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Managing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
What Our Patients Are Telling Us Journal of Holistic Nursing
American Holistic Nurses Association
Volume XX Number X
Joan Crete, DNP, MSN, WHNP-BC March XXXX xx-xx
© 2011 AHNA
Pamela Adamshick, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC 10.1177/0898010111398660
Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) experience symptoms such as irregular menses, hirsut-
ism, and acne, and are at heightened risk for developing obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus,
infertility, and some cancers. Data also indicate an inverse correlation between PCOS and health-
related quality-of-life indicators and self-image. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the
lived experience of women with PCOS in the management of their disorder and the meaning of that
experience for them. Design: This qualitative study was conducted using a phenomenological approach
based on the guidelines of Van Manen. Method: Individual, semistructured interviews were completed
with 10 participants who were diagnosed with PCOS and managed by a health care practitioner(s)
within the past 5 years. Data were analyzed using the process of hermeneutic phenomenological reflec-
tion. Findings: The four major themes that described women’s lived experience of managing PCOS
were frustration, confusion, searching, and gaining control. Conclusions: Women with PCOS face
many challenges in managing their disorder and desire to gain control, balance, and well-being through
a comprehensive treatment plan. The findings have implications for health care providers in addressing
quality of life issues and overall health outcomes.

Keywords:  women’s health; chronic disease; holistic care; quality of life; advanced nursing practice; women

Background pathophysiology of PCOS is less clear than the mani­

festations. There is agreement that a disruption in the
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most com- hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian axis exists, which
mon endocrine disorder in women of reproductive creates a hyperandrogenemia state. This hormonal
age, with an estimated prevalence in the United States imbalance is responsible for the reproductive and
between 10% and 25% depending on the definitions metabolic abnormalities associated with the syndrome
used for diagnosis (Benjamins & Barratt, 2009; Jones, (Futterweit, 2007; Noller & Paulk, 2006; Stankiewicz
Hall, Balen, & Ledger, 2008; Table 1). Women with & Norman, 2006).
PCOS may present with complaints of infertility, Women with PCOS receive care in various set-
menstrual irregularities, hirsutism, acne, alopecia, tings, with their specific symptom(s) and/or age direct-
or obesity (Lifchez & Jasulaitis, 2009; Magnotti & ing them to the expertise of a primary care prac­titioner
Futterweit, 2007; Snyder, 2006). Endocrine abnor- or specialist. Initial management is aimed at addressing
malities include anovulation, hyperandrogenemia,
and insulin resistance and links the condition to
potential chronic diseases associated with metabolic Authors’ Note: Please address correspondence to Pamela
Adamshick, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, Assistant Professor of
syndrome (Futterweit, 2007; Radosh, 2009; Setji, & Nursing, Nursing Department, Moravian College, 1200 Main
Brown, 2007; Stankiewicz & Norman, 2006). The Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018; email:

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2   Journal of Holistic Nursing / Vol. XX, No. X, Month XXXX

Table 1. Diagnostic Criteria for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

National Institutes of Rotterdam Consensus Androgen Excess Society
Signs and Symptoms Health (Two Required) Criteria (Two out of Three) (Hyperandrogenism Plus One Other)
Hyperandrogenism × × ×
Oligoamenorrhea or × × ×
Polycystic ovaries by × ×
ultrasound diagnosis

Source: The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2008, Bulletin 108).

