Chamber Choir Progress Report Jan 2016

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Musical Progress Report

June 2016
Name: ______________________________
Marking scheme:
5 – Superior understanding of materials: Has a natural ability and does so with ease and exceptional quality
4 – Above average understanding: Works hard to achieve an understanding beyond what is expected
3 – Good understanding, average: Demonstrates a working knowledge of the concept and works at applying it regularly
2 – Below average understanding: Relies on others to maintain quality and only occasionally works towards understanding
1 – Significant improvement needed: Little effort put forth into advancing musical understanding

Description of desired outcomes Mark

- Breathes silently through an open throat and a release of supporting muscles
- Demonstrates diaphragmatic breathing low in the body
- Breathes in a circular motion without holding the breath before singing
Breath control and support - Sings with a supported sound engaging the abdominal and “Italian secret” muscles
- Sings with a controlled and steady stream of air
- Uses breath to energize the singing (spinning motion)
- Sings “on the breath” consistently, never disconnecting from support
- Understands pitches that go up and down
- Recognizes intervals and can sing them when given the first note
- Can name notes in the bass and treble clef
Music reading - Recognizes the use of a sharp, flat, or natural sign
- Understands time signatures, dynamics, and expressive markings
- Uses notes in the piano and other voice parts to aid in finding correct pitch in own part
- Can repeat new warm up exercises or songs after only one listening
- Recognizes place in chord and demonstrates balance accordingly
Aural understanding - Ability to adjust tuning when needed (sharper, flatter)
- Sings accurate pitch without scooping
- Demonstrates consistency with:
- Feet hip’s width apart, balanced on “tripod”
- Weight balanced equally between feet
- Soft knees
- Hips balanced in centre
Alignment - Sternum raised (and remains elevated)
- Arms at side
- Head balanced
- Happy spine
- Music raised to see it and director without moving head
- Alignment not affected when seated
- Released lips forward
- Tongue released and rested against bottom teeth
- Jaw relaxed and free
- Vowel modification to [a] for higher notes
Vowel shaping - Use of British model for correct sung vowels
- Diphthongs are sung with emphasis on first vowel sound
- Care taken for pure Italian [e] vowels
- Awareness of the schwa vowel and care taken to not emphasize it
- Opens quickly to the vowel following an involved consonant (e.g. water)
- Learns new languages quickly and with care for correct pronunciation
Diction and language - Uses consonants to express the text
- Care taken for correct syllabic emphasis
- Pronounce “hw” for “wh” words (e.g. where)
- Free, relaxed larynx
- Sings without tension or “pressed” sound
- Sings in the centre of the pitch (not under pitch or sharp)
Tone quality - Ability to adjust tone colour by changing resonant placement (singing in the nose, head,
chest, etc.)
- Manages transition from chest to mixed to head registers with ease
- Avoids belting in their chest voice (pop singing)
- Sings with raised soft palate and space between the teeth
- Projects sound healthily with good support, not undersinging or oversinging (forcing the
Resonance and projection sound)
- Adjusts dynamics with space and air not forcing the sound
- Uses the spaces in the head, mouth, and chest to adjust resonance for different registers

Musical progress is measured against your personal achievement both vocally and musically and
encompasses 25% of your overall grade. Give yourself a mark /100 based on your growth this semester.
_______ %
Description of desired outcomes Mark
- Arrives early for rehearsal and is in assigned seat before the bell
- Always has music and a pencil
- Brings water to class
Preparedness - Leaves cell phone/device in locker or bag
- Never chews gum or brings food to rehearsal
- Does not leave rehearsal area during class
- Demonstrates full participation and attentiveness at all times
- Follows along in music when not singing and consistently knows page/measure number
Participation and group - Marks in music with pencil the first time instructions are given and does not require
work - Takes leadership within the group, singing with consideration of and support for other
singers and without fear of making mistakes
- Is an encouragement to others in and out of class
- Comes to class with an open mind and a positive attitude
- Consistently tries their best to grow as a singer by applying all instructions to the best of
their ability
Musical growth - Understands musical directions and applies cues to their individual voice for the best
possible singing
- Sings with confidence
- Ability to work outside of comfort zone, taking risks in order to be successful
- Encourage and support fellow choir members
Section leader role (in - Available to answer questions, clarify instructions, and help others understand their part
- Provide catch up information to students who have missed rehearsal
concert choir) - Lead sections of rehearsal
- Sets a level of commitment, both musically and behaviourally

Rehearsal skills are an important part of becoming a competent musician. They create 25% of your
overall grade for this course. Based on the descriptions above, what grade do you feel you deserve on
your rehearsal skills in this class (/100)?
_______ %

Where do you feel you have grown the most this semester?

What do you feel is your greatest challenge?

What are some personal goals for the rest of the year? What will you do to accomplish
these goals?

How would you rank yourself on the following? C (Consistently); U (Usually); S (Sometimes); R (Rarely)

___ Personal Management Skills (Uses class time effectively; demonstrates leadership;
shows up on time with all materials)
___ Active Participation (Participates in class activities; self-assesses/self-
governs; challenges self)
___ Social Responsibility (Works well with others; respects self, others and the
environment; contributes in a positive way to the choir)

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