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Name: Hayden Armistead

Grade Level: 12
Content Area: Government
Standards Addressed: SSCG8 Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative branch of government.
b. Describe the election process for representatives and senators and how the 17th Amendment impacted the election of senators.
e. Explain the steps in the legislative process.

Student Response Technology Used:

NearPod Socrative PollEverywhere iRespond Today’sMeet Other: Kahoot!
Technology that students will use to respond to questions/prompts:
Computer Hand-held student response system (such as iRespond) Phone
Tablet (such as iPad Other wireless device (such as iPod Touch)
Describe the instructional activities that will occur prior to the SRS activity and how you will
introduce the SRS activity: This is an exercise I would use on a review day. The students would be know
will be doing, so once the students are sorted into groups then we can start the Kahoot! Review right away.
They can use their phones or a laptop
Describe the purpose of the SRS activity (check all that apply):
Assess Prior Knowledge Anticipatory Set (Create Interest in a Topic) To Illuminate Common
Misconceptions Formative Assessment of Content Knowledge (for purposes of differentiation and
mastery for ALL students) Summative Assessment of Content Knowledge Test Preparation
Survey/Poll Discussion Starter “Homework” Collection Other
Additional explanation of purpose (optional):

Type of session: Teacher-Paced Student-Paced

Identification of students:
Students will log-in so their individual scores will be available to you after the session
SRS activity will be anonymous
Briefly describe what will happen during the SRS activity (For example: What will students do? What
will the teacher do? What materials are needed? How long will the SRS activity take? The overview should
be a minimum of 2 paragraphs.):
At the beginning of class, the teacher will pull up the Kahoot! review on the SMARTboard. The students
will be divided into groups of four. Once the students are grouped together, they will sign into the Kahoot!
using the access code (they can use a phone or a laptop). The game itself will ask a multiple choice
question, and the students have 20 seconds to answer. When all groups answer or when the time expires,
the correct answer will be displayed and deliver points to the teams who got it correct and answered the
fastest. There will be time in between each question to discuss the material if needed. In many social
studies classes, there can be multiple correct answers, but the students have to answer with the more correct
answer. The teacher and students can discuss this using the time in-between the questions.
Depending on the class, a Kahoot! Of 35-40 questons should take the entire 55 minutes. There are only 10
questions on this particular Kahoot! as a demonstration of what a legislative branch question would look
like. The questions can test understanding, application, and evaluating skills depending on the material.

Bloom’s Level of Critical Thinking Required (check all that apply):
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Types of questions/prompts (Check all that apply):
Multiple choice Multiple Select True/False Yes/No Short open-ended response
or fill in the blank Longer open-ended response
Provide samples of questions/prompts to be given to students:
Being the most power person in the Senate means the person is the
a. President Pro Tempore
b. Majority Leader
c. Speaker of the House
d. Majority Whip

Which group decided whether or not and how to report a bill?

a. Speaker and Minority Leader
b. Chairman and Ranking Member
c. Committee
d. Subcommittee

Right/Wrong Answers: Will there be right/wrong answers to these questions? Yes No

Mixed (Some will have correct answers, others will not.)
Immediate corrective feedback:
Will you pre-select correct answers to some or all of the questions and display correct response to the class
after the SRS activity? Yes No
Why or why not? Correct feedback will be displayed after each question. This allows for the students to
see for themselves why they did or did not get the correct answer, and this provides the opportunity for
open discussion.
Use of data: What data will be collected as a result of this activity? How will it be used and by whom?
(For example: Will information collected from this activity be used to award a grade? Will the individual
information collected be shared with students and/or parents to help them monitor individual progress?
Will you discuss the aggregate, anonymous data with the whole class to help them learn? Will you use data
to differentiate instruction for students, if so describe how.)
The data that will be collected will be which groups won and which questions were missed the most. If I
believe I did not adequately cover the material during the Unit, I will adjust the Summative Assessment
Describe what will occur after the SRS activity: All students will receive bonus points for the test. If
there are 5 groups of 4, then the top group would get 5 bonus points, second place would receive 4 points,
etc. This makes it more competitive. If the Kahoot! wraps up early then the students have the opportunity
to ask any further questions over the Unit Material. If several students struggles specific material, I will
address this issue with the entire class to clear confusion.
Describe your personal learning goal for this activity. (For example: What are you trying that you have
not tried before? What do you hope to learn from this activity? How do you hope it will help students learn?
You must design something that will help you learn something new. Honor system!) : The learning goal of
this activity to is gauge student content knowledge. This can be an actual lesson I use, which is beneficial
to future me. I have never created a Kahoot until now, but I have used one before. So I still learned how to
create a Kahoot!.
Other comments about your SRS activity (optional): I wish Kahoot! would take out the character count.
I did not provide an entire Kahoot review, just a sample.

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