acute problems and then to controlling and/or pre- medical intervention produce positive effects. Inter­
venting chronic complications (Benjamins & Barratt, estingly, incorporation of psychosocial support is only
2009; Stankiewicz & Norman, 2006; Radosh, 2009). found in the University of Texas guidelines. As sug-
Literature suggests PCOS diagnosis is difficult because gested in the recent article by Teede et al. (2010),
of the variation in presentation (Radosh, 2009; Teede, inclusion of the psychological features of this condi-
Deeks, & Moran, 2010). This presents a challenge that tion should be an important piece of the management.
may delay diagnosis and management as suggested by The significance of quality of life issues cannot be
Snyder (2006). ignored, yet the literature provides few studies that
The majority of PCOS articles and resources explore the psychosocial aspects of living with PCOS
support the importance of a clinical diagnosis and and coping with psychological distress. Snyder’s
medical management based on the patient’s symp- (2006) phenomenological study described the mean-
toms and complaints. Lifchez and Jasulaitis (2009) ing for women of living with PCOS. The researcher
suggest the infertile woman presenting with acne, found the study participants shared a common feel-
hirsutism, menstrual irregularity, or obesity deserves ing of being different from other women and wanting
a work up of PCOS. The adolescent with a similar to be normal. Studies to date have neither examined
presentation should raise concerns of PCOS as well women’s experience of managing their PCOS nor
(Benjamins & Barratt, 2009). Additionally, American described the meaning of management of this chronic
College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) guide- syndrome in their lives. The current study addresses
line (2009) supports PCOS evaluation in all women this knowledge gap in the literature. Considering the
with hyperandrogenism, menstrual irregularity, and high prevalence and enormous physiologic and psy-
polycystic ovaries. However, most of the troubling chosocial toll of PCOS, health care providers need
effects of PCOS fall within the psychosocial realm. a better understanding of the meaning of PCOS
This component of the condition has recently emerged management in patients’ day-to-day functioning and
in the literature as the effects of PCOS on health- self-image.
related quality of life (HRQoL) and other mental
health issues are explored. Coffey, Bano, and Mason
(2006) and Jones et al. (2008) found diminished Purpose
HRQoL in women with PCOS. Other authors have
had similar findings that reflect increased anxiety This qualitative study was conducted to ascertain the
and depression as well as decreased sexual satisfac- lived experience of women with PCOS in managing
tion in this population (Deeks, Gibson-Helm, & their disorder and to understand the meaning of that
Teede, 2010; Hahn et al., 2005; Himelein & Thatcher, experience for them. The study is important for patient
2006). care in that it adds to the body of knowledge related to
Medical management specific to the clinical find- PCOS management, providing insight into women’s
ings and desired outcomes is consistent. The ACOG perspectives about their care and well-being. A pri-
2009 practice bulletin as well as practice guides mary aim of the study is to address the importance
written by Stankiewicz and Norman (2006) and the of a holistic approach in the management of women
University of Texas nurse practitioners (National with PCOS resulting in an improved quality of life.
Guidelines, 2006) agree that lifestyle chan­ges and This holistic approach supplements the traditional

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Managing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome / Crete, Adamshick   3

Table 2.  Participants

Participant Age (Years) Ethnicity Level of Education Years of Diagnosis No. of Providers
 1 50 Caucasian College 12 2
 2 32 Native American College 7 1
 3 34 Caucasian High school 6 1
 4 20 Caucasian High school 5 2
 5 25 Caucasian College 7 1
 6 33 Latina College 11 6
 7 28 Latina High school 3 3
 8 35 Caucasian High school 5 1
 9 42 Caucasian High school 16 5
10 27 Caucasian college 2.5 1

medical model by identifying the psychosocial and symptom relief and/or PCOS management from one
emotional components of care for this population. to six different providers.

Method Setting
The women were managed by various providers within
Study Design a large hospital network in the Mid-Atlantic region
of the United States. One of the researchers, the
For the purpose of examining the meaning of women’s
women’s health nurse practitioner, initially contacted
experience in the management of PCOS, a phenom-
each participant by phone to explain the study and
enological approach was suitable. Extracting the
arrange a time for the interview. The personal inter-
essence of their experience through the interpreta-
views were conducted by the same nurse practitio-
tion of their sharing and perceptions allowed insight
ner in a private room in the hospital library or office
into their experiences (Van Manen, 1990). Although
acknowledging each person’s unique process, this
insight recognized commonalities of the group’s exp­
eriences that were organized into themes. Protection of Human Participants
The hospital network institutional review board app­
Sample roved the study. The study was explained fully and a
A purposive, convenience sample was generated from written consent was obtained prior to the interview.
a pool of women who met the inclusion criteria: age The participant was given the opportunity to with-
18 years or older, diagnosed with PCOS and man- draw at any time during the study and understood
aged within the past 5 years, and able to speak and that involvement in the study would not influence
understand English. A letter identifying the design her care management. In the taped interviews, the
and purpose of the study was mailed by the research- participants were identified by number only.
ers to gynecology offices associated with the hospital
network, and names were forwarded. These women
Data Collection
were invited to participate in the study. Participants
were interviewed in the order in which their affirma- Prior to engaging in participant interviews, the wom-
tive responses were received. The 10 who comprised en’s health nurse practitioner, who conducted the
the study participants ranged in age from 20 to 50 years, interviews, discussed her preconceived notions about
with ethnic backgrounds of one American Indian, two PCOS management with her coresearcher. This pro-
Latino, and seven Caucasian (Table 2). The length cess of becoming aware of assumptions was done to
of time since diagnosis with PCOS for these women bring these beliefs into the open so that both res­
varied between 2½ to 16 years at the time of enroll- earchers could be aware of them and the interviewer
ment in the study. Participants had sought care for could attempt to hold them in abeyance, a concept

