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ASEAN Special Agency for Sports :

Solution for ASEAN Society Integration

Muh. Fuad Rizal Adam1, Wildan Abdul Aziz2, Cipto Rizqi Agung Saputro3
University of Jember

The diversity among the people of Southeast Asia makes the conflict potential between
communities that might create a new challenge in society integration process. Sport can be a
potential solution to make integration among ASEAN society. In this era, sport can creates peace
and unity on world community. Integration can makes peace in ASEAN society, and sports play
its role as integration media. This paper will discuss about the importance for ASEAN to
establish specialized agency for sport development to supports integration and peace through
ASEAN. This paper use ‘public participation’ one of sports sociology principles. In ASEAN
which has principle of non-intervention, sports development can becomes integration solution.
Because sports emphasizes principle of participation by people and rights to engage in sports, it
can shapes people culture. The purpose of this paper is to support ASEAN to establish
specialized agency for sports development. It will work to create peace, equality, and harmony
that becoming basic elements of ASEAN society integration..

Keyword: Sport, Integration, Peace, ASEAN society, Sports sociology

Student at Department of International Relation Studies; ID 120910101076; Faculty of Social and Political
Sciences; University of Jember; Kalimantan St. number 37, Jember – East Java; Phone and Fax: (0331) 335586;
Student at Department of International Relation Studies; ID 130910101046; Faculty of Social and Political
Sciences; University of Jember; Kalimantan St. number 37, Jember – East Java; Phone and Fax: (0331) 335586;
Student at Department of International Relation Studies; ID 130910101044; Faculty of Social and Political
Sciences; University of Jember; Kalimantan St. number 37, Jember – East Java; Phone and Fax: (0331) 335586;

ASEAN is a region that relatively more stable compared to other areas in the arena of
world politics. But it does not necessarily make ASEAN always stable, there are still potential
problems for instability in the region. In ASEAN region there are also several serious issues such
as humanitarian issues, natural disasters, territorial disputes, national political instability and
border conflicts among ASEAN countries. One thing that is interesting and characterize in
ASEAN region is the principle of non-intervention or non-interference households of a country
(ASEAN Way). One conflict that have serious attention is democratization process through
Thailand and Myanmar. Political conflicts occurred again in Thailand, resulting disruption of
trade, banking and financial services industry in Thailand4.. The political crisis in Thailand that
has not found a solution is become true. If this happens, it will be able to adversely affect to the
Southeast Asian region, particularly ASEAN. Adverse effects may occur in the economic and
political sectors in the region. By its position as the second largest economic power in ASEAN,
Thailand paralysis can certainly affect the entire region. Various economic cooperation in
ASEAN can not operate. It is certainly disrupt the economy in ASEAN region. While, the
surprising changes in Myanmar where the new regime did a lot of action for reform. The action
is among others is the liberation of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, releasing a number of
other political prisoners, as well as issuing the wisdom that frees people to demonstrate5. In
addition, there are still things that disturb the stability in Myanmar, namely changes in the
political climate in which the military regime to allow the National League to participate in the
elections after previously prohibited. Second, the human rights record in the past of the military
regime was so bad in the absence of human rights guarantees in the constitution. Third, workers
who do not have the freedom to claim welfare and the freedom to conduct demonstrations.
ASEAN is not only buffeted by political issues but also humanitarian issues, one of which
is Haiyan typhoon that ravaged the Philippines. Despite of no early warning of natural disasters,
the action rapid response and humanitarian assistance are not adequately prepared 6. Foreign aid
quickly come, including from ASEAN countries, but this is seen not initiatives (collective)

Sita Hidriyah, Krisis Politik Thailand dan Dampaknya Terhadap Kawasan, Info Singkat Hubungan Internasional,
Vol. VI, No. 02//II/P3DI/Januari 2014. Pge 6
Sita Hidriyah, Proses Demokratisasi Myanmar Menuju Pemilu Presiden Tahun 2012, Info Singkat Hubungan
Internasional, Vol. III, No. 24/II/P3DI/Desember/2011. Pge 5
Poltak Partogi Nainggolan, Bencana Filipina, Dimana ASEAN?, Info Singkat Hubungan Internasional, Vol. V, No.
22/II/P3DI/November/2013. Pge 5

