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Full name: Alexander Ochoa Quesada

Identity card number: 88042146987
Occupation: Mining Engineer
Place of graduation: Metallurgical Mining Superior institute of Moa.
Place of Work: Geocuba Oriente Norte
Year of graduation: 2012
Scientific degree: Added Investigatir
Nationality: Cuban.
Birthplace: Holguín. Holguín Province.

University Studies
Diploma work in Option to the Title of Engineer of Mines, Evaluation of the effectiveness of the
operations of starting - load and transport of the mineral in Moa Occidental deposit. Pedro Sotto
Alba Moa Nickel SA.

Labor experience:
I started to work in 2012 at GEOCUBA ORIENTE NORTE as trained, current agency ASEMA
(IRSE factory), here I was trained in different specialities it was taking into consideration the
necessities of the factory, for ejample:
- Study of Danger at Conserve Turquino Vegetable Factory. Holguín
- Geological Engineering Study GLP.
I participated as activist in several studies like:
- Vulnerability Danger and Risk (PVR) of highways
- Studies of Environmental Impact for the execution of Reservoir and Channels
- Geological Engineering Study evaluating the closings of the Agabama reservoir. Santi Spíritus
- Geophysical Studies of different works

In the 2014 I started to work as Specialist of CITMA working as geologist - miner being by that
time specialist for science, technology and the environment.

From the technical point of view in agency (ASEMA) Agency Specialized Services and
Environment, (IRSE) factory of Regional Investigations and Services Specialized I participated
as head of project and specialist in the following works:
- Project of Exploitation of Verbena quarry. Holguín
- Project of Exploitation of Camino Viejo del Cobre quarry. Santiago de Cuba
- Project of Exploitation of Labatur quarry. Santiago de Cuba
- Project of Rehabilitation of Labatur quarry. Santiago de Cuba
- Project of Exploitation of Babujal quarry. Santiago de Cuba
- Project of Exploitation of Júcaro quarry. Holguín
- Geological Engineering study for the reestimation of minerals concessioned and
elevation categories of accumulation Amancio Rodríguez.
He have also participated in different of Geologilc Engineering Studies like:
- Litológical characterization for the construction of photovoltaic panels.
- Basic Geological Regional Engineering Study on scale 1:25 000 of the Granma
highway, Pilón - El Macío section.
- Project of Protection Puerto Padre Saline, Las Tunas. Cuba
- Technical asisstance to the Mayarí Decant tunnel, Holguín, Cuba

Cursos Post-Grado
 Course of frequent Geological Risk in construction. National center of Preparation and
Overcoming of Geocuba, received in Havana.
 Course the English Language in Manuel Ascunce Domenech School, Holguín.
 Social problems of Science and the Technology in option to the exercise of Aggregate
Investigator. University of Holguín Oscar Lucero Moya.
 Geological Risk in the use of software ILWIS
 Cokriging.
 Methodology of Investigation.
 Evaluation and Management of Project.
 Geotechnical.
 GIS with the use of software Mapinfo
 Ground mechanic.
 Evaluation of the Environmental Impact

Participation in scientific events

 VI Cuban Convention of Sciences of the Earth (Geosciense`2015). VI Cuban congress
of Mining (MINING´2015) Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Operations of Breakage –
Carrying and Transport of Mineral in the deposit Moa Occidental Pedro Sotto Alba, Moa
Nickel SA.
 VII Cuban Convention of Sciences of the Earth (Geosciense `2017). XII Congress of
Geology (GEOLOGY´2017) Evaluation of Escarpments Stability section of Highway
Pilón – El Macío.
 Exposcience Holguin / 2017. Project of Exploitation of quarrys to Materials of
Construction. Case of study Camino Viejo del Cobre quarry.
 Exposcience Holguin / 2017. Project of Rehabilitation of the Labatur quarry. Santiago
de Cuba

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