Name: Andi Nugraha ID Number: A 121 13 142 Psycholinguistic Assignment A. Chapter Iv

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Name : Andi Nugraha

ID Number : A 121 13 142


1. Language development is a process starting early in human life. Infants start without
language, yet by 10 months, babies can distinguish speech sounds and engage in

2. Cognitive-interaction view is the theory that language is acquired from an interaction of

a human’s innate biological capabilities to acquire language with exposure to language
in the environment in which the child is developing.

3. Language expansion is takes what the child says, and adds grammar and semantics to
turn into a comparable adult utterance. The point is to keep the communication flow
going smoothly, while not making the child realize that he is being corrected.

4. Pre-language refers to the state during which the child does not yet produce anything
that could be called a word.

5. The first word is the first talking from babies, first word is difficult to identified, because
pronunciation is crude and the meaning may be different from the adult meaning, in
fact, when seems to be a word may be only babbling. The first words from the baby
usually ‘mama’ or ‘dada’.

1. Language performance is a speaker's actual use of language in real situations; what the
speaker actually says, including grammatical errors and other non-linguistic features
such as hesitations and other disfluencies (contrasted with linguistic competence).

2. Language competence is the system of linguistic knowledge possessed by native

speakers of a language. It is distinguished from linguistic performance, which is the way
a language system is used in communication.

3. Language acquisition is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive
and comprehend language, as well as to produce and use words and sentences to
communicate. Language acquisition is one of the quintessential human traits, because
non-humans do not communicate by using language.

4. Language learning is the process by which the language capability develops in a human.
It is not easy to give a definition to it since it contains too many things. Go to the
Language Learning Book shelf to get a general idea about what is language learning.

5. Language learning strategies is a term referring to the processes and actions that are
consciously deployed by language learners to help them to learn or use a language more

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