ASEAN as a regional organization that will soon become a community in 2015. It then leaves
any doubt as to the embodiment of ASEAN Community in 2015 which will begin to actively be
applicable at the end of December 2015. Rohingya refugee problem, the issue of Rohingya
refugees back attracted the attention of the international community. United Nations (UN)
estimates that thousands of refugees from Myanmar's ethnic minorities are leaving Myanmar
towards neighboring countries by sea7. Wave of refugees has caused problems for countries in
the region and at the same time concern for the international community because of a
humanitarian crisis in ASEAN. Hard and discriminative policies on ethnic Rohingya Myanmar
government is considered as the main cause of displacement. The issue of discrimination and
intimidation against Rohingya continue sticking and steal the world, it is the primary concern of
the international community will emerge ASEAN Economic Community by 2015.
Discrimination is applied by the Government of Myanmar against Rohingya rated international
community is more worse than the racial segregation Apartheid in South Africa. Discriminatory
policies, including non-recognition of the citizens Rohingya as citizens in Myanmar constitution,
this is thought to be the root of the issue of the humanitarian crisis in Myanmar.

Air Asia QZ8501 plane crash on 28 December 2014 and drived public attentions. The
search for survivors and fuselage from time to time did not stop the news. The government and
the airline Air Asia fell directly to the location to ensure the fulfillment of the rights of victims
and their families. Insurance arrangement procedure so far has also been conducted in order to
accelerate the process of rehabilitation of the victim families. In order to prevent problems
related to the provision of such insurance, monitoring and repair or regulation that has been
applied is needed. Therefore, ASEAN needs to give attention to security issues in the context of
cost. Moreover, the cost is one of the mainstays of transportation that connects between the
countries in Southeast Asia.

Additionally there is a problem that is no less serious in the ASEAN region, namely
cooperation in responding to shipping accidents region. Water conditions the region is getting
international attention today, not only because of escalating tensions over territorial claims that
overlap but also as a result of shipping security are increasingly vulnerable is the cause of the

7 Simela Victor Muhamad, Masalah Pengungsi Rohingnya, Indonesia, dan ASEAN, Info Singkat Hubungan
Internasional, Vol. VII, No. 10/II/P3DI/Mei 2015. Pge 5

accident or the ship as a mere accident scene. Globalization, more open and connectedness of
countries in the region with each other, and the increased traffic and human relations make
accident cases is an issue of political and international implications8. Therefore, one of the
important agenda of the future is to develop the Code of Conduct, in addition to improving the
security conditions of the waters, through better international cooperation, between countries in
the region.

When problems arise above was ASEAN does not have the initiative to be able to provide
a solution or a solution to a problem. Therefore, ASEAN always give a response that are reactive
or quick response to a problem and not a preventive to prevent or minimize any problems.
Whereas in the ASEAN economic community that will be implemented by the end of 2015 the
ASEAN community will be confronted with all the possible problems that would arise from the
free flow of trade, labor, services and goods that are free in the ASEAN countries. If this is not
carefully prepare dog or even just setting up the effort after the occurrence of the problem and
not to minimize the incidence of the problem is not impossible for the ASEAN economic
community would likely lead to the distance between the people in the ASEAN region and of
course will also slow the unification of the ASEAN community itself. In addition to political
instability in some ASEAN countries such as Thailand and Myanmar which if allowed to drag
feared could disrupt the plans of unification ASEAN Economic Community by 2015, to
converge and compete fairly in the same container in the economic field. Fundamentally that
ASEAN had thought of wearing a variety of ways to get minimize the conflict, but it is not
enough because Southeast Asia has a different political constellation of other regions. Therefore
we need a proper solution and can be used effectively to deliver the completion of the various
problems that occur in ASEAN.

It is necessary for the completion of which is done in a way that is more subtle through soft
policy, one through sport. How can an advanced sport as alternative solution in solving various
kinds of problems that exist in ASEAN through the values of universalism. After it was
explained a little bit about universalism sport as a cultural value that is universal accepted by all
communities in order to integrate ASEAN society.

