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Part A
Ranil Wickremasinghe (RW) corresponds closely in style to his ‘Right-Royal’
classmate with a keener sense of impish humour – amiable late Anura B (AB). Two
buddies were’ loyal to Royal, more than to their voters? Hallowed ‘hollow’
traditions of overgrown masonic schoolboy networks are still alive.

RW wedged on the edge of a precipice from where none refuse to shove him
down a bottomless pit. Mahinda Rajapakse (MR) and his sycophants believe, for
MR to win the next general elections RW is the best possible rival candidate as
against other competing UNP aspirants; is it to leave the country in an unstable
state for the next two years under RW. Who cares for the country? A motion to
oust RW comes belatedly after giving time for him to marshal his forces, long
after the results were released. Any explanation for the inexplicable delay is not
A socking for Sirisena; remains a President, by name and title, without a
justified power pack, unable to retain his home district, while the public
servants reads the results on the wall and is unlikely to carry his orders knowing
his days are numbered. Is it the beginning of an end?
MR carries a patriotic agenda originating from his days at Nalanda (A Peterite–for-
life, H. L. de Silva opined his patriotic yearnings were lessons learnt in war time
Nalanda College, moved to his home town in Minuwangoda). His father a valued
Hayley’s executive felt his lad needed a change of environment.
MR eliminated terrorism to regain the nation and made the country secure
without much ado, from a seat of leisurely learning unlike the hectic brotherhood
hyped Ananda.

Stay connected to RW and MR – therein lies a mighty difference - in attitude and

PM is likely to be pressurized by his UNP parliamentarians asking for his quick
exit ahead of his intended leisurely departure. They are more likely to press for
the exit of RW than MR’s parliamentarians whose wistful thinking is to retain
RW as his opponent for an easy return

AB, RW and MR were chums from a home-stirred fried pan. A bridge too far to
cross, for AB’s supposedly sophisticated convent educated sister - hostile to MR,
for achieving fame that eluded her; was green-eyed of the authentic
sophistication possessed by RW; unlike her pseudo stances to garner patriotic
votes from well meaning elders; felt more at home as a Barbie doll in the local
NGO chapters. Tried both avenues and fell flat in-between and was declared
retired hurt. Many siphons around sling poison darts on behalf of her - odd bods
get mowed down faster than her.

‘Mustang’ mates, AB and RW (‘Hi – Undaya ‘dodgy nickname’ in a shallow

fellowship of a 3-day duration) – failed dismally to read political winds emanating
from the provinces, their contemporaries keeping a distance away, did so, to near
Who cares for the country? A motion to oust RW comes belatedly after giving
time for him to marshal his forces, long after the results were released. Any
explanation for the inexplicable delay is not forthcoming?
AB and RW were suited candidates for the post of Colombo Mayor - deemed a
kitchen sink - soon will find able Rosie sidelined from the party. Get back to
mainland, stupid sister. MR welcomes any rubbish in a recycled form and takes
the greener lassies up, up and away, on his magic carpet. “Bud” party desperately
needs a smart wordsmith as the Don’s oft - repeated archaic phrases are
outdated and hacked.

RW and AB should have searched for the common touch from those closer home -
their strength came from their ancestors including parents, with feet firmly
rooted to the soil.

Part B

Election results should cause no shock to RW or Sirisena (MS); both tried their
utmost to postpone the local elections knowing the result were going to be
unpleasant – failed in the effort. On the campaign trail, instincts mislead them to
assume, are on a winning streak. Lost the elections to expectation, placed
themselves on a silent mode: regained sound bytes after USA and India assured
assistance? They sure run on foreign instructions: factored to lose more votes
knowing well it does not please the Sinhala Buddhist bulk voters show no desire
to seek assistance from protectors of proclaimed terrorists. Face it, evangelists –
Sinhala Buddhist bulk vote is a principled one and is uniformly cast across political

Shock waves developed, RW and MS realized the extent of their unpopularity only
on the release of results: making a comeback government is a write off at the half
way mark, in a coming season of elections. UNP in hindsight is bound to blame
the leader for aligning with the adversaries of Sri Lanka, (USA and India) during
terrorist activities? Out of touch with political realities is UNP’s prime cause for
many debacles. Diplomatic niceties will make the foreign powers ditch UNP the
moment it dawns they are in a society of losers?

