard.警察又将另一位军人看守起猛砍咸肉。 0 to hack through
来。 something从某物〔尤指从灌木〕中劈出
guess 0 to guess at something猜想。一条路来。 The vegetatlon 15 50 thickwe
The deg阳e of溯provement can on今be雨刀have to hack throughjt.植被很密
guessed at改进的程度只能猜测一下而已。 我们得劈出一条路来。
公at a guess估计。八t ag " essl ' ds即haggle to haggle with someone over
she musth日陀got / ost我估计,她一定是something与某人争论〔尤指讨价还
迷路了。 价〕 。 she haggledwi幼the man untll
guide 0a guide to a particular subject the matte厂had been settled她与那人争
or place 〔某一学科或某地的〕指南・月e论,直到问题得到解决。 After haggling
publlshed a profe55IOna / guid七to Fr6nch over the price alld即I阴5 dete溯ined
mu5Ic他出版了一部法国音乐的专业指南。 tomakeadeal.经过一整天的讨价还价,我
0 to guide someone through决定成交了。
something领某人通过某一事物或物hail to hail someone or something asa
体。 Mr乙勺力心。即衅nt outo沂力lsw即particular thing热情地称赞某人或某事
togu初阳methro四hthe阳dtaPeju门g / e为。 lt~打日加dasthe阴ostsPectac曲r
赖特伯迪特地带领着我穿越像丛林般繁琐的 concert in the hI5t 。甲。沂rock它被盛赞为
官方程序。 摇滚乐历史上最辉煌的音乐会。
guilty 0be guilty of a crime有罪的。 hand 0to hand something to someone
They were both found guilty of cau5Ing将某物给某人。砧1 . 5 oul / etln力as了口st
death勿阳ckless drlving他们俩均被裁决been handed to me此公告刚刚交给我的。

公to hand something on or ovcr to for something渴求某事物・乙u叮八ad
someone传给。 After,门ve : tlgationt八e日/wa外hankered after日八ouseo沂her
relevant documen朽日reh日nded over to 。 wn露西始终渴望拥有自己的房子。角ey
the DTI经过调查,有关又件被移交给了女111 hanker fort八e户a ' t他们还在依恋过
DTI ・ oathand附近二迫近。角eday 去。
for which才hey八ad been斤ghting was happen to happen tos ( ) meone or
close at hand他们为之奋斗的那天已经迫 something某人和某物出J ' tl么事・ It
近。 0 by hand手I二;不通过l } ! I二局・巧am卢tery四hat happened to Dlbb / e ,
角即scaled the wajl and began帕arlng了t he少ust colla户sed迪布尔出了什么事还是个
down by hand他们爬上墙,开始动手把它 迷,他就这样垮掉了。
撕下来。 A户浏尹catl 。门scanbe由li阳redby happy be happy about or with some -
hand申请书可以派专人送来“ 0 on thing对某事满意的。 Mr洲enderson店
hand现有;于头卜。功ere were门0le55 not happy about亡八e levelo沂hI ' S shdres
t八an twe / ve addltlo门al mu , ic了日ns on 韩德生先生对自己的股份不满意。 the
hand追加的音乐家现有12位之多。 sel六reallZed四oman who巧happy州th
hang 0to hang about or arounda herjob才能得到发挥、对工作满意的女
place徘徊,逗留0 1 was hanging 人。
aroundt八e Bush theatre one night hard be hard on someone or something
waltlng自r an audltI0n一天晚上我在布什〔对某人或某事〕苛刻的。 Th污sort of
剧院附近徘徊,等待试演。 Georgewa引eft presentation can be hard on the listener
to hangaboutthestatlon乔治被撇下,这种介绍可难为了听者。 Th " eroughroads
在车站走来走去0 0 to hang over are hard on the car , 5 su印ension崎岖不
someone Or something逼近,笼罩(某平的马路对汽车的悬架损伤很大。
人或某事物〕 ・ It ' ; aw沂ul havinga hardback in hardhack精装。 1 mlssed
“子mlnal case han夕ing overyou有刑事案itw力en it was published in hardback该
子威胁着自己真讨厌。 A question mark书精装本出版时我未买到。
hangs over the勿ture of乙ondon asa h日rmfUI be harmful to someone or
leading万nanclal centre.伦敦作为主要金融something有害的,致{/ ) i的。 Too much
中心的未来打了问号。 0 to hang onto salt can be harmful toa扣ung baby盐
something抓紧某物0 Heh日5 only a slim放得太多对婴)L不利“
chance ofhang加9 ontopowe厂他保住权harmonize to harmonize with
力的机会极小。 0 to hangonsomething something与某物相和谐。 It 15 absurd
取决于〔某事物〕 0 At : uchtime匀h叩e to suggestt为at moder门archjtecture
or desPalr六angs on the last phone call . canno亡harmoniZe withi朽setting认为
此时,希望还是绝望取决于最后一个电话。 现代建筑不能与环境相和谐是荒唐的。
otohangaroundwithsomeone与某harmony in harmony with someone
人待在一起无所事事。 Iwasbecomlng or something与某人或某物和谐。
more印nical , probabjy from hanging the附句Ica / ImportB门ce ofleamlngtO
around with ne贴papermen我变得更加live in harmony with thep / a net学
愤世嫉俗,也许是因为与报业人士混在一起 会与地球和i皆相处的生态学意义。
的缘故。 harness to harness one thing to another
hangover a hangover from the past遗使一物被另一物利用。 These asPlratjons
留物。 Their obsess心nwl山以por朽15 an are harnessed to a poll才Ical or religious
obvlous hangover from co / on了al加刀es programme这些抱负都被不lj用于政治或宗教
他们迷恋出口商品显然是殖民时代的残留 计划。
思想。 hatr6d hatred for or of someone or
hanker to hanker after something or something 〔对某人或某事的〕仇恨。

perlodso厂st了刀ed hatred for Dan了el ' 5 against Inf / atlon套期保值以防通货膨
均功er对丹尼仁父亲的仇限被压抑的时 胀O
期・ the wjde印read角ar日nd ha加ed heir the heir to a throne , property , ora
of wltc八巴对女巫的厂泛嗅怕和仇限。 position 〔王位、贝才产、职位的〕继承
h曰zardoUS be hazardous to someone 人。胡扮为rls heirtothe " tateo沂
or for someone危I价的,冒l价的。 Utri / l OM法布里先生是尤特里罗庄园的
sreath了ng asbestos一lade门日了r may be 继承人。
hazardous to hea / th呼吸充满石棉的空气heiress the heiress to a throne , property ,
可能有害健康・ strongwln比are以pected or a position 〔王位、财产、职位的〕女
继承人・八巧wl角Bodl / , heiress toa
to make roa比hazardous for dr了vers
tO由夕今天刮大风・可能使路上的汽车出危厂ortune斤oma / ead厂ng chem / cals
险。 comp洲义他妻子波迪年是一家大化工公
head to head for a place向某地前行・ 司财产的继承人。
八5 the trave / / e巧head for万tonehenge help 0to help sonieone to something
the po / Ice are prepar了ng to re户e / t八em当为某人取食物・ Mr stokes力elped
旅行者向大石阵进发时警察准备把他们赶 himse厅to厂um斯托克斯先生自己倒朗姆酒
走。 喝。公to help someone with
heap to heap praise or criticism on or something帮助某人做某事。 Grant ha '
upon sorneone给某人大量的赞扬或批甲en亡the last犷wo yea巧。厂h巧11拒heIPing
评。 The Chancel / or took care last week h巧wlfe with her flght aga , n ; t cance广格
to heap pra巧e 00 Bernard校长特地在上兰特将最近两年用于帮助妻子战胜癌症。 Q
星期对伯纳德大加赞扬。 be of help ; be of help to someone对某
heaped be heaped with things被某物人有帮助。/: at wit八m夕head be门t
堆满・功e 。即。 a / a nced atra夕力eaped沁rward but山巧附5 of no heIPe了山er我
withh巧即日厂“男孩端着放满器皿的托盘。 低头坐着,但也没有什么用(
hear 0 to hear from someone收到某heralded be heralded as a particular
人的来信,得到某人的消息。弘ehdd thing被宣布为某事物・丁he mlner : '
not heard from hers巧terln Cleve / a ndfor strlle was heralded asa月ew weapo 。尹n
manyyea巧她已经好几年没收到克利夫兰姐thec / a " struggje矿工罢工被宣布为阶级斗
姐的信了。公to hear of someone or争的新武器。
something听说。砧e旧:tm司orityo沂hew to hew something out oforfrom
these ' tude门ts had never heard of the rock or w00d从岩石或木头上雕刻某
M日巧hall Plan.绝大部分学生从未听说过马歇 物。.hewing : tone outo , the
尔计划。 Otohearaboutsomething听 mountaln上山采石。 small memorlals
到关于某事的消息。/first heard about hewn from the rock mark the印oto沂an
the sh 。 。 ting 。门the radio我是最早在收音earlier ma巧aCre岩石上雕出的小纪念碑,标
机里听到开枪之事的。 志着从前大屠杀的现场。
heart 0at heart实质上。日e was , at hide to hide something from someone
六ea戊ak加d / yandrea : onableman他本对某人隐瞒、掩盖某事物。 He hid the
质上是善良而通情达理的人・公by heart lgnltio门key ffom he厂他把点火钥匙藏起不
凭记性。 Le日rn the above conversatlon 给她。
byhea件请记住上面的对话0 hiding in hiding隐藏的。 He has been
heavy be heavy with something充满in hiding fora / mostayear他已经躲藏快
某事物Oa volce hea叮with scorn 一年了。
充满了轻蔑的口吻。 high be high on drugs or alcohol吸食
hedge to hedge against something套毒品或酗酒。 There were rumours功时
期保值防止造成损失。.hedging one sPeaker wash勺h on acid.传说一个
h indran仁e

发言人吸食过迷幻药。 安杰莉卡坐着目光凝视前方手里抓紧铁
h indr日nCe a hindrance to someone or栏杆・ Harry Lodge,斤。 m Eng / a nd , held
something 〔起妨碍作用的〕人或事。 on to thlrdp / a ce overa //哈和{洛奇是英格
Prlvate owne巧八p wase了ther a he加ora兰选手总体保持了第三名。 0 to hold
hindrance to certa尹n goa污私有伟!」对某些out for something坚持・功e united
目标可以起促进或者阻碍作用。 state : and other cou门tries are holding
hinge to hinge on or upon a particular out fora勿jl settlement美困等国坚持全
thing or event随某事物而定。 The 面解决。
朋med了ate勿ture of Poland hinges on holiday on holiday在休假・ an ldea
more than a new Par / lament波兰的直接前whjch grew Whl / e she明5 on holidayln
途不仅仅靠新的议会。 Europe她在欧洲休假时严生的想法。
hint 0to hint at something暗示。月e homage a homage to somcone or
seemed to be hinting at a coalition something 〔对某人或某事物表示敬意
betwee门thet四op日厅阳s他似乎在暗示两党的〕言行或事物。 ‘ B / ue Moon , Isa
联合・ 0 a hintofsomething有某种迹charming romantic homage to Elvis
象。月e wou / d rarejy givea力int of斤es / ey . “蓝月亮”是献给埃尔维斯・普雷斯利
e阴otlon他很少表露感情的。 的迷人的浪漫作品。
hire for hire供出租。 Three box " wl伪home 0to home in on something朝
a vlewoftherace一cou巧ewereavallab / e 某事物运动。 The shark turned , homing
for hire能看到跑道的三个包厢可供出租。 jnonthestre日mo厂b / o od鳖鱼转身,朝血
hit 0to hit on an idea忽然想起某个主流扑来。公at home在家・ 1 find it vely
意。 After砒cu55Ing vari 。仍methods 。{difflcult to Vvork at home我发现在家里工
escape we hit on the汤// o ? 9 pla门.我们 作很困难。
考虑了多种逃跑方案,忽然想起了以下的计honour . an honour to someone or
戈,]方案。 0 tohitbackatsomeone反something 〔给某人、某事增光的〕人或
击某人。 Th即have been urging hlmto事物。 H污mother was somewhatcalmed
hit back at MrB仍h污campalgn他们在催勿this honour to the角ml / y他母亲为给
促他反击布什先生的竞选活动。 家里带来的这一荣誉而稍感平静。 0 in
hold 0a hold over someone控制某honour of someone or something为祝
人OH污hold over the people enabled贺、纪念、欢迎某人或某事。.a par扭
hlm to grlnd down all oppo ' ition他对人given in honour of her arrlval.一欢迎
民的控制很严,所以能压制所有的反对者。 她的聚会。
公to hold something against someone hooked be hooked on something迷上
因某事对某人抱有成见。 Hlsre勿salto某物。 00 we need to worfy about the
cooperate四111 be held against hlm.他拒adolescent getting hooked on certain
绝合作,这将对他不利・ 0 to holdtoan b00ks户我们需要为青少年迷上某些书籍而担
idea or opinion坚持某一主张或意见O心吗?. h00ked on drugs.・ …迷上毒
1 also hold strongly to the idea that the 品。
university should ' eek funding斤om hope . to hope for something期望。
indus抑and commerce.我还坚持认为,大旋印uld hardly have hoped for a better
学应该找工商界出资・ 0 toholdwitha start to his caree乙他的事业的开端简直不能
particular activity or practice 〔常用于再好了。 0 in the hope of doing
否定句或疑问句〕支持,赞成〔某事〕 。 something怀着某种希望心情。 we
1 don ' t hold wI ' th play actlng In churchj劝ould抑to印readouride击inthehope
我不赞成在教堂中上演话居}, 0 to hold on ofshowingpeoplewhatI5posslb / e.我们
to something抓紧;保住。八ngellCa sat应该尽力传播自己的思想以告诉人们什么
staring ahead , ho心的夕on to the Iron rail . 能够做到。


horizon 0 on the horizon地平线l二。 the mot八er侦探们已经开展寻找那母条的活
The dom巴andrn尹门日fe朽Of Oelhl showed 动。
on the horizo川惠里的圆顶、尖顶建筑出现hysterics in hysterics歇斯底里的・
在天际。公on the horizon ; over the The audlence爬爬in hysteri “观众狂热
horizonl险近的。 with Infjatlon rlsing 极了。
and an election on the horizon通货
over the honzon巧日nother asslgnment
想到很快又有一个任务。 l
horseback on horseback骑着马的。
PeoPle waited , watC加d勿pollcemen on idea 0 someone ' 5 ideas on something
horseback.人们等待着,骑警在旁观。 or about something 〔又、 J某事物的〕观
hour on the hour在某一正点。 Buses念。二tF8ditlonal ideas on howto角ed
勿r乙ondon leave eve甲由夕on the hot , r slck children病孩喂养的传统观念。 He
去伦敦的班车每天正点出发。 had , uPer斤cla/泪eas about polltl ".他对
howl to howl with laughter , pain , or政治的理解很肤浅。 0 someone , sideaof
anger狂笑、嚎哭、吼叫。 The studen朽a particular thing 〔对某件事物的〕印
howled with gleea , th即followed泊e象。油甲少ordac八e亏川ea of a normal
地喊叫。 国家庭的印象。 Oanideaofsomething
hub the hub of a place or area某地、某or about something 〔对某事的〕认识。
地区的中心。 Venlce was the hub of the , , . occasionallyflash ; ngm夕torchtoget日n
Mediterranea门.威尼斯是地中海的中心。 idea ofm了immediate surroundings
hum to hum with a particular activity 我偶而晃动手中的火把,了解近旁的环
offeeling 〔某地〕因某一种活动或激情境情况・ I八日dgotqu ; te山ewrongid匕a
而变得活跃起来。 Theto朋was alrea妙abouti仁我对此的认识有错误。 0 thei由a
humming with excltemen叭亥城的人已经of something概念、想法。 she cannot
激动得活跃起来。 bear the idea ofpa厂tlng她无法忍受分离
hunger 0hunger for something 〔对的念头。二the idea of freedom ・自由
某事物的〕渴求。 this compulsive的思想。 0 anideaforsomethingnew
hunger for vlctO甲.这种对胜利的强烈〔想创造新事物的〕念头。 lhadthlsid独a
渴求。公to hunger for something or for a b00k我想起要写一本书。 0 the idea
after something渴求、渴望。 5六e of an action or scheme目的。 The id铂a
hungers for contact with her child.她渴of these improvisations lsto勿rce the
望与自己孩子接触。四为at mak巴people actorsto万ndjustiflcatlons for thew日丫
hungera加rpower尸是什么令人们渴求权 thelr characters behave这些临时即兴演出
力? 的目的是・强迫演员为角色的行为找到理
hungry be hungry for something渴 由。
求、渴望。 He kno盯what it店to be ideal be ideal for a pu甲ose or person ;
h " ng理forsuccess他懂得渴望成功意味着an ideal thing for a purpose or person
什么。 理想的、合适的。 All these 0115 are id . al
hunt 0 to hunt for something探求某for cooking frylng and ; a / ad dre " ings .
事物。 Badgersa阳still about at nlght , 这几种是煮、煎・拌色拉的理想食油“ It , sa
huntin夕for acom , or beetles灌在夜间也healthy , interestlng hol了d即一ideal for
出来,找橡果和甲虫吃。 0 a hunt for famllies.这是一个健康・有趣的假日・对家庭
someone or something搜索某人或某事最适合。 A了el / ow污h一brow门15 theid心al
物。 De沁ctives have Iaun动ed a hunt for colour forcamouflage,黄褐色是理想的伪装

色彩。 某物浸没于某液体日’ ・砧efootwa ' to
identical be identical to or with be immersed in ab以cketo厂the stu厅脚
something else和某事物相l司的・ The要浸泡在一桶该物质中Pj / grl阴,日厂e
th了rd dlagram巧identical to the万巧r第supposed to immerse亡hemse / ves three
三个图表同第一个相同・叼丫叨ew巧泪匕nti - tlmes in the四日te厂朝圣者要在水中浸三次。
ca了w户ththato厂M厂je厅已巧。门我的观点与immune be immune to or from
杰斐逊先生一样。 something又寸〔有害的或不好的事〕有免
identify 0to identify with someone疫力。 we a re vlrtu日l / y immune to
与某人认同,同情某人。 Do you iden - certaln diseases wh了ch cause death
tify with the worklng cla " then尸你与工 e污e四为ere我们买际上对某些在其他地方能
人阶级打成一片吗,0 to identify 致命的疾病有免疫力・ Th 15 renders
someone or something with a person academl “户mmune from cnticis ! Jn这使学
or thing认为某人或某事物与另一人或 术界免于被批评。
事物等同。 The pla门ets were identified immunity immunity to , from , or
with gods行星被认同为神仙0 1 was against something 〔对有害事物或坏事
泪enti斤ed with山at巧,ue我被认为与那 物的〕有免疫力,不受影响。 vacclnes
个l司题相等同。 0 be identified asa generate加munity to ad巧ease疫苗产
particular person or thing被识别出,生对某种疾病的免疫力・ imm " nity
被认出。丁hev , ct , ms have bee门介。 mprosecutlo门不受迫害。 their
identified日5 Hazel Oanks and joan nat " ral immunity againstp " ts.它们
Abbot.被害者已被识别出来,是黑兹尔丹 对害虫的天然免疫力。
克斯与琼・阿波特0 Themalnconcerns immunize to immunize someone
were id磅ntifiedasag 。 。 dbu55erV汇ea门d against a particular disease对某种疾
a / o wcnmerate主要关心的问题是良好的 病免疫。 …伪ilj门gto为ave their childre 。
公共汽车服务和低犯罪率。 In each case , imm " nized against dlPhtherla.没有
private contracto巧四ere identified as使他们的孩子对白喉免疫。
belng at faul仁各个个案中,都认为私人签约impact an impact on or upon
者有责任。 something 〔对某事的〕巨大影响。
ignorant be ignorant ofafactorabout月勺her Interest rateswi刀have animpa时
a subject不知道〔某一事实或学科〕 on pro万ts.提高利率会影响利润。
They were ignorant ofh店plans他们不imPale to impale something on orupon
知道他的计戈I]。 If the President 15 something sharp用尖物刺某物O
ignorantaboutmajora印ec朽ofnationa /加paled on theh 。 。 k明5 a small shark .
策。 impart to impart information ora
imbued be imbued with a quality or quality to someone or something将消
idea充满。 cult ; vated , ndividuals ,息、品质给于某人或某事物。 Thene防
imbUed with a senseo厂soc产al was imPa材ed to john Curcuas.消息、传给
p " rP 。犯有教养的个人充满了社会效果 了约翰・柯库阿斯。 。 the厂wl ' se the
感。 klPpersm即加part thel厂flavour to the
immerse 0to immerse yourselfinan旧印be叮m 。既e.不然腌鲜鱼会将味道
immersedm外elf total / y inm夕work我impatient 0be impatient with
埋头于工作。 Ajl the team had bee门 someone or something ; be impatient at
immersed in the project for severaj something对某人、某事物不耐烦;be
months.整个团队都投入了该项目几个月了。 impatient of a kind of behaviour对某
0 to immerse something in aliquid使一行为不能容忍的。 Hewa ; ve印加pa -
11 " preSSIOn

tient with , tude门朽who dld门otl巧亡en the remark体会到该话有丑恶可耻的含
care勿l今他对不用心听讲的学生不耐烦。 义。
Most户rlso门ers seemed genu了nely implicit be implicit ins ( ) mething 〔某
impatient with su 〔 h ldeas大部分囚犯似方面〕暗示,内含动e se门se 。沂
乎对区些思想真的不而」烦・ Th印have ofte门shattering defeat implicit in his
made me angry and impat沁nt att八e了r attitude他的恶度中所隐含的惨败感。
petty均uI朽他们常犯小错误使我生气、不耐import / lmp王t / to import something
烦0 Thosew尹thre日I户owerareu , u日/今from another place into the place
impatient of too much deference掌买权where you are进11 0900比加ported
者通常不能容忍过分的听从・公be impa -介。 mabn刀d进口货(舷来品)。 2口0 , 000
tient for something急着要某事物・ parrots are impor拍d into EC countrles
leaders impatient for resu / ts each护a乙欧洲共同体国家每年进口二十万只
急于知道结果的领导。 鹦鹉。
impediment an impediment to impose 0to impose a restriction , law ,
development 〔妨碍某事物发展的〕人或or penalty on or upon a Person or
事。.th仍ew八05即that the unlons are activity强使某人或某一活动接受某一
an户mpediment to progre55那些说限制、法律或惩罚。 They ; mmedlate今
工会妨碍进步的人。 加posed a ban on几rther advertlslng.他
impervious be impervious to们迅速禁止了进一步的厂告宣传。二chafing
something不能渗透的0 1 became a t the restra , ntimposed on them by the
护mperVious to Influence ofanykind我prevlous government因上届政府对他
不受任何外来的影响。 slate 15 impervious们的限制而恼怒。公to impose on or
tow日ter.石板不渗水。 upon someone强加于某人,打扰、麻
impinge to impinge on or upon烦某人。 ‘即。 uld扣u臼reto ] O inme刃一
someone or something 〔对某人或某事' No , Icouldn ' t俪poseon帅u . " ’你喜欢
物〕起作用或有影响。二asthepressures跟我一起去吗?' ―不啦,我不能打扰
o沂change imp角ge mo陀heavi / y on the 你。 ”
indlVidua]随着变化的压力对个人影响加impregnate to impregnate something
大。 with a che而cal使某物浸泡化学液体。
implant Ilmpl生ntlto implant some -二,50沂t一wood impregnated with
thing in something or someone else植 creosote.浸过杂酚油的软木。
入。四已m勺ht implant ti叮;enso巧in impress to impress something on or
the bo即.我们可以在体内植入小传感器・ upon someone某事给某人留下深刻印
she managed to implant a loto厂象。 The authorlt , e ; impressed on him
e门thusiasm in me她得以向我灌输了大量热 the need沁r ap砂ch伯加C consultatIOn勿r
情。 his 50n.当政者让他汪意为儿子作心理分析语
implicate to implicate someone in an 询的必要。
unpleasant situation使某人和某种令人impressed be impressed by some面ng
不愉快的情况有牵连。 But waslt角lrto or with something对某事有深刻印象O
加plicate her in thls ; ort ofsituationZ但Iwasimpressedbyhls : el吞control,我对
是让她卷入这种情形公平吗? 他的自制力印象深亥I]・ We a re highl了
implication 0by implication受牵加p ? ed with the Wayyou havebeen
连。 Her pollcies have角i / ed and , by WOrking,我们对你的工作方式印象深刻。
implication 50has she她的政策失败了,impression someone ' 5 impression of
而她本人也受牵连・ 0 the implicationof apersonorsituation对某人、某事的
something 〔某一物的〕含义,暗示。印象。柳肪t洲IPression of吻el LeVer
realising the scanda / o us impIi ’刁石On of四日sabadone.我对耐杰尔利伏的初步印

象不好・ One man descrlbed hIS impre - incidence the incidence of something
ssfons of that fate向/由夕一个人描述了那发生率。 theh , g八in ' idence of
决定命运的一天给他留下的印象。 dise邵e高发病率
improve to improve on or upona incidental be incidental to something
previous thing改良改进。 Our易与某事伴I随发生・四ast八ek , 11 , ng
沂urnace了5 not per沂ect , but we are incidrenta了to the那sau/口杀人是攻击引起
improving onlt我们的炉子不完美但正 的吗?
在改进。 in ' ite to incite someone to action of
improvement an improvement in some kind煽动某人千某事・月ad Burr
something or of Something对某事物 incited othe巧to trea50门尸布尔煽动另l]人造
的改进Otheresu / tantimprovement 反了吗,
in health结果导致身体健康得到改善。 in ( 1 ination an inclination towards
t八e gradual improvement ofre勿tlo门5 something or for something 〔对某一事
betwee门品st and四亡st东西方关系渐 物的〕倾向,意愿。 How cou / d 1 Indulge
趋改善。 even the伯jn才est inclination towards
impunity with impunity不受惩罚或self-户ty户我怎么能稍许沉酒于自怜呢,The
伤害。 Nationa / d巧才inct , ons cannot be cond了tiono犷our Ilves destroys al /
tramp / e d on with impunity国家荣誉遭受 角clinafion for cu / ture and refinement
了践踏不能让触犯者不受惩罚。 我们的生活条件破坏了所有追求文化和文雅
inaPpropriate inappropriate for orto 的倾向。
someone or something不合适的,不恰inclusive be inclusive of something包
当的;an inappropriate thing for括某事物的,连某事物在内的。 The
someone Or something 〔对某人或某事holiday costs around seven hundred
物〕不合适的事。 oependen 。丫15 pounds . inclusive of the刀lght度假花费
inapprop万白te for adu/朽.依赖他人对成年 约七百英镑,包括飞机票。
人不合适。一勿re叮n ldeas , inaPPropriate incompatible be incompatible with
tohung尽cou门翻es外来观念不适合饥something和某事物不相容的。 … ideas
饿的国家0 Oddly , ltnever , truckmeas that are incompatible with scientjflc
bejng an仍appropriate name for him knowledge.与科学知识格格不入的观
奇怪的是,我从未想到,那个名字对他不合 念。
适“ in ( onsist6nt be inconsistent with
云ncapable be incapable of doing something与某事物不一致的。 The
something没能力做某事0 He seemed actions of member countries remain
incapable of eXpre55ing hIS feeljngs他 inconsistent with their stated idea污.成
似乎无法表达自己的感情。 states 员国的行动仍然与其声称的理想不一致。
incapable ofsel乔de角nce.没能力自卫incorporate to inco印orate something
的国家。 into or in something new将某事物包
inCarnation the incarnation Of a quality括进去。,, . where societles were not
某一品质的化身。 He became . In their incorPorated into rnore advanced
即es , the incarnation of evil在他们眼里 civiliZatlons ・ …当地社会未纳入更先进的文
他成了邪恶的化身。 明。 incorP0rating Roman tiles in the
inCentive an incentive for or toa arch ・ ・ …在拱门中用罗马砖。
person or action 〔对某人或某行为的〕 increasel工勺kri二s / 0an increase in
刺激或奖励。朋incentive for印ecial something or of something 〔某事物的〕
e沂fort对特别努力的奖励。 a real增加,增进。 the increase in cnme
incentive to wome门・真正鼓舞妇女的 ・犯罪增加。巾e increaseoflearning
事。 and哪dom among the peoPle.…人民

的学识和智慧增加・公beontheincrease indictment of something or someone
不断增长。 Pover却,5 on the increase bad 〔对某事或某人的〕谴责。 a
贫困不断扩大 阴atterwl刁Ich the 44p分chlatrIS朽v了ewed
incumbent be incumbent on or upon as an indictment oft八etr pro角55了on
someone有责任的,有义务的・/厂了ou ・ 44名精神分析医师认为对其专业发出谴
reject my answer.了亡巧incum七ent on you责的一件事情・孙日telderlypeopleare
to finda bette厂one如果你拒绝我的答案 日frajd to leavet八elr home , at nlght lsa
就必须找到更好的。 shocking l ' ndi ' tment ofthetll刀eswelive
incursion an incursion into a region i门老年人晚上不敢出门一事是对我们时代
incu巧ion into yugoslavla他们入侵南indifferent be indi批rent to something
斯拉夫之后。 对某事不关心。 She seemed indi加rent
indebted be indebted to someone for to insect bttes她似乎对虫咬无动于衷・
something为某事感谢某人・ 1 am sritjsh chlldren and teenagers are
indebted to thefo / lo wlng indlvidua污for indi月铂rentto户olltlcs英国儿童和青少年对
their ass污tance我感谢以下个人的帮助。 政治不感兴趣。
independent be independent of indignant be indignant at something
something or someone不受某事物或某or about something ; be indignant with
人的支配。 lts finances would be someone 〔对某事或某人〕感到愤怒。
independent 0f0所由Ico门tro /,其财务将7he mother blrd : wooped , indignant at
不受官方支配。 thls invasI0n 。沂her脚iva印母亲鸟猛扑过
index an index of a level or amount某来,抗议对她隐私的侵犯。 He wasn ' t
一水准或数量的指标。.the value 。沂动成gnant abouth巧jowpay.他对自己收
the puPII - teacher ratlo as an ind七x 0fthe入低并不感到气愤・ pretending to be
quali妙。沂teachl门g师生比率用作教学indignant " , i thFra献假装对弗兰克很
质量的指标之价值。 愤怒。
ind亩cation an indication of something indispensable be indispensable to
某一迹象。月eg日ve no indication of someone or something 〔对某人或某事〕
what he was thlnking他没有表露他的想不可缺少的。 1 don ' t regard阴外elfas
法。 indispensable to my切usehold我认为自
indicative be indicative of something己并不是家庭中必不可少的。 A deg阳e污
有某微兆。三uch划mptoms were not in becoming indispensable to career
them 、 elve : neces : arj今indicative of succe “学位对于事业成功正变得不可缺少。
rece门te欠ertlon这些症状本身并不一定表示indistinguishable be indistingui -
近期劳累的征兆。 shable from something else无法辨别1
indid to indict someone for a crime控的。 … aco能e substltute四hich污almost
告,起诉,告发〔某人〕 。 He had bee门indistinguishable from real cof伦e .
indicted for printjng obscene and … …与真咖啡难以分辨的代咖啡。
Indece门t advertlslng他因印刷淫秽下流厂告面ndulge to indulge in an activity沉溺
而被起诉。 于某一活动之中。 Id 。门‘ thavetlmeto
indidment 0an indictment against indulge in games我没时间沉溺于游戏。
someone for a crime由于某项罪行而ineligible be ineligible for something
控告某人,起诉书。 An indiCtment不合格的,无资格的。 the numbe巧of
against me for murder was be尹ng unemployed who are inel , ' g ible for
prepared.控告我谋杀的起诉书正在准备中。 unemployment beneflt无资格领失业
月污dO5est ady巧er巧under indi以ment for 福利金的失业人数。{
fraud.他的亲密顾问因诈骗被起诉。 0 an inequality inequality in something or

of something ; inequality between影响。 Th e Ca tho / , cc八“ rch has日n
different groups 〔某事物或l街l月体l ) ,]的〕 enorl刀ous influen , e on them天主教会对
不平等。 ine口ualities in八ous,门g他们有巨大的影响・ to卿四户eopje more
住房不平等由eb邵Icineq " ality influen ' e over the尹ro即nl了ves使人
of strength between worke巧and their民对自己的生/舌有更大的影响力。公be
em列即ers劳工与届主之间基本的力量 under the influence of someone or
不平等。 something在某人或某事的影响下・
infatuat6d be Infatuated with someone joh门Wllkinson was much under the
迷恋某人。月e四a:沂or ; everal夕ear ; influence ofh巧brother-朋一/a以约翰威
infatuated with her他曾迷恋她数年。 尔金森很受大伯的影响・ dr了vlng whi / e
infeCt to infect someone with a disease under the influence of dru少吸毒以
or feeling使某人感染疾病;〔在感情 后驾车。
上〕感染某人・ T八e夕cannot infect influx an influx of people涌入Oan
anotherper50门with thlsljlnes,他们不能 infIUX of tourlsts旅游者涌入。
把这疾病传染给另一个人。 a斤ald that inform 0 to inform someone of
she would infecth , m with her own something将某事情告诉某人。
emotlonaldisarra夕担心她会令他感染了 Holokov had informedh了m of the
自己的情绪混乱。 Englishman , s death霍洛可夫已经告诉他英
infected 0be infected with a disease格兰人之死。公to inform on someone
感染疾病。二people infected with who has done something wrong告发
hepatlt污染上肝炎的人。公be某人。 It can be dl所cult for a child to
inrected by a quality被某一品质感染O inform on someone he kno四5让孩子告
四户were infected by thelr enthu5lasm 发熟人可能是困难的。
我们为他们的热情所感染。 inform日tion information about
infer to infer something from some something or on something 〔关于某事
evidence推断・ Thec八ange in the物的〕情况,消息。.information
balance of economic power may be abo " t the unlversity关于该大学的情
inferred fromth爬e develoPments.经济况。二information an transPort and
力量平衡的变化可从三个发展中推断出来。 accommodation交通与膳宿的信息。
inferior be inferior to someone or infringe to infringe on or upon
something次于某人或某物。月e does someone or something侵害某人或某事
not feel hlmselfsocla / lyinferiortothe物。 when功即infringe on our own
manager他并不感到自己的社会地位低于经children性rlght to freedom当他们侵
理。,, . an OXygen mask much inferiorto 害我们孩子的自由权利。
the one being usedb夕the Germans infringement 0an infringement of
质量远不如德国人所使用的氧气面具。 or on someone ' 5 rights or freedom对
infested be infested with or by pests某人权利或自由的侵犯。 aninfri力g -
受害虫骚扰。 a fleldinfestedwith ementofindivlduallibeFty侵犯个人自由。
aPhlds蚜虫肆虐的田块。 The backJ旧rd . an infringement on freespeech .
was infested by rats后院中老鼠活动猖侵犯言论自由。公an infringement ofa
撅。 rule触犯法规。 Th , , wa ; not an
inf . iCt to infiict something on or upon in六呀ngement of the Iaw这不算犯法。
someone使某人遭受不愉快的事。 infuse to infuse someone or something
the torment Which亡hey inflicted on with a quality使某人或某事物获得某
ot八ers他们使另}]人遭受的折磨。 一特性;to infuse a quality into
influence 0 influence on or over someone or something将某特性注入某
someone or something给某人或某事的人或某事物。 His voice was infused

with chl / / ing venDm他的嗓音中汪入了令人 了主流又学又化知识。
寒心的恶毒。 toinfuseco门fidenceinto injeCt 0 to inject someone with a drug ;
动eb即er.句买家灌输信心・ to inject a drug into someone给某人
ingrained be ingrained in people ' s注射药品・兔m的。 dyinjeCted加厂wi泊
minds or culture 〔在人们心里或文化上〕 a / ethald " eo厂mo甲h川e有人给她汪射了
根深蒂固。功enotlo门才hat ; dle门e55巧致命齐‘ 」量的吗啡。三八einjeCtedasleePing
即阳门g巧de印ly ingrained in our culture drug intom夕arm她给我的手臂注射了安眠
闲散就是错误的观念在我们文化中根深蒂 药。公toi州ect a particular feeling into
固。 an event or situation 〔在某一事件或工
ingratiate to ingratiate yourself with作中〕投入感情・肋;linjectedsomeo沂
someone取悦某人。 gue : ts who the old energ夕intot八e performance.菲
wished to ingratiate themselves with 尔把以前的活力投入到演出中。
thel厂hosta门d h05te55希望取悦男女主injection an injection of a liquid , a
人的客人。 thing , or rnoney 〔液体、尔西或钱的〕
ingredient an ingredient of , in , or for投入。 a : ub ; tant , al injection of
something 〔某事物的〕材料,原料,成 角门比资金的大量投入。
分。 En叮and re ; entmen才are nott内e inkling an inkling of something略知
ingred沁nts ofpolltlcalstabillty妒忌和怨某事。匆you now have some inkling of
恨不是政治稳定的成分。 chemlcaj the声用po由nce of the拍sk that confron污
ingredients in cosmetics化妆品中的 us你现在对我们面前的任务的重要性有所了
化学成分。 It can be used as an ingre - 解了吧“
dient for salads它可以用来做色拉的材inlaid be inlaid with a valuable or
料。 beautiful material镶嵌有价值或漂亮的
inhabitant an inhabitant of a place某材料。 a box inlaid with pearl
地居民。.the inhabitants of the she / I二镶嵌着珍珠贝的盒子。,二ma币le
门elghbouring叼刀ey ・邻近山沟的居la ttice一work inlaid with garnets and
民。 turqu 。后e ・镶有石榴石和绿松石的大理
inherent be inherent in something or石格子设计。
someone 〔某人、某事物〕内在的,固inoculate to inoculate a person or
有的。,, . the dange巧inherentinth店animal with a drug against a disease
situatjo门这种情况所固有的危险。 〔给人或动物〕接种,注射预防针。
the contradlctlo仍inherent inm夕。明Elderly pat , ents were inoculated叼th
pers 。门ali尔我个性中的内在矛盾。 llvlng cancer cells老年病人注射了活体癌细
inherit to inherit something from胞预防针。 Th e children shouldbe
someone从某人处继承某物。 He had inoculated againstserlousdiseases.儿童
inheri帕d fromh巧mother two houses 应该注射预防严重疾病的针。
In FI0rence他从母亲处继承了佛罗伦萨的两inquire 0to inquire about something
所房子。 or as to something了解・打听消息。
inimical be inimical to someone or We inquired about the prec了se
something含有敌意的。角eve今nature clrcu邢ta门ces surro溯ding the arrest,我们
o沂society 15 in加化盯to freedom社会的 打听了关于该逮捕的准确细节。 He add司a
本性是与自由为敌的。 reminder to inqui ’ ℃ as to the sollana娜污
initiate / I型J ie . t / to initiate someone他补充了一项通知・要了解土壤分析情况。
into a type of knowledge or a group公to inquire aftcr someone or their
向、将某人引进某种知识或群体。 healthl司候。 The尺ing ; e / dO m inqu沁d
Certaln small grou那were initj泊ted into affer hls daughte厂该国王很少问候女儿的
the dominantlitera甲culture.某些小组引入情况0 0 toinquireintoamatter追究,
ins ( ribe

调查〔某件事〕 。币eGovernmen才does物。 a placew内;c内八as proved an
not inquire into the comm了ttee ' 5 Inspiration to ge门er日t尹on ' o厂our
recommendatlons政府并不调查该委员会的 countrymen己被证明为激励着我们数
推荐建议。 代国人的地方。
inscribe to inscribe * ords on an object ; inspire to inspire confidence or
to inscribe an object with words在某enthusiasm in someone ; to inspire
一物品上刻字,将字刻在某物体上。 someone with confidence or
功e nam " o沂the dead Vvere inscribed enthusiasm激发起某人的信心或热情。
on the VVa刀死者的姓名刻在了墙上。 a a doctor四hols户art , cular今good at
grave inscribed with a quote fromh巧insPiring confldence in chlldren …特
b00k ・刻有他的书籍引文的一个坟墓。 别善于激发孩子自信心的一位医生。
insensible 0be insensible to some - B呷a cop夕ofDo一It一YO “巧el厂M日g日刁neto
thing对某事无动于衷。 insensl ' bIeto insPire you with enth比lasm买一本《自
thec副1 of斤jen出hlP对友谊的召唤 己动手》杂志,以激发你的热情。
无动于衷。公be insensible of instance for instance例如。殆ke
something未察觉到]。.th叮e chl / dren advertising , for instance例如厂告业O
that / i " ed日nd died insensible Of thelr instil to instil a feeling or an idea in or
m污e今那些孩子无论活着还是死去并不into someone向某人灌输感情或思想。
感觉到悲惨。 ldeas instilled in hls mindb了h污
insensitive be insensitive to people ' s mother母亲灌输给他的观念。丫ou
feelings or thoughts无感觉的,无反应never know What角ars may be instilled
的。乙u印was rude and insensitiveto into aba妙by aloud,朋gry voice谁都不
the角elings 。沂。 thers露西很无礼也不顾知道愤怒的大声讲话会给婴儿灌输什么样的
及他人的感情0 Hegradual今became 恐俱。
insensitive to the ' u沂加ring he was instrument an instrument of or fora
c日u5Ing他渐渐对自己造成的苦难麻木不仁particular activity某一类活功的工具O
了。 the powero沂the medja as an
inseparable be inseparable from instrument ofma巧contro/媒体作为
something else与某事物不可分的。 控制大众工具的威力。.an instrument
Culture 15 inseParable from class文化与for managing the econo卿经济管理
阶级是密不可分的。 的工具。
亩nsinuate to insinuate yourself into instrum6ntal be instrumental in
something使自己悄』}肖潜入某事物中・ achieving something对某事有帮助、
冷t the past Invariably insinuates itself起作用。 He附5 instrumentalin勿llln夕
into ourpresentli加但过去总是悄悄地潜入adI3guI5edtakeoverb以他对挫败变相的购
我们的现时生活。 并企图起作用。
insist to insist on or upon doing or inSUlat . to insulate someone or
having something坚决主张做某事。 something from or against something
He insis拒d on staying for sUpper他坚持使某人或某物与不良影响隔绝。 He
留下吃晚饭。四已insist叩on the hlghest had insulated himse/厂from the
sta门dar比。沂sa加ty我们主张买行最高的安worl己他与世人不来往。 The Indus抑
全标准。 店not ins " Iateda卯inst shoCks.工业并不
inspiration 0the inspiration for是不会遭到打击的。
something妙计。 The insPiratI ' on for insurance an insurance against
the campalgn came fIOm Ron Ball印竞选something bad that might happen保险
中的妙计来自罗恩・贝利。公aninspiration措施。八fa用i今prov ; des a sort of
to someone 〔鼓励或激励人的〕人或初‘ urance against isolatlo门家庭可保证排

除孤立无援感。 山厅阶e门andg旧n巾aren朽孩子与祖父
insure to insure yourself or your 母的交往・ the subt / e interactions
property against something人身安全between rel了glons mora / lty and
保险或财产保险・月Is爬lghbour , 5h 。盯e pojlti 。宗教、道德・政治之间的微妙作
巧门otinsuredagainstflre他邻居的房屋 用。
没有投保火险。 intercede to intercede for someone in
integral be integral to something构成trouble with someone in authority为
整体所必须的・ The actor 15 integralto他人向某人求情。/, ' n terceded for hlm
the pla,演员是演话居」所必须的。 wlthh店empIOyer我替他向他雇主求情。
integrate 0 to integrate someone or M日x came to my rescue and interceded
something into a larger group将某人with the pro角55or麦克斯帮助我向教授求
或某物加入更大的团体、组织。 He八a5 情。
thrown aw日y a chance to integrate interest 0an interest in something
himself into the orga门lzatlon他已经放弃〔某方面的〕兴趣。 h , : interest in
了加入该组织的机会。 E门vironmental antlques and architecture二他对古玩与
considerat才ons need to be integrated建筑感兴趣。公to interest someone in
into the po / l即paper环保因素需考虑在政something激发某人某方面的兴趣。
策文件之中。 0 to integrateonething Mlss Mu550n had attem户ted to interest
with another把一事与另一事结合起her in learnlng to read马森小姐曾试图激
来。 theex拍nt to which the plannlng发起她的识字兴趣。 0 beins0meone ' s
of education can be角加gra加d with interest符合、为了某人的利益。 It
planning勿r the economy as日Who / e would not be in my interest to ent阳st
・教育规划可以纳入整个经济规划的程 the documen朽to扣u.把文件委托于你不会
度。 符合我的利益。 The paPer劝。 “川be clo史d
intended 0be intended as a palticular do四门inthenatlo门alinte刃est该报应服从
thing被打算为某事物。 Th污/a st remark 国家利益予以关闭。
四日5 intended as日n insult最后这句话意interested be interested in something
在侮辱。 0 beintendedforaparticular对某事感兴趣。了00沂ew people
person or purpose是为某人、某一目标门owadays are interested in Iiteratu阳.如
准备的。 The jnv , t日tion had real加been今对文学感兴趣的人太少了。.people
intend匕d for50meoneelse请柬其实是给interested in bu夕jng propert夕
另l]人的” overseas.…想在海外置业的人。
intent be intent on or upon something inte汁ace interface between things两
专心于某事。丁he夕;eem intent on学科相接处、相互影响之处。二the
harassing the players他们似乎一心想骚扰interface betwee门technology and
运动员。 th即were 50 intent on What deslgn,技术与设计的接合区域。
she was ‘即川g他们专心听她的话。 interfere 0to interfere in or with
int6rad to interact with someone or something干涉,干预。 1 don ' t wantto
something else与某人配合,与某事物interfere角your marriage我不想干涉你
互相作用。丁为e cre日ture beglns to的婚姻。功角en扣udecorate扣urhome .
interaCt认,i th the粉vorld aroundit该动物1 do not interfere with yourschemes.你
开始与周围世界交往。 Certaln vitamjns四川装修房子时,我不干预你的计划。 0 to
interaCt closely with calcluolo门:某些维interfere with something妨碍某事。
生素会与钙离子密切配合。 Get rld of any InhjbitI0ns whjch inte月协re
interadion interaction between two with your playing.除去妨碍你打球的任何
or more things两件或更多事物间的互 阻力。
相作用。 … interaction between interplay the inter ' I , lay of or between

several thing 、相了l一作用・亡八e八e known suc八intimacy wit九a门。亡八er
nece55ary interplay oft八eo分and per50门他从未与别人有训区种典密的关系。
户FaCtlce理论与买践的必要相互作用・ intolerant be intolerant of something
山e interPlay between均te , C八ance 不能容忍的。 Th即t即dtobointolerant
and斤ee will命运、机会、自由意志之 ofa即山Ing stra门ge他们般无法容忍任何
一司的相互作用。 陌生的东西。
interpret to interpret something asa intoxicated be intoxicated by or with
particular thing理解解释・丫our something excitingl淘醉、兴奋不已O
s了Ie门ce can upset people Who动terPret actors intoxicated by the了r户ress
It as dumb Inso { ence你的沉默可以被解释cUt石ngs为他们的剪报所陶醉的演员。
为无声的傲慢,从而使人不痛快。 The re户。 rt I角It into盆i , a ted wi功t八e de5Olatlon of
was interPreted as reflect尹门9 a more th巧四。 rjdo沂Ice and co / d我厂这个冰雪世
cautIOus attltude报告被理解为反映了小心 界的荒凉感到兴奋不已
谨慎的态度。 introduce 0to introduce someone to
interse ( t to intersect with another someone or something new引导某人
road or line与某条路或某条线交叉。 接触某人或某一新事物・/introduced
. where the Churc为roadinte邝ected h尹m to Colone / Burr我把他介绍给布尔上
w护ththeClubroad教堂路与俱乐部路校。 He introducedh巧you门9 friendto
的交又处。 romantlcpoetry他引导年轻的朋友读浪漫派
interspersed be interspersed with 1寺歌。公to introduce something new
things由某些事物散布,点缀・ plal门into or to a place or system 〔某地或某
whl亡e cross " inte乃persedwi幼cheFry系统〕引进、采用某一新事物。 when
trees.简朴的白色十字路口,点缀着樱桃 the fish were斤rs士introduCed into
树OH巧SPeech阴5 interspersed with Brltaln这种鱼刚刚引进到英国时。
catcal台a门d no店e他的演讲中夹杂着嘘声和 changesw内Ich , ho口/d be introduced
噪音。 into the tralnlng prog阳mme培训项
intertwin6d be intertwined with 目中应该引进的变动。仍门ew tech门010 -
something互相盘绕・ It : hi ; tory , , 91 " are introduced to the workp / a ce
intertwined with that of the / abour 随着新技术引入工作场所。
movement它的历史与工人运动交织在一introdU ' tion the introduction toa
起。 book or talk 〔某本1弓或某一讲话的〕引
interval 0 an interval between two言。.; n his introduction to the
events 〔两件事情之间的〕间隔;an阳port ・在他写的1亥报告的引言中。
interval of a particular length of time intrude to intrude on or upon someone
〔一段时间的〕问隔。 Intheintervals or something打扰・侵扰。 I : hall not
6etween fig八trng在战斗的间隙。 intrude on yourg八e近我不会来打扰你的悲
功ese seemed to occur日t角帕rvals Of 伤。
twe门妙尸a巧这些事情似乎以二十年为间隔inundated be inundated with things
而发生。 0 atintervals时时。 The不胜负荷;应接不暇・丁hey were
sup户/les爬re replen ' hed at intervals.不inundated withle甘e巧他们对信件应接不
时地补充储备。 暇。
intervene to intervene in a situation invest 0to invest in a business or
调停某一局面。 The , tate mayinterVene something useful投资。 some
in di , putes between employe巧and companie ' h日ve invested in 50一cajled
四。 rke巧.国家可以干预劳资纠纷。 污upercars ‘某些公司投资生严所谓的“超级
intimacy intimacy with someone 〔与 汽车” 。 fami / ies who have加ve万招d
另一人的〕亲密关系。 Never be勿阳had mon即in luxu今回白5.投资买豪华别墅

