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Growth responses to and accumulation of mercury by

ectomycorrhizal fungi

Sharron CRANEa,b,*, John DIGHTONb,c, Tamar BARKAYa,b

Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA
Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolution, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA
Rutgers Pinelands Field Station, P.O. Box 206 New Lisbon, NJ 08064, USA

article info abstract

Article history: Heavy metals have been shown to negatively affect the growth of ectomycorrhizal fungi
Received 28 December 2009 (ECMF). In addition, ECMF have been shown to accumulate heavy metals and to protect
Received in revised form host trees from metal toxicity. However, specific literature on the interactions between
21 July 2010 ECMF and mercury (Hg) is scant. This paper describes the responses of ECMF to Hg in axe-
Accepted 12 August 2010 nic culture conditions. Six ECMF from an area with no known history of direct Hg contam-
Available online 20 August 2010 ination were tested to determine their sensitivity to Hg. ECMF were incubated on solid
Corresponding Editor: Anna Rosling medium amended with Hg (0e50 mM) as HgCl2 and the effect of Hg on radial growth was
determined. The effect of preexposure cultivation on Hg sensitivity, the effect of Hg on bio-
Keywords: mass production, and the ability to accumulate Hg were determined for four of the ECMF.
Heavy metal At micromolar concentrations, Hg significantly inhibited the radial growth rate of ECMF.
Hyperaccumulation This inhibitory effect was lessened in some ECMF when an established colony was exposed
Trajectory to Hg. Mercury lowered biomass production by some ECMF, and ECMF accumulate Hg from
a solid growth substrate in direct relation to the amount of Hg added to the media. Possible
implications for ECMF communities in Hg-impacted areas are discussed.
ª 2010 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction atmospheric deposition (Fitzgerald et al. 1998). Mercury has

been shown to change soil microbial community structure
Ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECMF) are essential contributors to and function at bioavailable concentrations of approximately
mineral nutrient uptake by woody plants, and can play an im- 0.2 ppm (Rasmussen & Sorensen 2001). Although interactions
portant role in protecting host trees from stresses such as between ECMF and Hg may have implications for manage-
drought, soil temperature and pH extremes, and toxic sub- ment of impacted sites and understanding the biogeochemi-
stances (Smith & Read 1997). In acidic forest soils, metals cal cycling of Hg, to date very little is known.
such as mercury (Hg) are highly bioavailable because of in- Extensive research has been done regarding the effects of
creased solubility and competition with Hþ ions for binding heavy metals on filamentous fungi including ECMF. In general,
sites on organic matter (Rieuwerts et al. 1998). Mercury is elevated concentrations of metals have adverse effects on
a highly toxic metal with no known biological function. The fungal growth (Gadd 1993; Meharg 2003). Physical symptoms
presence of Hg in soil can be due to geological processes or en- of metal toxicity include reduced hyphal extension, morpho-
vironmental contamination from either point sources or logical changes in mycelia, reduced biomass and increased

* Corresponding author. Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, 76 Lipman Dr., New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA. Tel.: þ1 732 932
9763x332; fax: þ1 732 932 8965.
E-mail address:
1878-6146/$ e see front matter ª 2010 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
874 S. Crane et al.