Poltak Partogi Nainggolan, Kerjasama Internasional Dalam Merespon Kecelakaan Pelayaran Kawasan, Info
Singkat Hubungan Internasional, Vol. VI, No. 09/I/P3DI/Mei/2014. Pge 5

Theoritical Framework: Sociology of Sport

We often see how a sports stadium filled with thousands of people to watch so many
people compete in a sporting event. Images are realities of society at this time, people are not
only directly involved in the sport - as played in the sport, but also participated indirectly, such
as by enliven a sports game. Sport has become a familiar aspect in the life of society. Sport has
been considered important in the survival of mankind. Sport involves the interaction between
actors who play in it, because it appears a game and match in the contested branch dish. From
these interactions emerges a phenomenon that would become a habit for the community cultural
or sporting where be excellent in uniting the community. According Keylon & Loy (1965), the
nature of the sport sociology as irregular nature and human social behavior. Sports familiar with
the principles of sportsmanship and winning or losing in a game which must uphold the qualities
of sportsmanship and must be able to receive in accordance with the conditions of the struggle.
The structure of sport sociology leads to social and institutional nature of social processes
for the sport, where communities such as voluntarily giving partially integrity of the sport to a
body that houses the sports issues. Sport is an instrument that can penetrate a number of levels in
social life (it can reach various circles). For example, status, relationships will be ethnicity, life
in the company, form or fashion clothing, concept of heroism, language, and ethical values.
Besides the sport not only as a medium for achievement but also can serve as a means of
recreation, communication and social interaction. Sociology of sports once again is an
application of science society the study sports science regarding the structure, levels, process and
social change in society. The purpose of the sociology of sport is a means to supervise the sports
fields in conjunction with the internal structure and position in society (external structure).
Sociology of sport has several approaches that reach all levels of society. Among the sport
as a social phenomenon, in which people as part of society and is formed from a collection of
individuals or a man who has a specific purpose. In the social life there are patterns of
relationship of mutual giving and receiving, to love one another and others between one
individual with another individual. Sport as a social institution, consists of two things, namely
sports as a character builder and as a miniature sports life. Sports as a builder of character, where
sports assist in the formation of human character (Character Building). So the sport is closely
associated with the character education as a human shape sport to have noble values and
inculcate human behavior. It is associated with the character being built include, intellectual,

social intelligence, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. The ultimate purpose of the
exercise lies in its role as a unique vehicle in perfecting human nature, as a means to have and
establish strong human personality, and to develop a noble nature. Only people who have the
moral virtue like these that become useful citizens (Socrates).
Sport is a miniature life, in sport there is an element of affective, cognitive, psychomotor,
physical and ipoleksosbud9 blend of various groups, ethnicities, races, religions and others
entered into one part in sports. Life, nature, customs, and human behavior can be seen or
reflected upon the human being exercise.
In addition there are also elements that build up on the sport that sport can build
community pride to the country. Sporting achievements of a country is not directly and
automatically trigger the growth of a pride for the people of his country. Sporting achievement is
a representation of self-esteem for a country in interaction with other countries in the social life.
Participation in sport arises because there is encouragement of collective behavior that
leads to 4 functions. First, the instrumental function is a means of integration, social-emotional
and community mobilization. Second, expressive meaning which is independent sense of success
or later give a positive value for the communities involved. Third, the symbolic meaning is an
honor, status, prestige, and appreciation. Fourth, the meaning of the interaction as a means of
communication and relationships with other community / socialization. Collective action
behavior is reinforced by encouraging more people aware of the values and behavior of
sportivity and fair play. When this occurs, the community aware of the potential as well as the
principle that through sports they have a code of ethics and norms that can unify the various
tribes, class, language, economic class, social and even nations. So with the sport which has a
principle of public participation and this means that the people become the main actors in the
promotion of the sport so that integration can be optimized to grassroots communities. Besides
that the principle of the ASEAN Way that non-intervention is not an obstacle for the sport as a
universal instrument that encourages the formation of community integration for ASEAN.
Sport has a crucial element in a society where attention to it can not be ignored by the
world. Sports are intimately associated with human physical health, it is no wonder that health
experts always recommend us to exercise more for a better health. World awareness to the
importance of exercise is also evidenced by the Millennium Development Goals to seek and