的家庭・公to invest someone or irrelevant be irrelevant to something
something with a power or quality使与某事不相关的・月e角/tthatrlahtand
某人或某物带有权力或特点。丁八e wro门9 were irrelevant to the sltuat了。门
5川ger invested亡八e门ot邵with a wealth 他觉得是非问题与此情况无关。
0厂殆eling andsensltlvlty歌唱家给音符赋予irritated be irritated by something or
了丰富的感情色彩・角elB八shoujd be at something被某事物激怒:be
invested witha门add了才Ional power英匡irritated with someone for doing
独立厂播局应被授予额外的权力。 something由于某事l介l又寸某人发怒。
investigation an investigation into she was irritated byth巧suggestlon她
something调查。 5为erman ordereda门被这个暗示所激怒・ He aPPeared irritated
investigation角to her husband , 5 deat八at the delay他显然为拖延而发怒。 1 lelt
舍曼下令调查她丈夫的死因。 介汀tated withm外el厂fo , jying there由必
invisible be invisible to someone某人dleaming我为自己睡懒觉做白日梦而发怒。
看不见的。丁hats八ou / d makeU , iSOlat6 to isolate someone from other
p ract矛ca / Iy invisible to anyone people将某人与另11人隔离。日15 force
aPproaching from山e south那样从南面过was complete扮is0lated from the rest 。沂
来的人应几乎看不见我们的。 防e army他的部队完全与其余的部队隔开
invite to invite someone to an event or 了。
place or for a meal or activity邀请,isolation in isolation隔离;独立。
招待。协勺did即rlleinvitethemtoh巧He日lth regu / a tions require her to sta夕in
party州白恩为什么邀请他们参加他的聚会, is0lation for勿ur mon纳s卫生法规要求她
They repeatedly invited me to the了r隔离四个月。 … a teacherworkingin
apartl刀e门tfo厂dlnner他们不断请我去他们 is0lation独立工作的教师。
家吃饭。 issue 0to issue someone with
involve to involve yourselforsomeone something将某物发给或供给某人使
else in something卷入。 wit为ou才用;to issue something to someone向
thlnking , 1 had involvedher初asituation某人颁布、发表某事情。 The UNO所〔 e
that mlg八t become vlolent我没有经过思in Maseru had iSSued us with re勿gee
考,便把她卷入可能出现暴力的情况。 p日“ po市马塞卢的联合国办事处给我们发了
involved 0be involved in or with 难民护照。 Th e Commjttee issueda
something参与;对某事感兴趣01 statement to the pre巧该委员会向新闻界
became川creasing今involved in polltics发表了声明。公at issue在争论中;待
我参政程度不断增加・ people dlrectly裁决的。 The point at issue为ere 15 not
involved with角rming直接从事衣业 t八e numbero沂打日了ned leade巧but their
的人。 obeinvolvedinsomething现soclalc后55争论的问题并不是训练有素的领
有的,不可避免的・ the risks导者的数量,而是他们的社会阶级。
involvedin犯lling a sto今to thep叩ula厂
险。 0 be involved with someone与
某人有密切关系。 being roman次al加
involved with SOmeone in the sarne
J , K
profe " ion与某位同行有浪漫关系“ jab to jab at something刺、捅、击某
invulner白b . e be invulnerable to物。月ejabbedatmewithhis丙nger他
something harmful不受伤害的,不能 用手指捅我。
攻破的。 The nuclearsubmarlne巧almost jar to jar on someone使人产生不愉快
invUInerable to attack核潜艇几乎是坚不 的感觉Th e harsh , metaljjc , ound
可摧。 jan ℃ d on he厂刺耳的金属声令她不快。

jealous be jealous of someone妒忌・ Gra夕w ; jl be our be : t cho , ce judging
羡慕。 josePh性。 rothe巧werejeafousof斤。 m八er日ppl ; cat ; o门从格雷小姐的申请表
hl阴约瑟夫的兄弟们妒忌他。 看我觉得她是最佳人选了
jeer to jeer at someone嘲笑・召邓had judgement someone ' 5 judgement on ,
jeered at八,a才sc八ooj上学时男孩们嘲笑about , or of something又寸某事作出的
他。 评价。月巧jud夕ement on , ndlv ; dual ,
jeopardy be in jeopardy处于危险中・ cannot ; erlous / y be take门Into account他
四hen the沂utureo厂the planet 15 in 对各位个人的评价不能当真。 you haveto
je叩ardy当地球的将来出现危险时・ make your ownjudgementaboutwhat
jest in jest牙t二玩笑地0 ltwa ;:日Id haj厂in巧rea万妙and what巧门。 t关于什么是现买・
jest那是半开玩笑时说的・ 什么不是你得自己去评判。 50cle妙‘ 5
join 0 tojoin in an activity参加。勿me ju匆ement ofrl ; k社会对风险的评
pa55ers一by hada / 50 joined in the 判。
demon5tratl ' on某些过路人也参加了示威游juggle tojuggle with things摆弄东西。
行・公to join one thing to another将 : tjlj juggling withf ; gures and
某事物与另一事物联起来。 Ioin one p 。 ” lbljities仍在摆弄数字与可能性。
p们etotheothe厂将两根管子接起来。 The jump tojump atanofferoropportunity
two巧lan比are joined to the Coast两个欣然接受。 l ' m ; ures八e ' / j jump at山e
岛屿与海岸连接着。 otojoinupwith cha门ce我肯定她会欣然接受该机会。
other people or another thing联合起junCture at a particularjuncture在某
来。 The French dlvls旧n joined up with一时刻。 It was atth巧juncture that hls
the resto沂the southern Army Group法luck temporari今desertedh , m就在这一
国师团与南军团的其他部队联合了。 刻,他的运气暂时离开了。
joke 0 to joke about something以某justification the justification for
事开玩笑;to joke with someone与某something or of something某事的理
人开玩笑。咫rhap ; 1 am the onlyperson由、借口。 There , 5门0 justification for
tojokeabouttheend 。沂theworld也许whatth即,v e been dolng他们的所作所为
我是唯一拿世界末日开玩笑的人・ oon ' tjoke毫无理由。功巾at巧the soclaljusti石cation
with me!别跟我开玩笑,公a joke about of unlversl妙educatlo加大学教育的社会理
something某事物的笑话。 jokes 由是什么?
about compute巧洲关于电脑的笑话。 keen be keen on something or someone
judge 0a good or bad judge of热衷于某事,喜欢某人;be keen about
something对某物在行或不在行的鉴赏something对某事喜爱、着迷。 The
家0 shewasgregarlou又wel/一read , and headmastery旧5 keen on muslc校长是音
ag 。 。 djudge ofstyle她喜欢交际,博览群 乐迷。 YOu ' d have to be keen about
书,也很懂鉴赏款式。 0 to judge teachlng你得热爱教书。
something on or by a factor or basis按keep 0to keep someone or something
照某事判断。 Each ca : e obvlou ; ly八a ; to from doing something阻止某人做某
be judged on Its meots显然个案应根据其事。 Towels were女uf { ed In thelr mouths
本身的是非曲直来判断。 she will judge toke印themfromcry尹ngout他们的嘴
thelrprogre55bytheextenttowhlc八they巴塞了毛巾防止喊叫。 thee而厅to keep
become刀uent她将根据他们的流利程度来FFench一speaking Quebec from be了ng
半‘]断其进步0 Ojudgingbyorfrom I50lated …防止说法语的魁北克孤立起来的
facts or evidence以事实或证据来判努力・ otokeepinformationfrom
断。,udging by It ; coIour ' , t wa : no someone对某人隐瞒消息。 He was
hotter than a glowing coal.从颜色看,它convinced 1 was keePing some secret
的热度不会超过燃烧的煤块。 l角el thatMiss介。 mhlm他确信我瞒着他什么秘密。 oto

keep something off something else不COmblnlng CO / ou巧a门d户atterns其他人似
接近・驱散・众印those dogs oH her ! 乎对结合色彩与图案有一爱
不要让狗靠近她!ltkePth巧mlndo仔hIS knock 0to knock on or at a door or
acu才e an欠jety abo “亡八了5 frlend这使他暂时window敲门敲窗〔 i八dd 6een
停止又:朋友的焦急担心・ 0 to keep toa knocking on才he door / O r 50川et了me我
rule or plan坚持,固守・ Try to ke印已经敲了好一阵门了・八tdawn , thepollce
toaroutlne要尽量建立常规。 Otokeep 臼mea门d knoCked at八巧doo厂黎明时分,
someone out of a situation不让某人卷警察过来敲他的门。公to knock an idea
入某情况。.keeping them out Of or quality out of someone使某人失
trouble不让他们陷入麻烦。 0 to去。 Mosto厂the refUgee : h日ve had the
keep away from a place or thing避fightknockedoutofthem大多数难民已
开・ KeeP away斤。 m dark aljeys要避开 丧失了战斗意志。
黑街小巷。 0to keep in with someone know 0to know about something or
和某人保持友好。 IoughttotrytokeeP of something了解,知道0 He dld not
in with自lm我应该努力与他保持友好。 O know about thefu门era/他对葬礼不知
to keep on about something继续谈论情。 Only日handfUlo沂户eo户陌knew of
某事。 Shek印t on about泊e ; tuPidCa厂才hjsd了scovery只有月个人知道该发现。
她滔滔不绝地谈论那愚蠢的汽车。 0 to公to know about a subject懂得某一
keep on at someone对某人不停地说学科。 TOrnd , dn ' t know much about
某事。,hek印t on at the日uthontle , archite " ure汤姆不大懂建筑。 0 be in
untll a vlslt was arrange改她不断找当局交the know知情的,消息灵通的。 I
涉,直到安排了走访・口to keep up with heard th污from someo门e whoIS角the
someone or something跟上,不落后。 kno以我从消息灵通者那里得知这事的。
四e simp扮cannot keep up with the knowledge 0to your knowledge据
deman已我们简直无法满足需求。 某人所知。阿0 government , to rny
keeping be in keeping with something kno ”刁edge , h书尸t been able to devI5e
和某事一致・ Thlsex妇。心泊a今{ea t was sUch a scheme,据我所知,还没有一个政府
业绩与他的性格一致。 someone ' 5 knowledge别人不知道。
key the key to something 〔开启某物的〕二to photograph them and record them
钥匙。月uman Ingen日ity 15 thek即to动e without thelr kno ”对edge二不让他们
problem人的才智是解决该问题的关键“ 知道的情况下给他们拍照录音。
kind 0a particular kind of thing一known be known as something被称
种,一类。 anewkindofbook新为0 soon ourneig为bourhoodbecame
的一种书。公something of a particular known as即namite洲Ij/不久我们这一带
kind某一种类的。月e was clear今就被称为“炸药山”了。
sensitive toPr既ures of thls kind他显然
对这种压力+分敏感。 0 be kind to

someone对某人和蔼。油叮。厂the sta厅L
weFe exceP百onally kind to me许多职员
对我特另l]友善。 0inkind用实物支付。
二repayment in kindo沂huge debts label to label a person or thingas
巨额债务用实物偿还。 something称为,列为。月15 beh日vlour
knack a knack of or for doing污Iabelled as eccentrlc他的行为举止堪称
something技巧。 her knack of加ding 古怪。
g 。 。 dnewb 。 。舫她有找好看新书的技labour 0to labour under a delusion
巧。 others seem to have a knack for or burden因幻想而吃苦头,为某事苦


恼。/st ; lj Iaboured under山e delus ; on o沂the communlty at Ia勺e符合社区
动拼eve心。门e was a goodgUya才heart我 大多数人的利益。
依然为人人都心地善良的幻想而吃苦头。公lash to lash out at or against something
be in labour分娩。 she was in Iabour or someone鞭于J ・鞭挞・ Iashing out
fo厂贷ve门ho口巧她分挽花了七个小时・ at the二cr , t , ca/今;n soc ; al " , tuatjon "
Iace 0 to lace a drink or food with 在社交场合攻击他们。角e5lavelashes
alcohol or drug饮料或食品中掺J ’酒精out against八店了mmedla帕maste几奴隶把
或毒药。 Food su户户/, e : are bel门9 Ia ' ed 直接主人鞭打一顿。
with pestlcldes粮食中给掺了杀虫剂。 last at last最终。八t Iastt为e由夕ca二e
公to lace a speech or piece of writing Whenh污plans were com户leted他完成计
with language or ideas of a particular 划的日子终于来了。
kind讲话或作品中加入了某种语言或思IatCh to latch onto someone or
想・ pla厂Iaced wit力日m ; xture of something紧紧抓住。,he wo口ld look
Intultlon and commo门sense掺和着直 for vvomen兮/尹beratlo门grou户5 and IatCh
觉与常识的话剧。 The厅巧troundofta从5 onto them她会寻找妇女解放组织并紧紧抓
附Slacedwithrhetonc第一轮会谈掺杂着 住它们。
花言巧语。 late be late for an event or appointment
lack a lack of something缺乏oh巧迟到。 I , mlateford ; nneras , t巧其买我
Iack ofambitlon他缺乏雄心。 赶晚宴迟到了。
lacking 0 be lacking in a quality or laugh 0to laugh at someone or
thing缺乏,不足・ Ga心ke / 1 thought something ridiculous嘲笑某人或荒谬
him Iacking injudge二en乙盖茨凯尔认为他的事情。 Iu : ed to Iaugh at narrow -
缺乏判断力Oobelackinginaplaceor mlnded , old一fa劲Io门edpe叩le我曾经嘲笑
thing某地或某事物中缺少・ a四即of心地狭窄的老派人・ 0 to Iaugh at or
flnding the lovet八at was Iacking in the about something amusing因某事物而
home寻找家中所缺少的爱心的方法。 发笑。月ed , dnotlaughatthejoke他
laden be laden with something宁.堵载着听了笑话并没有发笑・厅parents can
某物。 The ; rmu / e ; wereladenwith admlt the殆eling and Iaugh about it
sllve厂他们的骡驮满了银子。 together如果家长能承认这种感情,就
land 0 to land someone in a particular一起笑一下。
situation使某人陷入某一境地。 launch to launch into an activity开始
. observations that四oujdhavelan山d 某一活动。 He Iaunched into an attack
hl ' min ] ail可导致他坐牢的评论。 Oto on hIS opponent他开始攻击对手。
land someone with something将某项lavish to lavish attention or money on
工作强加到某人身上・ Inevergues ; ed or upon someone or something慷慨而
I , dbeland匕dwitha / l themedjeva / stuff - 大量地给某人某事物。 His { il I ' ns have
我从未想到自己会承担一大堆的旧货。 0 deserved the trouble he has Iavished on
by land由陆路。八cces : by Iand ma夕thern他的电影值得他为之付出的麻烦。
result们de白外从陆路走会造成拖延。 Iaw 0be against the law违法的。 It , s
Iapse to lapse into a state or way of against the Iaw to brlbe people贿赂人
doing something堕落,陷入。 she是违法的。 0 within the law合法的。
Iapsed into a deep sleep她睡熟了。 shimanov eXPla了ned that he had al四a外
矛如叮月夕intoher natjve tongue她 acted within the Iaw西马诺夫解释说・他
开始讲本族语。 一贯依法行事的・ 0 in law , by law ,
large 0at large在逃。 H巧k ; dnapper under the law遵照法律。八n emploJ / er , s
15 stlHatlarge他的绑架者仍然逍遥法外。 right to dismiss hjs employees了s
Oatlarge大部分。 jnthelnterests san 〔 tloned inla以雇主开除雇员的权利得到

法律的认可。 EmPjoye巧were阳qulredby . eague be in league with someone else
Iawto阳port these accjde门朽法律规定雇和某人联合、勾结・,he了5 in Iea夕ue
主要报告这些事故・ Homeworke巧have w产ththeoevll她与魔鬼结盟。
角wrlghtsunderthelaw在家工作者很少Ieak to leak information to someonel右J
有法定的权禾I 」 。 0 beabovethelaw凌某人透露或泄露情报・,r Patr,以‘ ,
驾于法律之L 。/e9巧白tlon山atput动e comments were Ie刁ked to the Pfe , 5
alrfln " above thela以使航空公司凌 A " oclatlon.帕特里克爵士的评论被泄露给了
驾于法律之上的立法“ 新闻协会。
Iay 0 to lay an idea or problem before Iean 0 to lean towards a belief or
someone详细地展示给某人。 He then practice倾向〔某信们J或习惯〕
went on to Iayh巧owndl角七ul决5 before . parents四ho natu , al今Iean toward亏
them接着他给他们展示白已的难处。公to strictne55自然倾向于严厉的家长。 0
lay blame or a responsibility on or to lean on someone给某人施加压力。
upon someone把某事归咎于某人或将' 1 Ieaned onh了m a tl门yb了乙‘ 1 adl初tted .
责任推给某人。伯ying theb / a me on ・我有点要挟他,”我承认道・ 0 toleanon
othe巧怪罪于另l]人・ 0to lay stress someone依靠某人。 Dr Liebermon
or emphasis on or upon something强Ieaned on her moree日ch由犷禾l]伯曼博士
调。 The Govern阴ent ha : Iaid great一天天更加依赖她。
st陀55 on harne55Ing prlvate enterPrI5e政learn 0to learn of the existence or
府十分强调利用私人企业。 0tolayinto occurrence of something得悉。
someone进攻某人0 Mounted poli ( e R印or招巧InMaseru ' oonleamedofour
Iaid into them骑警袭击他们。 0 to lay arrlval马塞卢的记者不久就得悉我们到了。
off something停止。化m Iay offt八at Otolearnaboutasubject学习某一课
sherry一it ' 5 terrible汤姆放下那雪不}]酒程。 students whow日nt to Iearn
―差劲极了。 aboutmodernsocle尔想学习现代社会
. ead 11少j 0to lead to a situation or 的学生。
event导致某种情况或事件〔尤指不好Iease to lease something to someone
的事〕 。 Thelre而rts had Ied todls韶ter向某人出租某物;to lease something
他们的努力导致了灾难。 The artic / e ledto from the person从某人处租得某物。
aheateddebate文章引发了一场热烈的争96 % o沂the available ‘户ace has been
论・ 0 to lead to or into a different Ieased to small com户anies.可用空i司的
room or place通往别的房间或地方。 96%已租给小公司。]ohn Rlch Ieased泊e
a ddor thatledtothebedroom通 51加介。 mt为eDukeofsed的rd.约翰・和』
/ j ving room那门通向起居室・ 0 to least 0at least至少0 At Ieastth爬e
lead off a place直通某地。 the rooms people were kllled至少有三人丧生。公at
leading off山e courtyard通向院子的least无论怎样情况尚可。 At Ieast he
居I间。 0toleaduptosomething在某附ssa沁不管怎样,他是安全的。 0in
事之前。.In the由” IeadinguPtothe the least丝毫不。 1 am not in the Ieast
tour旅行前的日子里・ ointhelead perturbed that j was found gull妙我被判
在先;领先。 the kind of qUICk有罪,却丝毫不感到不安。
thinking that kept乙eicester in the leave 0to leave for a destination去某
Iead ・思维敏捷使莱斯特遥遥领先。 地。 Kath夕巧Ieaving for Vienna ina
leaf to Ieafthrough abookormagazine fortnight.凯茜两周后去维也纳。公to
浏览书籍或杂志。;urrept , t旧usj夕leave something with someone将某物
Ieafing througha角shion magaz了ne留给某人。 Leave了our phone number
偷偷浏览时装杂志。 with the secreta今把你的电话号码留给秘

书。 0 to leave a matter with or to Iength 0at length终十・ 7he coro门er
someone to deal with将某事留给某人wa,亡ed courteous今and at Iengthl
处理。 Iw ; / / pu才t八e川at亡er rlght一you re,以med验尸官礼貌地等候着我终于重新
Ieave Itw户th me我会把事一青纠正的,交给 开始了。 Oatlength长11寸I 、 IJ地OTh即
我好了0 It卿as日d尹fflcujtdec巧ion , andl ta / ked at Iength abo以tt为e后rm他们长
Ieft It toher这是难以决定的我把事晴留 时间地谈论衣场。
给了她去办01 ' mha户卿toleavet八erest let 0to let someone into or in ona
to夕。 urlmaglna百。门我情愿把剩下的事任凭secret让某人知道或向某人泄漏秘密。
你去想像0 Otoleavesomeonewitha 1 can Ietyou intoallttle一known后ctabout
feeling or problem将某一感情或难题COlln我可以给你透露一件关于科林的鲜为人
留给某人。 Th a t Ieft me with an知的事情。 Theya阳goingto沁t aj / o沂us
agonlzlng problem那样就把一个痛苦的问inonthelrha户渺sec阳t他们准备让我们大
题留给我了0 otoleavepropertyor家了解他们的快乐秘密。公to let someone
money to someone in your will将遗产off a duty免除某人的「作。 He 15 Iet
或金钱留给某人。 Thewi殆feft all her 0仔domestic cho爬5他被免去了家务活“
proper妙to herh仍ba门d妻子把所有财严letter 0a letter of inquiry , thanks ,
都留给了丈夫。 0 on leave休假中。 resignation , and 50 on查询信,感谢
能尸阴rd姚la50nleave { ro mh店爬glment信,辞职信等。 Hls角ther Wrote a Ietter
海沃德休假离开他的〔军队〕团。 ofc 。门gratulatlo门他父亲写了贺信。公by
ledure a lecture on something or about letter以信的方式。 whether
something讲座。 Adam had been going arrangements arem日de by Ietter or
tolecturesonphij " oPhy亚当在修哲学讲phone,二不管是通过写信还是打电话安排
座・ a lengthy Iecture about 的。
Llthua门lan hlst 。甲关于立陶宛历史的长Ievel 0 be level with something else
篇讲座。 与某物同水平。 VUlkan性knee was Ievel
leer to leer at someone用挑逗性的或w行六thet叩。 f my head沃尔肯的膝盖与
敌意的目光看人。 Karen coujd : ee the我头顶一样高。 0 be on a level with
prlsone巧Iee而夕at八er凯伦看至}]囚犯在逼something else和某物同等,同一水
视自己。 平。 Her即es were on a Ievel with hIS
16ft be left with the remainder of她的眼睛与他的一般高。 0 to level
something遗留下。 1 wasle介with only criticism at or against someone or
a mattre55只给我留下一个床垫。 something批评0 More ; erlous charg已
legislation legislation on something were Ievelled at telev尹slon during the
〔就某事的〕立法或法规;legislation for sixtles.六十年代人们对电视提出更严肃的指
or against something 〔保护或防止某事控。 crlticisms heh书Ievelled against
物的〕立法或法规。 Iegislation on gangsters and the户oliCe他对歹徒与
Immigration移民法规。警察提出的批评。 0 to level a look at
Iegislation for the reformo沂the someone朝某人看。 A numbero沂
Houseo沂LO厂ds改革上议院的立法“ unfriendlyglances weFelevelledathlm .
Iegislation against unof沂iclal很多人向他投蛾不友好的目光・ 0 to level
s打ikes ・反对非工会同意的罢工的立法。 with someone告诉某人实情。 It was
Iend 0to lend something to someone decent ofhertolevelwithme日bouther
将某物借给某人。山e addltl 。门al Intentlons她把自己的意图如买告诉我,很
m 。门即Ient toyou借给你的附加款・ 够朋友。
otolendaqualitytosomething给某1 iabI6 be liable for a debt or accident
事物带来某一特点。 TradltI0n Iends对〔债务或事故〕负法律责任。 The
0厂der to thev材orld传统给世界带来秩序。 ' olicitor wil / be 11口ble for日11 cos朽

1 inlit

Incurred律师将负贵所有的费用。 a nother将某人或某串物比作。 One
1 iaise to liaise with another person Or ne叭/5 paper had Iikened八jm to Hitler有
group 〔与某人或某团体联络〕 ・ we家报纸将他比作希特勒
have been Iiaising With ne , ghbouri门9 likeness 0 aperson ' sorthing ' slikeness
pollce forces我们在联络附近的警队・ to someone or something else与某人
liaison liaison with another person or或某事物的相似・ Her Iikeness to her
group 〔与某人或某团体的〕联络;犯nwa “才artjjng她与儿宁竞人地相像。 0
liaison between ditTerent people or a likeness of someone幽像,“了真。
groups 〔人们之l下,J或l司体之l ) JJ的〕联acha溯们glikenessofaradlantyoung
络。 bette厂Iiasion with reglo门al wate厂q uee门神采奕奕的年轻女王的迷人画
砧e6over门meot八。:beeoe门couoagi门9 Iiking Oalikingforsomething喜欢。
Iiaison between cojleges and尹ndustry Ican ' tunde巧扫nd阴夕c八泪阳n , 5 Iik初gfor
liberate to liberate someone or包。公betoyourliking合某人的意。
something from something bad将某附tchlng to see whother th巧fragrant
人或某物解放・ agr 。叩determln尸d dlsh was to hls Iiking看看这盆香喷喷
to Iiberatet八e了r country from的菜是否合他的意・
op户re55尹on.个决心把国家从压迫下解limit 0 a limit to solnething限量。
放出来的小组・砧ere ts a Iimit tot八e obi } g日亡lon衅八。 ve
liberty be at liberty to do somethingto户rotectothers我们保护他人的义务是有
自由地做某事・ someone叻。:e narne限的・ 0 a limit on something对某事
ja用not at Iiberty tod巧close我不便物的限量;a limit of a particular
透露姓名的某人。 amount某一量的限度・ Therew书日
1 ie 0to lie to someone about something three一do / Iar Iimit on四八at we could bUy
就某事向别人撒谎・,he never eve厂Iied我们能买的东西限于三个美元二an叩per
tous她从不向我们撒谎・ Whyh日d Iimit oftwohu门dred户。 u门ds两百磅
Waddell Iieda七。 “ t giv了ng Carli门亡八e的上限0 0 the limit of an area or thing
moneyZ沃德尔为什么要对给卡林钱款的事撒〔某地或某事物的〕极限・ The hellcopter
谎呢,公to lie behind a situation or flew to Bantrysay , thelimitofi朽range
event成为某事的理由或原因。 a直升机到了班特里湾即它的航程极限。 a
detailed ana / ys巧of What Iay behind the job that wou / d extend me to the Iimitof
near disaster对险些遭灾难的原因作详m夕talen朽可以充分发挥我的才能的工
细分析。 Otoliewithsomeone 〔决定作。 Otolimityourselforsomething
权、责任、差错〕在于。 In man厂case匀to a particular thing限定某人或某事。
the declsionl沁5 wit九the doctor在许多YOu must read round亡八e sublect,门ot
清况下,决定权在医生手里。打mit yours叫fto 。门eb 。 。 k你必须在该学
light 0to light upon something发现科中博览,不要限于看一本书・ Thenumber
某物。 Icould , li川medl日telyreallzed , offutureu门l陀rsitie:巧tobel加itedto
have Iiohted叩on日more fortunate turn thlr妙一six将来大学的数量要限制在三十六
ofphrase我立即意识到,本来可以找到更吉所。 0 within limits在一定范围内。
利的措辞的・公in the light of setting , within Iimits尹can be an
something根据按照。 In the Iight of acceptable { o rmo { e门tertalnment一定范
subsequent even , 5 , t八,5 was obv , ous扮a围内的赌搏是可接受的娱乐形式。 0 be off
50undde 〔店Io门按接下去的晴势看,这一决limits禁止进入的。胡。 ‘ cow and
定显然很对。 Petrograd wereo仔价刀its莫斯科和彼得格
liken to liken one person or thing to勒是无法进入的。
1 iltlitation

1 imitation 0 the limitations of an eco门om尹c unjo门on the Iines of山e
something局】玉民卜}・ a doctor 50 EEC一个类似于欧洲共同体的经济同
户日te门rly awareo厂t八e Iimitations of盟。 e胡enments along the Iines of
med.了获ill,对医厅技术的局限性一清二 山。犯usedln山e白boratory类似于买
楚的一名医生・ 0 a limitation to 验室所做的买验。
something or on something对某事的Iined be lined with things排列着某物。
限制或控制。 p八厂i臼/打mitations to The roa比outo沂Prag日e are Iined with
g厂。 wth生长的生理极限。 the cherrytre已布拉格的出城公路川非列着樱桃
IimitationS On才rade Un了O门le日ders ' 树。
powe巧对工会锁导的权力限制。 1 inger to linger over something or on
1 imited be limited to a particular place something拖延;动作缓慢・ Iinger -
or group局限于某地或某一团体・ ing overth曰r mea七漫慢地吃饭・功e
some slang eXPre55ions are Iimited to was too bu分to jet herm了nd Iinger on
certaln 51刀al / areas某些埋语局限于小区域使alternatlves.她太陀没叫间考虑替代计划。
用。 Th巧con 〔 ess子on巧Iimi帕d toth仍e 1 ink 0a link bctween two things ; a
o门lO四er泊comes这种特许权仅限于低收入link with something else 〔联系两者的〕
者。 人或事物;〔与另一事物的〕联系。
line 0 along the line在某事发生的过 伪elinkbetvveenlo口ea门d角a厂爱
程中Osomew八erealongthelinethey与恐惧之间的联系・ 7h eu门Ivers了ty has
had gone Vvrong他们在办事过程中出了差日/ways hadc / o , e Iinks With Indust今该
错。 Oinline ; inaline排队。漩had大学始终与工业界有着密切联系。公tolink
tO四a了tinline肘theco " nte厂我们只得在 one thing with another or to another
柜台前排队。角epr声50门e巧satinaline 〔一事物与另一事物〕的联系。 arma -
a门dt妙ed wltht八elr food囚犯们挨排坐ments Ind盯trles加tlmately Iinked with
着玩弄着食物・ Oinline循规蹈矩。门atl ' ona / government5 ・与中央政府关系
you need ave甲strlc才动rector to ke印扣“密切的军备工业。 repor朽Iinking the
in Iine你需要一个严厉的主任来管束。 O bombing to Mldd / e Ea ' t terror了st , .
be in line for promotion , an award , or 将炸弹爆炸与中东恐怖主义者相联系的
ajob有普升、得奖、工作的希望。 H15报导。 otolinkupwithsomeoneelse
八andling oft内e contro陀r5y八as pot自犷m与某人联系在一起。漩自ave no plans
inlineforpromotlon他处理争端有功,有to Iink up with an夕one else一we ' re
望被提拔。 0 in line with something符determined to golta / o ne我们没有计划与
合;和某物一致・ The results were in 另l]人联系,我们决心独自干。
Iine witho妙以户ec白tlO门5结果符合市里1 isten 0to listen to someone or toa
的期望。殆xajlow日ncesarebeing sound留心听某人说话或某一声音・
In 〔 reased in Iine with Inflatlon收入免税she was , ittlng Iistenl ' ng to the radlo.她
额按通货膨胀率作相应提高。 0 be onthe坐着听收音机0 otolistenforasound
line冒险。漩5为ould be pre户ared to that而ght come留神听、等着听某一声
p白ce ourjobs on the Iine,了沂need be必音。二Iistenin夕for沂eet ont八e
要时,我们应准备拿工作冒险。公be out stalrs,留神听着楼梯上的脚步声。
of line出格;别1出心裁。功e夕were Iittered be littered with things堆满凌
severe扮pun店hed for stepp了ng out of乱的东西。 The table巧Iittered With
行门e他们因做事出格遭到严惩。 Hls vlews dir妙pans桌上摊满了脏锅子。
日re out of Iinew尹th tho : eo厂mo : t Clty 1 ive 11互v / 0to live by a principle or
economls朽他的观点与市里多数经开师不一 belief靠原则、信仰生活・ 1 knowa
样。 0on the lines of something ; man who real今加郎to Iive by the Ten
along the lines of something类似。 Commandments我认识一位真想按十诫生


活的人・公t ( ) live for something为某10an from the owner从某人处贷款・
事l ( 1J生活。 she八ad Iived for meal - Thlspalntingwasorlg,刀al今onloantothe
t ; mes她为了吃饭而舌着。 0 to live offa Nat了onal Galleryo沂万cot后门d区幅画原先是
source of income靠某收入生活。角即借给了苏格兰国立画廊・ ash 。勺u门on
八ave Iived off才内e thr尹v了门9 tourlst trade foan from八巧角山ef六池父亲借来的
他们靠兴旺的旅游业生活。 0 toliveona 鸟枪。
particular amount of money or kind of locked be locked in a disagreementwith
食・ l沂夕ou户ut ; t,门the bank,了。日co口/d The two sides were Iocked in po/了t了cal
Iive on the Interest了尔如果把它存入银行, argumen朽about山e门e四tax双方为了开
就可靠利自、生活。 50me blrds矛了ve on 征新税而僵持于政治梦.单论。 M厂丫e / tslnls
rneat某些鸟类以肉食为王。 0 to live Iocked in a powers亡rugglew了th the
through an unpleasant or exciting time authorltles叶利钦陷入了与当局的权力斗
度过,经历〔某11寸光〕 。 He Iived 争。
through the Clvi/四勺r他经历过内战(美国Iong to long for something渴望。 l
南北战争)。 0 to live with an Ionged for日bath我渴望洗个澡・
unpleasant situation忍受・角即have look 0 to look at someone or
to Iive with the consequences of their something看・查看。 shek印tlooking
decISI 。门他们只得忍受白已所作决定的后 at Rudo / Ph她不停地看曾道夫“四白sh副l
果。 0to live up to someone ' s be Iooking at四ayso厂ac内ieving a cl仍er
expectations达至l 」某人的期望。 T八e worklng relatlonshlP我们要考察加强工作联
teamjusthavenotIiveduPtOthelrear / y系的途径。公to look for something or
promI5e该球队的表现未能达至}他们以前的someone寻找。 5内e he加ed me Iook白r
期望。 a law斤r阴whlc为would勿ke me on她帮
Iiving for a living谋生。.menw为。助我找愿意聘请我的律师事务所。 Well ,
p / ay thIS game for a Iiving ・玩这种游aren ' tyougoingouttOlookforhlm户哎・
戏为生的人。 你不是准备出去找他吗,0 to looklike
something看似某物・ The main hall
Ioaded be loaded with or loaded down
with things装着・装满东西。 a cart fooks Iike an alrcra行ha门gar大厅的样子
foaded with eXPlo5Ives装满炸药的大像飞机库。 Th巧play Iooks Iike awl门ner
车・ Thelr Vol灯wage门was plalnlyloaded这部话剧看起来要获奖。 Otolookafter
down with犯pPI了已他们的大众牌汽车装someone or something照料Owomen
满了供应品。 fookinga允er丫。 ungc加ldre门・照顾小
Ioan 0a loan to someone向某人贷款;孩的女人0 otolookintoamatter调
aloanofaparticularamount某一数量查0 In 1959awork , ngpartywasset口p
的贷款。 Ioans to Third Wor / d to Iook intot八e prob / em . 1959年设立了
门肘IO仍给第三世界国家的贷款。 a工作队调查该问题。角即d 。门。 tseemto
bank Ioan of two hundred thousa门d have fookedintothefac朽。厂th巴ecases
pounds二+万英镑的银行货款。他们似乎并没有去调查这些案子的事实。 oto
公the loan of something借贷某物。 look on or upon someone or something
Heh日5 beeno沂fered the Ioan of as a particular thing将某人或某物看
j 。门athan污yacht乔纳森主动提出把游艇借作。 1 no Ionger Iooked onh ; m asm犷
给他。 0 to loan money orpropertyto gulde我不再把他当作我的指导者。 0 to
Someone将钱款或财产借贷给别人。 look through a collection of things ・决
The mon即明5 Ioaned to Hajl during the速察看。 I用adea角w telephone cal污
summer该款在夏季货给了霍尔。 0 on andfo ; . ' . ed through the post我打了几个
loan to a borrower贷款给某人;on电话・翻了翻邮件0 otolooktosoll祀-

one for something期待某人能带来某们显然知道此政策的重要性・公be lost
事Oa publ , c wh , ch st , Illookedtot为e without someone or something因缺
s才a te沂or才八e户rotect了ono沂了t ,少某人或某物而不知所措・ 1 am Iost
envl厂onment仍然指望匡家来保护环境 withouth ; m我没了他便不知所措。
的公众・ otolooktothefuture期待未 又hm尹dt日dm了朽he四Ould ha阳been IOSt
来。即冶‘ re fooking toAprll 1992forthe wl ' th0以m厂advlce施密特承认,没有我的
blg comeb日ck我们期待着1 992年4月来个 忠告他就寸步难行。
大回归・ Otolookbackonsomething love 0someone ' 5 love for a person对
in the past回顾。四八en 1 Iook back on某人的爱。 Thelr Iove for eac八otherls
t内ese Incidents , I角el lurlous with俐吓el关genulne ・他们之间的爱一青是真挚的。公
我回顾这些事件时,就对自己发脾气。 0to someone ' 5 love of something喜爱某
look down on someone or something物。 h巧fove of poetry ・他喜爱诗
歧视。 you make peOPje Iook down on歌。 0 be in love ; be in love with
the school你使人们看不起该学校。 0 to someone热恋着〔某人〕 。 Our on厅
look forward to something期待。 l ' rn crlljne wasto后/l in fove我们唯一的罪恶
very much Iooking forward to是坠入情网0 lwasmad / y inlovewith
interviewing her我+分期待着采l方她。 Steve我疯狂地爱着史蒂夫。
1 alwa夕5 Iooked厂orward to those Ioyal be loyal to someone or something
meetings.我始终期待着这种会议的召开。忠诚的・ In the IOngr " nth即wlll rem日in
. tolookoutforsomething提防。夕妙对to thep邵尔从长远的观点看・他们会
DOCtOFS日I7d mldWI四sh日四to fook OUt 忠于党。
for ab门。溯alities医生与助产士得提防出现luck 0be in luck运气好・ Iwa ; in Iuck
反常l青况。 Otolookuptosomeone尊someb 。即had伯斤the介vehlc抽unlocked
敬。 j was happler in john , 5 compan夕我运气不错,因为有人没有锁住汽车。公be
because 1 Iooked uP to him由于我尊敬out of luck运气不好。 Th即were out
约翰,所以跟他在一起时觉得更高兴。 of Iuck because therewa : really llttle for
Iookout be on the lookout ; be on the them to take他们运气不好因为真的没什
lookout for something留意。 ‘ ve卿ne么可供拿走。 0 with luck 〔希望某事发
I50nthetookoutforextravvork人人都 生〕如果顺利的话。 Im心ht with Iuck
留意找加班活。 neve厂haVe to llve wltha即。 ne agaln.如果
loose be on the loose无拘束;逍遥法 运气好,我就不必再与人同住了。
外。 a fearthatthea " a巧Inmaystlllbe Iull to lull someone into feeling safe使
on the foose洲担心杀手依然逍遥法外。 某人镇静;消除某人的恐惧。 havlng
1055 0be at a 1055 ; be at a 1055 for Iulled them into th了nk了ng what an
something不知所措;困惑0 He was at amiable pe巧。门he was哄他们相信他
a foss wlthouth污后miliaro所〔 e.他离开熟 是多么和蔼可亲的人。以thRIckarou门d , l
悉的办公室感到若有所失。 rve neve厂been had been Iulled intoa后污e sen ' eo沂
at a foss for an exc仍e我从来不愁没有借securi权有瑞克在身边,我便产生了虚假的安
口。公at a 1055亏损。 The 200 was 全感。
running at a foss when he took over in lumb6r to lumber someone with
损。 New角milies were uowllling to Iumber
lost . be lost on someone对某人不起 themselves with too much Iand新的家庭
作用、没影响。,arcasm was alwa夕; 不厚意承担太多的土地。
qulte Iost on joh门约翰总是听不出挖苦的Iust 0a lust for something or someone
话0 Theimportanceo沂thispolicyhas对某事或某人的强烈愿望・岭Iust for
clearly not been Iost on politiclans政客praise wasln 。心加ate我爱受赞扬的欲望过