hyphal branching (Hartley et al. 1997; Fomina et al. 2003). A (White et al. 1995). Although no clear connection has been
considerable amount of intra- and interspecific variability made between the growth response of ECMF to metal stress
has been observed among the responses of ECMF to metals: and their ability to ameliorate the toxic effects of metals in
for example, a wide range of zinc tolerance indices was host trees (Jones & Hutchinson 1988; Aggangan et al. 1998),
reported among several strains of Suillus luteus, Suillus bovinus the testing of ECMF in axenic culture has been considered as
and Rhizopogon luteolus using increase in fungal dry weight as a preliminary screening step in the selection of ECMF inocula
a measure of tolerance (Colpaert et al. 2005). Similar results for reclamation projects (Blaudez et al. 2000b).
were found when several strains of ECMF representing five Both radial growth and mass gain are important measure-
species were screened using several metals: the toxicity of ments of fungal growth. Radial growth of ECMF is important
cadmium and copper varied greatly among isolates of Paxillus because hyphae must be able to reach and colonize host
involutus, as did the toxicity of cadmium, copper and nickel root tips if the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis is to develop. Addi-
among isolates of S. luteus. Also, groups of strains of S. luteus tionally, resource acquisition is only possible if extraradical
and Pisolithus tinctorius demonstrated greater overall tolerance hyphae are able to proliferate throughout the soil matrix. Bio-
to copper, cadmium, and zinc than P. involutus, while several mass of ECMF is also significant: dense hyphal growth is an in-
strains of P. involutus were less affected by nickel than other dication that the organism is in the exploitative phase of
ECMF (Blaudez et al. 2000b). growth and is actively utilizing soil resources. A possible role
Some studies reporting the Hg content of fungal sporo- for fungal biomass in Hg-impacted soil is as a sorbent for
carps have included ectomycorrhizal species (Falandysz & Hg, especially at low pH (Ledin et al. 1996). Indeed, fungi
Chwir 1997; Svoboda et al. 2000; Vetter & Berta 2005). In an have been extensively investigated as sorbents for use in de-
area in Poland remote from any point source of pollution, toxifying contaminated water supplies (Tobin et al. 1994). If
reported median Hg concentrations in tissue relative to that ECMF are acting as Hg sorbents in the soil matrix, the exten-
of the underlying soil (bioconcentration factors) in Amanita sive presence of fungal mycelia may sequester Hg in less bio-
muscaria were 9 (cap) and 4.7 (stalk), and bioconcentration fac- available forms, rendering the soil a more hospitable
tors of Russula aeruginea (cap) were correlated to the Hg con- environment for the growth of ECMF, their host trees, and
tent of the soil (Falandysz & Chwir 1997). Additionally, other soil organisms. We have therefore tested three hypoth-
species of Russula and other ECMF were found to have concen- eses: H1: the growth of ECMF is inhibited by Hg, as measurable
trations of Hg several folds higher when collected near two by both radial expansion and mass gain; H2: toxic effects of Hg
smelters (copper and mercury) than when collected at pristine on ECMF are ameliorated in established colonies; H3: ECMF are