Ipoleksosbud is a resume from ideological, political, economic, sociological, and cultural.

support sport as one of development aspects among countries in the world. Well-designed sport
policies at the local, national and international level can contribute to achieving international
development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). On the practical
level, sport can be used as a tool to encourage school attendance, improve people’s health, to
create jobs, support the economy, promote gender equality, and raise environmental awareness.
Dr. Ala Alwan, Assistant-Director General for Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental Health
at the World Health Organization (WHO) warned that insufficient physical activity is one of the
main death causes in the world (the fourth, to be more precise), and leads to non-communicable
diseases (NCDs), such as heart disease, cancer, asthma, diabetes, osteoporosis.10

ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community : Sporty Society

Why sport is important solution?
The problems of integration in ASEAN using the ordinary channels (such as economic,
political security) will be less comprehensive and optimal, because ASEAN community is a
plural and diverse society, and even then there is also a complex diversity in the diverse society.
ordinary channels such as political economy at this time can touch only the upper middle class.
Therefore, it needs a extra-ordinary channel as a solution to "cover holes" that left by ordinary
channels. The different channel that can use as a solutive tool is sport that has uniqueness for
society integration. These non-ordinary channel can complement deficiencies that can not be met
by the political track and the economy in general, not to overlap each other but it go hand in hand
and complement each other. An international organization that concerns on promoting sport,
Right To Play have a brief of sport’s unique for integration. The subtitle is Sport’s unique value
as a tool for development and peace. The concept of Sport for Development and Peace is rooted
in the recognition that sport possesses unique attributes that enable it to contribute to
development and peace processes. These attributes include: 1) Universal popularity –
transcending of national, cultural, socio-economic and political boundaries, when done right,
sport is enjoyable for participants and spectators alike and can be invoked in virtually any
community in the world. 2) Capacity as a powerful global communications platform – Because
sport events offer the capacity to reach vast numbers of people, they are effective platforms for

UN-Non Governmental Liaison Service : Sport a catalyst for development and peace http://www.un-

public education & social mobilization. 3) Ability to connect – sport is an inherently social
process bringing together players, teams, coaches, volunteers & spectators. 4) Cross cutting
nature – sport can be used to address a broad range of social and economic challenges. 5)
Potential to empower, motivate and inspire – sport has the natural ability to draw on, develop,
and showcase individual strengths and capacities.11 It is an urgency for ASEAN to use sport as a
development and peace process tool which will results integration of ASEAN community
contained in the above-mentioned five values, but the principle is the value of universal
popularity. ASEAN community is very familiar with sport, in other words sport is very popular
in ASEAN. With the level of a large middle class population, many people are familiar with
sports. In addition to the region where is the population is not small, sporting talent in this region
are also encouraging public interest to exercise. Indonesia, for example with abundant society
who enjoyed football and badminton, Philippines with basketball, and much more. And ASEAN
countries also have their own traditional sports such as Pencak Silat from Indonesia, Thai Boxing
from Thailand, etc. The interest will ultimately create the ability to connect people each other.
Where communities have a common interest in sport. It becomes a potential force for integration
of ASEAN community.

Opinions among the elite of the world also lead to the discourse that sports can be an
effective solution in creating a harmonious cooperation among people of the world that lead to
integration of the world community. In the words of Mario Pescante, Permanent Representative
of the IOC to the UN, “sport and peace are binomial.” In the modern Olympic Games, sport
seems to be able to remove political obstacles that other policies cannot achieve through the
dialogue it creates. Sport has, for example, facilitated dialogue among conflicting countries, such
as the United States and China; Pakistan and India, or the Koreas. Although sport cannot solve
wars, it can unite. “Sport has become a world language, a common denominator that breaks
down all the walls, all the barriers,” UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said at the event. Ms.
Key cautioned, highlighting that “You can’t give sport, it has to come from everybody”. 12 The
last statement that is from Ms. Key explained that the strength of sport as a integration tool in

What is Sport for Development and Peace, Right To Play
UN-Non Governmental Liaison Service : Sport a catalyst for development and peace http://www.un-

society is in the "public participation", that is from the awareness of every person to participate
in sports.

