CCF English Tract Sept1 PDF

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Do you know
God’s Way to Heaven?

Frontera Verde, Ortigas Avenue corner C5 Road, Pasig City

(02) 866 9900

All verses are quoted from the Catholic edition of “Good News” Bible.


There are Four (4) Truths that we must clearly You now have a very personal and permanent relationship with
understand to be sure of going to heaven. the Lord Jesus Christ. To grow in your relationship with Him:

I. GOD LOVES YOU and desires that you: 1. Pray to Him every day.
This is how we talk to God.
1. Have eternal life with Him.
Jesus is speaking, "For God loved the world so much that He 2. Read the Bible. This is how God
gave His only Son so that everyone who believes in Him may talks to you. Begin with the Gospel
not die but have eternal life." (John 3:16) of John. Read a chapter a day and
2. Have an abundant and meaningful life. ask the Holy Spirit to help you
Jesus is speaking, " ...I have come in order that you might have understand it.
life - life in all its fullness." (John 10:10)
3. Be part of a small group.
But most people aren't experiencing a meaningful life Learn more about God and how to
2 and aren't sure that they have eternal life because... please Him in a Dgroup. 15

As a reminder of your commitment today, read and sign II. Man has a SIN problem that
the pledge below: Man GOD

1. Every one has sinned.

AND MY SAVIOR AND I ACCEPTED YOUR FREE GIFT Romans 3:23 says, "Everyone has
sinned and is far from God's saving Man’s
2. The penalty of sin is DEATH.
"For sin pays its wage - death; ... "
(Romans 6:23)
SIGNED______________________________ DATE _____________

14 3



What kind of death? The Bible talks about two kinds of death. (Past, Present and Future sins)
The first death is physical. The second death is spiritual or eternal "He rescued us from the power of darkness and brought
separation from God. We read about this SECOND DEATH in the us safe into the kingdom of His dear Son, by whom
book of Revelation. we are set free, that is, our sins are forgiven."
(Colossians 1:13-14)
"But cowards, traitors, perverts, murderers, the immoral, those who 3. You are A NEW PERSON in God's eyes.
practice magic, those who worship idols, and ALL LIARS - the place A new life has begun for you.
for them is the lake burning with fire and sulfur, which is "Anyone who is joined to Christ is a new being; the
the Second Death." (Revelation 21:8) old is gone, the new has come." (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Since sin separates man from God, what is the 4. You became A CHILD OF GOD.
solution to his problem? "Some, however, did receive Him and believed in Him; so He
gave them the right to become God's children." (John 1:12)

4 Today is your spiritual birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 13


If you have just trusted Jesus Christ to save III. JESUS CHRIST is God's ONLY
you and expressed that trust by asking Man GOD Man GOD
way to heaven.
Him to come into your heart, then the
following things have happened to you: 1. He is the ONLY way.
In John 14:6, Jesus says, " ...I am
1. You have ETERNAL LIFE. the way, the truth and the life; no
Eternal one goes to the Father except
"The testimony is this: God has
Life by Me."
given us eternal life and this life has
its source in His Son. Whoever has
the Son has this life; whoever does 2. He COMPLETELY PAID the
not have the Son of God does not penalty of your sins.
have life. I am writing this to you so "For Christ died for sins once
that you may know that you have and for all, a good man on behalf
eternal life - you that believe in the of sinners, in order to lead you to
Son of God." (1 John 5:11-13) God ... “ (1 Peter 3:18)
12 5


3. His resurrection proves that He is the Son of God, You can pray this simple prayer to express your faith in Jesus Christ and
the Messiah, the only Savior. receive Him into your heart as your Lord and Savior. You only
"It is about His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: as to His humanity, have to pray this prayer once, but with sincerity, because
He was born a descendant of David; as to His divine Holiness, when He enters your life, He will never leave you.
He was shown with great power to be the Son of God by being
raised from death." (Romans 1 :3-4) PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank you so much for
loving me. I confess that I am a sinner worthy of
4. He promises Eternal Life. eternal punishment. Thank you for dying on the
Jesus Himself said in John 11 :25-26, " ...I am the resurrection cross to pay for all of my sins. With your help, I
and the life. Those who believe in Me will live, even though they am turning away from all my sins. Today, I put my
die; and those who live and believe in Me will never die." trust in you as my Lord and Savior and I receive
Do you believe this? you into my heart. Thank you for forgiving my
sins and for coming into my heart. I accept your
Merely knowing about what Jesus Christ free gift of eternal life. Thank you that one day, I
has done for us is not enough. will go home to be with you in heaven. From this
6 day on, I will follow and obey you. Amen. 11

IV. We must place our FAITH IN

Jesus says that He will come into your heart if you invite Him in. Man GOD
JESUS CHRIST to save us.
Perhaps you have trusted God for many things, but today He is asking
you to trust Him to save you. Jesus is standing at the door of your 1. You are saved by God's grace
heart and knocking. He wants to enter your heart, forgive your sins through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
and give you His free gift of eternal life which He purchased with His
precious blood. "For it is by God's grace that you have
been saved through faith. It is not the
Are you willing to repent of all of your sins? To repent means to turn result of your own efforts, but GOD'S
away from your sins - to stop doing what is wrong or sinful. Do you GIFT, so that no one can boast about
believe that He will save you, forgive your sins and give you His free it. God has made us what we are, and
gift of eternal life if you trust in Him to save you? That is His promise in our union with Christ Jesus he has
to you and He will always keep His promise. created us for a life of good deeds,
which he has already prepared for us
to do." (Ephesians 2:8-10)
10 7


Good works are not the means to

If salvation can be expressed in a formula, which do you think is the salvation, rather they are the evidences Salvation
correct one? Please check. or by-products of your salvation.
is a
FAITH IN JESUS + GOOD WORKS = SALVATION 2. Show your faith in Jesus Christ by
Free Gift
accepting His gift of eternal life.
Jesus is speaking, "Listen! I stand
FAITH IN JESUS + NOTHING = SALVATION GOOD WORKS at the door and knock; if anyone
hears my voice and open the door,
Read Ephesians 2:8-10 on the previous page again. I will come into their house and
Which formula is consistent with this passage? eat with them, and they will eat
with me." (Revelation 3:20)

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