sites (Svoboda et al. 2000). Because the formation of sporo- able to accumulate Hg from their environment. Here we de-
carps generally takes only a few days, Hg found in them is scribe the results from our investigation into the toxic effects
expected to have come from the soil rather than from direct of Hg on five basidiomycetous and one ascomycetous ECMF.
deposition. Therefore, most of the Hg found in sporocarps is
likely to have been translocated from other parts of the myce-
lium (Svoboda et al. 2000). Translocation of solutes has been Materials and methods
observed in filamentous fungi as a result of both passive diffu-
sion and active translocation via rhizomorphs or other spe- Culture of ECMF
cialized mycelia (Cairney 1992), and ECMF have been shown
to translocate lead in axenic culture (Vodnik et al. 1998). Addi- Six ECMF were obtained from the culture collection at the
tionally, studies using the wood-rotting fungus Agrocybe aeger- Rutgers University Pinelands Field Station in New Lisbon, NJ.
ita as a model system to investigate the translocation of Hg Amanita muscaria, Cenococcum geophilum, Laccaria laccata, Pilo-
and Cd by fungal mycelia indicated that both metals were derma bicolor, Pisolithus tinctorius, and Suillus decipiens were
translocated away from the source to sporocarps and to outly- originally isolated from locations in the New Jersey Pine Bar-
ing substrate by actively growing mycelia (Brunnert & Zadrazil rens with no known history of Hg contamination. ECMF
1981, 1985). were maintained on Modified MelineNorkrans (MMN) agar
Some ECMF are able to protect their hosts against metal (Marx 1969).
toxicity (Brown & Wilkins 1985; Denny & Wilkins 1987;
Colpaert & Van Assche 1992). This ability likely depends on Experiment I: growth of ECMF in response to Hg
a number of factors, including the capacity of the fungus to
continue to proliferate through the soil substrate and to pro- Several cylindrical agar plugs (4 mm diameter) were removed
duce new biomass in the presence of high metal concentra- from the edges of actively growing fungal colonies and incu-
tions (Colpaert & Van Assche 1992). It has been suggested bated on fresh media at room temperature for 3e7 d. Plugs
that ECMF biomass, both in the extraradical mycelia and in were then aseptically placed mycelium-side down in the cen-
the Hartig net, binds metal from the soil solution, effectively ter of 60 or 90 mm Petri dishes containing fresh MMN agar
reducing the metal concentration experienced by the host amended with concentrations of Hg ranging from 0 to
roots (Denny & Wilkins 1987). Ectomycorrhizal trees are candi- 50 mmol l1 (mM). Treatment regimes chosen for each ECMF
dates for use in the afforestation and reforestation of soils were based on previous observations during a preliminary
contaminated with metals or radionuclides (Gray 1998). In ad- study (data not shown). Mercury was added to molten auto-
dition to providing a barrier between toxic substances and the claved media cooled to approximately 60  C using a stock so-
tree root, ECMF may provide direct remediation to such soils lution of 50 mmol l1 mercuric chloride in 0.1 N nitric acid.
by providing additional binding sites for the contaminants Media used for Cenococcum geophilum, Pisolithus. tinctorius,
Responses of ectomycorrhizal fungi to mercury 875

