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English Department



RATIONALE: This course aims to foster valuable reading habits by providing various calculated activities that
will develop and reinforce active reading and comprehension skills and encourage an appreciation for reading.

General Objectives: The main goal of second year literature is to further develop the pleasures of reading and
comprehension, using the literary devices and story elements introduced in the first year. It is also to help
students to analyze how literature is applied to their daily lives.

Specific Objectives: Students will be able to:

1. Read all assigned material

2. Recapitulate main points and ideas in the novel or poem.
3. Recognize various forms of literary devices such as plot, setting, character
4. Become familiar with common literary terms, not merely by memorizing the descriptions, but also by
referring to them in reference to a novel or poem.
5. Write simple summary of chapters or incidents in the novel.
6. Analyze characters and main themes in novels
7. Answer questions based on main points from the novel or poem.
8. Develop an appreciation for short stories, poems and novels
9. Summarize the main points
10. Understand and recognize various literary devices and story elements
11. Analyze characters and their roles
12. Compare and contrast a series of characters and events
13. Respond thoughtfully to discussion questions both written and oral
14. Complete a given table using information from the text
15. Rearrange information / events in chronological order
16. Draw inferences from given situations
17. Differentiate between factual and opinion statements
18. Understand the writer’s intention and attitude

19. Compare and contrast various character traits and link them to real life situations
20. Respond critically to written or oral discussion questions
21. Improve their vocabulary skills from new words in text

Short Stories – The Alchemy of Words Vol. II

1. Beggar Boy
2. Forbidden Fruit
3. The Waiting Room

Short Stories - World of Prose

1. Berry
2. Blackout

Novel - Beka Lamb

- Introduce elements of short story

- Literary devices
- Vocabulary Exercises
- Critically respond to questions on text
- Recognize figurative language
- Identify themes and analyze each
- Compare Characters and describe each fully

Poetry – World of Poetry

1. God’s Grandeur
2. My Parents
3. Once Upon a Time
4. West Indies USA
5. Test Match Sabine Park

Poetry Selected poems

- Reading the poem and extract its literal meaning
- Interpret the poet’s message (language and structure)
- Recognize and appreciate a wide range of poetic style
- Recognize figurative language (simile, personification, irony etc.)
- Recognize the mood and tone of each poem
- Relate poetic experiences to personal ones
- Compose and recite personal and designated poems

Play - Plays for Today

Derek Walcott – Ti-jean and his brothers
- Introduce Elements of a play
- Literary devices
- Vocabulary exercises

- Critically respond to questions on text

- Dramatic effect
- Analyze plots in detail
- Discuss different writers style , language used
- Analyze themes and explain them fully
- Revision of all materials covered


- Group Reading -Questions and Answering in class preferably on

- Group Presentation chapter read

- Individual Reading -simple summary of main points or incidents

- Class Discussion on chapters
- Vocabulary building - journal writing on chapter (students feedback on
- Incentive for using vocabulary chapter read)
words in discussion and written assignments -students relating personal experiences especially after
- Discussions and activities to develop the reading of a short story
understanding of literary devices and story - vocabulary quiz
- Overall Review - using words in sentences
- Poetry Presentation
- description of setting
- Role play scenes for different text
- Hot Seating - writing of a paragraph/s on a character
- Chapter log
- Answer questions on a poem

- simple analysis of main themes

- drawing of a story map recording information

under each section

- obtaining examples of literary terms from text and

explaining them in class orally

- Test on chapters (questions, simple

summary, explanation of incidents,

completing sentences, identifying

literary terms)

- Memorizing a poem and reading aloud

in class with expression



Prose / The Novel/ Short Stories

1. Beka Lamb
2. Plays of Today – Ti –Jean and His Brothers
3. Selected Poetry , Short Stories and Dramas
 The Alchemy of Words Vol. II
 The World of Prose
 The World of Poetry

First Term Weekly Plans

Course Outline


Students will be able to:

1. Recapitulate the main points
2. Understand and recognize various literary device and story elements
3. Analyze characters
4. Compare and contrast characters and events from varying text
5. Respond thoughtfully to discussion questions whether written or oral
6. Prepare and participate in group presentations

Week 1 & 2
 Introduce the elements of Poetry
 Poem: God’s Grandeur pg 92
 Reading the poem and extracting its literary meaning
 Interpreting language and structure
 Recognize Literary terms
 Quiz # 1 God’s Grandeur (Literary Terms)
 Vocabulary chapters 1-2 Beka Lamb

Week 3 & 4

 Elements of a Story
 Discuss events in Belize that occurs during the colonial reign
 Discuss the author Zee Edgell.
 Read Chapters 1-2 (Identify elements)
 Questions and Answers (Bloom’s Taxonomy)
 Chapter Logs
 Quiz # 1 – Elements (Chapters 1-2)
 Vocabulary Chapters 3-5
 Read and discuss Chapters 3-5 (elements and literary terms)

 Chapter logs
 Test # 1 Chapters 1-5

Week 5 & 6
 Vocabulary chapters 6-7
 Read Chapters 6 – 7 (Elements and literary terms)
 Questions (Bloom’s Taxonomy)
 Chapter Logs
 Quiz # 2 Chapters 6-7
 Vocabulary chapters 8-10
 Read Chapters 8- 10 (elements and literary terms)
 Chapter logs
 Poem (Reality Check p 99 – Alchemy of Words)
 Activities – Elements, Compare and contrast characters (Beka Lamb) After Reading p102(Graded)
 Test # 2 Chapters 6-10