ASEAN Specialized Agency For Sport

ASEAN actually has a sports development plan as one of the tools for ASEAN community
integration. Because sports in ASEAN countries have prospects in ASEAN society. As a
regional organization, ASEAN has a vision to create an ASEAN identity for ASEAN
community. To keep in mind that ASEAN society is very diverse, all the elements have to seek
for unity in diversity through ASEAN. Therefore, all elements of ASEAN people need
awareness that they are one society despite the complexity of diversity they have. This
commitment is expressed in the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint, ASEAN has a
plan of “promotion of ASEAN awareness and a sense of community”. This plan strategic
objective are to create a sense of belonging, consolidate unity in diversity and enhance deeper
mutual understanding among ASEAN Member States about their culture, history, religion, and
civilization. One of this action plan is promoting ASEAN sporting events in the national and
private media such as the SEA Games. and PARA Games.13
In Vientiane Declaration on Sports Cooperation in ASEAN, Ministers of Sport in ASEAN
countries, recognising that sports is one of the most effective instruments in bringing about
friendship, development, peace and integration through greater interaction and understanding
among the ASEAN peoples.. They agree that cooperation in sports has to be strengthened in
realising the vision of an ASEAN Community, to forge a common regional identity and build a
caring and sharing society, with the ultimate goal of achieving unity and solidarity among all
nations and peoples of ASEAN.14 The ministers in AMMS has seen the importance of sport as a
tool to achieve ASEAN vision of regional peace and stability, as well as the realization of
ASEAN motto "One Vision, One Identity, One Community". The ministers believe that sports
can be an effective tool for creating regional integration by creating public awareness as an
ASEAN community. Therefore the establishment of ASEAN Specialized Agency on Sport is
important as a form of implementation of the commitments from ASEAN countries that
representated by sport ministers of ASEAN. Due to the implementation of the Vientiane

Document : ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint. 2009. ASEAN Secretariat : Jakarta. page.21
Document : Vientiane Declaration on Sports Cooperation in ASEAN. Adopted at the 2nd ASEAN Ministerial
Meeting on Sports. 05 December 2013. Vientiane, Lao PDR.

Declaration has yet to be felt to lead to an integration through sport, this is due to the absence of
a body that moves for a specific work focusing in sports development and sports promotion for
integration, while AMMS is only held once per two years.
In Vientiane Declaration also mentioned that the ministers remain committed to promote
Sports as a tool to raise public awareness of ASEAN; through regional sports activities and
events and sharing of best practices and expertise including the establishment of an ASEAN
Football League and mechanism to implement and promote ASEAN Sports Volunteerism.15
The commitment of the ministers will accommodated by this Specialized Agency. The
agency will be set up and coordinate the sporting events and promotion throughout ASEAN.
Sports are considered as capable solution to be used as a tool that can be used for a
successful integration in ASEAN, this because in sports there are some elements that are unique
and can be used as a media for integration process, including:
1. Sport is universal and can pass through the differences that exist in the society, this is one of
the reasons why sport is able to serve as a means of integration in ASEAN, actually the
background of ASEAN member countries that different is one of the challenges to create an
identity for ASEAN members which has the distinction of both historical background,
culture, religion and even differences in system of government as well as state ideology.
2. Sport is able to be very effective media to convey the message: in a sport would be highly
associated with sporting events both nationally and on an international scale. Public
attention to the sporting events that take place certainly makes sport able to serve as
effective media of communication to spread the values of integration within ASEAN
community. Within ASEAN itself there are several sports events are have high attentions in
ASEAN society, such as SEA Games, AFF CUP, PARA Games, etc. So far, the lack of
promotion of the values of sustainability through the integration of the sports event, will
require an entity that can be specifically in charge of arena-sport event for intense and
continuous in order to continue to promote the values of integration, and used sport as a
media to promote that matter.
SEA Games and ASEAN PARA Games are sport events in ASEAN which is a routine
agenda held by ASEAN. SEA Games and ASEAN PARA Games are events meets by ASEAN
member countries and also serve as one of the strategies used in the socio-culture ASEAN to


