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O that thou wert as my brother,
that sucked the breasts of my mother!
when I should find thee without,
I would kiss thee;
yea, I should not be despised.
I would lead thee,
and bring thee into my mother's house,
who would instruct me:
I would cause thee to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate.
Set me as a seal upon thine heart,
as a seal upon thine arm:

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for love is strong as death;
jealousy is cruel as the grave:
the coals thereof are coals of fire,
which hath a most vehement flame.
Many waters cannot quench love,
neither can the floods drown it:
if a man would give all the substance of his house for love,

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it would utterly be contemned.

206 Which of the following does not express the main

characteristic of love being conveyed in the passage?
A. Consuming The only choice with a different meaning, others
B. Eternal B are synonyms; at the same time, the concept of
C. Insatiable love as eternal is not emphasized in the poem.
D. Impassioned
207 Which of the following is a synonym of the word Contextually-correct synonym.
vehement as used in the passage? A – not a synonym
A. Agonizing B - Is a synonym of vehement, and yet does not
B. Violent C fit the context because violence suggests
C. Imperturbable brutality and force which wrongfully denotes a
D. Ardent negativity to the concept of love expressed
D - Antonym
208 The word contemned in the last line is similar in meaning
with the following EXCEPT:
A. disdained
B. despised C all others are synonyms
C. condemned
D. wiped out
209 Which of the following can the passage be a metaphor
A. Love and its possibility of violence
B. The negative tendencies of love
The images used i.e death, grave, fire and
C. The love between a brother and a sister
flood, speak of the forceful, consuming will and
D. The characteristic intensity of love
D power that love is characterized with.

st nd
210 Who is the persona speaking in the passage? 1 stanza, lines 1-2 of 2 stanza.
A. The female beloved The bride, fearing that her fondness for her
B. The sister of the beloved spouse might be construed into too great a
C. God familiarity, wishes that he were her little brother;
D. The male lover A and then she might treat him in the most
affectionate manner, and kiss him even in the
streets without suspicion, and without giving
offense to anyone.

FIGURE 2: Percent Distribution of Employment of All Manufacturing

Total Employment Semiconductor devices and other

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978.027 electronic components 12.0%

Computers and peripheral equipment

and accessories 5.4%

Women’s and girls’ and babies’

All other Industries garments 4.8%

Bread, cakes, pastries, pies, and similar

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perishable bakery products 4.2%

Men’s and boys’ garments 2.3%

Electing ignition or starting equipment for
internal compulsion engines 2.6%

211 Which of the following could be another title for this pie
chart? A more specific reference and description.
A. Percent Distribution of Employees in Business
Industries in 2010 It cannot be A & B because the pie chart is not
B. Distribution of Philippine Industries in 2010 about all business industries or all industries in
C. The Composition of Employment in All Business D
the Philippines
Industry Sub-class in the Philippines for the Year
2010 It can not be C because the chart deals with
D. The Composition of Employment in Manufacturing only Manufacturing industry
Industry Establishments in 2010
212 Which among the following statements is true?
A. The industry on semiconductor devices and other
electronic components employed the highest
number of workers with 22,495 employees.
B. Manufacturing establishments of women’s and girls’
and babies’ garments rank third among the Justification is: Wrong statistics: number of
industries employing the most number of workers. workers should be117,363 (12% x total
C. Industries on electric ignition or starting equipment employment)
for internal combustion engines rank last on the C
industries with the most number of workers. C - Men’s and boys’ garments industry ranks
D. The percentage of employment of manufacturing last
industries on women’s, girls’, and babies’ exceed D - Wrong statistics: excess should be at 2.5%
that of industries in men’s and boys’ garments by (4.8% - 2.3%)

213 Where this chart would most likely be found? B is the best answer.
A. Finance magazine This kind of chart will be most likely present in a
B. Newspaper editorial B finance magazine because it deals with different
C. Business section of the newspaper industries/businesses. Newspapers do not
D. On a government website usually include charts.
214 It can be inferred from the chart that:
A. Industries comprising the top slots in terms of A – total employment is 978,027 – 306,122
employment generation accounted for 306,122 which is the equivalent of the total % of the top
workers of the total workforce in all manufacturing slot sub-industries.
B. Industries comprising the top slots in terms of B - Wrong statistics: total percentage should be
employment generation accounted for 41.3% of the A 31.3% (100% - percentage of all other
total workforce in all manufacturing establishments. industries: 100% - 68.7% -> all other industries)
C. Total employment increased greatly in 2010 as

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compared with the past five years. C and D are both out of scope
D. The manufacturing industry is a continually
advancing business sector in the country due to the
increase in its workforce annually.
215 Upon seeing the results of this survey, what would
one’s response most likely be? A - not a logical response; the details prove that
A. Refrain from buying semiconductor devices and this sub-industry generates good business
other electronic components.

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B. Invest more on the garments industry to promote B – not implied; there are two garment sub-
growth in this business field. industries given and the choice does not
C. Do a further study on user consumption of C indicate which is it refers to
semiconductor devices and the trends on national
demands for these products.
D. Explore other manufacturing industries and plan on D – too broad and far fetched
starting a business with those not comprising the top It’s more probable that further studies be done
slots to boost market participation. so that the industry can better be enhanced.


What makes Philippine Art Filipino? To what extent is Philippine art a derivative of Western art? Is there anything “Filipino”
about, for example, the Manila Wyeth School, the so-called magic realists? How about the paintings of Fernando
Amorsolo, Carlos Francisco, and Hernando R. Ocampo, all of whom have been identified in a big way with the native
The questions above are merely a rephrasing of the old problem of national identity in the visual or plastic arts. Admittedly,
the issue is not as hot as it used to be, say, in the 1950s and 1960s. But it is a question that will always haunt art watchers
hereabouts, and which usually surfaces in art forums.

Genre used to be a major consideration in determining the “Filipino-ness” of a work of art at least in painting. The idea was
that the depiction of scenes of everyday life and the surroundings without idealizing them was closest in spirit to the
Filipino soul and native soil. Thus, the pastoral or rural paintings of Amorsolo for a long time were considered to be most
expressive of the ethos of the race and the predominantly agricultural countryside. On the other hand, the Filipino-ness of
Francisco's paintings inheres in his heroic-epic feeling for history and myth.

It is true that the Angono painter also did genre subjects, as in his paintings of festivals and other town or poblacion
happenings. But he was most at home doing subjects dealing with the history of the race, as well as its prehistory redolent
with the musk of myth and legend.
Because of the abstract language or imagery used, it is not as easy pinpointing the reason why some critics have
described Ocampo as “the most Filipino” painter ever. We have to shift from content to style here, to Ocampo's unique
painterly approach which is the most original hereabouts in spite of its surrealistic and cubistic beginnings and
underpinnings. We know for a fact that Ocampo was no espouser of “nationalistic” causes insofar as art was concerned.
As the lately departed painter from Maypajo used to tell us, whatever you are painting or sculpting, if you are a good artist,
your work will automatically be Filipino.

Indeed Amorsolo, Francisco, and Ocampo were very Filipino in their art because they felt strongly about what they were
doing and painted well and memorably. In other words, insofar as the critics and historians are concerned, the three were
painters first and bearers of messages second, or painters and message-bearers in equal measure.

A great deal of the confusion in cultural identity stems from the fact that Philippine art belongs to the western tradition in its
use of paint and canvas and other materials, as well as in such influences as impressionism, expressionism, surrealism,
cubism, pop, minimalism, and so on. The fact is that all the modern art movements in the ASEAN region were inspired by
Western models. Indonesia's pioneering contemporary painters, Sudjojono and Affandi (the equivalents of our Edades and
Ocampo), used easel and canvas and are no less Indonesian thereby. Malaysia's Mohidin and Thailand's Srisouta are
also west-oriented, but they have not lost their Asian and national identities because of it.

How about our expatriates? Can the Spoliarium, executed by Juan Luna while in Europe, be considered a Filipino
painting? Is Macario Vitalis less, or no longer, Filipino, living and painting in a village by the Breton Sea for the last 40 to 50
years? Hasn't Bencab become more “Filipino” living and painting in London? Is Tabuena in San Miguel de Allende now to

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be considered a Mexican painter? Choose your wild.
What is Philippine about Philippine Art
by Leo Benesa, National Commission for Culture and the Arts
216 The author wrote the passage in order to___. th th
A. explain the Western origins of Philippine art and 6 and 7 paragraphs
defend it accordingly A -The passage is a question of purpose and
B. compare and contrast Philippine art vis-à-vis Asian the answer should therefore reflect the passage
art and the nationality embedded in the works of as a whole. References to Western art are

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Filipino artists C contained in the first, and last 2 paragraphs of
C. distinguish what to him is Philippine art in spite of the passage only. Aside from that, the act of
differences in content, style, or materials defending its Western origins is not its actual
D. nullify the notion that there indeed exists a “Filipino- purpose, it’s more of defending what is
ness” in Philippine art characteristically Philippine art

217 What best describes the tone of the passage?

A. Deliberate
B. Wry A Written in purpose, planned
C. Ambivalent
D. Glib
218 What would be another good title for the selection? A- Too broad
A. The Roots of Philippine Art B- A rephrase of the actual title
B. How Filipino is Philippine Art? B C- Seemingly problematizes something
C. The Problem of a National Identity which is resolved in the passage
D. National Identity and Philippine Art D- Too broad
219 What is the synonym of the word redolent as used in the
fourth paragraph?
A. Aromatic
B. Whiffy D Dictionary definition and context.
C. Filled
D. Reminiscent
220 This passage would most likely be found___________.
A. in an entertainment magazine
B. in the editorial of a newspaper
A - This passage is most appropriate for arts- or
C. in a Philippine almanac
culture-related publications
D. on a government website as a feature article
D B – the passage does not contain any opinion
C – the tone of the last paragraph is not usually
found in almanacs