Piloderma bicolor and Suillus decipiens was amended with strep- weight of all samples. The remaining samples were used for
tomycin (20 mg ml1) in order to prevent bacterial contamina- total Hg analysis: these were stored at 4  C in concentrated
tion of the cultures. Over time it became clear that bacterial 1:1 trace metal grade nitric:sulfuric acid until Hg analysis
contamination would not become an issue; therefore, no was performed.
streptomycin was used during the screening of Amanita mus- Samples in concentrated acid were heat digested (>70  C)
caria and Laccaria laccata. There has been no indication that for at least 90 min. One or 0.5 ml of digested sample was then
streptomycin affects the growth of C. geophilum, P. tinctorius, removed to a clean test tube and a half-volume of 5 % potas-
P. bicolor, or S. decipiens. Fungal cultures were incubated in sium permanganate was added to ensure complete oxidation
the dark at room temperature (17e22  C). The cultures were of all Hg in the sample. Immediately before analysis, 12 % hy-
observed under a dissecting microscope and the outermost droxylamine hydrochloride was added until the color of the so-
edges were marked along four diameters (eight radii) every lution changed from purple to clear or clear-yellow: this color
few days. Because of their different growth rate trajectories, change indicated complete reduction of the potassium per-
the number of days (d) over which data were collected differed manganate. Additional dilutions were made as needed using
among the ECMF, and are as follows: A. muscaria, 74 d; C. geo- 2 % hydrochloric acid, and Hg analysis was performed using
philum, 82 d; L. laccata, 40 d; P. bicolor, 84 d; P. tinctorius, 66 d; S. a Leeman Labs Hydra AA Hg analyzer (Hudson, NH).
decipiens, 40 d. Radial measurements for all time points were
recorded to the nearest 0.25 or 0.5 mm after the end of the in- Statistical analyses
cubation period.
Repeated measures analysis of variance (RMANOVA) was used
Experiment 2: the effect of colony size on toxicity of Hg, to determine whether Hg had an effect on the radial growth of
the effect of Hg on biomass production, and the ability the six ECMF and whether the effect of Hg on these fungi
of ECMF to accumulate Hg changed over time (Experiment 1). Comparisons of the impact
of Hg on radial growth measurements between young, smaller
Cylindrical plugs (0.8 cm diameter) of Amanita muscaria, Pisoli- cultures (Experiment 1) and established, larger cultures (Exper-
thus tinctorius and Suillus decipiens were preincubated on fresh iment 2) were performed using the Student’s t-test. Multivariate
media at room temperature for 4e5 d to ensure even growth, analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to determine the effect
then transferred to MMN agar overlain with sterile cellophane. of Hg exposure on final radial measurement, biomass gain, and
Plugs of Laccaria laccata were not preincubated prior to transfer Hg content (Experiment 2). Mean separation was performed us-
because of the short lag phase of this organism. Cultures were ing Tukey’s HSD post-hoc tests. All analyses described in this
incubated at room temperature in the dark for several days to paper were performed using Graphpad Prism version 4.00 (La
develop established colonies. Cultures (including cellophane) Jolla, California) or SAS version 9.1.3 (Cary, North Carolina).
were transferred to plates amended with 0, 10, and 25 mM
Hg. Fungal colony radii were marked as described above on
the date of transfer. Cultures were incubated at room temper- Results
ature for an additional 11e24 d, after which final radial mea-
surements were taken (Table 1). The effect of Hg on the Colony establishment and growth in a range of Hg
radial growth of these established fungal colonies was com- concentrations
pared to observations made for selected time points in Exper-
iment 1 in order to evaluate the impact of colony age or size on The six ECMF tested showed unique intrinsic growth rate pat-
the ability of ECMF to buffer the influence of Hg on subsequent terns when no Hg was added to the media (Fig 1). The radius of
colony growth. Amanita muscaria expanded slowly for several days then grew
At the end of the incubation period, all samples were exponentially; Laccaria laccata, Pisolithus tinctorius, and Suillus
weighed and at least three samples of each organism were decipiens expanded quickly at the beginning of incubation,
dried at room temperature for several days to determine then grew more slowly after several days; Cenococcum geophi-
fresh:dry weight ratios, which were used to estimate the dry lum and Piloderma bicolor displayed short lag phases followed
by steady, slow growth. RMANOVA indicated that Hg had a sig-
nificant negative effect ( p < 0.001) on the colony size of all six
ECMF tested, and that interaction between time and Hg was
Table 1 e Incubation details of each species tested in significant at the 0.05 level for all ECMF with the exception
Experiment 2. In bold italics are the time points from of C. geophilum, for which it was significant at the 0.1 level
Experiment 1 chosen for comparison. Experiment 1 (Table 1). This indicates that Hg concentration influenced
colonies were all considered to have a radius of 2 mm and
not only the final colony diameter, but also the trajectory of
an age of 0 d upon exposure.
the growth curve for all six isolates. Sensitivity of the six
Age upon Hg Average colony Duration of
ECMF to Hg varied. The final colony radii of A. muscaria and
exposure (days) radius before Hg Hg exposure
exposure (mm) (days) L. laccata were no different when incubated with 5 mm Hg
than when no Hg was added, but the growth of both fungi
A. muscaria 14 17.5 24, 24 was negatively affected by this concentration at the beginning
P. tinctorius 10 15.3 11, 16
of the incubation (Fig 1). The same is true for the effect of
L. laccata 9 8.66 11, 12
S. decipiens 16 14.7 21, 22
10 mm Hg on P. bicolor, although the effect of this concentration
of Hg on the organism at the beginning of the incubation was
876 S. Crane et al.

