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on the features is dependent on outside support and does not

Tribunal Issues Landmark Ruling in reflect the capacity of the features in their natural condition.
South China Sea Arbitration
3. The Philippines sought a declaration that China violated UNCLOS by
interfering with the Philippines’ rights and freedoms within its EEZs. This
The wait is over: a judgment has been issued in the Philippines v. China includes preventing Philippine fishing around Scarborough Shoal,
South China Sea arbitration. A five-judge tribunal constituted under the violating UNCLOS’s environmental protection provisions through
Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague has released its construction and fishing activities that have harmed the marine
much-anticipated Award concerning the Philippines’ challenge to a environment (including at Scarborough Shoal, Second Thomas Shoal, and
number of China’s maritime claims and activities in the region. The Mischief Reef), and by dangerously operating law enforcement vessels
Philippines initiated the arbitration in January 2013 under the dispute around Scarborough Shoal. (See Table: Claims 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13)
settlement procedures of Annex VII to the 1982 United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
Holding: China violated the Philippines’ sovereign rights in its EEZ. It did
so by interfering with Philippine fishing and hydrocarbon exploration;
The unanimous, 501-page Award and the eleven-page press release from constructing artificial islands; and failing to prevent Chinese fishermen
the PCA can be found here. from fishing in the Philippines’ EEZ. China also interfered with Philippine
fishermen’s traditional fishing rights near Scarborough Shoal (without
Bottom line: A nearly across-the-board win for the Philippines, and a prejudice to the question of sovereignty over Scarborough Shoal). China’s
searing verdict on the lawfulness of China’s artificial island construction construction of artificial islands at seven features in the Spratly Islands, as
and other actions in the South China Sea. well as illegal fishing and harvesting by Chinese nationals, violate
UNCLOS obligations to protect the marine environment. Finally, Chinese
law enforcement vessels unlawfully created a serious risk of collision by
Summary of Key Claims and Holdings physically obstructing Philippine vessels at Scarborough Shoal in 2012.

The Philippines’ claims fell into four general categories. The ruling of the Reasoning: This set of holdings depended on the Tribunal
Tribunal on each category of claims is summarized below: finding that certain areas are within the Philippines’ EEZ and
not subject to possible overlapping Chinese entitlements. It also
1. The broadest claim was a challenge to China’s “nine-dash line” covering depended on finding that activities such as island construction
most of the South China Sea. China has never clarified whether the line are, in accordance with China’s own public statements, not
represents a claim to the islands within the line and their adjacent “military activities” and therefore not excluded from
waters; a boundary of national sovereignty over all the enclosed waters jurisdiction under UNCLOS. Once this was established, the
(including, but not limited by, the land features inside the line); or a Tribunal considered Chinese activities in the relevant areas and
“historic” claim of sovereignty or some other set of historic rights to the found that China had (a) interfered with Philippine petroleum
maritime space within the line. The Philippines sought a declaration that exploration at Reed Bank, (b) purported to prohibit fishing by
the countries’ respective rights and obligations regarding the waters, Philippine vessels within the Philippine EEZ, (c) protected and
seabed, and maritime features of the South China Sea are governed by failed to prevent Chinese fishermen from fishing within the
UNCLOS. As such, China’s claims based on any “historic rights” to waters, Philippine EEZ at Mischief Reef and Second Thomas Shoal, and
seabed, and subsoil within the nine-dash line are contrary to UNCLOS and (d) constructed artificial islands/installations at Mischief Reef
invalid. (See Table: Claims 1 and 2) without the Philippines’ authorization. As for Scarborough
Shoal, regardless of who has sovereignty, both Philippine and
Chinese fishermen have “traditional fishing rights” at the Shoal
Holding: UNCLOS “comprehensively” governs the parties’ respective that were not extinguished by UNCLOS, and China violated the
rights to maritime areas in the South China Sea. Therefore, to the extent Philippines’ rights by entirely preventing Filipino fishermen
China’s nine-dash line is a claim of “historic rights” to the waters of the from fishing near Scarborough Shoal after May 2012. In
South China Sea, it is invalid. addition, Chinese artificial island construction has caused
“severe harm to the coral reef environment” and China has
Reasoning: Whatever historic rights China may have had were failed to stop its nationals from engaging in “harmful” and
extinguished when UNCLOS was adopted, to the extent those “destructive” harvesting and fishing of endangered sea turtles,
rights were incompatible with UNCLOS. coral, and giant clams in violation of UNCLOS. Finally, Chinese
law enforcement vessels violated maritime safety obligations by
creating a serious risk of collision on two occasions in April and
2. The Philippines sought a determination as to whether certain land May 2012 during the Scarborough Shoal standoff.
features in the Spratly Islands claimed by both China and the Philippines
are properly characterized as islands, rocks, low tide elevations (LTEs), or
submerged banks. Under UNCLOS, an “island” generates both a territorial 4. The Philippines sought a declaration that China’s recent actions,
sea of 12 nautical miles and an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of up to specifically its land reclamation and construction of artificial islands in
200 nautical miles, subject to delimitation of a maritime boundary with the Spratly Islands after the arbitration was commenced, violated the
any other countries’ overlapping territorial seas or EEZs. A “rock” is obligations UNCLOS places on states to refrain from conduct that
entitled to a territorial sea no greater than 12 nautical miles, but not an “aggravates and extends” a dispute while dispute resolution proceedings
EEZ. LTEs and submerged banks do not generate any such entitlements. are pending. (See Table: Claim 14)
(See Table: Claims 3, 4, 6, and 7)
Holding: China has aggravated and extended the disputes through its
Holding: None of the features in the Spratly Islands generates an EEZ, nor dredging, artificial island-building, and construction activities.
can the Spratly Islands generate an EEZ collectively as a unit. As such, the
Tribunal declared certain areas are within the Philippines’ EEZ and not Reasoning: While these proceedings were pending, China has
overlapped by any possible Chinese entitlement. built a large island on Mischief Reed, an LTE within the
Philippines’ EEZ; caused irreparable harm to the marine
Reasoning: The baseline of analysis is what the features can ecosystem; and permanently destroyed evidence of the natural
sustain in their “natural condition” (i.e., not after construction condition of the features at issue.
of artificial islands, installation of desalination plants, etc.).
Based on historical evidence, none of the features in the Spratly
Islands can sustain either a stable community of people or
economic activity that is not dependent on outside resources or
purely extractive in nature. The current presence of personnel
Table of Philippine Claims and Tribunal Rulings* territorial sea

