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5 paragraph (ideal essay) = 250 words – the ideas must be organized well include transition

1. Introductory paragraph (1 paragraph – usually 25 words) = general information,
thesis statement (3 main idea) (the end)
General information
- Provide background information
- Capture the reader’s interest
- Write the questions
- Give an example
Thesis Statement (the end of introductory paragraph)
- States the specific topic
- List the subtopic ex = there are three benefits of learning English, or mention the
three benefits of learning English.
- Indicate the pattern of organization = the causes of global warming, the
differences between alternative medicine and modern medicine, three
classification of medicine
- Not a question
- Not a simple statement

2. Body paragraph (3 or 4 paragraphs – usually 200 words) = a topic sentence and

supporting sentences in each paragraph
- Use transition signal word to move from 1 paragraph to the other paragraph

3. Concluding paragraph (1 paragraph – usually 25 words) = restate the thesis

statement (use different words) and your personal statement (using different word
with other people)
Use the phases like in conclusion, to summarize, as we have seen, finally….

Personal statement
- Prediction (……, you will be ….. in the future.)
- Summary
- Recommendation (same as a suggest a solution)
- Suggestions result or consequences (it’s better to improve …….)
- Suggest a solution (the government should provide the better facilities about….)
- Call for action (we as an Indonesian people must do ……)
- Opinion
- Quote an authority in the topic
The essay must have a new and detail information, so the reader will be interesting

See page 174

The kind of Basic Essay organizations

- Chronological / process

Introductory – BPs (process) - concluding

- Logical division of ideas (the benefit of ….)

Introductory – BPs (process/advantages/disadvantages) – concluding

- Cause and effect (the causes of eat …)

Introductory – BPs (causes/effects/ causes and effects) - concluding

- Comparison and contrast (the similarities or the deference)

Introductory – BPs (the similarities or the deference or the similarities and the deferences) -

- Opinion (there are 3 basic of…) = just our opinion not attack the other ideas

Introductory – BPs (your opinions) - concluding

- Argumentative = to persuade the reader to agree with your essay, to attack the other
contrast ideas

Introductory – BPs (state your position: agree or disagree) – concluding

* The reason (the 2 paragraphs at the first)

* The attack

Opinion and argumentative are the most common kind of essay.

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