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4   Journal of Holistic Nursing / Vol. XX, No. X, Month XXXX

referred to as bracketing assumptions (Husserl, 1970). that represented “structures of the experience” (Van
During data analysis, the coresearcher, who is not a Manen, 1990, p. 79). After this individual process,
women’s health practitioner, provided a balanced the researchers met several times and collectively
perspective to any assumptions about the manage- examined their highlighted sections to identify inci-
ment of PCOS. She often questioned, refuted, and dental themes of the phenomenon. Incidental themes
clarified ideas and discussion points to help reduce were descriptive of the phenomenon, but not neces-
bias or assumptions as analytical decisions were made. sarily unique to the experience of women’s manage-
The audio-taped interviews averaged an hour in ment of PCOS symptoms. Through team discourse,
length and were conducted in one uninterrupted groupings were formed of structures reflecting the
meeting. The participants were encouraged to share experience, similar incidental themes were clustered
their experiences through a semistructured inter- together, and ideas for essential themes were identi-
view process. The opening question was framed as fied. Final themes were determined based on their
“What is your experience in terms of diagnosis and quality of being essential to describe the phenome-
management of your PCOS?” Open-ended probes non, and without which the experience of manage-
were used to explore topics regarding when and how ment of PCOS symptoms would be incomplete (Van
the diagnosis of PCOS was made, recommendations Manen, 1990).
by providers, and participants’ feelings about the The researchers followed hermeneutic principles
overall management of their condition. The tapes in explanation and interpretation of the themes. In
were transcribed verbatim by a hospital network tran- what Heidegger (1962) calls the circle in under-
scriptionist who was paid an hourly rate. standing, our shared human practices allow us to
At the conclusion of each interview, the inter- understand and be involved in something. The pro-
viewer summarized and then verified main points from cess allowed for a perspective of the phenomenon,
the interview with the participant. The nurse practi- placing the participants in the context of their envi-
tioner who conducted the interview compared the ronment and permitting an understanding of the
tapes with the written transcripts for accuracy. The experience for the participants. The meaning of the
written transcripts were then returned to the par- experience of achieving management of PCOS
ticipants with a letter requesting review for correc- for women with the disorder emerged through this
tions or comments. A second mailing with a complete process.
list of the core themes was sent later in the research Sandelowski’s (1986) framework is applied to
process. None of the participants refuted the themes demonstrate the rigor of the study. Four criteria
as presented to them in the correspondence. that reveal trustworthiness in a qualitative study are
credibility, fittingness, auditability, and confirmabil-
ity. Credibility, or truthfulness, for this study was
Data Analysis
achieved by individual review by each team mem-
The process of hermeneutic phenomenological ref­ ber, return of data transcripts and the suggested
lection as described by Van Manen (1990) was used themes to the participants for validation, and inclu-
to analyze the data. Through this reflection the sion of direct quotations from participants in the
essential meaning of the lived experience of women’s formal written summary. Fittingness was achieved
mana­gement of PCOS and its meaning for them can by the discussion of similarity of the study findings
be grasped. Data collection was concurrent with with other literature on women’s symptoms of PCOS
data analysis and continued until there was replica- and their management. Auditability was achieved by
tion of the emerging themes and no new themes documenting the process of inquiry, showing the
were identified. Data saturation was achieved after initial problem identification and the decisions
interviews with 10 participants. Transcripts of inter- made for a purposeful exploration of the topic
views were sent to the research team members imme­ through a phenomenological method. The res­
diately on completion of each interview. Three res­earch earchers maintained an audit trail of the findings,
team members (the two authors and a women’s illustrating the identification of structures of the exp­
health nurse practitioner) read through interview erience, their clustering, and eventual incorporation
transcripts several times to allow for reflection on into themes. Confirmability was achieved when the
the whole of the data. Each team member indepen- criteria of credibility, fittingness, and auditability were
dently highligh­ted particular phrases and sections demonstrated.