221 The following statements can be inferred from the

passage EXCEPT:
A. Artists are confronted with different art influences
and traditions, which are infused in their works of
B. Western traditions of art may be considered an
intrinsic influence to Asian art. Contradicts the idea expressed in the last
C. The works of our expatriates should be sparingly paragraph
considered as Philippine art due to their
questionable identities of “Filipino-ness.”
D. Philippine art is characterized not primarily in terms
of a characteristic style, genre, content, or material

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The Filipinos were found to be a literate people by the Spanish colonizers when they reached the islands in 1521. They found the
natives with systems of writing, with language of their own in many dialects, and with education and law to wit. Father Chirino
wrote that the "islanders are much given to reading and writing and there is hardly a man, much less a woman, who does not
read and write in letters proper to the island of Manila, very different from those of China, Japan and India" (1969, p. 280). The
early Filipinos wrote on bamboos, barks of trees, leaves of plants which are perishable materials, hence no extant specimens
exist today. The Spaniards brought the Roman alphabet which eventually superseded the old Tagalog syllabary.
The pre-Spanish Filipino had a syllabary derived from the south Indian development of the Brahmi scripts used in the Asoka
Inscriptions about 300 years before Christ. According to J.R. Francisco, there are at least six theories in the introduction of the
Tagalog syllabary (the sixth theory is the author’s). The first theory is credited to Isaac Taylor which states that the system of
writing, particularly Tagalog was introduced from the coast of Bengal sometime before the 8th century A.D. The second theory
was advanced by Fletcher Gardner who said that the Philippine scripts came from India during Asoka’s reign. He said that Hindu
missionaries visited the islands and established Manila as the center of Vedic learning. David Diringer advanced the theory that
the Indonesian script had its origin in India and that this constituted the earliest type of Philippine syllabic writing which was
brought to the Philippines by the intervention of Buginese scripts from the 5th century A.D. Of interest is the theory of

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Constantino Lendayno who noted that the Philippine script was the invention of the Filipino people without any foreign influences.
The fourth theory is called the Dravidian theory by V. A. Makarenko which states that Tagalog, both language and script
originated from Tamil, an Indian language. This was further enhanced by H. Otley Beyer who said that these scripts reached the
Philippines from the Asian continent about 200 B.C. The sixth theory, expounded by J. R. Francisco himself, states that the
Sumatran scripts are similar to the Philippine scripts, particularly the Palawan Tagbanua and the Mindoro Mangyan and
considering the movement of culture from one region to another or in reverse, this was quite possible.
The ancient Filipino syllabary was non-pictographic, and resembled closely the scripts of Buginese, Java, Batak, etc. There were
sixteen scripts used by regional groups, i.e., Tagalog, Bisayan, Pampangan, etc. The scripts show certain similarities in their

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origin and tradition. The Tagalog character was probably the most important script of the period. It consisted of seventeen
letters–14 consonants and 3 vowels. These vowels acquire a modified pronunciation when the vowel mark is placed either above
or below the consonant.
The direction of writing was sometimes from top to bottom or right to left or left to right then top to bottom horizontally. This is a
problem in reading the ancient Philippine script as no one knows which direction the writers wrote. Authorities differ in their
opinion on the direction of writing.
Books and Bookmaking in the Philippines by R. M. Vallejo, National Commission for the Culture and the Arts
222 What is the purpose of the author for writing the passage?
A. To describe the way of life which Filipinos had
before the coming of the Spaniards to the country
B. To narrate and recount the development of writing in A – too broad
the Tagalog syllabary B - The passage did not speak of the process of
C. To explain the different theories which surround the D
introduction of the Tagalog syllabary in the country C - Too limited perspective
D. To inform the readers of the existing organized
system of writing in the Philippines even before
colonizers had arrived
223 Which statement from the passage encapsulates its
main idea?
A. “The Spaniards found the natives with systems of
writing, with language of their own in many dialects,
and with education and law to wit.”
B. “The Spaniards brought the Roman alphabet which All the others are too narrow
eventually superseded the old Tagalog syllabary.” B - The focus is on the Tagalog syllabary, not
C. “The pre-Spanish Filipino had a syllabary derived the Roman alphabet
from the South Indian development of the Brahmi A C - Describes only an aspect of the theme being
scripts used in the Asoka Inscriptions about 300 discussed
years before Christ.” D -The focus of the passage is not on points of
D. “Father Chirino wrote that the "islanders are much comparison
given to reading and writing and there is hardly a
man, much less a woman, who does not read and
write in letters proper to the island of Manila, very
different from those of China, Japan, and India."”

224 Based on the passage, which of the following

statements is false?
A. The pronunciation of vowels of the Tagalog
characters was altered depending on the placement
of the vowel mark on the consonant.
B. The ancient Filipino syllabary resembled closely the It’s non- pictographic.
scripts of Buginese, Java, and Batac languages, A - 3rd paragraph, 5th sentence
which were largely pictographic. C - 4th paragraph
C. Authorities are not able to arrive at an agreement as D - 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence
to the direction of writing that the Tagalog script had.
D. Francisco, in writing about Philippine writing, also
developed his own theory on the introduction of
Tagalog syllabary.
225 The structure of the passage is: It is intended to educate the reader about

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A. descriptive ancient Filipino syllabary.
B. expository
It isn’t A. descriptive because the purpose of a
C. informative
descriptive paragraph is to make a reader see,
D. argumentative
hear, feel, and taste through vivid and carefully
selected words – most of the time adjectives.
It also cannot be B. expository because an
expository paragraph explains a subject, gives

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directions, or shows how something happens or
is done.
It also cannot be D as no argument is presented
226 The word extant as used in the passage is similar in
meaning with the word:
A. durable
B. inexistent C Dictionary definition, context.
C. living
D. extensive
227 According to the author, which among these is not a
theory on the development of the Tagalog syllabary?
A. Hindu missionaries visited the Philippine islands and
established Manila as the center of Buginese
B. About 200 B.C., Tamil, an Indian language, reached It’s Vedic learning, not Buginese.
the Philippines from the Asian continent and B - 2nd paragraph, 9th and 10th sentences
influenced Tagalog language, and script. C - 2nd paragraph, 8th sentence
C. The script of the Tagalog syllabary was solely a D - 2nd paragraph, 3rd sentence
Filipino invention.
D. It was before the 8th century AD that the Tagalog
system of writing was introduced from the coast of
228 What is the tone of the author in the passage? The focus is on delivering the information to its
A. Objective readers.
B. Serious
B is an attractive option but by definition, the
C. Melancholic
word means involving or deserving a lot of
D. Evocative
A thought or attention. While it is true that the
writer made a careful and probably a thorough
research of the topic, the tone still cannot be
considered serious because the objective of the
paragraph is just to inform the readers about
Filipino syllabary before the Spaniards came.


229 Which dialogue among the choices would best suit the

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comic strip?
A. Efren: Adam, are you free tonight?
Adam: Well, probably.
Efren: Probably? Why probably?
Adam: Well, finals are on the way and I don’t think I
have prepared well enough.
Efren: But you have been missing out on all our
gigs this week!

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Adam: What can I do? I had to.

B. Efren: Hey Adam! Have you done our assignment in

Adam: Yeah, why?
Efren: Because I just couldn’t answer it.
Adam: The question was fairly easy.
Efren: That is too arrogant of you. Notice the details of the gestures of the
Adam: Well, I’m just being honest. characters. The gestures for the first and third
boxes are most appropriate with the lines
C. Efren: Hi Adam! Would you mind if I borrow five mentioned in this conversation.
thousand pesos from you? A - The gesture of Efren on the third box is
Adam: Well, I wouldn’t probably, but I don’t have inappropriate for the line being mentioned.
that amount right now. I’m sorry. B - The gesture of Efren on the third box is also
Efren: But you mentioned earlier that you have just inappropriate for the line being mentioned
received your allowance for the week.
Adam: Well, yeah. But looking at the things I have
to spend for, I guess it would just be enough for
Efren: But I promise to pay by the end of the week, I
swear! My allowance just got delayed.
Adam: But what can I do? I also need the money!

