Yossi Moff - Discussion Web Articles of Confederation Nicoll

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Unit 2, Lesson 2 8th Grade U.S. History 
The Articles of Confederation
Name: Yossi Moff Date: October 3, 2017
Discussion and Debate Prep

Did the newly independent America create the type of government it was looking for with the 
Articles of Confederation​?   

Points For: Points Against:

1. - Weak government just didn't work. 
They just got away from a government 
that was too strong, and they wanted to 
have something different than that, 
1. + served as first government for US and  but they found it just didn't work. 
was agreement among states 
2. - Bad/Weak taxation system. They 
2. + Congress created specific departments 
and could deal with international affairs  politely asked landowners to give 
3. + the AOC created a government that  money, rather than making them tax, 
organized the 13 colonies  and they didn't get enough money. “​All
4. + protected US and strengthened  charges of war, and all other expenses
that shall be incurred for the common
a. “The better to secure and 
perpetuate mutual friendship and  defence or general welfare, and allowed
intercourse among the people of  by the united states in congress
the different States in this Union,  assembled, shall be defrayed out of a
the free inhabitants of each of  common treasury, which shall be
these States, paupers, vagabonds, 
supplied by the several states, in
and fugitives from justice 
excepted, shall be entitled to all  proportion to the value of all land
privileges and immunities of free  within each state, granted to or
citizens in the several States” -  surveyed for any Person, as such land
Article IV  and the buildings and improvements
thereon shall be estimated according to
such mode as the united states in
congress assembled, shall from time to
time direct and appoint. The taxes for

D. Nicoll  2017 Adapted from A. Niese 

Unit 2, Lesson 2 8th Grade U.S. History 

paying that proportion shall be laid

and levied by the authority and
direction of the legislatures of the
several states within the time agreed
upon by the united states in congress
assembled.​” (Articles of Conf.) 
3. - Lead to a poor/weak military. 
4. - Same flaws of continental congresses 
were not fixed. 


Yes or No? (And Why.) 

The AOC eliminated all of the factors that they did not like about their British rulers (i.e. 
minimal taxation). The problem with doing this is that some of these factors were needed in a 
general government, except in moderation (not as many taxes). 

D. Nicoll  2017 Adapted from A. Niese 

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