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MARKS. ZAID, P.C. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 1250 CONNECTICUT AVENUE, NW. SUITE 200 WASHINGTON, DC 20036 TELEPHONE: (202) 454.2809 FACSIMILE: (202) 330-5610 www. MARK S. ZAID. MANAGING PARTNER (admitted in CT, DC, MD, NY) E-MAIL: MARK @MARKZAID.COM BRADLEY P. MOSS. PARTNER (admitted in DC, IL) E-MAIL: BRAD ® MARKZAID.COM. ILANA S. GREENSTEIN, OF COUNSEL (admitted in DC, MD) E-MAIL: ILANA@ MARKZAID.COM. ANDREW P. BAKAJ, SPECIAL OF COUNSEL (admitted in DC, NJ) E-MAIL: ANDREW @ MARKZAID.COM VIA USPS CERTIFIED MAIL The Honorable Donald J. Trump President of the United States c/o Donald F. MeGahi II, White House Counsel ‘The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20500 RE: Carter Page FISA Warrant Materials Dear Mr. President: Lam writing to seek your personal assistance with and intervention in the pending review of the FISA warrant materials submitted by the U.S. Government to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in order to conduct surveillance of Carter Page. Our firm represents two plaintiffs — The James Madison Project and USA TODAY reporter Brad Heath ~ in an ongoing Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) case seeking copies of FISA, orders, warrant applications and minimization procedures regarding surveillance of your campaign. your company, your associates and/or yourself. See The James Madison Project. et al, v. Dep't of Justice, Civil Action No. 17-597 (D.D.C.)(APM). Prior to February 2018, the Department of Justice had maintained the legal position that it would neither confirm nor deny the existence or non-existence of any such records (commonly known as a “Glomar response”). The matter was pending before U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta and awaiting a ruling on competing dispositive motions when you exercised your constitutional authority to declassify the “Nunes Memo” and officially acknowledge the existence of FISA warrants targeting Carter Page. Your decision to intervene and declassify the Nunes Memo led to greater transparency with respect to the national security surveillance of a U.S. citizen, a subject that rarely is subject to Public scrutiny through lawful means — but one that obviously is of tremendous public concern In the aftermath of the declassification and publication of the Nunes Memo, the Department of Justice withdrew its Glomar response in our litigation and requested time to evaluate to what extent it would process and possibly publish relevant materials. On March 16, 2018, the Department filed with the District Court a sworn declaration from David M. Hardy, the Section Chief of the Record/Information Dissemination Section of the Records Management Division at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”). In his declaration, Mr. Hardy outlines a comples time and resource-intensive process that the FBI will now have to undergo to determine to what extent any of the Carter Page FISA warrant materials can be released to the public. On more than one occasion in his sworn declaration, Mr. Hardy notes the unprecedented nature of this review of FISA warrant materials. In a hearing on March 19, 2018, Judge Mehta approved a four month timeframe for the Department of Justice to complete processing and production of these records. It is unclear how much (if any) of the records will ultimately be released to the public. Mr. President, this letter serves as our clients” request that you take action ~ as you did in declassifying the Nunes Memo in its entirety and on your own constitutional authority ~ to declassify the Carter Page FISA warrant materials, You have made clear your view that the FBL improperly relied upon the infamous “Steele Dossier” in securing these FISA warrants against Carter Page and, by extension, your campaign. Declassifying the applications and orders would shed additional light on the FBI's conduct in surveilling Mr. Page, and would spare the FBI the need to divert sparse resources to conducting a lengthy review process. You alone retain the inherent constitutional authority to take this type of sweeping, lawful and historic action to increase transparency with respect to the FISA process. Let the American public see the materials in question and render their own informed judgment regarding the FBI's, actions, Mr. President. We are at your disposal to discuss this with your designated representative at their convenience. Highest regards, ~ Bradley P. Moss ce: Amy Powell, Department of Justice (via e-mail)

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