D. Efren: Hey buddy, have you seen Michael?

Adam: Yeah, I’ve seen him at the gym.
Efren: But I have been there just now and haven’t
seen him.
Adam: Well, maybe he has gone somewhere else.
Efren: But that couldn’t be!
Adam: Why? What’s the matter with you


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Discipline for the Young from Cebu Daily News (9 August 2011)
230 What emotion is conveyed by the editorial cartoon? Ambiguity and confusion as to whom the child is
A. Fear to cling to: the abusive parent or the law
B. Cynicism If seen in the context of the child alone (mother
C. Grief –to-child), the editorial cartoon may indeed
D. Ambiguity convey the child’s fear of the mother. However,
D emphasized in the cartoon as well is the
intervention of the government/ law.
Understanding the editorial thus should be seen
in light of this and should involve a greater
scope, especially in emphasizing the role of the
government in the situation underscored.
231 What issue or situation is being depicted through
the editorial cartoon?
A. Children’s rights
B. Corporal punishment B Notice the belt held by the mother.
C. Child trafficking
D. Delinquency in children
232 What may be inferred about the government through the
situation depicted in this editorial cartoon?
A. The government apathetically creates laws which
exploit children instead of protecting them.
B. The government is deaf to the implorations of The issue here is corporal punishment to which
children’s rights advocates to write laws protecting children are subjected to because of abusive
children. parents. The editorial projects that the abused
C. The government has the power to intervene child is clinging on to the government as if
between parents’ disciplinary methods and asking for protection.
children’s rights. All the others are not implied
D. The government is on its way to crafting laws which
respond to the implorations of children’s rights

233 The belt held by the adult in the editorial cartoon is

representative of what?
A. Corrective measures of older people to the young Belts and other objects are used by adults to
B. Cruelties incurred by parents/guardians D
chastise or discipline their children.
C. Impositions of discipline to children
D. Physical punishment as tools for chastisement
When I am dead, my dearest,
Sing no sad songs for me;
Plant thou no roses at my head,
Nor shady cypress-tree:
Be the green grass above me
With showers and dewdrops wet;
And if thou wilt, remember,

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And if thou wilt, forget.
I shall not see the shadows,
I shall not feel the rain;
I shall not hear the nightingale
Sing on, as if in pain:
And dreaming through the twilight
That doth not rise nor set,
Haply I may remember,

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And haply may forget.
Song by Christina Rossetti
234 What is the message expressed by the poem? The images conveyed and depicted both the
A. Death should not be approached fearfully but with good and the bad things in life, which the
an appreciation of what may be gained and lost in it. persona seeks not to be melancholic of, as is
B. Those who face death desire to be remembered for the usual case, in deaths.
the good things they have done and to be removed
It cannot be the other choices because of the
from the memory of their bad experiences.
lines: “When I am dead, my dearest, sing no
C. Remembering the dead is an obligation left to the A sad songs for me. Plant thou no roses at my
head, nor shady cypress tree”
D. Death allows people to forget all the memories they
had in life, making them happier beings instead. It can implied from this line that the speaker is
not requiring the person who will be left behind
to lament over his/her death nor give any
physical devotions for his/her death.
235 The central theme that the poem seeks to convey is: Last two lines of every stanza; these relate to
A. The persona longs to be remembered even after the tone of indifference set by the poem, which
death. seeks to counter the often melancholic
B. The persona desires to be forgotten upon dying. approach of people towards death.
C. The persona sees remembrance after death an
A - the message implied in the first stanza that
inconsequential matter.
the speaker is not requiring those who will be
D. Remembering the dead is an act of good will.
left behind to make physical devotions for
his/her death.
C B - because even if the speaker is not requiring
a physical devotion over his/her death, she/he
would still want to be remembered poignantly in
a very subtle way that those who will be left
behind may serve metaphorically as the “green
grass above me with showers and dewdrops
D – out of scope

236 What can be inferred through the poem about the

The last two lines of every stanza convey a
persona's attitude towards death?
sense of indifference over being remembered
A. The persona sees death as beautiful and anticipates
and being forgotten.
B. The persona is relieved to face death because of the
It cannot be A or B because there is no line in
pains experienced in life. D
the poem that shows the speaker anticipating
C. The persona is melancholic about death because of
his/her death due to pains experienced in life. It
the longing felt towards nature.
also cannot be C because there is no line in the
D. The persona approaches death with an appreciation
poem that implies sadness about death or
of both remembrance and loss.
237 What could the word haply in the last stanza mean?
A. With uncertainty
B. Out of happiness
D Dictionary definition.
C. In sadness

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D. By chance

The Queen City of the South is fast becoming an ideal wedding destination.
If before, Manila was the only place being considered by foreign travelers visiting the Philippines, Cebu now comes to their
mind, especially when looking for the country’s most important wedding—and honeymoon—destination.
“For those who look for diverse locations, Cebu is the destination of choice,” Department of Tourism (DOT) Cebu/Region

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VII director Rica Bueno told the Business Mirror in an e-mail interview. “There is a variety of themes and venues available
[here]—from heritage-inspired, island or beach, laid-back garden reception, or a ballroom in a fine hotel. Cebu is also an
ideal jumpoff point for island-hopping in the Visayas for adventurous couples.”
The DOT has been promoting Cebu—apart from Boracay and Palawan—as a primary wedding destination for foreign
tourists looking to have exotic weddings outside their home countries. This is primarily because the city gives the best of
nature, culture and adventure, according to Eduardo Jarque Jr., DOT undersecretary for tourism planning and promotions.
“The rich history of the country’s past is mirrored in heritage buildings and churches. The beaches and islands are perfect
destinations for nature-loving couples. There’s a myriad of activities such as heritage tours; eco-adventures such as diving,
snorkeling, island-hopping, bird watching and trekking. All these can be add-ons to the couple’s main event,” he said.
In recent years, the numbers of foreign guests who visited the country for their wedding requirements significantly have
increased. Records from the DOT showed that a total of 96,296 visitors in 2006 went to the Philippines to get married,
which went up to 111,948 in 2007, and then to 116,653 in 2008. The figures reflect a significant 14-percent growth rate.
Local travel agencies, meanwhile, reported that they often receive requests from foreign tourists, especially Japanese and
Koreans, for wedding ceremonies in Cebu. Just like markets in Asia-Pacific and North America, they find that weddings
here in the Philippines are very pocket-friendly compared elsewhere.
According to Asawa (, a Fil-West relationships web site, a wedding and reception held locally can run
anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 (P50,000 to P250,000), with a median of $2,500 (P125,000). This is far beyond a very
modest wedding in the United States held in just a house or a banquet hall that will not cost less than $30,000, or a lavish
wedding rite that can run from $100,000 to $200,000.
Taking into account the budget most foreign guests have for their weddings, Annie Cuevas, tourism attaché in-charge of
weddings and honeymoon promotions in Los Angeles, noted that holding nuptial ceremonies in the Philippines is a “cost-
efficient option given that they can have a complete package—a carefully planned wedding and memorable reception,
which allow them to take their loved ones and close friends to the Philippines’ tropical islands.”
Aside from reasonable costs, the accessibility and availability of facilities here make it a drawcard for couples looking for
the best wedding locations. In fact, additional flights to Cebu from Manila, as well as other key cities in China and Taiwan,
have been made available for foreign visitors.
As proof that the Queen City of the South continues to become one of the country’s anchor destinations luring couples who
love nature, culture, and adventure, Cebu was acknowledged as the “Best Honeymoon Destination” in the recently
concluded World Travel Fair in Shanghai, China. The tourism department commits itself to remain active in its participation
in weddings and honeymoon shows, print and online advertisements, as well as conducting familiarization tours to the
Philippines for wedding planners from the US and Canada. Also, it pushes further the ongoing “Romantic Philippines”

campaign, featuring unique getaways and exhilarating thrills to capture more Asian couples. The global market size for
weddings and honeymoons is estimated at being between 3 million and 6 million trips per annum. Growth of this niche
segment in the next five years is expected to grow further.
However, there are certain elements of the wedding-and-honeymoon market that will experience particular growth.
“Second marriages and those marrying later in life [the 35-to-45 age group] will generate demand for weddings-and-
honeymoon tourism,” Cuevas revealed. “The number of remarriages is increasing, and is set to continue. Hence, the
number of second honeymoons will also increase.”
To cater to this trend, Jarque said the country’s facilities and venues, as well as event planners and organizers, are all
ready to welcome those who will celebrate their momentous occasion in the Philippines. “We aim to further tap this niche
market through offering more programs and packages through our partners,” he added.
Say ‘I do’ in Cebu by R.L. Abad
238 This selection can most likely be found in: A – is an attractive option but B is a better
A. the local news section of a newspaper option

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B. a tourism magazine C – does not contain any piece on tourism
C. the entertainment section of a newspaper unless it has something to do with an
D. a government website entertainment event and not this lengthily
D – too broad; which sites?
239 The following are synonyms of the word attaché as used
in the selection EXCEPT:
A. agent Refers to a different meaning of attaché,
B. haversack B

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specifically a suitcase.
C. envoy
D. plenipotentiary
240 A continuation of this selection would most likely expound
A. the advantages and disadvantages of holding Transitioning from the last sentence of the last
weddings in cebu paragraphs: through our partners.
B. how cebu was first advertised and promoted by the A – a promotional piece will not put any
government D disadvantage
C. the continuous increase of foreign tourists in cebu B – this will be any place before this piece; not
based on statistics and records of hotels and resorts after
from the place C – out of scope
D. the reasons why cebu is an ideal place as promoted
by wedding photographers and organizers
241 In the last paragraph, the use of the word niche most
closely pertains to a:
A. subdivision All synonyms of the word “niche” but this
B. fissure A
pertains to how it was used in the context.
C. expertise
D. rendezvous
242 It may be inferred from paragraph 7 that: An inference which leads to the content of the
A. A modest wedding in the US will cost couples a next paragraph. All the others are given in the
minimum of $30,000. passage.
B. Local travel agencies are receiving increasing
booking requests for wedding ceremonies. See paragraph 6: Local travel agencies,
C. Cebu has attracted not only foreign visitors from meanwhile, reported that they often receive
Asia-Pacific but also foreigners coming from the C requests from foreign tourists especially
West. Japanese and Koreans, for wedding
D. Wedding ceremonies and receptions cost less in ceremonies in Cebu. See also paragraph 10:
the Philippines compared to the United States. …as well as conducting familiarization tours to
the Philippines for wedding planners from the
US and Canada.