Submission Jurisdictional Philippines loss

Philippines’ Claim Merits Ruling
Number Ruling
(Deferred to
merits stage) Yes: UNCLOS
comprehensively Yes: Johnson Reef,
China’s maritime Cuarterton Reef, and
allocates rights to
entitlements in Fiery Cross Reef are
maritime areas Johnson Reef,
South China Sea rocks that generate no
1 Cuarterton Reef,
may not exceed EEZ or continental
those established by Jurisdiction and Fiery Cross Reef
UNCLOS granted generate no Jurisdiction
7 entitlements to EEZ granted
Philippines win or continental shelf
Yes: There is no legal
basis for China to claim Philippines win
historic rights to
(Deferred to
waters in the South
China’s “nine-dash merits stage)
China Sea (so, to the
line” claim is invalid Yes: China has
extent that is what the
to the extent it interfered with
nine-dash line means,
exceeds the limits China has interfered (Deferred to Philippine sovereign
2 it is invalid)
established by with the merits stage) rights to fishing and
UNCLOS Jurisdiction Philippines’ exercise hydrocarbon
granted of sovereign rights exploration within its
over living and non- EEZ
8 living resources
Philippines win
within its EEZ and Jurisdiction
continental shelf granted

Yes: Scarborough Shoal Philippines win

is a rock that generates
no EEZ
Scarborough Shoal
generates no EEZ or Yes: China failed to
continental shelf Jurisdiction (Reserved to prevent Chinese
granted China has failed to merits stage) fishermen from fishing
prevent its nationals within the Philippine
Philippines win
and vessels from EEZ
exploiting the living
9 resources in the
Mischief Reef, Philippines’ EEZ Jurisdiction
Yes: Mischief Reef, granted
Second Thomas
Second Thomas Shoal, Philippines win
Shoal, and Subi Reef
and Subi Reef are LTEs
are all LTEs that do
not generate
4 territorial seas or Jurisdiction
granted Yes: China violated the
EEZs, and are not
China has prevented Philippines’
subject to
Philippines win Philippine “traditional fishing
fishermen from rights” at Scarborough
pursuing their Shoal
livelihoods through Jurisdiction
Yes: Mischief Reef and 10 traditional fishing granted
(Deferred to Second Thomas Shoal activities around
merits stage) are part of the EEZ and Scarborough Shoal
Mischief Reef and Philippines win
continental shelf of the
Second Thomas
Shoal are part of the
5 Philippines’ EEZ and
continental shelf Yes: China engaged in
China has violated harmful
Philippines win
UNCLOS’s fishing/harvesting
environmental practices at
protection Scarborough Shoal and
Gaven Reef and obligations at Jurisdiction Second Thomas Shoal
No: Both Gaven and 11
McKennan Reef McKennan Reef are Scarborough Shoal granted
(including Hughes above water at high and Second Thomas
Reef) are LTEs that Shoal
tide; they are rocks
generate no Jurisdiction that generate
6 Philippines win
maritime granted territorial seas but no
entitlements, but EEZ or continental
may be used to shelf
determine baselines
China’s occupation Yes: Environmental
to measure 12 (Deferred to
and construction on protection provisions
Mischief Reef merits stage) were violated at Initial Takeaways
violate UNCLOS Mischief Reef; artificial
provisions on island construction 1. Not many people predicted that the Philippines would all but run the
artificial islands and violated Philippine table in this case. It’s hard to imagine a much more favorable outcome for
environmental sovereign rights within their legal team.
protection, and are Jurisdiction its EEZ; the
unlawful acts of granted “appropriation” claim
attempted is moot because 2. One of the ironies of the Award is that China has vociferously argued in
appropriation Mischief Reef is an LTE public statements that it is not “militarizing” the South China Sea and that
not capable of its actions there are for civilian purposes. Those claims turned out to be
appropriation crucial to the Tribunal’s conclusion that it had jurisdiction to consider the
legality of certain Chinese actions such as construction of artificial islands
in the South China Sea, because Article 298(1)(b) of UNCLOS excludes
disputes concerning “military activities” from compulsory dispute
settlement. Despite China’s non-participation in the proceedings, the