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Findings Similarly, another participant described that her treat-

ment was symptom-based rather than comprehensive
The women’s stories of their experience of manage- for PCOS:
ment of PCOS depicted a process of feeling frustrated
about their care management, along with a prevailing Nobody ever really sat down and said, “This is what
sense of confusion, then trying to understand their you have, this is the problem.” They just said, “Yes,
health situation, which included phases of searching this is the problem, but now since you want to get
for answers and attempting to gain control. The pregnant, we could do this to fix it.”
major themes that emerged to describe the women’s
lived experience of management of PCOS were frus- The experience of frustration in managing symp-
tration, confusion, searching, and gaining control. toms was worsened by the participants’ emotional
vulnerability as they dealt with an uncertain diagnosis
and lack of improvement under prescribed treatments.
Theme 1: Frustration One client felt that she was “going crazy” as health
Frustration was a dominant theme of this study. All care from two different practitioners did not address
participants voiced this as part of their lived experience her emotional swings. She explained one of her visits:
of managing PCOS. One area of frustration centered
He probably thought I was crazy, because I was get-
on interactions with health care providers, which was
ting worse at this point. I felt like I was really hor-
reflected in a lack of confidence in providers along
monal, but I didn’t understand why. I was all over
with a sense of inattentiveness from them. One par-
the place. It was very, very emotional.
ticipant described her situation as follows:

. . . they’ll read through my history and they’ll see it Another participant, though she had been diag-
[PCOS diagnosis] and you can tell by . . . how they nosed with PCOS for 12 years, remained frustrated
kind of skip over it. They don’t address it because with the management of her treatment, including
I don’t think they know what to do for it. lack of symptom improvement. Her description cap-
tures the emotional upheaval of unrelenting symp-
The same participant remarked on the health care toms and the ordeal of what the problem is.
provider’s inattentiveness to her troublesome symp-
toms of weight gain and hirsutism: I still have a body image issue. You know how they
call it the “bearded lady syndrome.” Ladies years ago
I think he knows about it but he doesn’t take the used to get it and they didn’t know what it was. They
time to ask . . . he never looked at them [whiskers]. used to get whiskers and humps on their back and
He never asked, “Do you shave them?” He doesn’t big round stomachs. If I remember what causes it
say, “How’s your diet going or are you losing any I don’t get as upset. Sometimes I don’t feel like
weight?” I don’t think he’s interested. explaining to everybody around me why I have this
look . . . I don’t feel like going through the ordeal of
Participants’ frustration was heightened by the what the problem is.
need to see several health care providers before the
diagnosis of PCOS was made. Associated with health Participants’ lived experience included frustration
care visits was the perception of participants that over lack of symptom improvement, primarily with
providers were looking for a “quick fix” for the partici- weight control and hirsutism. One participant also
pant’s symptom. One PCOS client, with the complaint discussed persistent pain she endured for 11 years.
of irregular menses, described the one-dimensional
treatment she received: I am still taking the medication and I’m still having
the pains . . . I was saying, “Here, listen, these pills,
I suffered from really bad headaches and so I didn’t I’ve been taking them for so long. I see no improve-
want to go back on the pill, but that always seemed ment except for the acne.” The pain is still there, so
to be the quick fix just to regulate my period. So it am I supposed to live with this pain for the rest of
was kind of setting the PCOS aside, we’ll just put my life? Even when I have sexual intercourse, I can’t
you on the pill and then you you’ll be regular. even pull through because of the pain.

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6   Journal of Holistic Nursing / Vol. XX, No. X, Month XXXX