A 45 D 30
P. bicolor
A. m uscaria
30 20
15 10
0 0
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
Average colony radius (mm)

B 20 E 40
P. tinctorius
C. geophilum

10 20


0 0
0 25 50 75 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

C 30 F 20
L. laccata S. decipiens




0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50

Fig 1 e The effect of Hg on radial growth of (A) A. muscaria [6], (B) C. geophilum [3], (C) L. laccata [6], (D) P. bicolor [3],
(E) P. tinctorius [5], and (F) S. decipiens [5]. Numbers in brackets refer to the number of Hg concentrations to which that isolate
was exposed. Micromolar concentrations of Hg are signified by - (0), , (5), 10 : (10), O (20), A (25), and > (40). Means and
standard error of at least three replicates are presented, with the exception of C. geophilum grown at 25 mM Hg (two replicates).

minor. Pisolithus tinctorius was much more inhibited by high were only inhibited by 50.6 and 77.9 %. Likewise, young cul-
(20 and 25 mM) than by low (5 and 10 mM) concentrations of tures of Amanita muscaria were almost completely inhibited
Hg, and an increase in the lag phase of this organism was by both concentrations of Hg tested, but established colonies
not observed until it was exposed to 20 mM Hg. The final colony were only inhibited by 30.7 and 74.8 %. Pisolithus tinctorius
diameter of S. decipiens was nearly identical for all Hg concen-
trations tested (except 0 mM), but at earlier time points the ra-
dii were significantly different among concentrations. From
Table 2 e Results of RMANOVA on the effect of Hg and the
the results, it is clear that Hg, when added to growth media
interaction of time and Hg on their radial growth and
at a high enough concentration, both increased lag phase concentration of Hg (mM) at which an increased lag phase
and decreased growth rate of ECMF (Fig 1, Table 2); however, or decreased post-lag growth rate was first seen.
the concentration of Hg at which these effects were observed
Hg Time Increased Decreased
varied among species. *Hg lag phase growth rate

p p
Effects of mercury on radial growth: comparison between new
and established fungal colonies A. muscaria <0.0001 <0.0001 5 20
C. geophilum <0.0001 0.097 10 25
Established colonies of all four isolates tested were less sensi- L. laccata <0.0001 <0.0001 10 5
P. bicolor <0.0001 0.0123 25 25
tive to the presence of Hg than newly developing colonies
P. tinctorius <0.0001 <0.0001 20 5
(Table 3). Young Laccaria laccata colonies were completely S. decipiens <0.0001 <0.0001 10 5
inhibited by both 10 and 25 mM Hg, yet established colonies
Responses of ectomycorrhizal fungi to mercury 877

Table 3 e Average percent inhibition of radial growth (SE) of both new and established ECMF colonies by 10 and 25 mM Hg.
Values were generated by dividing the growth measured at the time point reported in Table 1 (new colonies) or the growth
measured at the end of the experiment (established colonies) by the average growth of control cultures (no Hg added to the
media) and multiplying by 100. Statistical tests could not be performed on L. laccata because growth was completely
inhibited in all replicates at the time point chosen for Experiment 1, resulting in zero variance.
ECMF 10 mM Hg 25 mM Hg

New Established p New Established p

A. muscaria 92.9 (1.93) 30.7 (3.64) <0.0001 98.2 (1.84) 74.8 (4.15) 0.0008
L. laccata 100 50.6 (6.02) NA 100 77.9 (2.43) NA
P. tinctorius 45.4 (1.98) 14.7 (1.97) <0.0001 86.8 (4.44) 63.8 (6.44) 0.0007
S. decipiens 26.2 (3.34) 2.92 (3.98) 0.0009 56.7 (4.94) 5.31 (5.82) <0.0001