243 The word drawcard in the ninth paragraph means:

A. a favorite spot
B. something that attracts patrons Dictionary definition.
C. an ideal getaway or place of vacation
D. something that represents their ideals

There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. We had been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour
in the morning; but since dinner (Mrs. Reed, when there was no company, dined early) the cold winter wind had
brought with it clouds so sombre, and a rain so penetrating, that further outdoor exercise was now out of the question.

I was glad of it: I never liked long walks, especially on chilly afternoons: dreadful to me was the coming home in the
raw twilight, with nipped fingers and toes, and a heart saddened by the chidings of Bessie, the nurse, and humbled by
the consciousness of my physical inferiority to Eliza, John, and Georgiana Reed.

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The said Eliza, John, and Georgiana were now clustered round their mama in the drawing-room: she lay reclined on a
sofa by the fireside, and with her darlings about her (for the time neither quarrelling nor crying) looked perfectly
happy. She and I had dispensed from joining the group; saying, “She regretted to be under the necessity of keeping
me at a distance; but that until she heard from Bessie, and could discover by her own observation, that I was
endeavouring in good earnest to acquire a more sociable and childlike disposition, a more attractive and sprightly
manner—something lighter, franker, more natural, as it were—she really must exclude me from privileges intended
only for contented, happy, little children.”

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“What does Bessie say I have done?” I asked.

“Jane, I don’t like cavillers or questioners; besides, there is something truly forbidding in a child taking up her elders in
that manner. Be seated somewhere; and until you can speak pleasantly, remain silent.”

A breakfast-room adjoined the drawing-room, I slipped in there. It contained a bookcase: I soon possessed myself of
a volume, taking care that it should be one stored with pictures. I mounted into the window-seat: gathering up my feet,
I sat cross-legged, like a Turk; and, having drawn the red moreen curtain nearly close, I was shrined in double

Folds of scarlet drapery shut in my view to the right hand; to the left were the clear panes of glass, protecting, but not
separating me from the drear November day. At intervals, while turning over the leaves of my book, I studied the
aspect of that winter afternoon. Afar, it offered a pale blank of mist and cloud; near a scene of wet lawn and storm-
beat shrub, with ceaseless rain sweeping away wildly before a long and lamentable blast.

Excerpt from Jane Eyre (Chapter 1) by Charlotte Brontë

244 The theme of the passage is: The atmosphere is used to convey and
A. the kind and characteristics of winter that the highlight in a subtle way the situation of the
character experiences during november character.
B. the emotions and situation of the character as A - descriptions of the settings in novels
conveyed by the setting of the narrative B such as in this one usually depict more than
C. the escape that the character seeks to have from her literal meanings
current situation C - the question of escape is beyond the
D. the characteristics of the place and the family to passage
which the character is situated D - similar to letter A
245 What does the word caviller in the fifth paragraph most
nearly means?
A. Someone who is extremely curious
B. A disrespectful child
C. A person who raises trivial objections C Dictionary definition
D. Annoyingly noisy people

246 Which of the following inferences is supported by the 1 sentence of the third paragraph; in novel,
second and third paragraphs? she was indeed an orphan under the care of
A. Jane was under the care of a family not her own. the Reeds.
B. Jane was scolded by their mother and was therefore B - The reference to her inferiorities in the
secluded from the company of her siblings. 2 paragraph, and the mentioning of the
C. Bessie was speaking ill of Jane. surname of the other children emphasizes
D. Mrs. Reed simply wanted Jane to be a happy child. her not being part of the family.
A C - Chidings may mean scoldings or
naggings, but to infer that it means that
Bessie actually spoke ill of Jane is inferring
too far.
D - The last sentence of the 3 paragraph
was spoken with the ill intention of
excluding Jane.

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247 The word dinner as used in the second sentence of the nd st st
first paragraph means: 2 sentence of the 1 paragraph, 1
A. The heavy meal taken in the evening sentence of the 3 paragraph – the
B. A complete meal at a fixed price in a restaurant D reference to the “afternoon” walks provides
C. A public banquet in honor of someone the context; dictionary definition as well, as
D. The main meal of the day taken at midday related to the situation.

248 What best describes the mood of Jane?

A. Lazy This is seen all through the excerpt

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B. Angry D gloomily dark; the atmosphere invoked in
C. Serious the narration reflects the mood of Jane
D. Somber
249 What meaning does the phrase “shrined in double The double retirement signifies her retreat
retirement” in the sixth paragraph convey? from the company of the Reeds family both
A. To step back and sulk in a corner physically and emotionally.
B. To feel extremely depressed A & D - expresses just one of the acts of
C. To retreat in a closed space both literally and C “retirement”
figuratively B - the 4 paragraph conveys a strong will
D. To remain silently reading a book in a secluded emanating from the character, contrary to
place extreme depression
250 The winter November afternoon described in the passage
is a symbolism of what?
A. The physical inferiorities that Jane has of Eliza,
John, and Georgina Reed A – too specific
B. The gloominess of the character’s situation and B C – too literal
disposition D – conveys the opposite
C. The burdensome place which the Reeds inhabit
D. The desires that Jane most earnestly seeks to have

Nang malaman ni Mordecai ang lahat ng nangyari, pinunit niya ang kanyang kasuotan. Nagsuot siya ng damit
panluksa, naglagay ng abo sa ulo, at naglibot sa buong lunsod, at malakas na tumatangis. Naupo siya sa labas ng
pintuan ng palasyo sapagkat hindi pinapayagang pumasok doon ang sinumang nakasuot ng damit panluksa. Ang mga
Judio naman sa bawat lalawigang naabot ng utos ng hari ay nanangis nang buong kapaitan, nag-ayuno at nagluksa.
Karamihan sa kanila'y nagsuot ng damit panluksa at naglagay ng abo sa ulo.
Lubos na nabahala si Reyna Ester nang malaman niya ang pangyayari mula sa kanyang mga katulong na babae at
mga eunuko. Kaya pinadalhan niya ng bihisan si Mordecai, ngunit ayaw nitong tanggapin iyon. Dahil dito, ipinatawag
niya si Hatac, isa sa mga eunuko ng hari at itinalagang katulong niya. Pinapunta niya ito kay Mordecai at ipinatanong
kung bakit siya nagkakaganoon. Pinuntahan nga ni Hatac si Mordecai sa labas ng palasyo. Sinabi naman nito sa
kanya ang buong pangyayari, pati ang halagang ibibigay ni Haman sa kabang-yaman ng hari mapatay lamang ang
mga Judio. Binigyan pa siya ni Mordecai ng isang kopya ng sulat ng hari para ipakita kay Ester. Ipinakiusap din niyang
ipaliwanag kay Ester ang buong pangyayari upang ipagbigay-alam iyon sa hari.
Pagkatapos ng kanilang pag-uusap, nagbalik si Hatac kay Ester at isinaysay ang lahat ng sinabi ni Mordecai.

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Si Hatac ay pinabalik ni Ester kay Mordecai at ganito ang ipinasabi: "Alam na alam ng lahat na walang itinatangi ang
batas ng kaharian. Sinumang lumapit sa hari, maging lalaki o babae, nang hindi ipinapatawag ay papatayin maliban
kung ipatong sa kanya ang gintong setro. Tatlumpung araw na akong hindi ipinapatawag ng hari."
Nang matanggap ni Mordecai ang sagot ni Ester, ganito naman ang ipinasabi niya: "Huwag mong aakalaing dahil
nakatira ka sa palasyo ay ikaw lamang ang makakaligtas sa lahat ng mga Judio. Kapag ipinagwalang-bahala mo ang
pangyayaring ito, tiyak na may magliligtas din sa mga Judio, ngunit malilipol ka at ang iyong angkan. Anong malay
mo? Baka nga napunta ka riyan para maging kasangkapan sa ganitong pagkakataon!"

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Dahil dito, ipinasabi ni Ester kay Mordecai, "Tipunin mo ang lahat ng Judio rito sa Susa at ipag-ayuno ninyo ako.
Huwag kayong kakain o iinom sa loob ng tatlong araw at tatlong gabi. Mag-aayuno rin kami ng aking mga katulong na
babae. Pagkatapos, pupunta ako sa hari kahit ito'y labag sa batas, at kung dapat akong mamatay, ako nga ay
mamamatay." Umalis si Mordecai at ginawa ang lahat ng tagubilin ni Ester.
Pinakiusapan ni Mordecai si Ester na Mamagitan (Ester 4) mula sa Bagong Magandang Balita Biblia
251 Ano ang reaksiyon ng mga Judio nang kanilang marinig
ang utos ng hari?
A. Pinunit nila ang kanilang kasuotan.
B. Nagsumamo sila kay Ester na kausapin ang hari. C Unang talata
C. Sila ay naglagay ng abo sa ulo.
D. Sila ay nagrebelde sa hari.
252 Alin sa mga sumusunod ang pinakamalapit na kahulugan
ng salitang setro?
A. Koronang puno ng dyamante Depinisyon sa diksyunaryo
B. Pugong o turban na kumakatawan sa pagkahari D
C. Tungkod na may sagisag ng bansa
D. Baston na simbolo ng kapangyarihan
253 Ang mga sumusunod ay kasingkahulugan ng salitang Nanangis means lamentation; loud grief.
nanangis MALIBAN sa: nagluksa – be in mourning
A. Nagluksa nagdasal – prayed
B. Nagdasal B napighati – to be in sorrow; grief
C. Nagpighati nagdalamhati – affliction; grief; extreme
D. Nagdalamhati sorrow
254 Bakit inutusan ni Ester si Mordecai na tipunin ang mga
A. Para iligtas siya
B. Para ipagdasal siya
C Tingnan ang huling talata
C. Para ipag-ayuno siya
D. Para gawin siyang kasangkapan