度膨胀・公to lust for or after mak仍9 for the door彼得拿起夕l,套・向门
something or someone渴求。 I力ad口走去・ otomakeforsomething导
I " sted for reve门ge我渴望复仇・ she had致。 D lsa户po ; ntmen亡makes for bad
I " sted after other me门她渴望有其他男 manne巧失望会导致不礼貌・ 0 to make
人。 off with something偷窃・角ed四tried
Iuxuriate to luxuriate in something享to makeo仔With oneo沂h巧sau , ag “狗
受某事物。 lIuxurl ' atedl ' n八eraffectlo门 试图叨走他的一根香肠。 0to makea
我尽情享受她的爱恋。 cheque out to someone给某人开支票。
日cheque made out to ' Llo夕ds Bank
Plc ’开给劳埃兹银行”的支票。 oto
make property over to someone移交,
M 过户。 YOu ; hould make the business
over to me.你应该将业务移交给我。 Oto
mad 0be mad about something对某make up for something弥补。 we ' 11
物入迷。万he wa , mad about the make uP for the韶ventufeyoumlss献
cinema.她对电影入了迷。 0 be mad at你错过了冒险为此我们会弥补的。
someone or something发怒。 1 gues : making 0 in the making发展中。 He
they ' re mad at me勿r gettlng them up had the ability沁smel / out a sto今in the
soearly我想,他们对我这么早就叫他们起来making.他有能力嗅出正在发展的故事。 0
很愤怒。 be of your own making由自己造成
made 0be made of a substance由某的。 The effect of Du比h ElmD店ease has
材料制成。 a石gure made of cla夕been part加or Wholly ofourownmaking ・
由陶土做的人像。公be made up of荷兰榆树病的结果是部分地或全部由我们自
things由某物组成。 Our bodies are己造成的。
made uP of mill了ons of cel污.我们的身体mania a mania for something对某物
由千百万的细胞构成。 的狂热、癖好・ My角ther had a mania
mainstay the mainstay of something for gardening我父亲是园艺迷。
主+,支柱。 The short sto即ha ; been margin margin of something or for
the mainstay ofscience fictIOn,短篇小说something余地。 to肥ate a ma勺in
是科幻小说的主体。 ofsa伦妙by buildi门9 stockpiles … …建立
make 0to make something from or储备以增加安全系数。 They have allowed
out of a substance or thing用某原料制a Iarge margin for error他们留下了很大
成。 making soup from wild的差错余地。
rnus八rooms.用野蘑菇做汤。 making mark 0a mark of a quality or situation
ashel厂Outofcard乙oa厂dbOXes用纸 〔品质或状况的〕标记。 Tobeableto书k
版箱做书架。公to make something into角r another version巧日mark ofstatus能
something else将某物做成另一物。 够要求换另一个版本是地位的象征。 Oto
YOu can make the ieaves into souP你可mark someone as a particular kind of
以把叶子做成汤・ 0 to make something person将某人归为某类人。柳skill at
of someone使某人成为。 Harold ' ;和加gma攻edmeasagir / whohado肛e
made fools of us all哈罗德把我们大家愚had to work勿ra livlng我的打字技术标志
弄了。 0 to make something of着我曾是打工谋生的女子。 0to mark
something else对某事物的观点。/someone down as a particular kind of
口ondered what they made of my person记下某人并认为他是某类人。
decisio门我不知道他们怎么看我的决定。 0 Gi / lian and 1 were巾arked down日S
to make for a destination走向某地。 troublemakers吉连和我被人认为是捣蛋
内ter had picked up his codt andw日5 鬼。


market 0the market fur a product or between two people or teams 〔两人或
type of thing 〔又、 1某物的〕需求ot八e两队之Ib}的〕比赛W已劲ould Vvln the
once boom了门9 market for natural matCh with yugos / a以a我们应该打赢与南
ce阳als一度兴旺的天然谷物市场・ Oa斯拉夫队的那场比赛・乃e户revlous match
market in a product or type of thing某against oventrywa万a dra以与考文垂队
类产品或物品的交易。 a门旧ternatIO门副 的上一场比赛打平了。 amatchbetvveen
market in dru卯一个三际毒品市场。 two门ovlces两个新手之创的比赛。公
0 be in the market for something想be a match for someone or something
购买某物。 lwas门’ t阳al少inthema沈et与某人或物势均力敌。 In the ma才te : o沂
for ap 。即我其买并不想买小马。 0 be on muscje , he阴5 a match for any twoo沂
the market待售。 There are后r too角四them论体力他一个比得土他们两个人。 O
creative toys on the market市场上有食l ] to match yourself against an opponent
意的玩具太少了。 与对手较量。 Man夕amateur : were
married be married to someone与某matching themselves against the
人结婚。 lh日ven ' t been married to her pro角s5lona污不少业余选手在与职业队员较
fo厂lo门g我与她结婚不久・ 量・ 0 to match one thing with or to
marvel to marvel at something赞叹。 another找到能与某物相配合的事物;
1 ne陀rceasedtomarvelatthe了rde介ne55 to match one thing up with another将
andprecI5lon我一直在赞叹他们的灵巧和精某事物与另一事物拼合。 matching
确。 the skll / s and nee比oft八ea户户优日nt with
masquerade to masquerade as va臼门des ad四rtlsed妙em川Q夕ers将
someone or something else伪装某人申请者的技术与需求跟雇主的招聘岗位相配
或某事;to masquerade under a false合0 Theapproacha门dmethodsshould
name使用假名伪装自己。 qulck一drled be matChed to hls prevlo " 5 eXPerlence
peas masquerading as fresh garden方法应与他先前的经历相配合・ They wil /
peas.冒充新鲜豌豆的速冻豆。 where match up the dec巧了。门with others of日
he mlght even now be masquerading slml / a厂门atUre他们会将该决定与类似的决定
undera门a巧umed门ame在那里他可进行拼合。 otomatchuptoanideaor
能还在用假名。 description与某一想法或描述相符。
master be master of a situation or type Very rare今does that pe巧on match uPtO
of activity精通・ vermeer was also e找pectatlo门那人很少达到人们的期望“
master of the , clenceo沂perspective,弗mate to mate with another animal与另
米尔还精通透视法这门学问。 一动物交配。 The domlnant males ma拒
masterpiece a masterpiece of a quality with eve甲份male川叻e trlbe势力最强的
杰作,名作。 a印eechw川chw韶日雄性与部落中的每只雌性交配。
masterPiece ofamblgulty堪称模棱两mean 0 to mean a particular thingby
可杰作的讲演。 awordorexpression某词或词组意
mastery 0mastery of a skill精通。思为。训肪at do we mean byprO5perlty夕
Mastery of the game de户en比upon我们说的繁荣是什么意思呢?0 to mean
practice要精通这种游戏,取决于练习・ 0 something to someone某事对某人有价

mastery over something or of值或重要的。 Mymeda / ma夕。 ea了。走e something控制。 It gaveh , m a senseo厂to you but it means a great dea / to me
maste今over time它给了他控制时间的感我的奖章对你来说也许是儿戏但对我却很
觉。 mastery of功e sea and alr制宝贵。 0be mean with money吝高
海权与制空权。 的。 He ' ; mean with ca ; h他花钱很吝
match 0a match with or against an晋。 Obemeantosomeone刻薄的。
opponent 〔与对手的〕比赛;a match Don ' t be mean toh了m不要刻薄对待他。
n16r ( y

meant be meant for a particular person , meet 0to meet with or be met witha
thing , or purpose钊对为了・ These particular reaction遇至IJ遭受。 The
chlldren had,尹mp少no了dea that books 阳Comme门d日打On met With a stofl刀of
四ere meant for them这些孩子根本不知 loC副Protes扣亥建议在当地遭到抗议狂潮・
道,书是给他们买的。丁he beds were 刚祀n heroPenlngmovewasmetwith
evldently not meant for comfort那些床51产ence她的开始行动遭到沉默的冷遇
铺显然不是为了舒服而做的。 时・公to rneet up with someone遇
meantime in the meantime与此同见0 lmetupwithM ; ckBurkeinthe
时。 1 wlll pe巧uade or Ford to come , in camp夕te我在营地遇见了米克・伯克。
the meantime , youm比t夕eeP我会劝福melt to melt into a crowd消失在人群
特大夫前来,同时你得睡觉。 中。 He mel怕d intot八e ; eao沂角c “他
measure 0to measure something by 消失在人海中。
aparticularfactor用某一因素测量、判member a member of a group or
断。 The grandeuro厂a house could be organization 〔某团体或组织的〕成
measured by the numbero厂che台In the员。., working as members ofa
kltche门住宅的气派可由厨师的人数来衡量。 team作为团队的成员参加工作。
0 to measure one person or thing memento a memento of a person ,
against another与另一人或事物权衡。 event , or time 〔某人、某事件、某一时
It would be hard to measure the gains代的〕纪念品。韶aworthymemento
aga仍st the / o , 5e5.很难权衡得失0 0to of my visit作为我来访的有价值纪念
measure up to a standard or someone ' s 品。
expectation符合够得上〔某一标准或memorial a memorial to someone纪
某人的期望〕 。 people who fail to念碑。.an elaborate memo对al to slr
measure up to even the minimum协勺lter MIldmay沃尔特・迈尔德梅爵士
sta门dards …连起码的标准都达不到的人。 的精巧纪念碑。
mechanics the mechanics Ofsomething memory 0someone ' 5 memory of
结构,技术性细节。 the government ' s something in the past 〔对过去事物的〕
记忆。 The memory of hu门ger was
conCern Over the me亡h日niCS Oft为e
electlon campalgn政府关心竞选的技术怕ding from thelr mln比挨饿的回忆在他们
性细节。 头脑中淡化了。 Osomeone ' smemory
meddle to meddle in something or初th for a type of thing 〔对某种事物的)记
something干预,干涉,插手。忆力。 Ihaveana / mo ; tphotographic
Benjsmin sald that he refUsed to meddle memo尽for what 1 read我阅读过的东西
in such matters本杰明说他不愿插手这种事 几乎能像照相一样记住0 Ofrom memory
情。 1 don ' tletan夕oneelsemeddlewith凭记忆。月e quoted thepoemfrom
用丫kjtchen我不让别人插手我的厨房间。 memory他凭记忆引用了该诗。 0In
mediate to mediate in a dispute ; to memory of someone为r纪念死去的
mediate between the people or groups某人。 … the Aust , n Prlze founded in
involved调解纠纷。四八en he tFiedto memo今of the late以H Austin.为
med伯te in a school匆ht他想调解学纪念W日奥斯汀而设立的奥斯汀奖。
校斗殴时。 med伯ting betweent八e mention to mention something to
日uthor andh店crltlcs ・调解作者和批评someone对某人提及某事。 she had
者之间的矛盾。 mentioned the book toa角w斤ien击她
meditate to meditate on or upon 曾向几位朋友提起此书。
something沉思0 He was Ie介ajone for mercy be at the mercy of someone or
h日I沂an hour to medi怕帕on his slns他被 something任凭某人或某物摆布而无能
单独留下半小时,反省自己的罪恶。 为力。 Men are at the merCy offo用es

whlch are crue / lyv , nd ; ct , ve人类在受着残m iddle in the middle of a place , time ,
酷的报复势力的摆布。 or thing 〔某地、某一时刻、某事物的〕
me门e tomergewithorintosomething中间或中央。 They wore驹阳亡tlng in the
dse结合・合并成为另一物。闪。 wthey middle of the road他们蹲在路中央。
tooca门merge with the urb日n jandscape 动es / a m of臼厂dOO巧in the middle of
汀泊eychoose他们现在也可以选择融入城市the nlght半夜车门碰撞声・
的景观。/n pract了ce , these categor了es m idst in the midst of a situation or
merge into each 。山er买际上・这些范畴group在某一情景或某群体当中。
相互融合混为一谈。 四e were in the midst ofav了。/ent
merger a merger between two thu门de巧torm我们处于暴风骤雨之中。汀
0 rganizations or with another Ern郎t sees hers了tting ajone角泊e midst
organization 〔 l街组织之l乍J]的或与另一组of副/th " epe 。剧e假如欧内斯特看见
织的〕合并・ the me勺er between 她单独坐在人群中。
the Cou门clla门d山e Cbmm肠Ion理事militate to militate against something
会与委员会的合并。四己needto四ork out 有巨大作用或影响;妨碍。 Fa mil夕
a mergerwithBoeing我们需要努力完成tens旧ns can militate against iearn矛ng
与波音公司的合并。 家庭关系紧张会妨碍学习。
mess 0be in a mess混乱。 The US mind 0not to mind about something
economy 15 now in a mess如今美国的经不介意。 He dldn , t mind about not
济是一片混乱。 0 to mess about with reaching Konya他不在乎没有到达肯尼亚。
something or mess around with 0 beoutofyourmind发疯。日ave
something搞乱某事物;草率处理某事夕ou gone out ofyour mind)你是不是发
物・ It性sjlly to mess about with the one疯了?
t八jng eve甲One agrees on将大家商量决定m indful be mindful of something留
的唯一一件事,加以草率处理是愚蠢的。 意,关心。 M角dfUI ofA劝。 k兮warning ,
m6tamo甲hose to metamo甲hose into肠irl no longer SPoke to hjm In publlc.凯
something变形,变质0 soon ,里记着阿叔克的警告不再在公共场合与他
respectab / e bank clerks were 说话了。
metamorPhosing into hIPpl " for two mingle 0to mingle or be mingled with
四eeks.不久・体面的银行职员要变成两个星 something else混合,结合。,mellso沂
期的嬉皮士。 petrol and ojl mingled with thoseo沂
metaphor a metaphor for something turPentlne and paint汽油润滑油的气味混
else ; the metaphor of something that 15杂着松脂油漆的味道。公to mingle with
used as an image 〔某事物的)隐喻,意other people与人厮混。 flying into
象・ In the work ofrna即wrlters , nature HeathrowAlrPortln 。心邵tominglewith
becomes a metaphor for God在许多作diPlomats ・飞到希斯罗机场以便与外交
家的作品中,自然变成了上帝的比喻。 Ihave 官们相处。
叮ed the mefaphor of the ' ea to eXP爬55 minister to minister to people or their
山is我使用海的意象来表达这个。 needs为某人服务。 ministe而9 to
mete to mete out punishment to the门eeds of her husba门d侍候她丈夫
someone严惩某人。 EXclusion 15 the 的需要。
sentence girls mete out to rule一breake巧miraclea而racle ofaqualityoraction
now排外是现在女孩子们惩罚犯规者的判奇迹,1卜凡的事例。 lhavebeentold
决。 that 1 was a miraCle ofgoodn既.我被告
mid ・ air in mid一air在半空中。 The bird知,我是善良的非凡买例。 am万由deof
动dacra刃加lf - turninmid一air朋ddarted perceptlo门.感觉的奇迹。
a叭/ay鸟儿在半空中疯狂地侧转,疾飞而去。 mirrored be mirmred in somethingor

by something反射・映照・ Ineq以alit , es something or over something 〔 l丙人就
betwee门thes以es四eFem仔ro陀d in 11角 某事产生的〕误会。砧l : o沂ten led to
inge门eral男女不平等反映在日常生活中・ misunderstandings between the pre巧
Di陀巧i妙了n an朋a污日ndsmaller户lan朽巧 andM日朋e offl印巧这往往造成新闻界与海
mirrored by the trees themselves动物与 军陆战队军官之间的误会。 misunder -
小植物的多样性反映在树木上面。 standings about dlsc胭l了ne对纪律的
m iserable be miserable about 误会・ the misunderstanding Over
something为某事感至l 」难受0 1 was st , jl the 90阳rnment亏pla门5对政府计划的
feeling a bit miserable about山e canary 误会。
我还在为金丝雀的事难过呢。 m ix to mix one thing with another混
m isgivingS misgivings about合。 Mix the bak ; ng户owder with the
something担忧・顾虑0 1 had some刀our将发酵粉与面粉混和好。四户seekto
m isgivlngsa七out turningu户 mix serlous debate with humour我们力
" na门nounced我对做不速之客有顾虑。 求在严肃的字L辛论中搀入幽默。
mislead to mislead someone into doing mixed up 0be mixed up in a situation
something骗某人做某事,误导某人做or activity与某情况或活动有牵连。 l
某事。 M日ke : u阳闪ature hasn ' t miSled阳,getting miXed up加a con印尹racy我
you角to艺hlnk了ng you know somethi门g被卷入T阴谋。 Obemixedupwith
you don ' t actually kn 。以不要让大自然误导something else搞混弄错。丁he
你把不知道的东西当作知道的。 computer had got the man性seat number
miss to miss out on something错过某miXed uP with ' omeo门ee污e污.电脑将那
机会,未得到某物。 re犯ntme爪人的座位号与其他人的弄错了。
about miSSing out on an Importantpart mixture a mixture of things混合物。
0沂Ilfe由于错过人生重大事件而耿耿于 . a miXture ofcementandsand ・ …水
怀。 泥与沙的混合物。 a mfxture of
m issing be missing from something co门temp仁en叹and为。 pe蔑视、妒忌
失踪的,找不到的。 The letter了s 与希望的混合。
missing from our川邵此信件在我们档案moan to moan about something抱怨,
中遗失了。 发牢骚。 Th即‘ real四即smoanin夕about
mistake 0by mistake出错。 t为e howlo门9 they , ve wal ' ted for the bus.他们
Brlti , h dip / omat the夕had killed by一直在抱怨等候公共汽车的时间很长。
mistake.遭他们错杀的英国外交官。 O mock to mock at someone or something
to mistake one person or thing for取笑某人或某事。砧即mocked at the
another把某人或某事误认为别的。爬spectable middlec / as5他们取笑体面的中
young lecturers concerned not to be产阶级。
mistaken for stude门朽年轻讲师关注mode a mode of something方式。
到自己不可误被认为是学生。 二more conventlonallyaccePtablemodes
m istaken be mistaken sbout of Iife更符合世俗的生活方式。
something or as to something误会。 Consider the trlcycje as a mode of
HOw COuld sheh日ve been mistaken tra门SPort把三轮车当作交通工具。
about a thing / Ike this户她怎么会把这种事model 0a model of an object模型0
情弄错的呢?Hesuggestedh印efull , that . , . a model of a salling shIP二帆舟a模
she might be mistaken as to her型。公a model ofaquality模范。
condltlon.他充满希望地说她可能把自己的 万ophia now became once again a model
身体状况搞错了。 of efflclen印索菲亚现在又成了效率的典
m isunderstanding a misunder -范。 0 to model something on
standing between people about something else仿效某事物0 Ma甲had


modelled her hand四r了t了ng on万lster工作至多能持续两年・ lon / y have万fteen
Ca therl门e ' 5玛丽的笔迹是仿效凯瑟琳姐m了nutes Or twenty mlnut巴at the mo ' t
的。 我最多有一刻钟或二十分钟。
moderation in moderation有节制motion 0in motion在运转。 the
地。 salreda门d smoked food55自ooid 6e才dea of see才门ga门atom in mot万on看
臼ten in moderation腌咸、熏制食品要少 见原子运动的念头。 0 to motion to
吃Q someonel台J某人不意。 K / eiber
modifi ( ation a modification to motioned toh了m and he unjocked日
something or of something修改。 Itre -切四月e一ce / la rdoor克莱伯向他示意,他打开了
commended a number ofmodifications 酒窖的门。
totheprevloUsdeslg门它建议对先前的设moUrn to mourn for someone or
计作若干修改。 u门ab / e tomake旧tlonal something感到悲痛或哀悼。 1 moumed
modifications of thelrpos了tIOns无法forth日t / ost白bo口乙我为那件事前功尽弃而
对他们的立场作理性的修改。 悲伤。
moment 0at the momcnt目前。 l ・ m move 0be on the move发展中。 The
sorry , butshe ' snorlnat功emoment对no朋al method巧fort八e angjer to keep
不起,她现在不在家・ 0 forthemoment on the move通常的方法是垂钓者要不停
暂l付。 The project : eem : to八ave been地走动・公to move from one place or
shelved for the moment此项目似乎被暂home to another从某地搬到另一地;
时搁置了。 Oofthemoment现时的。 to move into a new home or area搬入
Everything巧dec了ded according to the新居或新地方。丁he夕moved from
mood of the moment一切都是按现时的Oundee back toG / a 59 。以他们家从敦提搬
气氛决定的。 回到}了格拉斯哥。 La才er为e moved to
monopoly a monopoly of something MJncheste乙后来他搬家到曼彻斯特。即口d
Or on something 〔对某事的)垄断、专了ust moved into日new apartment我们
有权。纳erulingParty兮mon叩。 Iyof刚刚搬至,]新公寓。 0to move in with
powe乙当权派的权力垄断。 Ne了thersex someone与某人一起住。日ev ; rtua / Iy
has a monOPoly on thoUght or emotion moved in with the白mlly他实际上搬进
男女都没有思想或感清的专有权。 去与那家人同住了。 0to move in ona
monument 0a monument to place Or person向某地、某人逼近。
someone纪念碑纪念物。 50 we bullt The guar比were abo日t to move in on
叻店monument to our dead特立此碑, the lltt / e crowd卫兵准备向那堆人逼近。 O
纪念亡者。 0 amonumenttosomething to m0Ve on to another thing转向对付
or of something 〔对业绩、成就等的〕另一事物。 jimmie moved on to the
永久性纪念或证明。角e ; cheme巧a more trICky mattero厂protoco/吉米转而对
monument to bad pjanning此计划是规付更棘手的协议问题。
划不当的证明・ aprec了ousmonument muck to muck about with sotnething
ofParISlanllfe巴黎式生活的珍贵纪念。 摆弄。 ‘ he was muckin夕aooutwi幼日
mood be in the mood for something jug of flowers她在摆弄一盆花。
想要。 He四日sinthemoodforachat multiply to multiple one nurnber hy
他想聊天。 another将两数字相乘。 Ih日d
mor口toriUm a moratorium on multiPlied seventeen by ten and then
something禁止。 a ten一夕ear doub / e dit我把十七乘以十再加倍。
moratori " m Onw八副ing十年禁止捕mumble to rnumble to yourself自言自
鲸期。 语。 she巧stl / / mumblin夕to herse/沂ln 。
most at most ; at the most至多・哑Vag " e叭旧y她还在含糊地自言自语。
] O bwlllonly白sttwo尸arsatmo ' t我的murmur to murmur to someone轻声

说。 ’阳or chap ' M肠0日rke murmured名的。 otonamesomeoneasthe
tOMI5sCra叮‘可怜的朋友’达克小姐轻声person任命某人为・月e had been
又寸克雷格小姐说。 named as山e dlc勿tor , S succe巧。厂他被任
muscle to muscle in on something强 命为那独裁者的接班人。
行挤入某事物以求分得利益。角即may native 0a native of a particular
resent the wayyo口are musClinginon country or region本[l ・ 1人・ ’ ' 1地人。月e
thelr terrltory他们可能怨恨你强行挤入他们 巧a native ofNort八ern lreland他是北爱
的领地。 尔兰的本地人・公be native toa
muse to muse on , over , or about particular country or region 〔指动植物〕
something沉思冥想。 I角/l to musin夕原产于某国或某地・ Both these sPecies
on the revo / ut旧n that 15 spreading are natlve to Amerl臼这两个物种都是原产
through thela门d我开始沉思正席卷全国的 美洲的。
革命。 Ib印an to muse over ab即hood nature 0by nature大生生来。 we
; ncident connectedwl亡h the club我开始are by nature forgetfu/我们天生善忘。 0
思考与该俱乐部有关的一件儿时的事情。 l by its nature本质所致・石qua / ity店
阳smusingab0Utthewate厂我在思考那contagious By its nature.了t cannot be
水。 co门ta了ned平等是传染性的因而无法遏
mutter to mutter to yourself低语,”古制。 0 be in the nature of something
味。 1 heard hlm muttefiDg toh , msel大理所当然。 It后int九enatureofstate
我听见他在独白低语。 vlsits that the host cou门try recel ' ves Iavlsh
prajse from the vlsltors国事访问的‘}生质决
necessary be necessary for something ;
N anecessaryrequirementforsomething
为某事所必要的。 Tho forest rnaintains
nag to nag at someone不断挑剔,困the condi艺ions necessary for its own
扰。 Eva had made hlsli角am污e印by e义Istence.森林维持着本身存在的必要条件。
nagging at hlm艾娃不断挑剔他使他的, sPace勿r play and the necessalypeace
生活1参不忍睹。丁houghtso沂Conrad for reading玩耍的空间与阅读所必需的
constantly nagged at he八对康拉德的思念 安静。
不断地困扰她。 necessity 0the necessity for
name 0a name for a type of thing or something or of something 〔某事的〕必
person 〔某类事物或人的〕名称。 Every要性。 They are com尹ng to realiZe the
language has a name for them每一种语necessity for reform他们渐渐认识到改革
言都给它们一个名称。 0 by name指名。的必要,l生。 its judgementa ; to the
He mentionedyou byname他提至‘ J了你necessity of thel门vestlgatlons它对
的名字。 Obythenameofsomething调查的必要性的判断・公of necessity必
名叫某某的。.日n石ngl污h crlminal by然,必定。月e ha凡ofne ' essity , been
the name ofjam " Griffiths名叫詹 care勿/in hls treatme门才ofw内ite farmers
姆斯・格里菲茨的英国罪犯。 0to namea他当然必定小心对待白种衣民。
person or thing after someone以某人need 0the need for something or of
名字命名〔在美国英语中用介词for 〕 。 something需要,缺乏。 He saw the
1 hope that one day we wj / / name need for change他看到了改变的需要。
犯m时hing on Ma巧after hlm我希望有朝The party would have no need ofsuch
一日以他的名字命名火星上的东西。 anarrangement聚会不需要这种安排。公
Ha夕man Creek was named for Charles in need ; in need of something需要。
Hayman海曼河是以查尔斯海曼的名字命should those in need re / y on the good

wljj of thel厂角110w me门,穷人应该依靠同胞 红浆果。
的良好愿望吗,四户are bad / y in need of nice be nice to someone义、 l某人友好。
are女我们十分需要休密、一下 月门dti阴etobenicetobables抽空跟婴儿
negative in the negative否定地・ The 亲热条热。
contro / / e r rep万ed in the negative军计员night 0 at night在夜里・ At night the
的回答是否定的。 streets are brl / l lant with neon 519邢入夜,
neglectful be neglectful of something 街道上霓虹灯灯火通明。汀he wereto
对某事漫不经心的。 He had bee门have a car accldent at night假如他
neglectful ofh巧duties他曾玩忽职守・ 在夜里出车祸。公in the night在夜里
negotiate to negotiate with a person某一时刻。 He woke in the nig六t wltha
or group for something为某事与人谈dread勿1 paln他半夜醒来,感到痛得厉害。
判、协商。 ne夕otiating with the nod 0to nod to someone or at someone
Government与政府谈判。 He Was门。 in greeting与某人点头打招呼・ l
longer negotisting for the Ilveso沂afe四nodd七d to them日nds日t doVvn.我向他们
promlnentpeo浏e他不再为少数要人的‘}生命点头,并坐下来・ T八ey , miled and
而谈判了。 nodded atu ,.他们笑着向我们点头。公to
nervous be nervojs about something nod at something or someone朝某事
Or of something 〔沁、 l某事〕害怕的,胆物、某人点头指出。 she noddled at the
怯的。 lbegantogetnervousabout pictures ofhe巧e厅ont八e wall她向墙上自
crosslngro日比我开始对过马路感到紧张。 I己的照片点头指出。
八ave al姚,a ys been nervous oft八e sea.我nominate to nominate someone for
一贯害怕大海的。 an award or post , or to a body获某项
new 0be new to an activity , situation ,奖,去岗位、机构的提名;tono而nate
or place 〔对某一活动、情景、处所〕尚someone as something任命,提名〔某
未习惯,不熟悉。 the growing人〕为。 she was勿urtll刀es nomina招d
numbero沂enthusi日st ' new to for an Osca仁她曾四次获奥斯卡奖的提名。
aUctIO门s二越来越多不熟悉拍卖的热心 斤日de unions nomina加represen妇tlves
人。 0 be new to someone未经历过topubllcbodl邵工会提名代表参加公共机
的,生疏的。二a ; tory山atwasnewto构。.四内en steven , o门即日5 nomina招d
rne.对我来说陌生的故事。 asdemocratlccandida帕当斯蒂文森被
news 0news of something or about 提名为民主党候选人时。
something消息。 The ' oa ; t 6uard nodh north of a place某地以北。亡ast
ca / Ied her with亡he news of Hooper ' 5夕ear , a London匆rniture一maker openeda
death海岸警卫队给她打电话,告知胡帕的 白ct 。甲no代力ofNe叽书t / e去年一位伦
死讯。 more enco口rag加9 news about敦家具制造商在纽卡斯尔以北开了一家工
England污动cketers.关于英格兰玩板球 厂“

者的令人振奋的消息。公be in the news nostalgia nostalgia for the past ‘环旧
被报道。 South Afrlca has been muchl ' n感。 … nostalgia for the : ureva / ueso沂
the news recentl,南非最近常被报道。 faitha门d famlly对信念与家庭的确定价
next door next door to a building or值抱怀旧感。
the people who live there与某一建筑notable be notable for something值
物或某人相邻。 Mrs MorrJ反洒。 lives得注意的。 The角ature was notable for
next dO0r to simon亏pa阳nts莫里斯the brilliant qual尹妙of the wrfting该特写
太太,她住在赛蒙父母的隔壁。 报道文笔精彩值得汪意。
nibble to nibble at something小口咬note be of note有名的,著名的。
某物。 IsawsquirreI5nibblingatthe Raman , 5 on今p阳vlous score ofnote on
moist red berrles.我看到松鼠在咬水淋淋的 this tour was 55拉曼在这次巡回赛中唯一


令人汪目的前期得分是55分。 客体。月e becamet八e object of
noted be noted for something以某物conside旧b / e hero一wo巧hlP他成为颇为热烈
著称。日ma门noted for八污;enseo沂的英雄崇拜的对象。 0/。 bk3旦kt / to
humou厂以幽默感著称的人。 object to something不赞成。 those
notify to notify someone of something ; w八0 object to kll / , ng an , mal;沂or
to notify something to someone通知 角od反对宰杀动物作食物的人。
某人某事情。.h巧角l / ure ton 。石厅h巧objection an objection to something
colleagu " of功e contrac亡他忘了通知反对,不赞成・ I八ave a great objection
同事合同已签。 The shlP污master dld not to publ巧hlng prlvate corre , pondence我
notify the / O巧es to the authoflti已该船 很反对发表私人信件。
的主人没有将损失通知当局。 obligation someone ' 5 obligation to
notorious be notorious for something someone or something 〔某人的〕责
〔因某事物而〕臭名昭著。一沉厂055 the任、义务。劝e , r ; e 。:eo厂obligationto
Bayo沂Biscay , whlc八明,notofious for the chljd店50 Inten , e that th即are not
bad vVeather横跨比斯开湾,它以恶劣 thinking enough of each other他们对孩
气候而臭名昭著。 子的责任感+分强但对对方却考虑得不多。
numb be numb with a painful or oblivious be oblivious to something
unpleasant emotion or sensation因疼or of something未觉察,不注意・ Th即
痛或不愉快的情绪而麻木・ They look were seemi门gly oblivious to the slghts
haggard and numb wit六grI ' e汽他们模样and50unds arou门d由em他们似乎不注意
憔悴因悲伤而麻木了。 H巧Iegs We厂e周围的景致和声音・ she seemed oblivious
n " mb with cold他的双脚冻僵了。 of the atte门tio门s八e was draw矛ng to
numbered be numbered amonga herse / f她似乎未察觉自己所吸引来的注意
group of people or things某人、某事 力。
物包括在某群体内。 oneJhls Wlns thIS obscure to obscure something from
四eek wili be numbered among the someone or something将某事物掩盖
cla " Ic5他本周的一场获胜堪称经典。 住。丁八e cap oft内e man in沂ront
obscured mos才。厂the screen from
O obsessed be obsessed with or by
someone or something惦念或受到]困
oath on oath ; undcr oath发誓。扰。弘e was obsessedwiththepast.她
Witn郎se ' sometlmes Ile on oath有时证 为过去所困扰。/wa : obsessed by allsorts
人在发誓后也说谎。 He八韶beenu门der of doub朽a门d fea巧我受到各种各样的疑
pr " ; ure to testl今be自re彻店un介r虑、恐俱的困扰。
oath.他受到压力,要在议员面前发誓作证。 obstacle an obstacle to something障
obedience obedience to a person or碍。 The main obstacle to the extenslon
rule 11项从,服从。二steadfastl即日l妙of tal肪was山e empjo炸巧反对延长对话
日nd obe苗心nce to our capta角5对我 的主要障碍是雇主们。
们的队长忠心不渝、惟命是从。 obtain to obtain something from
object 01旦bd3 . kt / the object of an someone or something得到某物。 we
action 〔某一行动的〕目标。功e objeCt sugge ' t you obtain advjce from夕our
of these regular managernen亡meetlngs bank manager我们建议你向贵银行经理
店toraise morale这些定期管理会议的目标 咨询。
是提高士气。 0 the object ofafeeling occasion 0the occasion for an action
or reactfon 〔某一感情或反应的〕对象, or thing时机,机会。 The crisiS四111 be


纳e occasion for / U ndamental ch日nge此of伦ring hlshe加to动e户ollce.他考虑过
危机将引发根本变革・ Oonoccasion ; on协助警方。 otherlne内rrofferedapPles
occasions偶然发生。 su印en : ; on斤。阴to theyoungglrflntheorc八ard凯瑟琳・
5 ( hO0 ) has口n unevene厂角ct but On帕尔把苹果送给果园里的小姑娘吃。公on
occasion It has to be used休学的效果时offer出售中;供出售的。/ran卿即e
好时坏,但偶然不得不加以利用。 over the other be/朽on offer我汉J 」览了一
occupied be occupied in or with an 下其他正在出售的皮带。
activity忙于某一活动;be occupied office 0in office执政。 The new
with someone or something忙于应付president污门ot护t ino所‘ e新袋、统尚未
某人或某事。,he waso ' cupied in执政。 0 out of office在野。丁he了
examln矛ng theg了ft她忙于查看礼物O decided on a camp日Ign to throw all the
Be / inda seemed后r too occup沁d with United Par妙councillors out ofo州cein
George贝林达似乎太专心于乔治了。 thee / e ctlo门他们决定从事竞选活动,要把所
occur 0to occur in a type of thing or 有的联合党议员赶下台。

person 〔在某类事物或某类人中〕出offset be offset against or by现,存在。胡。;tca;。;ofstutter , ng something else补偿或抵销某事物。
occ " r in tense chl / dren大多数口吃病发生such costs cannot be offset against
在心理紧张的孩子身上。公to occur to Income妇X这种支出不能抵扣所得税。 The
someone想到〔某一主意)。 It occurred勺溯al politeness ofhercUrtsywaso月rset
tomethatthetlme四illcomewhenwe by hercaptivatingsmile她行屈膝礼表现出
are all dead.我想到,总有一天我们都会死来的生硬为迷人的笑容所抵销。
的。 old of old从前的;古l于寸候的。四已we阳
odds 0be at odds with someone or Iike treasure hunters of old卯ho had
something与某人不一致。角e斤ime stumbled uPona伯bled emperor , S尸wel
酬的isterappearedtobeatodds " , i ththe vau了tS,我们就像从前挖到传说中的皇帝珠宝
Envlronment交creta今首相似乎与环保部长 库的寻宝者一样。
意见不一致。 0 against the odds ; onslaught an onslaught on someone
against all odds尽管极为困难或没有or something猛攻・ The bUlldoZe巧are
希望。 …四hen日乙jberal wins ab夕-mobillZing沁r their onslaught on some
electlon against the odds.当自由党of the best countrys了de了n the world正在
克服万难赢得补选。 Againsta " 0动么th店调动推土机・向世界上最好的乡村之一进
story had a hap砂endjng这个故事尽管曲 攻。
off ・ chance on the off - chance或许有open 0be open to something乐于接
可能・ s力ould we preserve all our受的。 she 15 tolerant and open to new
心eas她宽厚待人,乐于接受新思想。 0 be
mllllona厅es on theo洋Chance that one open to someone对某人开放。 The
of themm即flahtan occasionalbattlefor卯厂dens are OPen to the public at lunch
斤eedom尸我们是否应该保留所有的百万富打me花园在午饭时间向公众开放。 Thereis
翁,或许有朝一日其中有一个会为自由一On加one courseo沂actlon opento扣u.你
战? 只有一条道路好走。 0 be open with
o什end to offend against a law , rule , someone坦率。 He was 50 kind and
or principle触犯,冒犯。 It offends叩en叭,i th me.他对我很友善,很坦率。
against a we / l一e ' tablished pnncIPleo厂opening an opening for someone or
陌m了ly / l { e它触犯了根深蒂固的家庭生活something空缺。功ere 15 an opening
。什er 0to offer something to someone for a head nu巧e In one ofourho印jta污
向某人提供。月e hadt八oughtabout operate to operate on someone 〔给某
OUt ( Onle

人〕功手术。 Th e doctor advlsedh ; m to判・公to opt out of something决定不
have the hand operated on bya才。户参与某事・:chool : t为at opt out Of
surge 。门医生建议他让外科医生高手为手掌/ o cal authorltyco门tfol决定不受地方当
动手术。 局控制的学校。
oPinion someone ' 5 opinion of optimistic be optimistic about
something or about something 〔某人somethjng对某事乐观。 we are
对某事物的〕观点・看法。 What Isyo " extremely optimistic about Sky
opinion of socla / worke巧尸你对社会工作 TelevISlon我们对蓝天电视极其乐观。
人员的看法如何,One se / dom heard为巧option the option of doing something
印inion about any山Ingln山oseda外当〔做某事的〕选择权,选择・ 。 f { ering
时很少听到他对任何事发表看法的。 more people the option of part一time
opponent an opponent of someone or emPI即ment给更多的人提供兼职的选
something对手,反对者。.se肥atlo门al 择。
propaganda斤om opponents of the orbit in orbit ; into orbit绕轨道;进入
pa厂妙该党反对者的轰动性宣传。 轨道。 Thea女ronau朽of八pollo 9 had
opportunity an opportunity for印ent Chrlstma5D即in orbit round the
achieving something 〔获得某事物的〕 m00n.阿波罗9号的宇航员在月球轨道上度
机会。 a已ting opportunifies for pro份过了圣诞节。 sputnik 11 had gone into
are shame勿Ily un以户lo才ted现成的获利机会orbit斯扑特尼克二号卫星进入了轨道。
很可惜未加利用。 order 0in order令人满意的。 I日mln
opposed be opposed to someone or the process ofputting卿own affairsin
something反对某人或某事物,与某人order.我正在理顺自己的事情。公be out
或事物对立。 The rest叮the team were of order出毛病;出故障。 Re万心e门ts
。 pposed to staying at Base Omp.剩下的said the public tel印hone泌tern四as out
队员反对留在基地。 of ord七r伯st nlght居民说,公用电话系统
opposite 0 the opposite of or to在昨晚出了故障。
someone or something对立的事物。 ln orienta加d be orientated to something
manyw日y5产passion污the opposite of or towards something兴趣朝某事物引
10ve在许多方面,激情是爱情的对立面。 导。 The new movement was strongly
Thlnk 。均word that means the Opposite orientated to galning powe厂新运动的目
tO四Ork.请找出一个意思与工作相反的词。 标强烈地指向增加权力。
0 be opposite to someone or origin in origin起源・ Most healt为
something与某人或某事不相容,在某problems are enVI阳月menta / ino心彻.大
人或某事的对面;the opposite thing to部分健康问题起源于环境。
something else与某事物相对立的事ornamented be ornamented with
情。 The other tJ , Pe of educatlon泌拍m something用某物点缀。 a boo女let
Isentlrelyoppositetothat另一类教育制 ornamented with sketch " of flo四旧rs
度与它截然相反0 Lyingdown , rollyour and baby birds,・用花卉、小鸟的速写装
head in the opposite dlrectionto扣ur饰的小册子。
吻5.躺下・向双腿相反的方向转动脑袋。 05 ' 1 11口te to oscillate between two
opposition opposition to someone or things在两事物之lbJ犹豫、摆动。 H污
something反对Oheropposltion to mood had oscillated between gentleco -
h店plano沂jolning the an刀犷・她反对他oPeratio门a门dp六y5Ica / vlolence他的情绪
的参军计划。 在温和合作与暴力之间摆动。
opt 0 to opt for something决定某事out ' om . the oUtcorne of a situation or
物,选择某事物。 some defendan朽叩t event结果“ A fierceb耐tle was taking
for tri61勿ju今某些被告决定选择陪军团审place , the outcome of which would , be

crltl臼/一场激战正在进行其结果是关键性 or weeds植物或杂草等丛生。 A ljttle
的。 Path overgrown with weeds , led to the
outcry an outcry against , about , or brldge一条杂草丛生的小道通向桥梁・
over something 〔又・ 1某事公开的〕强烈overlap 0to overlap with something
抗议・ He predlcted an了mm了nent outcry else与某事物重叠・乃巧治nd overlaps
aga角st col / ectlve Inv巴tment他预计马 with landw八Ichj , earmarked for
上会有反对集体投资的强烈抗议出现。 There acqulsltlon此地与准备征用的那块相重叠。
was a public outcry about sel / ing日rms oanoverlapbetweenthings 〔两事物
totherebels.对于向叛军出售武器公众反 间的〕重合或重叠。角ere巧an overlap
应强舜}}・ agrow川9户ubl ; coutcryover between at才empted su了clde , and those
the frequencyo厂kldn日户plngs对于频Who succeed了nk厂l/尹ngt八em , elves自杀未
繁的绑架案,公众反应日益强烈。 遂与成功自杀之间有重叠。
outline 0 the outline of an object 〔某overloaded be overloaded with
一物体的〕轮廓・ Ico口ldsee泊。 Outline something 〔某人或某事物〕装载或负荷
of the cllffs我看见了悬崖的轮廓。 0 an过重0 Large户artsoftheocean日re
outline of a situation , plan , or idea大 overload户d with tox汇四aste大片的海洋
纲、轮廓等。角eGovernment " ee舫“ n 上负荷着过多的有毒厌物。
outline of勿tUre浏an,政府寻求未来计划overview an overvicw of something
的大纲・ 0 in outline扼要的。 Theta / e概览Oa oroad overview ofex巧ting
has alrea即been re份rred to in outline 厂esearch现有研究的概览
故事内容已经被扼要提及。 owe to owe something to someone欠
outlook 0someone ' 5 outlook on某人某物,将某物归功于某人。 wea / l
something 〔又、 J某事的〕看法。四的t巧owe ag阳日t debt to or冈角尹te角et我们都
new了门human八了story 15亡he power to欠怀特菲特医生的重债・姚即后mous men
c为ange our outlook on tlme人类历史的have said they owet九elr succe巧to thelr
新花样是,有能力改变人们的时间观。 0 wlves许多名人说其成功多亏了贤内助。
the outlook for someone or something own to own up to doing something坦
展望,前景。 7he outlook for勿。 d and白承认干了错事・ N于。 ne owned uPto
ene勺夕pric邵巧9 。 。 d食品、能源价格的前takjng the mon即没有人承认拿了钱。
outpouring an outpouring of
a mas ‘了ve outpouring of
用e门dlln " ,.尽情倾泻友情。
P . Q
outset 0 at the outset开始时。 sot为packed be packed with things塞满。
men resolved at the Outset to tell the The room昵5 packed with to外房l间塞
truth两人开始时就决定说买话。公from 满了玩具。
the outset从一少1二始。 The con殆rence pad to pad out a speech or piece of
was beset by co门trovers了from the writing with something用空话拉长演
outset从一开始,会议就充满了争端。 说或文章。 she ha : a habjto沂padding
outskirts the outskirts ofacityortown out her既即5 with a loto厂Iong quotes
市郊・ The hosP内l阴5 ont八e outski州污 她习惯于用大量长引文充买自己的文章。
ofto叭/n医院位于市郊。 padded be padded with something用
overflow to overflow with something某物填塞。丁he : addles were nice少
充满、洋溢某事。 Her即es overfIOwed paddedw往六sheePsklns and blankets.马
w沂thtears.她热泪盈眶。 鞍用羊皮、毯子垫得软软的。
overgrown be overgrown with plants painted be painted with something涂

有某物・户orce怕,n painted wit力toTh即erstreet与塞耶街平行的一段学
Intrlcate des勺肥描有精巧图案的瓷器・校路。角em外tery of内er伯ml沙ra门
pair to pair up with someone ; to pair paraHel with them外te即。沂t自e past她
off with someone与某人结对或搭档・ 家的秘密与过去的奥秘相似・公ap盯allel
D巧abled women have a greaterch日nceof between two thingsl街件事中作比较・
pairing UP With a6le一bod沙ed men残疾妇功角I帕性artlcle dre四a parallel between
女更有机会与健壮的男人结成夫妇。丁八ey Chlang and sta / ln环特的文件将蒋介石与斯
5为。四门0 incllnatlon加pairo仔with each大林作了比较。 0 parallels with
othe厂他们不像要成双成对的样子。 someone or something能与某人或某事
palm 0to palm soniebody offwith an物相比拟的人或物。 His臼re即and
excuse or lie哄骗某人。 Don ' t / et them attjtudes have了nterest尹门9 paralleIS with
palm you off wit九half ans即e巧另1]让他 ParetO , 5他的事业与态度与帕累托的有趣地
们用含混不清的答案哄骗你。 0 to palm 相似。
something off on someone哄骗别人接paralysed be paralysed by something
受自己不想要的物。 see what kindo沂or with a feeling 〔由于某事物或某种
cementth仍e crooks pa加edo厅on me情感而〕瘫痪。 lwasparalysed妙that
看这些骗子哄我买了什么样的水泥吧。 slght我看到那景象就瘫倒了。 jlmmie巧
panacea a panacea for a problem or near今paralysed witht ; redne : ; and
illness万灵药。 Nat , onallsation 15 no worry杰米心力交瘁,几乎瘫痪。
panacea for bad阳Iatlons收归国有不是医paraphrase a paraphrase of something
治关系不良的万灵药。 written or spoken释义,意译。~i ,
pander to pander to someone or to their remarks sounded : uSP ; c ; ously close toa
wishes迎合,迁就。 panderI ' ng to paraphrase of the Olymp汇motto,他的
hls gues汀拍stes迎合客人的口味。 话令人怀疑是奥林匹克格言的翻版。
Pang a pang of a feeling or emotion精pardoned to be pardoned for doing
神上的极度悲哀。,he felt a pang of something被原谅做错某事0 women
阳gret thatsheh日dglvenuPthetheatre must be pardoned for being / ess than
她追悔莫及,当年放弃了戏居」 。 enthus泊stlc aboutsuch agl允妇女对这种
panorama a panorama of things or 礼物不那么热情・这是情有可原的。
people全景,全貌。 we stood IOoklng parity parity with something or
a t the panorama of trees and tlny between two things 〔与某事物的〕平
景。 WOmen Went on strike for parity with
paper 0to paper over a problem or men.妇女为了男女平等在闹罢工。 The刮m
difficulty隐瞒或掩饰〔问题或困难〕 15 tocreateparitybetweenprivatea门d
The Prlme Mlnlster四as trylng to paper public tenants目的是要在私人租地者与公有
over山e crISIS In the clties首相试图掩饰 租地者之间建立平等。
城里的危机。 0 on paper理论上。 M丫parody a parody of someoneor
丙nanclalp仍itlon was good , on paPer我something为嘲弄某人或其作品而作的
的财政状况在帐面上是好的。 模仿滑稽作品。 He护oke In a Parodyof
Par on a par with something和某物同 the local dialect.他模仿当地方言说话。
等、同价。 The ; erecord ; ngsarene日rly part 0to part with someoneor
on a par withs妇门dardca巧ettes这些录something和某人分离;放弃某物。
音几乎与标准录音带差不多。 四e were mlserable日t thepro5Pecto厂
parallel 0be parallel to something or parting with her我们想到要与她分另l ],感
with something相似,平行。 a至}]十分悲伤・ 0 someone ' 5 part in : an
sectIOno沂school Road runnlng parallel event在某一事件中的作用。 He以as


a rrested沂Or hls part in the partnership with one or more people
demonstrat旧形.他由于在示威中的作用而被or groups合作。场勺Ing a partnersh加
捕。 0 inpart某种程度上二部分的。 between government and了nd比try
Inpa戊there妇xedat阴。印herere刀ected建立政府与工业界的合作关系。 Brltaln兮
门ew attjtUdes勿the创er毋某种程度上,move towards partnership with
轻松的气氛反映了教士们的新态度。 0on Euro户e英国朝着与欧洲合作的运动。
someone ' 5 part由某人做。 Poi门亡je : 5 party be party to a plan , agreement , or
ma万ce on her part巧revea加d日5 en呷。沂action参与、了解、支持〔某项计划、
y0U厂suCc " 5她表现出毫无意义的敌意,原协议、行动〕 。 Th即;朋户/ywo " ldn ' the
来是妒忌你的成功。 apartytO5uchandlcujousexerclse他们
partake 0to partake of something 就是不愿参与这种可笑的练习。
吃,喝。月e did notpartakeofe , ther pass 0to pass something to someone
mea关他两顿饭都没吃。 0 to partake in an将某物传递给某人。月e took the ball
activity参加,分担。 1 wa , made to { rO m Danandpassed , ttoGraham他从
partake in a good deal of menlal work丹手里接过球,并传给格雷厄姆。公to
我被迫参加大量无聊的工作。 pass for or as a particular person or
parted be parted from someone or thing被当作,被视为〔某种人或事
something与某人或某物分手、分别】 。物)。几n夕h t , he wanted to Pass fora
片e would not bepartedfromh污on加ge门tleman.今夜,他想冒充绅士。汀A , hton
weapon.他不愿让他仅有的武器脱手离身。 Were to grow a m0US亡ac八e they could
pa代ial be partial to something对某物almost pass as brothe巧如果阿什顿留胡
偏爱。 Thevlca厂巧ve尽pa戌伯1 to roasted子,他俩可以看作两兄弟的。 0 to pass
pheasant教区牧师特别偏爱吃烤野鸡。 over a subject忽略、回避某一主题。
padiality a partiality for something决passed over the even朽。沂that week
对某物的嗜好。 a chlld , s partialityfor他回避了该周发生的事件。 0to pass
splashing through mud and puddles something off as something else冒充
孩子喜欢冲过泥水坑。 某物・ The palntlng had been Passedo仔
padicipant a participant in an activity , as early Flem店h , or outC八.该画被冒充为早
action , or system 〔某项活动的〕参加期佛兰芒人所作,或是苟兰人画的。 0to
者。,. an act , ve particiPant in the pass something on to someone将某物
political gul ' dance0沂the country ・ ・一个传给、交给或送给某人。 lwastopas ,
积极参加该国家的政治领导的人。 thein匆rmatlo门on to her我奉命将情报传
participa加top叭icipate in an activity , 递给她。
action , or system参加。 The studen污passion a passion for someone or
enjoy particiPatf ' ng in the music and something热爱,酷爱。月e力ada
drama activities on 。加厂学生们喜欢参加目 passion for detectjve rnovles.他酷爱侦探
前所提供的音乐及戏剧活动。 电影。
particular 0be particular about passionate be passionate about
something讲究的,苛刻的。 Hamsters something 〔对某事〕热情的。月e 15
are not eSPeclally par叮cular about thelr intensely vlolent andpassionateabout
{ ood仓鼠对食物不是很挑剔。 0 in eve心thing.他这人暴炭,对一切都很热情。
particular特别;尤其。 a remorseless passport a passport to something
campaigna夕ajnst crjme and , in desirable 〔获得某事物的〕保障。 l :
pa厂厅cular , vlole门tc月I刀e反对犯罪・尤edUcatIOn to be a pa " port to prlVilege户
其是暴力犯罪的不懈斗争。 教育应该成为获得特权的护照吗?
partnership a partnership of or patient be patient with someone or
between two people or groups ; a something有耐性的。尺udoplh wa :

patient With the ojdm日n鲁道夫对老人e门。 ugh如果坚持使用某种J下法”足够长的
很有耐心。 时间,几乎任何’厅法’都可声称有效的。
patrol be on patrol在巡逻中。功即persist to persist in something or with
were con , ta门t今on pa加01 , rea即forwa厂something坚持・固执・即八y dld you
他们不断巡逻,,佳备打仗。 not pers括t in your尹门qu尹r尹es夕你为什么没
Patterned 0 be patterned on有坚持研究呢,He persisted with his
something模仿某事物。 The oa , l夕pollcy ofmedlatjon他坚持其调停政策・
D巧patch was patterned on亡he Br了t巧h perSPective 0 a perspective on
pre55 《每日快电》是根据英国新闻界的做法行something or of something 〔对某事物
事的。公be patterned with designs of的〕透视、观察、观点・ As anin白nt
some kind设计有某种花样的。 tie , you galn a strange pe " pe ' tive on tlme
pattemed with flowers有花卉图案的婴儿对时间产生奇怪的观点。 a shared
领带。 perspeCtive of the四日y尹nwh ] c h soclety
pay to pay for something付款。月e isorganlzed观察社会组织的共同观点。
often Ieaves a ca角Wlthout paying for 0 thepersPectiveofapar ' ticularperson
h店drink他常常不付饮料款就离开咖啡馆。 (某人的〕视点。 Th ; 5 study look : at
payable be payable to a particular things斤om亡he perspective of an
person or organization付给某人或某一Individualpurch书e厂本研究从个别购买者的
组织的0 Itenables丫outowithdraw观点来观察事物。 Oinperspec住ve ; into {
money by wFlting cheques pa扣ble to perspective比例正确;正确地观察。
you巧eI派你可以自开支票来提取现金。 U口e must keep the whole problem in
peculiar be peculiar to a person orthing perspective我们必须正视整个问题。
某人、某物独有的。 adis臼犯p氏uliar Pertain to pertain to someone or
tomodemclvjlisa打。门现代文明所特有 something从属于某人或某事物。
的疾病。 . matters pertaining to educatlon .
pelt to pelt someone with things为攻 属于教育的问题。
击某人而连续扔掷某物。 pelting the phobia a phobia about something 〔对
acto巧with custardples向演员扔蛋奶某事物极端的〕恐惧。亡ater , s为e
馅饼。 develoPed a phobia about wate厂后来,
peopled be peopled by or with people她得了恐水症。
住满人。 acrlm泊alworldthatseems phone 0by phone通过电话0 The
to be peopled by buslne巧menra山er ticket had been booked the previous
than crooks二似乎充斥着商人而不是骗子saturda夕byphone票子是上星期六用电话
的罪犯世界。 Brirons still thought the预订的。 0 be on the phone在通话。
American west was peopled with A介er speaking to the ' ecreta今on the
cowboysa门d India门5.英国人仍以为,美国phone , 1 never heard another word在与
西部住着牛仔和印弟安人。 秘书通电话之后,我再也没听到过。 0 be
perceive to perceive someone or on the phone 〔家里或办公室〕装有电
something as doing or beinga话。 1 wlsh EllZabeth was on the phone ,
particular thing理解或认识某人、某事it , S 50 hard to get才n亡ouch with her.我希
物为。 It 15 important that the president望伊丽莎白家能装上电话,找她真困难。
should be perceived as moving the pick 0 to pick at food少量地吃食物。
COUn抑fo ? rd总统应被理解为推动着国家His motherjustpiCkedatherfood.他母
前进,这一点很重要。 亲只吃很少的东西・公to pick on
persevere to perseVere wi伍something somcone捉弄某人,选中某人去干不愉
坚持。 Almost any ' cure ' can clalm to be快的事。 7he ; tronger people would
e { fe ctive if you persevere雨th it Iong al叭,a外piCk on the ones who映req咖t