For some participants, frustration led to blaming, Theme 2: Confusion

either of the self or the provider. One client, feeling
In their lived experience of PCOS management, every
punished, tried to make sense of the experience:
participant described a sense of confusion, espe-
cially prior to the diagnosis, but also continuing dur-
I don’t do drugs. I don’t drink . . . I don’t know what
ing treatment. Confusion clustered into categories
I did wrong. I always think to myself I had two sis-
of diagnosis and implications of the disease process.
ters that got pregnant fine, and what’s wrong with
The experience of confusion about diagnosis was
me, what did I do wrong? I really don’t understand.
often of long duration, including visits to more than
one provider and multiple tests. Participants indi-
In another instance, the client, 18 years old at the
cated that tests were done, but rationales were not
time of diagnosis, was willing to assume blame regarding
provided, leaving clients with uncertainties. One cli-
the frustrating lack of symptom management, stating,
ent recalled her experience of having an ultrasound
of her ovaries:
I was scared. I don’t think I really asked the right
questions, or knew what to ask even.
They really don’t talk to me about it. I ask questions
and they try to explain and I don’t get anywhere.
On the other hand, some participants who were
frustrated with their care management put blame on
One participant who suffered with heavy and
providers. One participant expressed distress at not
erratic menstrual cycles from age 11 to age 16 was
knowing the full implications of PCOS on her over-
diagnosed with PCOS at age 16. Though she is now
all health.
age 23, her comments reflect the impact she felt
regarding health care providers’ basic knowledge defi-
Nobody really managed it [PCOS] at all. They never
cit about PCOS.
told me . . . when I was diagnosed with PCOS, that
yes, this is stopping you from conceiving. However, No one really sat there and told me anything. They
this is something that is part of your overall health told me when I first started that not much was too
just so you know this is something you have to keep well known at that point, so they didn’t tell me
watch of. It’s going to cause different issues in your much.
life. Never, never told me that.
In a similar vein, one participant shared her per-
For another participant, the frustration she exp­ spective that she had assisted the health care provid-
erienced with management of her care caused her to ers to finally make her diagnosis. She noted,
blame providers for not clearly stating the magni-
tude of her condition. The doctors don’t know much about it. I think what
they do is read the research and the research has no
If I would have known that something was wrong, I definitive treatment plan, so they don’t have a treat-
probably would have gone to someone else. Hey, can ment plan and I have to figure out my own treat-
you do some tests, is there anything wrong, what can ment plan . . . Yes, I think I told them about it.
I do? Look at in the earlier stages. Is there something
I can do to prevent it earlier than [age] twenty? For another participant, the experience of con-
fusion about her diagnosis led to mistrust of provid-
Another participant, diagnosed 3 years previously, ers. After seeing two providers, one for management
felt there were several areas of accountability for the of hirsutism and one for pelvic pain, she was informed
mismanagement of PCOS. by a third provider that she had PCOS. The partici-
pant commented,
It’s been frustrating. There’s not enough informa-
tion. It’s still not recognized enough, I don’t think. So I started to ask questions . . . I don’t trust this
The stories that I have, so many other women have. doctor anymore because he didn’t tell me I had
So that means that there’s not that many doctors polycystic ovaries, so I started questioning this
out there who are paying either enough attention or doctor, [third doctor] and she told me it was
they really don’t know where to go with it. treatable.

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The experience of understanding risk factors and No, no one ever said anything. My mother has told me
the related management of their PCOS was the topic several times that I need to watch my sugar because of
mentioned most often by the participants as a source ending up with diabetes with my next pregnancy.
of confusion. Participants were clearly bothered by
not understanding the possible health risks posed by Several participants spoke of activities that invo­
PCOS. In their lived experience, the implications of lved formal searching for answers through use of
their diagnosis were often presented in vague or par- online resources or printed materials. Common sources
tial terms. One participant had this to say, included WebMD and other Internet sites and books.
Participants’ formal searching ranged from prediag-
To this day I don’t know what the risk factors are. nosis investigation about symptoms to postdiagnosis
I do know the symptoms because that’s the only clarification of information that was initially over-
thing that was explained to me. The first thing I would whelming or complex. The usefulness of these mea-
tell him [health care provider] is when you have sures in the management of symptoms was variable.
patients that have the diagnosis, you have to sit down A prediagnostic Internet search left one participant
and take the time, not rush through the visit. with heightened anxiety over her symptoms.