showed similar results, although it was less inhibited by either affect the ability of an individual to quickly reach and colonize
concentration of Hg than A. muscaria and L. laccata. Interest- a root tip. Although this suggestion would need to be con-
ingly, established colonies of Suillus decipiens were barely firmed using in vivo studies, differential effects of Hg on
inhibited by either concentration of Hg used. ECMF growth and colonization of root tips could strongly in-
fluence community composition of ECMF on roots in areas
Effects of mercury concentration on biomass of established with high bioavailable Hg. A significant difference has been
fungal colonies found between the communities of sporocarps found at pris-
tine and Hg-impacted sites (Svoboda et al. 2000). Although
Mercury reduced biomass of Laccaria laccata and Pisolithus tinc- sporocarps are not typically indicative of belowground com-
torius (Fig 2): this is consistent with the reduction in radial munities, it is a reasonable hypothesis that an environmental
growth seen in both new and established colonies of these disturbance that impacts the aboveground fungal community
two organisms (Table 3). In contrast, there was no effect of may also impact the belowground ECMF community. Other
Hg concentration on the biomass of Amanita muscaria, al- studies have shown an effect of metals on mycorrhizal com-
though radial growth of this organism was inhibited by Hg. munities. For example, community composition of Pinus syl-
There was no change in biomass production of Suillus decipiens vestris ECMF morphotypes shifted in response to nickel
at 10 mM Hg and only a slight increase at 25 mM Hg, which is deposition (Markkola et al. 2002). Additionally, reduced total
consistent with the finding that Hg did not affect the radial mycorrhizal colonization and ECMF diversity of Betula pendula
growth of established colonies of S. decipiens. were observed in a bare heap uranium mining site compared
to a reference site (Staudenrausch et al. 2005), but no such dif-
ferences were observed between Quercus garryana ECMF com-
Mercury accumulation by established colonies of ECMF
munities on (metalliferous) serpentine and nonserpentine
soils (Moser et al. 2009).
All four ECMF accumulated Hg in relation to the amount of Hg
One of the only studies to look at the growth response of fil-
added to the growth medium: dry weight concentrations of Hg
amentous fungi to Hg used a concentration that was so high as
in fungal mycelia were lower when any of the organisms were
to completely inhibit all isolates tested (Baldrian & Gabriel
exposed to 10 mM Hg than when they were exposed to 25 mM
1997). By using a range of concentrations we can see that
Hg (Fig 2). It is difficult to compare Hg accumulation among
some ECMF may only be tolerant of or resistant to low levels
the four species because of the various experimental condi-
of Hg (e.g., Cenococcum geophilum, L. laccata, Piloderma bicolor),
tions; however, the two ECMF exposed to Hg for longer periods
and that there can also be threshold levels of the effect of
(Amanita muscaria and Suillus decipiens) absorbed more Hg per
Hg on growth of ECMF, as there is a dramatic decrease in the
unit biomass at both 10 and 25 mM Hg than Pisolithus tinctorius
radial growth of all isolates in this study at Hg concentrations
and Laccaria laccata (Fig 2).
higher than 10 mM (Fig 1). An increase in lag phase followed by
the resumption of a normal growth rate, for example in A.
Discussion muscaria at low Hg (Fig 1; Table 2), suggests the possible induc-
tion of an adaptive response to Hg (resistance), as is well docu-
This study demonstrated for the first time a variety in growth mented for the bacterial response to Hg (Barkay et al. 2003).
responses of ECMF to Hg dependent on the fungal species, col- Both inter- and intraspecific variations have been docu-
ony age and size, and media concentration of Hg. We have mented in ECMF radial growth responses to a number of
also shown that ECMF accumulate Hg from their environment metals. For example, it was demonstrated that while radial
in axenic culture. Studies on the effect of contaminants on ra- growth of a Suillus bovinus isolate was inhibited by 91 %
dial growth of fungi rarely focus on trajectories of growth. In- when exposed to 0.5 ppm, cadmium, while Paxillus involutus
ferences from these studies may be less relevant to and Rhizopogon subcaerulescens were only inhibited by approx-
ectomycorrhizal fungi where their rate of growth is important imately 26 and 28 %, respectively (Kim et al. 2004). Also, four
for colonizing root tips that may be at different distances from isolates of C. geophilum demonstrated a range of sensitivities
the initial site of fungal growth. When ECMF are exposed to to nickel (Goncalves et al. 2007). The C. geophilum isolates
Hg, a dramatically increased lag phase such as was observed from nonserpentine soil were more sensitive to nickel than
in vitro with Laccaria laccata and Amanita muscaria (Fig 1) may those from serpentine soil, providing some evidence that
878 S. Crane et al.