强人总是捉弄不声不响的人。 something打算想要・ 1 plan on
p icture a picture of someone or stayi门9 In走ondo门fort为e厂oreseeable
something相片・ l网。/n an ova / frame future我打算在可预见的将来住在伦敦。 0
was a picture of Guy ' 59旧nd阴。才为er盖to have not Planned on a particular
伊祖母的画像装在椭圆形镜框内。 thing未料到0 1 hadn ' tplannedonthe
piled be piled with something堆积。 bad weather我没有料到天气不好,
an apparently endless counter piled plane by planc坐飞机0 Robert日ndl
wit六food看上去没有尽头的柜台,堆 八ave dec,由d亡0 90 by plane罗伯特和我
满了食物。 决定坐飞机去。
pin 0to pin the blame for something plastered be plastered with something
on or upon someone怪罪于某人。 The用某物涂抹。月er均ce was plastered
伪urt附5 unable to pin responsib了l矛印with white powder and her / iPs were
uP0na叮one户ers 。门法庭没能裁定任何人brlghtred她的脸扑了白粉双唇涂得红艳艳
有责任。公to pin your hopes or faith 的。
on someone or something指望某人或play 0to play against a person or team
某事・ The Treasu甲pinnedl朽hopes on与某人、某队比赛。 He 15 conftdent of
ash日rPcutinborrowlng财政部将希望寄playing against scotland In the Olcutta
托在大幅削减借贷上。 op他对在加尔各答杯与苏格兰队比赛感到
pine to pine for something or someone信心+足・ 0 toplayatdoingorbeing
渴望或向往某事物或某人。 He had something做游戏,假装。 whenth即
been pining for a moment Ilketh巧他一were Iitt抽girlsth即had pjayed at bejng
直在向往这样的日寸刻。 grown一日那.她们小时候玩做大人的游戏” 0
pivot to pivot on something取决于某toplayonoruponsomeone ' sfeelings ,
事0 success or伪llurepivotedona attitudes or weakness利用〔某人的感
Slngle exam.成败取决于一场考试。 情、态度、弱点〕 。月eusedtopl妙on
p lace 0to place responsibility or theirp卿udices and their尼ars他曾经利用
pressure on or upon someone让某人他们的偏见与恐俱。 0 to Play withatoy
负责,对某人施加压力。 The resPon夕-or a child玩0 It js no溯al for Ilttle bo外
bili妙placed upon us 15 too hea呷to be to阴nt toplaywithdol污小男孩玩洋娃
borne压在我们身上的责任重得难以承受“ 娃是正常的。 0 to play along with
公in place of someone or something someone or something假装同意。 j
代替。 011 can be used in place of the wouldn ' t play along with hls plan to
margarlne ifpreferre己如果喜欢,可用食油价叩the union agreement我不愿假装同意
代替人造黄油。 他放弃联盟协议的计划。 0 to play around
plagued be plagued by someone or with someone or something摆弄。 we
something ; be plagued with something spent rhe whole afternoon playing
受某人或某事物之苦。.a cOId , wet , around withbi朽of strl门g我们整个下午
disagreeable白ndp肠gued by con ; tant都在摆弄绳子。 0to play people off
wlnds ・不停刮风的・又冷又潮湿的讨厌 against each other挑动某人互斗。
地方0 Theyoungrornancewasplagued Here was an example of one sectiono沪
with constants印arations不时的分离害苦workers being played off against
了这场为时不长的罗曼史。 another这里有一个挑动一组工人与另一组
plan 0to plan for a particular thing or 相互斗殴的例子。
event为某事物做准备。 A comm巧510八pleased 0be pleased with someone
was establls六ed InTo勺0 to plan for the or something对某人或某事满意。月巧
needs of the city在东京设立了委员会,为employers were pleasedwi泊h污efforts
城市的需求做规划。公to plan on doing他的老板对他的努力很满意。 0 bepleased

at something or about something 〔听指证,他是凶手・ Obebesidethepoint
到某一消自、或对某事〕非常高兴。 不相关的・协actu日/gUjlt or了nnocence
Hamo was pleased atth巧p旧lseo厂hls , eems beside the po加t八ere我至lj底有罪
great一u门cle哈莫看到赞扬他叔公便+分高无罪似乎与此无关・ obetothepoint相
兴0 Hetrledto角elpleasedaboutthe关的。 Make ; uret力日t了our memos and
acc印tance ofh巧日rtlcle他尽加寸文章被采/ etters are In帕I / Igible and to the point
纳这事感到高兴。 要确保你写的便条信函明白切题。
plot to plot against someone密谋对付poke 0to poke at sorneone or
某人。升即plotted againsth , m and something攻【 I,。 Gretc八en poked at
declded tokl刀h , m他们密谋对付他并决his cheek wlt八tw 。万门gers格雷诚用两个
定除掉他。 指头戳他的脸・ 0 to poke through
p lough 0to plough into something something or out of something 〔从某
猛烈撞某物。 The car skldded before事物中〕伸出。 a wetarmchalrWltha
pfoughing into泊e ba门川气车打滑・撞rusty spring poking through the
向河岸。公to plough money into角bric潮湿的扶手椅生锈的弹簧戳穿
something投资某一事物。 huge了布椅面0 Hlshugehandspokedoutof
sums ofrnon即Whlch couldbepfoughed abrlghtred夕Iksmokingjacket他的大手
into computing大量的金钱可投资于计从鲜红色丝绸吸烟衫中伸出。
算。 0 to plough through a meal ora ponder to ponder on or upon
piece of work艰难地完成。 Th即mus亡something考虑。 Ma印pondered
be given tlme to plough through their bitterly opon the meaning of万fe玛丽痛
meals.必须给他们时间完成吃饭。 苦地思考着人生的意义。
Plump to plump for something有信心poor be poor in a quality or substance
地选择某事物。几wgentlemenwoUld贫乏。 Thelr food was poor in nutritiQnal
now care to plump for an arm夕career value他们的食物营养价值差。
如今很少有绅士想选择军人生涯。 popular be popular with a person or
plunge to plunge into an activity or group of people受欢迎。 she 15 veFy
subject参加,投入。旋ha : a half - hour popular with the general public她很受
s / e印before Plunging into work他睡了 人民大众的欢迎。
半小时・然后投入工作。 p0Pulated be populated by or with
ply to ply someone with food , drink , or people or things大量地居住着人或聚
questions反复让某人吃食品、饮料、集着物品。 The town 15 heavil夕
或反复问他问题。 Th即had plied him populated by Immlgra门ts此城中移民很
w歹th tO0muchdrj门k他们劝他喝了太多的 多0 . hugegarde门spopulated而th
饮料。 marble statUes聚集大理石塑像的大花
point 0to point at or to someone or 园。
something指向。乙ebel pointed at the pore to pore over something审查某事
door lock with hIS forefinger莱伯尔用食物。 He was sitt泊9 in a comer , po而g
指指向门锁。 Bro即pointed to the tab / e 0犷ertheaccou门朽.他坐在角落里查账。
near the other sideo沂the bed布络第指向portrait a portrait of a person肖像,
床铺另一边的桌子・ Otopointsomething画像。 … that viv , d portrait of the
at someone or something 〔将某物〕指Oueen.…那生动的女王肖像。
向0 jfound力lmpointinganair - gunat pose to pose as someone else假扮成某
a chicke门我发现他用汽枪指着一只小鸡。 人0 Twopollceofflce巧m日na夕edto
0 to point to someone or something inflltrate the drug:习ndicate勿posing
〔证据〕针对,指向。 All the evidence as yachtsmen两名警官假扮游船主・渗入贩
points to hlm belng the kille厂所有证据都 毒集团。


p0Sitive be positive about a fact or为某人祈祷。 They pra梦ed for him旧
thing乐观,积极又寸待。 1 amt心Ing to Chu汗h on sund日y5他们在礼拜天去教堂为
户ersuade them to be more positive他祷告0 otoprayforsornething为得
abou亡the勿ture我试图说服他们要积极 到某物、完成某事祈祷・亡erwlck was
对待未来。 stil / pra尸ng for hIS frle门d污爬covery three
possessed 0be possessed of a thing , wee七late厂勒威克三个星期后仍在为朋友的
quality , or ability具有某一事物、品质 康复祈祷。
或能力。日” ung川an possessed of Preach 0 to preach to a group ofpeople
exceptlonaj ab了l了t丫character and向人群讲道。 There were onlyte门people
courage一个具有非几的能力、 ‘}生格和In thecongregatIOnbutwhe门/preached
勇气的年轻人。公be possessed by totheml殆It均l门tandhe加I既该教会只
someone or something为某人或某事攫 有十个人,但向他们讲道时我感到无力无
住、着魔。 A绝Xander was possessedby助。公to preach against someone or
terrible纪dne “亚历山大悲痛欲绝。 something公开反对某人或某事。 He
possession be in possession of came to preaCh against the hereti ".他
something占有。 MacDonald ha : been前来公开反对异教徒0 0to preach at
in possession oft为e letter沁r some someone对某人唠叨;劝戒某人。 I ・ ve
四eeks麦克道诺德已占有该信件达数星期。 had enough ofyou preaching at me aH
possibility the possibility of an event the tlme!我已经受够了,你一直在向我唠
orresuit 〔出现某事件或某一结果的〕可 叨}
能性0 There wasnownopossibilityof precondition a precondition of
su “改目前没有成功的可能。 something or for something前提。
post hy post邮寄0 Wjnners will be Economic growth 15 a precondition of
notjfled bypost优胜者将收到邮寄通知。 a叮kind ofhuma门adva门ce经济增长是任
potter to Potter about or arounda何人类进步的前提。 A sen : e 。沂切副妙to
place游逛,闲逛。月e spent the the planet 15 a precondition for our
satUrds夕alternoon pottefiDg abouthis survlva乙对地球的忠诚感是我们生存的前提。
garden他整个星期六下午都在花园里闲逛。 precursor a precursor of something or
pounce to pounce on oru侧〕 n someone to something先驱,先做之事。 The
or something突袭。 Three men wearlng rail城/a ys were theprec " rsorofwhatwas
stocking mas七pounced on Mr Terence to come.铁路是后来事件的先驱。 Leaming
Culshaw三个戴蒙面袜的人突袭了特伦斯・ the Hjgh协/a夕Code was a precursor to
卡尔肖0 Hiscolleagueswererea即to a即aCtoal drlving.学习《公路法规》是开车
po " nce upona叮sllP he made他的同事 上路之前做的事。
们随时准备攻击他的错误。 predidion a prediction of something
power 0the power ofapersonorthing or about something预言,预告。月
权力、力量。月ls叩ponents眺re well prediction of the likely outcomeo沂the
awareo沂the power ofh巧propaganda next election阴5 made by Alan几yI 。抓关
他的反对者清楚他的宣传的力量。 0 power于下次选举的结果预测是由艾伦・泰勒作出
over someone or somethin 〔对某人某 的。 … a numbero沂alternatlve
事的〕权力。 For once parents seea predICtions about the fUture of higher
chance to wield real power over their educatio门,…对高等教育未来的若干替代
chi/价en , S勿ture这一次家长看到了对孩子 预测。
的前途行使实权的机会。 Predilection a predilection for
pray 0to pray to a god祷告。月e something 〔对某事物的〕爱好。阶厂
kneeled down and prayed to Allah.他跪do the Brftish加ve such日pred刁ection
下来向安拉祈祷。 otoprayforsomeone for以pelling SOvlet SPIes尸为什么英国人这

么热衷驱逐苏联一司谍, 造成损害。 such co门duct阴u / d : urelybe
predispose to predispose someone to prejudiCial to the;门tere ; t oft八e unlon
a particular belief , way of life , or这种行为肯定会损害联盟的利益。
attitude使某人倾向于某一信仰、生活prelude the prelude to an event序曲。
方式或态度。丁八e : tr日门夕er " roje The sPeech has been hal / ed byh巧角论nds
predisPoses hlm toa北tlnct / y ‘ 。 bjectl ' ve ' as the prelude toh巧return too所cel亥
观’的态度。 premonition a premonition ofanevent
preface 0a preface to a book序言。 〔对某事物的〕预感。 H15 hand sh00k
Granv了lle一Barker had wrltten a fjne vlolently and he had日premonition of
preface to thep娜格兰维尔・巴克给话居」 fal / ure他的手猛烈颤抖预感到失败的可
写了一篇好序言。 otoprefaceanaction 育旨。
or activity with something开始讲话,preoccupied be preoccupied witha
以某物开头。石ac力girl who spoke particular idea or problem出神0 Ike
prefaced her remarks with , s0呷’.每个讲seemed complete今preo “ 。 pied wlthh店
话的女孩子开头都说‘对不起。 。 wn thoughts艾克似乎陷入了沉思。
prefer to prefer one thing to another宁prepare to prepare for an event or
可。 There are men who prefer deathto situation准备。 Poljce in叭/l ltshire are
d后honour有人宁死不屈辱。 preparing for ah了ppy invasiono厂
preferable be preferable to something Sto门ehenge威尔特郡的警察严阵以待,以
else胜过。 6radual change 15 防嬉皮士进犯巨石阵。
preferable to sudden jarge一scale prepared be prepared for something :
change渐变胜过大规模突变。 为某事准备。 Bepreparedforp 。陇r -
pregnant 0be pregnant with a child cuts by buy川9 lots ofca门dles.买了大量蜡
怀有孩子;be pregnant by a man怀有烛以防停电。
某人的孩子。协mother ? pregnant prerequisite a prerequisite for , of , or
with me ot thet而e.当时我母亲正怀着我。 to something先决条件・ Freeing theJ
sarah was pregnant by another man.萨press was a necessa即prerequisi拍for
拉怀了另一个男人的孩子。公be pregnant fuH democracy新闻自由是充分民主的必要
with meaning or significance富有,充前提。 educated skjlls that are the
满。 she kept a silence which was prerequisite of progress for our
pregnant with Indicationso沂how much cou门t甲我们国家进步的前提是技术培
more she could阳梦她保持沉默一种意在训。 A角11 stomach巧the prerequisite
言外、意味深长的沉默。 toself - respect填饱肚子是自尊的先决条
prejudice prejudice against someone 件。
or something对某人某事物有偏见。 prescription 0a prescriPtion for
斤可udice against women污becoming something处方。.an ana协15 of the
less severe对妇女的偏见已变得不那么严natureo沂the crlsis or a presc州补tion for
重。 七cure ・ …对该危机性质的分析或者处理危
prejudiced be prejudiced against机的办法。公on prescription按处方。
someone or something有偏见的。 An pharmaceutlcal products supplied on
Increasing numbero厂people believe the prescriPtion.按处方供应的药品。
p 。万ce areprejudicedagainstcoloured presento / pr旦zont / at present目前。
people越来越多的人认为,警察对有色人种1 don ' t want to getm日rrledatpresent .
有偏见。 目前我不想结婚。 Oforthepresent暂
prejudicial be prejudicial to someone时。 That亏ajl for the present , MISs
or some山ing 〔对某人的利益、对某事〕 Livln少tone暂时就到这儿,利文斯通小姐。
0 lpriz旦nt八opresentsomethingto Rouge西方继续强迫亲王与红色高棉断绝关
someone将某物赠给某人・ The Pri肛e55 系。
o沂四日es presenteda , pecia / award to pretente a pretence of , at , or to
万lr八Iec Guln门e55威尔士亲王向阿列克吉 something装腔作势做作。 The
尼斯爵士颁发了特别奖・ 0to present Ind比即has日bandoneda即pretence of
someone with something赠给某人某 厂estralnt该行业已放弃了任伺装腔作势的克
物0 Iclosedourmeetlngbypresenting韦l ] 0 Gone now , wasallpretenceat
him with a 519门ed co砂。沂阴丫book我送50clabili尔如今,一切交际目的的装腔作势都
他一本签名拙作,就此结束会面。 0 to不复存在。万he ha,门ever made any
present yourself at a particular place pretenceto / a dy / lke乙ehavlour她从不装
出席,到场・ The vis , tor presented出淑女的举止。
hjmsel沂at the曰carage客人来至l{牧区牧师pretensions pretensions to something
的住宅。 自命,做作。月ewasamodernman
preside 0 to preside at or overa wl泊no pretensions to educatlon at all
formal gathering主持会议。月e他是个现代人,不去做作受过良好教育的样
presided at saturd妙’ , meetinga / one他 子。
独自主持星期六的会议。 He Vvas thes次th prevail 0to prevail on or upon
judge to preside over the pre一trla / someone说服、劝说某人。 securit犷
hearings.他是主持判决前甲理的第六位法sta斤prevailed uP0n功e cro四d to move
官。公to preside over an event管理某back斤om the crash barrlers保安人员说服
事件・ He presided over the rapld人群退后,离护撞栏远一些・公to prevail
以pa门510门。沂the comp日ny他主管公司的快over someone or something胜过某人
速扩张。 或某事物。尸olitica / arguments had
press 0to press something on or upon prevaiI6d over economIC sense.政治争论
someone将某物硬塞给某人。 They压倒了经济观念”
were llattered enough勿the 91 { ts that prevent to prevent someone or
were pressed on them他们被塞了许多礼something from doing something防止
物,感至I]受宠若惊。公to press for某人、某事物做某事。 A sto厂m was
something竭力要求。 He contlnuedto p阳venting rescue alrc阳ft from landing
press for a peace勿/50 / ution他继续要求暴风雨使救援飞机无法着陆。
和平解决0 0to press someoneinto Pride 0Pride in someone or something
doing something迫使某人做某事。 The得意,自豪。石ve叮th , ng Ratt / e sa "
以peditionto臼Pture srlghton fishermen confirms hls overwhelmlngp汀de in his
andp刃eSS them into natIOnalservlcehad Slrmingham orchestra拉特尔说的话都证
been a total均Ilure抓布赖顿渔民加入国民 明,他对自己所在的伯明翰乐队无比自豪。
军的远征彻底失败了0 Otopressahead 0 to pride yourselfondoingorbeing
with or press on with an activity or something自豪地做或成为。 Cricket
task坚持做某事。补e自mm台sjon wlll prides itself on be , ng a gentleman今
continue to press ahead with its garne.板球成为绅士的自豪游戏。
controver5laldemands委员会将继续坚持其principle 0in principle原则上。 The
有争议的要求。 The夕courageou ' Iy Government has ag陀ed to this measure
pressed on with thelr vltalrep日ir work inp汀nciPle政府原贝l]上批准了这项措施。
他们勇敢地坚持十分重要的修理工作。 公on principle根据原贝I ] 0 subordi -
preSSurize to pressurize someone into nates mustbekePtwaltingonprinciP抽
doing something强迫某人做某事。 The按原贝{,下属必须长时间等待。
叭佗st continued to pressurize the Prince prise to Ptise something out Ofsomeo邢
in to cutting hIS ties with the Khmer强迫某人拿出。 The夕h oped that

grow了ng publlc了ty wou / d prise more or thing产生・ we are capableo沂
mo门ey out of the Cal尹厂ornla万ta才e producingt八e same amount of food
Legislature他们希望,知名度的提高会迫使 斤。 mlessa门d / essja门d我们能够从越来越
加州立法机构拿出更多的款项。 少的土地上生产同样敌量的食物。
priVy be privy to something私下知情。 product the product of something)吞二
Very fewo沂them were privy to the物。 strlkes aret八e product of the
detalls of theco肛侧ra印他们中很少有人对50cle妙In四为七h we万ve罢工是我们社会的
该阴谋的细节知{青。 严物“
probability the probability ofanevent profession by profession以某事为职
or result可能性。 such radlo一tel巴cop邵业。 Byprofessionshewasastewardess
WoUld greatly Increase theprobabilityof她的职业是空姐。
sucC " 5使用这种射电望远镜会大大增加成功proffer to proffer something to
的可能性。 someone向某人提供、提出某事物。
probe 0to probe into something探He helPedh了mself斤om the sauce boat
究,深入。尸ummjng bir比gathernec拍r pro月乞red to hlm他在从递给他的船形调味
byprobingdeePintothebl055om ; with 汁碟内进食。
Iong thln tongu “蜂鸟把尖细的长舌深深刺proficient be proficient in something
入花朵取花蜜・ 0 to probe for some - or at something 〔义、 J某事〕熟练,精
thing探测某物。洲e went ahead int力e通0 you mustbeproficientinthe
fi巧tcar , probingforroadblocks他坐第language to galn eq " a / o户portunities你
一辆车向前推进,探测路障。 必须精通语言,以获得同等机会・ 00 you
proceed 0to proceed with something think calcu / ato巧stopc八了/dren being
开始或继续做某事・ They were havlng proficient at ma动e川at / cs夕你认为计算机
di{汀culty int甲ing to dec尸de how to会阻止儿童精通算术吗?
proceed with the户rojeCt他们难以确定如profile a profile ofsomeone人物简介・
何从事该项目。公to proceed againsta she wanted to wr了te profiles of the
person or organization起诉某人、某一leaders of the加厂ty她想写该党领袖人物的
组织。 subsequentpoliceinve : t勺atlon 简介。
沂ound no grounds for proceeding profit to profit from something or by
against hlm其后的警方侦查没有找到起诉something从某事物中得益。日uslness -
他的根据。 men are seeking to profit斤om泊e Slng / e
proceeds the proceeds of an event or European胡arket商人试图从欧洲单一市场
activity收入0 The白nd was bought out中获利。角ey have profited by their
。沂the proceeds of山e EXhlbltlon土地是以户erie门ce with me他们从与我在一起的经
用展览的收入来购买。 历中得益。
procure to procure something for progresso / progr旦s / to progress to
someone取得某事物。 He of份red to something new进入某一新的内容O
procure extra comforts for纳e prlsone厂From there we progressed toa
他提出为囚犯取得额外的舒适设备。 discussion on politl “由此我们进入了政治
produce 0to produce evidence or an讨论。 0 lpr凶gros / progresstowards
argument for or against something 〔为something朝某事物的发展。 … rapld
支持某事或反对某事〕提供证据或论progress towards end了ng the civil
据・ He produces no evldence for为店war向结束内战迅速进展。 O
belie污他提不出证据支持自已的观点。 Th即progress with a task 〔某方面的〕进展・
had produced al / klnds of arguments if you are makjng no progress with
against her他们提出了各种证据反对她。扣urtralningschedu抽如果你在培训计
0 to produce something from a place划中毫无进展。 0 in progress在进行

中;发展中・ C为日门ge ; salreadyin something和某事物成比例的,相称
progresS变化己经在进行・ 的・,choojc八lldren expe门d自r more
prohibited be prohibited from doing energ夕仍propo厅ion tot八eir slzet八an
something被禁止做某事・日an走;日re adul朽do按个子比例论学童消耗的能量比
prohibited from dea / tng In securltles银大人多0 Wes才ernc了t了e , expanded in
行禁止经营证券。 propo币。 n with the grow功。沂Ind比抑
projeCt / prod3呈kt / to project someone西部城市随着工业的增长而扩大着・ 0 be
or something as a particular thing装扮out of proportion to something和某
某人或某事物为。 They are projecting事物不成比例的,不相称的。 T八e , r
巾e后rmer as a ru旧/entrepreneu八他们将519门i有cance 15 out ofa / 1 propo川onto
农场主包装成农村企业家。 泊elr slze它们的意义与其大小不相称。
promise 0a promise to someone对proportional be proportional to
某人的承诺。 Ihopeyouwl / lbeableto something和某事物成比例的。八:a
keeP yourpromises to thatpooro / d man rule the , uicide旧tesa阳propo们厅。 nalto
我希望你能落买对那可怜的老人的承诺。 O the slze of the clty自杀率通常与城市的大
apromiseofsomething对某事的承 小成正比。
诺。.herendle55waltingforRossettitO Prosped / p坦spokt / 0the prospectof
honour his promise of marrlage她something要发生的事。 Man夕people
无休止地等待罗塞蒂兑现婚约的承诺。 are horrlfled at the proSPect of learn加g
promote to promote someone from门ew skl / ls许多人发现要学习新技能就吓坏
one job to a more important one提升了。公the prospects for something可
某人。 He阴spromotedfromcorPora /能性。 The prosPects for阳volutlona阳
to sergeant.他从下士被提拔为中士。 remote革命的可能性很小。
prone be prone to something 〔有做某protect to protect a person or thing
事物的〕倾向。.rge后mllies are盯ually from or against a danger保护,使某
poorer and more prone to sicknessth日n人或某事物不受侵害。 The ozonela孵r
smal / 0门es.大家庭通常比小家庭更为贫另, protects the Earth from harmful
更易受病痛侵袭。 radI ' 8tio门.臭氧层保护着地球不受有害辐射。
pronounce to pronounce on or upon Babies are protected against some
something发表意见。月e 15 exPectedto diseases勿their mother兮m ; Ik.婴儿因喝
pronounce on eve甲moral and soc白l母乳而不受某些疾病侵害。
Issue他渴望对每一个道德和社会问题发表意protedive be protective ofortowards
见。 someone or something有保护某人和某
proof 0proof of something考验,验事物的意愿的。 oaniejh日d become
证。 Eve甲山夕wasb朋ging hlm further protective ofh巧prlvacy丹尼尔已经在保
proof of Gertrude , s love每一天都向他进护自己的隐私。 MOll , fe / tve今p们OteCtive
一步证明格特鲁德的爱。公proof against towards her slster.莫莉对她妹妹呵护有
someone 〔对某人不利的〕证据。.the 力口。
absence of proof against the three protest / prot旦st八0 protest at , about ,
de份nda门t5 …缺少对三名被告的不利证 or against something抗议、反对某
据。公be proof against something可事,对某事提出异议。 a lea沂let
防某事物的,不能穿透的。 We can pro加sting at anjmal印perlme门ts …抗
deslgna分女em that , 5 proof against议动物实验的传单。 Both players
accjdentandstupldlty我们可以设计一个系prote ‘把d about , ome of the declsio肛.
统以防止事故和愚蠢言行。 两位选手都反对某些决定。 hundtedsof
proportion 0in proportion to mardle巧protestI ' nga卯inst theplanned
something ; in Proportion with construction of a nuclear power pjant .

数百名游行者抗议核电站建造计划。 something依法惩办的・ a criminal
P roud be proud of someone or o沪fence punishable by slx rnonths了n
something以〔某人或某事物〕骄傲・ jall可判半年徒刑的罪行・
somerset Maugh日m附5 proud of自15 purge to purge Someone or something
pro四e55asanavocado后rme乙作家毛姆为of a particular thing司布清某一想法,清
自己作为酪梨果衣的技能而自豪。 除某物。 1 tr , ed de ; perate少to purge
provide 0to provide someone with m产ej沂oft八eseda门gerous deslres我极力
something向某人提供。 The ArI7双八a : 想清除这种危险的欲望。
providled比troops with combat exerclse pursuit in pursuit ofsomething寻找,
角cI / it Ies军队给美军提供了战斗演习设施・ 寻求。 ltwa : in pursuit of the ; e ve甲
公to provide something for someone心ea / s泊at八undre比。厂户eople have dled
orsomething向某人或某事物供应另- 就是为了这种理想,千百人牺牲了生命。
事物。角ecompa门夕印en击t八eoul走。厂push . to push for something you want
了ts沂und ' on providing train了ng for迫切要求。 The Tran印ort DePartmentls
eXecutlves公司将大部分资金都用于培训经 clear / y pushing for九rther prlvatiZation
营人员。 ofports.交通部显然在推动进一步将港口私有
pry to pry into something打听他人的化。公to push someone into doing
私事。 Don ' t 90 prying into卿a而i巧something催促某人做某事。 their
Oryou ' Ilgethurt不要打听我的私事,以免determinatjon not to be pushed into
受伤害。 accepta门ceof门uclear mI55iles …他们下
public in public公开地;当众。决心不能被迫接受核导弹。 0 to push
Meeting ' previou : / y held in public wil / something on , onto , or upon someone
now take place In closed session原来当众将某事硬推给某人。., an insurance
召开的会议将秘密地举行。 salesman perslstent加抑泊9 to push an
pull 0to pull on something or at unwa门ted policy on hlm.一个保险推销
something拉,拖。 The drlver pulled员不断想把一份不需要的保单硬塞给他。 O
on a Iever.驾驶员拉动排档0 Margaret to push ahead with or push on witha
pulledatDlxon , s sleeve玛格丽特拉拉迪克task推行,推进。 Michael Ward 15
森的袖子。公to pull out of an event or pushin夕ahead with loans and heIP for
situation从中退出。 john Mc印roe has projects,迈克尔・沃德在推行贷款资助项
pull6d out of the United states tenn店目0 Im比tpushonwiththeseenqUi从爷
team , 5自肋coming match,约翰・麦肯洛已a5白staslca门我必须尽快推进这种调查。
退出美国网球队的下一场比赛。 put 0to put an idea or questionto
punduated be punctuated by or with someone向某人建议或提间。 Ih日If
particular things穿插着。一an夕hto沂agreed and 50 1 put the Idea to GIlllan.我
terror punctuated by the roaro沂shells有点同意,便把那主意告诉了吉利恩。 Zto
and rockets …炮弹声、火箭呼啸声不断的put one thing above another or before
恐怖之夜。 M日nyofushaveh日daschoo / another把某事看得比其他事情更重
career punctuated with exam乓marks要。 He 15 prePared to put the Inte心ts
and tests.我们许多人的学校生涯穿插着考of his profession above thato沂叻e
试、分数、测验。 COnseIVatiVePa即他准备把本职业的利益放
punish to punish someone for doing在保守党利益之上。 British Rail admit拍d
something wrong因某人做错事而惩罚that it had put pas , enger convenience
他0 The夕di ; covered hls crime and before臼角诊英国铁路公司承认把乘客方便
p " nished him forl才他们发觉了他的罪恶, 放在安全之上。 0 to put something
并惩罚了他。 before someone将某事提交某人考
punishable be punishable by虑0 Thesillwasputbefore内rliament
{ !

InDecembe乙议案于十二月递交议会。 Oto me日nln95关于同汇与意义的争论。
put a bad or unpleasant experience q " arrels over / a nd ow肥巧h甲土
behind you将不愉快的事或经历置之脑地所有权的争执。
后・ The com户an丫a户户ea巧to八ave put quest 0a quest for something宁求,
I朽troubled past behind尹t该公司似乎已追求。 the勿门damenta / human quest
把过去的麻烦抛在脑后了。 0 to put for unde巧tand们g人类追求理解的根本
someone down as something以某种名活动。公in qucst of something or
义登记Olput八imdownas日joutls八someone寻找某事物或某人。如he set
membero沂the勿c旧llst WOrke巧内rty我。 ffinq " estoflmmor拍/lty于是他出发去
认为他是社会主义工人党的粗野党员。 oto 寻求长生不老之术。
put something down to a particular question 0a question about
cause将某事归于某一原因。 It seemed something 〔就某事的〕问题。
unsa沂e to put anything down to questions about the futureo厂the
coincidence.把一切归咎于巧合,似乎不太稳 envlro门me门t有关三不境的前途的问题“
妥吧。 otoputupwithsomething忍公aquestionofaparticularthing问题
受。 M即be兔llywa : not able to putop 〔用来指所谈论的话题〕 。 jt ' sal / a
w矛th thatmuchstre55也许萨莉无法忍受那question ofyourattltU决纯粹是你的态度
么大的压力0 otoputsomeoneupto问题0 Ihavenoviewsontheq " estlon
doing something指导某人做某事。 ofsubsidies我对补助问题没有看法。 oto
] ulia had probably put them up to it question someone about something就
hersel派朱莉娅也许是呆自指使他们做的。 某事询问某人。,he四日;que ' tioned
qualify 0to qualify for something有about the sublect ofherjatestbook别人
资格做某事。 on少ave甲~IlproPortion问她最近写的书讲什么主题。 0 beyond
ofpeople who quali粉forbene寿tdraw question毫无疑问。 The survey has
ltfora叮length 。沂打me只有极少数有资格shown beyond question a real日nd
享受福利的人会长期支取福利金的。公to drarnatic ImProvement.调查结果不容置疑
qualify as something取得某一资格0地表明,改进是真实并且具成效的。 0 be
He , 5 com , ng home to try and quali今as in question成问题;被怀疑。日js
a门estate agent他将回家,以便取得房地产ablIl ’妙to leadh污coun抑Indl { fi cult tlmes
经纪人的资格” has never been仍question他在危难时期
quarrel 0to quarrel with someone领导国家的能力毋庸置疑。 oinquestion
about something or over something与上述的;被涉及到的。 A copy叮the
某人就某事进行争吵。.q " arrelling bulletln in question附;recelved bym夕
with landlords about foreign coins In the决partmen亡该公告的副本已交我部。 0be
gas mete厂…为煤气表内的外国硬币而与房out of the question不可能的。八cut
东吵架。 They have cea , ed to quarrel In Interestrate5Isoutofthequestion .
over the repeal of ' uch Iaws.他们已不再减息是不可能的。 0 withoutquestion
为废除这种法律而争吵了・ 0 a quarrel毫无疑问的。 The夕a re wlthout
with someone or between people q " estion the best team In Europe.他们无
about something or over something 疑是欧洲最佳球队。
〔与某人就某事的〕争吵,〔两人之间就quibble to quibble with someone
某事的〕争吵。 je能rson gaveh店verslon about or over something与某人争辩
ofthequarrelwithAdams杰斐逊讲述了琐事0 wast六epres , dento厂山estudent
与亚当斯争吵中自己的看法・ aquarrel councl / quibblihg about爬户resen妇tion
between a bus driver andh了s On thecommlttee户学生会主席是在争辩给委
passenge巧.巴士司机与乘客的争吵。员会派代表的事吗?lw厂/1 not quibble
. quarrels about words and thelr with him over his evaluatlono沂the

, ltuatlon我不跟他争梦L辛他对形势的1平价。 用ade on the radio by Ooug / as Hurd
quick be quick at something聪敏的; 道格拉斯・赫德在厂播中做的建议。
有能力做某事。 you ' requi , kat / earn川g rage a rage for something 〔对某事物
aren ' t夕ou州尔学得很快,是不是啊, 的〕狂热。八/lover石。 9 / and伪erewasa
quiet on the quiet秘密地OTh即‘ ve g爬at rage for be / j一r尹ng尹门g英格兰各地盛
b een build尹ng up qultea / arge 行鸣钟热。
shareholding on the quiet他们悄悄地吸raid a raid on a place突袭、突然搜查
纳了颇大的股份。 某地。 Th即~tetoprotestaboutp 。旋e
quotation a quotation from a book , raids on membe巧‘ homes他们写信抗议
play , film , and 50 on 〔书、戏居11 、电影 警察袭击会员的家。
等的〕引文、竹选・日dlrect quotation rail to rail against or at something抱
斤。 mBu厂ton七journa污伯顿日记的直怨,挑剔0 MPsrailedagainstthe
接引用。 Jnhumanity ofsuch asteePincrease议员
quote 0to quote for doing a particular们抨击这样陡增不人道。 Rather tha门
piece of work报价钱。 Ask there勿;e railing at fate , It would be better tore -
department to come and quote for examine there / a tlonshlP怨天尤人,不如重
removing亡he , tu任请废品站过来看看搬走 新审视该关系。
这东西要多少钱。 0 quote from abook , raise to raise a subject with someone
play , film , and 50 on 〔书、戏剧、电影向某人提出某一话题。 His next most
等中〕的引文。 aquotefromt为e Ilkely steP 15 to raise the巧、 ue with the
American magaz尹ne Buslne55 Week B行hop ofChlcag 。他下一个最有可能采取的
引自美国《商业周刊》杂志的引文。 步骤是向芝加哥主教提出该问题。
ramble to ramble on about something
漫谈,漫笔。 just babble一ramble on
about nothlng , ba夕臼lly就是胡闹,基本上
R 是信口雌黄“
random at random随机地;任意的。
racked be racked by or with an jurles are se / eC帕d at random斤om men
unpleasant or painful feeling因某事而and women aged bet孵en 18 and 65.陪
痛苦。 ouring the last万veda " Anne was审团是从18至65岁的男女中随机选出的。
racked by delirlU用from tyPh比最近五天range 0 a range of things一系列的事
来安妮因伤寒而精神错乱。 50扣Usee,畔物。., a wide range ofaudio一visual
are aHra ' ked with guilt你看・我们都内a , ds.一系列众多的视听设备。 0 to
疚极了。 range between two things or from one
radiate 0to radiate from a particular thing to another在两事物之间变化,从
pnint 〔指道路〕自中心向四周伸展。 The一事物变化到另一事物。 Pe厂formanc巴
roads radiating from thec矛rcuit are range between the dull and the
以pected to bejammed从环形路线向四周h外terical.演出要么枯燥乏味,要么歇斯底
伸展的道路应该堵塞了。 0 to radiate里。勿mptoms range from a mlld fluto
from someone 〔某一情感〕从某人身上the brain diseasem朗ingltls症状从轻感冒
流露出来。八senseo厂enjoyment到]脑膜炎均有0 Oataparticularrange
rad伯帕‘斤。 mthepjayers球员们流露出愉在某一范围[AJ 。 Th即s八ot八jm several
快的感觉。 tI ' mes at close range他们数次对他近距离
radio on radio ; on the radio在无线电 身寸击。
广播中。 Mr乙ixia门nian ' sspeechwas raPport a rapport with someone or
broadcast on radio this morning李先念between people or things 〔亲善和谐的〕
先生的演讲今晨厂播了。 … the sUggestion关系。 M巧Thatcher,自ra / I her raPPO材

with Mr Gorbachov,巧5c印tlcal撒切尔夫
疑。 the rapport between hum日n时・ 0 to rave about someone or
va lu郎日nd the goa污01 , oc了al巧m人something极力夸奖某人或某物・ we
性价值观与社会主义目标的融治。 don ' t 90 and rave about anybody , or
rat to fat 011 SomeoflC Of 011 all celebrate ordestrCy山em我们并不去夸奖
agreement you make with them出卖 任何人,或赞扬或毁掉他们。
某人;违背诺言・,o了ou ratted On reaches the reaches of a river or area
Gertrude尸于是你出卖了格特鲁德?1 hope of land河段,l大域。 t八e farthest
you , F6 not thinking of raffing on the dea / reaches oft八e四日r zone战区的最外
我希望你没有在打算违背诺言吧。 围。
rate 0at any rate无论如何。 steve read 0to react against something反
at any rate , seems to be a sat巧fled对,反抗。 Th ey arel尹kel夕to reaCt
customer无论如何,斯蒂夫好像是满意的顾against the ide门才产妙cafd , cheme他们有
客・ 0 at this rate照这样下去。 At可能反抗身份证计划・公to react to
this rate , we cannot see how Bri拍In can something作出反J叙。 Whetherb厂
beg了n to reach the targets for carbon - accidentorde5lgn , M巧角a比herreac帕d
dlo衍dereductlon.照这样下去,我们无法看 prornptly to the call不管是巧合还是有意如
出英国如何着手达到减少二氧化碳的目标。 此,撒切尔夫人迅速对呼叶作出反应。 Oto
Otoratesomeoneassomething评定react with a particular response or
某人。月ow do you rate her asa emotion发出某种反应或情绪应对。
photographer州尔如何评价她的摄影技巧? Clough reacted with the dlgnity and
ration to ration someone to a particular gracIO比n既character后t汇。沂his team克
amount of something按定量向某人供 劳以他的球队特有的尊严和诚挚进行应对。
应某物。 I , rn golng to ration yOU to one 0to react with a chemical substance
clgarette ada夕我要限定你每天一支的吸烟起化学反应。 The阴ter rea ' ts with the
量。 ferrous Iron,水能与铁发生反应。
rationale the rationale for something reaction 0a reaction against
or of something理论基础0 Rellglou ' something反对,反杭・ a wid已刃read
belief provI ' des a rationale for altrulstlc佗action againstp " t一warrealisrn对{
behaviour宗教信仰提供了利他行为的理论 战后现实主义的广泛反抗。 0 a reactionto
基础。 The ratibna拒ofthesoclalsen肛es something反应,回音。 We were chatt -
15 topromotesoc心lequality社会服务业的ing about his reactions to the paintings .
依据是促进社会平等。 我们在谈论他对画作的反应。 0 a reaction
rattle to rattle on about something喋of one substance with another one , or
喋不休。 some of the women there between them 〔一事物与另一事物的〕
四。 uldra们口e on about sex那里的某些妇 化学反应。 the reaction of the blades
女会大谈性问题。 with the water ・刀刃与水的反应。
ravages the ravages of something 〔某 二t八e阳日亡石On between meth刁ne and
力或它所造成的灾难。 Here ' tored the read 0to read about something读知
Academy after the ravages of the阅后得知。 lhadreadabouttheprocess
revolution他在革命大破坏之后重建了该学In novels我在小说中看到过这个过程。 0
院。 to read something as a particular thing
rave 0to rave against something or某事可理解为另一事物。 Thlsdr日wlng
at someone谴责。~e raved against could be read as an exemplar ofclas别ca /
the horro巧and brutall妙。 f war.他谴责了eXpre55ion.此画可看作古典表现的典型。 0
re ( OgnlZe

to read a meaning or quality into resen加ent rebounded on Cal他的脾气
something把本来没有的意思或特点塞和愤慨回弹在凯尔身上・公/越归aund / on
进去解释。 Itw日:户o55ible才0 read an the rebound ; on the rebound from
日dm巧slono沂de加at into hls words有可 someone失恋之后亿刻移晴别恋。弘e
能在他的话语中读出承认失败的态度。 Oto sho四ed af沂ectlon一wa , she on the
read up on a particular topic攻读某一 rebo " nd from Gareth尸她表现出温情是
主题。均ucanreaduponthetheo心 与加雷思失恋之后立刻移情别恋啦,
刁门dbere日dy匆rjt你可以攻读该理论,为rebuke to rebuke someone for doing
它作准备。 something责难某人0 wa : : he
readjust to readjust to a situation对某rebuking me for the亡为了ngs she had
一状况重新适应二the probjemo厂grown toco门dem门户她是在责备我做了她喜
readjusting tonormalll角调整到正 欢谴责的事情?
常生活的问题。 receive 0to receive something from
ready be ready for something准备好。 someone收到,领至{J 0 one用orningl
The electronlcs Ind皓抑画刀getblggera门d received a startling letter from hlm一天
we ' renotevenreadyforthat电子工业早上,我收到一封他寄来的信,该信令我吃
将扩展,而我们甚至未准备好。 Thejr crops了一I京。 otoreceivesomeoneintoan
would soon be ready for harvesting他们organization or society接纳某人进某
很快可以收割庄稼了。 一团体或社会。 Accordi门9 to custom , he
real for real认真地;严肃地。 It was had been received into his mothef , S
done . 1 was 。门m丫own for real事情办完 汀心e.根据习俗,他被接纳入母亲部落。
了。我真的自力更生了。 receptive be receptive to something
reality in reality实际上;事实上。 ln易于接受的。 Members ; hould be more
reality , lt , 5 a drea尽little town事买上,afert and receptive to theda夕,5 business
那是一个冷冷清清的小城。 会员应该提高警觉・迎接当天的业务。
reason 0a reason for something理rocipe a recipe fer a particular outco山e
由。 The caller gave no reason for the导致某结果的因素。 Add to this the
choiceo沂McDonald , 5 as a target打电话traffic problems , a门d you have a reciPe
to reason with someone说服某人。 l ' lj酿成灾难。
haveto陀aS0n with hlm to take a smalle厂recipient a recipient of something接
amount.我得说服他拿得少一点。 0 by受者。 He was the reciPient of斤ve
reason of something为了,由于某原honora今degrees他获得了五个名誉学位。
因。 They : eem / ; kely , b梦reason of reckon 0to reckon on or upon
political以pedlence . to move to the rlght something盼望,冀望。 Th即had not
他们似乎可能出于政治考虑而转向右倾。 O reCkoned on sucha匆ht他们没有料至,l这
within reason合理的;不过分。 you场战斗。 Otoreckonwithsomething
could buy as rna即Ietters as you wanted ,考虑到,重视。 LePe门proved he was
within reason只要合理你尽可以多买校stil / a勿庄e tobereckonedw行h勒朋证
牌。 明了自己仍为值得考虑的力量。 0 to
rebel / nb旦l八0 rebel against something reckon without something未考虑到,
反抗,造反。 In 1 956 , lan smith未重视某事。日utt为e夕had reckoned
拍七e刀匕dagainst山esritishGo四mment with0utMargaret ' 5determInation但他们
1956年,伊安・史密斯造了英国政府的反。 未重视玛格丽特的决心。
rebound 0 lr . b四nd / to rebound on recognize to recognize someone or
or upon someone某人产生反作用,回something as a particular thing承认某
报到自己身上。月15 temper and人或某事,认可。 They are asking和r
re ( 011

