17-18 Professional Growth Plan Taryn Salik

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NAME: Taryn Salik SCHOOL YEAR: 2017-2018

Supporting Documents
Alberta Teachers’ Association- Professional Growth Plans- Includes excellent tools for reviewing provincial policy, reflecting on professional practice, developing professional growth plan goals, templates and samples.
WCPS Division Goals Guide for Teachers - Includes overview of division focus areas, strategies and targets for teachers who choose to include these in their professional growth plans. Teachers are not obligated to include these in their PGPs
WCPS Division Goals Guide for Administrators- Includes overview of division focus areas, strategies and targets for administrators who choose to include these in their professional growth plans. Administrators are not obligated to include these in their PGPs.


GOAL (S)- What will I achieve? GOAL (S)- What will I achieve?
Grasp, attain, and provide a diverse set of instructional strategies for high school Physics courses.
This is based on KSA 2e and 2i, in that I want to ensure that students are provided with different
ways of obtaining the material presented to them.
How will I achieve my goal? When will I complete these What do I have and what do I need? How will I achieve my goal? When will I complete these What do I have and what do I
strategies? strategies? need?
- Provide timely and - Ongoing throughout the - I currently have a website for my classroom. There is an
appropriate strategies to first semester. outline I use to provide the students with notes, handouts,
students to address identified - Use teacher directed PD homework information, etc. I would like to start providing
learning needs with appropriate days to attain this goal. additional material (specifically videos) to provide additional
intensity and duration outlines information for those who wish to access it.
for the intervention. - I need to continually find appropriate sources of
- Collaborate with one other information and upload them to the website for everyone to
teacher or teachers in different access them. This information can be found through peer
and similar subjects to gain support, internet research, etc.
suggestions and strategies that
are appropriate for specific
students or topics.
- Gather resources online to
provide additional verbal and
visual aids for specific material.

INDICATORS AND MEASURES OF GOAL ACHIEVEMENT- How will I know I have achieved my Personal Professional Goal? INDICATORS AND MEASURES OF GOAL ACHIEVEMENT- How will I know I have achieved my Personal Professional Goal?

Include evidence Include evidence

- I can monitor the number visitors to my website and this allows me to keep track of who is seeking the additional resources.
Based on this number I can assess if the diverse learning strategies are being utilized.
- Administer surveys to the student to gather information on how these additional resources were used and if they were
effective in their success.
- Although I do not have grade to compare to, I can see how success these resources are holistically based on assessments are
completed throughout the semester.
- Through tutorial sessions I can utilize these resources with the students to demonstrate how other learning styles might be
successful for them.

REFLECTION & EVALUATION- How did I do? What have I learned? What adjustments do I need to make? REFLECTION & EVALUATION- How did I do? What have I learned? What adjustments do I need to make?

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