Philippines win Tribunal went out of its way to review the December 2014 position paper
issued by China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as numerous public
statements of Chinese leaders. This was an example of where those public
statements worked against China’s legal interests in the arbitration.
Yes: China violated
China has violated
UNCLOS and other
UNCLOS by 3. The Tribunal rejected the possibility that China could claim the entirety
treaty provisions on
dangerously of the Spratly Islands as a single archipelagic feature, as suggested in
maritime safety
operating law recent statements by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as a white
enforcement vessels Jurisdiction paper issued last month by the Chinese Society of International Law. As
13 creating serious risk granted Julian noted earlier, this was a bit of a preemptory legal strike against
of collision near “any Chinese attempt to draw ‘straight baselines’ around the Spratlys and
Scarborough Shoal thus treat the whole area as a single entity for generating maritime
Philippines win

4. Of all the rulings on the status of features in the Spratly Islands,

China has Yes: Although there is
perhaps none will generate more discussion than the conclusion that Itu
unlawfully no jurisdiction over
Aba (Taiping Island) is a rock and not an island. Many observers thought
aggravated and disputes involving
that Itu Aba, the largest naturally occurring land feature in the Spratly
extended the military activities such
Islands, had the strongest claim to being deemed an island entitled to
dispute by as the Second Thomas
both a territorial sea and an EEZ. The concepts the Tribunal employed to
interfering with the Shoal standoff, China
(Deferred to determine what makes something a “rock[] which cannot sustain human
Philippines’ rights has
merits stage) habitation or economic life of [its] own” are likely to guide future legal
of navigation near aggravated/extended
determinations of this character.
Scarborough Shoal, the disputes through
preventing the recent large-scale land
14 rotation and reclamation and It will take time to digest this portion of the opinion, but the Tribunal’s
resupply of artificial island “habitability and economic life” factors seem to include:
Philippine Jurisdiction construction in the
personnel stationed granted in Philippine EEZ
at Second Thomas part, denied in  The objective capacity of the feature in its natural condition
Shoal, and part (i.e., “without external additions or modifications” and without
endangering the outside support), to sustain, over an extended period of time,
health of the either
personnel there Philippines win o (a) a stable community of people for whom the
feature constitutes a home and on which they can
remain, or
o (b) economic activity that is not
Going forward (Deferred to  (i) dependent on outside resources, or
Qualified yes: This
China shall respect merits stage)
the rights and
claim simply asks  (ii) purely extractive in nature without
China to do what it is the involvement of a local population.
freedoms of the
required to do under  Factors contributing to the natural capacity of a feature to do
Philippines under
15 UNCLOS; therefore, no so “include the presence of water, food, and shelter in sufficient
UNCLOS and comply
further statement is quantities to enable a group of persons to live on the feature
with its duties Jurisdiction
necessary for an indeterminate period of time.”
under UNCLOS granted
 In assessing these “capacity” factors, the Tribunal stated, “the
most reliable evidence of the capacity of a feature will usually
be the historical use to which it has been put.” Applying that
standard here, the Tribunal saw “no indication that anything
fairly resembling a stable human community has ever formed
on the Spratly Islands. Rather, the islands have been a
temporary refuge and base of operations for fishermen and a
* See p. 34-35 of Tribunal’s Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility; p. 5 of
transient residence for labourers engaged in mining and
the PCA’s 12 July 2016 Press Release; and p. 4 of this paper by Paul Gewirtz.