Ukra了nian to be recognized as ano偷启l了吗,Ofortherecord供记录在案;
la门guage他们要求认可乌克兰语成为官方语为准确起见。 For the record , l , d少叮t llke
言。 movemen朽尹月the wornb耐万c为to say亡hat 1 torally dI5agree with th尹5
mo : t mot八ers recognize as kick;门g dec巧Ion请记录我只想说我完全不赞成
多数母亲认为胎动为踢腿。 这项决定。
recoil to recoil at or from something recourse recourse to something求助・
畏缩,退缩。 Paren朽may recoil atth巧依靠。 Th即would glveu户de阴ocrat了c
be八avI0ur家长们会对这种行为退避三舍。 me亡八O此日nd take recou巧e to vlolence
He recoiled from mea门du甘eredasound 他们会放弃民主方式而依靠暴力。
。沂dlsg叮t他从我这里退缩并发出厌恶的声recover to recover from an illness ,
首“ disease , or unpleasant experience登
re ( omm6nd to recommend someone 原。 He never recovered from Vita ' 5
or something as something , or fora death他根本未从维塔去世的悲伤中恢复过
particular purpose推荐某人或某事物・ 来。 He亏stlll recovering from glandu治r
角e臼mbrlan Mountalns In central饰泊jes feve厂他的腺热还未彻底康复。
are recommendedascandida池forpark recovery recovery from an illness ,
5拍tus In the report威尔士中部的坎布里disease , or unpleasant experience ’恢
安山被报告推荐为公园预选区。 Th ey are复。 Her陀cove今from fatlgue hadbeen
unllkely to recommend students for raPid她迅速从疲劳中恢复过来・
unsuitable positlons他们不可能推荐学生做r6CrUit to recruit someone fora
不合适的职位。 particular purpose 〔为某一目的〕雇用
reconcile 0to reconcile one thingto某人。 It 15 becoming harder to recruit
or with another使接受。 It was on少th巧Iive今扣ungste巧for山e白rms雇用活跃的
四为ich reconciled hlrn to hls accldent只 小伙子干衣活日益困难。
有这样,他才接受了他身上发生的事故。 The recuperate to recuperate froma
difficultyo沂reconciling the needs of disease or illness复原,恢复。 HeiS
development with concern over the recuperating from ser尹ous hea / th
以户atnate communl妙发展的需要与对流万problems他正从严重的健康问题中恢复过
者的关心这两件事难以调和。公be recon - 来。
ciled to or with something甘心于,J烦reduce 0to reduce something from
从。 Th即were reconciled to higher one level to another把某物从某一水准
in terest rates他们甘厚接受更高的利率O 降低到另一水准。 The门umber Of
such views are not easlly reconciled with dance巧四日5 reduced from 48 to 32跳
lo门9一standing traditI0n这种观点不易与长舞人数从45人减少至.{ 32人。公to reduce
期的传统相调和。 0 be reconciledwith something to a particular state使某事
someone与某人重新和好。 Th即had物陷入到某一状态或状况中。 A门夕
gone back to their home town ' and had刃rvlvors wouldbequlcklyreducedtothe
been reconciledw夕th their均川Ilies他们 li份ofa hunte卜卯山e阳r幸存者很快沦为捕
都已回到家乡,与家人重归于好“ 猎拾荒者。
record / r旦k 。:d / 0 be on record as reduCtion a reduction in something or
saying something公开表明见解。 The of something缩减,降低。 ve甲份w
employers明re on reCord as sUpporting peop他agreed with日reductionin角“
the declsion to sc阳p the scheme雇主们极少数人同意降低收费。 the rede , Ction of
公开表明,支持废弃该计划的决定“ 0 be the prlso门po户ulatlon减少囚犯人数”
off the record不得引用的;非公开reek 0to reek of something or with
的。 Now that rem日rk was off the something发出难ltrJ的气味。 … a smal /
record , unde巧tand户这句话不准公开,听到 a介Iess theatre crammed with Ch刀dren and


reeking with户。户c以门挤满孩童、充game对我们这项运动的标准产生不良
满爆玉米花气味的小剧场令人透不过气来。 印象。 oonreflection纤再三考虑。
membe巧。沂t为e bench Who pa " down On reflectio几1 su户poseh巧tales arelust
se爪enc郎reeking of旧cla / bi韶法庭 tooold一均‘ hlo门ed经过老虑我断定他的谎
成员作出了充满种族偏见的判决。公areek 话太陈旧了。
of something浓烈气味・ The reek of refrain to refrain from doing something
para所门met为er nostri污浓烈的煤油味向她忍住。 Ablographe厂劝。 uldrefrainfrom
扑鼻而来。 judgement传记作家应少作:{判O
refer 0to refer to someone or refusal someone ' 5 refusal ofsomething
something说及・说到〔某人和某事〕;拒绝。 The refusal of a pardon ended
to refer to someone or something asa with Sln巧ter wo厂比拒绝给予赦免并以恶
particular kind of person or thing把某 言恶语告终。
人或某事叫做。丁为e ; peec八e ; t为at regale to regale someone with stories ,
勿jlo四ed referred to the ICe勿ndlc strlke jokes , anecdotes , and 50 on 〔用故事、
其后的演讲提及冰岛的罢工。 jim , 0门more 笑话、轶事等〕使人高兴。功e woman
than one occas了on referred to Alec as 阳g日Ied the山l / d with storl郎。 fpols 。门ed
Just plalnda介吉姆不止一次称阿列克为‘ ’傻splndles gla55s/甲pers , and malevolent
乎乎的” O公to refer someone to SteP一slste巧女人给孩子讲下毒的纺锤、玻璃
someone else将某人送交另一人。 If拖鞋、狠毒的异父姐妹的故事・逗他高兴。
necessa以students日re referred toa regard 0to regard someone or
印eclallst必郭寸将学生送交专家处理。 something as a particular thing把〔某
reference 0 reference to someone or人或某事〕当作。,八e re夕arded Mr
something提及0 she made no further Gorbachov as a mano沂great polit了cal
reference to F / onda她没有进一步提起佛courage.她把戈尔巴乔夫先生看作具有政治
罗里达州。公with reference to胆略的人物。 Th色e爪useums ought to be
something关于某事物。 Candidates regard晚d as being a unlque臼se这种博
should ' elect their options with物馆理应看作特例。 0 toregardsomeone
reference to thelr future courses考生应or something with a particular feeling
根据将来的课程作出科目选择“ 对某人或某事怀有某种感情。 The plan
refled 0to reflect on , over , or upon was regarded with considerable
something考虑,回想。.refleCfing on suspicion人们以十分怀疑的态度看待该计
the politI ' cal scene back at home考戈‘]。 0 regard for someone or
虑到祖国的政治形势。 Rod了门reflected something对〔某人、某事的)注意或关
Iong overo贷on ' 5日rgument.罗丹长6寸l间心。 The terrorlsts who pla门ted the bomb
考虑着卡松的论据。公to reflect on showedl才ttle regard for the Iocal
someone or something in a particular populatiDn放炸弹的恐怖分子根本不顾及当
way对〔某人、某事〕不利,使某人名地百姓。 0with regardtoaparticular
声受影响0 An夕lapselnhere所clen印thing ; in regard to a particular thing
would reflect badly on hlm她的效率一有关于;对于。 Great care needs to be
降低,便会有损于他“ taken with regard toh店coaching role .
refledion 0a reflection of something对于他的辅导作用需要大加关注。
反映,反射・ The group性tl亡lewa : an dl加rences betwee门nati 。门5 . especlally
accurato reflection of what they stood in regard to the presenceo沂trooPs on
fo厂该小组的称号准确地反映了他们的主张。 山elr terrltory各国的差另小尤其是关于
公a reflection on or upon someone某 其领土上的驻军。
事情给人以不好的印象。 adeP ? ing regress to regress to a particular state
reflection on the standard of Our退化,倒退。弘ehadtogetoutbe汤re

劲eregressedto川后门cy她只得出来,以Were badlystra们ed两国关系十分紧张・ O
免退化成婴儿。 the relation of one thing to another 〔-
reimburse to reimburse someone for 事物与另一事物的〕关系。 t八e
something给某人报销某物・ on沙a fel日tion Of mus尹C to the emotiO门5
角w SC八00污reimburse亡八ec为aln刀an for 音乐与感}青的关系。 Oinrelationto
h巧Orher以户e门5郎只有少数学校给董事长a particular subject ; with relation toa
报销费用。 particular subject关于某一主题,与某
reinforce to reinforce an object with一主题有关。厂邵earch in relationtO
something加强加固0 1 had not food consumptlon有关粮食消费的研
thought ofreinforcing the hand / e 5 with究。 a system ofcauseande能ctwith
/ e athe厂,我没有想到用皮革加固手柄。 relation to parental日pproval关于家
rejoice to rejoice in something高兴。 长同意的因果系统。
Ha / l faxca门倒OICe in a convlnclng vlcto年relationshiP a relationship with
哈利法克斯可以为令人信服的胜禾l]而高兴。 someone or something , ora
relapse lrll士psl to relapse intoa relationship between two people or
particular state退回到原来或更坏的状things关系。 The effects on召ritajn , s
态。 He relapsed into drea卿silence他relationshiP with和日jn could on扮be
陷入到梦幻般的沉默。 posltlve.对英国与西班牙的关系的影响只会是
relate 0to relate one thing to another积极的。 … the relationshiP between
将某一事物与另一事物相联系。 PuPI污parents and chlldren家长与孩子的关
need to relate whatth即leam atschool 系。
totheirowneXperlenc ".学生需要将学校rel口Xation the relaxation of a rule or
的课本知识与自己的经历联系起来。公to law , or a relaxation in a rule or law(对
relate to a particular subject与某一主规则或法律的〕放松、松弛。 Captaln
题有关。二aquestiont九atrelatesto加rle felthecouldperm ; th ; mselfasllght
electrici尔二涉及电的问题。 A thjck black relaxation of attitude伊姆里队长觉得
Iine was drawn through words and可以允许自己稍微松弛一下。 ageneral
passages relatingtO分/Vla.涉及西尔维亚relaxation in childd巧c甲Iln巴…对孩子
的词语与段落都划上了粗黑线。 0 torelate管教方面普遍放松。
to people与人相处。 Children mus亡relay . lril丝八0 relay an idea or
learn to relate to other children儿童必须 opinion to someone向某人转达或传
学会与其他孩子相处。 Patients needto角ej播OTh即have relayed their viewsto
that they can relate to the outside world Membe巧of Parliame门t他们己经把自己的
病人需要感到可以与外界交往。 观点向议员们转达。 1 relayed Alj ' 5
relat6d be related to someone or assUrances about犯fe妙to them.我转达了
something和某人或某事有关,有亲戚阿里对于他们安全的保证。公l选lelz / in
关系。 one membero沂the Government relays轮班。 The ch , ldren at ourschool
夕护日5 rela加d to a sen才or member of the have to be fed in two relays我们学校的
ICRC一位政府成员与红十字国际委员会的高 孩子们得分两班吃饭。
级委员有亲戚关系。 Russiana厅叭旧5 cIO5ely release 0to release someone froma
related to soc心1 and polltical change俄place or duty释放,解脱某人或某事
罗斯艺术与社会政治变革密切相关。 物。月ewa ; released from custo即i门
relation 0relations with someone or昆brua今他于二月份获释。 Thls releases
between two groups of people交往 the阴from pe巧onal re甲。门;Ibjli尔这样就
关系・丫our relations wit力t为e免除了他们的个人责任。 0 release from
opposite sex你与异性的关系。 aplaceorduty从某地出来或从某一职
Relations bet侧甘een the tvvo Cou门tries 位上下来。 an old四oman , 5 relea ' e

介。 mamen妇lh 。印ita/老太太从精神something评论。 M巧;凡旧n remarked
病院出来。 Provis旧n was阴ade fora on the excellen 〔 eo厂h巧Engllsh瑞安小姐
release from employment对下岗作了规 说他的英语很棒。
定。 0 on release发行。 Geo厂厂remedy a remedy for a disease , illness ,
sro即n污sejec臼ono沂{l / ms川London and orproblem疗法、药物、解决某事的方
on release acrOS , the cDun呼乔夫 法。 aremedyforarthrlt巧关节炎
布朗在伦敦选定的电影,全国发行。 的厅法。胡i万tarys口p户ort no / onger
relegate to relegate someone or suPP / Ie5 a remedy for po/了tl臼Id廊ent.军
something to a particular state使〔某 队的支持不再能够解决政治异见。
人、某事物〕降级。功巧relegated山e rem6mber to remember someone to
cleig夕to the stat叮。厂amateu巧这就使教another person代某人向另一人问好・
士贬低到业余地位・功es叩re川a卿。 f山e Don ' t forget to remember me to your
Afrlkaner方belng relegatedtoachapter father另l]忘了代表我向令尊大人问好。
inh巧to今布尔人优越地位正被贬为历史书的remembrance 0 remembrance of
―军。 something or someone纪念,回忆。
relevant be relevant to a particular a plctor夕a / remembrance of our
subject与某一主题相关的。 one印eec八tr / P我们旅行的纪念照片。公In
sta门比。 utasbelnghlgh加relevantto山e remembrance of someone为纪念〔死
pol / tax有一场演讲令人注目,它大谈人头者〕 。咫ople trled tot为row tributesin
税。 remembrance of the了r dead relatlves人
reliance reliance on or upon something们试图为死去的亲戚献祭。
依赖某事物。 reliance on nUclear remind 0to remind someone of
e门e飞沙・ ・依赖核能。 someone or something提醒某人,使某
reliant be reliant on or upon something人想起02日51 ' ; p ; cture ; mmediately
依靠。 The pollce are阳Iiantonthegood reminded阴e ofyou扎西的照片立即使我
画刀ofthepubllc警察依靠公众的好心。 想起了你。 The damp greysklesremind . d
relief relieffromsomethingunpleasant me of Ma门cheste ‘朝湿灰蒙蒙的天空令我
〔某一痛苦或焦虑的〕减轻,解除。想起了曼彻斯特。公to remind someone
such practical孔tivl妙wasa / lg ht relief about something提醒某人某事。 He
斤。 macademlcvVork这种实践活动可spent fjvem了nutes reminding one
稍微减轻学术工作的重担。 印eaker abouth巧last SPeech,他花了五分
relieve to relieve someone of钟提醒一位演讲者记住自己上一次的讲演。
something解除、减轻某人某一负担。 r6minis ( e to reminiscC sboUt
钟户mustre方evet八em of the burden of something缅怀过去,话旧。八mong
debt我们必须解除他们的债务负担。 th " e reminisCin夕about the early押a巧
rely to rely on or upon someone or was Keith TOPley缅’}不过去的人士中有基
something依靠。 Th即rely on万rewood思・托普利。
for cooking.他们依靠木柴烧饭。 reminis ' ent be reminiscent of
remains the remains of something残something or someone使人回想或联想
余、遗迹、遗体・ the remains Ofa起某事。 a sme / 1 reminis ' ent of
medleval priory中世纪修道院的遗迹・ cats令人联想起猫的气味。 a sofo
Flremen discovered the remains ofa p了ece that was reminiscent of
human body消防队发现了一个人的遗体。 。 peland.令人回想起科普兰的独唱曲。
remand on remand关押中。沙妞have remonstrate to remonstrate with
one cllent on remandatajocal户rlson我someone对某人提出抗议。 DaVId could
们有一位当事人正被关押在当地监狱。 not be / ie ve jt , and remonstra拒d with
remark to remark on or upon her大卫无法相信它,便对她提出抗议。

remote be femote fF0m SOmC0llC Of repay to repay someone for doing
something与〔某人或某事物〕遥远的,something报答某人的某事物・ we
久远的。补eo勺a月亿日tlonh刁:become onjy hope we can repay you for the
remote fromt八e membe巧该组织已经脱plea , " re you haveg尹ven口5我们只希望报
离其成员。 答你给我们带来的快乐。
ren飞OVe to feIT ' l0Ve SomeoflC Or repeal the repeal ofalaw撤销,取消。
something from a place将某人或某物 the repeal oft为e 〔 orn亡aws矛n
从某处移开・日eremovedacardfrom 78461846年废除《谷物法》 。
八巧户ocket.他从口袋里取出一张名片。 repent to repent of something对所做
removed be removed from something某事感到痛心・ God,八ow劲e repented
与某事远离的,与某事不一样。 He污of her sel乔rlghteous门e ,,上帝呀她多么
均r removed from Catho / I c teachings他 痛悔自己的自以为是啊。
已远离天主教教诲。 The scene四日5 50me repentance repentance for something
way removed from the idyj / he ' d 〔对某事的〕忏悔・ a获,ng repen -
仰agl门e己此晴景与他想像的田园风光颇为不怕nce forh巧bl日sphemous utterances
同。 他忏悔自己的裹读言论。
r6ndezvous a rendezvous with replace 0to replace one thing with
someone与某人的约会。 She均,led to another thing替换某事物;to be
keep a rendezvous with hlrn earlier in replaced by another thing被某事物替
the evening她没有去赴他傍晚的约会。 换。 … plans to replace a forest withan
rendition a rendition of something表 alrPOrt砍伐森林兴建机场的计划。 The !
演。 An uncertal门rendition of The bell夕ullhadbeenreplacedbyabuzzer
Internationa / e was drowned by the拉铃被电铃取代了。公to replace
loudspeakers不坚定的《国际歌》歌声被扩someone as something以某某身份接
音器的声音所淹没。 替某人。 vac / a vHavel污toreplaceDr
renege to renege on an agreement or Husak as presldent瓦克接夫哈维尔将接
promise违背诺言,食言。八沂ter only替胡萨克博士任总统。
three months , he has reneged on all hls replacement a replacement for
commi加le门朽tore的八刀仅仅三个月之后 something or someone代替物,代替
他就违背了所有的改革诺言。 者。.pote门tial replacements for fossll
renowned be renowned for something fue / s ・矿物燃料的潜在替代物。 ldon ' t
著名的。夕rPe拍r巧renow月ed for hls see hlm as a replacement for David.我看
charm and ' ense ofhumour彼得爵士以魅他不能代替大卫。
力和幽默感著称。 replica a replica of an object复制品。
rent for rent供出租。了沁enty一斤ve per四白have a replica of hls death mask我
cento沂the hous郎are for rent百分之二 们有他死后面模的复制品。
十五的房子供出租。 reply 0to reply to someone or to
renun ( i口tion the renunciation ofa something答复・回答。月e would
belief or method放弃。 a forma /阳ply to the Ietter later ; n the week他会
renuncia石on of拍厅。 rlsm ・正式放弃恐在后半周回信。公a reply to a question
怖活动。二the renunciation of the or challenge 〔对某一难题或质询的〕回
fon刀allstt阳dltIO门放弃形式主义传统。 答。 There阴5 no印ec;厅c reply to the
repair beyond repair无法修理;无法questio门该问题没有具体的答案。 Oto
补救。角即need rnon即to爬,tore the reply with a particular response以行
church before it尹5 damaged beyond动作答复。月eshotA山ma9lance ' who
阳pair.他们需要资金修复该教堂,免得它破阳pliedM厅纳a shrug of the shoulders.他
贝文得无法修理。 朝亚当看一眼,后者耸耸肩作为回答。 Oin

reply ; in reply to someone or t00mlld她有时责备我太温和。 Dld you
something作为对某人或某事的答复。 corjne herejust to reproach me withmy
IreCe了VedamUffledshout角阳ply我得 taC亡/essne55尸你来此就是为了责备我不圆
到的回答是一声压低的喊叫。/have nothlng 滑?
tO , ayinreplytoyourqu " t了on.对你的I司reProve to reprove someone for
题我无话可说。 something责备、指岁、某人。 she
report 0 to report on or upona阳proved oarrell for八巧part In功e alfalr
particular subject做报告二to report 她指责达热尔参与此事。
back on a particular subject宇l一报。 she repugnant be repugnant to someone
had repo戌ed on covert ac亡了Vitl " against令人厌恶的。 The ldea 15 repugnantto
为ergovernme门亡她就反政府的秘密活动作了Bntish门。 tIo邢。沂{al厂play这主意与英国人
报告。 Attend才he meet子ng and report的公平比赛观念格格不入。
back ont自eir activ了t了es去参加会议吧,回repute of repute名声好的。月e was
来汇报他们的活动0 0 toreportsomeone oneo沂on扮17docto巧ofinternatlonal
or something to someone else将某人repute他是享有国际声望的十七位名医之
或某事告发给另一人。 He reporfedh巧
斤iend to the Inland Revenue for not request 0a request for something要
payl门9 hlsta肥5.他向国税局举报了朋友逃求,请求。 urgent requests for
税0 Morecrlme巧no四阳po时edtothe he / P,・紧急求救。 Oonrequest一经
p 。阮e现在向警方的报案数量有增加。 0 to要求。 we wll / provlde clients wit九
report to someone ; to report back to trans角r勿rms on阳quest客户过户单可以
someone将所调查的人或事物的情况向向我们索取0 oatsomeone ' srequest
某人做口头或书面报告。 The consultant应某人的请求。 The bujlding夕oing up
p分chiatrist repo戊edto山e board on hIS now will be named , at the donor ' s
conduct咨询精神分析师向委员会报告了他request the Margaret Thatcher臼ntre
的举止0 Heaskedh巧offlclalstoreport根据捐赠者的请求,正在建设的大楼将命名
back to hlm他请求他的官员们向他汇报。 为玛格丽特撒切尔中心。
represent to represent one thing as require to require something fora
another将某一事物说成是另一事物。 particular pu甲Ose因某一目的而需要某
他被说成是外国人。 Thes扫te can bere - for entrance入学资格一览表。
presented as the enemy国家可以被说成r . Semblan ' e a resemblance to
是敌人。 something or hetween two things与某
representation a representation ofa事相像,两事物相像。 Ga甲bearsa
person , thing , or event表现。 a stro门gresemblancetoh巧father盖利极
b川118nt theatrlcairepresen份tion of the像他父亲。
events leading upto山e war酝酿战reservation 0with reservations ;
争的各种事件的精彩戏居]表现。 with reservation有保留地。 1 woujd
representative be representative of treat with reservatfon日nyone , S work
something有代表性的。 Arep日rt丫whenth即have an才nterest才n丽atth即
members representati资of乙abour are promoting.任何人在促销商品中有权益
voters尸党员能代表工党选民吗, 的,我会有保留地处理他们的工作・ O
reproach to reproach someone for without reservation无保留的。 asex
Something or with something由于某Unive乃i妙would be oneo沂the oPtion5I
事责备某人・ she reproac九ed八,m for 四Ouldrecommend " , i thout那esery日灯。门.
the tactlcs he used.她责备他用的计策。功e 埃塞克斯大学是我无保留地推荐的选择之
明uld sometimes rpproa动me forbeinq


reserve in reserve储存・留以备用。 dra , tlc actI0ns党的官员采取了更激烈的行
hundredso厂policew了th troop , in 动。
reserve数百名警察还有预备队军人。 resound to resound with noise回声。
reside to reside in a place or thing 〔权A加厂the爬cjta乙the八al / reS0unded with
力〕归于或属于某人・ Real power applause独奏会结束了掌声响彻大厅。
resid铂s角the worksh叩and on theo所ce respect respect for someone or
fj00r买权属于工场和科室。 something尊敬。 one gro陌to have the
residence in residence驻于某处。 Hls hlghest respect fort八邵e thfee artjs朽人
bandls仍resid冶nce at Ronn吧scott , 5a / / 们渐渐对这三位艺术家十分崇敬。
四eek他的乐队整个星期都驻于罗尼斯各特respite a respite from something
家。 unpleasant新,l寸的缓解或jjk松。.a
resident be resident in a place定居某brie沂respite from the daily日r才了l / ery
地0 the pro ; ecutjono厂war crjmina / 5 attac舫.每日炮击中间的短暂停歇。
resident inth巧country对定居本国的resplendent resplendent in a particular
战犯起诉。 outfit or style辉煌的,华阴的。.To即
resign 0to resign as someone ; to G阳19 resPIendentl ' nboater , blazer.口门d
resign from a particularjob , position , tie托尼・克雷格光彩照人・带船工草
or organization辞职。 slx妙per cent帽、穿西便装,有领带。 Thes扫blewa '
thought it was亡ime she resigned as resplendent in decora才了ve Yorkshire
leader of the Party百分之六十的人认为, sto门e马厩很华丽・用了约克郡的装饰石料。
是她辞去党魁职务的时候了。 Mike was respond to respond to someone with
asked to resign from the cornmittee迈something or by doing something以
克被要求辞去委员职务。 0 to resign某事或某种方式对某人作出反应。付。
yourself to something unpleasant听matter how eXPerie门ced you are , you
从,J顷从,接受。 sunderla " d can阳spondto日ne门th叮Iastlc crowd.不管你
resign themselves to staying in the经验多么丰富,也会对热情的人群作出反应
义co门do诊vI5lO门森德兰队可以接受乙级队待 的。二陀sponding wifh del叮ht汕en八e
遇。 tickles heru门der the chln他挠她的颈
resigned be resigned to something项,引起高兴的反应。丁he militia
unpleasant容忍某事。丁he了seem re印ondedby : hoot ; ng and throwing
resigned to queueing允r vege妇ble ; and tear - gas.民兵的反应是开枪・扔催泪瓦斯。
fruit.他们似乎已容忍排队买蔬菜水果的现responS6 In responsc or In response
状。 to something反应0 Ma了1 make two
resistan ' 6 resistance to someone or points仍re印onseto训/Il / iam Hudson污
something反又、 l 、阻止、抵抗O letter户我能否针对威廉哈得逊的来信作两
二resistance to changes jn govern - 点反应呢?
men亡反对政府变动的力量。 5tF(巧5 can responsibility responsibility for an
causelo四er resistance toln陌ctlo门压力 event , situation , or decision对某事负
可降低对感染的抵抗力。 责。八new organlzat , on has claimed
resolve to resolve something into阳sp0nsIbiIl ' ty for the bomb一个新组织
different parts分解,解析。 What 1 did已声称对炸弹负责。阳spon ' ibility for
was resolve this force into its coverlng emergencle夕负责采访紧急事
compo门ents,我所做的是将这个力量分解 务。
为各成分。 responsible 0be responsible for
resort to resort to an unpleasant or something or someone对某事、某人负
unpopular action采取某一手段应急・责。 … the person resPon ' ible forh台
The party offlcials resorted to more death ・应对他的死负责的人。功e角e七


responsible for the glrl亏moral wel角re singlekl门do厂food不要只吃一种食品。
她觉得应对那女孩的道德生活负责。公be restriction a restriction on something
responsible to a person or group对某or someone 〔对某事或某人的〕限制・
人或某团体负责・ ought the Pre55勿be restrictions on pe巧onal freedom
in some way reSPonsible to the publlc尸 对人身自由的限制。
新闻界应不应该在某种程度上对公众负责,result 0 to result in a particular
responsive be responsive to someone outcome结果,导致。 The talk '
or something反应热烈的・ The resulted in an agreeme门t会谈后达成了
object产ve污tom日ke the heal才h servlce协议。公to result from a particular
rjnore resP0nsive to patle门ts目标是使保action or event由某事物引起。 Four -
健服务对病人的需要回应更迅速。 厅fth ; o沂the斤re damage resulted frorn
rest 0be at rest休息;静止。 The Incendla甲bomb价9五分之四的火灾由燃烧
interchangeo沂oX丫gen 15 twenty tlmes 弹引起。
greater when the body污at rest身体休retail to retailataparticularprice以某
启、时,氧气交换扩大了二十倍。公to rest一价格零售。 These劲。 es normally retail
on or upon a person or thing在于,依atf了85口这种鞋的零售价通常为1 850英
赖。 The Wholee用phas污res加d uPon镑。
the need fora : mall , c / osely - knitPa即整reticent be reticent about something
个重点就在于对小型、密切结合的党的需 对某事保持沉默。 Five " ars later劲e
要。 Engla门d , 5 wealth rested on wool.英retUrned , reticentaboutheradventUres ・
格兰的财富取决于羊毛。 0 to restwith五年后她回来了,对自己的冒险只字不提。
someone归于,取决于。八uthority retreat 0to retreat into an attitude or
rested " , i th the doctors 。沂the Unive巧ity , belief退入。 People with eating
门ot the teachers权威属于大学的博士们,而disorders retreat into the才r co川pulslan .
不是教师。 患进食紊乱的人被迫从事强迫行动。 0 to
restore 0to restore something to retreat from something放弃,撤退。
someone将某物归还给某人。丁he了Mr Parkinson seems to have retrea扭d
cal / ed沂or steps to restore 50Viet介。 m thisoptlon沁rthemoment.帕金森
citizenshlP to Ale舫a门drs 。/zh eni铆n他们先生似乎暂时放弃了这个选择。
呼吁采取措施,恢复索尔仁尼琴的苏联国retrospect in retrospect回顾。以书
籍。 0 to restore something toa that , in retrosPect , rea / / y wlse尸回过来
previous state or condition使某事物恢 看,那样做真的明智吗,
复到原先的状态。.a Cha爬rwhichwill return 0to return something to
restore penslone巧to a positiono沂someone将某物还给某人。 One man
equality.将使领养老金者恢复平等地位returned hls coPy to the compa叮下个
的特许状。 人将他那本还给了公司。 0 to return
restrain to restrain someone from something to a particular place , to
doing something抑制某人做某事。 return someone to a particular post or
ano川er restraining the councll from position将某物放回某地;选举某人任
readvertising the p05t.制止委员会重新某职位。 The夕aks were returned to
刊登此职位招聘厂告的命令。 the wild.耗牛被放回了大自然野外。功e
restrict to restrict someone or electorate伦turned Mr Mugabe to power
something to a particular activity or in theelections.选民选举穆加贝先生上台执
thing限制,约束〔某人或某事〕 政。 0 to return to a particular place ,
0庄为est阳5四为Ich restrict themselvesto activity , or subject回到某处、某项活
Mozarta门d Ha州n只演奏莫扎特和海动或某一主题中来。 He白ced djsm哪日l
顿的乐队。 Don ' t restrict your dlet toa ifhe佗tumedtOA盯tra / la他若回到澳大

利亚,就要面临解职・ the门umber of 的情形正好相反・ 0 in reverse ; into
women returning to a career回到职reverse相反;反之。 The tF8nd勺r free -
业上的妇女人数・ 0the return of旧nge eggs内as gone into reverse喜欢
something归还・ The mother made日门 自由放养场鸡蛋的潮流已经逆转。
erjnotlonalp / ea勿r the return ofherchl / d reversion reversion to a particular
母亲动情地请求孩子的归来・ 0 areturnto method , activity , or subject回复・ a
a particular subject or activity[团复 reversion to户re一sclent尹汀c att了tudes
复辟。 Mr Mazllu promlsed there would 回复到近代科学发展之前的态度。
be noret " rn to commu门Ism马支鲁先生revert to revert to a former state ,
保证不回复到共产主义。 There wll / bea condition , or subject回至IJ原来的状态、
retum to concern勿r EUropean securlty条件、内容上来。 Th e Eu厂。 pean
人们将重新关心欧洲的安全。 oinreturn 内rl了amentv切jl阳vert to a consu / tatlve
作为报复。尸e apprec , ated my assembly欧洲议会将回复到协商会议制。
frle门dliness and liked me in retum他欣 Can 1 reve廿to one other polnt before
赏我的友善・也喜欢上了我。 you CO门tinueZ你继续讲下去之前,我能回复
reunited be reunited with someone与 到另一个问题吗?
某人团聚。 shewa ; treated at ho印ital , review under review在检查中;在审
where she was reunited with her 查中。丁he夕agreed to keep the : e
mothe厂她得到住院治疗・并与母亲团聚了。 develoPments under revie以他们同意跟
reveal to reveal something asa 进这些发展情况。
particular thing暴露为。 H污gaie妙had revolt to revolt against someone or
阳ve日Iedi朽elfasam日nlc角arofsolitUde something反抗。 Heu勺ed the publlcto
他的快乐暴露为对孤独的狂躁恐惧。 revOlt against food ratlo门Ing他鼓动公众
revel to revel in a situation or activity反抗食品配给。
十分爱好,着迷。月e revelledinh污revolve to revolve around something
new role as ph 。句graphe厂他着迷于做摄影or round something绕某物旋转0 The !
师的新角色。 ta庆5 rev0Ivedaroundoroblems ・厂ea了andi
revelation a revelation to someone 〔某Invented会议围绕着真实的和不真实的问题:
人的〕新发现・ It was a revelation to进行。 ‘ ;
thO5e Of usw内O动d not think he had itin rhyme to rhyme with another word与{
hlm to attack他竟然会出手攻击,我们中许 另一词押韵。 she calledh , m GuPPy , to '
多人都没有想到,真是大开眼界。 角yme " , i幼pup砂她叫他戈皮,与小狗帕;
revenge 0to revenge yourself on皮押韵。;
someone向某人报仇。亏he will rich be rich in something or with ;
revenge hersel沂on由ose whohelPed hlm something富于。 The leaves contain
escape.她会对帮他逃跑的人进行报复。公Iittle protein but are rich in fibre树叶所,
revenge against someone for含蛋白质很少,但纤维素很丰富。二astone
something为某事向另11人报仇O patio richwi幼山e scento沂laven由:。 nd !
spontaneous revenge agalnst the ro5 “ …石砌阳台上充满了薰衣草与玫瑰花:
police二对警察的自发报复。 intenton 香。
getting revenge for her defeat in the rid 0to rid someone or something of
semi一斤nal.她打算在半决赛中报一箭之something使某人、某事物摆脱0 Itis
仇。 difflcult to rid clothes of cooking smells
reverse 0the reverse of something去掉衣服上的烹调气味很难・ The par妙stil /
〔相反的〕事物,〔与预期相反的〕事 needs to rid itsej厂of anti一万emltiC
物。 The dela外were the reverse Of the tendenoes党仍然需要排除反犹太倾向。.
sjtuatI0n which used to exlst.拖延与过去 beridofsomeoneorsomething摆脱。

It was wonder沂ul才0 be rid of thelr
Thefl巧te胡]o , 10门riPped through the
compan夕at / ast终于摆脱他们的陪同,真不shp ' 5 cabln.第一次爆炸撕裂了船舱・
错。 ripe be ripe for a change of some kind
riddled be riddled with something严时机成熟,准备就绪・功e厂ePubllcwa :
重影响或侵袭。 acl妙riddledwi幼riPe for a vlolent uprls们g该共和国武装起
rac泊l帕nsl ’ 。门5一个种族矛盾紧张的城 义的时机已经成熟。
巾O ripple a ripple of sound or a particular
rife be rife with sornething(不好的事emotinn像涟漪般起伏的声音或思绪。
物〕充满着。 ’ The academ , c world , ' he The audience reg巧tered了朽尹nterest with
sa ; d bitterly , ' , 5 rife with jealou分and ariPpleofap户/a use听众一阵掌声,表达
Ingratltude ’他没好气地说,‘学术界充斥着了浓厚的兴趣。 The tour caused a riPp拒
妒忌和忘恩负义。 of印ecu白tI0n此行引起了一阵猜测。
rifle to rifle through a collection of rise 0to rise above something有能力
things搜索・ the task of rifling处理某事。 1 was abje to fise above the
thro " gh thep爬5盯rubb巧h to find the决pre55ing and threatenlng solltude.我克
fortu门e在垃圾堆里找财富的任务。 服了令人沮丧而颇具威胁性的孤独感。 Oto
rift 0a rift with someone or a rift rise from a group of people出现0
between two people or groups不和, 口〕 eers ands内outso厂alarn刁rose from the
裂缝。.仰为gtohealtheri斤叭厅泊thelr SPectato巧观众中发出致呼和警觉的喊声。
followers …他们试图与追随者修好。 It 0 to rise from one level to a higher
had been nine夕ea巧since she had seen level从某一水平上升到更高水平。
her brothel , as a result ofa汀台bet的吧en Inflatlon rose from 5 . 5 percenttO6 . 3
them她与兄弟闹僵之后,已经有九年没见面通货膨胀从5 . 5%上升到63%。 0a rise
了。 2 ariftlnagroup裂缝,不和。 in the rate or amount of something某
. thegrowl门griffintheparty ・党内事物比率或数量的_[升。角15 alloweda
不和日益严重。 slow rise in house pric ".这允许房屋价格
dght be right for someone or something缓慢攀升Q 0 the rise ofaparticular
〔对某人或某事〕合适的,恰当的;the thing某事物的兴起。亡he爪e ofa
right thing for someone or something h四emanagerlalclass.庞大的管理阶层
对某人或某事合适的事。 The course he的兴起。
力adch仍en沁n夕ea巧ago had provedto risk at risk冒险;at the risk of
be right for hlm他在十年前所选择的道路something冒某种危险。 The level of
证明是正确的。 The decISlo门wasce内Inly demand will伯11 , putting more jobs at
the right one for Allan Lamb.对于艾伦・ 对‘ k需求水平将降低威胁到更多的工作岗
兰姆来说,该决定当然正确。 位。,. , ensurlng sh 。厅一term survlvalatthe
rigours the rigours ofsomething严峻。力污介oflo门g一term ruln.冒长期毁灭的风
二the rigours ofAn刀夕Ii角严峻的军 险去保证短期生存。
旅生活“ road 0 by road在公路边;由公路。
r 1 ng 0 to ring for someone or A newradarwasdes户atchedbyroad由
something按铃要某人来或需要某物。公路运去了新雷达。公the road toa
He rang for Tfscy and asked , ‘四为at ' s particular place or state通往某处或某
四阳ng with DavlsZ ’他按铃要特蕾西来,}司种状态的路。.theroadtounlty通
她,“戴维斯怎么啦” ’公to ring witha向团结之路。 0 on the road在旅途中。
sound响着某种户万音。 a barn that Iv阳5 st]厅af加rseven内ou巧on theroad
rang witht八e crie , o沂geese and我在旅途中花了七个小时,筋疲力尽了。 O
turke外鹅与火鸡鸣叫的谷仓“ be on the road to a particular place pr
rip to rip through something冲破。 state趋向某处或某一状态。 Robe厂t5

一灰复过程之中。 亲争吵。角e / a , tthlngm历亡of泊emwant
roar to roar with an emotion or feeling todolsrowovermo门ey他们大多不愿意
such as pain or laughter痛得大叫;放为金钱而争吵・公arowwithsomeone
声子大笑。 Th e crowd roared with or hetween two people about
以户ecta门cy人群满环期待地喧哗着。 something or over something就某事
rob to rob someone of something抢与人的争吵或两人。 J的争吵。八厂tera
劫,剥夺・周ot八,ng canro七为lmo,力巧row with hls paren污h巧伯the厂/o cked
place Inh巧tO甲as山ewl门ner.他作为冠军h爪门。 “ to沂the ho比e他和父母争吵,父亲
的历史地位是无法剥夺的。 便将他锁在家门外・ a bac衍tage row
room 0 to room with someone与某人bet , veen crltlc and author评论家与
同住一室。 At寿巧tlroomedwithLanl , 作者之间的幕后争吵。 a row abo " t
but then she moved to as子ngle f / at.起初leaks to an Amenc日n ne四甲ape厂关于
我与雷尼同住一室但她后来搬到了单身公向美国报纸泄露消息、的争吵・ On胎turd即
寓。公room for someone or something there was a row over Mr ye / tsin ' s
余地。 The re : ult ; showed there wa : broadcas亡在星期六,就叶利钦先生的广播讲
room for Impro阳ment结果显示,仍有改 话引起了争吵。
进余地0 Hereslgnedtomakeroomfor rudiments the rudiments of a subject
日younger man他辞职了・为年轻人腾出位基础原理。 Lo hadpjen妙。厂tlme toplck
置“ up the rudiments of drlvl门9.洛有时间学
root to root for someone支持某人。 习驾驶基础知识。
Our edltorla / frien比were all rooting for rule 0to rule over a country or group
us.我们的编辑朋友都支持我们。 of people治理,统治。八n old man
rooted be rooted in a particular ruled over the val / ey一个老人统治着山
tradition or belief植根于。 Education谷。公to rule on a particular problem
cannot be rooted in sentiment andgood or situation对某事作出裁决。 The
四巧hes.教育不能植根于感情与良好愿望。 A叻letlcsA巧oclation has夕et to rulean
rope to rope one thing to another用绳h污eliglbility田径协会尚未对他的参赛资格
将一物与另一物系住。 Hea叮;tones作出裁决。 0 to rule against someone
were roped to a fllmsylro门ro 。派用绳索or something否决某人或某事。 The
将沉重的石块绑在铁皮屋顶上。 judge 15 about to rule against the
rough be rough on someone 〔对某人Govemment identl妙card scheme.法官准
来说〕不愉快的,不幸的。 The pasttwo备否决政府的身份证计划。
years have been aw角/ly rough on him rumour a rumour of something or
过去两年对他来说太苦了。 about something谣言。 The mother
round to round on someone痛骂或攻had heard a rumour of Inapproprla诊e
击某人。 He rounded on critl " o沂the sexual beha冈Ou厂母亲已听说不正当性行为
health se门刀ce阳勿邝门s他抨击医疗服务改革 的谣言。 arU们nouraboutuna " thoriZed
的批评者。 bombings …关于未授权轰炸的谣传。
rouse to rouse someone to a particular run 0to run at a particular level处
action使某人活跃起来。 We ; te : n于Oln { Ia tlon 15 runn加9 at 10 to 14 per
叩Inlon协曰5 。门夕roused to actlon勿the cent通货膨胀率为10%至14%。公toru力
enslavlngo沂凸rI5tlan ‘西方舆论听说奴役基across someone巧遇〔某人〕 。 1 ke印
督徒・反而起来行动了。 runninga ' rossl刀夕。/d , tuden朽.我不断
row / r丝/0to row with someone碰至I]以前的学生。 0 to run after
about something or over something在someone or something追赶〔某人、某
某一事情上与人争吵。 she neverro陇d物〕 。 People threw女lc七at thetro中

carrle巧and ran after them on foot人们the me动臼/帕nt跑步抬着担架从直升飞机冲
向运兵车扔棍子并奔跑着追赶它们。 向医厅帐篷。
al四ays thesame , al四a外runn仍gafter rush 0 to rush someone into doing
, ucce贷依然如此,总在追逐成功・ O something ; to rush into something冒
to run into problems遇到麻烦。 冒失失做某事。 Brjt巧八stee / h日ve made
O沂f了c了als satd the才alksh日d run into 了tc / ear that they are not going to be
dl所cultl邵官员说会谈遇到了麻烦。 0 to rushed into a dea/英国钢铁公司已明确表
run into a particular amount达到某一示,他们不准备仓促达成交易。 7he only
量0 EXactca : " al妙{Ig uresarenot女nown , ad训ce the以pertsagreeon巧nottorush
bUtth即run into八u门dreds确切伤仁人数intoan厂hjn夕专家们唯一一致的建议是,不
尚不清楚但已知有好几百。 0 to run要冒失行事。 0 arushforsomething
over someone撞倒。四e almost ran 〔对货物的〕大量急需。 ther " sh for
over a fox that was crosslng the road我。 llshares …抢购石油股票・ Oinarush
们差点撞倒一头过马路的狐狸。 0to run急急忙忙。 Chance / lor Ko八1 15 in a rush
through a list , task , or amount of to万naliZe the detal污科尔总理急急忙忙要
money匆匆看过、处理、花光。 He 定下细节。
proceeded to run throughh了5 listo沂
A rabella ran through a polished
爬pertOlre 。厂刃n必阿拉贝拉唱了一批优雅 S
的歌曲。 Otorunawaywithsomeone
感情完全控制某人。 Don ' t let your Sabbatical on sabbatical 〔大学教授
emotlons run away with you你不要感情的〕休假。 Th即wereb , ochemlsts on
用事。 otorunoutofsomething某物sabbatical.他们是度假的生物化学家“
用光OEnglishHentagehaverunoutof sacred be sacred to a god or person祭
funds to restore old church巴英国传统协 某神的;专供某人用的。 Among油e
会已经耗尽了修复旧教堂的资金。 0torun plants sacred toD矛on夕sus weret为e
tosomeoneforhelporprotection请求阴州概the fig and thel呷迪奥尼修斯认为
别人帮忙、保护。昨户must leam to trust神圣的植物有桃金娘花、无花果和常春藤。
our own judgement and not al四日ys run Her savlngs were sacred to he£她的存款
to theeX户ertsforea邓solutions,我们要 只有自己能用。
学会相信自己的判断力,不要总是找专家提S口ddle to saddle someone with
供简易答案。 0 to run up against something使某人承担某项负担。 The
Problems or difficulties遇到问题或困last thlng 1 want污to saddle nW5elf " , ith
难。 Econo川Ic growth would sooner or a刚殆.我最不想为自己找个妻子作为负担,。
Iater run up against insurrnountable safe 0be safe for someone to have or
problems经济增长迟早会遇到无法逾越的问use 〔对某人在拥有或使用时〕安全的。
题。必the run of a place 〔有管理某地Zinc stearate powder巧not considered
的〕权力。八n洲pert on energye所ciency safe forbabies , becauseit臼nirritate山e
15 to be qiven the run of the house to lungs.硬脂酸锌粉给婴儿使用是不安全的,因
advlse on勿el cos朽.能源效率专家将获得房 为它会刺激肺部。公be safe from
屋的管理权,并提出关于燃料费用的建议。 someone or something harmful不会遭
. on the run在逃跑中。 A厂ter 17到某人或某事物的伤害・ … a Pla 〔 e
months on the run , he店be八ind bars where the了oug为t to be safe from
agaln他出逃17个月,其后又再入狱了。 O attack他们不会遭到袭击的地方。 O门
at a run跑着。 The stretche巧were such beaches thee卯5 were safe from
carried at a run from the helicopter才。 s田一dwelling marauders在这种海滩上,龟