fungal provenance may influence metal tolerance. Colpaert

et al. (2004) have found similar results regarding zinc sensitiv-
ities among several closely related suilloid fungi and have sug-
gested that evolutionary adaptation to metal contamination
occurs among ECMF. In contrast, Dunabeitia et al. (2004)
showed that Rhizopogon luteolus, Rhizopogon roseolus and Sclero-
derma citrinum were all similarly inhibited by increasing con-
centrations of cadmium, copper and lead. To our knowledge,
our study is the first report of the effect of Hg on the growth
curve trajectories of ECMF.
The effect of Hg on the rate of growth of fungi depended
not only on the organism and Hg concentration used, but
also on the original size or developmental stage of the fungal
colony. Hyphal extension was less inhibited in established
colonies than in young colonies exposed to Hg (Table 3).
Thus, it may be suggested that successful colonization of roots
from an established mass of hyphae in soil or in association
with a root tip would be greater than that originating from
a germinating spore (single hypha) in the presence of Hg
Reduced biomass production in response to metals with
a high degree of variability both between and within species
has been demonstrated for ECMF. For example, the cadmium
EC50 for Suillus granulatus was approximately 5.5 and 1575
times that of P. involutus and Suillus variegatus, respectively,
while its zinc EC50 was only 1.5 times that of P. involutus and
was not statistically different than that of S. variegatus
(Hartley et al. 1997). Biomass production of P. involutus, R. sub-
caerulescens, and S. bovinus was adversely affected by the pres-
ence of cadmium (Kim et al. 2003). In our study, established
cultures of ECMF exposed to 10 mM Hg exhibited between
0 and 50 % biomass production decrease (Fig 2). When exposed
to 25 mM Hg, these organisms exhibited between 0 and 75 %
biomass production decrease. Dunabeitia demonstrated that
R. luteolus, R. roseolus and S. citrinum had similar responses
when either radial growth or biomass was used as a metric
(Dunabeitia et al. 2004). Although all of the species tested dem-
onstrated both radial expansion and biomass gain in the pres-
ence or absence of Hg, there have been reports of continued
radial expansion of fungal colonies in the absence of signifi-
cant biomass increase in response to metal stress (Vodnik
et al. 1998; Fomina et al. 2005). In such cases, the growth was
in the form of fine, diffuse hyphae, which may be indicative
of weak exploratory growth. Investigation into the effect of
any disturbance on the growth of filamentous fungi must
take both radial growth and biomass gain into consideration.
Accumulation of Hg by fungal mycelia leading to detoxifi-
cation of the environment may partially explain the recovery
of radial growth seen in some ECMF cultures exposed to Hg, as
Hg bound to fungal biomass is likely to be less toxic than Hg in
Fig 2 e Biomass and Hg concentration in established cul- solution. This may be an adaptation for Amanita, Pisolithus and
tures of (A) A. muscaria, (B) L. laccata, (C) P. tinctorius and (D) Suillus, where increased Hg loading was less inhibitory to
S. decipiens after several days’ exposure to Hg. Means and established colonies than to new colonies, did not have a large
standard error of at least three replicates are presented, effect on biomass production and where fungal biomass could
with the exception of L. laccata grown at 0 mM (two repli- accumulate increasingly higher amounts of Hg (Fig 2; Table 3).
cates). Letters above bars (regular type for biomass, italics Some ECMF are capable of accumulating a variety of metals,
for Hg concentration) indicate statistically significant dif- although hyperaccumulation of one metal does not imply
ferences among groups. the ability to hyperaccumulate another: this may suggest
that there are several mechanisms that contribute to the accu-
mulation of metals by ECMF. In one study, P. involutus was
Responses of ectomycorrhizal fungi to mercury 879

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location of cadmium and mercury in the fungus Agrocybe ae-
plexes, but primarily sequestered zinc in the cytoplasm
gerita (a model system). Angewandte Botanik 59: 469e477.
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fungi are related in part to the fact that some metals (e.g.,
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