promote community for their concern and sense of belonging as a community in ASEAN. Sports
event like SEA Games and PARA Games is one of the agenda in ASEAN socio-cultural
community that are considered capable of creating a sense of belonging and foster a sense of
unity on all diversities that exists between ASEAN member states both the history, culture,
religion and society. This is the background why ASEAN give special attention to sports events
like SEA Games and PARA Games as one of element in ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community.
ASCC Blueprint mentioned one of ASEAN tasks is to promote ASEAN sporting events in the
national and private media such as the SEA Games and PARA Games”.16
With the exposure of ASEAN integration issues are less than optimal, as well as the
potential of sport as a means of integration is very promising, it is necessary to form a body
(agency) that specifically deal with sports in ASEAN. Specialized agency is under the auspices
of ASEAN and of course has the right to regulate all matters relating to sports in ASEAN
countries and the ASEAN organization. Hence the need for the commitment of ASEAN
countries to provide confidence in this special body. The main purpose of this special body is to
develop the sport in ASEAN region and to seek ASEAN community integration through sport.
ASEAN already has AMMS which has a direction to develop the sport as one of the ways to
integrate ASEAN community. However, the implementation of AMMS formulas can not be run
without the establishment of a specialized agency dealing and concerning in sports in ASEAN.
a. Shape, Purpose, and Principles of ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport
ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport is a specialized agency (special body) that have a
structure and the status under the auspices of ASEAN. The status of a special agency was formed
through intergovernmental agreements of ASEAN countries in the field of sport which is then
coordinated into an secretariat of ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport. ASEAN Specialized
Agency will have special officers consisting of representatives of ASEAN countries. Officials
delegated by this particular country to move this agency and take control for agency’s tasks.
Then, to run the organization, secretariat of ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport needs to have
staffs to their status as civil servants.
The goal of the ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport, as in the AS-SC Blueprint is to
promote public awareness of ASEAN community and a sense of unity through sport. Then
ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport have target include: 1) Establish sport in ASEAN (sport

Document : ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint. 2009. ASEAN Secretariat : Jakarta. page. 21

development), 2) Promoting integration and peace in ASEAN region through sport (sport for
integration and peace).
To run this special body, ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport needs to have the main
principles to be held. The principle of non-interference against domestic internal must be held by
this specialized agency. In addition, to optimize the works, this specialized agency should
optimize on the principle of sport : community participation (people participation). So that it is
more focused specialized agencies to encourage participation coming from the public
consciousness itself. ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport also needs to hold the principles of
international sports, such as: sportivity, equality, anti-racism, etc.
b. Functions and Duties of ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport
From the goal of ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport, the specialized agency has some
functions, such as: co-ordination, promotion, protection and sport development. ASEAN
Specialized Agency for Sport has several tasks, such as, to coordinate agencies and sports
organizations under ASEAN and under ASEAN member countries, promoting the sport as an
instrument in the integration of ASEAN community, doing sports development and facility
management to support progress in the field of sport, and to achieve and maintain the unity of
ASEAN community and to sustain the sport including providing advocacy for violations related
to the sport as well as to make conflict resolution of problems related to sports in ASEAN region.
c. ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport membership
The membership of ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport consists from 10 states of
ASEAN. The membership of ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport opened to all sports
associations are located in Southeast Asia, based in ASEAN countries recognized as countries in
the ASEAN region, and is responsible for the organization and implementation of matters
relating to sports in the area Southeast Asia countries. Which further that, the membership of
ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport only consists of national associations that already have
formal structures and institutions of the country of origin, have the organizational, purpose,
ethos, and communication lines wider than sports organization in the country. The membership
of ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport has idea that the only national association that can
balance the interests of a wider range of games at the grassroots (grass roots / amateur), as well
as semi-professional, professional and elite games, sports and technical progress as well as the
promotion of sports ASEAN as a unifying community. ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport

will have a way of coordinating with sports associations that are below it. So that each country
needs to validate the legitimacy of this special body.
d. Organizational Structure of ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport
Organizational system of the ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport, suggesting equal
rights and authorities of all member states in determining policy related to the development of
sport and the unification of the people within it. It is closely related to the purposes and
principles of ASEAN which are generally listed in the ASEAN Charter. In order to perform its
functions and to implement and achieve its objectives, the ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport
member state shall have equal representation (Sports Council) of each sports associations in
member states. Furthermore, all sports associations of ASEAN member countries was
coordinated through the Secretariat of ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport.