Week 7
 Vocabulary chapters 11 - 13
 Read Chapters 11-13
 Group work: Dramatization, Monologue etc. (to be graded)
 Chapter Logs
 Vocabulary chapters 14 -16

Week 8

 Read Chapters 14-16 (Elements and Literary Devices)

 Discuss, Questions and Answers (Bloom’s Taxonomy)
 Chapter Logs
 Summarization
 Quiz # 3 – Chapters 14 -16
 Vocabulary chapters 19-19
 Read Chapters ( 17 -19 ) Elements and Literary Terms
 Chapter Logs

Week 9
 Test # 3 Chapters 14-19
 Vocabulary chapters 20-22
 Read and discussion of chapters 20-22 (Elements and Literary Terms)
 Dramatization of Chapters
 Chapters Logs
 Quiz # 4 Chapters 20-22

Week 10

 Vocabulary chapters 23-26


 Read Chapters 23-26

 Discussion elements and literary terms
 Reflection
 Chapter Logs
 Review and test on novel

Week 11 & 12
 Poem – West Indies USA pg 42 (Elements)
 Compare and Contrast poem with God’s Grandeur
 Read and Discuss poem
 Write an analysis of the Poem (Graded)
 Book report on Beka Lamb (Christmas Break)


1. Beka Lamb
2. Alchemy of Words Vol. II
3. World of Poetry
4. World of Prose

Second Term Weekly Plans

Week 1 & 2
1 Review elements of Poetry
1. Elements and literary terms
4 Review elements of short story
5 Vocabulary from short story – Black Out
6 Short Story – Black Out pg 8
5 Reflection on characters
7 Questions and Answers (Bloom’s Taxonomy)

Week 3 & 4
 Quiz # 1 - Elements and literary terms from short story and poem.
 Vocabulary – Poem
 Read Poem “Once Upon a Time” pg 33
 Point of View
 Write surprise ending (Graded)
 Test # 1 Short stories (Elements, Literary Terms ) – Black Out
 Elements of Drama
 Questions (Bloom’s Taxonomy)
 Journal Writing of Character (Graded)

Week 5 & 6
 Dramatization of play (Ti- Jean and His Brothers) or write skit and dramatize. (Graded as a Test)
 Research on Limerick and Haiku poem

 Discussion of structure and elements

 Construct forms (Limerick and Haiku) of poems
 Recitation of poems (Graded)

Week 7 & 8
 Review elements of short story
 Read and discuss Berry pg 160
 Character Analysis
 Research on Blank and Free Verse Poems
 Discuss Rhyme Scheme and Meter
 Construct and present poems (identify rhyme scheme and meter)
 Test on elements of Poetry

Week 9
 Test on Berry
 Discuss author’s background “Plays For Today”
 Research on Derek Walcott and the twentieth century Caribbean World (Graded)
 Discuss title on political and creative activity

Week 10
 Read and discuss the setting and character in Test Match Sabine Park
 Identify elements
 Reflection Journal

Week 11
 Research and compile booklet on the
 twentieth century Caribbean World
 different creative elements from Africa, Europe and West Indies art traditions
 folk tale and local festivities
 political struggle between the Caribbean from 1950 to 1960

Week 12
 Compare two main characters
 Test
 Students will do a book report

1. Plays for Today ( Ti- Jean and his Brothers)
2. The Alchemy of Words Vol. II
3. World of Poetry \
4. World of Prose

Third Term Weekly Plans


Students will be able to:

- Recapitulate the main points

- Understand and recognize various literary device and story elements
- Read and analyze short stories
- Analyze characters
- Read and analyze poetry
- Identify literary devices in poetry
- Recite poetry
- Write poems
- Compare and contrast characters and events from varying text
- Respond thoughtfully to discussion questions whether written or oral
- Prepare and participate in group presentations

Week 1 & 2

 Discuss overview of Plays for Today’s Introduction using book report

 The Arthur and The Play
 Research and discuss forms of irony
 Give interpretation and identify form of irony
 Questions and answers
 Review Point of View

Week 3

 Vocabulary from short story “Shabine” page 12

 Read and discuss short story “Shabine” page 12
 Identify elements in the story
 Construct a different ending for the story
 Questions and Answers (Bloom’s Taxonomy)

Week 4
 Read and discuss Act 1 from Ti – Jean and his Brothers
 Identify elements and literary terms
 Write Character Analysis/Setting Analysis
 Write reflection/log

Week 5
 Read and discuss Act 2 and 3 from Ti – Jean and his Brothers
 Identify elements and literary terms
 Write Character Analysis/Setting Analysis
 Write reflection/log

Week 6 & 7
 Students will create a play based on a different ending of Ti Jean and hid brothers

 Have students create the background information about the play


 Divide the students into cooperative groups.

 Have students generate a list of questions they need to have answered before they can begin writing.

 Encourage them to use reference materials and the Internet.

 When students feel sufficiently prepared they are to begin writing their plays.

 Allow students to read and/or act out their plays to an audience.

Week 8
 Research on Sonnet
 Bring examples to class and identify elements
 Construct and Present their sonnet (Graded)

Week 9
 Read and discuss My parents
 Identify elements, literary terms, and infer meaning
 Questions and answers (Bloom’s Taxonomy)

Week 10
 Present poem My Parents (Graded)
 Write a reflection

Week 11 Review week

 Beka Lamb
 Ti Jean and his brothers
 World of Prose
 World of Poetry
(Main events, characters, setting, plot of each novel, language etc.)

Week 12 - Exam Week

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