The pain on my ovary made me see the doctor. I would

Theme 3: Searching of course go on the Internet and I’d find I think I have
cancer. My mom said we were going to the doctor and
In response to their experience of feeling frustrated
everything was fine in the end, but 18 years old and
and confused by their care management, participants
you see what the pain means on the Internet.
engaged in searching activities, formal and informal,
to understand and address their health circumstances. Another participant’s search to clarify information
Searching activities were ongoing for participants, overwhelmed her to the point of tears.
depending on the stage of PCOS and the related con-
cerns at that time. One client who had been diag- She (provider) said it has to do with insulin resis-
nosed with PCOS for 4 years found that a casual tance, which I didn’t understand. She was throwing
conversation with a peer stimulated her to look fur- a lot of information at me, but I didn’t get it, so I looked
ther for treatment management. it up online. I cried because of the difficulties of the
condition and eventually what could happen with
Then I ran into a coworker at work and she and I got
my developing diabetes and heart problems.
talking. She actually was pregnant and had PCOS
and was on metformin. That’s when I started getting In one participant’s experience, the formal search-
really interested in it and the types of treatment ing and reading was helpful to pull together the
available for PCOS. Is it more than just birth con- symptom picture that she had noticed in herself and
trol pills? verify its relationship to the PCOS diagnosis.
Other participants spoke of searching for more I’ve done all my own research and reading, and in
or different education from the provider, but experi- retrospect I do have some of the other symptoms,
encing miscommunication in that regard. but I did not know that that’s what they were until
I read up on it. I do have some dark facial hair. I do
I just would have been happier if I would have gotten
have the weight gain problem. The hormonal up and
a little bit of literature and talking doesn’t really do
down mood swings type thing. I have some of them
it. I like to read about it, figure out my options. She
and I didn’t realize they were connected until I was
really didn’t explain what is going to happen if I take
this type medication, if I take that. I just wanted a
little more information and I really didn’t get it.

Similarly, another participant spoke of wanting

Theme 4: Gaining Control
to know about her risk for metabolic syndrome after The lived experience of PCOS management for the
her experience of gestational diabetes. participants involved a process of gaining control of

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8   Journal of Holistic Nursing / Vol. XX, No. X, Month XXXX

PCOS, including symptoms, knowledge, and eventu- However, she is still struggling to gain control of
ally the overall treatment. The initial importance for symptoms and overall treatment.
participants was control of their symptoms. This was
achieved through self-treatment and self-education. I think the weight gain of the metabolic problem is
Almost every participant’s experience included attempts so resistant. It’s got to be researched because you
at some type of self-treatment for symptoms of hir- can’t go around with 100 pounds extra in your stom-
sutism, acne, and weight control. Self-treatment was ach. It’s important that they figure out metabolically
the first avenue for gaining control. how to get rid of these round stomachs.
Over time, the participants’ experience of frustra-
tion, confusion, and searching led them to take con- Another participant described her ongoing efforts to
trol of their PCOS through self-education. It was gain control, having seen two specialists for PCOS
important to participants to gain understanding of treatment.
the disease itself and the long-term implications for
their health. One participant, who had been diagnosed I don’t think it’s managed at all. I mean they man-
7 years previously, explained her efforts at taking aged the symptom of not being able to get pregnant
control, which occurred only recently. quite well, but not the issue itself, the fact that I do
not get regular periods and I obviously have a hor-
That’s all they told me—that you have a potential monal imbalance. I really think that my OB should
for getting diabetes. I’m telling you right now they have attempted to solve the problem before shipping
didn’t really inform me about anything much. This is me off somewhere else.
what I found out later on from the Internet. Thank
God for the Internet! One participant, who is 7 years postdiagnosis,
described a satisfactory experience of gaining con-
Another participant used a combination of infor- trol after visits to two different specialists.
mation from the provider along with her own res­
earch and self-education to enhance her sense of I would summarize my first experience as naïve,
control and understanding about PCOS. unaware, a lot of questions and I felt like it was just
a simple PCOS. I thought it was strictly just your
Actually I do remember her [nurse practitioner] say- hormones and ovaries. I thought it had nothing to
ing, because it was an issue with me being heavy, if do with anything else. I had a very limited view of
I lost weight, it would correct itself. And I do remem- what it was, and here I’m much more educated and
ber seeing that online. A lot of it was about infertility I think my doctors are aware and they are able to talk
. . . that stands out because that was upsetting. to me a little bit more.

Despite the fact that this participant found the online

information “very successful, very helpful,” she desired Discussion
more education from the provider:
The meaning of the experience for women in man-
And have them tell me what to look for and what to aging PCOS was getting to a place of balance and
expect and this is why. well-being that allowed for a high quality of life,
understanding of their health problem, and gaining
Ultimately, the experience of gaining control control through a comprehensive treatment plan.
meant a comprehensive treatment plan to address This qualitative research provides new information
the underlying diagnosis. It was essential to get the that expands on the existing knowledge. It comple-
appropriate treatment for the diagnosis. Participants’ ments Synder’s (2006) study findings of women feel-
ability to gain control often meant visits to several ing different from other women and the cited common
doctors, but rarely total management. One partici- themes of searching for answers and gaining control.
pant has been diagnosed with PCOS for the past What the current study adds is the women’s exp­
12 years, and continues to see specialists for her erience of their overall care management and their
various health problems. She states that she has had perspective of the meaning of that experience in their
40 doctors’ appointments in the past 8 months. lives. Moving beyond symptom management, women