蛋不会遭到海居动物的掠夺・ 0 be safe ontl日de unions又寸工会的刑罚。
with someone安全的,保密的。 Sated be sated with something厌烦。
Muller ' 5 notes were safe with old s日ted with斤e ‘八a了r and hard
Ha / / l day穆勒的笔记保存在老哈利迪如很安 exe厂c污e仄烦新鲜空气和强度锻炼。
全。 satellite by satellite通过卫星・ It巧
safeguard a safeguard against ca刀eds勺Te / e vISlon and二tra门smlt拍dby
something harmful保护・保卫。片e satellite.这叫太空电视,通过卫星转播的。
argued tha亡才he partlcIPationo沂the Satire a satire on something 〔对某事物
milita职,n the government acteda : a的〕讽刺。.' The石lec亡lon , , a safire on
safeguard againstt台e abuse ofpower democ旧卿旧act旧门‘ ’选举’是对民主
他认为军人参政可保证权力不被滥用。 买践的讽刺作品。
sa 1 1 to sail through something顺利通satisfied be satisfied with something
过0 Hesailedthroughthete;朽他一帆对某事物感到满足・汪you are not
风川页地通过了测试。 satisfiedM , i幼the servlce you get如
sake for the sake of something or果你对得到的服务不满意。
someone为了某事、某人起见。 But saturate to saturate a place or object
15Obel had not married fort为es日ke of with something or in something大量
mon即or ambltIOn但艾萨贝尔结婚不是为吸收,充满。 Teams saturated the
了金钱地位。 to be ready to endure co川munity withl才terature about the
幻ardshIPS and even dea才h fort为e sake of artack这些小组使社区充分了解关于攻击的
the tribe ・为了部落准备吃苦,乃至牺牲 报干,]文章Opa击四彻chm比t be kept
生命。 saturated in sal妙。 r soa砂wate厂・垫
sale be for sale出售。 1 butted ; n to 肩必须浸透盐水或肥皂水。
Inquire汀the ho巧e was for sale.我插嘴save 0to save someone or something
问,这匹马卖不卖? from an unpleasant or difficult
salute a salute to a person or situation营救某人、某物。 1 rushedinto
achievement 〔对某人或某一成就的〕颂h后room ju , t in tlme to save our kitten
扬。.a salute to the肪tgreatEnglish打。 mstrangulatlon.我冲进他的房间,及时
master of classic arch产把cture ・向英国 营救我们的小猫免遭扼杀。 He used all
首位经典建筑大师的致敬。 reasonable endeavou巧to save the
sa Ivage to salvage something froma Talisman加m slnking他千方百计不让护身
wreck or disaster抢救某物。 Men符沉下去。 otosaveonmoney , time ,
salvaged equIPment from the wrecks人orotherusefulthings竹约。陌rmersare
们从残骸中抢救设备。 Introducing machlne甲tO ' ave on labour
same be the same as something else与COsts.农户正在引进机械,以节省劳工开支。
某事一样;the same thing as something savour to savour of something意味
else与某事一样的事。 Anlmal teeth are着。 To do a gooddeedadayconsclously
not the same as human teeth.动物牙齿与 savou巧ofpngg店hness刻意每天做一件好
人牙不同0 Bytheendof1974three事,具有形式主义意味。
othe巧had suf { e red the same角te as say 0to say something to someone
Taverne.到1974年底・另外三人遭到同塔弗about something对某人讲述有关的
恩一样的命运。 事。 5 illy 6raham the television
sanctions sanctions against or ona evangelist , said farewe / / to Britain
country , organization , or group对某国夕“ terd即・电视布道者比利格雷厄姆昨天告
家、某组织等的制裁。 They would加ve另lJ了英国。 M厂McGrego厂,5 remarks are far
irnposed sanctions against sou角Africa worse thanw为at Edwlna CUF厂ies口id
他们会对南非买行制裁。二penal sanCtionS about送刃5麦格雷格的话比爱德维纳・卡里

关于鸡蛋的言论糟得多・公a say in scourge the scourge of a place orgroup
something对某事物有发言权。 I沂1 had of people祸害。 steven serko狱the
a门ysayin了亡l ' dkeepthemou亡我如果对sco " rge of the theatre wor / d戏剧界
此有发言权・就会把他们排除在外。 的祸害―史蒂芬伯考夫。
sCared be scared of someone or Scow to scowl at someone or something
something害怕的,恐惧的・ He ' :怒视。 He scowled at me and returned
s ' ared of ho巧e5他害怕马匹。 勿h巧四。 rk他瞪我一眼,继续工作了。
scathing be scathing about something scramb . e to scramb 】 e for something
〔对某事〕尖刻的・,为e wasscathing争夺,抢夺。 7为roughout日ritain ,
about extl日一marl扫/dl角cu/自es她对婚外困户rlma今schools ore scrambling forstaff
难的批评毫不留情 全英国的小学都在争夺职工・
Scavenge to scavenge for food or other scrape to scrape through something
things觅食腐肉,或在垃圾堆里寻找有勉强做成某事;勉强及格。 1 lust
用的东西。 The沱八and cra份scavenge sc门ped throughm丫e朋rns我考试勉强及
for deca尸ng tI55ue and waste produc仃 格。
鱼蟹在腐肉和废物中找食物。 scream to scream at someone对某人
sceptical 0be sceptical about尖声喊叫。月agens扫rted to protest and
something or of something 〔对某事〕怀she screamed ath朔In Itajian,海根开始
疑的。月eh日sal四aysbee门s ' eptical抗议・她用意大利语对他喊叫。
about noclearpowe厂他一向对核能半信半sea at sea在海上。 The , hIP ' would be
疑。 1 had become a jlttle sc印tical of at sea forappro幻mate少5伏monthseach .
thelr ex污tence我对他们的存在有点怀疑船只每次出海约六个月。
了。 Search 0 to search for something搜
schedule on schedule按照预定时间。索〔某事物〕 。 once aga , nt八即四ere
The Government wan朽to keepl朽home陌“ and hun沁d and must Sea改h
pnvatiZation programme on schedule.政fora safe hidingpla沪他们再次无家可归,
府要按计划实施私有化计划。 以打猎为生,必须寻找安全的隐蔽所。公in
scholarship a scholarship to a school search Of something寻找OTh即allle斤
or university中学或大学的奖学金。 e日rlyeach由夕insearchofwork他们天
咫tehadgotasch0larshiPtoox勿心皮 天都一早出发找工作。
特获得了上牛津大学的奖学金。 se ( onda叮be secondary to something
scoff to scoffat something or someone次要的。角elesso门。厂thegamewa , to
嘲笑〔某事、某人〕 ・ Ma门ycrlticssc 。斤make competitio门secondary to
a t artists such as Mo门drian and frlendshlP游戏的教益是,友谊第一比赛
肠ndins你许多评论家嘲笑蒙德里安、康定 第二。
斯基之类的画家。 se ' ret 0the secret of doing something
scold to scold someone for doing秘诀。 The secret 。介沈天ing 15 to select
something wrong斥责。 1 had to scold叻emO5ts切table日dh郎Iveforthejob.勤
Vlta severe加for bel门9 50 thoughtless.我贴的秘诀是选用最合适的粘胶剂。公in
只得严斥维塔如此不顾及他人。 secret秘密地。 The old man阴et hi的in
score to score over someone else胜过secret and sald ' Leave me alone ‘老人秘
某人。 anxlou ' tos ' ore over the密会见他,说’ ‘别管我。 ”
opposition急于胜过反对党“ secure to secure a person or thing
S ( ornful be scornful of Someone or against something or from something
something鄙视O . purltanicall了保安,保护。四为at mattered now was
scomfulof心flambo扣nce ・如清教徒to secure he巧el沂against the time when
一般鄙视它的华丽“ she wou泪not be beauti / u / a即/on夕即现
SedU ( 6

在重要的是,为自己美貌不再的日子做好保 sell out of something售完。,力ops
障。印ough rema尹ned to secure us flom a lmost immediate / y sold out of the
山e山reato{们vasIO门人我们留得足够了 advert污ed 90 。比商店里几亚立即将广告推
可不受侵略的威胁。 销品销售一空・ otosellouttosomeone
or something背叛,投降・八/1 butm夕
SedU ( e to seduCe somC0ne into
something弓}诱某人做某事・ T自e夕Iandlady gradually , old out tot为e ot八er
destrqy日nd corru户t andsedUcemenintO夕de除了房东太太,所有人都漫慢倒向另一
山elr seFvlce他们毁灭、腐化、引诱人们为其 边。
服务。 semblance a semblance of something
See 0to see through someone or外表,外貌・ acynl臼jcontem阿勿r
something看穿,识破。亡e四15 wou / d tru th ju , tlce ora门夕semblance of
see through her at once又l{易斯会一眼看decency喷世嫉俗地蔑视真理、公正或
破她。公to see someone through任何的假体面。
something足以维持某人。 the loan send 0to send something to someone
that以/a sto ' ee Brltajn through thep " t -将某物寄给某人。 l九日dwr ; tte月abOOk
war years二可使英国度过战后年代的贷and sent日coPy tos力e / do门我写了一本
款。 Otoseetosomething负责・肠rln书,寄了一本给谢尔顿。 0 to sendfor
wOUld See to the olives日nd Cheese someone派人去叫。 Otto sent forh污
straws凯琳负责管橄榄与乳酪酥条。 three角llow directoFS , Goln , Helssman and
SeiZe to seize on something禾11用,采stry丸er奥托派人去叫三位经理同僚―戈
用0 Picasso seizedonanythingand因、;每斯曼与斯特莱克。 0 to send for
evefything that臼me to hand毕加索禾l}用something or send off for something
手头的一切材料。 派人去取。尺e印on士甲Ing and send for
S6lf一SuffiCient be sel仁sufficient in门omlnatjon forms继续尝试派人来取提名
something自给自足的0 othe ,表格。卜钧need moret尹me to notedo四们
价scoveries wllj ensure that Brl切In巧Sel卜 四为ere to sendo厅for them我们需要更
sufficient in olj untll then以t centuI ' y其 多的时间,记录寻找他们的地点。
他发现将保证,英国可做到原油自给到下个senior be senior to someone比某人年
世纪O 长的,资历较深的。 The aPpra店erm叮t
sell 0to sell something to someone将be senior to the teacher belng日p户ralse己
某物卖给别人。 They churned out their 评估者必须比被评估教师资历更深。
products and s0ld them tow为olesale巧sense 0the sense of something意义。
他们大量制造产品卖给批发商。公to sell In the strict sense of the word
something for an amount of money , or如oWIe匆e can on今be about the pas亡从
at a particular price以某一价格出售东 严格的意义来讲,知识只能是关于过去的。
西。 The Our Price record chajn四a " Old公a sense of something感觉。 The
for 43 million pounds ' ’我们定价”唱片连sense ofac八levementvvasex亡raordina甲
锁店以4 , 300万英镑出售了。 Th " eproduCts成就感是非同小可的。
are imported and sold at a lower prlce sensitive 0be sensitive to something
t八a门their UK equivalents这些产品是进口对某事敏感的・ If夕our sk , n巧sensitive
的,比英国国产货便宜0 0 to sell anidea to detergent , wash扣u厂cI 。山“ In soa户
to someone ; to sell sollleone on an idea如果你的皮肤对洗衣粉过敏,可用肥皂洗衣
使某人确信、接受。丫。 u ' ve got 10服。 He was undulysensitivetocrlticism
mlnUtes to sell了t to me你有10分钟向我 他对批评过分敏感。 0 be sensitive about
解释它。 He was total / y sold on the something感情易冲动的。 M加店ters are
AI ' nerican ethic of free enterPrlse他彻底sensitive abo " t Brltaln , s bad阳putation
接受了美国人自由创业的道德规范。 Oto for intematlon副co一OPeration部长们对于
s . t

英国在国际合作方面的坏名声很在意。 Moscow , s tactlca户pea巧to be to let山e
Sent6n ' e to SentenCe somC0ne to congre55 serve as as日fe妙valve莫斯科的
punishment半IJ决,宣判・ T八e夕战术似乎是让国会充当安全一州・ Otoserve
sentenced 19yearojddlssente巧to30 a legal document on someone , to serve
夕ea巧imprI5onment他们半I 」决多名19岁的someone with a legal document向某
持不同政见者服30年徒刑。 人送达传票或拘票。 AH 。日犯Commlttee
sentim6ntal be sentimental ahout tr , ed to serve a sub户oena on Har甲
something or someone对某人或某事物 Truman.众议院一个委员会试图向哈利・杜
有情感的。尸e often角Itsentimental鲁门送达传票。 The co “厅served her " , i th
about Chln已and co日/d not reslst the Iure an enforceme门tnotlce法庭送达一个执行通
toreturn他常对中国严生情感,无法抵挡回 告给她“
归的引诱。 session be in session ) 1二庭。劝e public
SeparateO / s旦porot / be separate from gallerles holda / lm lted audjence四hen the
something与某事物分开;a separate courts are in session.法庭开庭时,公众席
thing from something else与另一事物允许有限的人旁听。
分开的事。 Rosa had remalned seParate set 0be set in or into something嵌
from us , asking八nally for a room勿入Oa brjlllant mosa , co沂porP勺甲and
hersel派罗莎一直与我们分开住,最终要求独gla55 blocks set in marb胎鲜艳的斑岩
自住一个房间。 He inhablted separate和玻璃马赛克嵌在大理石上。.be set
apartments斤Om the othe巧他和其他人分初thjewels嵌有宝石0 Thecrownis , et
开住有单独的公寓・公/s旦poreltl to with幼amo门比and rubles王冠嵌有钻石与
separate one person or thing from红宝石。 Obesetforafutureactionor
情分开。 It js becoming common to准备。 Ma乃h 15 set forareturnto泊e
seParate bables flom thelr mothe巧a舰厂boxing ring.马希准备重返拳击场。 0 be
birth婴儿出生后和母亲分开的事日益常见。 set on doing something决心要。 The
The poor provinces wlsh to separate boy was obvious今set on preparinga
斤。 mtherich穷省希望和富省分开。 de份门ce角rhlmself男孩显然决心为自己准
sequel a sequel to something继之而来备辩护。 0 to set a way ofbehaving ,
的事物,续篇。 MarkT沁aln nearly ? te aim , or task for someone to achieve为
asequeltOHuck / eberr甲FIPn.马克・吐温某人树立榜样,布置任务等。 she had
差点给《哈克伯里芬》写续集。 There Was seta half - hourcompos ; tIOnforherPU加15
a sequel to theb日川eo沂M匆uba In 1900 她布置了半小时的作文让学生做。 Their
1900年马朱巴战役有续曲。 musiC set the后shlon for a generationof
sequence 0in sequence顺次0 These扣ung people.他们的音乐为一代年轻人树立
recordings are in sequence and了时尚Ootosetahighvalue如n
continuous这些录音有连续的顺序。公something重视,尊重。月e sets ag陀at
out of sequence打乱顺序的。 Th污巧deal onIOJ / a / ty to the company他非常重
out ofsequence,泊ere , 5a印ano沂about视对公司的忠诚度0 Otosetanimalsor
te门尸a巧ml55Ing这个东西的次序打乱了,people on or upon someone唆使动物
约十年的期间丢失了。 或人来对付某人。 we wereafraidth即
serious be serious about something对might set the dogs onu:我们害怕他们放
某事认真的。 You needn ' t becomea狗咬我们。 0 to set ahout doing
pro角55声onal mu , icjan to be serious something着手做某事・ The terrified
about mu夕c喜欢音乐不一定非得成为专业 sailors and pa巧enge几set about saving
乐师。 their own狄in夕凉恐的水手和旅客慌忙逃
serve 0to serve as something充当。命。 0 to set one fact or argumdnt

against another将某事与另事又・ l比・ 尹rrltab矛lity , anger , a月dy尹ole门ce压力增加
Chamberla了门’ 5 one川Istake ca门be Set 时紧张变成了暴躁、{贡怒和暴力。
against four goods日ves张伯伦的一个错shake to shake something at someone
误可以由四个好处来抵销・ 0to set an朝某人挥动某物・ she shook her危t at
amount of money against tax抵偿税比andto / d叮to stop她向我们挥拳,叫我
收0 It巧po “了b / etosetagainsttaxthe 们停止。
c05朽。 fra巧ing斤nance可以将筹资成本用shame to shame someone into doing
来抵税。份to set one person against something or out of doing something
co门fl了ct Set the ma了nstreamo厂才he Mother shamed us into hid们g母呆令我
organlz日tIOn against the more ' corrupt '们羞愧得躲起来・ horr了厂了c Ilvlng
and mave厅ck e / eme门朽斗争使组织的主流 conditions that VVOujd sh日me councillo巧
与‘腐败’和自行其是的分子对立起来。必out of thelr comp / ace门叮令议员羞愧
to set someone apart from other people 得无地自容的恶劣生活条件
使某人显得与众不同。 Th " ebadgesset ShaPe to shape something intoa
thelr owne巧apart from all other groups different form使某物成形。 Shape泊e
untll the由夕th即dle这些徽章使他们终身dough into ba / / s and户ut on a baking
与其他团体区另I 」开来二to set someone sheet将面团搓成团子放在烘板上。
off on something使某人}l二始做某事。 share 0 to share something with
叼夕cool一headed posture set八im offon someone与某人分享。// eft卿att ; cln
a tlrade that四日sevenmorevltFlo / Ic tha门 Clerkenwel / to share a room jn Mai由
the万rst我的冷静态度使他开始了比第一场更 论le with an unempl即ed actor我离开克
为尖刻的长篇演说。 拉肯韦尔的阁楼去梅达沟与一个失业演员
settle 0to settle for something or on同住一室。 Now and the门:ome luckyb即
something选定。功0 ma即athletes had was allowed to share日journ即With his
settled for a quiet life , he said他说,太father , uncle , orgrown一叩brother某个幸
多的运动员已选择了过平静生活。 A几er运的男孩不时地获准与爸爸、叔叔或长大的
taklng a variety ofjobs ' he settled on哥哥一起出差。公to share in doing
业。公to settle with someone or settle partners share in户reparl门9 for and
up with someone与某人清算账目,向rearlng thelr均mlly两个搭档共同筹划和抚
某人付清欠款。 I ' l / settle with夕OU On养他们的家小。 0 to share something or
Frida夕我会在星期五同你算账・ As soon韶share something out among or between
the mon即arrlvedl明5 ab / e to setfle叩a group of people将某事物分配给大
with hlm钱一到账我就和他算了账。 0家。 1 shared out her baggage among
to settle down to something or for the othe巧.我把她的行李分给其他人带。
something安下心来做某事。乙ater jn Share the sweets bet , veen the chlldren
t八e morni门g才hey settled down toa把糖果分给孩子们吧。 0 a share in
hlstorytes打决中午时,他们坐下来做历史测something or of something股份。月is
验。 At eight 。 ‘ clo沃he settles down for prO5perous brother offered him a sha阳
suPPe厂到了八点钟他安下心来吃晚饭。 inanewautomoblle日ge门即他事业有成
shade 0shades of a particular colour的哥哥给了他一家新汽车代理行的股份。 ln
某种颜色、色度・ Th e coat wa ' ' ome placesth即inherl才an equa / share
pattemed in marlne shades of blue and of familyprope即在某些地方他们继承了
green夕卜衣的图案是蓝绿相间的海洋色。公 相等份额的家产。
to shade into something渐渐变成。 AS sheathed be sheathed in something加
the pressur 〔 5 mount,帕ns旧n shades into上套子。 Skeleto门trees , sheathedin汇史

gjlt帕red aga加st the { rO ntso厂the palaces shot 0a shot at something尝试・ a
套在冰封内的骨架树在宫殿的前面晶莹透serlous shot at break了ng three hours才n
壳。 由emarathon马拉松比赛打破三个小时
shelter to shelter from something的认真尝试・公be shot with something
unpleasant隐蔽,J比护・ The了were or shot through with something交织
trylng to shelter from the四orsto沂the着。 th日t印ec ; al四onder ' shot with
价es他们设法躲避最猛烈的火灾。 The C / ods日四e.那交织着敬畏的特殊凉奇感。 Th巧
he加tosheltertheyoungp / a ntsfrom动e 9 loom became shot through with
四川d土块替小植物遮风。 沁护tatlons这种阴郁交织着焦躁。
shield 0a shield against danger or shout to shout at someone对某人大声
damage屏障・角e marrlage / , cencels叫。 AS we were / eav了ng,日strange
not 50 much a bound or shackle asa woman in atril妙hatshoutedatme我
shield against adve巧t妙or a change of们离开时,一个戴特里比式呢帽的陌生女人
heart结婚证书与其说是枷锁、镣铐,不如说 向我喊叫。
是逆境的屏障、防止变心的盾牌。 0 to sho,甘0to show something to someone
shield a person or thing from danger将某物给某人看。 lfoundlthardtores度
Or damage保护,庇护〔某人或某事由e帕mpta石on to show臼Ine , S bookto
物〕 。 Crane alwa外w日Iked aheado沂my father.我禁不住给爸爸看了凯恩的书。
Peter , to shield hlm from whatevermlght 0 to show a particular emotion or
menace him克雷恩总是走在彼得的前面, quality to or towards someone对某人
保护他不受任何东西的威胁。 表现出某种表情或特点。 One would
shine to shine at something出众・ SUppose thatinsuchacase , theson四OOld
… the心臼thatth即,rese邢itive soulswh 。 showln 〔阳ased tenderne55to为15 mothe抓
shine at the arts他们是敏感者并且才 人们会认为,在这种清况下儿子会增加对
华出众的想法。 母亲的爱心。 Th巧巧atimeforparen朽to
ship by ship坐船0 A ful ' ther1 , 000 were show their thoughtfUln改andgenerosity
due to leave by shiP overn叼ht连夜还有 towa川seachother这个时候,父母亲应该
一千人准备坐船出发。 表现出相互间的体贴和慷慨。 0 to shpw
shock a shock to someone震惊。 It someone around or round a place领
came as日Shock to Castleto阳日Iise how某人参观某地。 she 。门今wanted a little
llttle he had been trusted卡斯尔发现自己 mon即to show me around the chu爬h
不受信任,大为震惊。 她只要一点点钱好领我参观教堂。 He said
shoot to shoot at a person or thing向he would make an以ceptlon , and show
某人或某物射击。 Gri所ths tookh巧rifle me personally round thec日stle,他说要破
to the common andstartedshootingat例亲自领我参观城堡・ 0 onshow被陈列
peoPle there格里菲斯把步枪带到公共地着0 Thedocumentwl / lgoonshow加
方,开始向人群射击。 幼eman比团户troomo沂theBritishLibra孚
short 0be short with someone说话尖 文件将陈列于英国图书馆的手稿室。
刻而简短。 The judge wa ; ve甲short showdown a showdown with
with he厂法官对她说话很简短干脆。公be sorneone摊牌。斤巴ldent Bush后ceshis
short of something短缺。 we were now first Showdown withu门ions aftera
running ' ho厅offoo以我们已经食品短缺。 strike over pay cuts针对肖l]减工资的罢工结
Oinshort总之。 Inshott , themore束后,布什总统面临与工会的第一次摊牌。
rapidly chang了ng the env7ronment , the shower 0to shower someone with
moreln勿八刀atIO门the IndlvlduaZ nee比tO things大量地给予0 The demon ; trato巧
make decisi 。门s总之,环境变化越快,个人四ere driven back , b盯still showered劝e
作决策所需的信启、越多。 police with bricks and rocks.示威者被驱

退,但仍在向警察扔大量砖头石块。丁he夕the membe巧were八eartl今siCk oft八e
are Incllned to shower her with presents四内ole Issue显然,议员们对整个问题已经十
a门d trea朽他们喜欢送她大量礼物和款待 分厌倦。
她。公to shower something on or side 0be on someone ' 5 side支持某
upon someone使某物大量地落到某人人0 YOuWI / lthenhavea户owe而/{ rle nd
身上。 It 15 the th阴rted Iove forp日阳n污on如u厂side那样你就有一个权力显赫的朋
tha亡15 sho ' veredo口the te日cher对父母 友站在你那边。公to side with someone
的爱受挫,便转移到老师头上。 against someone else 〔在价论、辩论
shriek 0 to shriek in or with fear ,中〕支持某人,反对另lJ人。 He sided
surprise , or excitement因害怕、惊奇、 with the majorl妙。厂h尹5 ady了,e巧and
激动而发出尖叫・ Her headjerkedback 。 ve , r ujed the die一hards他支持顾问群中的
andsheshriekedina后八刀她的头向后挺, 多数派,否定了死硬派・ Her , upporters
凉恐地尖叫着。 7he crowd shrieked with对d冶daga初stme她的支持者反对我O
gleefu / horr 。厂人群欢乐地尖叫・恐惧地尖Sift to sift through Something细查某
叫。 0 a shriek ofaparticularfeeling事物。 Aco阴putercouldsiftthrough
带有某一情绪的尖叫。 Hls voicero犯to records and come upwl山日5八ort一115t电
ashriekofterro厂他的嗓音提高了,变成恐 脑可以细查文档・并提供可供选择的名单。
怖的尖叫。 sigh to sigh with a particular emotion
shrink to shrink from something退缩O叹息。弘esighedwithcontentment她
It忿a sad truth mostofusama加u巧sh汀力k满足地叹息着。
介。 mad阴itting这是我们大多数业余人员不sight 0in sight看得见。功ere was no -
愿承认的悲惨事实。 o门eelse仍sight看不见另l]的人。公out
shrouded be shrouded in something of sight看不见。 Th即附厅ed onti / the
笼罩着。 In tho ear加mornlng匆ht the guard was out ofsight他们等待卫兵走出
beaches 。沂NOrman即were shroudedin视线。 0on sight一见就。 she力ated
mlst,晨曦中,诺曼底海滩雾茫茫的。 ‘ l拈hlm on sight她一见到他就觉得讨厌。
orIglns ' he sald , ' are shrouded in sign 0a sign of something迹象。 The
m外拒孚’他说“它的来源笼罩着神秘。 ” fact that th即arer污kI ' n9 their llves Isa
shudder to shudder at something ; to sign of thelr des户eratlon他们在冒生命危
shudder初th or in a particular emotion险,说明他们的绝望。公to sign for
因某事发抖。 she shuddered at the something签约。 The chlefga陀meall
thoughto厂that dark shape moving the money that叭侣,due , a门d 15勺ned for
tOVvard , he厂她想到黑物向自己走来,不由颤it首长把所有应付的钱交给我签收“
抖一下。尺日门tash " dderedwith殆a抓昆signal . the signal for an action某一
塔害怕得发抖。 Th e sight made he厂行动的信号。 The plot was for如。 wball ,
sh " ddler in prlmitive dlstaste.那景象引起at叻e crltical momen七tog ; ve the signal
她本能地厌恶,她发抖了。 for刀lght计谋是让’ ‘雪球在关键时刻发出
shut to shut someone in a room将某人逃跑的信号0 0 to signal to someone向
关入。弘eshutherse / finthebathroom某人示意。 lsignaledtothewaitre55勿r
and Wep亡她把自己关在浴室内哭泣。 the check我示意女招待结账。
shy to shy away from something避Silence in silence安静地;无声地。
开“ Fo : 26 years , / taly性foremost opera They ate in silence他们默默地吃着。
house had shied away from , taging La silhouetted be silhouetted againsta
万日vlata26年来,意大利的头牌歌居J院回避 background现出轮廓。 1 could : eede印
上演《茶花女》 。 patch郎。沂cloud silhouettedagainstthe
sick be sick of something annoying or glltter 。沂the ‘妇rs.我看见星光中映衬着深色
tedious厌倦〔某事〕 。 It was clear that 的云块。

3 10

similar be similartosomethingelse与为罗塞蒂这样的名画家作过模特儿。 0 to
某事物相似:a similar thing to sit on a committee成为委员会的一员。
something elseL,另事物丰[]似的事・ He sat on comm尹t才ees rela亡I门9 to the
The ch日rter四。日ld be ‘声巾矛伯r to a BI / / o厂futu厂e 。沂the副rcra斤/nd叮try他是有关飞
R了9力朽宪章与仅利法案’相似。 The机工业未来的多个委员会的委员。 0 to sit
Agency would八ave similar,妇tUs to that through something勉强听完或看完,
。沂e用sting nati 。门al巧ed bodies该力事处与一直坐到〔演出等〕结束・ The甲ectators
现存的国有化机构具有相似地位。 sat through the dr日ma ast六。 “ 9八
similarity 0 a similarity between two watching 50阴e horror movle观众像观看
or more things 〔两事物或更多事物之.飞,J恐怖电影一样看完该剧・ 0tositinona
的〕相似之处;asimilaritytoorwith meeting or discussion列席0 1 was
something else 〔与另一事物的〕相似。 a 110材Ved to Sit in on the dellberationso沂
There wasl了ttle Slm厂Iari妙betweent八e泊e board我获准列席董事会议事。
dull gr即English sea and the turquolse skate to skate around , round , or over
Indian Ocean灰蒙蒙的英国海与蓝绿色的印 adifficultsubjectorproblem轻描淡
度洋很少相似之处。 The situation be日rs写地带过。 They pre { e厂to skate around
, ome similarity to myo四n 纳e Issue ofsex.他们喜欢一笔带过性问题。
clrcums怕门(es.这情形与我自己的处境有些相skill skill in or at doing something 〔某
似。 Any similarity with担ur routlne店方面的〕技能,技巧。 thel厂skillin
pure今colncldenta/与你的例行程序若有雷making clothe ‘他们的制衣技术。
同・纯属巧合・公asimilarityinorofa hjs eVide门t skill at basketba / l他明
particular feature or quality相似之处。 显的打篮球技能。
Th ere 15 some similarity in才heir skim to skim through a piece ofwriting
educational and occupational浏览,翻阅。 ltho " ghtlwoulds介im
achlevements他们的教育与职业成就有相似througha角wo沂the letters.我想浏览一
处。., , the similarity of weapons二武 下其中几封信。
器的相似处。 Skirt to skirta拍und or功und a diffiCUlt
sin to sin against someone or something subject or problem回避0 The reVie孵r
冒犯某人;违反〔教规或道德〕 skirted aroundt为e mo , t伦rocious
Father ' 1 haves仍neda卯in ' t heaven.神crlticI5m评论者回避了最猛烈的批评。
父,我逆违了天意。 Slash to slash at something砍某物。
5 ingle to single someone out as Hesla ' hed savagely at the meat wlthh污
something or for particular attention knife他用刀子猛砍那肉。
挑出或选出某人。 The unlted statesls slight a slight on someone 〔冒犯他人~
usually singled out as the prime cu加rft的〕行为或言语等。 Advlce污to 。 。 ften
Inthisindic加en亡通常要挑出美国作为这场taken as a sliuht on the阳c巾ient忠告往
' ingled out for such exceptiona / slip to slip into different clothes or out
treatme门口为什么要把这一特色挑出来作特of dothes匆忙穿上,匆忙脱下〔衣服
别处理呢, 等〕 。 sliPping into something Ioose , I
sink to sink Into a particular state or went down to dinner我披上宽松的衣服・
situation陷入或进入不很积极的状态。下楼去吃饭。万he sliPped out of八er
1 sank into a state 。厂deeP depre55lon.我 四。 rkinodothes她脱下工作服。
陷入了深深的沮丧状态。 5 low De slow In uolng some [ ning , l笠!
sit 0 to sit for an artist or photographer的・迟钝的・仆。 r邵户onsewa 、 slowin ,
摆好架式〔以便画像或拍照〕 。 she had Coming回音来得很慢・
' at for famo叮palnters Iike Rossettl.她曾slump a slump in something不景旬,
3 11

经济萧条Oa drama亡Icslumpin八01,由y or with something厚J享地大面积地覆
bookjngs假期订房的戏剧‘}生不景气・ 盖着某物。 The path明5 smotheredin
slur a slur on something or someone诽sno以小道积满了雪。 CI声m乙角grose59re四
谤或中伤・ Thls巧probab今an un角lr slur UP动e sldeo沂the八ou , e thelr tendrils ' ti / l
on四oma门八00d这也许是对女性的不公平 smothered with Iate blo55oms玫瑰花沿
中伤。 着屋缘生长着,他们的卷须把迟开的花覆盖
sly on the sly偷偷地;秘密地。 5咐,ng 着。
In the tolle朽smok二gonthesly , Ju " t / lke snap 0to snap at someone狠狠地对
灯比do fn sc自001就像孩子在学校里那 某人说话。 Do you snap at夕our pa片ner
样,在厕所里坐着偷偷吸烟。 a门d功e门阳gretlt尸你对合伙人咆哮一阵,然
Smack to smack of something带有某后后悔,公to snap out of a sad mood
种味道0 Oliver was ; rr ; tatedb夕th巧迅速恢复过来・ jsnappedoutofthis
su99estJ0n,四为Ic自smacked Of斤Ivollty mejanc为。加the momenta斤Iend cajled .
聊的意味。 Snatch to snatch at something抢某物。
Smart to smart from or Under The wlnd " atched atl刀夕dre " a门d halr
Something感到痛苦・苦恼、伤心。 风吹拂着我的衣服与头发。 Et拍‘ natched
The home te日m巧,t尹l / smarting from at the / ittle prlvacy that thls afforded艾
thelr defeat at Rochdale主队仍为在罗奇代 塔抓住这里提供的一点点隐私权。
尔的’ l参败而伤心。 He began to smart sneer to sneer at someone or something
under the Paln of being am矛nor member嘲笑。 The夕sneered at the glrjl 、 h
of theo庄为“ tra他因在交响乐团里只是微不 enthuslasmso沂山elr殆Ilow students他们
足道的成员而感到难受。 嘲笑同学的孩子气热情。
smell 0to smell of something带有某socialiZe to socialize with people和他
种气味。 The laund甲,me " ed of carbolic人交往或交际。 isocializedwit打the
soap洗过的衣服有石碳酸皂的气味。公the phil心5叩勺stUdents我与哲学系学生交往。
smell of something某种味道。]Iove solution the solution to or fora
the sme " of门ew - mowngra ”我喜欢刚修problem , question , or puzzle解决方
剪下来的青草的味道。 法。 R巴e日兀为e巧四日nt亡0 knoww为ether
smile tos而le at someone or something the s0lutionto山e riddle四111 Involve new
对着〔某人或某物〕微笑。 Pe印jethlnk theones研究人员想知道该谜底是否涉及新
you are welrdj厂扣u smile at them during理论。 Thep / an for polytechnlcs was
a Tube ] our价即如果你在地铁里朝别人笑,meant to be a solution for thls problem
他们会以为你很怪。 计划兴建理工学院可解决这问题。
smitten be smitten by or with sorry 0be sorry about something or
something or someone被〔某事物或某for something对某事后悔、遗憾。 i
人〕迷住。 survivlng In garrets in阳n : tended to dominate the co门versatlon and
was bearable because he叭.5 smitten妙I ' msol ' I yabouttha上我在谈1舌时喜欢一个
the French.他就算住在巴黎的小阁楼也豪不人讲,真是抱歉・四e area / 1 sorry for
在意,因为他对法国着迷。 I凶日ssmitten what haPPened我们大家都为所发生的事情
洲矛th he厂我被她迷住了。 难过。公be sorry for someone悲哀
smother to smother something with的。 1 felt desperate加sorry form外。 l汽
something用某物盖上以熄火,覆盖。 我为自己而悲哀。
They were ab / e to extlngu污h the bombs sort 0a particular sort of thing某一种
bysmothe万ngthemwithsa门d他们用沙事0 Thisso厅ofargu用entcangoonfor
子埋住炸弹,使其熄火。 eVe厂这种争论可以永远持续下去的。公
smother目be smothered in something something of a particular sort某一种
3 12

类的事0 Hewl / I户re : entnoevlde门ceof不得不在这里住下去吗?她呜咽着。她说出
that sort他不会提交那种证据。 了我们许多人的心里话00tospeakwith
sound the sound of something声音。 aparticularaccentorstyle带有某种口
Th污sma / 1 beet / elm了妇tes the SOund Ofa 音或风格说话。 she spoke with a ve心
dentlst , 5 drlll这个小甲虫发声与牙医钻的声 pronounced scottIS为accent她说话带明显
音相仿。 的苏格兰口音。妈reyou thepalnte厂尸‘ she
SOurce 0 a source of something来源。 spoke with abruptfo溯altty “你是画家
四白od巧an加ef阮了e门t source of energ梦 吧?’她突然严肃地说。
木柴是效率不高的能源・公at source在spec on spec碰运气・月e turned up
源头0 weneedtotacklenitratepollutlon yesterday on sPec他昨天碰运气来了。
at source.我们需要在源头对付硝酸盐污Spe ' ialiZe to specialiZe in a particular
染。 thing or subject专玫于某一物品或学
South south of a place某地的南部。科。 B即drled herb : from a shop which
a llne wlne ma由byaco一operatlvej叮t sPecializes in herbs可去草药专门店买干
south of the LOire卢瓦尔河南岸一家 草药0 Themajorlty为ad ' ped白Iizedin
合作社酿的好葡萄酒。 electrO门ic engineerlng大多数人以电子工程
sow / s丝1 to sow an area of ground 为专业。
with seeds播种。 501 / clearedo沂四们拍r speculate to speculate about
陀getables may be sown " , ith叭or field something or on sornething对某事的
beans割去冬菜的土地,可以播种黑麦或大 推测、思考。 the futl / ity of sPecula -
互呈。 ting about hyPothetlcal Martian life
spar to spar with someone用拳轻击某 沂。 rms …推测火星生命形式是徒劳无用
人〔常作拳击练习〕 。 Wlthin weeks , he的0 Energy analysts speculeted on
was sPa月心ng with the toughest bo外ln further increasesln勿el prlces能源分析家
的男孩交手了。 speechless be speechless with a strong
sparing be sparing with something 〔对emotton由于某种感情而说不出话来。
某东西)节俭的。八unt TO5sie 15 SParin夕Tun Was almO5t sPeechfess " ' i th deligh上
with the affectlon Nlcandralo门少for托 图里高兴得简直说不出话来。
西姨不大喜爱尼康德拉,尽管她渴望长辈的spend to spend money or time on
爱。 something将钱、时l飞了J花在某事上。旋
speak 0to speak to someone or with sPent all his savings on the pFOject,他把
someone与某人说话。月e never印oke全部积蓄用在这个项目上。 Herti阴e wo叫d
to Captaln Bakeragaln他再也不理睬贝克be better SPent on research.她的时l司最
队长了。 stejn wasn ' t there 1 sP0ke with 好花在研究上。
hls son斯坦恩不在家・我与他儿子说过话。 spin ・ 。什a spin一off from something or
0 to speak ahout something or of of something副产品・派生物。八
something讲到,说到。 on televlsion , programme to deve / op new energ夕
jonathan Porrlt spoke abouth巧sources coU / d occur as a spin ・ off from
involvementw矛th the日dvertising the sPace effort太空开发的努力可派生新能
communi尔电视上,乔纳森・波里特谈到自源开发计划。 asPin一。斤ofAmerica , 5
己与广告界的往来0 Trsvellersspokeof present obsessionw了th person日I
fighting andsh 。 。 ting at nigh亡旅行者说到 health.美国目前迷恋于个人健康产品。
夜1司有打斗和枪声。 0 to speak fora splash to splash out on something随意
person or group of people为某人说话。花钱,大肆挥霍0 wesPlas打edouton
, Do we have to 90 on living here户‘ she a colourtelevI5lo几我们买彩色电视机花了一
wai他d . she SPoke for manyo沂us “我们 大笔钱。

3 13

split 0a split bctween two people or the ru / e巧not Ilke加to square with the
groups or a split in or within a group new guldelln “他对该规贝lj的解释不可能与
分裂。 asplitbet吧en八ardjl门e巧and新指针相符。公to square up with
dem 。 “ ats强硬路线派与民主派的分 someone付清欠某人的账・ l ' ve got to
裂。 Thep / an has led to a split in the square uP with the bank before/臼np即
ra门ks该计划在士兵中引起了分裂“ the you.我得先与银行清账然后才能付你钱“
sPlit within肠to北大西洋公约组织的0 to square up to a problem , person ,
内部分裂・公to split away or offfrom or situation摆好与某人打架的姿式,面
去。 The用0 re radjca / ; nte / lectuajs squared uP to each other but kePtjust
threatened to split away from the outo厂fighting dl ' tance他们狠狠地对峙
〔 bu门cl/激进的知识分子扬言要从委员会分裂 着,但没有打起来。
出去・ Th即warned them not to sPlit OH squint to squint at someone or
斤。 m then日tlonalpar妙他们警告他们不要something瞧一眼0 she opened her
从国家党分裂出去。 Otosplitupwith即esandsquintedat为门她睁开眼,看他
someone与某人断绝关系・ I ' djust印Iit 一眼。
uP with Paul , thefa山erofm夕young " t Stab 0to stab at something捅、戳或
50门.我刚刚与保尔分手,他是我小儿子的父 刺某物。功ewa;卯Ingln日勿ry , her
条。 lingers stabbing at the keys她在拼命打
sponge to sponge off someone or on字手指戳着键盘。公astabatsomething
someone依靠某人为生。 The young尽力做某事。 It附sbackln1964When
unemplOJ / e d are not;洲ply后归bOUts who he had hisfl巧才stab at conduct了ng th朽
sP0ngeo斤thew创fare state失业青年不great work早在1 964年他第一次尝试这
仅仅是依赖福利国家的游手好闲者。 she项伟大的工作。
found了td巧taste沂ul the wayC / arlssa staff on an institution ' 5 staff某机构工
sP0nged on them克拉丽莎这样依靠他们作人员0 Ic日nsa夕categorlcallythatno -
令她反感。 one on the Wh矛te Hou , e staff was
spring 0to spring from a particular involvedln泊巧blzarre们clden亡我可以断
cause起源于。 H巧own doubts sPrang言,白宫没有一个工作人员卷入了这一奇怪
斤。 mh巧Engll3h educatjon and marrlage 事件。
他自己的怀疑源自其英国式教育和婚姻。公stage on stage在台土。 He fee台a万
to spring something on someone突然com勿rtable on stage as了n the studIO他
提出・ He印rang a su巾rise on al / of us在台上就像在摄影棚一样自在。
bywlnning他的胜利令我们大吃一惊。 蚊.ke 0to stake something on or upon
springboard a springboard for the result of something押宝0 Heh韶
something 〔发展事业的〕跳板。 He had staked hIS leadershlPcja了m on thls peace
h oped to use his electlon asa initlatlve他已把对领导权的要求押定于这一
springboard for wider and grande厂和平倡议。公at stake作奖品;冒险。
political ambitions他曾希望把当选当作达到There are two prizes at stake in the
更厂阔宏伟的政治抱负的跳板。 cornpetition.竞赛设有两个奖项。公a
spy to spy on someone监视,窥探。 stake in a business , property , or
角e policeI77en whoSP沁d on di55idents industry 〔在生意、房户二、制造业上的〕
are to be sacked监视持不同政见者的警察股份。 He ha : a 50 per centstakeinthe
要开除。 柳成t Hote/山aln他在凯悦饭店连锁店中有
Square 0to square with an idea , 50%股份。
statement , or situation与〔思想、陈蛇.mp 0to stalllp yourselfonorupou
述、情况等〕相符。 H污Inte巾retationof something对某事有很大的影响力,为
3 14

