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Name: Hayden Armistead

Grade Level: 12
Content Area: Government
Basic Productivity Tool Used:
Microsoft 365/Sway
Standards Addressed: SSCG3 Demonstrate knowledge of the framing and structure of the United States Constitution. a.
Analyze debates during the drafting of the Constitution, including the Three-Fifths Compromise, the Great Compromise, and the
Commerce Clause

Bloom’s Level of Critical Thinking:

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Description of how to implement in the class: The viewers will be seeing four pages of
information with a graphic organizer to follow each page. The students will be analyzing the
information to evaluate what the compromises accomplished. The graphic organizers include two
small boxes for the different proposals and a large box for the compromise. All of the information will
be found on the Sway. A hard copy of the graphic organizers will be available if asked.
Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): This lesson reaches Loti level 3. The students are
given a page of information they must analyze to pull out information and decide what the
compromise was.
Description of the sample spreadsheet and graph/chart provided *: The viewers will be seeing
four pages of information with a graphic organizer to follow each page. The students will be
analyzing the information to evaluate what the compromises accomplished. The graphic organizers
include two small boxes for the different proposals and a large box for the compromise.
Other comments about your proposed spreadsheet/graph/chart activity: n/a

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