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Managing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome / Crete, Adamshick   9

voiced the need to fully understand the implications nurses and other health care providers encounter, it
of their diagnosis and to assert their right to attain is understandable that women would have the com-
expert PCOS management in order to achieve bal- mon exp­eriences revealed in this study. The man-
ance and well-being in their lives and promote their agement guideline written by the nurse practitioners
own health. at the University of Texas (National Guidelines,
The findings can be understood in terms of Orem’s 2006) includes a psychosocial history with the
nursing theory of self-care. This theory states that assessment. Their management incorporates expla-
individuals engage in self-care, which comprises those nation of the diagnosis and associated risks. The
activities performed independently by an individual guidelines further recommend lifestyle management
to promote and maintain personal well-being through- and pharmacologic interventions as well as websites
out life (Pender, Murdaugh, & Parsons, 2002). The of support groups and educational sites. This holistic
study participants’ experience of management of approach captures the spectrum of needs for the
PCOS reflects their priority for self-care as they PCOS patient.
searched for answers that would allow them to achieve
and maintain personal health and well-being. Implications and Recommendations
In applying Orem’s theory to the role of the nurse,
for Further Study
nursing’s approach to health intersects with Orem’s
theory of self-care, such that nursing care supports The themes common to women diagnosed and man-
health promotion and maintenance by teaching, aged for PCOS identify areas where providers can
guiding, and supporting (Pender et al., 2002). The intervene to improve outcomes and HRQoL issues.
nurse’s role in self-care as it relates to management Agreement concerning the complexity of this syn-
of PCOS involves application of four cognitive drome and the need for a comprehensive and holis-
operations that fulfill phases in Orem’s theory. The tic approach is the initial step. An understanding of
four operations, diagnostic, prescriptive, regulatory, the pathophysiology and psychosocial effects can
and control, are completed collaboratively with the guide the management. Treatment goals that address
client and may vary sequentially, based on the chang- acute symptoms and that prevent or control chronic
ing self-care needs of the client (Berbiglia, 2002). In complications may also enhance HRQoL.
the diagnostic phase, the nurse’s role with the PCOS Providers might consider asking PCOS clients
client focuses on establishing a therapeutic relation- how this disorder affects them and to complete a
ship and diagnosing self-care deficits. The prescrip- HRQoL questionnaire during the initial work up.
tive phase of the nurse–client collaboration achieves Management incorporating the client’s concerns
therapeutic self-care methods while the regulatory with an evaluation of associated risks is paramount.
phase encourages client learning, enhances interest Many women do not seem to understand the chro-
in self-care, and supports client feelings of accom- nicity of the disorder or how their current com-
plishment about well-being. In the control phase, the plaint fits into the general syndrome. Many of the
client and nurse evaluate the client outcomes in terms study participants lacked knowledge of the possible
of correct and appropriate regulation of functioning, health implications. Comments from the partici-
developmental change, and ongoing adaptation in pants reflected a need for transparency concerning
self-care (Berbiglia, 2002). the diagnosis of PCOS, its management, and pos-
The women in this study represented a wide age sible associated hea­lth risks. Participants also
range, yet the feelings and experiences revealed in voiced the holistic nature of their needs, such that
their stories were similar. Attesting to the pervasive emotional, physical, and quality-of-life issues were
nature of PCOS, their descriptions captured living equally important in the spectrum of managing
with their symptoms over time and the evolving pro- PCOS. By accepting patients’ need for control,
cess of trying to manage their health problems, reg­ practitioners are in a position to distribute educa-
ardless of age. tional resources and discuss options, which would
Recent discovery correlating the physical symp- integrate women’s input with management goals.
toms of PCOS with diminished HRQoL cannot be One possible solution to the over­whelming respon-
ignored (Coffey et al., 2006; Hahn et al., 2005). Given sibility in managing these cases may be a flow sheet
the challenge of living with PCOS and its effects on or protocol listing management steps, beginning
HRQoL as well as the management challenges that with a complete history, necessary elements of the

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questionnaires before and after interventions to eva­ Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Questionnaire (PCOSQ) and
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2010). The study findings identify the desire of review. Human Reproduction Update, 14, 15-25.
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