255 Ano ang mahihinuha mula sa pahayag na ito ni Ester:

“Tatlumpung araw na akong hindi ipinapatawag ng
A. Mag-iisang buwan nang masama ang loob sa kanya
ng hari.
B. Hindi siya tinuturing na kagamit-gamit sa palasyo at Mahihinuha mula sa pang-apat na talata
sa pamamahala sa bayan. A
C. Nangangamba siyang baka hind maging katanggap-
tanggap ang kanyang presensya.
D. Natatakot siya sa maaaring gawin ng hari sa kanya
kapag bigla siyang nagpakita matapos ang
tatlumpung araw
256 Anong uri ng talata ang seleksiyon?
A. Nagsusumamo It is C. nagsasalaysay because it is telling

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B. Naglalarawan C the story of what Mordecai did.
C. Nagsasalaysay
D. Nangangatwiran
257 Ano ang kasalungat ng salitang malilipol sa ikalimang
A. Matutupok
B. Maisasalba B Kahulugan sa diksiyunaryo
C. Masisira

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D. Mamamatay
Alam ng buwan
Ang buong pangyayari
Alambre ang sa iyo’y yumari
Leeg at dalawang kamay mo
Ang sumaksi
Ibinalita ka ng ilog
Nang dalhin ka niya sa pampang.
May sumaksi,
May tumitinging nakatalikod
May humaharap na napopoot.
Isa-isa silang nagsialis
Baon ang habag sa kanilang
mga dibdib
Hango sa Gabay sa Panitikang Filipino (Para sa Mag-aaral) ni R.R. Mateo at J. C. Osabel (1996)

258 Ano ang pangunahing paksa ng tulang ito?

A. Lihim na krimen
B. Isang balitang umalingawngaw Linya 4-5 sa unang saknong; ikatlong
C. Pagdadalamhati ng mga namatayan saknong
D. Iba’t ibang mga saksi sa pagpatay

259 Anong salita ang may pinakamalapit na kahulugan sa

salitang yumari sa unang saknong?
A. Gumawa
B. Sumira C
C. Dumali
D. Pumulupot

260 Ano ang mensaheng ipinapahiwatig ng pangalawang Ang pangatlong linya sa unang saknong ay
saknong? ipinahiwatig ang pagkamatay ng tauhan na
A. May bangkang dumating sa pampang noong umaga siyang nagresulta sa kaganapan sa
B. Nasaksihan ng mga taga-ilog ang mga kaganapan ikalawang saknong.
C. May bangkay na inanod sa pampang
A - no line nor implication in the entire
D. Ang mga taga-ilog ang nagpamalita ng krimen
poem that shows a boat arrived in the
B - the ‘taga-ilog’ did not witness the crime
that was committed. It was already the
dead body that they witnessed as implied in
the third and fourth stanzas.
D - there is no line in the entire poem that
states or implies that they spread news of

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the crime. They were just simply witnesses.
261 Sino ang tinutukoy na sila sa ikahuling saknong? Sila na nakakita sa sinapit ng bangkay ang
A. Mga taong nakita ang bangkay siyang mga nahabag.
B. Mga saksi sa krimen
It cannot be B, C, or D because no one
C. Mga may sala sa krimen
A witnessed how the crime happened or who
D. Mga tagapamalita sa kaganapan
killed the person washed off shore. The
‘sila’ just saw the dead body as stated in

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stanzas three and four.
262 Alin sa mga pahayag na ito ang mahihinuha mula sa
unang saknong? Mahihinuha sa pang-apat at panglimang
A. Alambre ang ginamit na pampatay sa biktima linya
B. Walang ibang nakasaksi ng pangyayari C A - Hindi isang paghihinuha
C. Sinakal at tinali ang mga kamay ng biktima B – walang ipinahiwatig sa tula
D. Lumipas na ang gabi nang naganap ang D – Taliwas sa kaganapan

Pinoy Graduates: Whither Thou Goeth? by R.A. Virola, Philippine Statistics Authority (March 2008)

263 Ano ang paksa ng tsart na ito?

A. Pagpapakita ng pagbaba ng kalidad ng mga
pampubliko at pribadong paaralang pangkolehiyo
B. Pagkukumpara ng bilang ng estudyanteng nag-
eenrol sa pampubliko at pribadong kolehiyo Pamagat ng tsart (TVET vis-a-vis Public
C. Pagtaas at pagbaba ng bilang ng mga estudyanteng and Private)
tumutuloy sa pag-aaral matapos ang hayskul
D. Paghahambing ng bilang ng mga estudyanteng
kumukuha ng kursong bokasyonal at kurso sa

264 Anong impormasyon ang mahahango natin mula sa

A. Bumababa ang bilang ng enrolment sa mga
kolehiyo dahil sa patuloy na pagtaas ng presyo ng
mataas na edukasyon.
B. Ang pagkawala ng kalidad sa basic education ang
sanhi ng pagtaas ng bilang ng mga estudyanteng
kumukuha ng mga kurso sa TESDA. Ang iba’y wala sa paksa
C. Mas nakabubuti para sa nakararaming Pilipino ang D
pagkuha ng mga kursong bokasyonal kaysa mga
kursong pangkolehiyo dahil hindi kayang
masuportahan ang apat na taong pag-aaral.
D. Patuloy na dumarami ang mga Pilipinong kabataan
na pinipiling kumuha ng mga kursong bokasyonal
kumpara sa pagbaba ng mga estudyanteng

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tumutuloy sa kolehiyo.
265 Alin sa mga sumusunod na pangungusap ang totoo ayon
sa impormasyong nakasaad sa tsart?
A. Ang pinakamalaking porsyento ng pagtaas ng mga
estudyanteng nag-eenrol sa TVET ay noong taong
B. Ang pinakamalaking porsyento ng pagbaba ng mga
estudyanteng nag-eenrol sa pampubliko at A Pansinin ang datos

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pribadong kolehiyo ay noong taong 2004.
C. Pataas nang pataas ang bilang ng mga nag-eenrol
sa TVET taon-taon.
D. Mas marami na ang mga estudyante sa TVET
kumpara sa mga estudyante sa kolehiyo.
266 Ang mga sumusunod na pangungusap ay totoo Ang mga linya sa tsart ay nagpapakita ng
MALIBAN sa: porsyento ng pagbaba at pagtaas ng mga
A. Simula nang umpisahan ang programang TVET estudyanteng nag-eenrol. Ang aktwal na
noong 2002, ang pagpasok sa mga bokasyonal na bilang ng mga estudyante ay nakasaad sa
kurso ay naging isang magandang oportunidad para kaliwa at kanang bahagi ng tsart.
sa karamihan ng mga estudyanteng hindi
makatutuloy sa kolehiyo. A - Kulang sa impormasyon mula sa tsart
B. Pagpasok ng taong 2002, patuloy ang pagbaba ng upang masuportahan ang pahayag na ito
bilang ng mga estudyanteng nag-eenrol sa mga C
pampubliko at pribadong paaralan. B – The graph shows a decline in the
C. Mas marami ang bilang ng mga estudyanteng nag- number of students who go private and
enrol sa TVET kumpara sa bilang ng mga public schools. – True
estudyanteng nag-enrol sa kolehiyo noong taong
2004. D – There is a decline in the number of
D. Bumaba ang bilang ng mga estudyanteng nag- students who enrolled in TVET for the year
eenrol sa TVET noong taong 2004. 2004 from around 1300 SY 2003 – 2004 to
1200 SY 2004 – 2005.
267 Piliin sa mga sumusunod ang hindi posibleng naging
dahilan sa likod ng mga istatistikang nakasaad sa tsart:
A. Ang patuloy na pagtaas ng matrikula sa mga
pampubliko at pribadong kolehiyo.
B. Ang pagpapatupad at pagsasabatas ng programang Hindi pa naipatutupad ang K-12 sa mga
K-12 sa kurikula ng basic education . B taong nakasaad sa tsart
C. Dumarami ang estudyanteng nakakakita ng
oportunidad sa mga kursong bokasyonal.
D. Bumababa ang kalidad ng edukasyon sa
elementarya at hayskul kaya't hindi lahat ay
nagagawang makapasok sa mga kolehiyo.