某事留卜印记。乙,ke all chance / 10巧八e ltsorlglnalc / aim工会决它坚精原来的要求・
四lllw日nt to stamp八巧ow门户e巧。门ality 0to stand up for someone or
On the Gover门ment亏户ollcjes就像所有的something捍IJ ・为某人或某事辩
锐、理一样,他要给政策打上自己个陛的印 护oa profe : 5了on四hzch八a : a duty to
记・ 0 to stamp something as beinga stand up for山e clt忆e门职责是捍卫
particular type of thing将某事物铭记公民的职业。 Otostanduptoalotof
为0 The阳centwtnstampedh , masa use , damage , pressure , criticism , and
use角j membero沂t内e team最近的胜禾l]说 50 on经得起使用、损害、压力、批评
明他是有用的队员。 等。 Thec内arge才为at四e had lgnored
stance a stance on a particular matter themJ仍t do邵not stand up to scrutiny
or problem 〔对某事的〕姿态或立场。 说我们忽视他们这弓青控纤不起细查。 Oto
5八e巧prepared to recant her stance on stand up to someone对抗某人・ Wij /
women性rlgh朽她佳备放弃对妇女权利的立he make a name forh , mse/沂by standing
场。 up to the PrlmeM尹门店ter,他对杭首相会出
stand 0to stand at a particular level 名吗,
or amount处于某一水平或量上・角e stare to stare at some ( ) ne or something
world record stands at 2 hou巧57 注视,盯住看・了ohnwa : starin夕at me
用尹nutes日nd 30 secon比世界记录是2小时 In八。厅。 r日ndd巧b创Ie厂约翰以惊恐和不信任
57分30秒。公to stand by someone给 的目光汪视着我。
某人帮助和支持・厅th即抑tomakeyou Sta代0to start as something or start
reslgn , we ' / / stand妙you如果他们逼你off as something以某事)l二始・ It
辞职,我们支持你・ 0 to stand bya sta戌ed as日n以户erlment它开始时是一个
decision or agreement同意、支持。/t买验0 We started offasashelving
lsaveI ' ycjearlaw ' andIs拍nd勿it这是bu5Ine巧In the以K我们开始时是在英国做
清楚的法律,我支持它・ 0 to stand for书架业务。公to start by or start off hy
something忍受。 1 won ' t stand for any doing something首先做某事。 An夕
more ofyour dI5obedlence我再也不能忍buslness exec日t了ves八ould start by
受你的不顺从。 0 to stand for some - consldering thejob thatneedstobedone
thing代表・不石〔 stands for几chnlc日l任何一位业务主任一开始应考虑,哪些工作
Education Certi阮日加.丁〔 〔代表技术教育证 是需要做的。 Istartedoffbybuying
书。 0 to stand for an idea orbelief支young plgs我以买小猪起家。目to start
持某一想法或信念。 We stand for日with something or start off with
夕门gle . undivlded Russla我们支持单一整体something以某事){二始。 we sta材with
的俄罗斯0 Otostandforaparticular b日sic jdeas such as tFust我们从信任之类的
post Or position申请〔某一岗位或职 基础概念出发。四e wanted tos怕rt off
位〕 。 Antho叮15 standing for electlon witha切刃n我们要以胜利开始。 0to start
as an independent candldate.安东尼以on a particular task少I二始做某事。 She
独立候选人参选0 0 to stand in for has alrea即sta材ed on hern以t nove人她
someone顶替某人工作。月owe ' 5 big已经开始写下一部小说・ 0 the start of
moment COmes亡OmorrO四when he something开端。 Interes朽rate ; were
stands in for Margaret Thatcher豪的大 lo四ered at thes怕代oflast , urnme厂去年
机会明天来临要顶替撒切尔夫人・ 0 to初夏利率降低了。 Oforastart首先。 l
stand out against something坚决反 don ' tthlnkBrunowlllv训门一hecan ' t沽ke
对;to stand out for something坚决要apunchforasta厅我想布鲁诺不会赢―
求0 Themajorbanksarestandingout 首先,他受不住重拳。
against ralsi门g功酬imlt大银行反对提高上starve to starve for something渴望得
限。 Theu门io月deCided tos怕nd out for 到。 Eve门asth即Iook , thelr即es sta触
3 15

for more他们一边看,一边渴望得到更多。 持,紧跟〔某事物或某人〕 ・四己would
starved be starved ofsomething极需・ pre角r to stick with our own labelltng
缺乏・ peo户lew八0 have been starved,厂tem我们于愿坚持自己的标识系统。
of cu / tUre缺乏又化的人。 Stick With me and you ' l / be okay紧跟着
statute by statute按法规。丁he : e我你没事的。 Otostickoutfor
powe巧were conferred oot为e cour才妙something坚持要求〔某事物〕 。 He
statute这些权力是法律赋予法庭的 stuck out for tw尹ce the日5 " al sa ] ary , and
steeped be steeped in a particular got庄他坚持要求双倍于通常的薪水,并得到
characteristic or quality充满着。月巧了・ 0 to stick up for someone or
works沪though steePed in Indlan cujture . something坚持,维扩,〔某j\或某事〕 。
h日ve un了ve巧aj appeal.他的作品尽管沉浸于 He shou / d八日ve tha门kedh厂5 father for
印度文化,却有着普遍的魅力。 sticking up forh了mt八at阴y他应1亥感
stem to stem from a particular situation 谢・父亲那样支持他・ l四日5 too smal / to
基于,出于。月ls , jl门ess stemmed from stick叩form夕rlgh朽我年纪人小,无法维
bottling叩hls emotlo门,他的病痛来自感情 护自己的权利。
抑制“ stock 0to stock up on goods or with
step 0in step齐步;步调一致・ Th即goods囤积物资。角即stocked up on
marched in step他们齐步前进・ 0 out of petrol and sugar before the prlcer巧es
step步调不一致・丁he了occa ; , onal今came他们在涨价前囤积汽油和糖。
bumped each other,日nd角11 out ofstep houses care沂u / ly stocked up with
他们有时相互撞击步调不一致。 Obein food小心储藏食品的房子。 0 in
step with an opinion or idea观点类stock备有现货。 Phone the of { lce万巧t
似。 Th巧government 15 not in step with and see wha才才八即have in stock先打电
Informedpubllcoplnlo门本届政府与消息灵话给办事处看他们备有什么货。 0 outof
通的公众舆论不一致・ 0beoutofstep stock脱销。尸e wantedc , garettes , b " t
with an opinion or idea跟不上0 It the cafe had run out of stoCk他要买香
showed thejudge was outofstepwith 烟・但该咖啡屋脱销了。
recent developmen朽它表明法官跟不上近stop 0 to stop at a place在某处停下。
期的形势发展。 Th即were shota斤er they had stopped
stick 0to stick at a particular point or atacheckP0l ' nt他们在检查站停下后遭到枪
level滞留,坚持。 In刀ation巧11走ely to击。公to stop someone from doing
stick at about 6 per cent通货膨胀率可能something阻止某人做某事。 This dld
会停留在6%左右。四连tend to stick at门Ot stop thel ' rsu即orte巧斤。 m travelling
assertlng the genera / princ旧le without to thematch这并没有阻止他们的支持者去
discus5Ing the detalls我们一般坚持原贝l]而 看比赛。
不讨论细节。公to stick by someone忠store be in store将要发生。 The whal "
于某人。 Des侧teherhusband , s aPPalling seemed awareo { thet为reat th日t lay in
/ jfe 。沂crlme , she had stuck伯lth勿llyby store.鲸似乎知道将要发生的威胁。
h了m尽管丈夫一生罪恶滔天,她始终忠于street 0on the street无家可归。
他。 0 to stick by a law , rule , or 扣ung teenage mothe巧je斤to fend for
principle遵守・万he 15 determlned that themselVes on the sfreet无家可归被
th即should stick by the pOlicy她下定决迫自谋生路的十几岁未婚妈妈・公in the
心,他们要按政策办事。 0to stick to street在户外。 w八en people meeta
something坚持・ There阴5 no四即he c / e勺夕man角the street , they cro " over
could hope to stick toh巧orlg旧al plans toavoidhlm人们在街上遇到教士便走到
now他现在已无希望坚持原定计划了。 0街对面避开他・ 0 offthestreets有事做
to stick with something or someone坚而不至于上街惹事生非。 we ' vegotto
3 16
StUdd . d

keeP扣u门gste巧。厅the streets我们得阻 的判断。
止小青年上街惹事生非。 Strip to strip a person or thing of
strength 0the strength of something something剥夺・角e erae : Id , um of the
力量。角eem户10夕ershaveundere ; t卜sup阳me sovleth日d striPpedh , m ofh巧
mated the strength of角ejing Int内e cltlze爪hlP最高苏维埃主席闭剥夺了他的公
docks雇主低估了码头工人的感情力量。万ee 民权0 Hestripped力155户eechofaj /
确ether it excee比the strength ofsteej re加rences to hIS wound他演讲时绝口不提
看看它是否胜过钢铁的力量。公on the 伤势。
strength of sornething凭着〔某事strive to strive for something / f+取・努
物〕 0 she阴ntstobeab / eto了olnthem力。 you stFive for角m已and that巧al /
on the strength ofa Britlsh pas印ort她part 。沂the deal你想出名这是交易的一部
想凭英国护照加入他们的行动。 oin 分“

strength大量的・角即are eXPected to strong be strong on something善于做
atte门dGOOdwoodinstrength他们可望某事0 The " n , vers , ty , : strong on
有大批人参加古德伍德赛马会。 0 below outd00r actlvltles滚人学的户外活动很丰
strength没有达到规定人数。砧e “闪富0 He巧strongonpe巧onalmo旧I了ty
mon户torlng勿rce巧wel / beIOwstrength and均milyva / ue5他在个人道德和家庭价值
联合国监督力量太薄弱。 观方面很强硬。
Stress 0stress on something强调・ struck be struck by something or with
二a greater stress on the humane something遭到某事物的打击・ Iwa : 50
treatment 。沂p班hlatrlcpatlents更加struck by the terr ; ble cond ; tionso沂our
强调对精神病人的人道待遇。 0 under nelghbou巧that 1 had to do something
stress压力下。 The角mily cannot cope aboutit我深受邻居的惨状的打击,一定要想
" nder st ' ' e 55该家庭在压力下无法维持。 想办法。
stricken be stricken by something or struggle 0to struggle for something
with something不堪某事物之苦・争取,为某事而斗争・ wehaveagreat
. t八e squaloro沂a ; oc , e妙strickenby history ofstruggling forfreedo爪我们拥
poverty贫夯社会的‘}参状。 They were有为自由而战的伟大历史。 0 astruggfe
stricken with殆arth盯they mlght have for something 〔为某事进行的〕斗争・
been ' een他们生怕被人看到,惊恐万状・ the stroggle forR叮slanu而ty ・为
strictly be strictly for a particular俄罗斯团结而进行的斗争。 0 tostruggle
person or purpose专供某人或某一目的with or against someone or something
的。 The race巧sfrictly for amateu巧比与某人、某事斗争或搏斗。 The United
赛仅限业余选手。 suppl了es intended states continue , to struggle with
strictlyformedlcalpurP 。犯5仅供医external由ficits美国继续与外贸逆差斗争。
厅用的物资。 0 a strUggle初th somethingoragai . st
Strike 0on strike罢1 0 orlve巧at the something 〔为制止某事而进行的〕奋
bus由pot went on strike for twen妙four斗・ the strug夕Ie against / onelin已s
hou巧公共汽车总站的驾驶员举行24小时罢 a门dd巴titution与孤种和穷因作斗争。

工。公to strike at something or 0 a struggle between two people or !
Someone 〔将某物或某人〕打走、打things 〔两人之l飞:J的〕斗争Othe '
.七。日臼Icu治ted日ct to st汀ke日t the struggle between Gorbachev and {
root ofre / lg lon打击宗教根源的有意行 丫elt , in 戈尔巴乔夫与叶利钦的斗争。
动。 0 to strike on a solution , plan , or the struggle between hope日nd
记ea突然想到〔解决办法、计划、主意 万Cep口CI5m 希望与怀疑的斗争。
等〕 。 He had for once struck ona StUdded be studded with something
shrewdjudgement.他一度想到过一个精明用某物来点缀,布满。 The hut脚泊‘
3 17

studded alj over with stones小屋至l 』处点 术部日益将增长的民间计划分包给私人企
缀着石块。 业。

student a student of a particular subject subdivide to subdivide something into
某一学科的学生・ a student Of smaller areas , sections , or parts将某物
phi / o犯phy 。门dlaw学哲学、法律的一进一步分成小部分。 we朋ws " bdivide
位学生。 kno州edge into two户ar朽我们现在把知识
study 0the study of something 〔对某 分成两部分。
物的〕学习或研究。 the study of subjecto / s些bd3lkt / be subject to
German culture and language德国文something应受到・砧e deal巧subject
化和语言的研究・ 0 a study in to日pproval by theo用ce of臼lr Trsdi门g
something对〔某事详尽的〕描写。 H巧这个交易要经公平交易办公室的批准。
last book was妈t Duty , S臼/l , , a studyin公/sobd3旦kt / to subject someone to
货》,是研究爱国主义的。 0 to study for one te日Cher sajd she四oujd ratherb爬ak
something为〔某事〕而学习0 she 15 the / a w than subject herpUP,污toate : t
studying fora / aw degree at Keb / e 一名教师说・她宁愿犯法也不愿让学生参加
COllege她在凯布尔学院攻读法律学位。 测验。
Stuffed be stuffed with something塞submerge to submerge yourself ina
满某物。 The boxeswe阳st “斤匕d with particular subject or be submerged in
b日llot papers盒子里塞满选票。 past甲it沉浸于0 1 wa : eager to submerge
stu矛fed with curd cheese用凝乳所制m外el沂in the加mlnlst movement我急于
的乳酪做馅的油酥点心。 投身女权运动。
stumble 0to stumble across , on , or submit to submit to something服从,
upon something or someone意外地遇忍受。 They had to submit to a thorough
见〔某事物或某人〕 。 In the cou巧e Of bo即search at the alrPort他们在机场不得
their search they may stumble across 不接受全身搜查。
somethlng qulte dlfferent他们在研究中可subordinateo / sob 。:dlnot / be
能会遇到]截然不同的东西。 0 tostumble subordinate to someone or something
ovcr something绊脚,说话出错・从属于,次于。 All other questjo门5 are
pare门t5四ho have stumbled over tOJ / 5 subor苗月ate toth巧。门e所有其他问题都
le斤on the floor踩到地上玩具的父母。 依附于这个l司题・ 0 lsob王dlnelt / to
He stumbled over the words.他说话出 subordinate one thing to another将某
错。 事物置于次要地位。 an尹deof 。卿that
style 0in a particular style以某一方 subordinates the了门div尹dual to the
式。 Th即all worked in the same style ・ cause让个人从属事业的意识形态。
他们的工作作风相同。 The present abb即店subscribe 0to subscribe to an opinion
a smaIIerbuildIngintheperPendIcuIar or belief同意,赞同0 Toda另he still
style现在的教堂是垂直风格的较小型大楼。 ' ubs 。厅bes to the need for more research
0 the styleofsomething作风,行为今天,他仍然赞同它需作进一步研究。公to
方式。 There 15 growl门9 bltterne55 ath巧subscribe to a newspaper , magazine ,
style of qovernoent他的统治作风中的愤or television channel订l阅〔报纸、杂
茜增加了。 志、电视频道〕 。 Th巧wllle门able如uto
SUb ' ontr日(t to subContract work toa subscribe to po爬而/e / e ctronic servlces
particular firm or organization将工作 这将使你能享受强有力的电子服务。
任务分包或转包给别人・ Ml门tec八Subservient be subservient to someone
矛ncreaslngly subcontractedi朽growing or something从属于某物。 The unlons
civll programme to the priva帕secto厂技are stlll considered to be subservientto
3 18

rna门agement工会仍被认为是从属于管理层m了55ed a succession of good
的。 opportunlt产es他们失去了接二连三的好机
subsist to subsist on a particular会・四户had a succession of temporary
amount of money or type of food靠某d邵lgners.我们接二连三地聘请了临时设计
笔钱或某类食物继续存活。.a ma门 员。
刚〕 0 cans “厉istona动泊to沂八Ceand斤ied succumb to succurnb to something屈
eggs可以靠米饭和煎蛋维生的人。 从,不能抵抗某一疾病・勿me succumb
substance 0 the substance of to the tem户tat了on to dozeo沂厂durlnq
something要旨・大意。 the ; tyle and ' em了nars有些人在研讨会上打磕睡了。
substance of the由bate辩论的风格 There 15 some ev了de门ce thatp尹95 can
和要旨。 Oinsubstance本质上。 Hls su " umb tob旧In动污e日,e有证据证明,猪
Lordsh矛ph日d门0 doubt rhatt为e会死于脑病。
subm份lon四日sin ' ubs怕nce col了ect大suck to suck up to someone拍某人马
人不怀疑・该意见原贝」上是正确的。 屁,巴结某人。月e亏bee门suckingUP
substitute 0to substitute one thing Iike mad to the boss他在拼命拍老板的马
for another以某事代替另一事物。 A 屁。
stretcho沂plano四厅e was substituted for SUCk6d be sucked into an event or
one of the ordlna甲strings用一段钢琴弦situation陷入。万八e厂ound herse厅
代替了一根普通弦・公a substitute for su ' ked into one of才he dlrtjest leg日l
something替代,替代物。 There污no battles 0fthe 798伪她陷入了八十年代最肮
substitute for rea / talent真才买学是无法 脏的法律战之一。
替代的。 sue 0to sue someone for a civil
Subsumed be subsumed under or offence因诽谤罪等而控告某人。
within a larger group or class将某事 0日wley ' 5 attempt to sue a publ巧her
物归于某类型、类别中。 product ; for了ibel克劳利试图控告某出版商诽
subsumed under the日non夕mous labe /谤。 The company巧being sued for
0沂,B rltish meat,归入“英国肉’无名标wro门g勿IdlsmI5sa/那公司正被人控告无理
签的产品。 The other two blg斤ms have辞退员工。公to sue for money ora
been subsumed Within Barcla外另两个divorce为某事提出申诉。 He sued份r
大公司已归入巴克利家族。 maln把nanceo沂f53000日month.他提出
subtract to subtract one thing from诉讼,要追讨每月五万三千英镑的维修费。
another从某数量中减去另一数量。 YOu must sue for dlvo庄e wlthout delay
Th即wlll have to subtract appropna亡e 你必须立即申诉离婚。
sums from the , r budgets他们得从预算中SUff6r to sufi七r from a disease or illness
减去适当数量。 患某种疾病。月e suffered from an
succeed 0to succeed in doing完成,unaccePtable / evel ofnlghtblln山e “他
成功。八11 countries are expected to患有极严重的夜盲症。
succeed初bringing down inflation thIS sufficient be sufficient for a particular
夕臼r所有国家今年都可望降低通货膨胀。劝Pu甲ose足够派某一用场。 Ama ] Orityof
an extent , theyha爬s " cceeded in thelr sevenjuro巧wassu所决ntforaverdict
alms某种程度上,他们的目标达到了。公 tobereached七个陪甲员的多数就足以作出
to succeed someone as something继 裁决。
某人担任某职务・ Lord Young succeed - suffused be suffused with light , colour ,
ed hlm as party chalrman扬勋爵接替他任or feeling充满。功污toy wrote nove污
党的主席。 suff口sed with a se门se of the ultimate
Succession a succession of things or triumph of dlvlne / o ve.托尔斯泰写的小说充
peoPle一连串的,一个接一个。 Th即满了神圣爱情的最终胜利感。
3 19

Suggestion a suggestion of something 识比其他宾客丰富得多。
暗示・月ere:巧tsan夕suggestionofill - supervision under supervision在指
treatment他抵制任何一点点的折磨・ 导下OTh即Wl / l have山eo户portunlty to
Suggestive be suggestive ofsomething put these skl / 151门才0 pr日ctice under
提示暗示,引起联想。 It make,日sUpervi盯on他们会有机会在别人指导下实
' ound四川ch巧suggestive of a mout力 践这些技术。
organ它发出的声音有点像口琴。 supplement 0a supplement to
suitable be suitable as something or something寻1 ・充・ We oan on加proVide
for a particularpu甲ose ; asuitablething our servlce日5 a supplement to
for a particular purpose or person合适 In帕rnatlonal services我们只能提供我们的
的。 I污own produc朽are ma , nly desktop服务,作为对国际服务的补充。公to
了tems suitable as gtfts for men其主要严supplement one thing with another以
品是桌面小件,适合做礼物送给男士。 0门e 某事物增加或补充另一事物。 l
of the last 18t八cent " ryhous " In theCI妙sUppIementedmydletwithvltamlnpl / Is
suitable for户rlvate occupatlon城里我用维生素药片补充营养。
适合私人居住的最后几幢十八世纪房屋之supply 0to supply something to
一。/t did月otseem tobeSUi柏bleattire someone向某人提供某物。 contracts
for an appearance in court这不像是上庭to supply electr7city direct to
应穿的服装。 asui怕bleenterta加ment companles向公司直接提供电力的台
fora夕ck boy适合病孩的娱乐品。 同。 The门。帕was sUpp " ed to the PFess
suited be suited to or for a particular but not the publ七该通知提供给了报界・但
job or purpose适合于,有资格。 He没有向公众公布・ 0 tosupplysomeone
夕v日sb " tsuitedtocasuallabour他最好 with something向某人供应、提供。
做些轻便劳动。 The品stem blocfo庄es are Th即suPPlied thec门mlna污with后cts
particularly suited forsurPrlse东方集团军 about him他们向罪犯提供了关于他的情
队特别适合突袭。 况。
superimpose 0to superimposea support in support of someone or
word , drawing , symbol , or sound on something支持,维护。 meetingsin
another将某物置于另一物上;在某物support of Ljthuanlan Independence
上面写、画、做记号或加音响等。 a 支持立陶宛独立的会议。
T - shlrt with a clenched爪tsUperimposed sure 0be sure about something or 6f
on a Union jack英国米字旗加拳头图 something有把握,确信0 The on今
案的T恤。公to superimpose the thlngwe ' re sure about巧才hat it , S ab即
features or characteristics of one 我们唯一确信的是,那是个男孩。 0 for
situation on another situation将某一sure肯定。弘e叼Id纳日t her mother协旧s
特点或特性添加到另一情形中去。 lt lrlsh , bUt nob 。即kne四for sure她说母亲
would be wrong to superimpose the 是爱尔兰人,但没有人可以肯定。
patterno沂the印st-叭他st confllct on the su汁eit a surfeit of something过量,过
prese门t problems把东西方斗争方式强加于度OTh即became insensjtiveto : u加ring
现有矛盾是错误的。 through a surfeit of vlo / e nce他们由于遭
superior be superior to someone or受暴力对待过多而对吃苦变得麻木。
something胜于・比〔某人或某事〕优surge a surge in something or of
越。 The doctor cons了deredh尹m ' ej沂something激增。角ee , g九ties sawa
superior to mosto沂t八e户eop / e around surge in mi / itary techno7o卿八十年代的
八Im那医生认为自己高人一等。 Her 军事技术大发展。 a surge ofenthu -
' por才Ingk门。四Ie为e was vast今suPe对or siasm ・热情激增。
to thatoftheothe厂guests她对运动的认surprised be surprised at something

or by something义、 1某事感至IJ惊奇・ 5八e suspicion 0 under suspicion受到1怀
was surPrised at Hugo亏ve八emence她疑O日e was under suspicion厂or
对雨果的热情感到吃凉。 l四as surPrised d ' honest conduct他坡怀疑有不诚买行为。
by加厂reactlo门我讨她的反应很吃惊。 公above suspicion ; beyond suspicion
surrender 0 to surrender to someone无可怀疑的;诚实的・角epermanent
or something向某人投降,向某事属犯〔 retarl郎are above susPicion终身秘书
服・ The夕werea / lowed to return们是无可怀疑的。 0a suspicion of
provjded they surrendered tot为e something少量・ a per沂umed broth
贷curl妙forc “他们只要向安全部队投降就w产th chfy , anthemum je日ve , anda
可以回去。公the surrender of susPICIOn of lemon 9ra55加了菊花叶
something屈服・交出。 an unwltti门9子和少量柠檬草的香汤。
surren山r ofpens了on rlghts不知情地suspicious be suspicious of someone
放弃领取养老金的权利。 or something对〔某人、某事〕产生怀
Surround to surround a person or thing疑。功e hadbeensusPICIOusoftheman
with something包围,围住〔某人或某Who had managed Mr Heat为性campa叮n
物〕 。 The guards surrounded八lm with她怀疑经手管理希斯先生竞选的那人。
a barrage of口mbrel白5 to protecth了m卫swamped be swamped by something
兵用雨伞阵保护他。 The rlverb厂oke矛朽 or with something被某事物淹没・日巧
banks surrounding the八otel with quest尹on was swamped by the gene阳l
Wate “可决堤了,洪水包围了旅馆。 merrlmento沂h巧co / / eagues他的l问题被同
surrounded be surrounded by事的哄堂大笑所淹没。 We become
something被包围。功e Whole cakels swamped With many rel心ions and 50 do
surrounded by a th , ck coato沂jel / y整个not attachl川户ortance to anyo沂the阴我
蛋糕包着厚厚一层果冻。 们被许多宗教所包围故不重视任何一种。
Survive to survive on something依靠swap 0to swap one thing for another
某物继续生存。 The crew hads " rvived一物交换另一物。,内e recent / y swap -
on shIP , sb污cul朽and slx quarts of rurn ped her Nik Kers八awposte巧forMa心已
船员们靠船上饼干和六夸脱朗姆酒活了下 Modigllanl andVe溯eer她最近用尼克科
来。 Eventso厂th巧sca / e臼nnot survive 萧的广告画换了马蒂斯、莫蒂里亚尼和弗美
on Ideals and后n妇5了esa / one.这么大规模 尔的画OOtoswapsomethingwith
的事件不能单靠理想和幻想而持续下去。 someone else与某人交换某物。
susceptible be susceptible to Charlotte swaPPed storl已”厅幼another
something易受某事影响0 There are elder扮lady夏洛特与另一位老太太互讲故
two strains of trop了ca/斤sh that are事。
sus烤ptible toca门cer有两种热带鱼容易生swarm to swarm with people or
癌。 animals挤满着人或动物。 Ma叮par朽
SuspeCt Isosp旦kt / to suspect someone ofKlevareswarmingwithpoljce.基辅许
of something就某事怀疑某人。月els多地方挤满了警察。
one of seve阳1 who suspects them of swathed be swathed in something用
having Iinks with the IRA.他是怀疑他们与某物缠绕。 His head was swathedin
爱尔兰共和军有联系的人士之一。 bandages他的头缠着绷带・
suspend to suspend someone froma swear 0to swear at someone咒骂某
particular position or job暂令某人停人0 Iwasoldenoughtoswearatm丫
平毛0 Twelve户oljceo沂厂Icers we , e mothe厂我当时长大了,可以骂母亲啦。 0
suspended from dutya沂ter belng to swear by something极其信赖并经
acc比ed Ofcorruptlon十二名警官被控贪污常使用某事物・ TOurls朽s ? r bys ?
而停职。 Arm夕50以5旅游者爱穿瑞士军袜“
SU甘it ( h

switch 0to switch from one thing to Ma尹门land四orkersm了g为t strlke in
一件事情上・ 29 per ce门t厂avoured The dec了slon was made in sympathy
s雨tch仍9 froma才om了〔 towl门d户ower with loca了阳夕由n括该决定与当地居民相呼
79%的人赞成把原子能改成风能。 0 to 应。

switch with someone与某人对换。 I ・ m Symptom a symptom of something征
on duty on SatUrd日y butl ' 11 switch with候・ The row wasa戈ymptom ofpub / i 。
。 ne 。厂the other me门我星期八值班但可a门xle妙。 ver educatlo门吵闹是公众对教育焦
以和另l]人对换。 虑的征候。
symbol a symbol of or for something symptomatic be symptomatic of
〔某事物的〕象征・丁八eb , : ho户isa something作为征兆或症状。了力ese
symb0I of Chrl女主教是基督的象征。 problems are饭y川IPtomatiC of叻e后ilure
Ch ; ldrenw , jl be asked to , dent;今the 。 fcare with川thecornmunlty这些问题说
叹犷mboIS for raln and snow将要求孩子们 明了社区中缺乏关爱。
辨另州雨和雪的记号。 Synchronize to synchronize one thing
symbolic be symbolic ofsomething象with another使某物同步。 Astronomers
征性的。 It was Symbolic of月nland ' : have tr矛ed to synchronize the atomic
groVVlllg Importance它象征着芬兰的日益重clocks with the Earth , 5 sPIn天文学家试图
要。 使原子钟与地球自转同步・ The rhythm叭侣s
Sympathetic be sympathetic to or not分nchronized with山e女ePS.节奏与
towards sorneone or their ideas , 脚步不同步。
opinions , or beliefs对〔某人及其想法、 synonym a synonym for a word某个
意见、信仰〕表示同情。 It seems tha才词的同义词・ ‘ Totalltarla门’巧nota / " Ia产
many troops are Sympathetic to the a芝ynonym for ' commun巧t " ‘极权主义”
p印Ular insurrecti 。门似乎许多部队都同情民 并不总是与‘ ’共产主义同义。
众起义。 she had Ceased to feel synonymous be synonymous with
芝犷mpathetic towards Helen她已不再同another word , idea , or thing同义的。
情海伦。 To50meeconom店概’ devejoPment ' 5ee邢
SympathiZe to sympathize with to be synonymous with ' growth ‘对某
someone or their ideas , opinions , or些经济学家来说・ ‘发展”似乎与“增长” ’同
beliefs同情、赞同、支持。 He义。 Fashion巧no longer ' ynonymous
' ympathized with her about thew即with如uth时髦不再与青春同义。
阳porters had hara " ed her.他同情她遭受
记者的骚扰。 5八esympathizedwiththe
stand taken by the dlfecto巧agaln ; t the
strikers她同情董事们反对罢工者的立场。 T
sympathy 0 sympathy for or with
someone Or something同情,同情心;ta ( k 16 to tackle someone over 指
sympathy between people意气相投。 something or about something向某人
YOu have to have Sympathy with the交涉。 M巧功atcher wlj / tackle斤esident
FOotball Assoclation beca比eo沂the lack Bush over repatrJ泊tlon撒切尔夫人将就遣
0沂fl门ance你得同情足球协会缺经费。 返问题向布什总统交涉。 EmPI即ers are扣
C Iearl夕,亡here was some strange be ta ' kled aboutt八e了r approach to
sympathy between thls boy and the working women要与雇主理论对待劳动妇
be巴这男孩与蜜蜂之间显然有奇怪的共鸣。 女的态度。
0 in sympathy ; in sympathy with加inted be tainted袱th or勿something
someone同情某人;与某人一致。 undesirable or unpleasant腐坏。 Th污

Government了5 demoral巧ed , Inco八ere门t , will talk on ' Li角at aH了g八er Education
and ta协ted with corruptlon现政府士气InstltUtlon ‘皮克林博士将讨论高等学校的
低落、立场前后矛盾、贪污腐败。 Ma门y 生活。 me门w力。八ad talked Of
HUng " rlans con " , derh ; m to be taintedby per { e cti 。门谈到完美的人们。 0 to talk
hjs yearso沂sery了ce in the Communist to someone对某人i炎话。角ere , 11 be no
Party许多匈牙利人认为他受共产党内多年工 decI5ion unt了11 ' ve招Iked to Charj尹e我与
作的影响。 查利谈过以前不会做出决定。 0totalk
怕ke 0to take something from a person down to someone用高人一等的口气对
or Place从某人、某处拿取东西。 You人讲话。 shels门。 jo门ger bel门q crltlclzed
are not allowed才。怕ke food from the for talking down to herjunlo巧她用高
dlnl门gr 。 。 m你不可以将食物带出饭堂。 人一等的口气对年幼者讲话不再受到批评
The most wo门der勿1 thing she had even啦。 0 to talk someone into doing
po巧e " ed was belng taken from her她something说服某人做某事。洲e talked
所拥有的最神妙之物正被拿走。公totake the leaders l ' ntO朗动力9 the叩rlslng他说
after a member of your family在外服首领终止起义。 0 totalksomeoneout
表、行为、性格方面像某个长辈。 He of doing something说服某人放弃某种
took after his grandfat为er where意图或行为。 Heal / owedhlmse厅tobe
character was concerned他的l生格像爷 talked out of giving a speech.他听从劝
爷。 0 to take against someone or 告不演讲了。
something 〔没有原因的〕开始不喜欢或tally to tally with something与某事相
反对0 The尸roducerstartedtaking符合、相一致。 The con沂ess , ons and
against Dan and由e Whole ' crIPt伟l]片开statementsdo门Ot tally with each other
始不喜欢丹和整个居{本。 0to take to供词与陈述不一致。 The inltia污taHied
someone or something开始喜爱,开始with those of them肠了ng man.缩写字母
从事0 Itwaoimpo " ibletotellwhet力er与失踪男子的一致。
he ' dtaketoR0seo厂no衣无法辨别他是否tamper to tamper with something干
喜欢罗丝0 Hetooktovls矛t了nghereach预、擅自改动某事物。 The best advicels
week.他开始每周来看她。 0 to takea to avold tampering州thyourdlet最好
duty or task upon yourself主动承担某 的建议是不要擅改饮食。
事。 Its two Ieaders took it upon tandem in tandem ; in tandem with
themselvesto , olve the problem它的两个something一前一后;排成纵列。月e
领导主动承担去解决问题。 0 to take c肠imed that vlojence and dIPlomaCy
something out on someone对某人发 would be used in taodem他声称,暴力
泄。 Th即mu : t rea / lzeth即cannot take和外交术要交叉使用・ ltw韶。 peratedin
thelr anXletjes out on others.他们必须明
tandem With日卯刁j / conventlonajpo " ler
白・不能把焦虑发泄到另lJ人头上。.to statlo门.它与小型传统电站结合使用。
take someone up on something接受某t口ntamount be tantamount to
人邀请。以华日thel勿took me uPon卿something与某事物效果相同・ The oct
。能乙威瑟比接受了我的邀请。 was tantamount to unconditio玲a /
taken by taken with someone or surrende 「这个行动相当于无条件投降。
something 〔对某人或某事物〕感兴趣。 tap on tap随时可取・ we ' ve夕otall幼e
MIChael was par石cularly taken with the加formation permane们t / y on tap我们随时
clotted cream迈克尔特别喜欢凝固奶油。 可得到各种信息。
talk 0 to talk about , on , or of target 0a target for something or of
something谈论,谈到。 I ' ve got 10朽of something目标,又、 r象・ ormondr仍心.s
plans but 1 can ' t talk about them片t我height made hjm an ea划target和r
有许多计划・但还不能讲出来。 Dr月亡kenng u们klnd rem刁rks.奥门德罗伊德的高个子,往

往是不友善语言的目标。夕ude门朽四ere由e e / ectro一fo厂m阴9 meta心我迷恋于电成型金
户rlme targets ofattack学生是上好的攻击属技术。 The technique for thls klndo沂
目标。公on target准确的;击中要害帕levI5lon巧qulte slmp / e这种电视的技术很
的。丁为巧pu亡5 hlm on target for the 简单。
四。 rld阳cord这样他就可以向世界记录冲击teem to teem with animals or people
了。 富有,拥有大量动物或人。 Th Ose
taste 0 a taste of something 〔某事物gleam户ng sur角ces are teeming wit六
的〕初次经])了Orecru心who give up bac拍rIa这种闪光性表面上细菌多极了。
a斤eratasteof日溯yjl殆尝试军旅生telephone 0by telephone用电话。
活后就放弃的新兵・公a taste for The threat was made on Thursday by
something爱好。 she acqu ; red a taste telephone是星期四打电话来吓唬人的。
for wejrlng basebal / caps她喜欢戴棒球obeonthetelephone通电话。 SOme
帽。 sald it夕vas not wlse to talk On the
tax to tax someone with something 〔因telephone有人说在电话上交谈不明智。
某事〕指责某人。 1 taxed her with 0 be on thetelephone 〔家里或办公
wll勿Ilyembraclng角mln心m我指责她顽固室〕装有电话。 l , m notonthetele -
坚持女权主义。 phone at home , butyou can contactme
taxi by taxi乘坐出租车。 1 sugge ' t扣u at四Ork我家里没装电话但可以给我工作处
come by taxi to myfrl印d , 5 house我建打电话找我。
议你乘坐出租车来我朋友家。 television on television在电视里。
team to team up with someone和某人 M厂卜勺汇日n沙日5 Intervle四ed0nteIeVisl ' on
配合。 The singer斤rst teamed叩with伏伊肯先生受到电视采访。
the ensemble万ve夕ea巧ago歌唱家于五年te . l 0to tell someone about something
前第一次与该合唱队合作。 告诉某人某事情・ 7e日Chers are
tear 0to tear at someone扯拉Q八pet encouragedto招IlpUPllsaboutoccasions
cat was tearing at八rs Ieg dur犷ngt八e四为en they took the wro门9 decision鼓励
inter功e以采访中,一只家猫在扯拉他的腿。 教师告诉学生自己作出错误决定的情况。 O
公to tear into someone责备。日e really to tell one thing from another区别1 。
tore into me aboutm夕work.他狠狠地斥All cows look the " me tom已1 can never
责我的工作问题。 0 to tear someone teUO门e from日nother我看所有奶牛都一
away from a place or activity强迫某模一样,从来都分不清。 0 to tell
人离开某地,或阻止某人参与某一活something from evidence or facts从
动。 Whata;九ame it was to tear Dol今某一迹象或事实可以发现某事。丫。 u
away from thep / ay阻止多丽在话剧中演 cou / d帕11介om the cro四d污厂e日ctlo门that
出真是可惜。 she叭las popula厂你可以从人群的反应看出・
tears in tears含泪;在哭泣。 Hed矛d她很受欢迎。
not resist arrest and was led away in tend to tend towards a particular
tears他没有拒捕・哭泣着被拉走了。 feature or characteristic倾向于。 The
tease to tease information out of斤rst hal厂oft八e game tended towardS
someone 〔通常指从不愿给予者那里〕 the tentative.比赛前半场倾向于迟疑不决动
套取消息。 on toufl eve印one will be term 0in particular terms ; in terms
t今ingto加ase the nome of山e man out ofsomething依据,从某一方面来说。
ofhe厂在路上,大家会向她套取那男人的名 In archaeological terms thi ' isa
字。 印“ tacula厂find从考古痛度看这是辉煌的
technique a technique of or fora发现。四et为Ink consta门t加in terms of
particular activity or skill技巧、技术・ people and thelr needs我们不断地想到人
1 am fascinated by the technique of民和他们的需求・ 0 on someone ' s

terms按照l勺己的t二张或条件。 He 狸心理学。
eve门才ua / / y forced her to negotlate onh巧theory in theory理论l几・ In theory ,
0即门ter们ns他终于迫使她按他的条件谈判。 a 11 、 choo污s八ouldby门ow be Integrated
test 0to test for something检验某理论上所有学校现往都应消灭了种族差
物。 Theeg少came from blrdswh ; ch had 另11 。
。 ot been tes帕d for sa / monella鸟蛋来自thick be thick with something充满着。
没检测过沙门氏菌的鸟。公to test The air vvas thick wit为black smoke空气
someone on something对某人进行某 中充满了黑烟。
方面的测验。 Iw , / ltest夕ouon夕our think 0to think of or about someone
k门。 wledge 。厂Fren山我要考考你的法语知or something想至l ]}己考・ It为ad to be
识。 0 to test a substance on a person done Think ofa / 1 we / eamed ftom it它
or animal对人或动物进行某一药物的必须完成,想想我们从中能学到多少啊。 He
试验。 The vacclne has been tes怕d on should take somet矛用eo沂沂a门d think
gorlllas疫苗已在大猩猩身上做试验。即e about hls next move他应该腾出点时间,
only招st on volunteers我们只在志愿者身考虑一下下一步骤。公to think back over
上试验。 something in the past ; to think back to
testament a testament to a particular something in the past回想;反思0 It
characteristic , fact , or achievement切gives you an opportunlty to think bark
实的证明。石verym , Illmetre oft八后car巧over the尸a厂它给你机会回顾过去的一年。
a testament to the sk才115 ofthepanel闪O一one vvould ever know howo介en he
beaters.此车的每一毫米都证明了板金工的技thought back tot八at ba / con夕i门t六e
术高明。 50uth ofl = ra nce没有人知道他常常回想法
testify 0to testify against someone 国南方的那个阳台。
提供不利于某人的证据〔尤指出庭作thirst 0a thirst for something 〔对某
证〕 0 Mo ' tofthe ; urviv ; ngwltnesses事物的〕向往・ Int力e rougher parts of
could testify against thes 。印ects大多Kingston the thirst for revengels
数幸存的证人都指证了嫌疑人。公to intense,在金斯敦治安差的地区,人们渴望复
testify for someone为某人作证。 5为e仇。公to thirst for something向往〔某
刚11 be asked to testi印for the defence事〕 。 They are thirsting forsucces£他
她将应邀为被告作证。 0 to testify toa们向往成功。
particular fact or achievement证实。 thirsty be thirsty for something渴望。
An archaeolog污t testifi七d to its prob日ble wol阳又纳irsty forb/。 。 d ・嗜血的狼
日uthentltlty一名考古学家证买,它有可能是 群。
真的。斤它sh shells testified to the rece月亡thrall in thrall入迷‘ Her : inging al协,ayS
murder of { o urpeasants新鲜的贝壳证明了held the audlence in thrall她的歌声总是
四个衣民最近被谋杀“ 迷住观众。
testimony a testimony to the quality threat 0under threat受到威胁。
of a thing or person 〔对事物、人的〕见Rubberwood巧oneo沂t八e份四tropi ' al
证或证明。丁he successful breeding hardVv00ds not under threat,橡胶林是未
阳cord 15 a testimony to the contentment受威胁的少数热带阔叶林之一公athroat
of the anlmals In the 200.成功产子证明动to someone or something 〔对某人或某
物园中动物很满足。 事物的〕威胁。 TourI5mls门ot thew 。陈t
theorize to theorize about something threat to the AIPs旅游业不是对阿尔卑斯
or on something建立理论,理论化・山的最大威胁・ Oathreatofsomething
Here勿ses to theo对之e abouth店mu5Ic 〔可能造成危害或锁害的〕人或事。
他拒绝建立他的音乐理论。,theorizing the threat of increased European
on the psychofo卿of the自义・建立狐competitio门欧洲竞争加剧的威胁” '

threaten to threaten someone with chose a book and thumbed through it
something以某事威胁某人。丁h 。 qulck / y他选定一本书,快速翻看着。公
school四日5 threatened withc / osure学 under someone ' 5 thumb受人支配。
校有关闹的危险。 万orne teache巧a阳ve即good at keep尹ng
thr6Sho . d on the threshold of pupl污under亡八eZr thumbs某种老师善于
on the thre , hold of wj门n了ng the t ie 0to tie with someone ina
了“ Ka5Parov tied with为I ' s old enem夕In the
thrill to thrill to something极度高兴 四Orld Cup to日rname 。亡卡斯怕罗夫在世界
兴奋。 The aud , ence thrilled to the杯比赛中与老对手打平。公to tie up with
composer " w了/fU / dI5ru户tlono厂fhythrn something和〔某事〕有联系。 Questlon ;
观众听到作曲家有意打破节奏,兴奋不已。 about the nature of门ascuj了nlty are ti6d
thrive to thrive on something靠某物叩with印。比关于男子汉气概本质的问题与
繁荣、兴旺。月e : eem:亡ot六rive On 体育分不开“
co门trove儿夕他似乎靠争议而发达。 tied be tied to a particular subject or
throw 0to throw something at opinion受约束,受限制・ one should
someone or something 〔向某人、某物〕 never be tied to dog阴日我们不应拘泥于
投掷。 Ithrewabootathlm我向他扔靴 教条。
子。公to throw something to someone time 0 in time及时。八lorry came
将某物扔给某人。 1 threw thesCr甲t round the cornera门d cou / d no才stopin
acrO55 to Beaumont and sa尹d , ' 1 must do time一辆卡车转过弯来,无法及时刹车。
演这场戏。 ” Otothrowmoney , energy , the custome巧ge朽wl / / in time be le "
or resources into something将〔钱、 tha月the amount Inve , ted顾客得到的信贷
精力或资源〕投入某事情中・ Man夕数量最终将比投资数量少。 Oontime按
women throwa / / o沂thejr energles intoa时。.cu ' tome巧四ho are not pay ; ng
career许多妇女把全部精力投入事业。 O thel厂bills on time不按时付账的顾客。
be thrown back on your own power or tinged be tinged with a particular
resources只能用本人的权力或资源。 feeling or colour略受影响;稍带颜
角即were thrown back on their own色。月e was a manwl幼a great sense of
dimln污hed resources他们只能依靠自己绵 hurnour tinged witha八Into沂
薄的资源。 mischievousne55他是个十分幽默的人略
throwback a throwback to something带顽皮劲。扣ung leaves tinged with
回归。 athrowbacktotheda外when bro卿a门dplnk略带棕色、粉红色的嫩
heaVy metal was dubbed ' dinosaur叶子。
rock ‘ ・回到重金属被称为‘恐龙石”的日t ingle to tingle with a particular
子“ emotion受某种情绪影响。 He could
thrust to thrust something upon feel hlmself tingling with excltement他
someone or on someone将某事强加于 感到自己激动不已。
某人。 Institutjon ; respond to the tinker to tinker with something修补,
阳sponsibllitles thrust叩on them.机构对改进。 He th , nks that no one should
强加上来的责任作出反应。什was not for tin介erw代打a product山at actua{扮wor火s
me to thrustm - y叨e防on them我才不会 他认为・人们不应改进很灵验的产品。
把自己的观点强加于他们呢。 tiptoe on tiptoe踞着脚。 Th即stretched
thumb 0to thumb through a book or theI ' r arms and stood on tiPtoe.他们伸长
magazine将书、杂志等一翻而过。月e 手臂,踞着脚。

tr曰d ition

t ire to tire of something or someone仄controj会谈的焦点是安全但也论及军备控
倦,仄烦・ we : oon beg日n to tireo ,制。
swordfish四厂th臼户er sauce我们很快仄倦tour on tour在旅行thec / ose
了旗鱼伴续随子酱。 殆// o wshIP动atcom " { rO mbeingontour
tired be tired ofsomethingorsomeone together从一起旅游建立起的紧密伙伴
对〔某事或某人〕感到仄倦、仄烦。 rm 关系。
石阳dofcominghometoanemptyhouse tout to tout for business or custom兜
我讨厌回家守空房。 售货物,招揽生意・ Th ere are more
title the title of something名称,标题than 60 com户anjes touting for the
等。 the , ronic title of his / a st album contract有六十多家公司想拿到该合同。
, MlddleO日55 white Boy,他的最新唱片tow in tow拖航二跟随。 our斤m had
集标题具有讽刺意义― ‘中产阶级白人孩 thejobo沂taking the ves ' elinto以我们
子” 。 公司的工作是拖船只。 He arr了ved 。门
tolerant be tolerant of someone or sunda夕with hIS chlldren into以他于星期
something能够容忍或接受。日r , tai门ls 日来到,后面跟着孩子。
becom泊9 le55 tolerant of Vlo / ence英国toy to toy with something漫不经心地
已经不那么容忍暴力了。 考虑某事,心不在焉地摆弄某物。 He
tone to tone with something ; to tone in had qulckly downed hIS flrst dFi力k and was
with something与某物调和、协和、相拍厂月9 with thesecond他很快喝下了第
配0 ThatcarPetdoe ; n ' treallytonein一杯饮料,并在摆弄第二杯・ Iamtoylng
“厅幼thecu厂tains那地毯与窗帘不大相配。 with the ideao沂entering hlm in the Gold
topped be topped with something or Cup我正在随便地考虑让他去参加“金杯
by something用某事物加顶或覆盖。 赛” 。
as拍el Walltoppedwith5Pikes顶trace without trace无影无踪。 s力iP :
上带尖头的钢墙。 H污sjx footfr日me四as were wrecked , ' unk , or 10 ' t without
toPPedby { re ck / ed殆atu阳5 and a toft t门ce船只出事了,沉掉了・或者消失得无影
ofredhair他六英尺高,脸上有雀斑,红头 无踪。
发。 trade 0trade in a particular kind of
total in total总共。 The anlmal 15 about goods买卖。 t力e International trade
an inch long into怕I该动物总长约一英incounterfeltdrug,国际假药买卖“
寸。 公to trade one thing for another用某
touch 0in touch ; in touch with一货物换另一货物・ He traded his
someone or something近在身边;〔与goats for a Merce由5 car他用山羊换了一
某人或某事物〕保持联系。 Natio门a /辆奔驰汽车。 0 to trade with someone
televlslO斤netVvorks have bee门in toUCh 与某人贸易。 They加veceasedtot ' ' ad匕
全国电视网络就在身边。 aecutiVes门eedto with the 。{fe门ding countries.他们与伤害
be in touch with the 。仔比eco门;tantly执感情的国家断绝了贸易。 0 totradeonan
行经理需要不断与办公室联络。公out of advantage利用已有的机会。月e ' s
touch ; out of touch with someone or aIWays been abje to trade on hIS name .
something孤陋寡闻;〔与某人或某事他总是能够利用自己的名声。 0 bytr日de
物〕失去联系。 He wlll be a Ilttle out of职业是。 Prevlously a saddler by trade ,
touch , ajthough he , 5 a rapld learne厂他有he now concent阳帕5 on horses.他原来是
点生疏,但他学得很快0 Heseemsquite马具商,但现在只做马生意了。
Out Of tOUchwi泊English 11殆他似乎对tradition a tradition of something传
英国生活一无所知0 0 to touch ona统0 There店日IOngtraditionofhealth
subject论及。 The talks concentrated on厂esearch in Bath.在巴思有健康研究的悠久传
securi尔but aI5o touched on arms 统。,

traffi (

traffic to traffic in something买卖〔尤transferred fromM / dd / esborough toa
指在非法的物资为而・例如:毒品、武 neo一natal unl亡了n闪ewcastle希格斯先生从
器、偷来的东西〕 ・ g朋卯that traffic 中区调动到纽卡斯尔的一个新生单位。
incocalnea门dcra欲买卖可卡因和纯tr日nsform be transformed from one
可卡因的团伙。 thing into another变成・ It ' ; abouta
trailer a trailer for a filln or television twe / ve一a卜。心b即w八0wak “叩to find
programme电影或电视},目预告片。 he , s been transformed intoa thir妙一ar -
an extended trailer forh巧勿厂thcom川g old rna门关于一个十二岁男孩的故事,醒过
movle 。门Va门GOgh宣传他的关于梵 来发现他变成了三十岁的成人。
高的新影片的长预告片。 transit in transit在运输中。 The
train 0by train坐火车・日ob travel伯d conten朽had角l / en out in transit内容物
acro巧Europe by train鲍勃坐火车横跨欧 在运输途中掉出了。
洲。公to train as something or for transition the transition from one thing
something训练成;为某事而训练。 to another过度・转变。 t八e
some students八ad opted to train as汀日nsltion ffom rates to户。/1 tax从
ac加r5OrmU5lcla门s某些学生选择训练做演 地方税向人头税的过渡。
员或音乐家。 she retUrned home to train translate 0to translate writing or
for an attempt on the world record她回speech from one language into another
家受训,准备冲击世界记录。 Ototraina将某一种语言译成另一种・ Her dlarle ,
gun , camera , or light on someone or have been translated into Engl巧h她的
something将〔枪、相机、灯光〕对准某日记已经译成英语・/t巧yet to be transla -
人或某物。 Elght阳mo亡e controj臼meras ted from the orlglna / Urdu还要把它从原
weretra加ed on her as she印oke她讲演文乌尔都语翻译出来。 ototranslatean
时有八架遥控照相机对准她。 记ea or desire into another form将某
training in trainingUll练有素。殆x一想法或欲望转变为另一形式。 larrl吧d
阳b日tes Were extended toa / 1 nu巧es inw了t为a burn了ng amb了tio门to translate
份日ining.对所有训练有素的护士进行退税・ fictlon into阳翻ty我来的时候迫切地想把虚
traitor a traitor to a country , group of 构化作现买。
people , or particular belief对〔国家、 translation 0a translation from one
群体或某一信仰的〕叛徒・ Anyon 。 state or forlll to or into another翻译。
US川9 VIOlence WOuldbeseena , atraitor practice jn translation from the
to thecause任何使用暴力者都要看作事业 a门clent Greek古希腊又翻译练习。
的叛徒。 marketing , trateg了es and the尹r
trample to trample on someone , their玄门nslation intoPr 。{lt市场营销战略
rights , beliefs , or hopes粗暴地对待某并且把它们化为利润。 There hadprevlously
人;践踏某人的权利、信仰、希望。 bee门门0reljab / e franslation into FlenCh
They have trampled on every po / Itica /以前没有可靠的法文译本。公in transla ・
nlcety to get thelrpo / l ' c les through他们为tion翻译过的。 contem户ora印and
了执行政策不惜践踏一切政治高尚原则。 classlc pla外in translation翻译过来
transcript a transcript of a piece of 的当代和经典话剧。
writing , music , or speech 〔录音带或笔travesty a travesty of something荒谬
记等的〕誊本或抄本。 Thec 。女。沂a的模仿。 It巧surely a travesty of the
transcriPt of the proceeding ; , 5 prlnclPI巴。门四为Ich prlvatlzatlo门污based
prohlbltlve会议记录抄本的价格高极了・ 它肯定是私有化原贝lJ的拙劣模仿。
transfer to transfer from one place , trespass 0to trespass on property浸
job , or method to a different one掉换占财产。 suPporters tresPassed On the
地方、调动工作或调换方法。 DrHlg少Pltc为tojoinin支持者闯入宿营地跟他们站