5. Given its sweeping conclusions favoring the Philippines, the Award

may seem to have nothing positive in it for China. But the Tribunal
offered an important qualification to its judgment, and perhaps a bit of an
olive branch toward the end of a decision it knew would not be well
received in Beijing. We should not assume, said the Tribunal, that these
disputes are the product of bad faith on the part of the PRC; rather, they
are the result of basic disagreements about respective rights and
obligations and the applicability of UNCLOS. From paragraph 1198 of the

“The root of the disputes presented by the

Philippines in this arbitration lies not in any
intention on the part of China or the Philippines to
infringe on the legal rights of the other, but rather—
as has been apparent throughout these
proceedings—in fundamentally different
understandings of their respective rights under the
Convention in the waters of the South China Sea. In
such circumstances, the purpose of dispute
resolution proceedings is to clarify the Parties’
respective rights and obligations and thereby to
facilitate their future relations in accordance with
the general obligations of good faith that both
governments unequivocally recognise.”

6. Where does this leave us? China’s position all along with respect to
these proceedings can be summed up as “no acceptance, no participation,
no recognition, and no implementation.” The PRC Ministry of Foreign
Affairs predictably wasted no time releasing a statement declaring that
“the award is null and void and has no binding force.” The Philippine
Foreign Affairs Secretary welcomed the decision, stating: “The Philippines
strongly affirms its respect for this milestone decision as an important
contribution to ongoing efforts in addressing disputes in the South China
Sea.” No surprises here, especially given that the Tribunal resolved
virtually all the key issues in favor of the Philippines. For its part, the U.S.
State Department issued a measured statement remarking that “[t]he
decision today by the Tribunal in the Philippines-China arbitration is an
important contribution to the shared goal of a peaceful resolution to
disputes in the South China Sea.”

As these statements suggest, the issuance of this Award by no means puts

to rest the disputes or the tensions in the South China Sea. The arbitration
was never going to resolve issues of sovereignty over the islands and
rocks in the South China Sea, because disputes over territorial
sovereignty are beyond the jurisdiction of an UNCLOS Tribunal. And since
the Tribunal has no power to enforce its nominally binding decision,
questions now turn to what any form of “implementation” might look like
and the effect this ruling will have on future negotiations over territorial

China, the Philippines, ASEAN countries, and the United States face a
range of strategic questions about the best way forward. Will Beijing
demonstrate its disregard for the decision by engaging in land
reclamation at Scarborough Shoal or declaring an Air Defense
Identification Zone in the South China Sea, as some have predicted? Will it
continue to insist on conditioning any future bilateral negotiations with
the administration of new Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on his
government’s rejection of the Tribunal’s Award? Will it worry that some
of these behaviors will push the Philippines and other ASEAN nations
closer to the United States? Will we see the U.S. Navy conducting “pure”
freedom of navigation operations (FONOPs) within 12 nautical miles of
the Spratly Island features the Tribunal says are not entitled to a
territorial sea?

There is much to digest here and much more left to shake out. National
governments will be under pressure to respond quickly, but let’s hope
they first take the time to carefully read the Tribunal’s mammoth 501-
page decision.

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