Sa pagtantya ng Pambansang Lupon sa Ugnayang Pang-Estadistika (National Statistical Coordination Board, NSCB),
ang patuloy na pagtaas ng kabayaran sa mga OFW ay nagreresulta ng mas mataas na kabuuang kitang pambansa
(Gross National Income, GNI). Ang GNI ay kumakatawan sa kabuuang produktong lokal (Gross Domestic Product,
GDP) at ng netong pangunahing kita mula sa labas ng bansa (Net Primary Income from Abroad, NPI) na binubuo ng
kabayaran sa mga OFW liban pa sa kita ng mga ari-arian (property income) at gastos sa mga ari-arian (property
expense) na itinatala bilang bahagi ng kita ng ekonomiya mula sa labas ng bansa. Ang perang natatanggap ng mga
OFW sa anyo ng sweldo at sahod kasama na ang iba pang kabayarang natatanggap ng OFW (tulad ng bayad sa
obertaym, bonus, alawans sa pananamit, atbp) ay tinutuos bilang “kabayaran (compensation)” ng mga OFW. Para sa
taong 2011, ang halaga nito sa kasalukuyang presyo/halaga (nominal value) ay 3.35 bilyong piso o katumbas ng 26.0
porsyento ng GNI.
Habang ipinakikita ng estadistika na ang kontribusyon ng OFW (sa pamamagitan ng kabayarang natatanggap nila at
mga ipinadadala nilang pera) ay nakakapagpalago sa ekonomiya ng bansa, mahalaga ring suriin kung ang mga ito’y
nagdudulot ng mas matiwasay na kabuhayan ng pamilya ng mga OFW.

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Ipinakikita sa pananaliksik na ginawa ni Aubrey D. Tabuga, isang Research Associate ng Surian sa mga Pag-aaral
Pangkaunlaran ng Pilipinas (Philippine Institute for Development Studies, PIDS) na pinamagatang “How do Filipino
Families use the OFW Remittances,” na ang perang pinadadala ng OFW sa kanilang pamilya ay nagagastos sa
matinong paggamit tulad ng gastos sa edukasyon, pangangailangang medikal, at pangangailangan sa bahay liban pa
sa ibang mga batayang gastusin. Ang resulta ng pananaliksik na ito ay tulad din sa resulta ng iba pang pananaliksik
tungkol sa OFW. Di maitatatwa na nakinabang nang husto si Ginoong Henry Sy at ang iba pang negosyanteng tsinoy
sa pagtaas ng Household Final Consumption Expenditure (HFCE).

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Hanggang sa kasalukuyan, ‘di pa rin masagot kung ang benepisyong pang-ekonomiya ng ating bansa at ang
pinansyal/materyal na pakinabang ng mga pamilya ng OFW ay higit pa sa benepisyo o katumbas sa pagkawalay sa
pamilya, lalo na sa mga anak, ng OFW. Sa panahon ng kaguluhan, mga kalamidad at iba pang sakuna sa mga
bansang kanilang pinagtratrabahuhan, ilan sa ating mga OFW ay napipilitang umuwi nang wala sa panahon.
Bagama’t sa ilang pagkakataon, nakakapagbigay ng panandaliang tulong ang pamahalaan, maraming Pinoy ang
napipilitang maging OFW muli dahil wala silang makitang disenteng trabaho dito sa Pilipinas na makatutugon sa pang-
ekonomiyang pangangailangan ng kanilang mga pamilya
Sa huli, tulad ng bawat desisyon sa buhay, merong bentahe at merong sakripisyo. Para sa mga OFW, hinangad nila
ang pang-ekonomiyang kaginhawahan kahimat ang kapalit nito ay ang pag-iwan nila sa kanilang mga mahal sa
buhay, na magdudulot ng unti-unting pagkawala sa higpit ng pagkakabigkis ng pamilya na sa kaluuna’y pagkawasak
ng tinaguriang Pamilyang Pilipino. Gaano ba karami ang ating ginagawa para matulungan ang ating mga bagong
Hango sa Pagbilang at Pagsubaybay sa Kontribusyon ng mga OFW (Ang mga Bagong Bayani ng Bayan)
ni J. R. G. Albert

268 Ano ang paksa ng artikulong binasa?

A. Ang benepisyong pang-ekonomiya ng bansa at ang
pinansyal/materyal na pakinabang ng mga pamilya
mula sa mga OFW
B. Ang pagkawasak ng higpit ng pagkakabigkis ng mga
pamilyang Pilipino dahil sa patuloy na pagdami ng
mga OFW.
C. Ang bentahe at sakripisyong nakapaloob sa
kontribusyon ng mga OFW sa bansa at sa kanilang
mga pamilya C Huling talata
D. Ang patuloy na pagtaas ng kontribusyong pang-
ekonomiya ng mga OFW sa bansa

269 Ang mga sumusunod na pangungusap ay naglalahad ng

mga totoong pahayag mula sa sanaysay MALIBAN sa:
A. Ang perang ipinadadala ng mga OFW ay hindi
nagagastos sa matinong paggamit bagkus ay
nailalaan lamang sa luho ng mga pamilya. Salungat sa pangatlong talata, unang
B. Marami sa ating mga OFW ang napipilitang umuwi pangungusap
sa panahon ng kalamidad at kaguluhan sa ibang B - Pang-apat na talata, pangalawang
bansa. A pangungusap
C. Ang resulta ng pananaliksik na ginawa ni Aubrey C - Pangatlong talata, pangalawang
Tabuga ay alinsunod sa iba pang mga resulta ng pangungusap
pananaliksik na ginawa ukol sa mga OFW. D - Unang talata, unang pangungusap
D. Patuloy ang pagtaas ng kabayaran sa mga OFW na
siyang nagiging dahilan ng mas mataas na
kabuuang kitang pambansa.

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270 Ang mga sumusunod na pangungusap ay naglalahad ng
mga totoong pahayag mula sa sanaysay MALIBAN sa:
A. pangangailangan sa bahay Hindi nakasaad sa ikatlong talata
B. pangangailangang pangkalamidad B
C. gastos sa edukasyon
D. pangangailangang medikal
271 Alin sa mga sumusunod ang pinakamalapit na kahulugan
ng kahimat sa pangalawang linya ng huling talata?

For AHEAD teacher’s use only.

A. sapagka’t
B. dahil C Kasingkahulugan: kahit na
C. bagaman
D. upang
272 Sa anong uri ng babasahin maaaring mabasa ang
sanaysay na ito?
A. Magasin Tinatawag ring editoryal – tumatalakay sa
B. Teksbuk na pang-kolehiyo D
mga napapanahong isyu
C. Librong pampanitikan
D. Pangulong tudling ng pahayagan
273 Alin ang tinutukoy ng may-akda na bentahe?
A. Kabuuang kitang pambansa (Gross National
B. Mabuting naidudulot ng kontribusyon ng mga OFW Huling talata (piguratibong
C. Kabuuang produktong local (Gross Domestic B
D. Mataas na antas ng pamumuhay para sa pamilya ng

Ngayong tumugon kayo sa uhaw naming sigaw ng ikagagaling ng bayan; ngayong nagpakita kayo ng mabuting
halimbawa sa kapwa dalagang nagnanasang paris ninyong mamulat ang mata at mahango sa pagkalugami, sumisigla
ang aming pag-asa, inaaglahi ang sakuna, sa pagka at kayo'y katulong na namin, panatag ang loob sapagtagumpay.
Ang babaeng tagalog ay ‘di na payuko at luhod, buhay na ang pag-asa sa panahong sasapit; wala na ang inang
katulong sa pagbulag sa anak na palalakhin sa alipusta at pag-ayop. ‘Di na unang karunungan ang patungong ulo sa
balang maling utos, dakilang kabaitan ang ngisi sa pagmura, masayang pang-aliw ang mababang luha. Napagkilala
din ninyo na ang utos ng Dios ay iba sa utos ng Pari, na ang kabanalan ay hindi ang matagal na luhod, mahabang
dasal, malalaking kwentas, libaguing kalmin, kundi ang mabuting asal, malinis na loob, at matuwid na isip. Napagkilala
din ninyo na ‘di kabaitan ang pagkamasunurin sa ano mang pita at hiling ng nagdidios-diosan, kundi ang pagsunod sa
katampata't matuwid, sapagka't ang bulag na pagsunod ay siyang pinagmumulan ng likong pag-uutos, at sa bagay na
ito'y pawang nagkakasala. ‘Di masasabi ng puno o pari na sila lamang ang mananagot ng maling utos; binigyan ng
Dios ang bawat isa ng sariling isip at sariling loob, upang ding mapagkilala ang liko at tapat; paraparang inianak ng
walang tanikala, kundi malaya, at sa loob at kaluluwa'y walang makasusupil, bakit kaya ipaaalipin mo sa iba ang
marangal at malayang pagiisip? Duwag at mali ang akala na ang bulag na pagsunod ay kabanalan, at kapalaluan ang

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mag isip-isip at magnilay-nilay. Ang kamangmanga'y, kamangmangan at di kabaita't puri. ‘Di hiling ng Dios, punong
katarungan, na ang taong larawan niya'y paulol at pabulag; ang hiyas ngisip, na ipinalamuti sa atin, paningningin at
gamitin. Halimbawa baga ang isang amang nagbigay sa bawat isang anak ng kani-kanyang tanglaw sa paglakad sa
dilim. Paningasin nila ang liwanag ng ilaw, alagaang kusa at huwag patayin, dala ng pag-asa sa ilaw ng iba, kundi
magtulong-tulong magsanggunian, sa paghanap ng daan. Ulol na ‘di hamak at masisisi ang madapa sa pagsunod sa
ilaw ng iba, at masasabi ng ama: "Bakit kita binigyan ng sarili mong ilaw?" Ngunit ‘di lubhang masisisi ang madapa sa
sariling tanglaw, sapagka't marahil ang ilaw ay madilim, o kaya ay totoong masama ang daan.
Hango sa Sa Mga Kababayang Dalaga sa Malolos

For AHEAD teacher’s use only.

