DS Timed Essay 2 AnswerSheet

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DS Timed Essay 2

The Hogwarts Framework

With reference to Human Rights Based Approach to Health

(HRAH); elaborate the four main questions which HRAH
must respond when doing situation analysis.
brief points
• A human rights-based approach (HRBA) aims to A HRBA situation analysis The 2009 Guidelines
support better and more sustainable development for UN Country Teams on Preparing a Common
outcomes by analyzing and addressing the Country Assessment (CCA) United Nations
inequalities, discriminatory practices (de jure Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF)
and de facto) and unjust power relations which provide guidance on how to carry out a HRBA
are often at the heart of development problems. situation analysis. In relation to health, such an
Among many the in health care prinicples analysis responds to four main questions:
principles include:
1. What is happening, where and who is more
– Availability: functioning public health and affected? (assessment) For every health
health care facilities, goods, services and challenge, identify the inter-related human rights
programs in sufficient quantity standards and the groups suffering from a greater
– Accessibility: such as the non- denial of rights.
discrimination, physical accessibility,
economic accessibility (affordability), 2. Why are these problems occurring? (causal
information accessibility analysis) Identify the underlying and root causes
– Acceptability: respectful of medical ethics of exclusion, discrimination and inequality.
and culturally appropriate, sensitive to age
and gender 3. Who has the obligation to do something about it?
– Quality: scientifically and medically (the role analysis) where we Identify individual
appropriate and institutional duty-bearers and their
corresponding obligations.
points conclusion
4. What capacities are needed for those affected, • Once capacity development assets and needs
and those with a duty, to take action? (capacity have been identified, the central question is:
analysis) Identify the skills, abilities, resources, where and how can capacity development efforts
responsibilities, authority and motivation needed produce the greatest results?
by those affected to claim their rights and those • Its better to initiate an interagency process to
obliged to fulfil the rights. strengthen capacity to integrate a human rights-
based approach and advocate for health-related
human rights as a human rights approach to
health is critical to address growing global health
• Understanding health as a human right creates a
legal obligation on states to ensure access to
timely, acceptable, and affordable health care of
appropriate quality as well as to providing for
the underlying determinants of health, such as
safe and potable water, sanitation, food, housing,
health-related information and education, and
gender equality.

Work related ill health will constitute the next Pandemic in the
underdeveloped countries like Tanzania where industrialization
is now being emphasized. What are the issues? Elaborate with
brief points
• work-related disease is a disease or a state of ill- • There is a greater inflow of hazardous industries
health one gets due to work /occupation he or from the developed countries to underdeveloped
she has. i.e in, industry/factory, mines, countries. i.e : Plastic factories
agriculture, in a service sector work place like a
hospital. • There are lack of standards , proper regulations
in these countries, so throw-away industries are
• The sources of these diseases in these places can accepted without problems which renders
be raw material such as PVC or the process itself diseases to the workers.
e.g lifting heavy loads, wastes or the end
products and their consumption., the • Double standards on the part of factory owners.
environment itself can be harmful as With better standards in the developed countries
noise/radiations where regulations are strict but poor standards in
the poor countries.
• Occupational Problems can be , Acute-sudden as
burns/ fractures, Chronic-like blindnesss and • Appropriate information and warnings don't
cancers come with the factories and their processes, plus
high illiteracy rate and low adherence to
• …..According to President John Magufuli’s instructions among the workers
speech during the inauguration of the new
Parliament at 2015, industrialization will be
priority to government.
points conclusion

• Lack of and poor implementation of labour As a matter of social justice, human suffering
safety and industrial assessment regulations for related to work is unacceptable. Moreover,
having a safe and healthy work environment, appreciable financial losses result from the
together with lack of strong workers burden of work related diseases on national
movements/vogue to increased occupational health and social security systems. All these
hazards. adverse consequences, which are economically
costly to employers and to society, are
• In effective work practices or engineering preventable through which are often of low cost:
controls which are not feasible in many of these
new industries including lack of appropriate • protect workers' health by controlling hazards in
personal protective equipment must be used, e.g. the workplace and by introducing ergonomics
gloves, safety goggles, helmets and safety shoes
as the industries cut off spending. • advise workers and managers on health
promotion activities and on how to improve
working conditions

• Set up regulations to monitor the work

environment and workers' health with a view to
early identification of health risks and evaluation
of the effectiveness of health protection and
promotion programs.

