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Grand Theme: “Explore The Past, Build Your Future”

Registration and Requirement

1. Participants are active student from Senior High School around Banyumas regency
2. This competition is individual competition, so every school must send maximum of 2
3. Participants have registered theirselves through online form (including registration
4. Participants have confirmed to the committee by e-mail (format: Nama Peserta_Nama
Pengirim_Asal Sekolah_Lomba yang Diikuti)
Contoh: Solikhul Amin_Putri Restuwaty_SMAN 1 Purwokerto_Story Telling
NOTE: Nama Pengirim adalah subjek yang melakukan pembayaran via transfer
ATM. Maximum at December 2nd, 2017
5. Story text that be displayed should be submitted to the committee on December 6th, 2017
through e-mail (
6. The story for participants who did not come to Technical Meeting day, will be chosen by
the committee.
7. If schools want to replace the participant whose name has been registered, the school
should contact the committee until the technical meeting held.
8. Participants who have registered but can not come at D-day, will be disqualified and the
registration fee can not be refund.

Story Telling Rules Mechanism

1. Each participant will take the serial number of perform that has provided by the committee.
2. Participants perform one story in English.
3. The duration of story telling at least 5 minutes and maximum of 7 minutes, and 5 minutes
to be asked by the judges (Total = 10-12 minutes).
4. If there is participant who exceed the time limit given, they will get warning from the
committee to stop the performing.
5. Participants and family members are not allowed to have any contact with judges during
the competition.
6. Any participant or relation member who argues the decision of the judges may be
considered unruly and the participant may be disqualified from advancing in competition.
7. Participants are allowed to deliver a story after time keeper gives a sign.
8. Participants are allowed to improvise.
9. The scoring criteria include:
• Pronunciation, Intonation, and Fluency
• Expression and Improvisation
• Performance (Including costume, property, etc)

The Specific rules of Story Telling

1. Participant should arrive 30 minutes before competition begin to re-register and property
checking (07.30 a.m ).
2. Well and appropriately dressed
3. Participants must bring properties and costumes to support the story
4. Participants are prohibited constantly going in and out of the room during the competition.
5. Participants must maintain the cleanliness and orderliness.
6. Participants can not interfere judge’s decision.

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