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Here is an example of a lesson that I have incorporated into my classroom.

Lesson Plan :

Teacher: Ms. Hayley Grade Level: 9th

I.Content and Standards

1. Standard - CC.2.2.HS.D.7
1. Create and graph equations or inequalities to describe numbers or relationships.
a.Students should know the slope-intercept equation: y = mx + b
b.Students should understand each part of the equation
i.M is the slope
ii.B is the y-intercept
c.Students should understand how to write an equation when given a scenario
III.Essential Questions
a.How can linear equations be applied to real-life situations?
IV.Instructional Objective
a.Students will understand the definition of the x-intercept as the x-value when y is 0
b.Students will understand how to find the x-intercept of a line when given an equation
V.Instructional Procedures: BDA
a.Before (10)
i.Students will come into the classroom and start working on the Do Now for five minutes
1.Teacher will greet students at the door and prompt them to take their seat and their
homework out
2.Tonight’s homework will be posted on the board for students to copy down in their agenda
upon coming into the classroom
ii.The Do Now will have skills from the previous day
1.Graphing an equation in slope-intercept form
a.Teacher will ask students to identify the slope and the y-intercept
b.Teacher will ask students where they should start the graph
i.At the y-intercept
c.Teacher will ask students how they can extend the line
i.Students will give the answer: using the slope (rise over run)
d.Teacher will extend the line and connect the points
2.Determining if the lines are parallel, perpendicular or neither based on the equations
a.One equation is in slope-intercept form and one is in standard form
b.Teacher will ask students which equation they must convert first before comparing the slopes
i.The standard form
c.Teacher will have students convert the standard form equation into slope-intercept form by
doing these steps
i.Move the x term using inverse operations
ii.Divide both sides by the number next to y
iii.Simplify the equation and rearrange if needed into y = mx + b
3.There is a spicy question that is a systems of equations question to challenge students who
finish the Do Now early
iii.Students will pass their Do Nows in as an effort grade
iv.Teacher will put the objective on the board and have a student read aloud
b.During (30)
i.Teacher will tell students that they will be participating in their groups first before going over
other notes
1.The first page they are given gives a scenario about a student who has 16 assignments to
complete and she completes four assignments every hour.
2.Teacher will instruct students to get into their heterogeneous groups to answer the questions
based on the given scenario in slope-intercept form
a.Students understand how to write equations from a scenario and answer questions based on
what they find to be the slope and the intercept
3.Students will work on this activity for 10 minutes in their groups
a.They will be asked to identify the variables, slope, y-intercept, graph the equation and answer
the question what does the y-intercept mean in the scenario
b.The only question they are not able to answer and must think about is what is the x-intercept
of the function and what does it mean in the scenario
ii.After 10 minutes, students will be asked to face the board
1.Teacher will have the graphs on the board to save time going over the answers
2.Teacher will ask students to share their discoveries on what they found to be the slope and y-
intercept of the scenario
a.Teacher will ask students to share their answers encouraging students to use Habits of
i.This is where students respectfully agree or disagree with each other and give evidence why
ii.They may also ask clarifying questions or make connections
b.Students will lead the discussion while teacher guides the answers so that any
misconceptions can be cleared up
iii.Teacher will then provide the definitions for y-intercept and the x-intercept
1.Teacher will go through an example where students are given an equation in y = mx + b form
a.Teacher will ask what is the y-intercept
b.The answer is whatever number is b is the y-intercept
2.Teacher will then ask students how they can find the x-intercept of the line without graphing
a.Teacher will remind students that the definition is the x-intercept when y = 0, so students can
plug 0 in for y in the equation and solve for x
c.After (18)
i.Students will be asked to move into their heterogeneous groups
1.They will have practice at the end of the packet
a.Equations will be in slope-intercept form
i.They must identify the x and y-intercepts
b.Students must work together to complete the problems
ii.Students will be asked to move back to their rows so that they may complete an exit ticket
based on today’s lesson
iii.Students will work on the exit ticket silently for 10 minutes
iv.Teacher will ask a student to help collect calculators and put them in the designated bin
v.Teacher will remind students about their homework before collecting exit tickets and
dismissing students
VI.Materials and Equipment
1. Do Now
2. Classwork Notes
3. Group Work Practice
4. Exit Ticket
5. Homework
a.Teacher will see how well students do with the Do Now by asking students to raise their hand
if they got the right answer
b.Teacher will look to see if students are making mistakes when working on the group work
c.Teacher will look for 80% mastery on exit ticket
a.Students work in heterogeneous groups
i.Strong students help struggling students understand the concept
ii.Struggling students receive the help they need
b.Scaffolded lesson where class starts with easy examples and works their way up
i.Students are able to struggle with the activity first using their prior knowledge
c.Students are able to work through problems with their group and work together to make new
a.Do students understand the definition of the x-intercept? Can they find it in different
scenarios? How accurate are the exit tickets?
 1a Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
o For the lesson that I have posted, I have shown my knowledge of
prerequisite relationships. Students have been working in class on
writing equations from scenarios as well as graphing equations and
identifying slope and the y-intercept. The lesson utilizes these skills
so that students can make predictions on new information using the
information they already have. I include accurate answers to
students’ questions as well. Students work in groups on the activity
that uses a real-life example. After about 10 minutes I brought them
back and went over the answers through a guided discussion to
clear up any misconceptions.
 1b Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
o For this activity, I utilize my knowledge of students when I form
the groups students work in. The groups are heterogeneous where
students are grouped by ability. Higher performing students are able
to help students who struggle especially students with special
needs. The example that is given is something students would
normally be faced with during their school career so they can
connect what they are learning to something they already know.
 1c Setting Instructional Outcomes
o My outcomes are clear to my students every single day. I write the
objectives on the board and have a student read them before we get
started on the lesson. Students know that they will learn and
understand the definition of an x-intercept and apply it to different
 1d Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources
o Students are able to use their prior knowledge in this activity as
well as their graphing calculators to help them with the work.
Unfortunately, we do not have textbooks in our classroom, so I find
many resources to include in my lessons every day.
 1e Designing Coherent Instruction
o I find this component to be the component that I did the best in. I
have created learning activities to engage students and have a
meaningful unit structure. Students are able to struggle through the
work and make discoveries on their own through student-centered
learning before I clear up any misconceptions. After I clear up
misconceptions students are taught how to find the x-intercept in a
y = mx + b equation and are able to practice before being assessed.
The use of calculators is able to aid the instruction of this lesson.
Finally, I utilize instructional groups for about half the lesson so
that students can collaborate and construct their own hypotheses.
 1f Designing Student Assessments
o I give a clear assessment at the end of the lesson through an exit
ticket. My assessment demonstrates how well students understand
the definition of an x-intercept and if they can find it in an equation.
I also include formative assessment during the discussion because I
am able to gauge how well students used their prior knowledge and
if they were able to come up with the correct definition of the x-

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