Read Section 5 (Feasibility Assessment of Resource

Mobilization Methods) of the article by Mukesh et al
and answer the following questions:-
a. What are the principal methods for resource mobilization for
b. Taking the example of health insurance discuss the
advantages and challenges of using health insurance method
of resource mobilization.
a) brief b) brief
• In the context of health care, a mission common • Health insurance is characterized by a group of
to governments of most countries is to provide, persons who contribute funds to a common pool,
or cause to provide, health care for all citizens of usually held by a third party. These funds are then
the country. used to pay for the health care costs of the
members of the pool.
• Long term objectives include efficient provision
• Depending upon who owns the third party fund
of quality health care that is accessible,
pool, insurance can be categorized as
equitable, in a manner that is socially and “government” or “private”. Insurance plans may be
ethically acceptable. One of the principal further characterized by groups covered, type of
components for achieving it is finding ways and management, size of the group (number of
means to finance the provision of health care. enrollees), services covered , premiums et.c
Resource mobilization strategy refers to all
activities involved in securing the present and points
the new additional resources for an This system offers the following advantages ;
organization/government. The principal methods
of resource mobilization are:
• Improvements in Equity where benefits are
– increased allocations from general government
provided on the basis of need rather than on the
basis of income. Therefore, insurance systems
– specially targeted public revenue-raising efforts; have the potential to ensure equity in the provision
– user fees; of health care.
– social health insurance; private health insurance;
– contributions from private donors, and foreign
b) points b) points
• Insurance systems have the potential to improve The challenges of the method include;
sustainability since increased revenue • the introduction of insurance may lead to an
contribution may reduce the government’s increase in the supply of services, for in certain
burden of financing the health system. payment systems (like fee per service) providers
face incentives to over supply services. This also
has the potential of increasing costs.
• Improvements in Revenue Mobilization as
Compared to tax based revenues and user fees, • introduction of third party insurance may lead to an
insurance mechanisms have a greater potential to increase in the utilization of health services. When
contribute to revenue collection. the unit price of health care is very low there will
– First, insurance usually involves the mandatory be a tendency among consumers to overuse health
contribution of new funds care. This has the potential of increasing costs.
– Second, in many developing countries tax
avoidance is high; whereas since the insurance • Limited scope of coverage with operation in un-
contributions are kept separate and tied to specific regulated environment together with low
benefits, compliance may be higher awareness by the public on how these different
schemes operates which rduces complience also
– Third, consumers of health care may often not act as a constraint.
have readily available funds to pay user charges
• Health insurance can lead to improvements in  Further Providers may have a tendency to supply
economic and social efficiency. Most purchasers lower-than-optimal quality services. Provider also
of insurance are risk averse, and are therefore risks a catastrophe if treatment provided is not paid
willing to pay for risk coverage. Provision of risk for.
coverage, therefore, is an efficient use of scarce
resources and for consumers to make least cost
choices of type and sources of health care

Community participation is among key ingredients of good

governance. Discuss the available opportunities for community
participation in different levels of decentralized district health
service in Tanzania.
brief points
• Community participation is a key principle in the • (Next 2 Slide)
primary healthcare approach. The expected results
of community participation include better conclusion
governance of the health system; enhanced • The health committees’ influence on policy,
community voice, empowerment of the planning and budgeting is still limited. Due to
marginalised groups; responsiveness of service various factors such as inadequate training and
providers and policy makers to citizens’ demands; low public awareness thus affecting the
a reduction in corruption; and, ultimately, the performance of the committees.
achievement of health outcomes including
enhanced quality of care, appropriateness of health
service delivery for users, and patient satisfaction • A greater role in governance and oversight is
and utilisation of health services. essential for effective and meaningful health
committees. To achieve impact, health
committees will require adequate training on the
• In Tanzania, community participation is part of a following: roles and functions of the health
wider health sector reform of the early 1990s, facility committee and the boards; interaction
which aims at doing away with centralised health between the committees and the communities
system and replacing it with decentralised district and the health workers; development of health
health system. Within these new structures, the plans and budgets at the local and district level;
central government is pushing the responsibility and monitoring and tracking.
for planning and delivery of health services closer
to the communities, and the civil society and the
citizens are being asked to play a greater
participatory role in these processes.

# Here are some must read resources we used to compile the answers, be sure
to check them and discuss with friends. Click on the blue links to open

Qn1. > http://www.who.int/hhr/news/hrba_to_health2.pdf

Qn2. > Occupational health: A manual for primary health care workers W.H.O
2001 (You Can Google it)
> Lecture Notes on Work and Health Related Issues – Prof. Kiwara
> https://www.tanzaniainvest.com/industrialisation

Qn3. > http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc By Mukesh et al.

Qn4. > Community participation in the decentralised By Maluka et Al

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