Sports Council


Figure 1. Organizational Systems of ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport

In the ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport will be in charge of the entire organization's
official sport each ASEAN member countries so that from the side of ASEAN institutional
Specialized Agency for Sport will be able to integrate all sports organizations in each ASEAN
member countries seeking to participate in the process integration through sport. In addition to
this, the ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport will be under the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on
Sports (AMMS) which is also the foundation on which ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport
will have a strong legitimacy because it has received approval from the minister of sport each
ASEAN member countries which is also a representation of that State. ASEAN Specialized
Agency for Sport will also use sports as a medium through which to promote ASEAN integration
of the ASEAN community, it is as has been described above that the sports event will be an
effective tool to promote integration in the ASEAN region, it can not be separated from ASEAN

community great interest to sports events like the SEA Games and THE Games that this sports
event can be used as a means of communication for the people of ASEAN.

ASEAN to host the FIFA World Cup

During this event one of the most anticipated sporting event by the world community, the
FIFA World Cup has never been held in Southeast Asia, whereas Southeast Asia is an area
where people are delight in football and waiting for this event. However, it is important to
realize that the quality of the national football team of Southeast Asian countries are still below
the quality of the team that competed at the FIFA World Cup.
ASEAN has a target to host the FIFA World Cup as a collective entity. This means that
host the FIFA World Cup which is usually the nation state, the 10 ASEAN countries want to host
ASEAN together as an entity. In the Chairman Statement of the 2nd AMMS mentioned that the
Ministers agreed that need an actions to Enhance football development in the region should be
prioritized. The Ministers further agreed that in light of ASEAN's possible bid for the FIFA
World Cup in 2034, the Recommendations of the ASEAN Football Federation said on ASEAN
bid Be Referred back to all relevant stakeholders in ASEAN Member States for further review.17
Football as one of the most popular sports in the world and particularly ASEAN, the
ASEAN countries need to give attention to the development of sports enthusiasts and football
development. See that this sport is so great in this area, and given that the quality of football
teams in the region still low due to lack of attention to this sports development. So, ASEAN
needs to give particular attention to the development this sport. This will be very beneficial to the
development potential and talent in this sport. As well as being the capital to create a spirit of
unity ASEAN community through the sport of soccer in particular, especially if ASEAN
successfully hosted the FIFA World Cup will make the community will be more actively
participate in sports as well as creating a sense of identity and the ASEAN community within
them. It is important to build the capital of Southeast Asia, in terms of politics, economics, until

Document : Chairman’s Statement of The Second Asean Ministerial Meeting On Sports (AMMS) 05 December
2013 Vientiane, Lao PDR

ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport has a great opportunity to be a solution for the
realization of integration in Southeast Asia. From sport sociology, that through sports
participation can create a spirit of unity among the peoples of ASEAN. Through fairplay
principles could be a culture for people to interact and create peace because the sport does not
distinguish between social status, economic, tribes and nations. Additionally through community
sport can benefit physical health and be an important aspect for the development of the ASEAN
countries. In terms of institutional ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport, is structurally very
appreciative of equal rights and authority of the entire sports organizations in ASEAN country.
By upholding the principle of non-intervention in regulating the unification of sport
organizations in each of the ASEAN member countries. Specialized Agency's organizational
structure is right under the auspices of the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Sports (AMMS), as a
form of legitimacy in ASEAN countries. And reinforced by the ASEAN Secretariat Specialized
Agency for Sport to ensure the legal powers of sports organizations in ASEAN countries.
And last ASEAN Specialized Agency for Sport will promote ASEAN as host the FIFA
World Cup, so that among ASEAN countries will be interconnected to the success of the plan. In
promoting sports, especially football can be a way for the utilization of the existing resources of
each ASEAN country. ASEAN countries will be able to supply each other's needs in preparation
Wolrd Cup. This of course will be in line with the ASEAN Economic Community which aspires
to become a single market and a single production-based, supported by elements of the free flow
of goods, services, investment, labor, educated and free capital flows. Thus through a Specialized
Agency would be a solution for the realization of the unification of the ASEAN community
working together to make ASEAN as a region that is stable and prosperous society.


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