Reaction Paper MINING

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The National Center for Teacher Education

College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research
Science Education Specialization
NAME: ROMINA JERIE A. REYES Student No.: G201600139


Minerals are inorganic substances that naturally occur due to different earth process such
as metamorphism. Industrial minerals are geological materials that are used commercially to
produce goods and needs of humanities.

It is fascinating and very amazing to think that God give us all we need, like minerals.
Minerals have many uses, thus plays an important role in our lives. In all of our activities- school
works, hygienic activities, leisure, ways of communication, we use different industrial minerals.
Common minerals used are calcium carbonate, silica, feldspar, soda ash, borate, sulfur and

With the help of the industrial minerals our lives become easier and smooth. With these we
are able to do and use things conveniently- but we sometimes forget that these minerals cannot
be produced easily, it requires a lot of time and processes to be produced. The mineral
resources slowly lessen that would not be enough to cater the needs of the people.

As aforementioned above, industrial minerals are important in our daily lives-in everything
we do, it is used, but where do we get this materials? This industrial minerals or simply minerals
are obtained through mining. Mining is a process in which it extracts mineral-bearing rocks
underground. In this activities, some of ecosystem is being destroyed thus having a big impact
not only on the animals but also on us humans. Yes, we get the benefit of the those treasures
underground but we, especially nearby communities also suffer from the negligence of some
mining companies in doing such activities.

As one creation of God, we should protect and take care of what is given to us, we should
preserve the nature by not abusing its richness but to use those minerals efficiently, because if
not, someday we will feel the consequences brought by our negligence and irresponsibility.
Industrial minerals are important in our lives but make sure to use it responsibly.

Use it to live and survive but not to abuse.

Telephone No. 317 – 1768 loc 752 PNU – CGSTER – Science Education Specialization
The National Center for Teacher Education
College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research
Science Education Specialization

NAME: ROMINA JERIE A. REYES Student No.: G201600139



Philippines is one the richest country in terms of minerals and biodiversity- it is full of
treasures above and underground. One of Philippines’ treasures are minerals that we use every
day, we even export it to other nations. We obtain these minerals through mining. Through
mining, extraction of minerals help the neighboring community to lessen the poverty rate for it
provides work that gives them errand to survive. Also through mining it help barren ecosystem
to be alive and give life again to different species. So, if mining has a good effect on our
economy and ecosystem, why are there different groups protesting to stop mining here in our
country? What is the truth behind mining in the Philippines?

According to Gerardo H. Brimo, mining in the Philippines is very beneficial to us Filipinos,

what DENR is releasing to the press and media are full of lies. As he mentioned in his article only
few of the mine-rich places here in the places are approved to be mining sites, so there is no
reason to be afraid in mining in having a loss of biodiversity and insufficient needs of human to
survive. Also, he mentioned that some of the mining sites like Rio Tuba and Taganito mine site
are places in which no or only few organism live because of the status of it soil- that the soil
cannot support the needs of the plants to grow having less biodiversity. With this, he said that
mining can help the soil to recover and rehabilitate its ecosystem to give more life to plants and
can help to produce or reintroduce new species. And in addition, large scale mining like Philex
rehabilitate the land after they slash all the trees and soil to gather minerals.

In contrary, DENR together with allied organizations wants to save and preserve the
richness of the Philippines. They are not into mining the Philippines especially in Palawan
because they believe that if many or new mining sites will be opened and approved, ecosystem
and biodiversity of the Philippines will fall off. If this will happen many Filipino will suffer
especially children and future generation.

Telephone No. 317 – 1768 loc 752 PNU – CGSTER – Science Education Specialization
The National Center for Teacher Education
College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research
Science Education Specialization
Brimo and environmentalist group have their own point, both are correct in terms of mining.
Yes, mining can destroy the ecosystem and biodiversity thus humanity, but mining can also help
the ecosystem to rehabilitate and introduce species in the biodiversity. This shows that mining
has its own advantage and disadvantages. But for me, I am against mining, not because it can
give us what we need, but because it destroys our home. Even though Brimo said that there is
only few mining site operating and is again rehabilitated after use, it still destroys our home and
not all of the mining company did this rehabilitation of the ecosystem, because there are not
only large-scale mining, but there are small scale mining happening in our country that
contributes to another disturbance of the ecosystem which many of those mining site does not
follow the different Mining Act in our country. Businessmen choose to pay corrupt officials
rather than to rehabilitate the damaged land at higher cost. If Brimo was correct, why are those
miners got sick or worst die?- because of over exploitation of minerals. If all of this mining
companies really help the economy especially the neighboring community, why those people
are still are suffering? Why they are asking for help? Why do they need to travel far to get fresh
water, why do they need to create or produce a green project if mining helps them not kill them
and their livelihood? It is because many mining companies do not follow the law, not only the
law of man (Constitution of the Philippines) but also the law of God. Again, yes mining sites can
be rehabilitated but still the damaged is done, and we all know rehabilitation takes time at least
5 -15 years for recovery stage.

As a steward of nature I will not allow any acts that would destroy our ecosystem, our
environment. We human should always know our limit. God give us everything we need, yes
everything we need but it doesn’t mean that we need to abuse it. He gave all of these things to
be taken care of and not to destroy and use it all. Mining activities help our economy and
restore an alive ecosystem but it also destroys the ecosystem if it is being abused and that’s
what many miners do.

It might be a cliché but always do remember that we might see it as a good thing as it help
in development and progress of one thing, but think ahead, “what would be the result of my act?
Would it be good for the entire community for a longer time? Or will it be beneficial in only one
snap of a hand?” Think for the future generation, think of what we need to do to protect and
conserve the environment. Let us save the environment. Let us save our home.

Telephone No. 317 – 1768 loc 752 PNU – CGSTER – Science Education Specialization

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