Blame more the wooly-headed author/s of the 19A that deprived democracies of
most vibrant characteristics. A general election - stopped for 4 ½ years (in a
country deprived also of bye- elections) - virtual impossibility to secure unless a
2/3 majority is obtained, with MP’s having to wait 5 years to qualify for a pension.
RW need cohabit for two years with a ‘shaky government’ with MP’s prepared to
take a leap to the opposition, helpless at their mercy. Sits an arrogant leader,
awaiting ouster at the next election on present showings-unless UNP does
something otherwise to save the ‘grand old party to overcome the oncoming
Government lost expansively failing to reschedule the election process, carving it
initially to a winning path [as did MR artfully]. Decision making were in the hands
of bond scammed minds [emphasize: plural for accuracy] preoccupied with
personal issues, lost the way to pick the easy districts for an early poll to build the
momentum to reach an upsurge in the public mind, manipulated by the ruling
party. (MR held on to the problematic Badulla district, until it was too late, to
loose face and office). Opposition is lax to openly confront a government in local
government elections – so the ruling party is at great vantage that they failed to
Will Gota have a formidable opponent to run against him for the post of
President? He is to enter the political arena in military style backed by a high-
powered team drawn from the forces with an air of no nonsense nonchalance
that will attract many law and order supporters
Uncoordinated RW and MS, should have first polled the city based Municipalities
and Urban Councils, where urban and minority voters traditionally lean to the
UNP and next looked at the Northern, Central Eastern and Uva Provinces where
minority voters abound and normally swing with the UNP. A reasonable
justification for disturbing the schedule: Desire to know- the newly evolved voting
system needs time for processing and has to be handled gently as the system
needs to have 25% of the candidates elected are women. Electorally rejected:
statistically elected are the ladies.

A socking for Sirisena; remains a President, by name and title, without a justified
power pack, unable to retain his home district, while the public servants reads the
results on the wall and is unlikely to carry his orders knowing his days are
numbered. Is it the beginning of an end?

PM is likely to be pressurized by his UNP parliamentarians asking for his quick exit
ahead of his intended leisurely departure. They are more likely to press for the
exit of RW than MR’s parliamentarians whose wistful thinking is to retain RW as
his opponent for an easy return. The creators of the legislative pandemonium –
good governance foot soldier’s - are quartered in JVP safe houses as Strange Bed

Where is MR the featherweight champ? The dustbin is still open, if corruption

charges are relentlessly pursued and prosecuted; the voters that dispatched him
home knows well the truth of a loaded prima facie case but need to be convinced
of proof beyond reasonable doubt to find him guilty. Distance is short but it has to
be traversed. MR holds a trump in hand? Will the feeble public servants attend to
functions on directions given by superiors on his way home? People’s perception
requires the First Family to above the guilt line and exemplary – leaves RW and
MR in midstream with dodgy friends and scheming relatives. Why cannot they
face charges head on, if innocent, it is only the guilty that tries to slink away?
Going on local government election results the return of MR as PM is a possibility
and therefore it is a useful exercise to examine his facts file objectively:-

(a) He is genuinely patriotic and became beloved of the majority – It can

evaporate only in the company of wily cronies and kinsmen that make MR corrupt
and naughty. Has to carry the bulk Sinhala Buddhist vote across party barriers to
be in contention. That is his forte and fortune.

(b) Peaked in character at the height of terrorism and became a living legend in
2009 by eliminating terrorism; People spoilt a man with a simple mind by taking
him to the realm of royalty. Remains disoriented still.

(c) With age depends heavily on others to do the hard work. Shy to read deeply
and uncomfortable in English has failed to find bright sparks to replace the dead
wood that still works closely with MR.. Last time high officials brought him down
by failing to advice or warn him.

(d) Blessed with a realistic political sense and is the kindest of the Rajapakse
brothers with genuine warmth and on show is a brilliant PR exponent.

(e) Skirts too close to comfort lines on allegations of corruption from his ‘Help - in
- Hambantota’ days but walks the straight line when well advised. Listens to good
advice. His worst advisors are the fiendish public officers that carry out
instructions, knowing it will place MR in peril but does not warn him in the fear of
falling foul.
Advice that flows from genuine sources are appreciated and followed by MR – a
sterling quality, as he is smart to appreciate

Will Gotabhaya (GR) have a formidable opponent to run against him for the post
of President? He is to enter the political arena in military style backed by a high-
powered team drawn from the forces with an air of no nonsense nonchalance
that will attract many law and order supporters. After two more years of RW and
MS combine in office, it could be just the tonic Sri Lanka require to wipe out
corruption. Don’t be surprised if his opponents wave swastikas to bring back
memories of a Hitler. Sure we need a disciplined autocrat but Gota must show he
would keep the corrupt under control and he is no Yankee Doodle merely because
he found easy passage to clear dual citizenship. Why ever was such a restriction
written into the Constitution unless to suffocate the man destined to be the next
President? Guess the names of the MR lads waiting to make the crossing at the
first opportunity. Gota is too late and too slow to make the entry.
Posted by Thavam

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