ni Jose Rizal
274 Anong klaseng akda ang seleksiyon?
A. Nagsasalaysay Nilalalarawan nito ang mga pagbabagong
B. Naglalahad nagkaroon sa mga kababayang dalaga sa
C. Nanghihikayat Malolos maging ang mga katangiang nais
D. Naglalarawan pa nilang maituro sa mga ito

275 Ang salitang pagkalugami sa unang pangungusap ay

A. pananakop
B. kahirapan C Depinisyon sa diksyonaryo
C. dalamhati
D. kahangalan
276 Ang mga sumusunod ay kasingkahulugan ng salitang
pita MALIBAN sa:
A. kagustuhan
B. kaaliwan B Hindi kasingkahulugan
C. naisin
D. itinatangi
277 Ang salitang pag-ayop sa pangalawang pangungusap ay
A. pamamahiya sa kapwa Depinisyon sa diksyonaryo
B. pag-aalaga ng hayop sa bukid A
C. sadlak na kahirapan
D. kawalan ng hustisya
278 Base sa ikalawang pangungusap, masasabi nating
A – hindi sinabi sa seleksiyon ang salitang
A. ang mga ina ang pangunahing dahilan kung bakit
C – Hindi nakasaad sa akda
ang mga Pilipino ay patuloy na nabubulag sa pang- B
D – hindi ipinapahiwatig sa seleksiyon;
aalipin ng mga dayuhan
B. mas magandang kinabukasan para sa bagong
henerasyon ang nakikita ng may-akda dahil sa

pagkamulat ng mga kababaihan doon

C. nabawasan na ang mga inang nagkakatulong at
naaalipusta ng mga Kastila sa panahong isinulat ang
akdang ito
D. kumpara sa mga kababaihan sa ibang lalawigan, ang
mga babaeng Tagalog pa lamang ang namumulat sa
ganitong mga kaisipan

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For AHEAD teacher’s use only.
279 Alin sa mga sumusunod ang pinakaangkop na pag-
uusap ayon sa komik strip?
A. 1 – Nasasabik ka na bang mapanood yung concert
2 – Aba siyempre! Paborito ko kayang singer yun!
3 – Dalawa nga pong VIP tickets para bukas.
4 – Naubos na yung natitirang apat kanina.
5 – Ubos na? Eh sa Upper at Lower Box po, meron
pa ba?
6 – Huli na kayong bumili. Nagkaubusan na lahat
kanina eh.
7 – Sa susunod agahan niyong bumili.
8 – Bakit ngayon pa tayo naubusan? Hindi ‘to Pansinin ang Stn 19 na nagpapahiwatig na
maaari! istasyon ng tren ang setting ng pag-uusap
9 – Baka meron pa naman kahit sa Gen Ad lang,
hindi mo ba tinanong?

B. 1 – Sigurado ka bang makukuha mo pa rin yung

iniwan mong gamit na yun?
2 – Oo, pwede yun. Nasa akin pa rin naman yung
numerong ibinigay sa ’kin eh.
3 – Manong, kukunin ko na po yung gamit na iniwan

4 – Naku, iha. Wala na yung gamit mo dito. Wala

nang nakalagay na gamit sa numerong ito.
5 – Ano po? Eh paano nangyari yun? Ito nga po
yung numero ko nung iniwan ko yun dito.
6 – Eh ilang araw mo na yatang iniwan dito yun eh.
7 – Kapag lumipas na kasi ang tatlong araw,
itinatabi na nila yun at nilalagay sa mga gamit na
8 – Paano na yan? Andun pa naman mga gamit na
kailangan ko.
9 – Sabi ko naman sa’yo eh. Ang tagal kasi bago
mo binalikan mga gamit mo.

C. 1 – Maganda ang ideya mong ito! Minsan magtren

na nga lang tayo para makatulong sa pagbawas sa

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polusyon sa hangin at kalsada.
2 – Buti naman at sumang-ayon ka.
Makakapagpahinga pa rin naman tayo dahil hindi na
siksikan nang ganitong oras sa tren.
3 – Magandang gabi. Dalawang tiket nga po
hanggang Alabang.
4 – Ay naku. Kakaalis lang ng huling treng
bumibiyahe, mga apat na minutong nakalipas.

For AHEAD teacher’s use only.

5 – Ha? Pero alas nuebe pasado pa lamang!
6 – Ganito kasi ‘yan. May sampung tren na
bumibiyahe dito araw-araw sa takdang oras lamang.
7 – Bukas naman ay may mga biyahe pa rin.
8 – Tawagan mo na lang si Lance. Papuntahin mo
agad para sunduin tayo dito.
9 – ‘Wag ka nang mabalisa. Makakauwi pa rin
naman tayo.

D. 1 – Ok lang ba sa’yo yung palabas na napili ko?

2 – Oo naman. Mahilig din naman ako sa mga
ganung kwento eh.
3 – Magandang gabi. Dalawang tiket nga para sa
Anak sa Dusa.
4 – Paumanhin po, pero hindi na kami nagbebenta
ng tiket para dun.
5 – Hala! Alas dyis pa lang naman ah!
6 – Oo nga, pero ang huling palabas ay nagsimula
na tatlumpung minutong nakalipas.
7 – Hindi na kami nagbebenta ng tiket pagsapit ng
alas dyis.
8 – Paano na yan? Kailangan ko pa namang
magsulat ng reaction paper tungkol dun.
9 – Subukan na lang nating maghanap ng DVD, sa
tingin mo?


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280 Anong damdamin ang nais ihayag ng larawang
A. Pagkagalit sa pagkilos Makikita sa pagtatanong ni Rizal
B. Pagkatakot sa otoridad C

For AHEAD teacher’s use only.

C. Paghimok sa kalupitan
D. Pagkabalisa sa pang-aapi
281 Ano ang mahihinuha mula sa editoryal?
A. Ang mga Pilipino ay nagpapasawalang-bahala sa
mga krimeng nagaganap sa mga babae sa Ang editorial ay tumutukoy sa Bacon Bill na
Mindanao. nagtangkang kunin ang mga probinsyang
B. Ang mga Pilipino ang nagtakda at nag-utos ng Moro mula sa soberanya ng Pilipinas
paghiwalay ng Mindanao mula sa kapuluan ng patungo sa Estados Unidos.
Pilipinas. A - Masyadong literal na interpretasyon
C. Ang mga Pilipino ay hindi nakikinig sa mga utos ni B - Si Bacon ay kumakatawan sa "Bacon
Rizal laban sa mga polisiya ng dayuhang Bill" na nais ipatupad ng mga Amerikano
nagngangalang Bacon. noong 1926
D. Ang mga Pilipino ay hinihimok na kumilos ukol sa C - Si Rizal ay tumatayong simbolo lamang
tangkang paghihiwalay ng Mindanao mula sa sa editoryal na ito.
kapuluan ng Pilipinas

Karununga'y umaalingawngaw sa mataong lansangan,
tinig niya'y nangingibabaw sa lugar ng pamilihan.
Ito'y lumalampas sa mataas na mga muog,
ang ugong niya'y naririnig sa pintuan nitong lunsod:
"Taong mangmang, walang hustong kaalaman,
hanggang kailan ka tatagal sa aba mong kalagayan?
Hanggang kailan ka mananatili sa iyong kamangmangan?
Kailan mo pa iisiping maghanap ng kaalaman?
Ang payo ko ay pakinggan n'yo at dinggin ang aking pangaral;
sasainyo ang diwa ko at ang aking kaalaman.
Patuloy nga itong mga panawagan ko sa inyo,
ngunit hindi ninyo pansin pati mga saway ko.

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Winalang-bahala n'yo ang aking mga payo,
ayaw ninyong bigyang pansin, paalala ko sa inyo.
Dahil dito, kayo'y aking tatawanan,
kapag kayo'y napahamak, nasadlak sa kaguluhan.
Kapag kayo ay hinampas ng bagyo nitong buhay,
dinatnan ng kahirapan, ipu-ipo ang larawan,

For AHEAD teacher’s use only.

at kung datnan kayo ng hapis at matinding dalamhati,
sa araw na iyon ay di ko papakinggan ang inyong panawagan.
Hahanapin ninyo ako ngunit hindi masusumpungan.
Pagkat itong karunungan ay di ninyo pinahahalagahan,
kay Yahweh ay di sumunod nang may lakip na paggalang.
Inyo pa ngang tinanggihan itong aking mga payo,
itinapong parang dumi itong paalala ko.
Kaya nga, inyong aanihin ang bunga ng inyong gawa,
at kayo ay uusigin ng inyong pagnanasang ubod sama.
Katigasan ng ulo ang papatay sa mangmang,
sa dusa ay masasadlak sa kawalan ng kaalaman.
Ngunit ang makinig sa akin, mananahan nang tiwasay,
mabubuhay nang payapa, walang katatakutan."
Kawikaan 1:20-33, Bagong Magandang Balita Biblia
282 Ano ang pangunahing paksa ng akdang ito?
A. Ang paanyaya ng karunungan ay hindi para sa lahat.
B. Hindi karapat-dapat sa karunungan ang mga taong
C. Ang sinumang makinig sa paanyaya ng karunungan C Bersikulo 33
ay mabubuhay nang maluwalhati.
D. Lahat ay dapat makinig sa paanyaya ng karunungan
upang ang buhay ng lahat ay sumagana.
283 Anong damdamin ang nais ihayag ng akdang ito?
A. Pagsusumamo
B. Pagyayabang
C. Takot
D. Pagbibigay-babala D Bersikulo 24-26