在一起。公to trespass upon someone ' s 叛军与政府休战了。
generosity , friendship , helpfulness , and truck by truck坐}: / l几・四e travel / ed
50 on妄用・滥用・ Ma了1 venture to by truCk tot力e near巴t户etro /,妇t ; on我
trespass Upon your , enseo厂少ustice户我 们坐卡车去了最近的汽油站
能否斗胆冒犯你的正义感, true 0 be true of or for something or
trial on trial在受审中在实验中。 someone 〔对某事或某人来说〕是正确
Theym兮htpre角r的de户O汀山em than户ut的。 Th巧巧true of other ; nstltutlons as
them on trial他们可能罕愿把他们驱逐出 well这也适用于其他机构。斤etendi门9 to
境,而不是甲判他们。 It了st八e whole be someone elsewa , good勺r卿;勺门既
systemo沂interrogatlon山at巧on trial.整一the same巧true for many peOPle假装
个拷问制度在受到审判。 另lj人是我克服害羞感的妙计许多人也是这
tribUte a tribute to someone or 样的。公be true to someone or
something礼物,颂扬。石ve甲thing something忠实的‘忠诚的。 Mr
Anna dld vv日5 a trib " te to him安娜做的 McGregor remalns trUe to the revolution
一切给他增了光。 麦克格雷格尔先生始终忠于革命。
trick to trick someone into doing trust 0to trust in someone or
something哄骗某人去干某事。角即something相信,信赖。 There 15 al协旧ys
have tricked the public角to believing afuturefo厂th仍e四ilotrustinHIm信上
thelr prom后es他们哄骗公众相信他们的许帝的人总是有前途的。公to trust someone
诺。 with something交托委托〔贵重物
trifI6 to trifle with someone or 品〕 。 Can八e be trusted with matters
something小看,轻视,不重视。 。沂nationalsecUnty尸能把事关国家安全的事
Nejther side shou心印eak for Europe , or情托付给他吗,0 in trust受托管;保
appear to trifle with its Interests双方都管的。的ture andl湘have been gjven
不应代替欧洲讲话,也不应表现得轻视它的 tousintt ' u ' t自然和生命是托付给我们保管
利益。 的。
trim be in trim状况很好;准备就绪。 try 0to try for something试图赢得。
A 11 the prlnclPle con帕nde巧are犯ld to be He th哈d for a third四111他试图赢第三次。
infinetJ呀m据说主要的竞争者都状况良好。 公be tried for a crime以某项罪名受
triumph to triumph over someone or审。 In a few wee污八e wlll be fried for
something战胜・击败。 He predicted旧pe几个星期后,他会因强奸而受审。
that the pe叩je woujd tfiUmph over thelr tube by tube坐伦敦地铁旅行。 It ' 11 be
despotlcru胎r5他预言,人民会战胜专制统qujcke厂by tube坐地铁更快些。
治者。 tug to tug at something用力拉拖某物。
trouble 0in trouble有麻烦;受困;He tugged at the metal handle , and it
受罚。 Theb卿h日d been in troubleat came 。厅In hls hand他用力拉金属把手,
home男孩在家中遭到了麻烦。公the 把它拉了下来。
trouble初th someone or something(某tumble to tumble to something领会,
人或某事的〕麻烦。 The trouble with了解。 Isoon tumbledtothe均ctthatl
Ludo , 5 argument巧that he Ignores the was wasting my time.我很快意识到,我是
dangers.卢多的论据,其问题在于不顾危 在浪费时间。
险。 The trouble with jane 15 she never tune 0to tune to a particular radio
knows when tO5t叩.珍妮的麻烦是,她不station or television channel调准〔收
知道何时停止。 音机的波长、电视机的频道〕 。 The
tru ' 6 a truce with someone or between 阳tln少have drOPPedslncepe印lestarted
two people or groups休战,停战。 tuning to CN闪fo厂news人们开始收看美
Rebels had made a trUce " , i th the reglrne 国有线新闻电视网的新闻,故该收视率下降


了・公in tune合拍:协调。 Not s拍巧in turn were ' or门ered and forced
eve印one sang in tune不是人人唱得台拍 to llsten依次截住五个牧师强迫他们听。
的・ Ooutoftune音调不准,走调。 ointurn反过来。角e , mprovement , n
/ t ' 5 a tlnybltoutoftune , but了t亏alove扮 re / a tions has / e d in tUrn to a reductlonln
侧a门。这是好钢琴就是有点走调。 Obe arms sajes关系的改善随之导致军备销售降
in tune with something适合;协调二 低。 Ooutofturn不合l卜士喃万的。 There , S
融洽。 We th,门k th , 5 15 more in tune no户en日lty for户lay了门9 a stroke out of
with汕at people rece了ve日t home我们 tum击球不合拍不用罚分的。
认为,这更适合人们在家中所收到的东西。 tussle to tussle with someone or
obeoutoftunewithsomething不融something争斗,扭打・ Don ' t leave
洽;格格不入。 MrA劲downs日id hlm tUsslin夕with山e / o门ger se门tences ,
Thatcherlsm vv日5 out of tUne with the 另lJ让他听了长句子犯难。
石m邵艾希顿先生说,撒切尔主义与时代格格twiddle to twiddle with something玩
不入。 弄,旋弄〔常指毫无IJ标地〕 。 0 。扣u
turn 0 to turn to someone for help or斤匆et , orh树ddle wl ' thyourhair户你摆弄
advice求助于某人。 Poor and unin - 头发吗?
formed womenw声11 turn toi / Iegal type a type of something某一类型。
abo厂tlonlsts不明真相的穷妇女,会去找搞非 Th污嗽即e ofaccommodatIOn lsal四日外In
法堕胎者。 Ototurnagainstsomeone short sUpp尔这种住宿息、是供不应求。
停止支持某人;反对某人。尸ubllc typical be typical ofaperson , situation ,
oplnion turned against Hearst舆论转为or thing象征,典型。 It巧made斤om
反对赫斯特。 0 to turn from one wOOd and corrugated Iron typical ofa
method , system , or situation to another Ru55lan country church.这是典型的俄罗斯
将某一方法、系统、情景转变为另一 乡村教堂,由木料和瓦楞铁皮建成。 lt四日s
种。 Most均rme巧had turned from妙pical of him to place Henry Moore
crops to cattle大多数衣户已从种庄稼转为 statueso门h污estate他习惯于把亨利・莫
养牛。 There台门0excuse勿r tumingto 尔的塑像竖在自己的庄园里。
violence不存在诉诸暴力的借口。 Oto
turn something from one state or
condition into another将某一状态改变
为另一种。月eturnedBarnha阴froma U
compa即worth f50o . 000 to onewo肋
f98 mlllion.他把巴恩汉公司从50万英镑资unacceptable be unacceptable to
产增加至IJg , 800万英镑。 0 to turn into someone不能接受的,不能原谅的。
something different or to something Nothing in that statementi '
different改变。 He 15 concerned that the unacc归ptable to me声明中没有我不能接
celebratlon ' could turn into rIOts他担心受的内容。
仄祝活动会转变为骚乱。 In anothermonth , Un口C ' UStomed be unaccustomed to
the snow wijl turn to mud再过一个月, something不习惯的,不适应的。
雪会化成烂泥。 0 to turn on someone bir由which are un日CCustomed to
攻击。八mir ' : dog : turned ont为eir predato巧不习惯防范食肉动物的鸟儿。
master and tore hlm to pleces.阿米尔的狗unacquainted be unacquainted with
群冲向其主人,把他撕碎了。 0to tum on something无学识的,不知道的。
a particular thing依靠・丁he ca : e people unacquainted with the
turned on the con角巧Ion of a menta/今角cts.不了解真相的人。
handlcapped boy此案关键在于一个弱智男unaffected be unaffected by
孩的坦白。 Ointurn依次。 Fivemini - something无变化的,不受影响的O

少obsw八了c八八a岁e been / arge / y我对他买际做了什么仍然不明白。
unaffected by亡he advance of Un ( ommitted be uncommitted to
automatI0n基本土不受自动化影响的工 something不受约束的・肿ndy , att八巧
作。 stage was uncommitted toa门yo门e
unafraid be unafraid of sornethjng不日肥日温蒂在返个阶段还没有专攻任何一个领
俱怕的。 T八ec为;/ dren were strangely 域呢。
unafraid of,八arks孩子们奇怪地不怕蓬un ( oncern6d be unconcerned aboUt
something or with something对某事
un臼ttra ( tiVe be unattractive to 漠不关心・与某事无关的。 He Was
someone对某人无吸引力的。 He had quite unconcerned about worldly
long known八e was not unattractive to success他对世俗的成功漠不关心。 Her
四。 men他早就知道,自己对女人不是没有吸col刀户/a int was thatt八e meet , ng为ad been
弓{力。 boring日nd unconcerned With店sues她
unavailable be unavailable for 抱怨,会议很无聊,不关心买际间题。
something无法利用的达不到的。 unconnected be unconnected with
月earn四as unavailable for com用en亡/a st something else与另一事物没有关联
nlght昨晚无法找到赫恩作出评论“ 的0 The : alewascompletelyuncon -
unaware be unaware of something不nected with卿retlrement此项销售与我
知道的,未察觉的・ The Pres , denta门d的退休完全无关。
h店gu郎污were apparently unaware of un 《 ons ( ious be unconscious of
the sh 。 。 ting总统和客人们显然没察觉开something不知道,末发觉的・ They
枪。 m即be qulte unconscious of th巧need
unb6known unbeknown to someone 他们可能未察觉这个需要。
不为人知的・ unbeknownto山e resto沂undecided be undecided about
the members , they had sold the prem巧es something尚未拿定主意的,犹豫不决
to山eAncastaGroup.他们在其余成员不知的。 Nigel Man : el/巧s亡,11 undecided
道的情况下将房严卖给了安卡斯塔集团。 about hls勿ture jn motor racing奈杰
unburden to unburden yourself to尔曼塞尔还未确定自己在汽车比赛中的前
someone解除烦恼;向某人诉说苦衷。 途。
乙et力erunburden力e巧e / ftoyou让她向understanding 0an understanding
你诉说苦衷吧。 of a subject对某一学科的掌握。 l
uncertain be uncertain of something alrea即hada角ir understanding of
or about something对某事不确定的。 buslness practlce我对经营常规已有较好掌
pe叩le unce内l ' n ofthelrgoals对握。公understanding between two or
自己的目标不明确的人们。 Gower has bee门more people or groups合作,理解。
uncertain about八店fUture in the garne . aprojecttoencou旧geun血朽tanding
sinceh污dismlssa/日sc日ptaln.高尔自从队 bet . veen the rac “促进种族间理解的
长职务被撤后,就对自己在项目中的前途捉 项目“
摸不定了。 uneasy be uneasy about something 〔为
un ( har口(teristi ( be uncharacteristic 某事〕感到不安的、担心的。 Compa -
of someone 〔对某人来讲〕不寻常的。 nles aFe growlng unea理abo " tthedela ,
a gesture uncharacteristic of the许多公司对于拖延渐渐感到担心起来。
gentle Ftenchman对于法国绅士来说是unequal 0be unequal to an action or
不寻常的动作。 task无力做某事不胜任。 interna -
unclear be unclear about something tIOna / / a w being unequal to the demands
对某事不清楚,不明白。 I ' m st ; 11 of modem co门fllct国际法无法满足现
und七ar aboutw内athe自asactuallydone代冲突的要求。 0 be unequal to some -

one不平等,不相称・角即cannot love 兴趣。
women because they have made women unique be unique to a particular thing ,
unequal to themselves由于他们使妇女处person , or place 〔对某事、某人、某处
于不平等状态,所以不能爱女人。 来讲〕罕见的・ th时bleod叮Plty and
unfair 0be unfair to someone or on comedy that巧unique to lr巧h writers
someone 〔某事对某人〕不公正,不公 爱尔兰作家所特有的怜悯与喜剧的混
平。 TO ban thls八。巧e wou / d be mo , t 合。
unfair on theo四门ers禁止这匹马参赛对于unison in unison一起。 The crowd
其主人很不公平・ 0 beunfairtoanother groaned in unison人群一起抱怨着。
person 〔某人〕对另一人不公正。 1 used united 0be united in an activity or
tobeve甲unfairto八Im我当初对他不公opinion联合,统一召oth partles were
正。 uni怕din叩pos了tlo门to the scheme两党
Unfaithful be unfaithful to someone团结一致反对该计戈.」 。 0 beunitedwith
对对方不忠实。污he the one四为。 was something结合的・联合的,合并的0
unfaithful toh巧w产角户就是他对妻子不忠Young He巧chel spent some months in
实吗? Engjand , then united with Hanover
unfamiliar 0 be unfamiliar to under King George the Thlrd年轻的赫舍
someone陌生的・新奇的。 The soun比尔在英格兰住了几个月然后与汉诺威联合
o沂tra沂沂ic andt八e telephone are在国王乔治三世的旗帜下。
unfamiliar to thern车辆交通噪声和电话声unkind be unkind to someone对人不
对他们很陌生。公be unfamiliar with仁慈的・苛刻的・ sornet们e ; th即were
something不熟悉的,没有经验的O ve心“ nkind to me有时他们对我不够好。
those unf口mili日r with modern unknown be unknown to someone不
Germa叮・不熟悉现代德国的人们。 为某人所知的。日;; ; de门tit夕was
unfit be unfit for a purpose , thing , or unknown toa门夕Onee污e他的身份另I]人都
person不合适的・不胜任的。 ThI5p / ace 不知道。
巧qulte " nfit for food preparatlon这地unload to unload something
方不适合做食品。 unwelcome onto someone else把不想
unhappy be unhappy about , with , or要的事推给另I!人。 TO unloadal / the
at something对某事忧虑的,不满意blame onto和anlard , would be wrong
的。 Both the Government and the把罪责推给西班牙人是错误的。
pro角ssion are de印加unhapPy about unprePared be unprepared for
山lsreport政府和该职业专家对这个报告深something对某事毫无准备0 she was
为不满。 They were clearly " nhappy " , ith quite unprepared for the scopeo厂the
the situation他们显然对形势有担忧。 problem她对于问题的严重程度毫无准备。
交nIOro所cers are equa / ly unhappyatthe unrelated be unrelated to something
CO5ts,高级官员对于该费用也不高兴。 else[与某事〕无关的。 ooctors sald his
unimpressed be unimpressed by conditionwa ' unrelated to hIS rid了ng
something or with something对某事career医生们说,他的病一青与他的骑师生涯
无印象。召111尺odger:为ad oeen 无关。
unimpressed byt八eir per勿rmance.比unresponsive be unresponsive to
尔罗杰斯对他们的表现毫无印象。 something or someone无答复的,无反
unint6r . sted be uninterested in应的。二agovemmentunreSPonsiveto
something对某事物不感兴趣的。 H巧the厂r need ‘对他们的需求无反应的
p rospective employers seemed 政府。
unint6rested in八15 ac日demic unsatisfied be unsatisfied with
background他未来的雇主对他的学历不感something 〔对某事〕不满意的。 i沂

you are unsatisfied with your doctor性布。 The犯a朽were叩holstered inso介
advlce如果你对医嘱不满意。 / e athe厂座位上蒙着软皮。
UnSUitabl6 be unsuitable for uproot to uproot someone from their
something ; an unsuitable thing for home使某人离月二自己的家。 It ; sa
something不合适的0 6oa朽wlll eat muc八b尹gger declsio门for someone to
vegetatIOn unsuitable fors为eep山羊吃uProot hlm ' el沂斤。 mh巧nat了ve land人离
的草不适合于绵羊。 Thls madet八e hajl an 开家乡是更重大的决定。
unsuitable room for mea污这使得厅堂不upset be upset by , about , or at
适于吃饭“ something痛苦的・悲哀的。 They were
unsuited be unsuited to something不upset byt八e户over妙they saw.他们看至‘ ]
适合某事。 lwa : to妇lly unsuited tot八e的贫困使他们痛苦不安・ She , eems opset
professI0n我对这个职业完全不合适。 about sornething她似乎对什么事不安。
unsure 0be unsure of yourself缺乏Residen朽are upset at the prospect of
信心。 Then 1 thought abou亡m夕冲la门’ losing thelrl ] bra今居民想到要失去自己的图
and no longer角It unsure ofm厂el泛然后 书馆便心烦意乱。
我想起了自己的“安排”,就不再缺乏自信upshot the upshot of a series ofevents
了。公be unsure of something or最后结局、结果。角eupshotofthis
about something对某事无把握。 eP污ode wasth日t we had to make a choice
People四ere un ' ure of whatw日s between Arl ' and亡Iz这场面的结局是我们
为appenl门g人们确定不了将发生什么事。 不得不在阿里和利兹之间做选择。
口Ood叭旧川四as unsure about the ru / es upsurge an upsurge in something or
ond巧closing sources to the executive of something急居,J增长突发。 an
edltor伍德沃德对向执行编辑透露消息来源 upsurge in med了ca / negl了gencec日ses
的规则没把握。 医疗过失案剧增。 the Zatest
untroubled be untroubled by ops " rge of vlo / ence最近突发暴力。
something不受某事物干扰。 But urge 0an urge for something对某事
Hunterappearedunfroubledbydoub朽的强烈愿望。 This , 55ue;门dicates the
of an夕kind但亨特似乎不受任伺疑惑的干under / ying Urge for conform,妙amongst
扰。 扣u门gsters,这个问题表明青少年内心渴望遵
unused / Anj些st / be unused to守规矩0 0 tourgesomethingonor
something不习,喷的・ Mr厂ojland 15 upon someone向某人极力推荐或力陈
unused to pub / Icl妙福兰德先生不习惯出某事。 Frank had another reason肠r
名。 urgt ' ng cautlon on them both弗兰克另有
unUvel ( ome be unwelcome to solneone 理由要他俩小心从事。
不受欢迎的。 Yes拍确夕,s declaration Wl / / useo / j竺z / to use something asa
be unwelcome to Mr Gorbache认昨天的 particular thing把某事物用作。
宣言不受戈尔巴乔夫的欢迎。 二/eaders who usec了tlzens as paw门s
unworthy be unworthy of something …把公民当作小卒驱使的领袖。公lj些/
or someone不相称,不相宜的。.a the use of something使用。.t内e
sto甲which stevensonh朋sel沂evldently eXceS5ive use of陌rce by the police
considered unworthy of pub / ication ・警察过度使用武力。 0 a use for
史蒂文森本人显然认为不值得发表的小something用途。八proper use for幼e
说。 Letus ' tl刀e al / thoughto沂为叩。印叹环sitem叮ht Well be as a libraly*此地的正确
wh了ch wou / d be unwo此内y of us让我们用途可能是图书馆吧・ 0 beofuse有用
摒弃一切伪善思想它与我们不相称。 的。八5 in 901无general coachjngwo公ld
upholstered be upholstered ina be ofsome use就像高尔夫球一样・笼统指
particular material给某物装上垫子、面导有点用处。 0 in use使用中;通行着

the旧rletyo厂dlfferent alrcraft泊use contemPorarycl尹mateofop了门lon与现
尹n NATO alr肠rces 」七约空军使用的飞 代舆论风气格格不入的观点。
机种类。 variant a variant of something or on
used / j竺st / be used to something习’质something变种变体・ Each of these
于。胡a ture po / , t , ' ian:日re used to countrles has evolvedl朽。四11 variant of
dea / Ing with these巧sues成熟的政治家习der7 ' 7ocfacy各国都演绛了各自的民主变体。
惯于处理这种问题。 th了5 variant on medievalpractice
useful be useful for doing something ; 这种中世纪作风的变体。
be useful to someone有用的。 B陌ach variation 0a variation of something
巧useful for clea门ing any surface that jt or on something不[6l的形式。 snakes
画刀门otdamage漂白剂对清洁任何它不会损that Ilveln ; andy deserth日vo de四loped
坏的表面都有用。 aco / / ege四为ereth即avariationofthlstechn了q日e居住沙漠的
wll / meet peo户/e四为0 wll / be useful to蛇类发展了这种技术的变种・ 7h即can be
由em治tero门在大学他们会遇到日后对自 爬garded as variations on two extreme
己有用处的人。 四。刁dVIe四S它们可看作两个极端世界观的变
化形式“ 0 a variation in something or
of something变化・;hort一term
V variations inte阴perature气温的短期
variety 0a variety of things形形色
vacancy a vacancy in a particular色。动e col / egel , b , a仪力ad日四ide
organization for a particularjob空缺 variety ofb 。 。幻该大学图书馆拥有品种多
空位。 a月un呷ec才ed vacan守in the样的书・ 0 a variety ofsomething某一
department部门中的意外空缺・种。 a门ew variety ofpotato新的
二advertisjng a vacancy for the post 。沂土豆品种。
旧formatfo门。所ce厂・登广告招聘信息官vary to vary with or according to
员职位。 changing factors随着变化因素而变
vacation on vacation在度假。/・ m here化。 The co / ouro厂the斤ult varies with
onva , a tion我在此度假。 age该水果的颜色随老熟而变化。 Charges
v日‘ ( inat6 to vaccinate someone fo : most拍lePhone cal / s vary according
against a disease给某人接种疫苗。 tod巧tance日nd time ofda夕大多数电话收
Mosto沂t八em爬re vaccinated against费依据距离和时段而变化。
hepatitis.他们多数接种过肝炎疫苗。 vehicle a vehicle for somethingl具,
vague be vague about something未决手段。 Theo庄为“ tras八ould be a vehicle
定的,犹豫不决的。 Even the bestart污ts fort八e musIC , notv了ce ve巧a乐队应充当
te门ded to be vag " e about the虎talls.连音乐的载体,而不是相反。
最好的艺术家也对细节不清楚。 vent to vent your feelings on someone
vain in vain徒然;无结果的。 suth巧拿某人出气。;ot八atr八e audience
efforts were in vain England lost他的努could not ventt六ejr anger on
力落空了,英格兰输了。 Individuals以使观众不能拿个人出气。
value of value有价值。 Nurserie ' are verdiCt someotte , 5 verdicton something
only of value勿r women with pre一school 〔对某事的〕判断。哑verdict ont八e
children托儿所只对养有学龄前儿童的妇女犯rles : sPlendid我对本连续剧的判断是:精
有价值。 彩。
varian ( e be at variance with some - verge 0on the verge of something将
thing 〔与某事物〕不同,有矛盾。要,濒临。 Thec / ubwa : on theve勺e
. views totaj加at variance with the ofba门kruptcy 。该俱乐部处于破产的边缘。

公to verge on or upon something接向公众展览・ Owithaviewtodoing
近于,濒临Oan atmosp为ereo沂something为了二[1的在J几。 she had
ind尹scIPline verging on Iawles , ness rented ah口ge hou , e with a view to
不守纪律、近乎无法无天的气氛。 卿ving Ies50门,山ere她租用了一所大房子
versed be versed in something精通, 想在那里开课。
熟练。弘e明snotwe / / ve能din / a bour viewpoint from a particular vicwpoint
re / a tlon,她不熟悉劳资关系问题。 从某一观点看。下romt为。:pectator , :
version a version of something某种,沂e洲point It 15 a tedious strate那从旁观
the game.更加有趣的游戏种类。 vi比ue by virtue of something由于;
vested be vested in a person or group借助于。八dolesce门污now ' by vh嘴ue of
〔财产、权力〕授权给某人、某团体。 their new一沂ound economic power ,
HithertO , re5Ponsibill妙八ad been vested dictated fashlo邢In everythlng如今的青少
inprofe巧ionaladmlnlstrators至今为止 年由于新找到的经济力量主宰着各种时
责任授于职业管理者了。 尚。
vicinity in the vicinity Of a place在某visib . e be visjble to someone为某人所
地附近。二aman耐。 hadseenthemin看得见。 Th即sltlnaclrcle , fromwh交h
the vicinity of the四recked offlce ; . the blackboard 15 visible to eve即O门e.他
目击他们在破坏了的办公室附近露面的 们围圈坐着・大家都看得见黑板。
一个人。 vision someone ' 5 vision of something
v ictory a victory for someone or对某事的想像。 an 0ut5Ider ' 5 vision
something , over or against an of the叭华st局外人的西方观。
opponent战胜,击败对手。 The visit 0a visit from someone某人的来
outcomeo沂the dI5pute has been seen as访0 Isoonreceivedmysecondvisitfrom
a victo尽fortheem列卿ers争端的结果被the pOlice我不久就迎来了警察的第二次来
看成是雇主的胜利。一h巧6一4 victOlyo犷er访。公to visit with someone去某人处
steve Davls他以6比4战胜史蒂夫戴 〔尤指闲聊〕 〔用在美国英语里〕 。 He
维斯。才he了r comprehensive victo理h日d not visited with the rascal since
against the faded chamPIOn ‘二他们对 1946他从1946年以来就没有去看过那流
失去锋芒的冠军的综合性胜利。 氓。
vie to vie with someone for something visitor a visitor to a place or froma
desirable与某人争夺某事物。 Three Place来去某地的访问者。 czech 。如-
peop / e are vying for the po ' to沂vak visitors to Hu门ga今and尸ola冲d .
cha厅man.三个人在争夺主席职位。 ・ …去匈牙利和波兰的捷克斯洛伐克客人。
view 0in someone ' 5 view按某人的二Each year , 500 , 000 visitors from all
观点。 Inm夕view ' jef角r ; on wrote over the四Orld flock there每年,全世
ratherless四ell than he talked依我看,杰 界有50万游客涌入该地。
斐逊写的不如说的好。公in view of vital be vital to or for something or
something鉴于;考虑到。月e cou / d someone为某人或某事所不可缺少的。
hardly be eXPected to do more inv他w二,those studeots rnost vital to Our
of the resista门ce he后ces考虑到面临的抵economic futUre …对我们经济的未来不
抗,不能指望他做得更多了。 0 bein村ew可缺少的那些学生。 a new trade
看得见。 our力日n比are more oftenin ag肥ement vital for the country , 5 ailing
沂ew than our角et我们看见手的时候,多 econom夕对国家不振的经济十分重要的
于看见脚。 0 be on view陈列着。 HIS新贸易协定。
aim was to pu亡the entire collection on vogue be in vogue正在流行。.the
对ew to the publlc他的目的是将整个收藏grotesques妙le wh了ch was thenin

vogue当时流行的怪异风格。 wait 0to wait for someone
voice a voice in a matter又、 l某事的意something等候某人或某事。
见。/t巧unacc印tab / e that 1 shou / dh日ve waiti力9 fora { rj印己我在等朋友。 He习ld
no voiCe in the po / ltlcaja而lrso厂卿。朋that th即were st ; / / waitiDg for a reP今
coun妙我在本国的政治事务中没有发言权 from Mr四〕 ddingto门他说他们仍在等威丁
这不行。 顿先生的回音・公to wait on people ina
volition of your own volition出于自restaurant招待某人就餐・乙ord Derby
愿。 shed , d门’ t 90 do四门there of her hadt四enty four peo户le to wait on him
0 ' vnv0lition她不是自愿去那里的。 attab / e达比勋爵就餐时有24个人侍候着。
volunteer to volunteer for something wake to wake up to a fact察觉到。
自愿参加。月ewa:日/wa " volunteering POllticia邢should wake up to the ImP / ica -
for the more由门gerousda夕百me patro台 tlono厂山巧政客们应该察觉到它的含义。
他曾、是主动参加危险的日班巡逻。 walk 0to walk away from a situation
vote 0 to vote for a candidate or or agreement抛弃・废1涂・下台e丫are
proposal you like投票赞成;to vote prepared to Walk away from the dea/厅
against the one you do not like投票反th即are faced with extfs demands他们
义、 1 0 on今2了户ercent : a ; dt内eywould如果面临额外的要求,就准备放弃该交易。
vote forM巧Thatcher只有21%的人说会Otowalkawaywithaprize轻易赢得
投撒切尔夫人的票・ The peoP / e had voted某项奖。 He walked away with ¥ 1 200
against change人民投票反刘变动。公to川〔 as为他赢得了1 , 200美元的现金。 0to
vote on an issue投票决定某一大事・ walk in on someone打搅。 she was
角即have untl / 23闪ovember to vote on car小ng outh巧orde巧Whe门her mother
才he proposaj他们要等11月23日才投票决w日Iked in on her她在执行他的命令时
定该提案。 母条插了进来。 0to walk offwith
v0U ( h to vouch for someone or something顺手拿走,偷走OM夕
sornething为某事担保。脚vingp ) a , ed companion八ad walked off withm夕
alon卯ide hjm at Roch由le , / can vou动sultcase我的同伴顺手牵羊拿走了我的手提
forh污ablllty我在罗奇代尔曾与他并肩打箱。 otowalkoutonsomeone 〔在某
球,可以担保他的能力。 人处于困境时〕抛弃某人。弘ewalked
voucher a voucher for something代金out on Henry / a stFrl由y她于上周五抛弃
券。 avoucherforaj厂travel,坐飞 了亨利。
机的代价券。 wallow to wallow in a feeling or
vulnerable be vulnerable to attack , situation沉迷于。.an actor who
damage , or something unwanted易受wanows in the undeserved praiseo沂hls
{ / ) j的、易受攻.j,的。 Comrnercial colleagues沉迷于同事的过分吹捧的演
telev污lon , th即〔 la厂med , would be les , 员。
vulnerable to pol尹t了cal pre " ure他们宣want 0 to want something from
称,商业电视不易受到政治压力。 someone or of someone想从某人处得
到。八dolescen朽want guldance from
their paren亡:青少年需要父母的指导O
训南atdo扣u two want of me户你们俩想
W口x . Y . Z 要我做什么?公someone ' 5 want of
something缺少〔某事物〕 。日e blamed
wade to wade through lots of writing hlmse厅fo厂hls want of foreslght他责备
费力地阅读很多材料・ wading自己缺乏远见。 Oforwantofsome -
t6 roug打the inev ' ta乙Ie mass of paper - thing因缺少某事物,因需要某事物。
四。 rk,费力阅读非读不可的大量文件。 Heb匆an to read , for want ofan厂hing

e污etodo他开始看书没有别的可干嘛。 someone who刚/l门ot八eed , t对于不听忠
Obeinwantofsomething需要某物・ 告的人来说忠告是多余的。
角e nlght 1 flrstsa四h仰he wasbad加I ' n wa枕h Otowatchfororwatehoutfor
',日nt of a me副我第一次看见他的那个晚something留亡、 ・留意。 He began to
上,他急需吃一顿饭。 read the户aper , watching for an
war 0 a war with or against another announcement of the VOjkov concert.他
country与某一t,・ l家的战争。尹门t八e开始看报纸,留意沃尔科夫音乐会的告示。
event ofanAmenca门warwitha勿relgna grow了ng need to watch out for
power如果美国与外国开战。 t自e Industrl副poljutlon警惕工业污染的需
war against Ge溯any and/妇ly与德要日增。公to watch over someone or
国意大和]的战争・ 0 a war against something看守,照管。功e wlvestoo友
something bad为消火不好现象的斗turns to . vatch over the chlldren妻子们
争。 the war against starvation and轮流看孩子。
dise邵e反饥饿・反疾病之战。 Obeat U甘口V6 to WaVC to Someolle of st
war在交战;be at war with another someone向某人挥手,招手。 Hanna
country or group与某国或某群人处于 w日ved toh了m and八e Waved back,汉娜
交战状态。 It ' ; nearly 200夕ear since对他挥手,他也挥手回礼。 He smlled and
斤日nce was at war with England法国与 w日ved at them他笑着向他们招手。
英国交战已是近200年前的事了。 way 0a way of doing something处事
Warm to warm to someone or 方法。 the { al rest way ofdealing刚th
something对〔人或某事〕感到更大的兴the Problem处理该问题的最公平方
趣“ Mr Ma叮harry warmed to the ldea法。公awayroundaproblem 〔解决
麦克夏利先生对这个主意很感兴趣。 某一问题的〕措施。 Such a move woold
warn 0to warn someone of something seem to be a sensi6 / e way round亡he
or about something警告某人。 Ih日d problem这种举措似乎是解决该问题的明智
been , varned about the stunt为此惊人 办法。 0 by way ofsomething意在;
之举,我受至l 』了警告。 He warned of为了做某事。 ’ Gas印ig门e巧acomperitor , '
reve门ge attacks by resldents他警告说,居Te呷Venables sald afterwards by wa梦of
民会进行报复性攻击“公towarn eXPla门ation . ’加古瓦涅是个竞争对手,”特
someone against doing something告里・维纳布尔后来解释说。 0 be in the
诫某人不要做某事。 But doctors have way妨碍;挡道。 Ourjob 15 notto夕et
warned me against ' tairs医生已告诫我in the way我们的工作是不挡道。 oin
要小心楼梯0 PhiIlIP5warnedagaI ' nst the way of something至于说;在某一
comp伯cency菲利浦斯告诫不要自满。 方面“ Hl5 : talls brlng泊little in the协lay
wa斗bewaryofsomethingorsomeone of proflts他的店铺没啥利润。 0 on起he
or about something留意,警惕。角即way ; on your way在途中0 He was
have good reason to be wafy of the stopped for SPeedlng on the way back
media他们有理由警惕煤体。 Demmy said from the ground他从运动场回来时因超速
he Waswa今abo " t the proposa/德米说・行驶而被截住。 On my协,a y to the parked
他对该提议较谨慎。 臼r , 1 wassetuPonbyagango厂youths
waste to waste something such as我向停着的汽车走去时,遭到一帮青年的袭
money or time in something or击。 Obeoutoftheway完成;解决。
someone将〔钱、时间等〕浪费在某物 补e announcement could八aveb口en
或某人上。角arJwasting moneyin日dejayed untll the妙一electlon was out of
new Iclea害怕把钱浪费在一个新主意上・ the way宣告可以推迟到补选结束之后。
wasted be wasted on someone对〔某0be under way在进行;在发生。
人〕是多余的。 Advice , swasted on The dlgging was wel / under ”旧y ・挖掘早

已在进行。 something 〔用来I 、.JI 、.]题・提建议〕某
weak be weak on a particular element人、某事如f可。四六at abouta印ot of
缺乏某一要素・ 7he book was weak On / unch , Colonel尸找个地方吃午饭如何・上
后ct and documen妇tlon此书缺乏事买和证校,公what of someone or something
明文件。 〔用来臼l}、 1 〕题〕有什么关系。 Bu才what
weakness a weakness for something of the po " Ible con , equences夕出现后果又
〔对某物的〕酷爱。万八ehadaweakness 怎么样呢?
forg日rilc她酷爱大蒜头。 wheedle 0to wheedle something out
wean to wean someone off or from of someone 〔用讨好或奉承某人的手法〕
something使某人放弃兴趣、习惯・获取某物。,he沂l日ttered , ee分and
A fter four months , v犷ean him offm声Ik wheedled money out ofhlm她恭维西尔
a / together四个月以后给他彻底断奶・ 里以便弄点钱花。公to wheedle soIne(〕 ne
trying to wean people from into doing something 〔用讨好或奉承某
。 garettes试图让人们戒烟“ 人的手法〕劝诱某人做某事。 He triedto
weary 0be weary of something又、 l某w六eedle her into leav了ng the house他
事不再感兴趣,讨厌某事・ a finanCial试图哄她离开家里。
journal巧t who one由y grew weary of whine to whine about something抱怨
writing about the eco门。 my给予仄烦某事・协father never compla ' ned or
报导经济的金融记者。公to weary of w打ined about hls work我父亲从不抱怨
something对〔某事〕感到庆烦。 He 工作。
wearied ofplcklng her ' / o thes叩。厅the whip to whip a person or group of
刀oora门d washing them他厌烦了从地上捡people into a particular state强制某人
起她的衣服洗千净。 进入某种状态・ 5户eec为es : jogans
wedded be wedded to a particular idea poste巧and chan朽whiPped thecro四d
坚持某思想。 a part夕genulnel厂intoa以〕币人e lever讲演、口号・标语和歌
wedded to unrestricted free唱将人群煽动,进入了好战的狂热。
enterPrI5e ・真正坚持无限制性自由企业wink to wink at someone对某人使眼
制的党派。 色。 on卿竹闷丫back们the underground ,
weigh to weigh on or upon someone aman " , i nkedatme我坐地铁回家时,一
成为某人的负担。 icouldstill : Ieepat个男人朝我眨眼。
n ight , however seriou , the problems wish to wish for something渴望,想
weighing on me were尽管问题沉重地压得到。 He叭,i shed for death他想死。
在心头,晚上我还能睡着。 withdraw to withdraw from a place
welcome 0welcome to somewhere oracrivity离开某地,脱离某项活动。
〔当有人到来时,用于打招呼〕欢迎来某 steve门jo门es has withdrawn from ne成
地。 W匕北。 me to TeX韶欢迎来德克萨斯四eekend污GFeat闪。 rth Run In Newc日stle .
州。 Good evenlng and welcome to the斯蒂芬・琼斯已退出下周末的纽卡斯尔北方
programme晚上好欢迎收看本节目。 0 大赛跑。
be welcome to something欢迎使用某withhold to withhold something from
物。 We ' ve gote勺ht hundred dolla巧someone拒绝给某事物。 The PFesident
be八甲een us and扣u ' rewe北ome tolt我has al印al du却not to withhold materlal
们俩共有八百美元,欢迎使用。 evidence hom a grand州ry总统有法律义
west west of a place某地以西。 务,不得向大陪审团隐藏物质证据。
Membu印15 clO5e to theM峨three mlle ' witness 0a witness to an event某一
west ofHungerford门伯里靠近M4公路,事件的目击者・ In : orne extraor价na甲
在亨格津以西三英里。 四即he had bee门a " , i tness to a trag氏珍・
what 0what about someone or他以奇特的方式亲眼目睹了一场悲剧。 obe

witness to something为某事见自10角巧的人难以理解这个・ He a / wa厂worksin
夕vast八efl巧t time 1 was wi扔ess to one o了ipaint,他始终用油画颜粥止仓‘{作0 Oto
of八心rag “这是我第一次看见他发火・ work through a problem or difficulty
wonder 0to wonder about someone解决问题或克服困难・丁hey work
or something对某人、某事感至l]好奇・ through a serleso沂巧sues and prob / em ,
l ' d always wondered about my角t八er withk即em川O尸es他们与土要的雇员一起
我始终对父条充满l京异。公to wonder at解决了一系歹I { l司题・ otoworkyourself
something surprising对某事感到惊into a particular state使某人进入某-
讶0 onecanonlywon山ratch了ldren污状态。 shewa : working he巧el沂intoa
nerves and , trengt为when th巧k了门do沂rage aboUt hIS attltude对于他的态度她正
thing hapPe门5这种事情发生时只能凉讶在大发雷霆。 otoworkyourselfupto
于孩子的勇气和力量。 doing something朝某}]向发展・ A
word a word with someone与某人说grouP ofg , rls exc , tedly work themse / ve '
的话。月ave夕ou为ad the chanceo沂a " ptogoingon , omew尹jdd了et一群姑娘
word withL 。门nle尸口你有机会与龙尼说正在激动地准备去吃野味。 Otoworkup
话了吗, to a particular amount or level逐渐发
work 0to work for an employer or at展到某一量或水平。 she recommen比
aplaceororganization为某人工作,starting with a teaspoon勿1 or less and
或在某地、某一机构工作。 Heh盯working up gradual / y to 2 or了
movedto即匕rcester , w内ere he works for tablesp00门fu污她建议,开始时吃一茶匙或
日medical fin刀他搬到了伍斯特,在医药公司 更少,再慢慢增加到两・三汤匙。
工作。 Mr Cooper now works at the Worm to worm information OUt of
Oklahoma Tfsn5P / a nt Instltute库泊先生现somcone渐渐地从某人处狡诈地获取情
在在奥克拉荷马移植学院工作。 0 to work报。 Thetru山had been wom . ed out of
as a type of worker干某种职业・ the hlm勿hls lawyers他的律师们从他那里套
hospital四八ere she works as a nurslng 出了真相。
515沁r她做护士的医院。 0to work worried be worried about someoneor
for or towards a particular thing为某something担忧担心。月e 15 worried
事而工作或尽力。 They also work for about his reputatlon他对自己的名声担
in加mational peace.他们还为国际和平而奋 忧。
斗。 Th即have bee门working towards worry to worry about someone or
the Iong term developmento子their 01 / something担忧,担心・ 1 used to : it
sector他们在致力于石油工业的长期发展。 a门dwor甲aboutm夕futUre我曾经坐在
0 to work with a person or group of那里为前途担’}尤“
peoPle与某人或某群人共事。 1 enjoyed worth a particular amount of money ' s
working with Hitchcock , he was a great worth of something价值某一数量的东
Joker我喜欢与希区柯克共事,他真会开玩西。 They sto / efl沂妙thousand dollars '
笑。 0 to work on or at something从worth of equlPment他们盗窃了价值五万
事于,致力于・ weareworkin夕On美元的设备。
new drugs沂ort八e treatmento厂Worthy be worthy of someone or
Parkln50n , s dI5ea , e我们正致力于开发医治something值得。 l ' ve proved myself
帕金森氏病的新药。 someonem呱t have wo成hyofyou我证明是配得上你的。 The
口vorked at It with a cro四bar一定有人用 par妙had reformedi朽el沂日nd was now
铁撬撬过它。 0to work with or ina worthy 0f5叩por执亥党已经过改革,值得
particular substance使用。即ople who 支持。
h日ve never worked with steel have wrangle to wrangle with someone over
trouble understandi门9 this.没有使用过钢铁something与某人为某事争辩或争吵。

Negot了ato巧were vvrangling witht八e也无法从她那里得知她以前去了哪里。
COa / Board jn ane而rt to ralse wages谈write 0to write to someone给某人‘,万
判人员正与煤炭董事会交涉・以提高工资。 信。尺en Morgan wrote to me thi :
角即wrangled overw八ose tum it was month日nd 1 sh日/j be re户枷刃soon肯摩
到洗碗了。 to write something into a contract or
wrap 0 to wrap something ina agreement将某事“子入合l司或协议中。
covering or to wrap something up ina The newa , rangeme门ts have been
covering用某物包裹某物・/tjptoed w厅tten into山e agreemen才新的安排已写
acro弘the yardw尹th the book vvrapped入协议。 Otowriteofftoapersonor
inaplastlcbag我踞着脚穿过院子,手里拿organization立刻”于信・刚少don ' t夕ou
着塑料袋包裹的书。哟产halr巧w门pped w汀te offtos睽exUnlve巧产妙andaskfor
uP in a to四el , beca口sel ' velust washed thel厂prO5pe口u5尸你为什么不写信给苏塞克
It.我的头发用毛巾裹着因为刚洗过。 Oto斯大学索取简章呢?Otowritesomeone
wrap a covering round or around or something off as a particular thing
something将某物加以包裹。月e had日将某人、某物看成一文不仇。 Hew韶
户aper napkln wrapped round hlsg / a 55 w厅tteno仔as a wet liberaj他被当作不禁
他用纸巾包着杯子。 酒的自由党所以一钱不值。
wrapped up be wrapped up ina wrong be wrong with someone or
particular person or thing注意力完全something有故障・有毛病。四内at ' ;
集中于某人・某事物。 Llke man夕w的。 ng with bel门9 poPula户流行有什么不
Isolatedpe印le , theyarewrappeduPin 好,
themsel陀5他们像许多孤立者一样自顾自。 yearn to yearn for something渴望,思
wreathed be wreathed in something念。四匕作amed for be日uty , tru山,and
or with something遮盖或环绕着某事me日nlng In ou厂/lves我们渴望美、真和人生
物。丁he dawn四as pa / e the ; un 意义。
四阳athedinm污也晨光灰蒙蒙的,雾气遮住yell to yell at someone对某人喊叫O
了太阳。二a cros ' wreathedwith Look一let , S stOP yelling at each ot八er
ros已王不绕着玫瑰花的十字架。 嘿―我们不要相互喊叫好不好?
wrestle to wrestle with someone or yield to yield to someone or something
something奋力对付或制服某事物・屈服,让步。尺adio力as / ong been under
the blggest prob / ems the world ' 5 car pre55ure to yield to televlslon广播电台早
manufaCturers have八ad to vvrestle wi功 就受到压力,要让位于电视。
: jnce rhelr pjoneering da外自从仓]业zero to zero in on something 〔将枪炮〕
期以来,世界汽车制造商所面临的最大问题。 瞄准某物。 The mlss , / e then zeros in on
wriggle to wriggle out ofataskorduty the target导弹随之瞄准了目标。
设法摆脱某一任务或责任。 1 can ' t zest a zest for something热情。 They
manage to wrlggle out ofaccompan刃ng have nothing了n common excePt for an
m夕parents to Europe我无法推辞陪父母去 invl门cible zest fors日ry了val他们毫无共同
欧洲的任务。 点,除了不可战胜的生存热情。
wring to wring something out of or
from someone or something费力地从
某人处获取某物。 tho la : t po55lble
advantage to be wrung out of th了5
处。 Nor could he wring from hera即
in自刀刀ation as to where she had bee门.他

[General Information]
书名=Collins Cobuild英语语法系列:1.介词

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