284 Ano ang ibig sabihin ng salitang muog sa ika-21 bersikulo?

A. Bundok
B. Gusali thick stone wall; bastion; fort
C. Kampanilya
D. Tanggulan
285 Anong salita mula sa akda ang kasingkahulugan ng Pagdurusa means suffering; grief.
salitang pagdurusa? A. hapis – anguish; distress; pain grief
A. Hapis B. karunungan – knowledge; wisdom
B. Karunungan A
C. masusumpungan – find accidentally
C. Masusumpungan D. nasadlak – slump; fall; collapse
D. Nasadlak
286 Sa ikatatlumpu’t isang bersikulo, ang ibig sabihin ng
salitang uusigin sa pahayag na “kayo ay uusigin ng Uusigin means prosecute; persecute
inyong pagnanasang ubod sama” ay: A. isasakdal – accusation; criminal charge

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A. isasakdal B. papatayin – to kill
B. papatayin C. parurusahan – to be punished
C. parurusahan D. sasaktan – to be harmed
D. sasaktan
Ang makasaysayang Escolta, ang pinaka-class na shopping destination ng downtown Manila noong 1900s, ay binubuhay
muli sa dati nitong luwalhati sa pamamagitan ng “Hola, Escolta”, na inaasahang magpapaningas ng pag-alaala ng mga

For AHEAD teacher’s use only.

nakatatandang henerasyon pati na rin ang paglikha ng kaalaman at interes sa kabataang Pilipino hinggil sa kahalagahan ng
kasaysayan at kultura ng maalamat na kalsada.
Ang Heritage Conservation Society, ang Escolta Commercial Association, at ang 98-B COLLABoratory (98-B) ay sinimulan
na ang una nitong proyekto na “Saturday Market @ Escolta” na nagbenta ng mga segunda-manong item tulad ng sapatos,
damit, mga libro at komiks, antigong alahas, mga kumot at muwebles, dekorasyon, mga postcard at marami pang iba noong
Marso 9, 2013 sa First United Building na dating kinatirikan ng Berg’s Department Store noong dekada 30. Layunin ng 98-B
na gawin ang Escolta bilang isang creative hub, katulad ng Montmare ng Paris na may halu-halong sining, kultura, pamana,
at negosyo. Ang Saturday Market na bukas buong summer, ay magtatampok din ng art exhibit, coffee shops, bookstores, at
Ang Manila Historical and Heritage Commission ng Lungsod ng Maynila ay sumusuporta sa pagsisikap na buhaying muli
ang interes sa makasaysayang lugar na ito. Ang Escolta ang simbolo ng karangyaan noong panahon ng Kastila at
Amerikano, ang orihinal na High Street sa Pilipinas. Noong panahon ng Kastila, ang Escolta ang pinakapopular na distrito ng
negosyo, na may cobble stones na daan, may mga poste ng ilaw, at hitik sa mga tindahang European. Nang dumating ang
mga Amerikano, nagtayo roon ng art deco buildings at naging abala ang kalsada sa paglawak ng financial communities at
mga embahada. Maraming una sa Escolta–ang unang ice cream parlor (Clarke’s Ice Cream), unang sinehan
(Cinematografo), uanng electric cable car (tranvia), at unang elevator na nasa Burke Building.
Ang dalawang obrang pang-arkitektura na itinayo noong hindi pa nagkakagiyera kahanga-hangang pre-war architechtural
masterpiece ay ang Regina Building at ang art deco Perez-Samanillo Building; dinisenyo ng anak ni Juan N. Luna na si
Andres Luna de San Pedro ang huli. Si Andres, na isang mahusay na arkitekto, ang nagdisenyo at nagtayo ng Crystal
Arcade na pinasinayaan noong Hunyo 1, 1932. Tahanan ang naturang gusali ng Manila Stock Exchange at iba pang opisina
at tindahan na dinarayo ng mga elitista ng Maynila. Ang mga luxury shop at bazaar sa matandang Escolta ay ang Botica
Boie, Heacock’s, Beck’s, La Estrella del Norte, Henry’s Donuts, Squires & Bingham, Erlanger and Galinger, at Oceanic.
Reviving Escolta mula sa , Balita (April 2013)
287 Bakit kilala ang Escolta noong 1900s?
A. Ito ang pinaka-class na shopping destination ng
downtown Manila.
B. Ito ang simbolo ng karangyaan noong panahon ng
Kastila at Amerikano.
C. Mabibili dito ang mga segunda-manong kagamitan B Ikatlong talata
tulad ng sapatos, damit, libro, alahas, at
D. Matatagpuan rito ang iba’t ibang arkitektura at
nagtataasang gusaling dinarayo ng mga elitista ng

288 Ang pinakamalapit na kahulugan sa salitang

pinasinayaan sa pangalawang pangungusap ng ikaapat
na talata ay:
A. ginawa B Depinisyon sa diksyonaryo
B. itinalaga
C. itinayo
D. pinasikat
289 Maituturing itong anong klaseng sanaysay?
A. Naglalahad
B. Naglalarawan Nilalarawan ang pisikal na katangian ng
C. Nagsasalaysay lugar at ng mga importanteng bagay dito.
D. Nanghihikayat
290 Ano ang layunin ng may-akda sa pagsusulat ng

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A. Mahimok ang mga mambabasa na pumunta sa
Maynila upang bisitahin ang Escolta
B. Mailarawan kung ano ang Escolta noon at ang Nakaalinsunod sa kung anong uri ng
kasalukuyang mga ginagawa rito B
sanaysay ito
C. Maisalaysay ang mga kaganapang nagpakilala sa
Escolta at kung ano ito noong 1900s
D. Mailahad ang kahalagahan ng pagbubuhay-muli na
ginagawa sa Escolta

For AHEAD teacher’s use only.


Inakay na munting naligaw sa gubat

ang hinahanap ko’y ang sariling pugad;
ang dating pugad ko noong mapagmalas
nang upuan ko na ang laman ay ahas.

Oh! ganito pala itong Daigdigan,

marami ang sama kaysa kabutihan
kung hahanapin mo ang iyong kaaway,
huwag kang lalayo’t katabi mo lamang.

Ako’y parang bato na ibinalibag,

ang buong akala’y sa langit aakyat;
nang sa himpapawid ako’y mapataas,
ay bigat ko na rin ang siyang naglagpak.

Mahirap nga pala ang gawang mabuhay,

sarili mong bigat ay pinaninimbangan
kung ika’y mabuti’y kinaiingitan,
kung ikaw’y masama kinapopootan.

At gaya ng isdang malaya sa turing

ang langit at lupa’y naiinggit sa akin;
subalit sa isang mumo lang ng kanin,
ako’y nabingwit na’t yaon pala’y pain.

At sa pagkabigo’y nag-aral na akong

mangilag sa mga patibong sa mundo;
kahit sa pagtulog, huwag pasiguro’t
bangungot mo’y siyang papatay sa iyo.

Ang buhay ng tao ay parang kandila

habang umiikli’y nanatak ang luha;
buhat sa pagsilang hanggang sa pagtanda,
ang luksang libinga’y laging nakahanda.
Ang palad ay parang turumpong mabilog,
lupa’y hinuhukay
sa ininug-inog;
subalit kung di ka babago ng kilos,
sa hinukayan mo’y doon mahuhulog.
Hango sa Ang Buhay ng Tao
ni J. C. de Jesus
291 Ang pinakamalapit na kahulugan sa salitang nanatak sa
ikapitong saknong ay:
A. nahahatak
B. nahuhulog B Depinisyon sa diksyonaryo

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C. naiipon
D. napupuno
292 Ano ang kasalungat ng salitang mangilag sa ika-anim na
A. Lumantad Ang iba’y kung hindi kasingkahulugan ay
B. Mag-ingat A
mga salitang konektado sa depinisyon nito
C. Umiwas

For AHEAD teacher’s use only.

D. Yumuko
293 Alin sa mga sumusunod ang maaaring mahinuha mula
sa ikalawang saknong ng tula?
A. Ang mga tao sa buong mundo ay puro kasamaan
ang tanging nasa isipan.
B. Huwag pakasisiguro sa mga taong nakapaligid sa’yo A – masyadong heneralisasyon
dahil maaaring sila’y mga kaaway mo pala. C - Naging masyadong tukoy sa pagturing
C. Hindi mo malalaman kung ang mga inaakala mong sa mga kaibigan
kaibigan ay mga kaaway mo pala talaga. D - Masyadong literal na interpretasyon
D. Kung susumahin ang bilang ng masasama sa
mabubuti, mas marami ang bilang ng masasamang
294 Ang buhay ng tao ay ikinumpara sa mga sumusunod sa
tula MALIBAN sa:
A. bato Sa saknong na ito, ang simbolo para sa
B. isdang malaya D buhay ng tao ay ang turumpo at hindi ang
C. kandila palad
D. palad
295 Ano ang pangkabuuang mensahe ng tula?
A. Ang buhay ng tao ay kinapapalooban ng mga
mabubuti at mga masasamang bagay.
B. Paikut-ikot lamang ang takbo ng buhay ng tao mula
nang siya’y isilang at hanggang sa siya’y mamatay.
C. Maging marunong at maingat sa buhay dahil kung C Pagbubuod ng huling saknong
hindi ay baka ikaw rin ang mahulog sa sarili mong
mga kapalpakan.
D. Lahat ng tao ay nagsisimula sa kawalang-alaman sa
mundo kung saan sa proseso ay natututo sila at

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